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Half Yearly Paper Class-IX

ENGLISH M.Makrs-80

The Questions Paper Comprises three Sections A, B and C, Section-A Reading 20 Marks,
Section- B Writing and Grammar 30 Marks Section-C Literature 30 Marks


1. Read the following passage carefully. (8 Marks)

Long long ago, in a big forest, there were many trees. Among the cluster of trees, there was a
very tall pine tree. It was so tall that it could talk to the stars in the sky. It could easily look over
the heads of the other trees. One day late in the evening, the pine trees saw a ragged, skinny girl
approaching it. It could only see her because of its height. The little girl was in tears. The pine
tree bent as much as it could and asked her “What is the matter ? Why are you crying?”

The little girl, still sobbing replied. “I was gathering flowers for a garland for Goddess Durga,
who I believe, would help my parents to overcome their poverty and I have lost my way. “The
pine tree said to the little girl, ” It is late in the evening. It will not be possible for you to return
to your house, which is at the other end of the forest sleep for the night at this place. “The pine
tree pointed out to an open cave-like place under it. The little girl was frightened of wild
animals. The girl quickly crept into the cave-like place. The pine tree was happy and pleased
with itself. It stood like a soldier guarding the place. The little girl woke up in the morning and
was amazed to see the pine tree standing guard outside the cave. Then her gaze travelled to the
heap of flower that she had gathered the previous night. The flowers by withering on the
ground. The pine tree understood what was going on in the girl’s mind. It wrapped its branches
around the nearby flower trees and shook them gently. The little girl’s eyes brightened. But a
great surprise awaited her. The pine tree brought out a bag full of gold coins which had been
lying for years in the hole is its trunk and gave it to the girl. With teary eyes she thanked her
benefactor and went away.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the following questions.

(1×8=8 Marks)

a) Why was the little girl crying?

b) Where did the pine tree want the little girl to sleep for the night?

c) Why was the little girl disappointed when she looked at the flowers and what did the
tree do to make her happy?

d) What did the pine tree give the girl other than the flowers?

e) What is meant by the word ‘cluster’? (para l)

a) group b) team c) Class d) party

f) What is meant by the word ‘approaching?’ (para 1)

a) calling b) touching

c) Coming close d) running towards

g) What is meant by the word ‘wild’? (para 2)

a) Cunning b) dirty c) unpolished d) dangerous

h) What is meant by the word ‘withering’? (para 2)

i) dead b) shrunk c) Colour less d) unhappy

2. Read the passage carefully. (12 Marks)

Child marriages are rampant in North India. The curse continues to blight the lives of the people even as
the country stands at the threshold of the 21st century. Children bound by marriage are victims of blind
customs and superstitions prevalent in rural areas and in certain urban concentrations as well among the
weaker socioeconomic groups. Nothing seems to stop this anti-social practice despite the Child
Marriage Act passed as early as in 1929 which makes Child Marriage a grave offence.

Why do Child Marriages take place at all and what could be done to wean the people away from the
practice? The evil thrives because of illiteracy and other related causes — the most important of which
is the anxiety of parents to parents to marry off their daughters as early as possible. In many states
where illiteracy is high, the practice of child marriage is in vogue ‘Akhha Teeja’ is a D-day for parents
of minor girls, for on that day they seek their salvation from the anxiety of girls growing up in their

A Child Marriage is less likely to take place if the parents are Literate or at least one of them is literate.
Another factor causing parents to give aways young daughters in marriage is the need felt by families
having more than one daughter, to keep wedding expenses down. By marrying two daughters at the
same time parents save on expenses.

The present law was amended in 1978 raising the minimum age of marriage for girls from 15 to 18
years and for boys from 18 to 21 years. The committee on the status of women in its report in 1974 had
recommended that all offences under the child marriage restrained Act should be made cognizable and
special officers should be appointed to enforce the law. The government, however, did not pay heed to
it while raising the minimum age of marriage. At the same time, there is no foolproof system of
registering births and thus, there is no legally enforceable method for establishing the age of a male or

2.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions in 30–40
words each. (2×4 = 8)

a) What are the reasons for child marriages in India.

b) Under what circumstances can child marriages not take place?

c) What is the significance of ‘Akhha Teija’?

d) How can the provisions in the legislation be rigorously practised?

