401 Reflection

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In Nutrition 401, Advanced Science of Food, we learned more about the chemical and

physical interactions of food in terms of storage and safety. I learned a lot about the reactions

different foods and nutrients have and how they should properly be stored and handled in order

to keep safe and consumable to customers. The information learned in this class will be useful in

the future when working or during my internship because the topics are important for food

storage and preparation, along with just working in food service or management in general.

In this class, there were no assignments other than the exams. The exams were very

straightforward and just like the examples and topics given and discussed in class. The professor

used a textbook and we were also able to purchase a book with many examples of questions that

were like the test questions that were gone over and explained during class time. He also allowed

us to participate during class in a fun way with the i-clickers. We were always given a lot of

practice questions to help us learn the material.

This class was taught fully in person in a large lecture. There was a lot of people in that

class, sos it was harder to ask individual questions, however, Professor Lui always made the

point to help anyone who did come to him with questions. I did have a harder time with the

material taught in this class due to the fact that it was a lot of difficult chemistry curriculum, but

the professor and peers were always there to help me understand the information. This class was

difficult for me, but it was also very enjoyable and taught in an exciting way.

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