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Switching Core Network

Training Document M12

© Nokia Networks Oy 1 (57)

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2 General.......................................................................................... 3

3 ISUP messages ............................................................................ 3

4 ISUP message format.................................................................. 3

5 Call-related ISUP signalling procedures................................... 3

5.1 Successful call setup – en block operation ................................... 3
5.2 Answer and release procedures.................................................... 3
5.3 Successful call setup – overlap operation..................................... 3
5.4 ISUP segmentation........................................................................ 3
5.5 Special ISUP messages ................................................................ 3
5.6 Charging ........................................................................................ 3
5.7 Tones and announcements........................................................... 3

6 ISUP network features ................................................................ 3

6.1 Automatic repeat attempt .............................................................. 3
6.2 Blocking and unblocking of circuits and circuit groups ................. 3
6.3 Circuit group query (national use) ................................................. 3

7 Abnormal conditions................................................................... 3
7.1 Dual seizure................................................................................... 3
7.2 Circuit and circuit group reset........................................................ 3
7.3 Unreasonable/unexpected/unrecognised signalling
information ..................................................................................... 3
7.4 Temporary Trunk Blocking (TTB) (national use)........................... 3

8 Automatic congestion control ................................................... 3

9 ISUP alarms .................................................................................. 3

10 ISUP parameters handling.......................................................... 3

Appendix: ISUP timers ............................................................................................ 3

© Nokia Networks Oy 3 (57)

Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

2 General
The ISDN User Part is the Signalling System No. 7 protocol (ITU-T Rec. Q761-
764), which provides the signalling functions required to support basic bearer
services and supplementary services for voice and non-voice applications in an
integrated services digital network. Recommendation Q767 specifies
international ISUP version (simplified).
ISUP is also suited for applications in dedicated telephone and circuit switched
data networks and in analogue and mixed analogue/digital networks. ISUP
meets the requirements defined by the ITU Telecommunication Standardization
Sector (ITU-T) for worldwide international semi-automatic and automatic
telephone and circuit switched data traffic.
ISUP uses services provided by the Message Transfer Part (MTP), and in some
cases, by the Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP) for the transfer of
information between ISUPs.
It is assumed that ISDN follows the international numbering plan defined for
ISDN. It is also assumed that ISDN provides a basic circuit switched service
between ISDN terminals and between ISDN terminals and terminals being
connected to existing international telephone networks.
Two signalling methods are used in national networks:
• link-by-link
• end-to-end (not supported in international networks)
Link-by-link signalling is primarily used for messages that need to be examined
at each exchange.
End-to-end signalling is used for messages of end point significance. End-to-
end signalling is used between all originating and terminating local exchanges
to request or respond to requests for additional call related information, to
invoke a supplementary service, or to transfer user-to-user information
transparently through the network.
ISUP supports the following two methods of end-to-end signalling:
• Pass-along
SCCP signalling enables connection-oriented or connectionless transfer of end-
to-end signalling information.
Pass-along signalling provides transfer of signalling information without the
services of the SCCP. It is also used between two exchanges when the
information to be transferred relates to an existing call for which a physical
connection has already been established. In this case, the information travels the
same signalling path used to set up the call and establish the physical

Table 1 lists the signalling capabilities supported by ISUP for supplementary

services. These capabilities are categorised into two classes: international and
national use class.

Table 1. Signalling capabilities supported by ISUP

Function/service (Basic Call) National use International

Speech/3.1 kHz audio / /

64 kbit/s unrestricted / /

Multi-rate connection types (see note) / /

N × 64 kbit/s connection types / /

En bloc address signalling / /

Overlap address signalling / /

Transit network selection / –

Continuity check / /

Forward transfer – /

Simple segmentation / /

Tones and announcements / /

Access delivery information / /

Transportation of user teleservice information / /

Suspend and resume / /

Signalling procedures for connection type allowing fallback capability / /

Propagation delay determination procedure / /

Enhanced echo control signalling procedures / /

Simplified echo control signalling procedures / /

Automatic repeat attempt / /

Blocking and unblocking of circuits and circuit groups / /

Circuit group query / –

Dual seizure / /

Transmission alarm handling for digital inter-exchange circuits / /

Reset of circuits and circuit groups / /

Receipt of unreasonable signalling information / /

Compatibility procedure / /

Temporary trunk blocking / –

ISUP signalling congestion control / /

Automatic congestion control / /

Interaction between ISUP and INAP / /

Unequipped circuit identification code / –

ISUP availability control / /

MTP pause and resume / /

Over length messages / /

Temporary Alternative Routing (TAR) / /

© Nokia Networks Oy 5 (57)

Function/service (Basic Call) National use International

Collect call request procedure / /

/ represents ITU-T support.

– represents ITU-T non-support.

Note – Multi-rate connection types are 2 × 64, 384, 1536 and 1920 kbit/s.

Table 2. Signalling procedures for supplementary services

Function/service National use International

Generic signalling procedures for supplementary services

End-to-end signalling – pass along method / –

End-to-end signalling – SCCP connection orientated / /

End-to-end signalling – SCCP connectionless / –

Generic number transfer / /

Generic digit transfer / –

Generic notification procedure / /

Service activation / /

Remote Operations Service (ROSE) capability / –

Network specific facilities / –

Supplementary services

Direct-Dialling-In (DDI) / /

Multiple Subscriber Number (MSN) / /

Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) / /

Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) / /

Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP) / /

Connected Line Identification Restriction (COLR) / /

Malicious Call Identification (MCID) / /

Sub-addressing (SUB) / /

Call Forwarding Busy (CFB) / /

Call Forwarding No Reply (CFNR) / /

Call Forwarding Unconditional (CFU) / /

Call Waiting (CW) / /

Call HOLD (HOLD) / /

Terminal Portability (TP) / /

Conference calling (CONF) / /

Three-Party Service (3PTY) / /

Closed User Group (CUG) / /

International Telecommunication Charge Card (ITCC) / /

User-to-User Signalling (UUS) / /

/ represents ITU-T support.

– represents ITU-T non-support

Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

3 ISUP messages
The Signalling Connection Control Part messages are used by the peer-to-peer
protocol. All ISUP messages may be divided into two groups presented in the
table 2-4.

Table 3 ISUP call control related messages

Message Code Description

ACM 0000 0110 Address Complete Message: A message sent in the backward direction
indicating that all the address signals required for routeing the call to the called
party have been received.
Answer message: A message sent in the backward direction indicating that the call has
ANM 0000 1001 been answered. In semi-automatic working, this message has a supervisory function. In
automatic working, this message is used in conjunction with charging information in
order to start metering the charge to the calling subscriber (see Recommendation Q.28
[2]); and start measurement of call duration for international accounting purposes (see
Recommendation E.260 [3]).

APM 0100 0001 Application Transport message: A message sent in either direction to convey
application information using the Application Transport mechanism.
CPG 0010 1100 Call Progress message: A message, sent in either direction during the setup or
active phase of the call, indicating that an event, which is of significance, and
should be relayed to the originating or terminating access, has occurred.
CRG 0011 0001 Charge information message: Information sent in either direction for accounting
and/or call charging purposes.
CON 0000 0111 Connect message: A message sent in the backward direction indicating that all
the address signals required for routeing the call to the called party have been
received and that the call has been answered.
FOT 0000 1000 Forward Transfer message: A message sent in the forward direction on
semi-automatic calls when the outgoing international exchange operator wants
the help of an operator at the incoming international exchange. The message will
normally serve to bring an assistance operator (see Recommendation Q.101 [4])
into the circuit if the call is automatically set up at the exchange. When the call is
completed via an operator (incoming or delay operator) at the incoming
international exchange, the message should preferably cause this operator to be
IDR 0011 0110 Identification Request message: A message sent in the backward direction to
request action regarding the malicious call identification supplementary service.
IRS 0011 0111 Identification Response message: A message sent in response to the
identification request message.
INF 0000 0100 Information message: A message sent to convey information in association with
a call, which may have been requested in an information request message.
INR 0000 0011 Information Request message: A message sent by an exchange to request
information in association with a call.
IAM 0000 0001 Initial Address message: A message sent in the forward direction to initiate
seizure of an outgoing circuit and to transmit number and other information
relating to the routeing and handling of a call.

© Nokia Networks Oy 7 (57)

Message Code Description
PAM 0010 1000 Pass-Along Message: A message that may be sent in either direction to transfer
information between two signalling points along the same signalling path as that
used to establish a physical connection between those two points.
PRI 0100 0010 Pre-release Information message: A message to be used with the Release
message for the transport of information where sending of that information in the
Release message itself would cause compatibility problems with ISUP 1992 and
subsequent versions of the ISUP protocol.
REL 0000 1100 Release message: A message sent in either direction to indicate that the circuit
is being released due to the reason (cause) supplied and is ready to be put into
the idle state on receipt of the release complete message. Where the call is to be
redirected the message will also carry the redirection number.
RLC 0001 0000 Release Complete message: A message sent in either direction in response to
the receipt of a release message, or if appropriate to a reset circuit message,
when the circuit concerned has been brought into the idle condition.
RES 0000 1110 Resume message: A message sent in either direction indicating that the calling
or called party, after having been suspended, is reconnected.
SGM 0011 1000 Segmentation Message: A message sent in either direction to convey an
additional segment of the message.
SDM 0100 0011 Subsequent Directory Number message: A message that may be sent in the
forward direction following an Initial Address Message, to convey additional
called party number information, when the called party number in the Initial
Address Message was contained in the Called Directory Number parameter.
SAM 0000 0010 Subsequent Address Message: A message that may be sent in the forward
direction following an initial address message, to convey additional called party
number information.
SUS 0000 1101 Suspend message: A message sent in either direction indicating that the calling
or called party has been temporarily disconnected.
USR 0010 1101 User-to-user information message: A message to be used for the transport of
user-to-user signalling independent of call control messages.

