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English-CAT 3 Persuasive Essay Rumaisa Mahasin Islam (9A)

Books are better than television

Throughout their long history which dates back to 3500 BCE, books have always fascinated people

with their written splendour. On the other hand, televisions were invented only recently in the 19 th

century but quickly captivated the world with their ability to transmit visible images. Enjoyed by

people of all ages, books and televisions are key forms of entertainment and experts in delivering

knowledge. However, they do have their differences. Books tend to improve a person’s imagination

and increase their IQ, whereas television is a passivity. Unlike televisions, reading books has a lot of

health benefits. At the same time, books are highly portable and make the reader feel empathetic.

For several reasons, books are considered superior to television by many people.

Firstly, reading is an intellectual endeavour that improves a person’s imaginative and thinking skills

in contrast to watching television. A famous quote by Albert Einstein stated that "Imagination is

more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the

entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." This quote emphasises the signification

of imagination in a person’s life. Reading broadens an individual’s imagination by opening their

minds to new ideas and experiences. Since books have greater details and depth, readers can

explore the life of characters, emotions, different settings, and commentaries that helps them

imagine. Imagination helps a person to think clearly and improve brain function. On the other hand,

watching television would not allow imagination to grow as it portrays the imagination and

perception of the director. Furthermore, a children’s book exposes a child to “50 percent more rare

words than a television show.” (Colyard,2016). Books build one’s vocabulary. A huge vocabulary

helps to develop better verbal abilities. Better verbal abilities can translate to better writing skills,

which is greatly valued in jobs. Thus, books would create capable, clever, and creative thinkers for

this generation. Along with increasing IQ and imaginative skills, books offer various health benefits.

Secondly, reading books is a healthy habit unlike watching television that does more damage. A

study in 2001 proved that people who engage in reading might be 2.5 times less likely to develop
English-CAT 3 Persuasive Essay Rumaisa Mahasin Islam (9A)

Alzheimer’s disease (Chu,2016). Reading, therefore, improves memory and keeps one’s mind active.

It also reduces stress, alleviates depression and helps an individual to sleep better. For example, a

person could read The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha after a long day of work instead of

watching Game of Thrones to relax and fall asleep peacefully. Alternatively, watching television has

the opposite effect. Excessive TV watching can thicken the frontal cortex and children often develop

tendencies of aggression and depression. People who watch TV a lot are subjected to be more

antisocial. Some people recommend watching television because it is entertaining. Although it is

entertaining, watching it excessively does more damage than good. People could get addicted to a

show and watch it for hours. Ultimately, it will ruin their eyes and make them antisocial. While a

book is an epitome of tranquillity, television is ruination. Reading is the most effective way to be

productive and have a whale of a time simultaneously. How can this be ignored? Not only health

benefits, but also books are portable.

Thirdly, books can be easily carried around. Books can be remarkably handy because they can be

carried anywhere and read anytime. Reading is not a form of nuisance to anyone. Paperback books

do not require a network to be read, batteries to charge, and are a great form of pastime. When I

was younger, I would carry a paperback book with me in my backpack whenever I went on long road

trips. I would get engrossed and engaged in reading the book in my car and let time fly until I

reached my destination. Books would make me wonder and fantasize which made the journey much

more enjoyable and fulfilling. Therefore, a book is a highly convenient tool that also makes the

reader caring towards others.

Last but not the least, books make the reader feel empathetic. Empathy is an immensely valuable

quality that people need to possess to feel compassion, love, and gratitude towards others. Empathy

is the understanding one can develop only by reading books. Most readers can put themselves into

the characters’ shoes in the book and imagine what life is like for the characters. Empathy is an act

of imagination. Books make the readers sensitive towards others feelings. “TV presents ideas and
English-CAT 3 Persuasive Essay Rumaisa Mahasin Islam (9A)

characters on a surface level. Shows do not have the luxury of describing or explaining situations in

great detail, since they need to keep viewers visually entertained. TV programs are fast-paced in

order to keep people from switching.”(Chu,2016). Developing empathy through reading is crucial for

humanity, and that gives another reason why books are better than television.

In conclusion, books are better than television for numerous reasons. Books help the reader to

improve imagination, stimulate brain activity, be healthy and feel empathetic. Television, however,

does the opposite and harms a person’s mind. It is important to read good books daily and reduce

the amount of time spent watching television. Everyone who reads lives a thousand lives before

his/her death through the power of imagination.


1. Wagman, D 2019, Reading books vs. watching TV-is one really better for us?, Chicago
Tribune, viewed 4 May 2020
2. Stokes, RJ 2013, 7 Reasons Books Are Better Than TV, Barnes&Nobles, viewed 4 May 2020 <>
3. Chu, M 2017, Books vs. TV: How They Stack Up Against One Another, Huffpost, viewed 4 May
4. Haden,J 2016, Everything You Knew About Reading(and Watching TV) Turns Out To Be True,
Inc. ,viewed 4 May 2020
5. Mahoney,K 2014, Books Vs Television: An Argument For Equality, Thought Catalog, viewed 4
May 2020
English-CAT 3 Persuasive Essay Rumaisa Mahasin Islam (9A)
English-CAT 3 Persuasive Essay Rumaisa Mahasin Islam (9A)

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