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reer @) CAREER FINDER The Ultimate Solution for Yous Career Problems Exclusive ISSB Issue #01 ss ____Join Defence Forces of Pakistan as a Commissioned Officer Initial Tests (Army, Navy, Air force) | Online Tests for All ISSB Tests | Exercise Book | Interview | Medical | Merit List ww. Exclusive Distributors |ASIVBOL OF AUTHORITY N PUBLICATION Scanned with CamScanner SS eee cee ee = ook gives the reader a first hand owl ledge of an expert in the field about various tests. The candidates are advised to follow up the instructions strictly in order to derive full benefit from this valuable book. The book should not be read like a novel. The tests are technical and therefore the. primary need is to read it bit by bit. : After going through the first chapter which contains the General Information, the candidate should take up the chapters on self study course. Every care and pain has been taken to describe all the methods. These must be read carefully and understood thoroughly. Then he should pass on to self assessment tests and solve them. These tests should be solved as quickly as possible and timings may be noted for each test. Solutions to these tests have been deliberately hidden because it is normally the tendency of the students to see answers first and then try to solve the problems. It has, therefore, been the express intention of the rs. to stimulate self-reliance and not to ing for the candidates to eat rs on answer sheet given on writer prepare a puddi Write your answel the front of every Test. self-confidence in these tests, thnique should be read and thoroughly grasped. Then an attempt be made to write about the word association keeping (n vow the time limit, The candidate may even Wile the help of somebody to speak out the Having acquired the projective tect ‘stimuli words to enable him to write responsive sentences. After the reactions, sit down calmly ‘nd analyse them. To your surprise, you will find out ‘himself’ after ‘concentrated efforts to discover. Rewrite the same in the knowledge of mistakes committed earlier. At least one or two full days should be devoted to the reflection of this important test. Practice will definitely yield fruitful results. At each step cultivation of self- confidence is imperative. After this, go through the instructions carefully regarding the pictures. The advice given in the chapter on story-writing be read and re-read because that is the essence of the test. Never be ina hurry to pen down anything that crosses the mind. Continue till the mind speaks out loudly, “yes, know it now’, then take up the test. Now closely observe the picture and then according to the rigid time schedule, write down a story. The writing may be compared with one in the book, If the idea tallies, you should be pleased that you grasped the essentials of the test. Remember, the stories written in the book are meant to help the candidate and not for rote learning. Defects in the story should be noted and turn by turn all the stories should be written. The same process of reflection, checking and comparing be repeated. Here also good practice is the key to writing good stories. ‘Aweek or so should be devoted to the study of psychological personality tests. ° —o—=™ Scanned with CamScanner The book attempts to give a graphic picture of G.10's task, especially obstacles. A Candidate has to take full advantage of the written word according to his capacity for understanding. These chapters should also be read a number of times to have a grip over the techniques explained in them. Complete mastery of the task is rather impossible nor should it be attempted because this is a practical task and therefore only a field could help to that extent. Whatever its limitations, the candidates will gain a lot out of these chapters. For these obstacles building of physical stamina is a ‘must and for that purpose candidates should do running and exercises early morning every day so that they could face the ordeal lightly. Useful information about all aspects of personal interview has also been supplied in a separate chapter to emphacise its importance so that the candidate instead of being paralysed, feels confident and realizes that itis notafterall such aterrorashe imagined. MUD eres pees PESO UCC r nats ect} the directionsilaid downilin these Gi ices ci tla ita erasy ce Cares ric (CAREER FINDER 2 seniors _ gy Scanned with CamScanner First of All [H_STEP1_KNOWTHE STAGES OF SELECTION There ae two main stages of selection in Defence Forees for Induction as officer le Initial/ preliminary selection and ISSB Tests. Study the details of selection system given in this book. [__STEP2 DO PHYSICAL EXERCISES Before applying in Defence Forces do physical exercise to come across the initial physical test as well as SSB Tests. 2. Don't waste time, include the physical exercises, given in this book, in your daily schedule just from today. Prepare Yourself For Initial Tests [_STEP3_KNOWTHE TIMETABLE OF REGISTRATIONS For this Purpose keep in touch with i) Leading Newspapers. fi) Websites of respective forces ‘As soon as the advertisement published in the newspapers, get registered , fered yout respective selection centres or online as per instructions. eee ait [L_STEP4 _ PREPARE THE DOCUMENTS Prepare the documents in advance which are mentioned in adverti respective selection centres before along test dates. lsement to produce at [L_STEPS _IMPROVEYOUR ENGLISH ‘As English Is the conversational language of Defence Forces Officials, spoken expression of English Language leaves a good impression, | a STEP 6 TAKING THE PRACTICE TESTS ‘ive proper time for taking the practice tess. This will help you fa ough sequence of the paper that you wil have to come a ea good written and voourself w eF0ss in the actual test,” Me CAREER FINDER : 5s Scanned with CamScanner one H__STEP7 BEFORE GOINGTOISSB 1). tfyouare we have not enou, ing forthe callleter from the SSB and start your preparation after receiving, ou may Th igh time at your disposal to cover ll the subjects. a 'erefore, itis advisable that you should start your study from today. You must get through your physical training according to this book as well In advance, but beware tg avoid injury before ‘going toISSB.. 