Love Is A Battlefield - Star Wars D6 Scenario

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Love Is A Battlefield

Created by Mark S. Sullivan

Table of Contents

Cast of Characters.................................................................................................................................................... iii

What is really going on............................................................................................................................................ iii
Episode I. Hell Is for Children* .........................................................................................................................1
Scene 1) Descent into Darkness.......................................................................................................................1
Cutaway: Black Mountain .................................................................................................................................1
Encounter: Hitching a Ride................................................................................................................................1
Encounter: An Old Debt ....................................................................................................................................1
Cutaway: Refugees ............................................................................................................................................2
Encounter: Jack of Diamonds ............................................................................................................................2
Cutaway: The Alley...........................................................................................................................................2
Encounter: A New Friend ..................................................................................................................................2
Cutaway: A Study in Darkness..........................................................................................................................2
Scene 2) Swords Cross ....................................................................................................................................3
Cutaway: Field Trip...........................................................................................................................................3
Scene 3) Promises in the Dark* .......................................................................................................................4
Cutaway: Aereallia Skydome: Secured Area.....................................................................................................4
Episode II. Outlaw Blues*...................................................................................................................................5
Scene 1) A Face from the Past.........................................................................................................................5
Scene 2) Fire and ICE*....................................................................................................................................5
Operational Information ....................................................................................................................................6
Episode III. Shadows of the Night*......................................................................................................................7
Scene 1) The Lost Can be Found .....................................................................................................................7
Scene 2) Dreams and Might Have Beens.........................................................................................................7
The Mist.............................................................................................................................................................7
Other things the guide might say. ..................................................................................................................7
A Forest on Lazeria ...........................................................................................................................................8
Of the sun on Kolimar .......................................................................................................................................8
The Dusty Red, Poisoned World of Dega..........................................................................................................9
The sound merges ..............................................................................................................................................9
The Icy Surface of 30.06. ................................................................................................................................10
As you wake up ...............................................................................................................................................10
Scene 3) We Live for Love*..........................................................................................................................11
Eyes of the Heart .............................................................................................................................................11
Scene 4) All Fired Up* ..................................................................................................................................12
Episode IV. Heartbreaker*..................................................................................................................................13
Scene 1) Into the Heart of Darkness ..............................................................................................................13
Cutaway: The Assassin....................................................................................................................................13
Scene 2) Suffer the Little Children* ..............................................................................................................14
Scene 3) One Love*.......................................................................................................................................14
Love is a Battlefield-Players' Notes.doc. .................................................................................................................14

Cast of Characters
In Order of Appearance
Tora Jesek....................................................................................................................................... Recently Failed Jedi
Bren Fairchilde ..............................................................................................................................................Young Jedi
Murlyn Tarrick ............................................................................................................................................... Rash Pilot
Tooey................................................................................................................................ Faithful R2 Astromech Droid
Maris Devant ....................................................................................................................................Slicer with an Edge
Decklin Star Rider .................................................................................................................................Nice Brash Pilot
Darien Kale..........................................................................................................Dashing and Romantic Pirate Captain
Kujac the Hutt........................................................................................................................................... Hutt Crimlord
Grea the Orfite .......................................................................................................................... Infamous BountyHunter
Tremayne...................................................................................................Imperial High Inquisitor, Nebula Territories

What is really going on.

Following her use of the Dark Side to save Darien, Tora has sunk into a pit of despair and fallen off the wagon.
Meanwhile, High Inquisitor Tremayne has begun his search for the mysterious female Jedi who was seen on Kidron
during the invasion. He has pieced together several of the actions of Tora (and Bren) and attributes them to a single
female Jedi.
His plan is to force Tora to come to him. He will have people known to Tora captured and tortured at the Palace of
the Kujac the Hutt, a crimelord on Azrael. Tremayne was once Ton Faellon a young Jedi student who was Tora’s
first love. Ton went off searching for “other” knowledge. (And found it!)
This plan will inadvertently capture Bren in Tora’s place and will eventually unite all the characters in opposition to
Tremayne in an attempt to free the prisoners from Kujac’s Palace.

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Episode I. Hell Is for Children*

Scene 1) Descent into Darkness

Much of this scene may be unpleasant to play out, so parts may just need to be talked through. Stagger the
Encounters where Tora plays with the Cutaways.
• Tora lets her hair get unkempt, finds some old clothes, and she stops wearing makeup.
• She hears voices, Gen Stridenko and others. Sometimes she talks to the voices.
• She will drink to try to silence the voices.
• Tora wants to go to Merisee to tell them about Zarn and to return the holocron to the temple. But she shouldn’t
reach there until after the scenario.
• She feels that she doesn’t deserve to be whole or happy again.
• At first glance she looks like a crazy, old woman.
• She hangs out in tough bars (Hives of Scum and Villainy)
• Since she doesn’t deserve to be happy she sticks to urban areas (no trees, grass, open spaces, or oceans)
Detoxify poison may be used unconsciously or by the baby to protect it.

Cutaway: Black Mountain

FADE IN: An aerial shot. The camera follows a sweeping path in and out among the rocky crags of tall, steep
mountains. Eventually, we see in the distance smoke rising from the lower slopes of a huge black mountain. The
camera zooms in on a primitive village. The village is burning and there are blaster-charred bodies of the long-faced
alien villagers scattered everywhere. Some of the bodies still grasp simple hand weapons: spears, bolos, knives, even
tools. Imperial Army Troopers round up the survivors, mostly women and children. They herd them at blaster point
up the ramps of the waiting military shuttles. On board are cages that already contain other, shorter aliens in family
groups. The long-faced aliens are placed in cages beside them. The captives’ wails can be heard merging with the
whine of the shuttle’s engines.

Encounter: Hitching a Ride

Tora tries to hitch a ride with Mouse and Montoya. From Thuris Sector to Merisee in Elrood. They will probably not
be sympathetic. Montoya could offer Tora a drink, which she takes or Tora could break into Montoya’s stash of
Corellian whiskey. If Tora acts like an annoying drunk or steals too much of the good stuff, Montoya may kick her
off the ship (or arrange to accidentally leave her behind). This will prevent Tora from reaching Merisee.
They drop her off on Coyn-Sky Station.

Encounter: An Old Debt

Tora is drunk and stumbling down a passage on Coyn-Sky Station. Three muggers try to rob her at knifepoint, then
beat her up. Can she maintain control or does she use the Dark Side, roll willpower/control. If necessary, have
Grakatta the Wookiee rescue her. In either case Grakatta can show up to give Tora a place to crash, and a ride off the
station. By now Tora should be drinking seriously and may forget about Merisee or decide to put it off for later.
Possibly seeing Coynites act honorably (maybe one commits the Coynite equivalent of seppuku) makes Tora feel
like she deserves to die. Perhaps she decides to just leave so she can disappear and drown herself.
“Just get me off of this place.” Grakatta understands rage. She will try to help Tora, but she is’t ready to accept help.
Eventually Tora will try to get away from Grakatta. She should leave and may get as far as Coramonde in Thuris

Hell Is for Children* Created by Mark S. Sullivan 1

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Cutaway: Refugees
FADE IN TO A HUGE SHUTTLE BAY: Twin shuttles escorted by TIE fighters leave the cavernous bay of a
Victory-class Star Destroyer. They head towards a barren, rust-colored planet.
DISSOLVE TO: The same shuttles grounded in the background of a refugee camp. In the foreground, squads of
stormtroopers herd the frightened refugees. They are searching for someone. As they examine the refugees they
frequently glance at their datapads, then shove the refugees into a different line. Between the lines stalks a tall,
severe-looking blond woman with piercing blue eyes. She wears the uniform of a Star Destroyer Captain.
She stops and pauses, “This one,” she points to a young Hodin female. An older Hodin woman protests, “And that
one. These are the two we want.” Stormtroopers drag the two Hodin towards a waiting shuttle. The Captain starts
towards the shuttle’s ramp, then suddenly pauses. She reaches out to lightly touch the face of a young human girl.
“There is something about you.” The girl looks terrified. “Add this one as well.” The stormtroopers grab the child as
their Captain boards the shuttle.

Encounter: Jack of Diamonds

Tora could meet Gando Sharnell the Maverick like gambler that she met on Osirrag. He will be somewhat
sympathetic/helpful and will wonder what’s happened since. He left Osirrag after the Imperial’s left, but doesn’t
know why they suddenly departed.
He could point Tora in the direction of Drifters or the Bent Credit Casino on Aereallia’s Skydome.

