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RE: Reflection Paper 1 – Dead Poet’s Society

TO: Mr. Gylmore Cañafranca

From: Genato, Charles Ronald K.
Date: October 1, 2019

Begin Again

I first viewed the film back when I was in my 5 th grade in elementary school. At a
young precocious age of 10, the film pierced my heart and spoke to my soul. I knew
way back then that I wanted to be part of the entertainment industry in the future—be it
a writer or a director. Early on in school, I was very creative, spending sleepless nights
designing our bulletin boards, and conceptualizing and directing our class
presentations. My parents thought this creativity will serve well in their aspiration for me
to become an architect, to help out in the family business that leases out apartment
spaces. I never told them how I really felt until I was already in college initially enrolled
in architecture, and rebelliously shifted to mass communication after a semester.

The most poignant line that struck me the most is when Mr. Keating told the
boys, “You must strive to find your own voice because the longer you wait to begin, the
less likely you are going to find it at all.” I thought that I can find my own voice in
creating films. The four years in college were the most enjoyable years in my life
because I was doing what I am passionate about. Yet, every single time I go home,
there is a heaviness in my heart knowing that I am selfishly studying for my happiness,
and not to honor my parent’s will. This emotional tug-of-war inside has made me very
inconsistent and unstable in making choices and paving a direction for myself. I did not
know which voice should I listen in my head—the voice of reason coming from my mom
or the voice of passion emanating from my heart.

Until now, I am still carving out my own path, trying to find my voice. It has led me
to this path taking up pharmacy. I have gone through numerous upheavals in life, and
learned life lessons along the way, and the unexpected road that I am walking on right
now seems like a path towards stability. Hopefully, after all the starts and stops I have
gone through, with time and wisdom at hand, the voice that initially wants to write
stories in films for others to expose truths and to effect change, now merely just yearns
to create a meaningful, significant and purposeful story, for myself.

Mr. Keating encourages everyone not to live a life full of regrets. “Carpe Diem”,
he espouses. Yet, I believe that this advice should be taken with caution. I still believe
that we need to be mindful in the decisions we take in our life. We should be aware of
the consequences of our actions before making it, and carve healthy relationships with
your loved ones for guidance and support.

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