'W). _Youareadvised to follow the instructions in advance which ae laid downinthis book. Me Assoonas you get the callietter, gothrough the instruction contained init. Before your departure to ISSB, make sure to get your photographs taken and make out alist ofitems yoy vin, WOuldbetaking with yourothetsse. Have your clothes Properly tailored, washed and pressed. Donot take| eclourase Seinen Havea properhaireut, lf you are travelling by train you must be at the Railway Station Reservation well ahead ofthe appointed time. Prepare your documentsin advance as required by ISB. __STEPs ATISSB 1). Donotlandat the 1$sBin solled and dirty clothes. Donot keep your hands inside the pockets, ii). Pay fullattention to whatever is saidat the inaugural address. ii), Never payvisits to prohibitedareas. T__STEP9 HOWTO ATTEMPTISSB TESTS Filling up the Board's Questionnaire: Fillin your personal Questionnaire form neatly and do not deviate from the truthfulfacts. ‘Taking intelligence Tests: Remaincalm and collected when youdo your intelligence tests. ‘Answering WAT & TAT: ‘Show co-operative, constructive and healthy trends when youanswer questions on WAT & TAT, etc. Doing Self Description Tests: Portray yourself asa balancedindividual while doing the self description test During Group Discussi Do not remain a back bencher during the group discussion. Do not create too much noise either, First think what you are going to say and then say it with confidence and clarity. Donat try ta monopolise. Jot down the points for your opening, the main body and conclusion. Look into your audience while you speak. Use pauses and stress at suitable places. Speak clearly, eagerly and with enthusiasm. During Group Planning: During the Group planning submerge your ownself into the problem, concentrate hard and put up concrete suggestions. Do not be an obstructionistf the maj does not agree with your plan. You then co-operate and ‘agree with the rest. When individual comments aresoughtdo not just weffle but putin some useful ue. [Attempting GTO's Outdoor Tasks: Doing the group tasks maintain the same co-operative attitude. Do note afraid to take the normalrsks. Beery saileactive andsmart. Your plan shouldbe practical andconstructveand give Rout with confidence dine rou have been given Command Taskmake proper selections rom your grup, Hoan early how exactly you are going to convey yourself and the materials across the abstacte.Planwithspeed rani es ar caamination fever. cive instructions tothe boys under your coma in cece controled im voice. youwill doit. . jew: emngpely esse wen you oforthelntersiew I youarewesrng the working dress, smartentup=s 2 ae re att greventa gloomy and sullen aBpear4Nce even you havenot fared very wali eae Be honest and truthful during your conversati ion with the interviewing officer. Do not get involved inargumen’> Be precise in youranswers and maintain afriendly dignified conversational tone Scanned with CamScanner ROAD MAP TO INDUCTION AS AN OFFICER [INTRODUCTION | ELIGIBILITY | REGISTRATION | SELECTION PROCESS | TRANING | | GRANT OF COMMISSION | PROMOTION | AWARDS & HONOURS | INTRODUCTION Candidates from all over the country are invited for the time and being to join Defence Forces as Commissioned Officer in the respective force: Pakistan Army, Pakistan Navy, and PAF. ELIGIBILITY Eligibility criteria is mentioned in the advertisement for each course. REGISTRATION Candidates are advised to get registered with respective selection centers either online or personally. SELECTION PROCESS Eligible candidates go through the following selection process: - 1 Preliminary selection at respective Selection Centersof Defence Forces. Those selected by the selection centers are called for SSB. i, Those who qualify the ISSB tests & interviews are called Final Medical est. iv. Merit lists in respective headquarters are prepared according to the seats available inthe respective forces. TRAINING Candidates recommended by respective headquarters are called for training a certain period in training academies of defence forces these include: i. PMA Academy Kakul, Abbottabad (For Pakistan Army) ji, Pakistan Naval Academy, Karachi. iil, PAF Academy, Risal Pur (KPK). GRANTOF COMMISSION Those who successfully completed their training are given commission in the respective forces. PROMOTION Promotion in defence forces is not automatic. The officers go through certain training courses and have to pass the promotion exams, the prestigious ‘example of oneis to enter in Staff College. HOLDING OF AWARDS & HONOURS Eligible personals of defence forces are awarded with certain military awards & honours, NISHAN-E-HAIDER ‘Those who sacrifice in war or crisis are granted with the highest civil and military award i.e. Nishan-e- Haider, Scanned with CamScanner INDUCTION IN DEFENCE FORCES Commision in Defence Force Entry Requirement BASIC ENTRY Pers Pasko ering Brera: ros co OFFERED rete ore ely | fication: Iemedate wn sox ans | i | | termed wn SO% Mars) yeaa Tet OC | PMA.Long Course | Regular a ahead Ena wa Pak States, | Islamuat, General Knoweds (for Graduates) (i) 1580 Test Sex: Malo Qualification: | | Fseqpmzran)wneo% |) peademi Tet con i | aris win Phi, Math. com ieee Tete 8 | a | chemist, Computer Science EVN Prac Math Se ourse | Science or 6S Canto ey | (w tssB Test 17-21 years | ‘Sex: Male / Female fication: ou: | rt {Academic Test (MCs) | ES Peta Pom | Sg glen um Admission in AMY | tar . Biology | Se? Medical College (i) Intetigence Test ron ‘Sex: Male / Female | Sei irviowe one 0 den ea | @ | RoguarasAFNS | (i) FSc (Pre-Med) with $0%| English, Physics, Chemsny | Armed Forces | CBS (Nursing) Marks Biology SP Nursing Services | (i) | Matric (with Physics, | (i) tm | | Shot orice | Chemsty and ology) | (i) Pernay Ts Pakistan Army | ReguarasAFNS | (i) Fc (Pre-Media) wih | (Gonoral Nursing) | 50% Marks Scanned with CamScanner eC caes eed ea Ered Ca ed fue Paice sae ‘Quatitcation: (0) Intatigence Test FScPreMedicalPre-cnap. | (il) Academic Test (MCs) ap Pit c: Permanent | jGompute Science with 50% (Physics & Enaksh) lot Course | Comission pacer na Marks) (i 1558 Tost Force ‘Age: 16-22years Sex: Male/Female <} ——- () teteligence Test pote & Navigators StatSonice | POPLIN. Mate (i), Academic Test (MCQs) ‘Commission (Physics, English, Maths) (ty 1588 Test Qualification: ‘Admission in FSe(Pre-Enga) win 60% | @) Intelligence Test College of Permanent | Marks (Academic Test (WCQ) ‘Aeronautical | Commission (Physics, English & Maths) Pakistan Air Engg. (CAE) ‘Age: 16-22 years (tp 1588 Test Force Sex: Malo uaification: (ppeanect | Pan retegpPreMadical | © Iatigonce Test ‘Commission fr | (computer Science) with AieDetence F.Sc Candidates! 503 Marke {Academic Test (MCQs) Branch (Physics, English) Pkistan Ar short Senice | poy, Force Commission | AEP oo ears 1586 Test ; ‘duatieation: : Foe tetrayPresedial,|",(0. eMioence Test ‘Computer Science) with ‘Admin & Special | Permanent oo ate (i) Academic Test (Mcas) Duties Branch | Commission (Physics & English) Pakistan Alt Age: oreo A ii aie! (ii) 1888 Test Guaifeation: and in 7 (i) Academic Test (MEQ) rvcate | pemanen — |? foateanencoman] Stearate ‘Scheme 1) Physics, Maths & Compute Erato, nen Fa ‘Science akistan Navy i Physics, Mats, Stat in 7 Pakist parry (uy 1558 Test Scanned with CamScanner Educators Entry (Master) pad Eres SSC ae Loa! ere ee Te ary pete lh d () Intottigence Test Qualifies Dhroct Short Serco enon eee? || army Education || MA! W.Scin relevant Acai Se Sf iS Corps subects ain io (a) 1S8B Test Pakistan Army 28 years (rlaxile) Sex: Malo Special Purpose (0) tntetigence Test iain eonie uaineaion: Commission Eaucation Branch || Master Degree in relevar (li) Academic Tost cara | (SPSSC) a6 Pot sibects Porc Oncor A) (Buses OB (i) 1558 Tost 18-30 yoars, 