Cutaway: The Alley

FADE IN: A gray-furred Wookiee walks down a dimly lit alley. In the background burns one of the ever-present
peat barrels. The Wookiee pauses, crouching warily and listening. But before she can take any action, a shadowy
figure steps out onto a crossing walkway, points a large tube-like weapon and fires an electro-net. The net envelops
the Wookiee in blue arcs of energy that crackle around her as she drops to the pavement.
DISSOLVE TO: A small, matte-black, dagger-shaped ship, knifing out of the planet’s cloudy atmosphere. The ship
pulls away from the planet and then streaks into hyperspace.

Encounter: A New Friend

Once on Aereallia Tora will meet a kindly, understanding old man - Jarno Faellon - “The name’s Jarno…just Jarno.”
He seems familiar somehow and may remind her of Dovan Maur. He won’t volunteer his last name. If Tora
somehow finds it, it seems familiar somehow, but she just can’t place it.
Jarno is actually Inquisitor Tremayne’s father, a Force-Sensitive who is trying to cope with the knowledge that his
son is now a loyal servant of the Dark Side. He will try to keep an eye on Tora and help her with her struggle with
the Darkness within her.

Cutaway: A Study in Darkness

FADE IN TO: A darkened room lined with shelves filled to overflowing with holodisks, booktapes, sound disks,
ancient scrolls and books, small statues and urns, jewelry, and antique weapons. The only light is from a central
glowing green cylinder containing a holographic full-body image of Tora Jesek. The cylinder slowly rotates.
Standing with his back to the cylinder is a cloaked and hooded figure. Before him crouches a large felinoid.
“Massterrr…the plan prrroceedsss?” growls the felinoid.
“Yes, Ahnjai, it proceeds perfectly.” The hooded figure replies in a silken baritone. Slowly he turns towards the
holo-cylinder. “Soon Tora Jesek we shall meet again … I have foreseen it!” As he completes his turn, a solitary red
glow flashes from beneath his cowl.
Nara, the holo-artist child from the refugee camp on Akana is a good link for Bren’s visions. Images of hurt children
like those on Sidron. Much like those on Sidron. There is the same feeling of a Dark Power overseeing their hurt but
unlike Sidron, the motivation for the children’s torture is totally unknown.

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Scene 2) Swords Cross

This takes place on Aerellia Skydome in Thuris Sector. Bren and Murlyn are on Aerellia (or enroute) to make
contact with a newly formed Rebel cell.

Cutaway: Field Trip

FADE IN TO THE LOUNGE OF A TRAMP FREIGHTER: Two teenagers, are curled up together on a single
acceleration couch. The young man has tousled blond hair, the woman’s is long and red and partly covers both of
them. Suddenly the blond startles awake, jarring his companion. He looks scared.
“Bren, what is it?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve got a feeling. Like on Sidron. Someone is hurting children, but I don’t know why…or where. All
I know is we’ve got to stop him.”
“I don’t know…I can’t see him…It’s like Sidron, but it’s not. Whoever he is, I don’t think he’s drawing power from
them…But then why is he doing this?”
“I don’t know Brentarrion. But whoever he is, we’ll stop him.”
“But I have a feeling we’ll need more help this time Mur…I wish that…”
“Nothing, I just wish I’d had more time with Tora.”
“It feels like we’re coming out of jump.” In the background the engine noise changes.
Bren pauses as if listening, “Yes, we’ve reached Aereallia.”
FADE IN TO: A crowd of teenagers debarking from a long docking tube into a busy orbital starport. At the other
end of the docking tube a huge, pristinely white passenger liner is moored. The teens wear school uniforms: blazers
with slacks or skirts. Riding herd on the teens are several teachers and trio of protocol droids, while on the outskirts
a pair of armed security guards scan anyone approaching the group. The guards’ insignia match the patches on the
students’ blazers. Over the loudspeaker can be heard, “Orbital shuttle Flight 145 to Artopia Dome is now boarding
at Gate 27. Orbital shuttle Flight 145…” as the camera focuses on two pretty female students, one dark haired, the
other blond.
As the two young women pass a bank of turbolifts, a pair of doors open and a ferocious looking cat-like humanoid
leaps out past them, colliding with the closest security guard.
CUT: Across the promenade a porter pushing a repulsor cart reaches inside one of his packages, pulling out a blaster
carbine. He immediately shoots the second guard.
CUT BACK TO: The cat-man spinning back towards the girls. SLOW MOTION: The first guard falls. The cat-man
grabs both girls with one paw and pulls them into the turbolift. In his other paw is a curved short sword. As they
reach the turbolift. RETURN TO NORMAL SPEED: “Ding!” The turbolift doors close and the camera pans back to
the first guard. He lies unmoving in a large pool of blood. Behind him the teens and their teachers panic.

The teenagers are Zoe Radell (dark hair) and her cousin Alia Dashire (blond).
Bren and Tora — Murlyn is in the background only. Arkel should be elsewhere. He will make it too easy for Murlyn
to go after Bren without Tora’s help.
This scene will occur before Tora is ready to be redeemed. It takes place in Drifters on Aereallia Skydome. Tora is
drunk and her credit has just run out.
Tora: This bottle’s almost gone. Gimme another!
Surly Waiter: You haven’t paid for this one. [Grabs the almost empty bottle.]
Tora: That’s mine. [Stands, draws, and ignites her lightsaber.]

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Tora tries to strike for the partly empty bottle, but may fail. Roll willpower/control to not strike at the surly waiter.
Even if she maintains control a failed lightsaber combat roll means she would have hit the waiter. In any event, her
lightsaber is blocked by another lightsaber — Bren’s. This is likely to be a scary/hostile argument scene and could
even result in a lightsaber duel. If a duel results:
• If Tora does not use the power of the Dark Side (make willpower/control ) and if Bren rolls much better let him
knockaway Tora’s lightsaber, which Murlyn will pick up. She can dramatically return it later.
• If Tora does use the Dark Side, Bren will be very hard pressed. He should make willpower/control rolls to keep
his temper. Murlyn may intervene shooting to stun (or wound) Tora.
Bren will try to find out what’s wrong with Tora and try to get her to help him to do something. “But Tora, I need
your help.” Tora should refuse. Eventually Bren will have to leave.

Scene 3) Promises in the Dark*

Bren tries to find and rescue the prisoners alone. Bren and Murlyn have split up and Tooey has Bren’s lightsaber.
Bren and Tooey go to a secured area of Skydome Spaceport to try to get a look at the coal-black Imperial Shuttle
that is rumored to be inside. They are looking for clues as to the whereabouts of the children. But the shuttle belongs
to Tremayne and is being used by his retainer Srrors’tok retainer Ahnjai Rahmma. Rahmma has set a trap!

Cutaway: Aereallia Skydome: Secured Area

FADE IN TO A STATION CORRIDOR: Bren walks ahead while Tooey rolls along behind. The droid whistles a
warning. “What kind of sensors?” The droids whistles some more. Bren looks at his wrist, “Power detection
sensors? They really must be serious about guarding that shuttle. Tooey, I think the power cell on this little holdout
is small enough to be overlooked by the sensors, but maybe you better hold onto my lightsaber.” The little R2 unit
whistles agreement as Bren passes him an unusually designed lightsaber that the droid conceals in a compartment.
“I’ll get it back after we have the data on that shuttle. By then it won’t matter if we trip the sensors.”
In the bay below can be seen a coal-black Imperial Lambda-class shuttle. “I can see the shuttle from here, Tooey.
It’s definitely Imperial, but I don’t recognize the markings. Jack in and see what you can find. I have a feeling that
shuttle is connected with the missing children somehow.”
Suddenly two separate sections of the wall blow open. A squad of stormtroopers charge through each breach. Bren
fires at them with the holdout blaster. A stray shot grazes Tooey ionizing him. Without his lightsaber, Bren is no
match for the troopers. They fire to stun. He dodges most of the shots but is still hit several times. He staggers and
almost falls as his now useless blaster drops from his fingers. The stormtroopers are readying to fire another volley,
when a gravelly voice says. “No…heesss mmmine.” The stormtroopers back away as a powerful, felinoid strides
towards Bren. The cat-man slowly growls, bares his fangs, and mumbles, “Kneel…naow.”
“Never.” Bren tries to strike the felinoid, but his blow is parried. The cat-man’s open-clawed return is too fast to
block. Bren falls, bleeding.
DISSOLVE TO A DARK ROOM: Murlyn sleeping. Her contact comes in. “Tarrick, wake up! I just got word
“I know. He has Bren…but I’m going to get him back.”
She must find Tooey to find out more detail and to get Bren’s lightsaber. Eventually Murlyn will realize that she
needs help to rescue Bren. She must go to Tora.