The use of the SCCP messages depends on the SCCP procedure and will be
discussed in the following chapters.

Table 4 ISUP maintenance related messages

Message Code Description

BLO 0001 0011 Blocking message: A message sent only for maintenance purposes to the
exchange at the other end of a circuit, to cause an engaged condition of that circuit
for subsequent calls outgoing from that exchange. When a circuit is used in the
both way mode of operation, an exchange receiving the blocking message must
be capable of accepting incoming calls on the concerned circuit unless it has also
sent a blocking message. Under certain conditions, a blocking message is also a
proper response to a reset circuit message.

Message Code Description

BLA 0001 0101 Blocking Acknowledgement message: A message sent in response to a
blocking message indicating that the circuit has been blocked.
CGB 0001 1000 Circuit Group Blocking message: A message sent to the exchange at the other
end of an identified group of circuits to cause an engaged condition of this group of
circuits for subsequent calls outgoing from that exchange. An exchange receiving
a circuit group blocking message must be able to accept incoming calls on the
group of blocked circuits unless it has also sent a blocking message. Under certain
conditions, a circuit group blocking message is also a proper response to a reset
circuit message.
CGBA 0001 1010 Circuit Group Blocking Acknowledgement message: A message sent in
response to a circuit group blocking message to indicate that the requested group
of circuits has been blocked.
GRS 0001 0111 Circuit Group Reset message: A message sent to release an identified group of
circuits when, due to memory mutilation or other causes, it is unknown whether for
example, a release or release complete message is appropriate for each of the
circuits in the group. If at the receiving end a circuit is remotely blocked, reception
of this message should cause that condition to be removed.
GRA 0010 1001 Circuit Group Reset Acknowledgement message: A message sent in response
to a circuit group reset message and indicating that the requested group of circuits
has been reset. The message also indicates the maintenance blocking state of
each circuit.
CGU 0001 1001 Circuit Group Unblocking message: A message sent to the exchange at the
other end of an identified group of circuits to cause cancellation in that group of
circuits of an engaged condition invoked earlier by a blocking or circuit group
blocking message.
CGUA 0001 1011 Circuit Group Unblocking Acknowledgement message: A message sent in
response to a circuit group unblocking message to indicate that the requested
group of circuits has been unblocked.
CQM 0010 1010 Circuit group Query Message: A message sent on a routine or demand basis to
request the far-end exchange to give the state of all circuits in a particular range.

CQR 0010 1011 Circuit group Query Response message: A message sent in response to a
circuit group query message to indicate the state of all circuits in a particular range.
CFN 0010 1111 Confusion message: A message sent in response to any message (other than a
confusion message) if the exchange does not recognize the message or detects a
part of the message as being unrecognised.
COT 0000 0101 Continuity message: A message sent in the forward direction indicating whether
or not there is continuity on the preceding circuit(s) as well as of the selected
circuit to the following exchange, including verification of the communication path
across the exchange with the specified degree of reliability.
CCR 0001 0001 Continuity Check Request message: A message sent by an exchange for a
circuit on which a continuity check is to be performed, to the exchange at the other
end of the circuit, requesting continuity checking equipment to be attached.
FAA 0010 0000 Facility Accepted message: A message sent in response to a facility request
message indicating that the requested facility has been invoked.
FAC 0011 0011 Facility message: A message sent in either direction at any phase of the call to
request an action at another exchange. The message is also used to carry the
results, error or rejection of a previously requested action.

© Nokia Networks Oy 9 (57)

Message Code Description
FRJ 0010 0001 Facility Reject message: A message sent in response to a facility request
message to indicate that the facility request has been rejected.
FAR 0001 1111 Facility Request message: A message sent from an exchange to another
exchange to request activation of a facility.
LPA 0010 0100 Loop back Acknowledgement message: A message sent in the backward
direction in response to a continuity check request message indicating that a loop
(or transceiver in the case of a 2-wire circuit) has been connected.
LOP 0100 0000 Loop Prevention message: A message sent to convey information required by
the ECT supplementary service.
NRM 0011 0010 Network Resource Management message: A message sent in order to modify
network resources associated with a certain call. The message is sent along an
established path in any direction in any phase of the call.
OLM 0011 0000 Overload Message: A message sent in the backward direction, on non-priority
calls in response to an IAM, to invoke temporary trunk blocking of the circuit
concerned when the exchange generating the message is subject to load control.
RSC 0001 0010 Reset Circuit message: A message sent to release a circuit when, due to
memory mutilation or other causes, it is unknown whether for example, a release
or a release complete message is appropriate. If, at the receiving end, the circuit is
remotely blocked, reception of this message should cause that condition to be

UBL 0001 0100 Unblocking message: A message sent to the exchange at the other end of a
circuit to cancel, in that exchange, the engaged condition of the circuit caused by a
previously sent blocking or circuit group blocking message.
UBA 0001 0110 Unblocking Acknowledgement Message: A message sent in response to an
unblocking message indicating that the circuit has been unblocked.
UCIC 0010 1110 Unequipped Circuit Identification Code message: A message sent from one
exchange to another when it receives an unequipped circuit identification code.
UPA 0011 0101 User Part Available message: A message sent in either direction as a response
to a user part test message, to indicate that the user part is available.
UPT 0011 0100 User Part Test message: A message sent in either direction to test the status of a
user part marked as unavailable for a signalling point.

The use of the SCCP messages depends on the SCCP procedure and will be
discussed in the following chapters.

4 ISUP message format Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

The ISUP messages are conveyed in the SIF field of MSU of the
MTP3/MTP3b. In the Service Information Octet (SIO), the service indicator for
the ISUP is coded 0101.
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The ASN1 format
ISUP messages use the ASN1 format. Any message in this format, depending on
the type of message, can contain different parameters. Each parameter has this
structure: parameter code, parameter length and parameter contents

Order of octet
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 transmission

Message type code

Mandatory parameter A
fixed part
Mandatory parameter F
Pointer to parameter M

Pointer to parameter P
Pointer to start of optional part
Length indicator of parameter M
variable part
Parameter M

Length indicator of parameter P

Parameter P

Parameter name = X
Length indicator of parameter X

Parameter X

Optional part
Parameter name = Z
Length indicator of parameter Z

Parameter Z
End of optional parameters

Figure 1 General ASN1 message format

© Nokia Networks Oy 11 (57)

The message example in Figure 1 has these types of parameters:
• mandatory parameters with fixed length of contents
• mandatory parameters with contents of variable length
• optional parameters, which may or may not be sent in the message and
may be of variable length
This structure results in a logical division of the ISUP messages into these parts:
• routing label
• circuit identification code (CIC)
• message type code
• mandatory fixed part
• mandatory variable part
• optional part, which can contain fixed length and variable length fields.
The routing label format is described in 2.2 Q.704 (see MTP training
document). The SLS field is set to the four least significant bits of the CIC.
The Circuit Identification Code format shown at the Figure 2.

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
CIC (least significant bits) LSB
Spare CIC (most significant bits) MSB

Figure 2 CIC format

The allocation of CIC codes to individual circuits is determined by bilateral

agreement and/or in accordance with applicable predetermined rules.
• For international applications, the four spare bits of the circuit
identification field are reserved for CIC extension, provided that bilateral
agreement is obtained before any increase in size is performed.
• For national applications, the four spare bits can be used as required.
• For circuits that are derived from a 2048 kbit/s digital path, CIC contains
a binary representation of the actual number of the time slot that is
assigned to the communication path in the five least significant bits.
• The remaining CIC bits are used as necessary to identify these circuits
uniquely among all other circuits of other systems interconnecting an
originating and a destination point.
A recommended CIC allocation for 2Mb PCM is shown in Table 5

Table 5 Recommended allocation of CIC for 2Mb PCM

0000000 Circuit 1
0000001 Circuit 2
· ·
· ·
· ·
0011111 Circuit 32
0100000 Circuit 33
· ·
· ·
· ·
1111110 Circuit 127
1111111 Circuit 128

The parameters of a mandatory fixed part are required; they occur in a fixed
order and have fixed lengths. Therefore, they do not identify the parameter
name or the parameter length. They have only the parameter contents called the
parameter variable.
The parameters of a mandatory variable part also occur in a fixed order; this
means that they do not need a parameter code. However, they have a variable
length of the variable part and a parameter length field in them.
To point to the parameters in the mandatory fixed part, there are pointers to
each mandatory variable parameter. The pointer contains the count of bytes
between itself and the beginning of the variable parameter.
The optional part has optional parameters. The parameters have to identify
themselves with parameter code, specify their length, and specify their
variables. To mark the beginning of the optional part, the end of the mandatory
fixed part has a pointer .
The end of optional parameters is marked with the code, "End of optional
parameters, coded as "00h". If no optional parameter is present the “end of
optional parameters” is not transmitted.