2 ) Religious Offcor ‘Sex: Male/Female (© tntotigence Test: 30 min & ‘Quatifeation: Short Serica . en jo Education Branch || MAUMScin relevant subjects) (2) Academic Test: 80min Pakistan Navy Age: (i) 1588 Tost Not more than 28 years Graduates Entry (B.A/B.Sc/B.Com/BCS etc.) enn TYPES OF ELIGIBILITY Comes Pennine Barca OF TESTS Sex: Male (Intetigence Test Related Subjects Regular PMALong || Qualification: Sf Commission Course Graduation (i) Academie Tost klstan Army 7 28 years (i) 1888 Test Sex: MaloiFemale Galieebie, (Intetigence Test Shot Service coe) Graduation (CBSc) ‘Commission Course ‘Age: 16-20 years FR (pestereeireds Pakistan Air Serving Personne! Force 16-23 years (uy Iss Test a Scanned with CamScanner ()Itigenc Tet 0) Pamaret Commaen (0 Acne Tost Logit Pakistan Air (Short Service: Branch (Wi) 1588 Test ion Cuomicton soe {anya (u) Poyehelole! Tet ex: ne (0 tttgenc Tost se San uation: Conmeocn || “Ores | ac (0 Aesderia Test Pakistan Air on rm ‘Age: 18-30 years: (lil) (S88 Test Sex: Male (@)_Intottigence Test sen sarca || Admins oc |] auateaton ay ie onmuson || “oueewrnen || 8470.50 vost lr yt Tst Fores ‘Age: 18-30 years: = ec an (0 wetigence Test: 381min esi snewegen |] 222!sen Pe, (0 caer Tot: 80min Po/ssc 7 — Maths, Aiories, MSc Geograpiy - (BSewin Physics, Maths Gi) 1888 Test Pause Ae ase Force 18-30 years, (Wv) Psychological Test ] Sex: Male one () tntetigence Test svoasence || option || scmonorcanthaton |] 3 ss = Toner” || rmcestionssutetine || AetdomeT Pyaar we ncorece |! cy tesa rest Bacon Scone Wate 8 zoamn Scanned with CamScanner Law Graduates Entry iron iMag ia nee ered Comes te Cus a (0 tntetigance Test : (i) Acadamic Test os perch || aateaom 8 fin i950 Test "ror i payehotogiea! Test for SSC) pare ‘ge: 21-30 years ra ce Test Sex: Man Female (Integer ‘Comin oe eaincation: LS (09 Academie Test ‘Commission eanen i 2 Age: uo 40 yeas W) 185 IT Graduates Entry erties ree can) Ceieuers Pao uatcaton: (9 ntaigence Test 1 Guctcmpurec Sciences || (ISM Programmer oat rench —_|| Macs, BcstHon) (iy apttude Test paustanale | Bs of BE (Comp Science) {h) Paychotogia! Test (or SSC) a : Age! 18-30 years Management Science Entry ae eRe Etecitine Sconce Cotesia ee Coneiures Cai Sex: Male 0 recounts || Quatiiation: (i) Academic Test Paisse Seen || Bcomacuarcacnten || quy 1588 Test palitan Ae Gu) Peychologieal Test (for $C) oreo ‘oe: 20-20 years oe Sex: Male/Female (0) Inettgence Test F | Shot Senice swoly ustiication: Sete : 3 (i) Academe Test = Branch | coms mcom? Mahomet Pakitan Ny 8BA/MBA/ MA (Economies) || (uy ISSB Test Scanned with CamScanner . | Media Science Entry oor Waskog Err Bree uss Cures OF TESTS, ‘Sox: Male/Female ()_teligence Test ‘Shon Service PR uatieation: (i) Academic Test Commission Branch || Masterin Jouratom, Related Subjects Pisce ‘Mass Communication oF Media Sciences (wy 1888 Test Professional Entry for Engineers Dice Emerg /LLABUS / SUBJECTS Test CRITERI Caaes ew | << tee ere ee ee Qe, ces | veers Jo saa Engneers x Capa Age: | an se tot a Fe pee Hie ania wae a Tas Se oe |enmeconnconnot || Seariuecratapanioa (nnn 8OCAR SK mas) or anaen be GOP oman" |) eekit eo. nas Fangs pc ncaa rai Smear Le meee eamertnte | || vmemeympeneeyaysesommcennar | tomnee ener | seen eamrere ers tc Sr Ser f= Seeman retary | ay more Bel sao Dips aceite aire ‘Cuncaton (0 tetatignnce Tost comecre| creche eo reamonsenn | Siceeenen cmt torneo sonar Soreness | Semane 2 rec aeorlf Beat ct trucos SIS spec pupoce stot ae Femate 0 tnatigence test ecemmmen | sree oe Sec, |e en oo = WM) 1380 Test A f= | | @ AREER FINDER Scanned with CamScanner as Medical Psycho Brea ae Eterm ara co Gio ry (ay Personatnynsse = -- = = = ina ae an een, | Setseese emit cemnanecoint Patan tent YS catenen t pie Seen nese erm | Pennants [eset | Bromma neti tg | ne | fee (|']) ee | Exzeretmemtteinatsnne tan timnana | 6 rman racers | | z 1: = este ie | sone ae Pataton le | Av ae | ape armen _| & rae | ee aa eset Branch foe Pemaate Store tan aus (0) AexcaneTest eer erates Assoo SoU esau oe i eae ee CMa yd COCs eee eT eee eer Mi ct eae ee eT eae ey H ri TS ce a aaa Sa ere a Pee ec cea ae eens eaters ries encaer nn Scanned with CamScanner k CONTACT DEFENCE FORCES SELECTION CENTRES FOR INITIAL SELECTION Location _ Pakistan Army Pakistan Navy PAF Information & __ Selection Centers Selection Centers Selection Centers Abbotabad PwRecrutment and election | 310, Mansehra Road, Near Avub Center Medical complex, Abbotabed House No, 149A, Main Kakul | :0992-285157 oad, Abortabad- Phone: #92931 05 08-5 emai roabbortabad@paknan.gouPk ‘Arad Kashmir “arm Selection and Recruitment office AK Telephone No: 05156134184 ‘Address: Roomi Road Opposite $Transt camp Rawapind Cantonment Bahawalpur Army Selection and Recruitment 10-A Extension Scheme, Satellite Office eahawalpur “own, Bahawalpur Telephone No: 05291-35885 -9521-9250103 Adres: Yarman Road Fl Pull Bahawalpur Due Khan “my Selection and Recrutment | PN Recruitment & Selection office Okhan center HNO ‘elephone Ne: 0922-20135085 | 25/A Shari Road 0..Khan ‘Adres, Sadia Road Near Station | Phone 0966-9280867 Headquarter Dera lsmailkhen | Email Cantonment tvo-dikhan@Paknovy.go%pk Faisalabad Trmy awison and ecrakment [PN Recruitment & selection | Main shang Road, Near 64 Puly Office Flsalabad Center New CiilLines, Oppose. | stop Faisalabad Jarcghone no, 081-2200363(civ) | Commissioner Office, Behria ‘address: Near District oad, FAISALABAD Headquarter Hospital Faisalabad | Phone 081-9200574 Email no-falalabad@Faknavygovsk igi “my Selection and Recruitment Center Gilgit Telephone No 05811-961-35885 ‘Adaress: Gilgit Cantonment yderabad Tay Selection and Recrutment PAF Information & Selection Center Hyderabad Center 49 Shahudain Road, ‘elophone no: 022-791-35885 Hyderabad Address: Near Gul Center 022-9200936 Hyderabad Cantonment “eam ‘Army Selection and Reerltment Coffcesehtum Telephone no: 05¢4-69-3588S ‘adress: Kasim Shahees Road ‘opposite Union Bank Jehlum {CAREER FINDER iss Scanned with CamScanner is | RB rs Kohat ‘Army Selection and Recruitment Center Karachi Telephone No: 021-560-38885 ‘Address: Main Shahra-e- Faisal "Near Station Headquarter Karachi Cantonment N Recruitment and Selection Center 7 inquat Barracks, Rafiqui Shaheed Road, Near Lucky Star, Karachi Test Venue: Bahria Auditorium Karachi Phone 021-48505703-4 Email Main Shahra-eFotsa Nearpg >] Base, Faisal Karachi Phone: 021-98240599, 95476 ‘Army Selection and Recruitment Center Kohat ‘Telephone No: 0922-521-35885 ‘Address: Near CMH Peshawar oad Kohat Cantonment Khuedar ‘Army Selection and Recruitment Office Khurdar Telephone No: 08482-8612- 35885, ‘Address: Near General Bus Stand Karachi Road Khuzdar Cantonment PN Recruitment & Selection center HNO 25/A Shami Road D # Khan Phone 0966-9280467 Email ‘ro-dikhan@Paknavy.goupk Lahore ‘Army Selection and Recruitment Center Lahore Telephone No: 042-6699-35885 ‘Address: 45 Shami road Near Fortress Stadium Lahore Cantonment PN Recruitment and Selection ‘center 92 Near Fortress Stadium Lahore Phone 042-9220629, 663614101 Email