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Episode II. Outlaw Blues*

Scene 1) A Face from the Past

This episode has Maris, Decklin, and Darien. It starts after Maris and Decklin have left New Capri. Maris discovers
evidence that the Office of the Inquisitor is after Tora. They should then get Darien and try to find Tora to
After leaving New Capri, Maris and Decklin wander. She slices, he smuggles. If Maris wants to engage in anti-
Imperial activity like spying and slicing, she begins to notice some unusual activity. An odd crackdown in a refugee
camp in Elrood Sector, a very partial deportation of two different alien populations from a planet in Mid Rim, both
actions in response to what appears to be Imperial Holonet Traffic on a very restricted frequency.
Mention the characters’ arrival on Coyn Sky Station. The PCs ship will receive a fly-by from a TIE patrol from the
Star Destroyer Thunderflare, which is also in orbit. The Thunderflare is making a show of force and looking for
Rebel traffic through the system.
While on Coyn-Sky Station, Maris spots someone she knows just as he spots her. He’s an operative from section.
• He could be an obnoxious weasel that Maris never liked.
• He could be someone she did like (like Walter or Burkhardt).
They must catch/kill him so he doesn’t turn her in. If they catch him, he refuses to talk and acts as if Maris is a
walking dead-woman. They will actually have to use heavy intimidation (Difficult) and/or torture to get any info
from him. After all, he knows that if he betrays Section they will kill him. If he talks he can tell Maris that “the
hounds are about to close in on their quarry.” In either case, they find an encoded data disk on him. Breaking the
encoding is at least a Very Difficult computer prog/repair, see below.

Scene 2) Fire and ICE*

• Maris has a “feeling” that she needs this data fast.
• Have a scene with lots of caf and Maris strung out from too much caffeine and not enough sleep. But she won’t
quit (make stamina roll to see how wiped out she seems). But this is really just color.
• What is Maris’ image for the net and for slicing? What would the audience see?
• The disk has very slick, very nasty Black ICE (Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics). This will fry the first
computer that Maris uses. She will then need to get another.
• One option, break into a high end computer store (or warehouse) at night and “borrow” their equipment.
The identification on the data and on the holotransmissions correlates to ID#666. An ID with only 3-digits must
belong to an actual Inquisitor, not just an agent of Section. (For an Inquisitor think of a combination of Madeline
and Control.) Really bad news for whomever he/she is after.
• ID#666 has already begun tracking Tora Jesek. The “Bloodhounds” (specialized trackers) are already out and
Maris knows that without warning and help Tora is doomed.
• She may be able, via investigation or law, to deduce that the Inquisitor is rounding up known associates of Tora
Jesek. This may be to interrogate them directly, or to gain information or leverage against Tora.

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Operational Information
Locations and dates for what appear to be operations are included. There are several planets in sectors that you don’t
recognize. Their operational dates have all passed or will have long before you can get there. Locations that you do
recognize follow.
Locations in Elrood Sector (all dates have already past)
Akana: fourth planet in the Elrood system.
Coyn: the system you are in now. The date was yesterday.
Kidron: currently under Imperial Occupation and martial law.
Lanthrym: you have both been there. That is where you fought the biker gang.
Osirrag: a quiet agricultural planet.
Torina: Maris’ PC was made there.
Locations in Thuris Sector
Aereallia: Decklin has heard of this. It is some sort of tourist/vacation spot. Come see the Silver Seas of Aereallia! is
how one ad goes. You have been to the orbital starport to offload cargo back when you were crewing on a bulk
freighter. The operational date is 3 days from now.
New Caprioril: the location of the Genetech regional headquarters. You broke Tox Utat out of detention there. This
operation date has already past.
30.06: the location of the Moff’s Death Tracker secret research base. The operational date has already passed.
• If she has noticed the unusual activity earlier, she may be able to figure out that the operational locations and
designations could match that of the restricted holonet channel.
Once they succeed in getting the data, have Maris and Decklin get rushed off, by a team from section that has traced
them somehow. This should occur either near their ship or their hotel rooms. (The team is actually tracking the
homing beacon on Rusty.) The is under the direction of Captain Pryl of the Thunderflare. A brief firefight should
occur, during which, Rusty should get damaged.
• While repairing the damage to Rusty, Maris discovers the homing beacon planted inside of him.
• Maris may want to get Darien to help so that she can continue to play matchmaker or if necessary give her the
knowledge through the Force that Darien is necessary.
• When they get Darien, have Decklin suggest that Darien get new guns. They try blasters but Darien misses the
recoil and noise. Maybe Maris suggests that they buy a better firearm. So the two of them go to an arms shop.
They get Darien souped up pistols. Maybe six-guns, maybe automatics, or maybe machine pistols.

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Episode III. Shadows of the Night*

Scene 1) The Lost Can be Found

Maris finds Tora’s trail and follows her to the planet where she is. But Maris quickly deduces (investigation) that
Tora is not leaving an electronic trail at this point. They will have to physically look for her. So Decklin, Maris, and
Darien split up to search for Tora.
Maris finds Tora first and sees she is drunk. She should indicate that she understands Tora’s behavior and give Tora
some kind of “your not alone speech.” Tora should seem like she is about ready to accept help. Then Maris should
quietly go and get Darien. [This could be like the last time Garibaldi fell off the wagon on B-5 and the Capt.
Lockley helped him and sent for Lise Edgars.] Give Tora a chance to think and agree with Maris before she sees
Darien. This should occur in the next scene.

Scene 2) Dreams and Might Have Beens

In this scene Tora should realize that she is pregnant. This should help her to ask for help so that she can regain
Tora sees visions of what might have happened to others if she had not existed/helped them.
[Like It’s a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Carol] Gen as the guide?

The Mist
A featureless, gray mist surrounds you. There is no sound, except for the multiply echoing beats of your own heart.
“Where am I?” you ask.
“It between today and yesterday…In between what was and what might have been.” The voice seems familiar, but
you can see nothing but the mist.
“Why am I here?”
“Where else should you be?”
“Who are you?”
“Your guide.”
“My guide to what?”
“To what was…and to what might have been.”
Give Tora a chance to ask questions, the guide will answer cryptically. (See list of other things the Guide might
say.) Let her ask a few questions then have the Guide respond with “Questions always questions! The answers are
not out there. They are inside you.”
Then FADE TO… A Forest on Lazeria
Other things the guide might say.
• Often what is true depends on your point of view.
• What is reality?
• Anger and Fear are of the Dark Side.
• You regret your choice, but you do not resist it!
• You must listen without asking.
• How can you save another if you cannot even save yourself?
• How can you love another if you cannot even love yourself?
• There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no death, there is the Force.
This is the Way of the Jedi.