© Nokia Networks Oy 13 (57)

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5 Call-related ISUP signalling procedures

5.1 Successful call setup – en block operation

Figure 3 shows the normal call setup procedure.

Figure 3 Normal ISUP call setup/release

At the originating exchange

When the originating exchange has received the complete selection information
from the calling party and has determined that the call is to be routed to another
exchange, selection of a suitable, free, inter-exchange circuit takes place and an
initial address message is sent to the succeeding exchange.

In addition, in the case of a subscriber with digital access, the set-up message
contains bearer capability information which is analysed by the originating
exchange to determine the correct connection type and network signalling
capability. The bearer capability information will be mapped into the user
service information parameter of the initial address message.
The initial address message in principle contains all the information that is
required to route the call to the destination exchange and connect the call to the
called party.
All initial address messages will include a protocol control indicator (in the
forward call indicator parameter) and a transmission medium requirement
The originating exchange will set the parameters in the protocol control
indicator and in the ISDN-User Part preference indicator to indicate:
• the type of end-to-end method that can be accommodated
• the availability of Signalling System No. 7 signalling;
• the use of the ISDN-User Part;
• network signalling capability required, e.g. ISDN-User Part required all
the way.
The ISDN-User Part preference indicator is set according to the bearer
service, teleservice and supplementary service(s) requested. The exact setting
depends on the service demand conditions and may be different depending on
individual cases. The indicator is set to either "required" or "preferred", or "not
required", according to the most stringent condition required by one or more of
the parameters in the initial address message.
The nature of connection indicators are set appropriately based on the
characteristics of the selected outgoing circuit.
The transmission medium requirement parameter contains the connection type
required information, e.g. 3.1 kHz audio.
The originating exchange may also include in the initial address message:
• a call reference (including the point code of the originating exchange) to
enable the destination exchange to establish an end-to-end connection;
• the calling party number if this is to be passed forward without being
requested. The calling party number could contain Code 11 or 12 if the
call is from an international operator;
• an SCCP connection request parameter and
• other information related to supplementary services and network utilities.
The initial address message can contain an access transport parameter. The
structure of an IAM is shown in Table 6.

© Nokia Networks Oy 15 (57)

Table 6. IAM message structure

Parameter Type Length Description

Message type F 1 IAM
Nature of connection indicators F 1 Satellite connection included/not included, Continuity check
required/not required, echo control device included/not
Forward call indicators F 2 Call national/international, end-to-end method indicator, CCS7
interworking indicator, end-to-end information availability,
ISDN user part use indicator, ISUP preference indicator, ISDN
access indicator, SCCP method indicator.
Calling party's category F 1 Ordinary, payphone, priority, operator language.
Transmission medium F 1 Speech, 3.1 kHz audio, 64 kbit/s, Nx64kbit/s, 1920 kbit/s, 1536
requirement kbit/s etc.
Called party number (Note 2) V 4-? Information to identify the calling party
Transit network selection (national O 4-? Information sent in the initial address message indicating the transit
use) network requested to be used in the call.
Call reference (national use) O 7 Circuit independent information identifying a particular call.
Calling party number (Note 2) O 4-? Information sent in the forward direction to identify the calling party.
Optional forward call indicators O 3 Information relating to the characteristics of the connection,
signalling path and called party sent in the forward direction.
Redirecting number (Note 2) O 4-? Information sent in the forward direction when a call is diverted,
indicating the number from which the call was diverted.
Redirection information O 3-4 Information sent in either direction giving information about call
redirection or call rerouting.
Closed user group interlock code O 6 Information uniquely identifying a closed user group within a
Connection request O 7-9 Information sent in the forward direction on behalf of the signalling
connection control part requesting the establishment of an
end-to-end connection.
Original called number (Note 2) O 4-? Information sent in the forward direction when a call is redirected
and identifies the original called party.
User-to-user information O 3-131 Information generated by a user and transferred transparently
through the inter exchange network between the originating and
terminating local exchanges.
Access transport O 3-? Information generated on the access side of a call and transferred
transparently in either direction between originating and terminating
local exchanges. The information is significant to both users and
local exchanges.
User service information O 4-13 Information sent in the forward direction indicating the bearer
capability requested by the calling party.
User-to-user indicators O 3 Information sent in association with a request (or response to a
request) for user-to-user signalling supplementary service(s).

Parameter Type Length Description

Generic number (Notes 1 and 2) O 5-? Number information sent in either direction to enhance network
operation or for supplementary services.
Propagation delay counter O 4 Information sent in forward direction to indicate the propagation
delay of a connection. This information is accumulated whilst the
parameter is transferred through the network. The propagation
delay information is represented by a counter counting in integer
multiples of 1 ms.
User service information prime O 4-13 Information sent in the forward direction indicating the additional
bearer capability requested by the calling party.
Network specific facility (national O 4-? Service related information transparently transferred in either
use) direction between the local exchange and the identified network
which contracts the service. The information is significant to both
user and the identified network
Generic digit (national use) (Note O 4-? Digit information, which is not suitable to be sent within numbering
1) address parameter, sent in either direction to convey information
between exchanges due to supplementary service.
Origination ISC point code O 4 Information sent in the initial address message of an international
call, indicating the point code of the originating ISC (international
switching center)
User teleservice information O 4-5 Information sent in the initial address message indicating the Higher
Layer Compatibility information requested by the calling party.
Remote operations (national use) O 8-? The Remote Operations parameter is used to indicate the
invocation of a supplementary service identified by an operation
value and also carry the result or error indications depending on the
outcome of the operation.
Parameter compatibility O 4-? Information sent in either direction indicating how an exchange
information should react in case the parameter is unrecognised.
Generic notification indicator O 3 Information sent in either direction intended to provide
(Note 1) supplementary service notification to a user.
Service activation O 3-? Information sent in either direction to indicate the invocation,
acceptance or rejection of supplementary services, when no service
associated parameter is to be sent.
Generic reference (reserved ) O 5-? not used in the 1997 and subsequent versions of the ISUP
MLPP precedence O 8 Information relating specifically to the multilevel precedence and
pre-emption service.
Transmission medium O 3 Information sent in the forward direction indicating the fallback
requirement prime connection type in case of fallback.
Location number (Note 2) O 4-? Information sent to identify the geographical area (e.g. region,
country, city, etc.) of the origin of a call. It is primarily intended to
provide services for mobile originated calls.
Forward GVNS O 5-26 Information sent in the forward direction used for a GVNS (global
virtual network service) call to convey GVNS related information.
CCSS O 3-? Information sent in an initial address message indicating that a call
is a CCBS or a CCNR call as defined in the CCBS or CCNR
supplementary service.

© Nokia Networks Oy 17 (57)

Parameter Type Length Description
Network management controls O 3-? Information sent in the forward direction concerning network
management related action for a call.
Circuit assignment map O 6-7 Information sent in the forward direction to identify the circuits used
for an N × 64 kbit/s connection.
Correlation id O 3-? Information used by the SCF (service control function) for
correlation with a previous connection.
Call diversion treatment indicators O 3-? Information sent in the forward direction concerning treatment of
call diversion.
Called IN number (Note 2) O 4-? Information indicating the number which was received in the SSP
as called party number in IAM and SAM messages.
Call offering treatment indicators O 3-? Information sent in the forward direction concerning treatment of
call offering.
Conference treatment indicators O 3-? Information sent in both directions concerning treatment of a
multi-party call.
SCF id O 3-? Information indicating the SCF identifier.
UID capability indicators O 3-? Information sent in the forward direction to inform succeeding
exchanges that on request a user interactive dialogue is possible.
Echo control information O 3 Indicators used to request activation and deactivation of echo
control devices, and to respond to such requests.
Hop counter O 3 Information sent in the forward direction to minimize the impact of
looping. The initial count determines the maximum number of
contiguous ISUP interexchange circuits that are allowed to
complete the call, assuming all subsequent intermediate exchanges
decrement the hop counter.
Collect call request O 3 Information sent in the forward direction indicating whether or not a
call is a collect call.
End of optional parameters O 1 The end of optional parameters field indicates that there are no
more optional parameters in the message.

• The address information sending sequence is as follows:

− On international calls: Country code followed by national
(significant) number
− On national connections: the subscriber number or the national
(significant) number as required by the Administration concerned.
The end-of-pulsing (ST) signal is used whenever the originating exchange is in
a position to know by digit analysis that the final digit has been sent.

Completion of transmission path

Through-connection of the transmission path will be completed in the backward
direction (the transmission path is completed in the forward direction on receipt
of a connect or answer message) at the originating exchange immediately after

the sending of the initial address message, except in those cases where
conditions on the outgoing circuit prevent it.
It is also acceptable that on speech or 3.1 kHz audio calls, through-connection
of the transmission path will be completed in both directions immediately after
the initial address message has been sent, except in those cases where
conditions on the outgoing circuit prevent it.

Network protection timer

When the originating exchange sends the IAM, the awaiting address complete
timer (T7) is started. If timer (T7) expires, the connection is released and an
indication is returned to the calling subscriber.

