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Short film – The collector

The short film will be able an explorer drawn to a wood rumoured to have treasure but
being haunted by a mentally unstable man. The man collects strange and nostalgic objects,
the explorer ends up finding the psychos caravan which has all kinds of news papers pinned
up on the wall about a missing daughter. This will tie in with the back story of the psycho
and give some context for why he collects nostalgic objects and other odd objects. We will
be adding elements of other context for the story, we will have the main character find a
camera with some photos of him walking into the woods to make it more suspenseful.
There are brief moments where there is a dark shadow that crosses behind the explorer. He
becomes suspicious as he starts to look around, it cuts to a recording of the psycho watching
him from a distance as the explorer starts to look around and panic. It then goes back to the
explorer starting to get out of that place as soon as possible. As he nearly gets out the
woods, he thinks he is clear until he turns around and gets hit in the face with a shovel and
drops to the ground. It then goes back to a recording of the man carrying him and dropping
him and starts to dig a grave. It then goes to the psycho placing an object the man had on
him. The End

Why are you producing this production?

I am producing this production because I feel like thriller movies focus heavily on sound and
actions. It mainly focuses on the psychological impact which will be good practice for editing
as it will be mainly the editing that will create the effect from how I connect and hold each
shot for. I also feel like it is a common genre for my target audience since they like mystery.


4Th December 2020 - Planning

12 January 2021 – final deadline
22nd January 2021 – final pitch

Target audience

40 – 60-year olds

What they want to see

They want to see the psycho be mysterious by making him a blur when they main character
is suspicious. When they finally see the man, they want it to slowly reveal his mental state
and show his attachment to certain things. Some people wanted to see the perspective of
the psycho to create empathy and a connection with the man and make the story more
What you are creating based from that research

From my research I found out that my target audience likes to associate with nostalgia. They
also like to feel a much more personal connection with characters. From these two common
themes with short films I have decided to try and integrate both so that it allows fills the
needs of the audience and what they want to see. I have decided to add objects from the
past that are likely to be common among the age group when they were younger to add
nostalgia. For the personal connection I have decide to try and make it where you see that
psycho perspective to create empathy and feels like they grasp why he is is the way he is. By
adding a news paper of a missing girl, it can give the audience a connection as a parent, they
would act the same if they lost their child and could potentially going down the same path.
I’ve made it so that some there is also a element of discomfort where the main character is
being watched which to a lot of people will make them feels more concerned and
understand why the character feels the way he feels.

Where the production will be aired (why – based on target audience)

My production will be aired on Facebook, Youtube and Netflix. I will put it on Facebook
since over 40% of users get their media that are 50+. From my research I found out that 58%
of adults above the age of 56 use YouTube to get their media. I chose Netflix as that will
have the widest range of my target audience and people of all ages use it making it ideal.

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