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of the Anthropological Public Benefit Association


Which was approved by the undersigned founders at the repeated general foundation assembly
held in Budapest, on 17 July 2002, based on the following:

General provisions

1. The name of the Association: ANTHROPOLIS Anthropological Public Benefit Association
2. Short name of the Association: Anthropolis Association
3. The international/English name of the Association: Anthropolis Anthropological Public Benefit
4. Headquarters of the Association: the property under the address of Budapest, II.kerület, 1026
Érmelléki u. 4 1/1. (topographical lot number of site: ), which was put down in resolution No.1 of
the Public Assembly held on 14 May 2006
5. Foundation year of the Association: 2002.

1. The Association is a legal entity, a voluntary, self-motivated and non-political social science
organization of all the individuals who wish to join, and comply with its membership
2. The Association is a non-profit public benefit organization, which complies with the
provisions stated in the relevant separate law, was formed by free association of civil persons
and fulfils its public benefit activities publicly. The Association as a public benefit
organization, which does not preclude that anyone apart from its members could have a share
without further restraint from its public benefit services. The Association as a public benefit
organization fulfils its entrepreneurial scope of activities only for the sake of realizing its
public benefit objectives without putting them at risk; does not divide its outgrowth achieved
in the course of its economy, but devotes it for the activity specified in the deed of foundation.
3. The association is not involved in any direct political activities, it is independent from any
parties and does not support them financially either. Both participating in party political
activities and bringing a candidate stand up for a Member of Parliament or one in regional or
capital government elections, are qualified as direct political activities.
Objectives and Activities of the Association

1. The main objective of the Association is to create a mental workshop, which enables, makes it
possible and supports the popularization and distribution of phenomena relevant to the subject of
social sciences, mainly those of cultural, social and visual anthropology; the discussion and research
of anthropological problems and questions; and the education connected with the subject concerned.
A further objective is to create an open panel discussion; do, support and propagate the results of
social science researches; elaborate, continuously develop and maintain professional and quality
requirements specified by international and home researches.
Providing broader international opportunities for the Hungarian anthropology; open experience and
view exchange between home and international anthropological organizations and forums;
promoting active debates. International contact partly helps to promote the main scope of activity as
well as the public benefit activity of economic service. It also involves the arrangement of the
members’ official trips (including outside individuals invited by the Association), their possible
remuneration, guest reception, programme organization, publication of research findings, ordering
translation of specialized literature and its financing, inclusive of currency exchange rates.
2. Further objective of the Association is to maintain, protect and spread the universal social values
arising from the anthropological idea and experience (such as anti-discrimination, anti-racism,
cultural relativism, multiculture, publicity, tolerance, open dialogue between different cultures,
religions and ideologies, protection of national, ethnic and cultural minorities etc.); preserve other
historical, national, cultural and artistic assets; and prominently support the scientific researches
pertaining to cultural values represented by the Association. The Association does not renounce the
publication of its possible standpoints, statements or bulletins regarding public issues, but it stands
up for the abovementioned humanistic representation of all-society values, arising from
anthropological ideology.
3. The Association wishes to finance its activities, which are directed towards the fulfilment of the
objectives primarily by sums of money obtained from the realization of its own activity and
achievements; financial supports; donations given by grantors; and amounts obtained from
submitted projects.
The association wishes to fulfil its objectives with the following activities:
- Cultural, scientific, communal and social activity. Organization and arrangement of science
conferences and other programmes (exhibitions, film projection, panel discussions).
- Scientific activity: planning, doing, supporting and carrying out social science and human researches
and developments.
- Education and teaching, skill development, mental training (organization of trainings, workshops and
courses, adult trainings, specialized preparations, further vocational trainings, distance learning etc.)
- Shooting of anthropological films (educational films, documentaries, multimedia proceedings etc.)
- Anthropological education, information service, publication of anthropological findings based on
social science researches, translation and ordering translation of specialized literature written in
foreign language into Hungarian, translation and ordering translation of specialized literature written
in Hungarian into foreign language.
- Contact and co-operation with home and international science associations
- Publication of electronic and printed journals, Internet website, periodicals, studies, textbooks, notes,
research accounts, recensions, reviews and other professional documents (guides, accounts,
4. The abovementioned public benefit activities comply with article c. of paragraph 26 of law CLVI.
of the year 1997 (hereinafter referred to as Khtv), that is the following points within: 3. scientific
activity, research, 4. education and teaching, skill development and mental training, 5. cultural
activity, 6. preservation of cultural heritage, 12. protection of human and civil rights, 13. activity
connected with Hungarian national and ethnic minorities and Hungarians beyond the frontier, and all
of which can be ranked into appropriate categories of TEÁOR.
5. For the sake of the assurance of the public benefit activities that are in tune with the objectives
stated in present Constitution, the Association undertakes that it will conclude a co-operation
contract with non-profit organizations, authorities, local governments, state institutions and business
ventures, which pursue similar activities.