At intermediate exchanges

The intermediate exchanges analyse the IAM messages received, select a circuit
in the forward direction, and modify and forward the IAM to establish
connection on that lap of the call path.
An intermediate national exchange may modify signalling information received
from the preceding exchange according to the capabilities used on the outgoing
route. Signalling information that may be changed is nature of connection
indicator and propagation delay counter. Other signalling information is passed
on transparently, e.g. the access transport parameter, user service information,
etc. The order of information elements carried in the access transport parameter
received from the incoming exchange shall be retained.
The outgoing international exchange must ensure that the transmission medium
requirement parameter is set according to the service requested by the customer.
More specifically this parameter is carried unchanged within the international
The satellite indicator in the nature of connection parameter should be
incremented if the selected outgoing circuit is a satellite circuit. Otherwise, the
indicator is passed on unchanged.

Completion of transmission path

Through-connection of the transmission path in both directions will be
completed at an intermediate national exchange immediately after the initial
address message has been sent, except in those cases where conditions on the
outgoing circuit prevent it.
Network protection timer
When an outgoing international exchange sends the IAM, the awaiting address
complete timer (T7) is started. If timer (T7) expires, the connection is released
and an indication is returned to the calling subscriber.

© Nokia Networks Oy 19 (57)

At the destination exchange

Upon receipt of an initial address message the destination exchange will analyse
the called party number to determine to which party the call should be
connected. It will also check the called party's line condition and perform
various checks to verify whether or not the connection is allowed. These checks
will include correspondence of compatibility checks, e.g. checks associated with
supplementary services.
In this case where the connection is allowed, the destination exchange will set
up a connection to the called party. If a continuity check has to be performed on
one or more of the circuits involved in a connection, setting up of the
connection to the called party must be prevented until the continuity of such
circuits has been verified.
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

Address complete message

An address complete message (table 7) will be sent from the destination

exchange as soon as it has been determined that the complete called party
number has been received, or an indication received from the called party that
an in-band tone is being connected. However there is no direct mapping from
alerting, received from the access signalling system, to address complete in the
network. In the case that the continuity check is performed the destination
exchange will withhold sending the address complete message until a successful
continuity indication has been received.

Table 8 Address complete message

Parameter Type Length octets

Message type F 1
Backward call indicators F 2
Optional backward call indicators O 3
Call reference (national use) O 7
Cause indicators O 4-?
User-to-user indicators O 3
User-to-user information O 3-131
Access transport O 3-?
Generic notification indicator (Note 1) O 3
Transmission medium used O 3
Echo control information O 3
Access delivery information O 3
Redirection number (Note 2) O 4-?

Parameter Type Length octets

Parameter compatibility information O 4-?
Call diversion information O 3
Network specific facility (national use) O 4-?
Remote operation (national use) O 8-?
Service activation O 3-?
Redirection number restriction O 3
Conference treatment indicators O 3-?
UID action indicators O 3-?
Application transport parameter (Note 3) O 5-?
CCNR possible indicator O 3
HTR information O 4-?
Pivot routing backward information O 3-?
Redirect status (national use) O 3
End of optional parameters O 1
Note 1 – parameter may be repeated
Note 2 - peer-to-peer interworking with a pre-1997 version of ISUP
may result in format errors and lead to the release of the call.
Note 3 - the message may contain one or more application transport
parameters referring to different application context identifiers.

At the intermediate exchange

Upon receipt of an address complete message an intermediate national or

international exchange will send the corresponding address complete message
to the preceding exchange, and if this is the exchange controlling charging, the
awaiting answer timer T9 is started. If timer (T9) expires, the connection is
released and an indication is sent to the calling subscriber.

At the originating exchange

Upon receipt of an ACM with the called line status indicator set to "subscriber
free", an alerting indication is passed to the calling party, if possible.
Upon receipt of an ACM, the awaiting Address Complete timer (T7) is stopped
and the Awaiting Answer timer (T9) is started. If timer (T9) expires, the
connection is released and an indication is sent to the calling subscriber.
If the connect message is received, the awaiting address complete timer (T7) is

© Nokia Networks Oy 21 (57)

No state change occurs upon receipt of a call progress message at the
originating exchange, an appropriate indication is sent to the calling user. If the
call progress message contained information carried in the access transport
parameter, it is transferred unaltered into the indication returned to the calling

At the destination exchange

Regardless of whether tones are to be provided or not, the destination exchange

will through-connect after the receipt of the connection indication from the
called party and before sending the Connect message to the preceding exchange.
If the destination exchange does not send the awaiting answer indication
because the destination user provides for the sending of tones, the destination
exchange will through-connect the transmission path in the backward direction
upon receipt of the progress indication.
The destination exchange sends the awaiting answer indication if the call type is
speech and the called party does not provide the tone.

Call progress message

The call progress message (Table 9) is sent (only after the address complete
message) from an exchange in the backward direction indicating that an event
has occurred during call set-up which should be relayed to the calling party.

Table 10 Call progress message

Parameter Type Length octets

Message type F 1
Event information F 1
Cause indicators O 4-?
Call reference (national use) O 7
Backward call indicators O 4
Optional backward call indicators O 3
Access transport O 3-?
User-to-user indicators O 3
User-to-user information O 3-131
Generic notification indicator (Note 1) O 3
Transmission medium used O 3
Access delivery information O 3

Parameter Type Length octets

Parameter compatibility information O 4-?
Call diversion information O 3
Service activation O 3-?
Redirection number restriction O 3
Call transfer number (Note 2) O 4-?
Echo control information O 3
Connected number (Note 2) O 4-?
Backward GVNS O 3-?
Generic number (Note 1 and 2) O 5-?
Call history information O 4
Conference treatment indicators O 3-?
UID action indicators O 3-?
Application transport parameters (Note 3) O 5-?
CCNR possible indicator O 3
Pivot routing backward information O 3-?
Redirect status O 3
End of optional parameters O 1
Note 1 – parameter may be repeated
Note 2 - peer-to-peer interworking with a pre-1997 version of ISUP
may result in format errors and lead to the release of the call.
Note 3 - the message may contain one or more application transport
parameters referring to different application context identifiers.

If the call progress message would exceed the 272 octet limit for Message
Transfer Part transfer, it shall be segmented by use of the segmentation
The call progress message is sent from the destination exchange if the address
complete message has been sent and subsequently:
• an indication is received that the called party is being alerted, the call
progress message contains an event indicator that is set to "alerting";
• a progress indication is received from the called party, the call progress
message contains an event indicator that is set to "progress".
On receipt of a call progress message at the originating exchange, no state
change occurs, and the appropriate indication is sent to the calling user. If the
call progress message contained information carried in the access transport
parameter, it is transferred unaltered into the indication returned to the calling

© Nokia Networks Oy 23 (57)

Figure 4 Call forwarding case
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

5.2 Answer and release procedures

At the destination exchange

When the called party answers, the destination exchange connects through the
transmission path and the ringing tone is removed, if applicable. An answer
message (Table 11) to the preceding exchange is sent. If the destination
exchange is the exchange controlling charging, charging may begin.

Table 12 Answer message

Parameter Type Length octets

Message type F 1
Backward call indicators O 4
Optional backward call indicators O 3

Parameter Type Length octets

Call reference (national use) O 7
User-to-user indicators O 3
User-to-user information O 3-131
Connected number (Note 2) O 4-?
Access transport O 3-?
Access delivery information O 3
Generic notification indicator (Note 1) O 3
Parameter compatibility information O 4-?
Backward GVNS O 3-?
Call history information O 4
Generic number (Note 1 and 2) O 5-?
Transmission medium used O 3
Network specific facility (national use) O 4-?
Remote operations (national use) O 8-?
Redirection number (Note 2) O 5-?
Service activation O 3-?
Echo control information O 3
Redirection number restriction O 3
Display information O 3-?
Conference treatment indicators O 3-?
Application transport parameters (Note 3) O 5-?
Pivot routing backward information O 3-?
Redirect status O 3
End of optional parameters O 1
Note 1 – parameter may be repeated
Note 2 - peer-to-peer interworking with a pre-1997 version of ISUP
may result in format errors and lead to the release of the call.
Note 3 - the message may contain one or more application transport
parameters referring to different application context identifiers.

When connections are set up to terminals having an automatic answer feature,

the alerting indication may not be received from the called party. If a destination
exchange receives an answer indication an answer message is sent provided that
an address complete message has been sent, otherwise the connect message
(Table 13) is sent.

© Nokia Networks Oy 25 (57)

Table 14 Connect message

Parameter Type Length octets

Message type F 1
Backward call indicators O 4
Optional backward call indicators O 3
Backward GVNS O 3-?
Connected number (Note 2) O 4-?
Call reference (national use) O 7
User-to-user indicators O 3
User-to-user information O 3-131
Access transport O 3-?
Network specific facility (national use) O 4-?
Generic notification indicator (Note 1) O 3
Remote operations (national use) O 8-?
Transmission medium used O 3
Echo control information O 3
Access delivery information O 3
Call history information O 4
Parameter compatibility information O 4-?
Service activation O 3-?
Generic number (Note 1 and 2) O 5-?
Redirection number restriction O 3
Conference treatment indicators O 3-?
Application transport parameters (Note 3) O 5-?
HTR information O 4-?
Pivot routing backward information O 3-?
Redirect status O 3
End of optional parameters O 1
Note 1 – parameter may be repeated
Note 2 - peer-to-peer interworking with a pre-1997 version of ISUP
may result in format errors and lead to the release of the call.
Note 3 - the message may contain one or more application transport
parameters referring to different application context identifiers.