rro-Lahore 114 Munir Road, Munie Chowk, (Near PAF Cinema}, Lahore (042-99220084 Larkhana ‘Army Selection and Recruitment Office Larkana ‘Telephone No: 074-8410121(Civ) Address: Government Degree College Larkana Loralai ‘Army Selection and Recruitment Office Loralai ‘Telephone No: 081-2490-33621, ‘Address: Loralai Cantonment Mianwali TMA Rest House, Balu Kha Road, Committee Chowk Mianwalt Phone: 59-234397 Scanned with CamScanner CONTACT DEFENCE FORCES SELECTION CENTRES FOR INITIAL SELECTION Center Peshawar ‘Telephone No: 091-201-35885, ‘Address: Sahabzaca Gul Road (Opposite PAF Cinema PeshawarCantorment Location Pakistan Army - Pakistan Navy PAF Information & Selection Centers Selection Centers _| _ Selection Centers _ ‘Malton Army Selecion and ecrutment. ]t Recrutment and seecton | 237 Sher Shah ow, Muitan wer Multan Center 217 Sher Shah Rosd (061-9201183 Telephone No: 061-sa1-25885 | Kultan ‘Address: Tipu Sultan Road Phone 061-9201164 Multan Cantonment Ene nro-Multan@paknavy goupk een hah PN Recruitment and Selection Center Opposte Quad Awan Univers New Nike Soirnd Roo, Mawabenah Distr Shaheed banasabe Phone 02449370123 Eat ti rrsenatiabadepsnovegovDk Peshawar “Army Selection and Recruitment | PN Reerutment and Selection Center Warsak Road Peshawar Cant. Phone o31-9212316 Email rro-Peshawar@paknavy.goupk ‘Army Selection and Recruitment Center Rawalpind Telephone No: 051-561-34137, Address: Roomi Road Opposite Transit Camp Rawalpind! Cantonment PN Recruitment and Selection | 3, ‘Town, Airport Road, Rawalpindi ‘est Venue: Bahria College Sector 8 Islamabad Phone 051-5961836/5953060 mall nro-rawalpindi@ The Mall, Opposite AFIC, House No. 102, Street No. 1 Fazal | Rawalpindi Phone: 051-5701143, ‘uetta “Army Selection and Recruitment Center Quett Telephone no: 081-2490-35885 ‘Address: Zarghoon Road ‘Opposite Serena Hotel Quetta Cantonment PN Recruitment and Selection Center 414 Zarghoon Road, Opposite Sarena Hotel, Quetta cant Phone 081-9201249 Email ro-quetta@paknavy.gowpk ‘Ma, Jinnah Road, Quetta 081 -9201753 ‘Sargodha “Army Selection and Recruitment Office Sargodha Telephone No 048-730-35885 ‘Adress: Katchury Road Near District Jail Sargodha Cantonment Sialkot ‘Army Selection and Recruitment Office Sialkot ‘Telephone No: 052-571-35885 ‘Address: Mudassar Shaheed Road Near Garrison Park Sialkot ‘cantonment PN Recruitment and Selection [Center Old District Enginear Residence, Opposite Services Club IKhayban-e-lqbal, Slatkot Cantt Test venue: Govt F G Public School or Boys Sialkot Cantt. Phone 052-4267639 Ema nvo-sialkot@ ‘CAREER FINDER Iss Scanned with CamScanner CONTACT DEFENCE FORCES SELECTION CENTRES FOR INITIAL SELECTION Pakistan Army Selection Centers = ‘Army Selection and Recruitment Office Sibi a ‘Telephone No: 0833-9209-35885 Address: Sibi cantonment : Sukeur ‘Army Selection and Recruitment | PN Recruitment and Selection | Minara Road, Opposite Ofte suka MAMET | Cerner Army Publi School_| Isamla College, iar" ‘Telephone No: 01-2490-35685 | Sukkur Island Sukkur. 071-9310409 Address: Miltary Road, ADC __| Test venue: Army Public School Colony, Near DcO’s Office Sukkur | Sukkur, Near Dargeh Sadar-ud- Din Shah Badshah Robi At sukkur Phone 071-9310444 Email ‘nro-Sukkur@ Sent PN Recruitment and Selection Center Wadood Hall Road College Colony Saidu Sharif, SWAT Phone 0945- 818433, Email nro-Swat@paknavy.govpk Turbat ‘Arniy Selection and Recruitment Office Turbat Telephone No: 0852-413185 ‘Address: Turbat City Scanned with CamScanner From Selection to Promotion Scanned with CamScanner PAKISTAN ARMY PAKISTAN AIR FORCE _ Advertisement published so Tania nia 4 apapess! in newspapers: 4 ' thon of Candidates Reglstration of Candidates + ‘TEST AT SELECTION CENTRE Regletration of Candidates ‘ TEST AT SELECTION CENTRE TEST AT SELECTION CENTRE, Intelligence Test Intelligence Teat ‘ ‘Academie Test Intelligence Test + Academle Test ‘Academe Test Preliminary Interviews Preliminary Entervlews + Preliminary Medical Test Preliminary Medical Test 4 Preliminary Interviews Preliminary Medical Test 1 4 Gi a Discussion (GD) sane ‘Conference | + t + “|! panning (a) [__ commana Task [eters | v v v Fiaception & Farmal =e *peties (odie ‘Questionnaire jest (6 Grew en + + 4 ‘tery Wetting (TAT) Interviews + Self Beseriation, Scanned with CamScanner PAKISTAN AIR FORCE PAKISTAN NAVY ba GD(®) Candidates Only Final Selection ae ALQ, a samab: | inorder of Mere Mhmorder of Mesie 4 4 4 4 4 PAKISTAN ARMY #H PAKISTAN AIR FORCE H PAIISTAN NAVY PAIGSTAN ARMY | PAKISTAN AIR FORCE | RAICISTAN NAVY 4 4 —Q Scanned with CamScanner ee Promotional Ranks In Defence Forces & 2 & F Pilot Officer [nditeutenant 8 Sy || Misshipman aE eet, 2nd Lt L Flying Officer Uettersnt Ym || Sub Lieutenant = Fig Off lt 3 S/lt Flight Lieutenant Captain Lieutenant = Fit Lt Capt ut der ‘Squadron Leader Major Lt Comman Santr ic iE tear am Wing Commander Lt Colonel ‘Commander amr Wo Cdr Lt Col ca Group Captain ca Colonel Captain am Gp Capt I |_cot Capt Air Commodore ca Brigadier Commodore a Air Cdre Brig Cdre | é i Admiral Air Vice Marshal Major General Rear AVM |_Maj Gen RAdm ez fice Admiral Air Marshal Lt General vice | aM (mal | ics Vadim ea fae 2 ‘Admiral Air Chief Marshal General nei Sen i am es FF Awards SHonours Nishan-i-Haider Hilaisur'at Sitara-iJur'at . Tamgha-i-Jur‘at Rene Recipients of Nishan-e- ‘To date, no living person has received the award. Captain Muhammad Sarwar Shaheed Major Muhammad Tufail Shaheed Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Major Muhammad Akram Shaheed Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas Shaheed Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed Sowar Muhammad Hussain Shaheed Lance Naik Muhammad Mahfuz Shaheed Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed Havildar Lalak Jan Shaheed Naik Saif Al Janjua Scanned with CamScanner Selection Process in Defence Forces The candi Iresrentanes fate rented! to appear personally at the Selection and Recruitment Centres in various eT ee en ae respective recruiting office of your city. .5 must report at the Selection and Recruiting Centres with the required documents. INTELLIGENCE TEST The candidates who are declared fit in the medical and physical standards are put 0 we Neat tests. Jest No. L contains Verbal intelligence Test, white Test No.2 contains Non-verbal Intelligence Test- ACADEMIC TEST Candidates are given an Academic Judes questions based on ‘Academic Subjects or General Knowledge. Test to solve in specific time. The test inc! INTERVIEW interviewed. Questions about family background and general knowledge are Candidates are briefly asked. MEDICAL TEST ; Candidates go through a medial check-up, in which height, chest, weight and eyesight may be checked. RESULT i Feailtis announced immediately after the tests. \g office. Candidates may and submit atthe recruitin lege FORMS ‘ are given formsto complete tr include a character certificate by school/col Successful candidates be given a day or two to complete re forms, whic Pe Simmaster/Principat or by OC unit (for service personnel) ETTER