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A Forest on Lazeria
Combat cars of the King’s Own Guard close in on your campsite. Again Zarn draws them away, telling you “Run
Serra Tora! Run!” But this time you stay. You fight by his side. You deflect many blaster shots and even manage to
disable one of the KOG’s combat cars. But finally their discipline and overwhelming numbers overcome you. You
fall by Zarn’s side. You can see that he is dying. He gasps out, “I have failed…Why Serra Tora? Why didn’t you
• Left by himself, Dovan Mor makes his way through the wilds of Lazeria. Eventually, ragged and hungry he
stumbles alone out to the monorail. He is too weak to control his pace. He falls and is hit by the train.
• The poison he is secretly being given kills King Alarik of Lazeria and his Chamberlin, Lord Stavroad Earl of
Tormaine becomes Lord Protector. Stricken with grief, Queen Careese soon follows her husband. The Earl of
Tormaine, is free to rule through his puppet Princess. He cruelly suppresses any hint of dissent on Lazeria.
• Rork Tolliver, hurt by the Princess’ apparent complicity in the Earl’s cruelty, begins to act on his own. He
attempts to mitigate the worst cruelty, but he is soon found out and executed for treason against the throne.
• The real Princess Aereena, is locked away in an Asylum for the Mad. For years she continues to insist, “I am
Princess Aereena, my father is King Alarik the Tenth and my mother is Queen Careese.” No one believes her.
• Moff Sakai’s huge face on a holoscreen looks ecstatic as the voice of Dr. Lorffka Sorib calmly states,
“Excellency, I am pleased to report that the Death Tracker Project is 100% operational.”
• The Janessar-Death Tracker hunts down Bren. The Cygorg traps Bren and his companion. As the whine of the
turbolaser charge buildup is heard, Bren leaps in front of the Death Tracker’s turbolaser fire to shield his
companion. Close-up on the huge muzzle of the turbolaser as the picture dissolves into a ravening yellow-white

Of the sun on Kolimar

You sit on a hill of blue-green grass dappled with small, white star-shaped flowers. In your hand you gently hold a
single flower as one-by-one you pluck the petals. “He loves me… he loves me not…he”
“He what?” asks a familiar voice.
“Ton!” you leap to your feet and the two of you embrace. You run one hand through his long dark hair to reassure
yourself that he is really there. “You’re back! Master Malachi, said you would be gone for at least another ten-day.”
“He doesn’t know I’m back. I have to leave again, and I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone this time.”
“But Ton…”
“Tora, I’ve found hints of something truly amazing. I think I’ve found the location of an ancient library. Think of the
lost knowledge that might be there. Things that no Jedi today knows about. Powers that may have been lost for
centuries. Knowledge of the Force that even Malachi doesn’t have. This can help us all. I know it! I have to leave
right away…But I couldn’t go without seeing you.”
“Oh Ton!”
“Tora, come with me! I need you and together we could learn so much more.”
“Oh Ton. I want to…but I can’t. I haven’t even finished the first part of my training yet. There is still so much I have
to learn. I think Master Malachi is almost ready to teach me to use a lightsaber. Soon I’ll nearly have caught up to
you…But if I go…Oh Ton, I love you. ” You hold each other tightly.
“I’ll come back for you Tora, I promise.”
As he walks away you stand, alone on the hill. Your hand falls to your side and, unnoticed, the torn flower falls to
the ground as you quietly murmur, “I love you Ton Faellon.”

Again you find yourself in the Mist. If Tora asks any questions, the guide will answer cryptically. (See list of other
things the Guide might say.)

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The Dusty Red, Poisoned World of Dega

You dive out the door of the abandoned ore processing facility. Behind you there is a tremendous explosion. Flames
blow out all the doors and windows and the roof shatters and falls back into the rubble. You try to sense Janessar but
can feel nothing. Although you know no one could survive the explosion, you impatiently wait for the flames to die
down and the wreckage to cool. Then you start searching. It takes hours and you find one body, but it is blackened
and unidentifiable. It may not be Janessar. You keep searching and finally, in the back of the facility, you find a hole
blown out in one wall, and dangling from his line-caster, you find Janessar. You use all your medpacs trying to
patch his broken body. It is many hours before you feel he is stable enough to move. Finally, you head back to
• You arrive too late on Kidron and never speak to the Council of Gordek. Without your leadership, the Imperials
find the planet disorganized and unprepared. The Imperial assault is successful. Afterwards, in the ruins of a
bombed out building we see Nara, the artist child, dressed in rags drawing illegible scribbles on the broken wall
of a building.
• The civilian populace is rounded up and placed in work camps. These camps are run by COMPNOR and are
little more than death camps in disguise. Laxia the Hodin is a member of one work gang. Her arms and legs are
shackled with force cuffs. As the guards signal the start of another workday, she tries to rise to join the others,
but she is too exhausted to get to her feet. A guard triggers her force cuffs sending her into painful convulsions,
but still she cannot rise. “Well if you can’t work you’re no good to us.” The guard raises his blaster rifle and
points it at her. The camera close-ups on the wide-open, pitted muzzle of his rifle and then the picture dissolves
into white as the sound of a blaster is heard.

The sound merges

Into the sound of a lightsaber. You are standing on a path. In your hand is your old lightsaber. You enjoy the feel of
it and the hum it makes as you swing it though the early morning air. Suddenly, on the path before you stands a
shadowy figure. “A lightsaber is not a toy for little girls,” it says.
Its voice sends icy chills down your back, but the unmistakable scorn provokes an angry response from you. “I know
how to use it,” you say with pride.
“Then show me.”
You strike an attack position. The shadowy figure echoes your move. You attack and parry. He counters while
continuing to taunt you. “Much too slow…Too weak…You hold a lightsaber, not a broom…Have you even been
trained at all…What are you, a Jedi or a scullery maid?”
You become angry. From somewhere outside yourself you feel a molten energy flowing into your body, making
your moves faster and more powerful. You strike at your tormenter and this time your blow strikes true. “Better!”
the voice says, “But you are not yet strong enough. I will come for you another time. In the end, there can be only
You know your blow was a killing one. But there is no corpse on the path. Before your eyes, the shadow dissolves
into thin air, leaving you with the knowledge that if your opponent had been real you would have killed him. You
have a horrid feeling you have somehow betrayed your Master. You run back to your shared dwelling but, by the
time you reach him, he is already dying. Master Malachi looks at you poignantly for a moment and then, almost like
the shadow, he too fades. Leaving behind only his old brown robe. By his side, cut in two just as he was, lies your
Master’s other lightsaber.

Again you find yourself in the Mist. If Tora asks any questions, the guide will answer cryptically. (See list of other
things the Guide might say.)

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The Icy Surface of 30.06.

You see a figure running and dodging to evade the blasts of turbolaser fire from a Death Tracker. You know the
figure is Zarn and this time, despite the risk, you race out to save him. He sees you coming and tries to swerve aside
to keep from leading the Death Tracker to you. The others in your party follow and with their help, you are able to
destroy the Cyborg before it can kill Zarn. Unfortunately in the battle, Tox Utat is killed and Darien and Decklin are
badly wounded.
• You are found by the AT-AT Swimmer. Zarn is wearing your parka to try to conceal him. But the Imperials
have a scanner that causes his cybernetic arm to beep. Before you can act, the Imperials use the Swimmer’s
blaster cannon to kill Zarn. They then train the Swimmer’s cannons on the rest of you and tell you to take off
your parkas and drop all your weapons. Maris panics and goes for her blaster, although injured Decklin and
Darien try to support her and there is a lot of firing. All of you are shot. Some of you are only stunned.
• You are in some sort of laboratory. The room’s central feature is a combination lab table and med bed.
Surrounding it are various medical devices, high-speed computers, and medical droids, and a complicated droid
reprogramming device. Although the computers are on and the droids are functioning, there are no humans
present. But on the bed is a humanoid figure draped with some sort of thin white cover. You feel drawn to the
figure and you move closer. As you reach the table the figure sits bolt upright and screams as the cover falls off.
As the figure screams, you see that it is Darien and you wake up screaming.

As you wake up
You are in a bed. The bed feels strange and yet somehow familiar. You look around and see that the room looks
familiar too. It is yours. Or it was yours when you were a child. You get up and head out to the kitchen, just as you
did when you were a little girl. You see your little brother and a young girl, who must be you. “Torrie want a
cookie. Want a cookie now!” You know he is building up to a tantrum.
You hear your younger self say, “All right, all right I’ll try to get the cookies.” You watch with amazement as she
gestures towards the high shelf where the jar stands out of reach. What is she doing? Then the jar moves slightly.
How can this be? Gen taught me telekinesis. How could I be using it now? You can tell her control is erratic the jar
rattles and shifts uncontrollably and then suddenly lurches off of the shelf. Spinning out of control it hits your little
brother’s arm and you can feel his pain as the arm breaks. You remember your little brother having a broken arm,
but you never remembered how he broke it. Even though you don’t remember this, you know that it all happened
just like this.
Suddenly, your grandmother is in the room. “Tora! What have you done?”
“I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it!” both you and your younger self say. You can see your grandmother. She always
frightened you as a child, and you are startled to see now that she looks a lot like you. Or at least the way you looked
before you met Darien. Her eyes are very piercing and you realize that all you could remember of this is her eyes
and the fact that you mustn’t ever do that again. Mustn’t move things! Might hurt someone. You see your
grandmother’s piercing blue eyes. They remind you of someone else, but before you can realize who that is, you
notice your face is wet. Not just from your tears, but as if it is raining. How can it rain in the house?

