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Customer Perception is a marketing concept that tells us what customers think

about a brand or a company or its offerings. It can be positive or negative feelings,

perceptions, inhibitions, predispositions, expectations or experiences that a customer

has. Bhasin, H. (2017). Customer is the key role in any business, without any customer

it’s difficult to do business, and that’s the fact. It’s necessary to work closely with your

customer. Because customer can also create your business. Customer is the major part

of business and also in the market. Market where buyers and sellers meet. Business

runs through customer, without the customer there is no business.

The country’s food service industry has continued to improve over the past years

due to the stronger consumers’ purchasing power, influenced by today’s fast-paced

lifestyle. Food service players are increasing their network to cater to more Filipinos

who demand for more convenience. Filipinos are increasing into fast food, as the rapid

expansion of fast food restaurants in Butuan City can prove that. According the final

results of 2017 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) showed that

a total of 28,932 establishments in the formal sector of the economy were engaged in

accommodation and food service activities.

Restaurants and foodservice businesses were some of the first economic

activities severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic as governments close down

restaurants and bars to slow the spread of the virus. Closures of restaurants caused a

ripple effect among related industries such as food production, liquor, wine, and beer

production, food and beverage shipping, fishing, and farming. After the national

government allowed the reopening of food establishments early this week, fast food
chains in the Philippines intensified the implementation of safety measures in their

operations amid the pandemic.Restaurants are allowed to reopen their dine-in services

at 30% of their seating capacity, with strict hygiene and social distancing measures in

place. Restaurants are allowed to re-open their dine-in services at 30% of their seating

capacity, with strict hygiene and social distancing measures a must.

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