Ll i pate ‘seued to successful candidates for Test/Interviews at ISSB. oO CAREER FINDER. —— Scanned with CamScanner PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST These tests include intelligence and personality testsand are held on the morning ofthe fist day. INTELLIGENCE TEsTs, These are of two main: standards are Screen first day. i fail to come up to the minim types; verbal and non verbal. Candidates who fai i 'ed out. They are allowed to proceed back to their homes after the test on the MECHANICAL APTITUDE TEST 'tis designed to assess candidates basic mechanicalsense. PERSONALITY TESTS These are written tests of analytical/projective type. Responses provide indication. GTO'S TASKS GROUP TESTS 'n group tests the candidates are put through a number of standardized situations to find out the degree of officer like qualities in a candidate ie, team spirit, initiative, resourcefulness etc, and whether the candidate's personality fits him for a practical role that an officer has to play in the Defence Forces. For these tests, the candidates are divided into groups, The tests includes GROUP DISCUSSION Informal discussions are conducted ina group on given subjects, GROUP PLANNING Agroup plan fora given problem on the modelis to be evolved, GROUP TASKS | Three group tasks are conducted in which candidates are } solve these normally; these comprise obstacles over whic sufficient bulk and weight. | COMMAND TASKS | Each candidate is in turn appointed the commander of t! requiring severalmen. INDIVIDUALOBSTACTES Simple obstacles which a candidate is required to tackle, INTERVIEWS vig et Wace a iewer assesses the candidates in an informal and o any pertain to the candidate's life, academics, awaren: candidates views. Presented practical situations and left to h the group is required to carry objects of he group and given a practical task bijective mann ler. The questions would 'eSS and gene! cts req ral aspects requiring the Scanned with CamScanner PILOT APTITUDE TEST ONLY FOR PAF GD PILOT COURSE PAF Information & Selection Centre Rawalpindi administers Aptitude Test for GD Pilot course only. Certain number of marks are allotted for the Aptitude Tests and the marks obtained by each candidate are taken into account while his final results are determined at the conference. MEDICAL EXAMINATION All the candidates selected by the ISSB are required to undergo a thorough medical examination at a selected Medical Board or Establishment. The final merit list will contain only those names who after selection by the ISSB have been declared to be medically fit. MERIT LIST The marks obtained by each candidate at respective selection centres and at the ISSB are added s secured by each together in the end and a merit list is prepared on the basis of the total ms candidate. Final selection and call up for training are made from this merit list, according to the order of merit, depending on the number of vacancies available. The aim of the candidate should therefore be not only to get selected at the ISSB but also to obtain the maximum possible number of marks, so that he may find a high position in the merit list. Qe Scanned with CamScanner | Guidelines | Gen, Information | Introduction | Aim & Role | Selection System 1. INTRODUCTION ie @ —Theselection of Ae person for right job and to predic his behaviou ear than; erator Bee an intricate process. special for miitay organizations, stakes ae much Nhe MEN Pro oss. Mita leaders are required to possess some special qualities, which mal 9s and co eespreners veletng tet (ii) SB is performing the important role of selecting fut i (i) Asa iat stop, te cadltes ore ftered trough the respective Senaces Selection and Ren Centres, estabishedinall the major cies ofthe country, Inthe second phase, successful candidates Put through medical examination in the nearest military hospitals. TF cnc ically fit candidates are called up at Inter-Services Selection Board for detailed eating iP ee isthe nd. step in testing the candidates for induction into the forces which is done through an elaborate testing system with a long scientific background tots credit. .dership for defence forces of Pakistan, 2. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND ” (@ The present selection system for defence forces of Pakistan owes its origin to the World War Il. Before World War Il the selection of officers in the British army was based on recommendations from commanding officers, interviews and written examination. : (® This system worked wel tlt there was a large supply of good human resource and minimal attrition, During World War Il the source began to dry up quickly with increase in number of casualties and system became ineffective to handle a large numberof candidates who could meet the rigorous training and harsh field requirements. (In 1942, the British took the revolutionary step by establishing the new type of War office Selection Board. These boards employed more scientific and modern methods of selection based on extensive research and experimentation. In the new set up selection board comprised of a president, psychologist and military testing officer. The board conducted two to three days examinations and only selected the best suitable candidates. This new set up became instrumental in identifying the potential officers and screening out undesired candidates. In the war scenario, these boards made their mark by stimulatinga continuous flow of good material to the army and so won the confidence of Royal Army. (jv) In February 1943, the British established first such board in india after | bringing some changes according to the local environment. At the time of partition two such boards came to the share of Pakistan and started functioning at Rawalpindi. (%) 111952, the two boards were amalgamated into what commonly known as ISSB and itwas established at Kohat. (v)__ Later with the increase in induction in Pakistan defence forces due to aro, two candidates appearing from Balochistan a mobile detachment was also estabishea for retain 1992, we now call as inter Services Selection Board, 3. « PRESENTSETUP: @ ISB is fulfling the sacrosanct responsibil ° ’ eb) having capacity oftesting about 0,000 candidates ina yean, “tes fora batch of 4 days th (i) Besides selection, the existing system is evaluated tine sed aga is and : ng syster a i a follow up studies. Thishelpsin bringing acontinualimproversen rerun fea npr the, Pakistan Army | PakistanNavy | Pakistan Air Force I PAKISTAN ARMY ACADEMIC TESTS: PMA Long Course | ‘Technical Cadet Course | Army Medical College PAKISTAN NAVY ACADEMIC TESTS > PN Cadet Scheme | Navigators & Pilots PAKISTAN AIR FORCE ACADEMIC TESTS GD Pilot Course English | Physics | Maths | Chemistry | Biology | General Knowledge | PakStudies | Islamiat ance (6) Scanned with CamScanner sooeoeccoee a ra Jd rT WwW [eccosceoooe | | lily Ht a : ih 8] | eccocccccee 4 ii giuy Hi | Ha Hfesessssccee || 1 / FTE aah i Hay eccccccccee a8 fiz PpHIn? ig ai inl eccccoccce] ii $i/2 4 @ ge FH at dbgh d2ugis Fs mole n Os Fe a A SODDDDDD0D00000000000000000 os 29 P}929900000000000000000000000 or be MSCOCDDDD0D0DDD000000000000000 = 6 ® 8 <}299900000000000000000000000 £3 =2 RNRRSSSSISSESRSTIGIS SF Ses as + gis ie a799009000000000000000000000 > P}9999000000000000000000000 mo029090900000000000000000000 <}/99090000000000000000000000 TNO Seen @OLEVOTSSERSRRNRER (60) SASER PHO sy Scanned with CamScanner general instructons: ‘Tis partfthetest requires youtost Workoutthe patternand identify na a eties of numbers, ‘They wanttotease the teachers. Verbal Intelligence Test 2 ify thenextnumber in Noansweristobemarked on thequesn theseries. 