You wake up amongst some empty cargo crates outside Drifters. Your face is wet. Condensation from pipes
overhead is dripping down onto your face.
The Mist and the Guide are gone. But you realize that you aren’t really alone anymore. The echoing heartbeats
aren’t yours…You are pregnant…with twins.
If Tora asks, she can conclude that the Guide’s voice sounded like Gen’s.

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Scene 3) We Live for Love*

Let the players know that this is a key scene. It is necessary for a successful resolution of Tora’s problem and of the
scenario. The scenario will involve Tora, Murlyn, Maris, Decklin, Darien, and Jarno. But it is specifically designed
for Tora.
Maris finds Decklin and Darien and all three go to Drifters to confront Tora. Meanwhile, Murlyn comes into the bar
first to make Tora help save Bren. Maris and Darien (at a minimum) will at some point overhear/become involved.
Murlyn confronts Tora. If she has Tora’s lightsaber (see Shadows of the Night from Swords Cross) she will slam it
down/toss it at her.

FADE IN TO DRIFTERS LOUNGE: A young woman with flame colored hair stalks up to the table where Tora sits,
bottle in front of her. (If Tora lost her lightsaber in Swords Cross, the woman slams it down in front of Tora.)
“Bren told me that if I didn’t know where else to turn, I should find you. Well, he’s lost and I don’t know where else
to turn.”
“I can’t find him.”
“I know where he is,” she dashes her tears aside with the back of her right hand. “And I know exactly what they are
doing to him…And you will help me get him back or else!” Quick as thought she pulls out her blaster with her left
hand and points it at Tora.

Tora can sense Murlyn is desperate and on the edge. Let Maris (or Darien) roll Perception, moderate or better and
they can also tell that Murlyn is desperate.
What do the players want to do? (Darien will place his hand on his throwing knife, then wait to see what Tora does.)

Eyes of the Heart

You gaze into the young woman’s eyes and you see a reflection. But the reflection is not of you. It is of Bren
manacled to a wall. His shirt is torn off. He is being lashed with a neuronic whip by a muscular, ferocious looking
felinoid. You see his body flail in uncontrolled spasms of agony.
At the same time, you can feel the woman’s anger growing. She is barely keeping it in check and you can feel that
she is at some sort of turning point. Her helplessness and anger could easily cause her to turn to the Dark Side.
You look away from her as you try to decide what to do or say. As you do, your eyes are drawn across the room,
like iron filings to a magnet, by the sight of Darien. Your eyes meet and you realize that he is waiting. For you? For
you to choose? You can’t tell.
What do you choose to do?

• Rescuing children will be a priority for Darien who lost his family.
• Tora must decide to help rescue Bren.
• Maris tells Tora about Tremayne and shares the information that she has learned.
• Jarno Faellon will admit that he is Tremayne’s father. He will tell them about Tremayne, but won’t mention his
old name of Ton Faellon. Leave that for the confrontation in Episode IV.

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Scene 4) All Fired Up*

The players must find out where the hostages are being held. Some possible methods:
• Murlyn and Tooey may have found the location after Bren was captured.
• Murlyn could use Lifebond to track Bren. (But this won’t give an astrogation course.)
• Tora could try to use Lifesense to track Bren or the other hostages. (But this won’t give an astrogation course.)
• A combination of astrogation (Decklin and Tooey) and investigation (Maris) could be used to narrow the
possibilities. This could use information from Lifebond or Lifesense.
• Maris could use computer skills to hack into Imperial files to find out where the prisoners are (this would be
heroic). This would work best on the Thuris the Sector Capital and may require physically gaining access to the
computers inside a secured facility.
• If the players are really lost Tremayne could leave a message for Tora telling her where the prisoners are and
telling her to come alone. If the players find the location on their own, use this once they land on planet.
The hostages are being held on Azrael at the (heated) and shielded Palace of Kujac the Hutt.
Allow the PCs streetwise, alien species, etc. to know about the Hutt’s strength, personality, and any known Imperial
• Kujac’s Palace on Azrael is fortified with a powerful shield generator.
• Kujac has many guards, but seems to prefer Houks.
• A really good streetwise or other method once they reach Azrael, could get floor plans to the Palace.
• Kujac (like all Hutts) likes flattery and anything that will profit him. Kujac has sometimes been impressed with
boldness (although other times he has had the overbold killed). Kujac (like most Hutts) has a streak of cruelty.
Most Hutts like to use their own language. If you can understand Hutteese they will be impressed. If you
mispronounce it, they will be very offended.
• Kujac has been rumored to have some relationship or contacts with a highly placed Imperial official. Maybe
even someone in Intelligence.
If would be helpful if the players came up with some sort of plan for rescuing the hostages.
• Decklin may be able to fly the Intrepid through the firing gap in the Palace Defense Shield. Maris getting stats
on the Shield would make this more likely to succeed (although still very difficult).
• The players may use Decklin’s forged Bounty Hunter license and/or Tora’s license to gain entrance to the
Palace. Kujac always has a need for people who do “work.”
• They may want to pretend to be smugglers looking for a job.
• They may want to impress Kujac with flattery and their boldness.
A multi-level approach like that used to infiltrate Jabba’s Palace in Return of the Jedi could be used.
• They may use several of the above methods in combination.
• If they can get someone in to free the prisoners while Kujac and his guards are distracted, that may give them an

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Episode IV. Heartbreaker*

Tora may be at a disadvantage in the coming rescue/confrontation. If she resists the Dark Side, she will have a
penalty against using Force skills. Or she could use her anger (carefully) to be more powerful to help free Bren. If
she uses her anger she will be more powerful than Tremayne, otherwise he will be more powerful.
The players journey to the planet Azrael to rescue Bren and the other prisoners (and to confront Tremayne). Jarno
Faellon will accompany them. Once they formalize plans to go after Tremayne or rescue the hostages, Jarno will
either go off on his own ahead of time and try to enter the Hutt’s Palace alone or he may wait until they are in the
Hutt’s Palace and then go off on his own. If asked he will say “I think I can do something to help, but its something I
have to do on my own.”
The confrontation takes place in the Palace of the Hutt crimelord. He is assisting Tremayne. This provides a
not-quite neutral location for the confrontation. The Hutt will find the confrontation interesting, but will not want to
help either side for free. Tremayne will see Kujac’s refusal as a threat to his authority.
• Have the players enter Kujac’s Palace and meet/confront Kujac. But DO NOT have Tremayne there at first.

Scene 1) Into the Heart of Darkness

Whatever method they decide on, the PCs should gain entrance into the Hutt’s Palace. If things go badly, allow them
to be captured and brought before Kujac. Now they must persuade, bargain, or frighten Kujac.
• Also here in the Hutt’s Palace is Grea the Orfite. She is waiting to be paid by Tremayne.
(She may also have been secretly hired as backup for Inquisitor Tremayne.)

Cutaway: The Assassin

FADE IN TO A DIMLY LIT BALCONY: We see a figure in dark loose clothes unpacking and assembling an
elaborate scoped blaster rifle. The assassin sets up next to an ornately carved railing. We see him checking the
power pack, sighting his rifle, noting the angles of fire, etc.
After the players have interacted with Kujac, Tremayne will be admitted to the hall accompanied by a squad of
stormtroopers. Tremayne’s Srrors’tok retainer Ahnjai Rahmma will be elsewhere. (Torturing Bren or the other
prisoners? Or watching in hiding to protect Tremayne.) Tremayne will demand that Kujac give the players to him.
“Hoo, hoo, hoo! Tremayne, you know I never give anyone anything. What are they worth to you?”
“Keep the others. I only want her.” Points to Tora.
“And what about these others.” Kujac press a control on his dais and the false floor slides back uncovering the grates
leading to the Pits.
Allow the players to make dramatic statements or challenges. If they have not already done so, characters may want
to sneak off to rescue the prisoners.
Seeing his authority challenged, Tremayne begins to lose his temper. “Kujac you would be unwise to anger me.”
Tremayne gestures towards Kujac as if to throttle him.
Kujac’s eyes bug out and he looks like he can’t breathe. Then he laughs. “Hoo, hoo. Your Jedi tricks will do you no
good against me, Tremayne.”
“Kujac, I do not know why I put up with you. If my father were here, this would just…break…his…heart!” As he
speaks the last few words Tremayne clenches his left hand into a claw. On the last word a clatter is heard as a blaster
rifle falls from one of the balconies down into the hall.
Kujac orders guards to search the balcony and they find the body of Jarno Faellon. Kujac will ask his physician (one
of those among his court) what killed him. The physician will announce, “Heart attack, Mighty Kujac!”
This may provoke the players into action against Tremayne.
• A lightsaber duel with Tremayne may entertain Kujac and provide a good distraction so that someone else can
rescue the prisoners.
Any confrontation here will have to wait to be resolved until after the next scene.

