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In nutrition 405, Experimental Food Science and Technology, we learned how to measure

food product qualities and attributes using data collection and different methods of testing. We

learned how to use a lot of different lab instruments to collect data that we have never previously

been exposed to in other classes. The information learned in this class will be useful in the future

if I ever decide to work in a lab with product development or nutrition research.

My favorite project we did in the class was our Project 2 Manuscript. My group and I

chose to measure the effects of temperature on the water content of wheat bread. This project

was really interesting to do because we got to research about different similar testing done on

other types of bread, but we didn't find any information in regards to wheat bread. We were able

to do testing using the lab instruments in order to come up with data and we were able to analyze

this data in our manuscript. This project allowed us also to enhance out abilities of writing a

manuscript, which is an important thing to improve upon.

This class is normally fully held in person, but due to COVID-19 it fluctuated during the

whole semester. We were able to go in and do our labs several times throughout the semester,

which I am thankful we could do because I really enjoyed my time in the lab and felt like I

learned a lot in this class. It was especially nice to get back into class after a full semester of all

online classes. Overall, I really enjoyed this class and feel that the information learned was really

exciting and useful.

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