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Daily School Grade Level

Teaching Date Quarter

1. Cognitive: Understand the significance of culture and its

characteristics and landscape. Also to understand the theories and
models of human environment interaction.
2. Affective: Value the environment and to have cultural sensitivity.
3. Psychomotor: Deliver a student report.


II. SUBJECT MATTER Cultures and Transformation of Landscape


Have the students read the objectives of today’s lesson.

1. Understand the significance of culture and its characteristics and
landscape. Also to understand the theories and models of human
environment interaction.
2. Value the environment and to have cultural sensitivity.
3. Deliver a student report.

The purpose of the lesson is for the students to bear in mind that every
culture has its own norms.

A. Motivation

(Establishing a purpose for the lesson)

(2 minutes)

Video presentation: Different Cultures in the Philippines

(The teacher will rearrange the seats so the learners would have a
better view of the video presentation and latter for a group activity)

After the presentation, the teacher will divide the class randomly into
five groups.

The teacher will instruct the learners about;

1. Every group will have a one specific topic.
2. There is a student report after the group discussion.
3. One representative per group will be called to share the
information and ideas about the topic in front of the class.
4. Every group will be graded according to the criteria in the rubrics.

B. Discussion


(15 minutes)

C. Generalization The teacher will call one representative per group to present their
(Special Report) topic in front of the class.
 Group 1- The concept of culture
(25 minutes)  Group 2- Characteristics of culture
 Group 3- Cultural landscape
 Group 4- Theories and models of human environment
The learners
 Groupwill be5-given 3 minutes
The impact to thinkactivity
of human and reflect.
on the environment
Every presenter will be given 5 minutes.
What are the importance of culture sensitivity?
D. Valuing

(Reflective Approach)
Make a reflection paper. Use one whole sheet of pad paper.
(3 minutes)
What are the importance of culture sensitivity?
E. Application

(Reflective Approach)

(3 minutes) Make an essay.

1-5 - Define culture in your own words. Compose of 5-10 sentences.

6-8 - Give one type of culture landscape. Explain in 3-5 sentences.
9-10 – Give one theory or model of human environment interaction.
(Essay Writing)
Explain in 3-5
Search one sentences.
specific culture in the Philippines. Provide sufficient
( 5 minutes) information including the language, norms, beliefs, events, and artifacts.
Cite your references. Use one long bond paper
(Inquiry Approach)

(2 minutes)


ABOVE AVERAGE Organizational pattern is clear, logical, and conveys completeness. It provides
ample supporting detail to support argument. Uses effective language; makes
engaging, appropriate word choices for audience and purpose. And has literally
no spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors.

SUFFICIENT Organizational pattern is clear, logical and conveys completeness and

wholeness with few lapses. It provides adequate supporting detail to support
argument. Uses effective language and appropriate word choices for intended
audience and purpose. There is a few spelling and punctuation errors or minor
grammatical errors.

DEVELOPING Achieves little completeness and wholeness through organization attempted. It

includes some details, but may include extraneous or loosely related material.
It also has limited and predictable vocabulary, perhaps not appropriate for
intended audience and purpose. There is a number of spelling, punctuation or
grammatical errors.

NEEDS Little evidence of organization or any sense of wholeness and completeness.

IMPROVEMENT There is inconsistent or few details which may interfere with the meaning of
the text. It has a limited or inappropriate vocabulary for the intended audience
and purpose. And many spelling punctuation and grammatical errors that
interferes with the meaning.




1. CONTENT Lacks depth Only some topics In-depth and /10

limited treatment are thoroughly thorough
of assigned topic. discussed and given discussion of
Demonstrates an-in depth assigned topics.
limited evidence treatment. Shows Shows strong
of information moderate evidence evidence of
of research. research

2. ORGANIZATIO Shows minimum Shows adequate Very well planned, /10

N AND CLARITY planning, some planning, some logical
OF REPORT sections are portions need presentation and
disorganized and clarification and well understood
confusing improvement in by the audience
logical presentation

3. DELIVERY Nervous, self- Demonstrates quick Relaxed, self- /10

conscious and recovery from minor confident. Show
monotone voice mistakes. Voice natural body
projection is movements that
satisfactorily varied develop
in volume and enthusiasm and
inflection affects audience
positively. Voice
fluctuates in
volume and
sustain interest

4. TIME Do not finish on Hurriedly finish on Finishes within the /10

MANAGEMENT time time prescribed time
with appropriate

5. AUDIENCE Able to sustain Able to sustain the Able to sustain the /10
IMPACT the interest of the interest of the interest of the
audience to a audience most of audience all the
limited extent the time time


Methodologies or strategies applied in my constructed instructional plan.

Methods/Strategies Importance to the Learning Process


1. Cooperative For them not just to develop their cognitive, but also for them to
learning learn how to cooperate, share, and care with others. Cooperative
learning helps learners be able to learn new concepts and
principles together instead of independently. At the same time,
learners learn more effective communication and interpersonal
skills. Collaborating in this way brings them together as a group,
leading to overall better social relations and acceptance among
the group. Through cooperative learning, they can learn the
social skill which is valuable even later in life.
In many professional contexts, people need to be able to speak
2. Student Report
up in a group. Therefore, teachers need to provide them an
opportunity to develop their speaking skills. This will also an
opportunity for them to overcome their fears in public speaking that
will later on boost their confidence. From speaking to small groups of
people, their confidence levels will grow until they can speak in front
of a large audiences. This approach will benefit to them not just on
stage, but also in their everyday life.

Reflective approach can develop learners’ metacognitive skills

3. Reflective
which is an important life skill. Reflection can help learners to
obtain a better and deeper understanding on the topic or lesson.
And this will stimulate their ability to remember difficult topics and
can formulate possible solutions.

It also has an importance to me as a teacher because their

reflection paper can serve as an assessment to determine the
learners’ valuable insights.

Writing essays develops their ability to write, think and organize

4. Essay Writing
ideas. It also enables the learners to build a formal and organized
form of writing. At the same time, essay writing will help them
organize their thought, builds their vocabulary, and develops their
distinct writing style. In addition, writing essay will go beyond
education into their future workforce because it will become their
practice in proper spelling, grammar, writing skills as wells as

Inquiry approach was to let the learners explore the topic on their
5. Inquiry Approach
own and this can stimulate their critical thinking. Also, this will
promote learners to utilize their own thinking styles and methods
to find answer. As they engage in finding answer, they will gain a
deeper understanding as well as to develop their passion for
explorations and learning.
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