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Scene 2) Suffer the Little Children*

The confrontation from the previous scene will be resolved later.
Many of the prisoners are being held in the Pits directly below the hall. Through the floor grates some of the
prisoners can be seen or heard. By now at least one of the players should have gone to rescue the children. Murlyn
will go if none of the others do. Possible complications or scenes include:
• Running into one or more of Kujac’s Houk guards.
• Tremayne’s Srrors’tok retainer Ahnjai Rahmma. Ahnjai may have been instructed to guard the prisoners (to
protect them from Kujac as well as any rescuers). He is willing to melee/brawl an honorable seeming opponent.
• Bren is injured by torture and needs to be healed.
• Grakatta the Wookie may need someone to calm her and she may invoke a Wookiee Life Debt on her rescuer.
• The children (and other prisoners) are hungry, scared, and injured. They need reassurance and leadership. The
players may want to send the women and children out some other way to avoid combat. Who will lead them?
• Zoey Radell will want to identify a rescuer. (It might be interesting if it is Decklin.)
After rescuing the prisoners, allow some of the rescued (especially Bren) to arrive in Kujac’s Hall. (Possibly from a
turbolift to a balcony level.)

Scene 3) One Love*

This scene should have the final confrontation with Tremayne in Kujac’s Palace. It may turn into a three-way
lightfight. This would be a good time to use some of those remaining Force Points. Some scenes:
• If he hasn’t been dealt with in the previous scene, Tremayne’s Srrors’tok retainer Ahnjai Rahmma will leap
down from a balcony. (If he was in the pits, he takes a turbolift up to the balcony first.)
• Tora (along with Darien) must confront Tremayne/Ton
• A lightsaber duel between Tora and Tremayne.
• If Tora uses her anger against Tremayne, Bren will intervene to try to stop her from killing Tremayne in anger.
• If she isn’t already with him, Murlyn will want to return to be with Bren.
• Maris could sacrifice herself.

If the PCs can rescue Zoe Radell Brem Radell will be very grateful. If it is also shown to him that she was
kidnapped at the orders of an Imperial Inquisitor and for no good reason, he will become very disgusted and angry
with the Empire and will quietly become a strong supporter of the Rebels.
The Rebels may recruit some of the former prisoners. But many of them will need asylum, healing, and counseling.
The Redeemers on Merisee may be able to provide all three. And this would give Tora a reason to go to Merisee.
CarJo Nor may want to leave her in charge while he goes off to the big Union meeting. This could nicely set up Tora
having a home on Merisee.

*Song titles from Best Shots by Pat Benatar, Chrysalis Records.

The idea for Tremayne’s father, his death, and Tremayne’s fatal line are from a writeup of an adventure
by Joe Medina on Jae Walker’s Star Wars List

Love is a Battlefield-Players' Notes.doc.

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Love is a Battlefield - Players' Notes

Go to Love Is A Battlefield.doc.

Cutaway: Black Mountain

FADE IN: An aerial shot. The camera follows a sweeping path in and out among the rocky crags of tall, steep
mountains. Eventually, we see in the distance smoke rising from the lower slopes of a huge black mountain. The
camera zooms in on a primitive village. The village is burning and there are blaster-charred bodies of the long-faced
alien villagers scattered everywhere. Some of the bodies still grasp simple hand weapons: spears, bolos, knives, even
tools. Imperial Army Troopers round up the survivors, mostly women and children. They herd them at blaster point
up the ramps of the waiting military shuttles. On board are cages that already contain other, shorter aliens in family
groups. The long-faced aliens are placed in cages beside them. The captives’ wails can be heard merging with the
whine of the shuttle’s engines.

Cutaway: Refugees
FADE IN TO A HUGE SHUTTLE BAY: Twin shuttles escorted by TIE fighters leave the cavernous bay of a
Victory-class Star Destroyer. They head towards a barren, rust-colored planet.
DISSOLVE TO: The same shuttles grounded in the background of a refugee camp. In the foreground, squads of
stormtroopers herd the frightened refugees. They are searching for someone. As they examine the refugees they
frequently glance at their datapads, then shove the refugees into a different line. Between the lines stalks a tall,
severe-looking blond woman with piercing blue eyes. She wears the uniform of a Star Destroyer Captain.
She stops and pauses, “This one,” she points to a young Hodin female. An older Hodin woman protests, “And that
one. These are the two we want.” Stormtroopers drag the two Hodin towards a waiting shuttle. The Captain starts
towards the shuttle’s ramp, then suddenly pauses. She reaches out to lightly touch the face of a young human girl.
“There is something about you.” The girl looks terrified. “Add this one as well.” The stormtroopers grab the child as
their Captain boards the shuttle.

Cutaway: The Alley

FADE IN: A gray-furred Wookiee walks down a dimly lit alley. In the background burns one of the ever-present
peat barrels. The Wookiee pauses, crouching warily and listening. But before she can take any action, a shadowy
figure steps out onto a crossing walkway, points a large tube-like weapon and fires an electro-net. The net envelops
the Wookiee in blue arcs of energy that crackle around her as she drops to the pavement.
DISSOLVE TO: A small, matte-black, dagger-shaped ship, knifing out of the planet’s cloudy atmosphere. The ship
pulls away from the planet and then streaks into hyperspace.

Cutaway: A Study in Darkness

FADE IN TO: A darkened room lined with shelves filled to overflowing with holodisks, booktapes, sound disks,
ancient scrolls and books, small statues and urns, jewelry, and antique weapons. The only light is from a central
glowing green cylinder containing a holographic full-body image of Tora Jesek. The cylinder slowly rotates.
Standing with his back to the cylinder is a cloaked and hooded figure. Before him crouches a large felinoid.
“Massterrr…the plan prrroceedsss?” growls the felinoid.
“Yes, Ahnjai, it proceeds perfectly.” The hooded figure replies in a silken baritone. Slowly he turns towards the
holo-cylinder. “Soon Tora Jesek we shall meet again … I have foreseen it!” As he completes his turn, a solitary red
glow flashes from beneath his cowl.

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Cutaway: Field Trip

FADE IN TO THE LOUNGE OF A TRAMP FREIGHTER: Two teenagers are curled up together on a single
acceleration couch. The young man has tousled blond hair; the woman’s is long and red and partly covers both of
them. Suddenly the blond startles awake, jarring his companion. He looks scared.
“Bren, what is it?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve got a feeling. Like on Sidron. Someone is hurting children, but I don’t know why…or where. All
I know is we’ve got to stop him.”
“I don’t know…I can’t see him…It’s like Sidron, but it’s not. Whoever he is, I don’t think he’s drawing power from
them…But then why is he doing this?”
“I don’t know Brentarrion. But whoever he is, we’ll stop him.”
“But I have a feeling we’ll need more help this time Mur…I wish that…”
“Nothing, I just wish I’d had more time with Tora.”
“It feels like we’re coming out of jump.” In the background the engine noise changes.
Bren pauses as if listening, “Yes, we’ve reached Aereallia.”
FADE IN TO: A crowd of teenagers debarking from a long docking tube into a busy orbital starport. At the other
end of the docking tube a huge, pristinely white passenger liner is moored. The teens wear school uniforms: blazers
with slacks or skirts. Riding herd on the teens are several teachers and trio of protocol droids, while on the outskirts
a pair of armed security guards scan anyone approaching the group. The guards’ insignia match the patches on the
students’ blazers. Over the loudspeaker can be heard, “Orbital shuttle Flight 145 to Artopia Dome is now boarding
at Gate 27. Orbital shuttle Flight 145…” as the camera focuses on two pretty female students, one dark haired, the
other blond.
As the two young women pass a bank of turbolifts, a pair of doors open and a ferocious looking cat-like humanoid
leaps out past them, colliding with the closest security guard.
CUT: Across the promenade a porter pushing a repulsor cart reaches inside one of his packages, pulling out a blaster
carbine. He immediately shoots the second guard.
CUT BACK TO: The cat-man spinning back towards the girls. SLOW MOTION: The first guard falls. The cat-man
grabs both girls with one paw and pulls them into the turbolift. In his other paw is a curved short sword. As they
reach the turbolift. RETURN TO NORMAL SPEED: “Ding!” The turbolift doors close and the camera pans back to
the first guard. He lies unmoving in a large pool of blood. Behind him the teens and their teachers panic.