1. The Association applies the following rules as security of its public benefit activities:
a., The duty of the secretary of the Association is to keep a record, from which the contents of the
decisions of leading institutions, management resolutions and public assembly resolutions, their date
and effect, the proportion and identity of opposers and supporters can be clearly proved.
b., The duty of the secretary is to make it possible for anyone to be able to have a look into all
documents connected with the running of the Association within 10 workdays at the headquarters of
the Association.
c., For this reason, access to the documents within 10 days after request for access to official
documents and making a copy on own expense should be provided by the Association at its
headquarters. The Association is obliged to publish in its yearly publication (annual report) and
upload the following on its official website*: its functional procedures, the procedure of service
employment, the accounts, which must include public benefit report; all approved resolutions,
budget data and the summary of all these.
d., The secretary must report resolutions approved by the Association officially in written form to
those concerned within 15 days after resolution approval.

* The Internet website of the Association is under construction. It will expectedly run under the
Association Membership, Rights and Liabilities

1. The members of the Association are the founders. Any legal or individual entity of age or
organization without legal entity can become a steady member (hereinafter referred to as member)
who is in agreement with the objectives of the Association and who
a. approves of the constitution of the Association;
b. expresses his intention of becoming admitted by signing the membership statement;
c. is supported by recommendation by two steady members of the Association;
d. takes on the payment of the membership fee (except honorary and supporting members, cf. Article
e. takes on liability for the sake of the realization of the Association objectives stated in present

The leadership of the Association decides about admission of new members unanimously. Any appeal
against the resolution refusing admission of a member can be made at the Public Assembly of the

3. Membership of the Association

a. steady member (the founders and all members joining subsequent to the founding conference)
b. honorary member ( see Article 8)
c. supporting member ( see Article 8)

4. The Membership of the Association ceases when

a. the member hands in his notice of retirement,
b. the member is excluded if he breaks present Constitution severely. The leadership decides on the
procedure of exclusion in a separate resolution.
c. the member does not fulfil his membership fee payment in defiance of two written demand notices
or if the member does not assure the membership conditions stated in present Constitution for more
than 6 months and he does not fulfil his liabilities in defiance of two written notices; in these cases the
leadership will decide on the discontinuance of his membership.
d. the member deceases and there are no legal successors.

a. The leadership decides on the discontinuance of the membership by approving a separate resolution.
The leadership must inform the member concerned in written form about the procedure concerning
the discontinuance of his membership within 15 days. It is the duty of the leadership to inform the
member about the contents of the resolution and the possibilities of defence, appeal or legal redress.
b. Against the resolution stating the discontinuance of his membership, the member concerned may
lodge an appeal within 15 days to the Public Assembly or the chairman of Supervisory Board, who
is obliged to launch an enquiry in case of an appeal. For lack of appeal, after 15 days from delivery
of notice, the membership will automatically cease. The succeeding Public Assembly judges the
appeal, where the chairman of the Supervisory Board must give an account of his inquiry. In case of
an appeal, the Public Assembly agrees to the appeal in a resolution, or refuses the resolution of the
leadership pertaining to the discontinuance of the membership. No further appeals are to be lodged
against the resolution of the Public Assembly.