2.2 On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following: (1× 4 = 4)

a) The antonym of ‘illiteracy’ as given in paragraph 2 is __________.

b) The synonym of ‘minimum’ as given is paragraph 4 is ___________.

c) What does the word ‘rampant’ mean? (para 1)

i) widespread ii) pre-destined

iii) Message iv) Solemnize

d) Pick up the word from the following which means damage/hurt

i) blight ii) Vogue iii) anxiety iv) hazard


(Writing and Grammar) 30 Marks

3. Write a story in 150-200 words with the help of the following outline. Give it a suitable title
also. At the end, write the moral of the story. 7 Marks

Outline: A farmer had many sons-they, often quarrelled among themselves–farmer’s advice proved
useless–he placed a bundle of sticks before them–asked each to break it–all tried but failed–he untied
the bundle–sticks now easily broken–farmer’s advice.

4.1. You visited a village fair recently which showcased the rural side of life with its vibrant culture.
Write a diary entry in about 100–150 words about your visit. 8 Marks


You are Anil/Anila Sharma. You are returning from school when you witness a chain snatching
incident. You quickly go to the nearby police station where they ask you about the thief’s
appearance. Write a description based on the note below in not more than 100–150 words.

Hints: Young man – 21/22 years – motorbike-DLE2145–clean shaven – black curly hair–blue jeans–
red T-shirt, sports shoes–looked like a college student.

5. Fill in the following blanks given below choosing the most appropriate option from the ones
that follow. Write the answers in your answer sheets against the correct blank numbers.

(1 × 5 = 5 Marks)

For doing transaction through ATM you

a) ________ to find an ATM of any bank. First you

b) ________ to put your card in the card Slot followed by

c) _________ the secret PIN. You are to wait

d) ________ your transaction is complete. Then take the currency, collect your card and

e) _______ the ATM cabin.

(a) i) shall ii) are required iii) should iv) needed

(b) i) have to ii) need iii) must iv) do

(c) i) enter ii) entering iii) entered iv) have enter

(d) i) for ii) to iii) till iv) unless

(e) i) left ii) leaves iii) leave iv) leaving

6. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error
along with its correction in the space provided. (1 × 5 = 5 Marks)

Children are fond to coconut. It is the (a) _____ _____

biggest of all the nuts, and are indeed a wonderful (b) _____ _____

fruit. It grows on a tall tree and is find (c) _____ _____

in tropical countries round a seashore. The (d) _____ _____

name was giving to it by the Portuguese (e) _____ _____

7. Choose the correct options of the verbs, modals and determiners. (1/2 × 10 = 5 marks)

i) The furniture in this house _____ impressive. (look, looks)

ii) Few students _______ present in the class today. (is, are)

iii) The level of intoxication _______ from subject to subject (vary, varies).

iv) A. number of people _______ reported to be missing in the train accident at Jhansi.
(was, were)

v) She ______ pass this time (ought to, need)

vi) He _______ to buy a car. (has to, needs)

vii) Do you ________ cook your own meal? (should, have to)

viii) ________ books are missing from the library. (Any, Some)

ix) He didn’t make ________ progress (much, many)

x) I met her _______ week. (this, those)

SECTION-C (30 Marks)

8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: (1×5 =5 marks)

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both and be one traveller,
long I stood And looked down one as far as I could to where it bent in the undergrowth:

i) Name the poet?

ii) How many roads were there before the speaker?

iii) Where did the road diverge?

iv) Could he travel on both?

v) Where did it bend in?

9. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: (1 × 5 = 5 Marks)

A headmaster once told his father that what Einstein chose as a profession wouldn’t matter
because “h’ll never make a success at anything.” Einstein began learning to play the violin at
the age of Six, because his mother wanted him to.

i) What is the name of the chapter?

ii) Who said “Albert would never make a success at anything”?

iii) Should he have said such words to his father?

iv) Did Einstein indeed never make a success at anything?

v) What did Einstein’s mother want him to become?

10. Answer any five of the following questions in 30–40 words each (2×5 = 10 Marks)

a) Where did Tommy find the book? What was the subject of the book?

b) What do you know about the early life of Bismillah Khan?

c) What did Kezia expect of her father?

d) How did Abdul Kalam enjoy a secure childhood?

e) What is ‘bliss’ for the poet in the poem ‘Rain on the Roof’?

f) What did the child do when he got no response on the part of his parents? What was his

g) Why was Toto’s presence kept a secret?

11. Attempt the following question in 100–150 words. (6 marks)

a) Justify the title ‘The Lost Child’


b) What important lesson does the life of Bismillah Khan teach us?

12. Attempt the following question in 80–100 words. (4 marks)

a) Give a brief character Sketch of Toto.


b) What moral lesson do you get from the poem ‘wind’.

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