4 question paper Us ; Answersare tobe given on the answer shane ans er sheet fr this purpose. © geral number or sequence of the questa eastthe corresponding question number. Incase yournis thecorrect which will esalt into. total failure * You are on the path of writing all your answers in the wrong columns litte time is, : 5 inten ony quclone gn ton Sobel inalengthen Dtsenente at hesametine youshoulbe ityproceed further withoutany heat gee conused over certain question lnvelt don't waste your ime Over IMPORTANT: If you have any di i ‘ 2 ¥y doubt about the instruct ‘ ould immediately refer ions or do not clearly follow any ofthe instructions, you aroestanees. Ter tothe examiner. Once the word star'is announced, you wil be given no aid under any 7, __Thisisashorttesttofind outhow quickly andaccurte : ately oucan anewera series of questions & Some ofthe questions are easy, others ce - - oucanseturnoitaterf they ore ts liu youcanot do any quetin leave Rand proceed othe mex 9 Forsome questions possible answers are given and these answers are num! ou are to dois to Srooetcbctanneand cence escalates went Alyx resid 10. __Ifyourequire, you may doany rough work. Allworkistobedane withlead pencil What Will Come Next? 6. ‘What number comes next in the following 1. SICKistoSACKasLICKisto. series? A./ LACK B. WwcK 18 By, 9 i c EAT D. MEAT ee © 5 E LOCK a - ‘What letter comes next in the following ly _ tliat _ 7. Which one of the following is different from BDGKPQRSU 4 “ eer . c. AIRCRAFT «D.. SHIP Ga 7 EY CART ae Q . 8... Which one of the following is different from. 3. What number comes next in the following, ee series? A. FEBRUARY B. DECEMBER 34 4 6 WwW 6 Cc JUNE D> MONDAY > a 5 Bw E. SEPTEMBER . Qa, 8 ay 2 9. What number comes next in the following. Eo 4 series? 4. If 4 is more than 9 write A as your answer Pa ee ee otherwisewriteB? =, iit ae tt ea eh AA oe 9 D6 coc Do we BE 4 EE 10, NORTHistoSOUTHasEASTisto: 5. Children goto school because: fol _ WEST. B.. NORTH A. Theywanttoleampoems. ©. NORTH-WEST B. _Theywanttogain knowledge’ D. SOUTH-EAST C. Theywanttobeaway fromhome, E. NORTH-EAST D. E {55p CAREER FINDER ‘They wanttolook beautiful. @) = Scanned with CamScanner 14, i 18. 19. ‘Which one of the following is different from therest: A. BROTHER B._ SISTER C~ UNCLE D. SON E GRANDFATHER Girls wear glasses because: A. Theyhavepoor eyesight. B.— Theywanttolooksmart. CTheylovetogooutside, D. —_Theywanttoshow off. EB ‘They wanttoremain healthy, ‘What number comes next in the following series? 48 boy 12 6 A 2 Bo ict eas Be 3 E B . What number comes next in the following series: 40 30 35 25 30 20 AT 25 Baa c 36 D. 19 E 13 ENGINE istoCAR as CELL isto: A ‘CANDLE B. HEATER Cc TORCH OD. BICYCLE E CAMERA Which one of the following is different from therest? ' A. TENNIS B. HOCKEY © CRICKET ~=ssiD._—sBILLIARDS. Ee FRIDGE 1f7 and 6 make 19 write A as your answer otherwise write B: A A Bt ic ioe ee te EE ‘Which one of the following is different from therest? a wuss = 6) meat ca FAT D SMALL ming Whatnumber comes nextin the series? 2 390 Ww 6 A 3 Be om: me BE? 4 If Azra is older than Munir, and Munir is younger than Javaid, then Azrais: ‘A. OlderthanJavaid. B, _JustasoldasJavaid. ‘Younger than Javaid. c D.~ Cannotsay what. E, _Allofabove. If Asif is 12 years old and all boys over 10 are hockey players: ‘A. It is not sure that Asif is a hockey player. B.~ Asif is likely to become a hockey player. €. Asifcannotplay hockey. D. _Asifisahockey player. E. _Cannotsay what. Which one of the following is different from therest? A. CABBAGE B. TOMATO POTATO D. ORANGE E. GRAPES ‘Women goto market because: A. Theyhaveplenty of sparetime. B. _Theyliketoroamabout. | C Theydon'twant tostayathome. DB — Theyhavetobuy things. E.__Theyhavesparemoney. Which one of the following is different from therest? A Two B. FOUR © TWENTY oD. FFIY FIVE What number comes next in the following series? 7, 0, mw 8 6 A 6 BOS (a | De 2 Be What letter comes next in the following series? J iH EF D av mB B. <4 c D D. E R F ‘Which one of the following is different from therest? A. YARD B. Foor (CAREER FINDER Scanned with CamScanner 31. 32. ex omamen _) c MILE D. E. KILOMETER er Forests are useful because; 4-~ They helpin building the economy. B. They provide picnic spots. C Theyareeasy to grow. D. _Theymake thhe country beautiful, E, _Theyhavenumberoftrees. NEARistoFARasCLOSEisto: A. END B- OPEN = DOOR D. BEGIN E OVER ‘What is the area of a square which is 8 feet long and8 feet wide? A 40 B. 55 ow 64 D 70 EB 10 ‘Which one of the following is different from therest? A CUP B. SAUCER c GLASS D. JUG E~ DRINK If 5 is subtracted from 30 what will be the squareroot of remaining? A 8 B30 CG 6 D0 EM 5 ‘Which one of the following is different from therest? A DAGGER B. SWORD c KNIFE D.~ FORK E AXE ‘Students play games because: A ‘They wantto look beautiful. B They wantto make friends. .__ Theywanttowin prizes. 3 D. They wanttoremainhealthy.~ E ‘They wanttokill the time. Which one of the following is different from therest? A. MOSQUE =—-B,— CHURCH © ‘TEMPLE Wy D. SYNAGOGUE E. ~ PRAYER INCHis to FOOT as FINGERisto: A. MAN B.BODY cv HAND D. ARM 37. 39. 41. B. EBG i A tribe consisted of a man, his five wives, his seven daughters, his six sons and their wives. Each son had two children. How many members were there inthe whole tribe? A 35 B36 57 ene sB E39 ‘Add the number which comes in the middle of the series to the largest number and divide ‘the total by thesmallest number: 2B inst Bt? we a6 mF A 10 ws Coe on BE 6 In a group of 50 players 30% play hockey, 80% play cricket. Are there any who play both hockey and cricket? AM Yes B.No —— Onecannotsay without further detail D. _Allofabove E_Noneofabove. Allanimals have tails. ‘Some birds have tai Xhasatail therefore itis an animal: A Yes B. -No Uncertain =». Allofabove E _Noneofabove If Aftab is a brother of Azra and Azra is the daughter of Yasmin, which one of the following statementsis true? A. Aftaband Yasminarecousins. BY Yasminismother of Aftab, C.