6. Rights of the Members

The members have the right to
a. participate in the Public Assembly and programmes of the Association, and they have the right for
conferencing, making propositions and voting,
b. elect the officials directly in the course of the Public Assembly and may be elected for any function
except the honorary and supporting members who may neither be elected nor elect anyone for a
c. submit proposals to the organs of the Association,
d. make use of the services provided by the Association,
e. take or stand for a part at congresses, conferences, exhibitions, special scientific events organized
by the Association or other organizations; give presentations, show his mental produce or express
his opinion,
f. publish and express his views in his writings and recensions in the publications, journals released by
the Association, which fit into the scope of activities of the Association,
g. use the material assets, sets of equipment and apparatus of the Association according to pertaining
charges specified by the leading organs of the Association,
h. be informed continuously about any work done, any followed events on any scope of activities of
the Association, its resolution concerning members, its position taken up in a case,
i. speak up for the decisions and standpoints of the bodies and the officials of the Association and
contest any resolutions breaking the law in court, within a legally valid time period after learning it.

7. Liabilities of the Members

a. keeping to present Constitution and liabilities specified in the Constitution,
b. payment of membership fee,
c. participation in the functioning of the Association to the best of abilities, enhancing the reputation of
the Association,
d. execution of the duties to the best of abilities, which are taken on voluntarily in the Association and
in connection with the Association, an account should be given about any activity fulfilled in the
Association for the request of the leading bodies of the Association.

8. The honorary and supporting members of the Association

a. The honorary member of the Association may be an individual entity who agrees with the
objectives and activities of the Association and accepted as a honorary member by the
Association based on his prominent anthropological expertise experience and work. The
leadership of the Association decides on the election of the honorary members.
b. The supporting members of the Association may be any individual entities who agree with the
objectives and activities of the Association, and support the objectives and the fulfilment of
the work of the Association financially, professionally or morally. The contractual
membership of a supporting member is concluded by the co-operation agreement between the
representative of the Association and the supporting member. The membership may be valid
either for a definite or indefinite period.
c. Both honorary and supporting members, when interested, may participate at the Public
Assembly or programmes of the Association, but they have no right to vote, they may neither
elect nor be elected for a leading position. Honorary and supporting members may put forward
their proposals and comments on other forums of the Association without further restraint.
d. Honorary and supporting members are exempted from paying any membership fee.

9. Establishment and Discontinuance of Membership

a. Steady membership is effective from the date of membership application, if the leadership of
the Association admits the applicant to the members of the Association. Steady membership
may be ceased according to the pertaining article 4-5/V. of the Constitution of the Association.
b. Honorary membership is effective for an indefinite period by member approval based on the
resolution regarding the invitation of the leadership of the Association. The leadership of the
Association, the members or the honorary member himself, may initiate discontinuance of
c. The supporting membership is established and ceased according to the pertaining co-operation
d. The steady member who fails to assure membership conditions for more than 6 months and
fails to fulfil his liabilities in defiance of two written notices, may be excluded from his
membership after the decision of the leadership. (see Article 4-5/V.)

The Structure of the Association

1. The Bodies of the Association

a. Public Assembly
b. Leadership of the Association
c. Supervisory Board

2. Officials of the Association

a. The Head of the Association,
b. The two Vice-Directors of the Association (the Chief Director and the Managing Director),
c. The Chairman and two members of the Supervisory Board,
d. Secretary of the Association
e. Financial Manager of the Association (Treasurer)

The Association puts forward all the incompatibility rules pertaining to public benefit organizations.
The leading bodies (the officials) acknowledge the continuous and consequent observation of the
compatibility rules by making a statement, according to which:
a. a person or his close relative (Civil Law paragraph 685, Article B.) or his
common-law spouse (hereinafter both referred to as relative) who is exempted from liabilities
and responsibilities based on the resolution or is given any other preference or is interested in
the legal case to be contracted, must not participate in the passing of resolution of the
leadership. (case exclusion)
b. a person who is the head or member of the leading body or is in a contractual
relationship with the public benefit organization beside his commission, either being
employed for doing other activities or doing any other work; unless the regulation disposes it
otherwise. And the person who has a share of the targeted allowance of the public benefit
organization, except non-financial services, which can be employed by anyone without further
restraint; and the appropriate targeted allowance, which is given to its member on the basis of
membership rights by the social organization and is stated in the deed of foundation; and the
relative of a person detailed above (other incompatibility against public benefit organization).