Connect messages may be received by DX200 elements, but not generated or
transmitted by them.

At intermediate exchanges

Upon receipt of an answer message, an intermediate exchange sends the

corresponding answer message to the preceding exchange and, if this is the
exchange controlling charging, charging begins, and timer (T9) is stopped.
If a connect message is received at an intermediate exchange instead of an
address complete message, a connect message will be sent to the preceding

At the originating exchange

When the originating exchange receives an answer message indicating the

required connection has been completed, the transmission path is connected
through in the forward direction. The Awaiting Answer timer (T9) is stopped. If
the originating exchange is the exchange controlling charging, charging may

Release message

Call release procedures are based on a two-message (release, release complete)

approach whereby the release message initiates release of the circuit-switched
The network uses the same procedures regardless of whether they are initiated
by the calling party, the called party, or the network.

At the originating exchange

Upon receipt of a request to release the call from the calling party, the
originating exchange immediately starts the release of the switched path. A
release message is sent to the succeeding exchange and timers T1 and T5
are started to ensure that a release complete message is received from the
succeeding exchange.
The message structure for Release and Release Complete messages are
shown in Table 15 and Table 16, respectively. As indicated, Cause indicator
is a mandatory parameter in Release, while Release Complete defines it as
the only parameter, which is also optional.

Table 15 Release message

Parameter Type Length


© Nokia Networks Oy 27 (57)

Message type F 1
Cause indicators V 3-?
Redirection information (national use) O 3-4
Redirection number (national use) (Note) O 5-?
Access transport O 3-?
Signalling point code (national use) O 4
User-to-user information O 3-131
Automatic congestion level O 3
Network specific facility (national use) O 4-?
Access delivery information O 3
Parameter compatibility information O 4-?
User-to-user indicators O 3
Display information O 3-?
Remote operations (national use) O 8-?
HTR information O 4-?
Redirect counter (national use) O 3
Redirect backward information (national use) O 3-?
End of optional parameters O 1
Note – Peer-to-peer interworking with a pre-1997 version of ISUP may
result in format errors and lead to the release of the call.

Table 16. Message type: Release Complete

Parameter Type Length

Message type F 1
Cause indicators O 5-6
End of optional parameters O 1

At intermediate exchanges

Upon receipt of a release message from the preceding exchange, an

intermediate exchange immediately starts the release of the switched path.
When the circuit is re-selectable, a release complete message is returned to
the preceding exchange.

Concurrent with the start of the release of the switched path, a release
message is sent to the succeeding exchange. Timers T1 and T5 are started to
ensure that a release complete message is received from the succeeding

At the destination exchange

Upon receipt of a release message from the preceding exchange, the

destination exchange starts the release of the switched path. When the
circuit is ready for re-selection, a release complete message is returned to
the preceding exchange.
Charging (national use)
Charging is stopped upon receipt of the release message at the charging
exchange or upon receipt of a request to release the call from the calling
party when the charging exchange is the originating exchange.
Collision of release messages
When two points in the connection both initiate the release of a call, a
release message is received at an exchange from a succeeding or preceding
exchange after the release of the switched path is initiated and after sending
a release message to the adjacent exchange. In this case, the exchange
returns a release complete message to the exchange from which the
concerned release message was received. The release complete message is
sent only after the switch path has been released. The exchange will make
the circuit available for new calls when both a release complete message
corresponding to the sent release message is received and a release
complete message corresponding to the received release message is sent.

© Nokia Networks Oy 29 (57)

5.3 Successful call setup – overlap operation

Figure 5 Successful call setup – overlap operation

The initial and subsequent address messages contain all of the information that is
required to route the call to the destination exchange and connect the call to the called
party. The contents of the initial address message is the same as described in normal
call case. The only purpose of the subsequent address message is to carry further
If the initial address message would exceed the 272 octet limit for Message Transfer
Part transfer, it shall be segmented by use of the segmentation message.
The remaining digits of the number may be sent in subsequent address messages
containing one or several digits as they are received. Efficiency can be gained by
grouping together as many digits as possible. However, to prevent an increase in post
sending delay in those cases where overlap operation with subscribers' dialing is used,
it may be desirable to send the last few digits individually.

5.4 ISUP segmentation

The segmentation procedure uses the segmentation message to convey an
additional segment of an over-length message (see Figure ). Any message
containing either the optional forward or backward call indicators can be
segmented using this method. This procedure provides a mechanism for the
transfer of certain messages whose contents are longer than 272 octets but not
longer than 544 octets.

Figure 6 ISUP segmentation message

The procedure is as follows:

• The sending exchange, on detecting that the message to be sent exceeds
the 272 octet limit of the Message Transfer Part, can reduce the message
length by sending some parameters in a segmentation message sent
immediately following the message containing the first segment.
NOTE − The threshold for the initiation of the simple segmentation procedure
may alternatively depend on network characteristics. The value of this threshold
may vary per traffic relation depending on the typical network configuration
and interconnection arrangements.

© Nokia Networks Oy 31 (57)

• The parameters that may be sent in the second segment using the
segmentation message are: the user-to-user information, generic digit,
generic notification, generic number and access transport parameters. If
the user-to-user information and access transport parameters cannot be
carried in the original message and the two together do not fit in the
segmentation message, the user-to-user information parameter is
• The sending exchange sets the Simple Segmentation Indicator in the
optional forward or backward call indicators to indicate that additional
information is available.
• When a message is received, at a local exchange, with the Simple
Segmentation Indicator set to indicate additional information is available,
the exchange starts timer T34 to await the segmentation message. This
action may also take place at incoming or outgoing international
exchanges if policing of information is required.
• When the segmentation message is received timer T34 is stopped and the
call continues.
NOTE - In case any other message except the ones listed below is received
before the segmentation message containing the second segment the exchange
should react as if the second segment is lost, i.e. the timer T34 is stopped and
the call continues:
• Continuity;
• Blocking;
• Blocking acknowledgement;
• Circuit group blocking;
• Circuit group blocking acknowledgement;
• Unblocking;
• Unblocking acknowledgement;
• Circuit group unblocking;
• Circuit group unblocking acknowledgement;
• Circuit group query;
• Circuit group query response.
After expiry of timer T34 the call shall proceed and a received segmentation
message containing the second segment of a segmented message is discarded.
At an incoming or outgoing international exchange, when following the simple
segmentation procedure, it is possible that the exchange has to reassemble an
incoming message and subsequently re-segment it for onward transmission. In
this case it has to be ensured that any unrecognised parameters received in the
first or second segment are transmitted in the first, or second, segment
respectively, when the passing of the parameter is required by the compatibility

Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

5.5 Special ISUP messages

Information messages
The structure of an information message is shown in the table 17.

Requesting information (national use)

An information request message is sent to any exchange in the
forward/backward call establishment direction. This may be after
sending/receiving an IAM but before routing is completed. For example, when
the ACM or Connect message is generated at the destination exchange or
received by the intermediate or originating exchange. The structure of an
information request message is shown in the table 18.

Table 19 Information (national use)

Parameter Type Length

Message type F 1
Information indicators F 2
Calling party's category O 3
Calling party number (Note) O 4-?
Call reference O 7
Connection request O 7-9
Parameter compatibility information O 4-?
Network specific facility O 4-?
End of optional parameters O 1
NOTE – Peer-to-peer interworking with an earlier version of ISUP may result in
format errors and lead to the release of the call.

Table 20 Information request message (national use)

Parameter Type Length

Message type F 1
Information request indicators F 2
Call reference (national use) O 7
Network specific facility O 4-?
Parameter compatibility information O 4-?
End of optional parameters O 1

© Nokia Networks Oy 33 (57)

Sending solicited information (national use)
When an information request message is sent, a timer (T33) is started.
Subsequent information request messages are not sent in the same direction
until a response information message is received. The value of this timer (T33)
is 12 to 15 seconds to allow for a cascade of information request messages. The
response information message is sent as follows:
• If all the information requested is available locally, an information
message containing all the required information is sent in response.
• If all the information is not available locally, but may be available
remotely, an information request message is sent to a subsequent
exchange in the connection in an attempt to extract the information. This
information request message is delayed if one has already been sent and
the response not yet received. Upon receipt of a response, all the
information necessary to respond to the original information message is
sent in an information message.
• If all the information is not available locally or remotely, an information
message containing only the available information is sent and the
requested information is indicated as "not available".
• Upon receipt of an information message timer, T33 is stopped. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

5.6 Charging
Normal charging begins after receipt of Answer Message, and ends with
Release Complete or Release message. The A Party is charged, unless a toll-free
number is called. Charging could also be initiated by sending an Identification
request message, and receiving the charged party identification parameter in the
Identification response message. The format of the parameter is national-
specific and is similar to the format of the corresponding INAP parameter in the
"Furnish_Charging_Information" operation.
Charging indicators present in the backward call indicator parameter of ACM,
ANM, CPG, CON messages indicate if the call is to be charged or not to be
charged. Unless there is bilateral agreement, the decision to charge a call or not,
or to start international accounting, is not decided upon reception of Charging

Call collect request procedure (Implemented from M9)