— Azraiscousinof Yasmin. D. _Aftabis the father of Yasmin. E. —_Noneofabove. BRASSisto METAL as SPARROWisto: A BIRD B.ANIMAL. c™ FLY D. WINGS E CHIRP ‘What number comes next in the following series? a 6 mM 6 19 A 2 Bo Cf D147 B* 35 Scanned with CamScanner 47, 49, WHITEis to BLACKas LIVEisto: A. DYE B. SINK c-~ DE D. ‘SLEEP EB PLAY Af mangoes are sold at the rate of Rs. 25 per kilo, how many grams can you buy for Rs.5? A~ 200 Be 250 50 D. 100 R75 If Akbaris: than Mahmood and Ayaz is older than Mahmood and Zubair are ‘younger than Ayaz, whois the oldest? AM Ayaz BL Akbar C. — Mahmood ~ D. Zubair Which figure represents the smallest amount? A B BOL Sisag sh D. 06 E> 07 Which one of the following is different from therest? A FLY B. BUTTERFLY < — MosgurTo De COCKROACH E BEE Aperson who treats animalsis called: A. Surgeon B. Dentist © Doctor Do Veterinarian EB Hakim ‘Which one of the following is different from therest? A. Shoulder BS Bye Foot D. Ear Chest ‘Complete the series: % &%) 1% 9% 2% m8 A 48 B36 IS ay 0%, De 72. E 100 If mangoes sell at Rs. 17 per kilo how much will kilos cost? 85 B40 GC Dat EB 9% 53. 56. 61. CLEANis the opposite of: A. OPlain B. White Cc. Fair Dirty EB Dim 1 of soap weigh 75 kilos and each box apn caapty weighs 3 kilos, how much isthe weight of thesoap? A 15 B30 c 8 DY 60 EB B Choose the word that makes the most sensible sentence: A father is always than his daughter: AL, Heavier B Older Wiser D. Taller BE Weaker ‘Arrange the following words intoa complete sentence, then write the last letter of the last wordas your answer: A Bite B. Dogs Seldom D. Barking E Choice oy b oD . F a o£ e J If pencils sell at 4 for 60 paisas, how much will2% dozens cost? A 250 B 350 c 450 D. 550 EB 650 Which group of letters is different from the others? - A. Abgh Bo Dejk Co gk D. Mnst EB Pqvw Whichis different from therest? A. Te B. Certain CG Vague D. Sure SAWistoCUTasIRONisto: A Press Bo Metal Cc Ore D. Hard E rill ‘What es What letter comes next in the following BOD «x A OF BOT Scanned with CamScanner em it DR oo BP HEARisto EAR as CHEWisto: A Sweet Cc Toffee O — E Tongue OFTEN is the opposite of: A Frequent 8, Seldom c Miny D. Mostly. E Never AWELLalways has: AL Water BY Cover cS me D. Bottom E, _Noneofabove A shopkeeper bought eight kilo for Ke 10,Outofthese sto gamacaneatoesod ‘because they are rotten. At what price per Kilo of the remaining apple could be sold to gaina profit of 50% on the whole investment: Disbins BO 2 ic 15) D 15 Gen 4 Af Amjad is heavier than Saleem, and Saleem is lighter than Majeed, then Majeed may be asheavy as Amjad: A Yes B. No © ——Cannotsay what D. —Alllofabove E, —_ Noneofabove EXPAND isthe opposite of: A. Stretch Be Pall ©. Contract =D. Loose E Miser ‘What comes nextin the following series? 7% 7 3 30 15 10 A 1 BO 2 ce & D4 Es ‘Hafizis same ageas Akmal. Akmalis younger than Tahir. ‘Tahiris olderthan Hafiz. Assuming the first two statements are true, is thethird statement? AD Troe B. False Uncertain. «iD. Allofabove B, _Noneofabove 7. 76. What comes nextin the following series? 324, 108, 36, «12 A 2 BOS co 3 De 4 BE 16 Whatwill come next? 2 4 7% 9% 1% 14, 7 A 18 B. 19 c 2 DR 2 RE 2 What figure comes next in the following L425 3 6 & 7g, ae 5 B. 6 ch o7 D8 RB ou What willcomenext? 3547596 mM __ A 8 BO? c ou Dp B BR What will comenext? 2 6 5 9% % 1 MW, 15 A BOB c 2 DB ER 2 What will come next? 5,25, 4 5, 16, A 6 BOS c 18 D256 EB 64 Whatwillcomenext? 217, 437, 657, 877, 10, AL BR OB c 9 D «10 BE 2 ‘What number comes next in the following series: 48, 45, 40, 33, 24, A BOB Chm I8. Do BE 0 What number comesnext? 115 335 555 75 9 A 8 Biswuandh ac 7 RD ad Scanned with CamScanner 85. 87. Biecoseniils What will come next? 3, 6 18, 72, A 80 B. 360 c 550 D. 1210 E 2160 What will comenext? 5 20, 6, 24, 7, 28 A 9,36 Bo 8,32 c 10,40 D. 11,44 E 15,30 If 5 is more than 7 mark 'A' as your answer otherwise mark'B': AOA BOB Ce ce D =D Eg WRITERisto PENas SOLDIERisto: A Car B. Aircraft Book D. Gun E Cap What number comes next in the following series? 6 B 0 7 hg "3 BO 4 a 10 De» 5 BE Ww ‘Which one of the following is different from therest? A Father B Mother Cc Uncle D. Son E Daughter Write the letter which is as far from the beginning of the alphabet as is T from the beginning of the word'CHARACTER': ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ A T BOO SB D OM BE OG Weread book because: A. Wewanttolearnthem by heart. B. Wewantto gain knowledge. C.— Wewanttokill thetime. D. __ Wewantouryoungsters tofollow us. E. — Wewanttogetadegree. What number will come next? 7, 10, 20, 23, 46, 96. 48 B49 7 50 DSL EB 52 What will come next? 3, 7%, 1, 18, 35 40, —__ A oO B75 Cc. 80 D8 BE 9% What will comenext? 4 2, 15, 15, 48, A uh B13, cus D147 BE 9 Whatwillcomenext? 5 3% %, Be Yr A 9 B10 c 2 D 15 RE Kamal is older than Jamal. Jamalis older than Hussain. Hussainis older than Waqar, whois the oldest? A. Wagar B. Jamal Cc Kamal D. Hussain E, _Noneofabove RingistoFingerasWatchisto__: A Arm Bo Head © Foot D. Wrist EB Hand GunistoSoldieras___is toPhotographer. A. Scenery B. Photo Camera D. Picture E. _Noneofabove ISheepistoWoolasCatisto__: A Bitch Bo Fur c Camel D. Dog E. _Noneofabove ‘What will come nextiin the following series: 2 9 Ww om 26 A 38 BOL cc 2B Dd 3 B40 What will come nextin the following series: 3 48 5045 a7 A 54 B39 @ D8 (ssn Scanned with CamScanner What will come next? 378 213 1 A 2 B cB D E 2 9s, Completethe given series: 1 100 2 50 4 25 g A 225 2 Cc 85016 D. $s | (CAREER FINDER. @) 99. If Aslamis three times older t an Akber and after ten year his age becomes twice of Akber a whatishisagenow? » A 45 Be." /85 a) D. 20 100, Whatwillcomenext? z Be 88 FS MP. 12516 A 36 B32 16125 c 3 p30 EB 38 a. ee 42: a: 2. & 4) Sy 45. e 46. a w. 8 on: S- 49.) 30, So, a st. 2 52. AB. 53. ooo Bi a e 16. 56. et 157. 16." 58. 19. 59. Ce eee [aM tt iit PA) a © a 3. oa iS ss. Ee . 1G o 8s. ike eo. BN oo. By a. Fe oo By os. fo «a cD 6 a7. TS os. a 9. i Scanned with CamScanner Ute En PAU ut (Choices)£44):0 -20 -ErKD) SLANE GLY U10):D -24 ete Ag tnsiLetigire Lug loc -22 Ae BP He OD -23 GSU SES, Upslehasp dee < VL reer lBIESA 26 he VIEsIC,B,Asic(Variable)fi(Length):D -27 A GBP He- A -28 SteG Iu ie (Far)\(Near):B -29 -Ui(Open)s(Close) ~(64=8x8-SitgxSl=5):C -30 ~<-UFEAContainer)DsIC'B'AE -31 30-5=25. /25=5:E -32 Ln ALD BL HtLEWIC,BAD -33 = -34 Seve fur Silos dt): -35 ee. 1c -36 HutsAeyeres Clickee FE sack sick 2):A Aeelack?™ Merson peter tec dd en ftoS2,4,.6,8,10414, 5 etre 924664 GL)B Ae PP He! ke patton) 12,3454: (eu tie aKoP HES-DE ae uate i fe pt he» IDLL):D ut Boubililc G76 4,5,8,7 Lat sup): Eo 8 (East)lif-< (South)216 (North) =A (e ASze (West) pie Be lB) Me BP HELA effete ve LL.D Kl AL SP 10 ted h)a lek BES e th Gcig te NHBC ~(UtOutdoor games fzdpD B 8B BE fe AS (-32)(16)-8)(-4) LLC he a ‘CAREER FINDER Scanned with CamScanner “CPP He "Barking dogs seldom bite" Seed): ESAS TELAT S807 uHa)c B00 €,450=30x60/4= 3 Slt 301 nz (e450 EDA an LED BA LSC Lina c KU Lole ty he TIA ~Cetel (Press) Ce pox teu Surid, 32,166) E -ULkeUritze WB B D B $15(1045)= Ut Ve = MH95=%5O(i) ZALLUES + 50;(investmentysL(ii) ('f7500 =E dlr eutsed luni’ 7500) 2=1000x15/7500%4 Suri 1000(Wv) ss a c c (822-¢RULLLDE c efor BomedD 65 56 58 66 68 3c. -37 Man | His Wives! Hie daughters| ‘Sons] Son's wives| children. ‘Son's | Total 1} 5] 7 Jo] e6 jiex2y=12| 37 bre enIe GL Gt ):D bh 12847235 Ie 2B uel 355-72 Le Se (i) 30% of 50=15 (iill)15+40=58:A 80% of 50=40 Set Share 50 Suge Une he Cn frsg elite Sx G)C B Meg G he eben fFLiBrass):A (21 15 20 16 1917) Se hoy t):D Hue a ofi Black)» (Whitey C -Ut(Dieya(Live.eiLt (1000/25x5=200:A A ehh oe ACieSOD D AL t POU Un pdOe ef l fee IS xBs!