4. Public Assembly
a. The main body of the Association is the Public Assembly, which is the regular conference
of the members of the Association, and the composition of which id formed by the
collectivity of the members. The Public Assembly takes place in public, (steady)
members, honorary members and supporting members also participate in the Public
Assembly. The Public Assembly must be convened as required, but at least once a year.
The Public Assembly must also be convened when it is proposed by the Head of the
Association or the leadership, and when 1/3 of the members hand in a written initiation by
indicating their purpose; and when the court rules so, or the Chairman finds it justified
(extraordinary Public Assembly).
b. The Chairman in the name of the Leadership must mail the written invitation for the
Public Assembly with appointing the agenda, 15 days, or in specially justified cases at
least 7 days before the appointed date.
c. The Public Assembly is quorate, if at least 50% of the members +1 person, who are
entitled to vote, are present. If there is no quorum, the date of the repeated Public
Assembly must be appointed so that at least 1 hour should pass between the two Public
Assemblies. The Public Assembly convened for the second time is quorate with regards to
the original items of the agenda regardless of the number of people present, but only in the
case if members have been informed about the aforementioned in the original invitation.
d. A record must be kept at the Public Assembly, which must be signed by the Chairman and
two confirming members. Any member of the Association may ask for putting down his
minority report in the records.
e. Resolutions of the Public Assembly are made by open votes and majority decision, unless
the law, present Constitution or the Public Assembly order otherwise. In justified cases
any member of the Association may propose a ballot by names.
f. The Public Assembly takes place in public, where anyone can participate, even without
previous notification, where 1 vote is due to each (steady) member. Steady members with
a legal entity only have the right to vote through a previously reported and authorized
g. In certain justified cases, viz. disciplinary matters, protection of individual rights etc., the
Public Assembly may order a secret session with a 2/3 majority decision.

4.2 The exclusive competence of the Public Assembly:

a. Election and recall of the officials of the Association, including the Head, the Vice-Directors
of the leadership, the Chairman and the members of the Supervisory Board, the secretary and
the treasurer,
b. Report of the annual budget and approval of redistribution between particular parts of the
c. The Association must prepare a public benefit report simultaneously with the approval of the
annual report. The approval of the annual report and the public benefit report belong to the
absolute competence of the Public Assembly (as a main body). The public benefit report must
include the public accountancy report; utilization of budget support; asset account; targeted
allowance report; the proportion of the support gained from the central budget body, separate
state funds, the local government, the governments of minority settlements, the association of
settlement governments and the organs of all these; the worth and sum of the allowances given
to leading officials of the public benefit organization; and the short summary of public benefit
activities. Anyone may obtain access to the annual reports and the public benefit reports and
may make a copy of them on his own expense.
d. The approval of Supervisory Board reports,
e. Specification and modification of the sum of membership fee,
f. Declaration of the dissolution without any legal successors; uniting with other social
organizations or separation of the Association,
g. Decisions regarding all matters that fall within the competence of the Public Assembly
according to present Constitution.