During call set-up, a calling party may invoke an operator service to request that
a call be charged to a called party.
The IAM is sent beyond the exchange providing the operator service and
includes the collect call request parameter coded to indicate "collect call

requested". On receiving it, a terminating network takes actions as it considers

appropriate to avoid the problem of uncollectable charges.
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
The CRG Message (national use)
The CRG message is sent or received for accounting and/or call charging
purposes. The CRG message format is as shown in Table 21:

Table 21. Charging message (national use)

Parameter Type
Message type: F
Charge Band Number O
Charge Unit Number O
Current Charging Information O
Next Charging Information O
Message Compatibility Information O
End of Optional Parameters O

The Charge Band Number is the same as the Charging Zone in DX200. The
Charging Zones are fixed and nation-specific, defined by the concerned telecom
authority. For accounting purposes, the charges for this call are incremented in
the corresponding Charge Zone counters.
The Charge Unit Number specifies the number of units by which the incoming
accounting Zone Counter is to be incremented.
The Current Charging Information and Next Charging Information parameters
are used to show the charges of the call. Generally only one of these parameters
is used. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

5.7 Tones and announcements

Tones and announcements are applicable for the following transmission
medium requirements:
• speech;
• 3.1 kHz audio; and
• 64 kbit/s unrestricted preferred.
If a call set-up fails and no in-band tone or announcement has to be returned to
the calling party from an exchange succeeding the controlling exchange, this
exchange sends a release message to the controlling exchange. The cause value

© Nokia Networks Oy 35 (57)

reflects the same reason for the call failure as would be the controlling
If a call set-up fails and an in-band tone or announcement has to be returned to
the calling party from an exchange or called party, the exchange or user
concerned connects the in-band tone or announcement to the transmission path.
When a time-out occurs at the exchange providing the in-band tone or
announcement, the exchange sends a release message to the preceding exchange
with cause value #31 (normal unspecified).
When a special tone or announcement has to be applied due to an event known
only by a certain exchange and not covered by a cause value, no cause
parameter is included in either the address complete or call progress messages.
An answer message is not sent in this case.

Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

6 ISUP network features

This section addresses the following network features:

• Automatic repeat attempt
• Blocking and unblocking of circuits and circuit groups
• Circuit group query (national use) Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

6.1 Automatic repeat attempt

Automatic repeat attempt is provided in Signalling System No. 7. Automatic
repeat attempts are made
• upon detection of dual seizure (at the non-control exchange)
• upon receipt of the blocking message after sending an address message
and before any backward message has been received
• upon receipt of a reset circuit message after sending an address message
and before a backward message has been received
• upon failure of continuity-check, when a continuity check is performed
• upon receipt of an unreasonable message during call set-up
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6.2 Blocking and unblocking of circuits and circuit

The blocking/unblocking message and the circuit group blocking/unblocking
message are used to remove circuit and circuit groups from use for testing and
maintenance purposes. The maximum number of circuits that can be blocked
with one circuit group blocking is limited to 32.
The result of these messages is the prohibition of non-test calls on these circuits.
Non-test IAM messages result in an abnormal case. Every blocking or
unblocking message is followed by an acknowledgement. The use of circuits for
multi-rate calls or N × 64 kbit/s connection type has no effect on the
blocking/unblocking procedures that are applied on a per-circuit, not per-call
When a circuit is blocked by use of the blocking message, the maintenance
system is informed at both ends of the circuit.

© Nokia Networks Oy 37 (57)

The circuits to be blocked are identified by the CIC. The range of circuits to be
blocked/unblocked is indicated in the range field. The circuits within the range
field to be modified are indicated in the status field. The same rule applies for
the acknowledgements. The message structure for each of the messages is
shown in Table 22 and Table 23.

Table 22. Message structure: Blocking

Message Type: Blocking

Blocking acknowledgement
Continuity check request
Loop back acknowledgement, (national use)
Overload, (national use)
Reset circuit
Unblocking acknowledgement
Unequipped circuit identification code, (national use)
Parameter Type Length
Message type F 1

Table 23. Message structure: Circuit group blocking

Message Type: Circuit group blocking

Circuit group blocking acknowledgement
Circuit group unblocking
Circuit group unblocking acknowledgement
Parameter Type Length
Message type F 1
Circuit group supervision message type F 1
Range and status V 3-34

In the event of a blocking message being received, after an initial address

message has been sent in the opposite direction on that circuit, and before a
backward message relating to that call has been received, an automatic repeat
attempt will be made on another circuit. The exchange receiving the blocking
message releases the original call attempt in the normal manner after sending
the blocking acknowledgement message and will not seize that circuit for
subsequent calls.

Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

6.3 Circuit group query (national use)

The circuit group query test allows an exchange to audit the state of a circuit on
a demand or routine basis. The message structure is shown in Table 24.

Table 24. Message structure: Circuit group query

Message Type: Circuit group reset

Circuit group query (national use)
Parameter Type Length
Message type F 1
Range and status (Note) V 2
Note - the status subfield is not present.

The value N of the range field of the circuit group query message, including
N = 0 for a single circuit, indicates the range to be tested. The maximum value
of N is 31. If that value is exceeded the circuit group query message is
To initiate the circuit group query procedure, the sending exchange sends a
circuit group query message indicating in the routing label and range field of
those circuits to be audited. The “query response” shown in Table 25 is sent in
response to the query message. The format is similar to the query message,
except for the circuit state indicator. If no response to the circuit group query
message is received before timer T28 expires, maintenance systems must be

Table 25. Message Type: Circuit group query response (national use)

Parameter Type Length

Message type F 1
Range and status (Note) V 2
Circuit state indicator V 2-33

Note - the status subfield is not present.

The receiving exchange processes the circuit group query message and returns a
circuit group query response message setting the circuit state indicators to the
state of the circuits being audited.
For the circuit query procedures, the states are classified into four major
categories as follows:

© Nokia Networks Oy 39 (57)

• Unequipped and transient conditions
• Call processing states (idle, circuit incoming/outgoing busy)
• Maintenance blocking states (unblocked, remotely blocked, locally
blocked, locally and remotely blocked)
• Hardware blocking states (unblocked, remotely blocked, locally blocked,
locally and remotely blocked)

An interrogation of circuit states in DX200 is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 Circuit group state interrogation printout in DX 200

Transient maintenance states are those, where the exchange after having sent a
(group) (un)blocking message is awaiting the proper (group) (un)blocking
acknowledgement message from the remote exchange.
The hardware or maintenance "remotely blocked" state refers to the state
marked by the exchange when the far-end exchange initiates blocking. The
maintenance blocking state can coexist with "idle", "circuit incoming busy", or
"circuit outgoing busy" state. The hardware blocking state can only coexist with
the "idle" call processing state, as calls are immediately released when hardware
blocking is invoked.
The hardware or maintenance "locally blocked" state refers to the state marked
by the exchange when it initiated blocking to the far-end exchange and the
proper acknowledgement was received. The maintenance blocking state can

co-exist with "idle", "circuit incoming busy", or "circuit outgoing busy" state.
The hardware blocking state can only co-exist with the "idle" call processing
state, as calls are immediately released when hardware blocking is invoked.
To initiate the circuit group query procedure, the sending exchange sends a
circuit group query message indicating in the routing label and range field those
circuits to be audited. If no response to the circuit group query message is
received before timer T28 expires, maintenance systems should be informed.
The receiving exchange will process the circuit group query message and return
a circuit group query response message setting the circuit state indicators to the
state of the circuits being audited.

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7 Abnormal conditions
The abnormal procedures discussed in this section are:
• Dual Seizure
• Reset of Circuits and Circuit Groups
• Temporary Trunk Blocking
• Unreasonable Signalling Information Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

7.1 Dual seizure

Because Signalling System No. 7 circuits have the capability of both-way
operation, it is possible that the two exchanges will attempt to seize the same
circuit at approximately the same time.

Detection of dual seizure

A dual seizure is detected by an exchange from the fact that it receives an initial
address message for a circuit for which it has sent an initial address message,
but before it receives a valid backwards message.
As a circuit group may handle a mixture of 64 kbit/s, multirate connection types
and N × 64 kbit/s connection type, dual seizure by calls of different connection
types is possible. In this case the initial address messages may have different
circuit identification codes.

Preventive action
Different methods for circuit selection can minimise the occurrence of dual

Method 1
An opposite order of selection is used at each exchange of a both-way circuit

Method 2
Each exchange of a both-way circuit group has priority access to the group of
circuits that it is controlling (Control = X). Of this group, the circuit that has
been released the longest is selected (first-in, first-out). In addition, each
exchange of a both-way circuit group has non-priority access to the group of
circuits that it is non-controlling (Control = Y). Of this group, the latest released
circuit is selected (last-in, first-out) if all circuits in the group are busy.

Method 1 should be used for both-way circuit groups supporting multi-rate

connection types. Either Method 1 or 2 may be used for both-way circuit groups
not supporting multi-rate connection types. Further study is required to
determine the field of application of each method and to ensure that the two
methods inter-work satisfactorily.
Other methods for circuit selection may also be used, provided they give the
same degree of protection against dual seizure when one of the methods
specified is used at the other end.

