Negative Refractive Index Metamaterials: Uday Singh

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Negative Refractive index Metamaterials

Uday Singh

15 nov,2017

Uday Singh Negative Refractive index Metamaterials

Table of contents

• introduction
• Effect on physical laws
• condition to parameterize ε and µ
• References

Uday Singh Negative Refractive index Metamaterials


•First investigated by Veselago in 1968

•Phenomenon caused due to negative permittvity and permeability
•Not found in usual materials and should be reconstructed with
different techniques like calcite crystal
•Opposite phase velocity to the direction of energy vector that is
poynting vector
•Forming Left hand combination of three vectors
•It must be a complex quantity and may be a tensor for
anisotropic media
•This type of phenomenon could be found only in certain
frequency range(microwave) in metamaterials
•In this unusual phenomenon the images formed due to refraction
are mirror images through the interface
•Due to negativity of both parameters ε and µ the material
remains transparent but behave diffrentely
Uday Singh Negative Refractive index Metamaterials
•Normal materials have there properties based on the atoms or
molecules of which they are amde off but in Metamaterials we can
derive the properties from there constituent units which can be
group of atoms or molecules and we can use some techniques to
behave them as we please..

Effect on Physical laws

•According to snell’s law,there would be obtuse refracion angle

•Phase velocity vector will be opposite to the direction of poynting

k ∗E =ω∗µ∗H

k ∗H =ω∗ε∗E

Uday Singh Negative Refractive index Metamaterials

• Passing of light from point source through a medium will not
diverges means it will again behave as point source
• According to fermat’s principal,there wiil be shortest path equal
to zero in lens made of NRI materials known as perfact lens
(n = −1)
• As ray will traverse negative optical space

Uday Singh Negative Refractive index Metamaterials

•Doppler effect will get Reversed means the effect get reversed.
•There will be decrease in frequency in NIM in contrast to normal
medium where increase in frequency is observed
•Frequency measured in frame of NIM is

ω 0 = (ω + k.v )
k = n ∗ ω/c
•Cerenkov radiation will be affected.Cone Angle will be obtuse.

cosθ = c/(n ∗ v )

Uday Singh Negative Refractive index Metamaterials



PHASE VELOCITY Ricardo A. Depine 1 and Akhlesh Lakhtakia 2
•Refractive Index of an anisotropic Quark-Gluon-Plasma medium
in an effective description of hot QCD
Mohd.yousuf,Sukanya Mitra,Vinod Chandra
•Physics of negative refractive index materials
S Anantha Ramakrishna

Uday Singh Negative Refractive index Metamaterials

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