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Cutaway: Aereallia Skydome: Secured Area

FADE IN TO A STATION CORRIDOR: Bren walks ahead while Tooey rolls along behind. The droid whistles a
warning. “What kind of sensors?” The droid whistles some more. Bren looks at his wrist, “Power detection sensors?
They really must be serious about guarding that shuttle. Tooey, I think the power cell on this little holdout is small
enough to be overlooked by the sensors, but maybe you better hold onto my lightsaber.” The little R2 unit whistles
agreement as Bren passes him an unusually designed lightsaber that the droid conceals in a compartment. “I’ll get it
back after we have the data on that shuttle. By then it won’t matter if we trip the sensors.”
In the bay below can be seen a coal-black Imperial Lambda-class shuttle. “I can see the shuttle from here, Tooey.
It’s definitely Imperial, but I don’t recognize the markings. Jack in and see what you can find. I have a feeling that
shuttle is connected with the missing children somehow.”
Suddenly two separate sections of the wall blow open. A squad of stormtrooopers charge through each breach. Bren
fires at them with the holdout blaster. A stray shot grazes Tooey ionizing him. Without his lightsaber, Bren is no
match for the troopers. They fire to stun. He dodges most of the shots but is still hit several times. He staggers and
almost falls as his now useless blaster drops from his fingers. The stormtroopers are readying to fire another volley,
when a gravelly voice says. “No…heesss mmmine.” The stormtroopers back away as a powerful, felinoid strides
towards Bren. The cat-man slowly growls, bares his fangs, and mumbles, “Kneel…naow.”
“Never.” Bren tries to strike the felinoid, but his blow is parried. The cat-man’s open-clawed return is too fast to
block. Bren falls, bleeding.
DISSOLVE TO A DARK ROOM: Murlyn sleeping. Her contact comes in. “Tarrick, wake up! I just got word
“I know. He has Bren…but I’m going to get him back.”


Operational Information
Locations and dates for what appear to be operations are included. There are several planets in sectors that you don’t
recognize. Their operational dates have all passed or will have long before you can get there. Locations that you do
recognize follow.
Locations in Elrood Sector (all dates have already past)
Akana: fourth planet in the Elrood system.
Coyn: the system you are in now. The date was yesterday.
Kidron: currently under Imperial Occupation and martial law.
Lanthrym: you have both been there. That is where you fought the biker gang.
Osirrag: a quiet agricultural planet.
Torina: Maris’ PC was made there.
Locations in Thuris Sector
Aereallia: Decklin has heard of this. It is some sort of tourist/vacation spot. Come see the Silver Seas of Aereallia! is
how one ad goes. You have been to the orbital starport to offload cargo back when you were crewing on a bulk
freighter. The operational date is 3 days from now.
New Caprioril: the location of the Genetech regional headquarters. You broke Tox Utat out of detention there. This
operation date has already past.
30.06: the location of the Moff’s Death Tracker secret research base. The operational date has already passed.

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FADE IN TO DRIFTERS LOUNGE: A young woman with flame colored hair stalks up to the table where Tora sits,
bottle in front of her. (If Tora lost her lightsaber in Swords Cross; the woman slams it down in front of Tora.)
“Bren told me that if I didn’t know where else to turn, I should find you. Well, he’s lost and I don’t know where else
to turn.”
“I can’t find him.”
“I know where he is,” she dashes her tears aside with the back of her right hand. “And I know exactly what they are
doing to him…And you will help me get him back or else!” Quick as thought she pulls out her blaster with her left
hand and points it at Tora.

Eyes of the Heart

You gaze into the young woman’s eyes and you see a reflection. But the reflection is not of you. It is of Bren
manacled to a wall. His shirt is torn off. He is being lashed with a neuronic whip by a muscular, ferocious looking
felinoid. You see his body flail in uncontrolled spasms of agony.
At the same time, you can feel the woman’s anger growing. She is barely keeping it in check and you can feel that
she is at some sort of turning point. Her helplessness and anger could easily cause her to turn to the Dark Side.
You look away from her as you try to decide what to do or say. As you do, your eyes are drawn across the room,
like iron filings to a magnet, by the sight of Darien. Your eyes meet and you realize that he is waiting.
For you?…For you to choose?…You can’t tell.
What do you choose to do?


Cutaway: The Assassin

FADE IN TO A DIMLY LIT BALCONY: We see a figure in dark loose clothes unpacking and assembling an
elaborate scoped blaster rifle. The assassin sets up next to an ornately carved railing. We see him checking the
power pack, sighting his rifle, noting the angles of fire, etc.

Tremayne’s Fatal Line

“Kujac, I do not know why I put up with you. If my father were here, this would just…break…his…heart!” As he
speaks the last few words Tremayne clenches his left hand into a claw. On the last word a clatter is heard as a blaster
rifle falls from one of the balconies down into the hall.


The Mist
A featureless, gray mist surrounds you. There is no sound, except for the multiply echoing beats of your own heart.
“Where am I?” you ask.
“It between today and yesterday…In between what was and what might have been.” The voice seems familiar, but
you can see nothing but the mist.
“Why am I here?”
“Where else should you be?”
“Who are you?”
“Your guide.”

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“My guide to what?”

“To what was…and to what might have been.”

A Forest on Lazeria
Combat cars of the King’s Own Guard close in on your campsite. Again Zarn draws them away, telling you “Run
Serra Tora! Run!” But this time you stay. You fight by his side. You deflect many blaster shots and even manage to
disable one of the KOG’s combat cars. But finally their discipline and overwhelming numbers overcome you. You
fall by Zarn’s side. You can see that he is dying. He gasps out, “I have failed…Why Serra Tora? Why didn’t you
• Left by himself, Dovan Maur makes his way through the wilds of Lazeria. Eventually, ragged and hungry he
stumbles alone out to the monorail. He is too weak to control his pace. He falls and is hit by the train.
• The poison he is secretly being given kills King Alarik of Lazeria and his Chamberlin, Lord Stavroad Earl of
Tormaine becomes Lord Protector. Stricken with grief, Queen Careese soon follows her husband. The Earl of
Tormaine is free to rule through his puppet Princess. He cruelly suppresses any hint of dissent on Lazeria.
• Rork Tolliver, hurt by the Princess’ apparent complicity in the Earl’s cruelty, begins to act on his own. He
attempts to mitigate the worst cruelty, but he is soon found out and executed for treason against the throne.
• The real Princess Aereena is locked away in an Asylum for the Mad. For years she continues to insist, “I am
Princess Aereena, my father is King Alarik the Tenth and my mother is Queen Careese.” No one believes her.
• Moff Sakai’s huge face on a holoscreen looks ecstatic as the voice of Dr. Lorffka Sorib calmly states,
“Excellency, I am pleased to report that the Death Tracker Project is 100% operational.”
• The Janessar-Death Tracker hunts down Bren. The Cyborg traps Bren and his companion. As the whine of the
turbolaser charge buildup is heard, Bren leaps in front of the Death Tracker’s turbolaser fire to shield his
companion. Close-up on the huge muzzle of the turbolaser as the picture dissolves into a ravening yellow-white

Of the sun on Kolimar

You sit on a hill of blue-green grass dappled with small, white star-shaped flowers. In your hand you gently hold a
single flower as one-by-one you pluck the petals. “He loves me… he loves me not…he”
“He what?” asks a familiar voice.
“Ton!” you leap to your feet and the two of you embrace. You run one hand through his long dark hair to reassure
yourself that he is really there. “You’re back! Master Malachi, said you would be gone for at least another ten-day.”
“He doesn’t know I’m back. I have to leave again, and I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone this time.”
“But Ton…”
“Tora, I’ve found hints of something truly amazing. I think I’ve found the location of an ancient library. Think of the
lost knowledge that might be there. Things that no Jedi today knows about. Powers that may have been lost for
centuries. Knowledge of the Force that even Malachi doesn’t have. This can help us all. I know it! I have to leave
right away…But I couldn’t go without seeing you.”
“Oh Ton!”
“Tora, come with me! I need you and together we could learn so much more.”
“Oh Ton. I want to…but I can’t. I haven’t even finished the first part of my training yet. There is still so much I have
to learn. I think Master Malachi is almost ready to teach me to use a lightsaber. Soon I’ll nearly have caught up to
you…But if I go…Oh Ton, I love you. ” You hold each other tightly.
“I’ll come back for you Tora, I promise.”
As he walks away you stand, alone on the hill. Your hand falls to your side and, unnoticed, the torn flower falls to
the ground as you quietly murmur, “I love you Ton Faellon.”