Action to be taken on detection of dual seizures

In the event of dual seizure, one exchange is the control exchange and the other
the non-control exchange. On detection of a dual seizure, the call being
processed by the control exchange is completed and the received IAM is
disregarded. If the IAM has been segmented using a segmentation message, the
second segment and any following address message(s) are also disregarded.
When this occurs, the call being processed by the control exchange is allowed to
mature. The call being processed by the non-control exchange is backed off and
the switch-path is released. A release message is not sent. The non-control
exchange makes an automatic repeat attempt on the same or on an alternative
The decision of the controlling exchange is based on the logic in the flowchart
shown in Figure 9.
Dual Seizure

For Even Numbered Circuits Is

Control Exchange = Call Multi-rate
Exchange with Higher SPC Connection?

For Odd Numbered Circuits
Control Exchange =
Exchange with lower SPC
Y Are N Divide CIC by
Calls of Different # of Circuits
Connection types? used in call

Even Odd
Control Exchange =
Exchange with Call requiring
Greater Number of Circuits
Control Exchange = Control Exchange =
Exchange with Higher SPC Exchange with lower SPC

Figure 8. Determination of control exchange

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7.2 Circuit and circuit group reset

Reset of circuits

Because circuit status is in memory, there may be occasions when memory

becomes mutilated. When this occurs, the circuits must be reset to the idle
condition at both exchanges to make them available for new traffic. Since the
exchange with the mutilated memory does not know whether the circuits are
idle, busy outgoing, busy incoming, or blocked, reset circuit messages or a
circuit group reset message should be sent as appropriate for the affected
circuits. If only a few circuits are concerned, a reset circuit message is sent for
each affected circuit.
Upon receipt of a reset circuit message, the receiving (unaffected) exchange
accepts the message as a release message and responds by sending a release
complete message, after the circuit has been marked idle. The circuit-reset
procedure is shown in Figure 9.

Reset Circuit

Y Is it Y Release Call.
Any Call Nx64 type On all Circuits by
Ongoing? call? normal Procedure

Release Call.
Is Send Release
Circuit Idle? Complete
Unable to
N Release
Sent Reset Circuit N Sent An
Message Earlier? IAM earlier ? Y
Y Blocking Release Call.
Y Clear The Call Acknowledge? Set Circuit State
N Idle Blocked.
Send Release
Complete to Make An Automatic
Acknowledge Repeat Attempt
on another Circuit Send Blocking Message

Figure 9. Reset of circuits

The affected exchange reconstructs its memory according to the received

response(s) to the reset circuit and responds to the message(s) in the normal
way, with a blocking acknowledgement message in response to a blocking

If no release complete message is received in acknowledgement to the reset

circuit message within 15 to 60 seconds, (T16) the reset circuit message should
be repeated. If an acknowledgement for the message is not received within 5 to
15 minutes (T17) after the initial reset circuit message, the maintenance system
is notified. The sending of the reset circuit message should continue at 5 to 15
minute (T17) intervals until maintenance intervention occurs.

Circuit group reset

If all circuits, or a considerable number of circuits are affected by a memory

mutilation, circuit group reset message(s) are used to make them available for
new traffic.
The maximum number of circuits to be reset with a circuit group reset message
is limited to 32.
Upon receipt of a circuit group reset message, the receiving (unaffected)
exchange restores the circuits to the idle state and responds with a circuit group
reset acknowledgement message in which the status indicator bits of the circuits
available for service or blocked for reasons of hardware failure are coded 0 and
the status indicator bits of all circuits blocked for maintenance reasons are set to
1. Appropriate messages should be sent on interconnected circuits to release
them .

Circuit Group
Reset Message!!!

Restore Circuits
to an Idle State

Already sent a
Y Send Circuit Group
‘Hardware Failure Oriented”
Circuit Group Blocking Blocking Message
Message ?

Received Circuit Group Y

Unblock Circuits and
Blocking Earlier put into Service

Put Circuits into Service

Send Circuit Group Ack.

Figure 10. Circuit group reset procedure

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The affected exchange will reconstruct its memory according to the received
circuit group blocking messages and the received circuit group reset
acknowledgement message.
If no acknowledgement to a circuit group reset message is received within 15 to
60 seconds (T22), the circuit group reset message should be repeated. If an
acknowledgement for the circuit group reset message is not received within 5 to
15 minutes (T23) after sending the initial circuit group reset message, the
maintenance system should be notified. The sending of the circuit group reset
message should continue at 5 to 15 minute (T23) intervals until maintenance
intervention occurs.
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7.3 Unreasonable/unexpected/unrecognised
signalling information
The Message Transfer Part of the signalling system will avoid missequencing,
or double delivery, of messages with a high reliability (ITU-T Q.706 [14]).
However undetected errors at the signalling link level and exchange
malfunctions may produce signalling information messages that are either
ambiguous or inappropriate.
Unreasonable or unexpected signalling information may also be received at an
exchange due to differing levels of signalling protocol enhancements at
different exchanges within a network: an exchange using a more enhanced
version of the protocol may send information to a less enhanced exchange
which is outside the protocol definition supported at that exchange.
The following are message format errors:
• The message length is less than the number of octets required for the
fixed mandatory part, the mandatory variable pointers, and the start of
optional parameters pointer.
• A mandatory variable or start of optional parameter's pointer points
beyond the message length.
• A mandatory variable or optional parameter's length indicator causes the
overall message length to be exceeded.
When a message format error is detected, the message is discarded.

A format error can only be detected when the message is recognised.

An unexpected message is one which contains a message type code that is

within the set supported at this exchange, but is not expected to be received in
the current state of the call. The procedures to handle unexpected messages are
described in details in Rec. Q.764.

Unrecognised messages or parameters

If messages are received without compatibility information and are not
recognized, they are discarded and the confusion message is sent.
When an unrecognised parameter or message is received, the exchange should
find some corresponding instructions contained in the parameter compatibility
information or message compatibility information parameters respectively. The
parameter compatibility information parameter may contain compatibility
instructions for more than one parameter. The message compatibility
information parameter contains the instructions specific for the handling of the
complete message.
A confusion message must not be sent in response to a received confusion,
facility reject, release or release complete message. Any unrecognised
parameters received in a confusion, facility reject or release complete message
are discarded. Any unrecognised mandatory parameter value received in a
confusion or facility reject message will result in the message being discarded.
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Unrecognised parameters
Since mandatory parameters will always be recognised by their location in a
message, unrecognised parameters can only refer to optional parameters.
Depending on the instructions received in the "Parameter Compatibility
Information Parameter", an exchange receiving an unrecognised parameter will
do one of the following:
• transfer the parameter transparently
• discard the parameter
• discard the message
• discard the parameter and send confusion
• discard the message and send confusion
• release the call

The transparent passing of a parameter is only applicable when the signalling is
ISUP'92 or a later version.
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7.4 Temporary Trunk Blocking (TTB) (national use)

TTB is essentially a means of blocking circuits on a route for a predetermined
period, to reduce traffic to an exchange that has invoked load control. Upon

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receipt of an overload message, circuits are removed from service on a per-
circuit basis under delay time-out conditions applied by the unaffected

Non priority call set-up to an exchange subject to load control

Actions at originating exchange

In an originating exchange, calls originating from non-priority class lines will
not set the calling party category parameter field to "subscriber with priority" in
the outgoing initial address message.

Actions at an intermediate or terminating exchange

When an initial address message is received by an exchange which is subject to
load control and the calling party category parameter does not indicate a priority
call, the initial address message is not processed and an overload message is
returned to the preceding exchange.

Actions on receipt of the overload message

At an originating or intermediate exchange, receipt of the overload message
shall cause the following actions:
A timer (T3) is started, value 2 minutes. On expiry of the timer the release
procedure shall be initiated for the circuit concerned. During the overload time-
out period the circuit concerned is not available for traffic from the affected
node to the unaffected node.
The call attempt will be continued on an alternative route if available. If not, the
call will be released in the backward direction with cause value #42 (switching
equipment congestion).

Priority call set-up to an exchange subject to load control

Actions at originating exchange

In an originating exchange, calls originating from priority class lines will set the
calling party category parameter field to "subscriber with priority" in the
outgoing initial address message.

Actions at intermediate or terminating exchange

At an intermediate or terminating exchange where load control has been
invoked, the priority call will override the load control and the call will continue
in its attempt to be set up.

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8 Automatic congestion control

On receipt of congestion indication (contained in MTP status primitives (see
also Rec. Q.704) the ISDN User Part should reduce traffic load (e.g. call
attempts) into the affected destination point code in several steps.


When the first congestion indication is received by the ISDN User Part, the
traffic load into the affected destination point code is reduced by one step. At
the same time two timers T29 and T30 are started. During T29 all received
congestion indications for the same destination point code are ignored in order
not to reduce traffic too rapidly. Reception of a congestion indication after the
expiry of T29, but still during T30, will decrease the traffic load by one more
step and restart T29 and T30. This stepwise reduction of the ISDN User Part
signalling traffic is continued until maximum reduction is obtained by arriving
at the last step. If T30 expires (i.e. no congestion indications having been
received during the T30 period), traffic will be increased by one step and T30
will be restarted unless full traffic load has been resumed (Figure 11).