4.3 Election of Officials

a. The Public Assembly of the Association elects the officials of the Association for a two-
year term. All members (either founding or steady members) of the Association may be
elected for the functions of the Association.
b. Prior to the convening of the re-election Public Assembly, the leadership of the
Association appoints a three-member board so that the board may put forward a proposal
for the person of Association officials following a request of the members’ opinion.
Beside the proposals of the board elected by the leadership, any steady member of the
Association may put forward a proposal for the person of the officials. A person is
regarded as a candidate appointed to a function of the Association if he gains 50% of the
votes from the re-election Public Assembly+1 vote.
c. The Public Assembly elects the officials of the Association by oral majority decision and
an open ballot. If the first round fails to bring about any results, it is also sufficient to have
the relative majority in the second round.
The Leadership of the Association

1. The leadership is the managing and representing body of the Association

2. The Head of the Association and the leadership members are elected and recalled by the Assembly.
The Public Assembly elects the Head of the Association and the leadership members separately. The
leadership of the Association consists of 5 members: the Head, two vice-directors (Managing and
Chief), the secretary and the financial manager (the treasurer). The leadership must report to the
Public Assembly at least once a year about its activity.
3. The secretary of the Association is elected by the Public Assembly. The function is fulfilled in
social commission. The secretary has the right to vote in the leading of the Association.
4. The leadership of the Association has a meeting as required, but at least four times a year. The
sessions of the leadership are public, but any intention of participation must be submitted in written
form 2 days prior to the meeting. The session of the leadership is convened by the secretary. The
invitation must include the location, exact date, time and the items of the agenda of the meeting. The
invitation for leadership sessions must be sent 8 days prior to the actual event by post, fax, e-mail or
by oral notification on the phone in justified cases. Officials, members and necessarily experts must
be invited for the sessions of the leadership whose presence is inevitable regarding the agenda. The
guests participate in the work of the body with conferring rights.
5. The leadership makes its resolutions by open ballot and oral majority decision. The body is quorate,
if at least three members of the body are present. The sessions are held by the Chairman, or in his
absence, leadership members present elect a chairman by oral majority decision. In case of vote
equality, the chairman’s vote decides, or in his absence the casting vote is that of the leadership
member who is in charge of chairing the leadership session.

5. Duties of the Leadership

a. Takes charge of the validation of the resolutions made by the Public Assembly and the laws
connected with the activities of the Association.
b. Convenes and prepares the Public Assembly of the Association.
c. Puts forward a proposal to the budget of the Association, makes an annual report about the
execution of the budget and the activities of the Association; makes proposals for the Public
Assembly regarding the contents of the public benefit report.
d. Directs the running of the Association during the period between two Public Assemblies.
e. Makes proposals to the Public Assembly regarding honorary membership and decides on
admission of steady members following the foundation.
f. Makes decisions about formation of the boards.
g. Specifies the conditions of programmes organized by the Association and services provided
for those outside the Association.

6. The Head of the Association

a. The Head represents the Association individually, or if he is unable to attend, one of the vice-
directors attends individually, or if he is unable to attend, a leadership member designated by
the Head, that should preferably be the secretary.
b. The Head directs the Association, keeps contact with other members of the leadership, and
represents the Association before authorities and third parties.
c. The Head manages the scope of work for the secretary of the Association, the financial
manager and other possible employees of the leadership and practises his employer rights on
the employees.
d. The Head chairs both the sessions of the leadership and the Public Assembly.
e. He practises remittance rights jointly with the secretary of the Association.
7. Vice-Directors of the Association
a. The Association has two vice-directors: the Chief and Managing Directors.
b. The scope of work for the vice-directors is specified by the leadership (in a more detailed way
at the leadership session)
c. Unless the leadership determines otherwise, the Chief Director manages the preparation of the
decisions, the Managing Director manages the execution of these decisions.

8. The Secretary of the Association

The secretary deals with the management and the administrative matters of the organization. His duty
is to:
a. elaborate necessary inside instructions if required, which are specified in the law and elaborate
functional and structural regulations,
b. fulfil the duties connected with functioning of the leadership,
c. practise remittance rights jointly with the Head,
d. practise the employer’s sphere of authority, except those employer spheres, which are indicated in
present Constitution,
e. fulfil all the duties specified in present Constitution and those to which he is entitled to by
commission of the Head of the Association or the leadership.
f. keep an official record of the resolutions, informing the interested about the resolutions made by the
Public Assembly and the leadership, preparation of sessions and execution of decisions.

