303 Reflection

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In Nutrition 303, Quantity Food Production, we have learned about the processes and

skills that are used in order to make raw foods into larger quantities of food and meals for food

service operations. We also learned about and how to do things like standardized recipes,

creating menu’s, and HACCP plans to keep customers and food practices safe. This class was the

first class I have taken that is more aimed toward the production and business side of nutrition,

rather than about the nutrition itself. This was interesting and useful, because some of us may

wish to be on this side of food service in the future. I feel I will be using this information in the

future during my internship and in my career as an RD. It is important to know how to be able to

do these things and also understand them, no matter where I am in my future career.

The assignment that I enjoyed the most during this course was the foodservice

assignment. It was a group project in which we collaborated to create the idea of an eco-friendly

food truck. This assignment allowed us a lot of creativity, while it also allowed us to learn how to

do standardized recipes, menu creating, and other things with a more hands on approach. This

project was a lot of fun, and it also allowed me to be able to work with and collaborate with my

peers, which I also think is a very important thing to practice in this field.

This class was held fully online due to COVID-19, so the lectures were recorded and we

were able to watch them on our own time. We had scheduled quizzes and the due dates for the

foodservice assignment were broken up into different dates, so we were really able to fit the

curriculum into our own schedule. I enjoyed the way we were able to were at our own pace, but

we were also given due dates so that we were kept organized and timely with things. I enjoyed

this class a lot given the circumstances, but I do feel that it would have been better to learn this

information in person.

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