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The Secret Life of a Toothbrush

Stop-motion animation piece that follows a strong narrative, is composed entirely of self-
recorded Foley sounds, has a runtime of between one and two minutes and uses twenty-four
frames per second. The narrative in question follows the life of a toothbrush after their owner
leaves them for work.

Why are you producing this production?

I am producing this production to allow myself to make another attempt at the stop-motion
animation genre. The last time I worked on a stop-motion piece was in the first year of the
course. It was one of the most productions I’ve worked on despite being a lengthy process.

I have set myself the deadline of completing this production before the 22nd of December.
This includes finishing off the lengthy research process, scripting the production, shooting all
the pictures required to create the animation and editing the piece of premier. I believe this is
an achievable deadline to have set for myself.

Target audience is
My target audience is forty to sixty-year olds. I was not keen on creating a production for the
other target audience which was five to twelve-year olds. This was because I felt I would be
more limited to what I could include in the script as far as humour is concerned.

What they want to see

The extensive primary research that I have carried out in the past few weeks has shown me
that this age demographic wants to see humour in the production. They believe that the
production has a lot of potential to be funny and I believe this can be achieved through the
use of a well written script.

What you are creating based from that research

As I mentioned before, the data I have collected from my survey has pointed me in the
direction of making a funny and entertaining production. I want my production to follow a
well written script.

Where the production will be aired (why – based on target audience)

My production will be posted onto YouTube but it could be promoted on Facebook and
Twitter as this is where my target audience consume most of their media each day.
Your proposal should be at least 2 pages if you include the above in any detail (illustrations
should also be added)

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