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Again you find yourself in the Mist.


The Dusty Red, Poisoned World of Dega

You dive out the door of the abandoned ore processing facility. Behind you there is a tremendous explosion. Flames
blow out all the doors and windows and the roof shatters and falls back into the rubble. You try to sense Janessar but
can feel nothing. Although you know no one could survive the explosion, you impatiently wait for the flames to die
down and the wreckage to cool. Then you start searching. It takes hours and you find one body, but it is blackened
and unidentifiable. It may not be Janessar. You keep searching and finally, in the back of the facility, you find a hole
blown out in one wall, and dangling from his line-caster, you find Janessar. You use all your medpacs trying to
patch his broken body. It is many hours before you feel he is stable enough to move. Finally, you head back to
• You arrive too late on Kidron and never speak to the Council of Gordek. Without your leadership, the Imperials
find the planet disorganized and unprepared. The Imperial assault is successful. Afterwards, in the ruins of a
bombed out building we see Nara, the artist child, dressed in rags drawing illegible scribbles on the broken wall
of a building.
• The civilian populace is rounded up and placed in work camps. These camps are run by COMPNOR and are
little more than death camps in disguise. Laxia the Hodin is a member of one work gang. Her arms and legs are
shackled with force cuffs. As the guards signal the start of another workday, she tries to rise to join the others,
but she is too exhausted to get to her feet. A guard triggers her force cuffs sending her into painful convulsions,
but still she cannot rise. “Well if you can’t work you’re no good to us.” The guard raises his blaster rifle and
points it at her. The camera close-ups on the wide-open, pitted muzzle of his rifle and then the picture dissolves
into white as the sound of a blaster is heard.

The sound merges

...Into the sound of a lightsaber. You are standing on a path. In your hand is your old lightsaber. You enjoy the feel
of it and the hum it makes as you swing it though the early morning air. Suddenly, on the path before you stands a
shadowy figure. “A lightsaber is not a toy for little girls,” it says.
Its voice sends icy chills down your back, but the unmistakable scorn provokes an angry response from you. “I know
how to use it,” you say with pride.
“Then show me.”
You strike an attack position. The shadowy figure echoes your move. You attack and parry. He counters while
continuing to taunt you. “Much too slow…Too weak…You hold a lightsaber, not a broom…Have you even been
trained at all…What are you, a Jedi or a scullery maid?”
You become angry. From somewhere outside yourself you feel a molten energy flowing into your body, making
your moves faster and more powerful. You strike at your tormenter and this time your blow strikes true. “Better!”
the voice says, “But you are not yet strong enough. I will come for you another time. In the end, there can be only
You know your blow was a killing one. But there is no corpse on the path. Before your eyes, the shadow dissolves
into thin air, leaving you with the knowledge that if your opponent had been real you would have killed him. You
have a horrid feeling you have somehow betrayed your Master. You run back to your shared dwelling but by the
time you reach him, he is already dying. Master Malachi looks at you poignantly for a moment and then, almost like
the shadow, he too fades. Leaving behind only his old brown robe. By his side, cut in two as he was, lies your
Master’s other lightsaber.

Again you find yourself in the Mist.


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The Icy Surface of 30.06.

You see a figure running and dodging to evade the blasts of turbolaser fire from a Death Tracker. You know the
figure is Zarn and this time, despite the risk, you race out to save him. He sees you coming and tries to swerve aside
to keep from leading the Death Tracker to you. The others in your party follow and with their help, you are able to
destroy the Cyborg before it can kill Zarn. Unfortunately in the battle, Tox Utat is killed and Darien and Decklin are
badly wounded.
• The AT-AT Swimmer finds you. Zarn is wearing your parka to try to conceal him. But the Imperials have a
scanner that causes his cybernetic arm to beep. Before you can act, the Imperials use the Swimmer’s blaster
cannon to kill Zarn. They then train the Swimmer’s cannons on the rest of you and tell you to take off your
parkas and drop all your weapons. Maris panics and goes for her blaster, although injured Decklin and Darien
try to support her and there is a lot of firing. All of you are shot. Some of you are only stunned.
• You are in some sort of laboratory. The room’s central feature is a combination lab table and med bed.
Surrounding it are various medical devices, high-speed computers, and medical droids, and a complicated droid
reprogramming device. Although the computers are on and the droids are functioning, there are no humans
present. But on the bed is a humanoid figure draped with some sort of thin white cover. You feel drawn to the
figure and you move closer. As you reach the table the figure sits bolt upright and screams as the cover falls off.
As the figure screams, you see that it is Darien and you wake up screaming.

As you wake up
You are in a bed. The bed feels strange and yet somehow familiar. You look around and see that the room looks
familiar too. It is yours. Or it was yours when you were a child. You get up and head out to the kitchen, just as you
did when you were a little girl. You see your little brother and a young girl, who must be you. “Torrie! Want a
cookie. Want a cookie now!” You know he is building up to a tantrum.
You hear your younger self say, “All right, all right I’ll try to get the cookies.” You watch with amazement as she
gestures towards the high shelf where the jar stands out of reach. What is she doing? Then the jar moves slightly.
How can this be? Gen taught me telekinesis. How could I be using it now? You can tell her control is erratic the jar
rattles and shifts uncontrollably and then suddenly lurches off of the shelf. Spinning out of control it hits your little
brother’s arm and you can feel his pain as the arm breaks. You remember your little brother having a broken arm,
but you never remembered how he broke it. Even though you don’t remember this, you know that it all happened
just like this.
Suddenly, your grandmother is in the room. “Tora! What have you done?”
“I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it!” both you and your younger self say. You can see your grandmother. She always
frightened you as a child and you are startled to see now that she looks a lot like you. Or at least the way you looked
before you met Darien. Her eyes are very piercing and you realize that all you could remember of this is her eyes
and the fact that you mustn’t ever do that again. Mustn’t move things! Might hurt someone. You see your
grandmother’s piercing blue eyes. They remind you of someone else, but before you can realize who that is, you
notice your face is wet. Not just from your tears, but as if it is raining. How can it rain in the house?

You wake up amongst some empty cargo crates outside Drifters. Your face is wet. Condensation from pipes
overhead is dripping down onto your face.
The Mist and the Guide are gone. But you realize that you aren’t really alone anymore. The echoing heartbeats
aren’t yours…You are pregnant…with twins.

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Kujac’s Shield Generator

Model: WorldArmor 4 Defensive Shield
Type: Planetary defense shield
Scale: Capital
Skill: Planetary shields
Crew: 25
Cover: Full
Power: Dedicated power generator
Cost: (used) 20 million credits
Body: 3D (capital scale)
Shield: 5D (capital scale)
Range: 1/3/5
Difficulty: Easy (short range or half-planet), Moderate (medium range or full planet), Difficult (long range or
orbiting station)
Effects: This shield easily screens the entire fortress. It is of the older, encasing shield variety that prevents firing out
through the shield except through pre-assigned, dedicated fire gaps. Encasing shields are either on or off. Encasing
shields block sensors as well as energy weapons and can seriously damage the power systems of ships that pass
through their energy fields.
For sensors, add the generator’s shield dice to all sensor difficulties when attempting to sense inside the shield
(including any attempt to fire through the shield using targeting sensors, i.e. fire control dice), including scale
modifiers. For ships trying to fly through the shield, roll the shield dice against the ship’s hull as damage (the ship’s
shields don’t apply), including scale modifiers.
The ship may attempt to evade the shields by dropping through a fire gap. Dropping a starfighter scale ship through
a fire gap is nearly impossible. To any chance to succeed, accurate knowledge of the location and timing of the
firing gaps is necessary. Moving a capital scale ship through such a gap is impossible.

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