Figure 11 ISUP user part congestion control

Timers T29 and T30 have the following values:

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• T29 = 300-600 ms;
• T30 = 5-10 s.
The number of steps of traffic reduction and the type and/or amount of
increase/decrease of traffic load at the various steps are considered to be an
implementation matter.
In DX200 two methods defined: international and national. International
method uses timers T29 and T30 and consists of 5 steps of traffic reduction.
National method uses timers Tx and Ty (correspond to T29 and T30) and has
three traffic reduction steps. Settings for these methods can be checked and
modified in the command group ZNM.

Automatic congestion control

Automatic Congestion Control (ACC) is used when an exchange is in an

overload condition (see also ITU-T Q.542). Two levels of congestion are
distinguished, a less severe congestion threshold (congestion level 1) and a
more severe congestion threshold (congestion level 2).
If either of the two congestion thresholds are reached, an automatic congestion
level parameter is added to all release messages generated by the exchange.
This parameter indicates the level of congestion (congestion level 1 or 2) to the
adjacent exchanges. The adjacent exchanges, when receiving a release message
containing an automatic congestion level parameter should reduce their traffic
to the overload affected exchange.
If the overloaded exchange returns to a normal traffic load it will cease
including automatic congestion level parameters in release messages.
The adjacent exchanges then, after a predetermined time, automatically return to
their normal status.

Receipt of a release message containing an automatic congestion level parameter

When an exchange receives a release message containing an automatic

congestion level parameter, the ISDN User Part should pass the appropriate
information to the signalling system-independent network
management/overload control function within the exchange. This information
consists of the received congestion level information and the circuit
identification to which the release message applies.
If the automatic congestion level procedure is not implemented, the automatic
congestion level parameter is not acted upon and discarded as normal.
Automatic congestion level actions are applicable only at exchanges adjacent to
the congested exchange. Therefore, an exchange that receives a release message
containing an automatic congestion level parameter should discard that
parameter after notifying the network management/overload control function.

Actions taken during overload

Whenever an exchange is in an overload state (congestion level 1 or 2), the

signalling system independent-network management/overload control function
will direct the ISDN User Part to include an automatic congestion level
parameter in every release message transmitted by the exchange.
The network management/overload control function will indicate which
congestion level (1 or 2) to code in the automatic congestion level parameter.
When the overload condition has ended the network management/overload
control function will direct the ISDN User Part to cease including automatic
congestion level parameters in the transmitted release messages.

Handling ACC in DX200

Generally ACC is an optional feature of DX200 exchanges. The feature can be

operated using the following MML commands:
• To activate the feature and modify the default conditions for transition
between congestion levels use ZTLF command
• To interrogate and modify the default ACC duration use ZWOI/ZWOC
commands. The parameter class for ACC is 2 and the parameter number
is 233.
• To apply the feature and define rejection percentage use ZRCN

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9 ISUP alarms
There are some DX200 alarms related to the ISUP:




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10 ISUP parameters handling

Some of the ISUP parameters are available for modification from MML. Figure
11 shows ISUP timers values in DX200. Use command group ZCT to
interrogate and modify if necessary these timers.

Figure 12 Interrogation of ISUP timers values

The timers that can be modified through MML are:

• GRT - General Request Time
• SAM - Subsequent Address Message Time
• PAT - Premature Address Complete Message Time
• ACM - Address Complete Time
• ANT - Answer Time
• RET - Re-answer Time
• CDT - Complete Dialling Determination Time
• ESA – Extra SAM Time

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Appendix: ISUP timers

Symbol Time-out value Cause for initiation Normal termination At expiration
T1 15 - 60 seconds When release message is At the receipt of release Retransmit release message
sent complete message and start timer T1.
T2 3 minutes When controlling At receipt of resume Initiate release procedure.
exchange receives (user) message at
suspend (user) message controlling exchange
T3 2 minutes At receipt of overload On expiration Initiate release procedure.
T4 5 - 15 minutes At receipt of MTP- On expiration, or at Send user part test message.
STATUS primitive with the receipt of user part Start T4.
cause "inaccessible available message (or any
remote user " other)
T5 5 - 15 minutes When initial release At receipt of release Send reset circuit message,
message is sent complete message alert maintenance personnel
and remove the circuit from
service, stop T1, start T17.
Procedure continues until
maintenance intervention
T6 Covered in Rec. When controlling At receipt of resume Initiate release procedure.
Q.118 exchange receives (network) message or
suspend (network) release message
T7 20 - 30 seconds When the latest address When the condition for Release all equipment and
message is sent normal release of address connection (send release
and routing information is message).
met (receipt of ACM, CON
T8 10 - 15 seconds When an exchange At receipt of continuity Release all equipment and
receives IAM requiring message connection into the network
continuity check on this (send release message).
circuit or indicates that
continuity check has been
performed on a previous
T9 Interval When national controlling At the receipt of answer Release connection send
specified in Rec. or outgoing international back release message.
Q.118 exchange receives ACM
T10 4 - 6 seconds When last digit is received At the receipt of fresh Send address complete
in interworking situations information message.
T11 15 - 20 seconds When latest address When ACM is sent Send address complete
message is received in message.
interworking situations
T12 15 - 60 seconds When blocking message At receipt of blocking Retransmit blocking message
is sent acknowledgement and start T12.

Symbol Time-out value Cause for initiation Normal termination At expiration

T13 5 - 15 minutes When initial blocking At receipt of blocking Transmit blocking message
message is sent acknowledgement and alert maintenance
personnel, start T13, stop
T12. Procedure continues
until maintenance intervention
T14 15 - 60 seconds When unblocking At receipt of unblocking Retransmit unblocking
message is sent acknowledgement message and start T14.
T15 5 - 15 minutes When initial unblocking At receipt of unblocking Retransmit unblocking
message is sent acknowledgement message alert maintenance
personnel. Start T15 and stop
T14. Procedure continues
until maintenance intervention
T16 15 - 60 seconds When reset circuit At the receipt of the Retransmit reset circuit
message is sent not due acknowledgement (RLC message and start T16.
to expiration of T5 message)
T17 5 - 15 minutes When initial reset circuit At the receipt of the Alert maintenance personnel,
message is sent acknowledgement retransmit reset circuit
message. Start T17, stop T16.
Procedure continues until
maintenance intervention
T18 15 - 60 seconds When group blocking At receipt of group Retransmit group blocking
message is sent blocking message and start T18.
T19 5 - 15 minutes When initial group At receipt of group Retransmit group blocking
blocking message is sent blocking message, alert maintenance
acknowledgement personnel. Start T19, stop
T18. Procedure continues
until maintenance intervention
T20 15 - 60 seconds When group unblocking At receipt of group Retransmit group unblocking
message is sent unblocking message and start T20.
T21 5 - 15 minutes When initial group At receipt of group Retransmit group unblocking
unblocking message is unblocking message, alert maintenance
sent acknowledgement personnel. Start T21, stop
T20. Procedure continues
until maintenance intervention
T22 15 - 60 seconds When circuit group reset At receipt of the Retransmit circuit group reset
message is sent acknowledgement message and start T22.
T23 5 - 15 minutes When initial circuit group At the receipt of the Alert maintenance personnel
reset message is sent acknowledgement and start T23. Retransmit
circuit group reset message,
stop T22. Procedure
continues until maintenance
intervention occurs.

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Symbol Time-out value Cause for initiation Normal termination At expiration
T24 < 2 seconds When check tone is sent At the receipt of the Send continuity message with
backward check tone failure indication and:
a) Start T25 if continuity
check was asked in IAM and
make automatic repeat
attempt, or
b) Start T24 if continuity
check was asked in CCR.
T25 1 - 10 seconds When initial continuity – Send CCR message and
check failure is detected repeat continuity check.
T26 1 - 3 minutes When second or – Send CCR message and
subsequent continuity repeat continuity check.
check failure is detected
T27 4 minutes When continuity check At receipt of continuity Send reset circuit message,
failure is received check request message start T16 and T17.
T28 10 seconds When send CQM At receipt of CQR Alert maintenance.
T29 300 - 600 ms Congestion indication – New congestion indication is
received when T29 not taken into account.
T30 5 - 10 seconds Congestion indication – Restore traffic by one step if
received when T29 not not yet at full load. Start T30.
T31 > 6 minutes Release of ISUP signalling On expiration Call reference reusable.
connection based on CO
T32 3 - 5 seconds When response to request At receipt of first end-to- End-to-end message allowed
of end-to-end connection end message from the to be sent.
establishment is sent remote end
T33 12 - 15 seconds When send INR On receipt of INF Release call and alert
maintenance personnel.
T34 2 - 4 seconds When indication of a At receipt of a Proceed with call.
segmented message is segmentation message
received on an IAM, ACM,
T35 15 - 20 seconds At receipt of the latest digit At receipt of ST or when Send release message (cause
(< >ST) and before the the minimum or fixed 28).
minimum or fixed number number of digits have
of digits have been been received
T36 10 - 15 seconds When transit or incoming At receipt of continuity or Release all equipment, send
international exchange release message reset circuit message, and
receives continuity check start T16 and T17.
request message
T37 2 - 4 seconds
– reserved for

Symbol Time-out value Cause for initiation Normal termination At expiration

T38 Interval When the incoming At receipt of resume Send release message (cause
specified in Rec. international exchange (network) or release 102).
Q.118 sends to the preceding message
exchange a suspend
(network) message
T39 Interval When a MCID request is At receipt of a MCID Call continues.
specified in Rec. sent response

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