302 Lab Reflection

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In Nutrition 302 lab, Advanced Nutrition, we took the knowledge that we had gained in

Nutrition 302 lecture and applied it to more hands on experiments. We learned a lot about

anthropometric measurements and how to calculate and take them, while we also learned how

to do things such as calculating different energy needs for different individuals. Another thing we

expanded on was learning more about nutrition research and how to write a manuscript. This

was also the first time we were introduced into writing our own NCP’s given certain case

studies. The information that I learned in this class will definitely be applied to my future,

whether it is going to be in my clinical rotation of my internship or through my future career. I will

always need to know how to take anthropometric measurements, calculate and determine

energy needs, and write NCP’s for patients.

The assignments that stood out most to me were the case studies and NCP

assignments. I knew that they were going to be something that I would need to use and know

how to do in the future, so I felt that it was really important to really understand how to do them

and ask any questions I had about them. It was made to be very clear to us how to properly

write them.

The course was an in person laboratory style class, which we took in conjunction with

the Nutrition 302 lecture. This allowed us to apply everything we were learning in lecture, to

what we were doing in lab, which I found to be very helpful. We learned the curriculum in

lecture, but we were able to expand upon the information in a more hands on and visual way,

which is helpful for the more visual learners. I felt that this class was engaging and interesting,

along with important and necessary for my future.

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