9. The Financial Manager of the Association

The responsibility of the financial manager of the Association is to organize financial, economic and
trustee duties. The financial manager is in charge of the making account about the assets entrusted to
him by the Association, and must fulfil all duties that he is charged of by the Head of the Association
or the leadership.

10. Supervisory Board

a. Three members of the Supervisory Board are elected by the Public Assembly. During their
commission, they must not take on any other functions in the Association.
b. The Supervisory Board chairs if required, or at least once a year. The Supervisory Board is
quorate if the Chairman and one of the members are present. Resolutions are made by oral
majority decision and in case of vote equality, the casting vote is that of the Chairman.
c. Members of the Supervisory Board may participate in the sessions of the leadership with
conferring rights; they may have access to the documents of the Association; or may ask for
information from the leadership members of the Association. For investigation of certain
specialized matters, mainly including financial matters; they may employ an expert.
d. The Supervisory Board supervises the functioning and economy of the Association. In the
course of this, it may ask for a report from the leading officials, and guidance or detailed
information from the employees of the organization. Furthermore, it may also have an access
to and inspect the books and documents of the Association. If the Supervisory Board notices
any deficiency in the work of the Association, it must report it to the competent and
authorized association body and draws attention to the proper procedure.
e. The Supervisory Board is obliged to inform the Public Assembly, propose the convening of
the Public Assembly or suspension of an official, if it learns that there has been an
infringement of lawful rights in the course of functioning of the Association or an ensued
event (negligence) occurred that severely concerns the interests of the Association, against
which the reduction or provision of its ceasing or consequences makes it inevitable for the
leadership or the Public Assembly to decide on. Or if there are facts proving the responsibility
of the Head or members of the leadership.
f. The Supervisory Board provides a report in written form about its activities.
g. The Supervisory Board fulfils all the duties that are specified for a supervisory organ by the
law pertaining to public benefit organizations, regardless of the fact whether the income of the
Association reaches the value limit of HUF 5 million in the year proper.

Economy of the Association
a. Asset and financial sources of the Association:
- membership fee,
- donations, supports, including donations of private individuals and business ventures, the support of
the central budget organ, and supports and allowances gained from separate state funds, the local
government, government of minority settlements etc.
- the outcome of the possible business-venturing activity of the Association,
- supports and allowances obtained and won through different submitted projects.
The Association manages its assets according to financial rules and annual budget; independently
disposes of it own personal property and real estate assets. The Association accounts for the debt with
its own assets; a resolution must be made about the financial dispositions of the Association.
Membership fees for the actual year must be paid in until 31 March. In case of application during
the year, the new member must pay a time proportional sum of the annual membership fee,
specified by the leadership, within 30 days following the admission
b. According to the Article 2. of paragraph 14 in the Khtv. of the Association, it may only have a
share in the support of state budget sub-systems on the basis of a written contract except for
normative support. Conditions and ways of support accounting must be defined in the contract.
Supporting possibilities, terms and conditions, their measures should be published through the
c. the targeted allowances provided by the public benefit organization can be accessed by anyone.
The Association does not issue any bills or other securities incorporating other credit
d. The Association does not take out a loan, which endangers the public benefit activity for
the development of the venture and does not use the support given by the sub-systems of the
state budget as a loan security or for paying the instalments.
e. Prior to the beginning of the investment activity of the Association, it prepares an investment
regulation, which must be put forward to the Public Assembly as a measure of approval.


Other dispositions

a. Documents issued in the course of functioning of the Association must be preserved for 5
b. A record must be kept at the sessions of the Public Assembly, the leadership and the
Supervisory Board.
c. The Association will cease if its highest organ proclaims its dissolution without having
any legal successors or states its union with another association, if the authorized organ
dissolves or states its discontinuance. In case of the discontinuance of the Association, the
Public Assembly will decide on its assets, which may only be spent for similar activities.

17 July 2002, Budapest

Mr Balázs Frida
Head of Association

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