-B24e4):D (17x5=88):A, D S718= waste dD S18 = (Gxynkussde (75-15-60) va GKetled ut -38 ~40 -45 46 47 -48 -49 8 51 52 53 54 Scanned with CamScanner c (wis b¥ CAP Gre. < Fe PRD ee c B Ae fore 2S +647 ¢4):D Me fel fe ri 201-5 ep)B (i) 18.00 3=6C (ii) 14.00+2=7) c 1, 100, 2, 50, 4, 25, 8, 12.50 ‘A $2 52-52 aA :D: (32, 33, 31, 94,30) 91 -92 93 -94 98 -99 -100 (1,4,2,5,3,6.4, 7-5) 4 C6277 an bie Lt Bridge) B 8.5.4, 7,5,9,6, 11,7 a hese La haan oreo: A +3043 7, eT 2, 6,5, 9, 8, 12, 11, 15,18. gene Uri dk Bridge):B e-fuxRepeatsy(5, 2, 5,4, 5, 16 8.) Me SGPT AEL AIA (-3-5-7-9-1 6 UY LL):C B (x2x3x4xSe fut ALL) Men pes tila con) B B D le pnd Sa 8 H1,):B c U7 fee S7-T S72Characterss):E Ae UI GI B Mehran l tarAS 243 204,):B c te Me med Ut ray) 1S ele LSP 2 tee Si Bridge) ET ae 2 21,5, 19, 7, 17,9, 18 86 87 88 89 -90 (GOs Scanned with CamScanner Fes] VII). «titi: aize be ay tal « 9! st |ceceeedeses filge f $B: HE hg J |eocococseee i Hi i i i il ‘a Hl i i Hl j : feces] VATE) i TL i 7 Wi a 00000000000000009000000000 ° 000000000000000990000090000 a 000000000000000099090090009000 e00000000000 A oO oO ° ° oO °o ° ° fe} ° ° ° ° Sear essee28 BEEF SPRISsyes 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Self Assessment Graph a] 0000000000000000000000000 vo] 00000000000000900000000000 Non-Verbal Intelligence Test m)oo0000000000000 9000000000 & «|0000000000000000000000000 i Taw OONSOSETNSELENLARANRAR SreRekee 4 Non-Verbal Intelligence Test What will come next? st ‘Select the correct answer from the choices which is in the blank space Guesrionno meee NS Which one of the following is different from the rest? ARAAH meres em, re sare xcept one which e und opto Bn which Poon of to tas masing ot eo Se pn ste or 2 Fiore (2) CAREER FINDER Scanned with CamScanner Which of the choices fit into the vacant spot ? On the let side you can see a big pattem with a small piece missing in it. There are four small patiems drawn as ‘options A, B, C & D atthe right side Tao tich one of he our smal pats xaety fs nto ark space ofthe bg pate. Math the comers ofthe given options 3 the correct the comers ofthe ven goons wih te comers cf te missing paler, you can easy ge Select the correct answer from the choices which fit in the blank space Choices A r= a MO @ 4.2 frat ron rl blank equ, aod de ana ick angle, Tha postion Spates tn aged yb own be uo pts od of mas pats piso under opton-C™ Scanned with CamScanner NON-VERBAL INTELLIGENCE TEST Time : 30 Minutes General Instructions: In this part of the test you will be given 60 problems like the ones given on this page- Each row consists, of problems figures on the top and answer figures on the below side of the page. The figures on the left makea series. You are to find out which one of the figures on the top side would be thenextin the series, Now lookat the following examples: ov ls) A B C¢ In Example 1, the rules has one part, make 1/4 the of the circle shaded. If you apply this rule to figure 4 the correctansweris choice D. Example 2: Problem Figures [-[e] 7 2 Answer Figures OS 29 In Example 2, the rules has two parts, make one slightly biggest circle and opposite color. If you apply this rule to figure 4 the correct answeris choice A. Example 3: rn TALI? 7 2 3 4 s ower OISTIO InFxample3, theruleis to addaline. you apply thatruletofigure4, the correct answers choice. Scanned with CamScanner NON-VERBAL INTELLIGENCE TEST Fy ae! © i ti fi “©QOE@? COEe 10. A ny ? "FO TR NS? Baw eg * POet<>? aad’ * FSR ERLE ? eR BEB Ba A ALAN Scanned with CamScanner CN A\IN ‘11. Which one is different from the rest? a ed with CamScanner Scann @ a) @ i ) * SENNA 14. Which one is different? 15. Which one is different? aan . 7 * : @ epan| BWagos — 8 A ame | eR SmR A Sano geooe MANA Scanned with CamScanner tO 6 [6]? : 0 Byer C4OIdY evn? ®© AO ‘Anomer Pats 48, - 908 oo (9) CAREERFINDER _osy Scanned with CamScanner Academic Tests (PMA Long Course) Self Assessment Graph aie loMoeomeomomomomomeomomomeomonomomomomeomomomomomomeoneol bo eo0o0o000cCa0CCOCCOCCOCOCDACACCOAOCOON0N0!/a SPSP9A9D0D0D0DD0D0000D0DDDDDDODOOOOOOCOCO|D D A([Bic lob ° 2/0 |o}lojo ° 27}o |o]o]o ° 28|.0 |o |o |] o ° 2}o }lo]ojo ° 30}0 |o |o]o ° 31]}0 |o |o]o ° 32/0 oO fe} oO ° 33/0 ]o |o}o ° 34) 0 oO Oo oO ° 3}0 |o |]o]}o ° 360 |}oO Jo ]}o ° 37/0 |o |}o}o ° 38}0 |}o | o]o ° 39)0 |}o |o]o ° 4wo}o }o}lofo ° 41}o |o |o]o ° 4}o }o]o]o ° 4{/o0}o0]o]o ° a\o}lo}o]o Oo 45) 0 fe} oO Oo ° 4}0 ]o}0]0 ° 47}0 |o |o]}o ° 4}o0}]o]}o0]0 ° 4)o0 |/o|o]o ° 50]0 |o |o | o iE iF ecccccoccce eccccccocce cccccececce ceoccocccee eccccceccce ecccsocccce Nene Fates Nae No Wed Signe of Cana: Sign Sipe Sat Lusssnrwoes__(43}) — INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Ute Be Bal Pen caly 2: Pl lin ie Rll No, comet ‘ine barber eda S tact filed els wi ‘mabe rea 6. Mp response ont ‘qn nat allowed. Teng ote epee oem, fon, plaguing & rata ign and [eistn on the fm wil (estos Snquieaton ecw Scanned with CamScanner ACADEMIC TESTS (PMA Long Course) Directions: Select the correctanswer. a 4. 7 ‘The number of faithfuls in the war of Badar was? A 413 Bo 313 G53 D414 ‘The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was bornin? A B0AD B. 590AD © 570AD D. 581AD ‘Namaz was made compulsory on the event of: A During Hijrah B. GhazwaBadar C. Fateh Makkah D. Miraj “Deewan-e-Hali” is written by: A. MoulanaShibliNaumani B. _SirSyed Ahmed Khan © ImamGhazali D. Altaf HussainHali ‘The World's famous bridge ‘Golden Gate’ is located in: A. NewYork —-B.__Mexicocity © Sydney D. _ SanFrancisco Abul Qasim Al-Zahrawi was a great muslim: A, Philosopher B. ‘Surgeon Cc Poet D. Warrior In which of the following country the population growthis the lowest? A. Pakistan B. Indonesia © China D. Bangladesh Davis Cup is associated with which sport / game? A. Baseball B. — TableTennis C.— Badminton DD. LawnTennis Pakistan is separated from Tajikistan by: A. PamirKnot B. —_Durandline C. Wakhan D. —Baltistan 10. 1. 2 13. 14. 15. 16. 7. Pristina’ isthe capital of: ‘A. Chechnya = B.—_Bosnia Cc. — EastTimor DD. Kossovo “Oxus River” is flowing between: A. IranandIraq B. _Afghanistanand Tajikistan C. Jordanand Israel D. _—_Russiaand Turkey ‘The largest population density isin: A. Pakistan B India C. Bangladesh" D. Srilanka ‘The world population has now reached: A. 4billion B. billion C. 6billion D. — 8billion World's largest Desertinareais: A. Sahara B. Arabia Cc Gobi D. — Mogave DeadSeaislying between: A. TragandSudan B.—IsraelandJordan C.— RussiaandJapan D. — Greeceand Turkey Directions: Each question below consists ofa related pair of words or phrases, followed by four or five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that the best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. Throat: Swallow A. Teeth:Chew B. Eyelid: wink C. Nose:point D. —_Bar:absorb E.— Mouth:smile Directions: Select the best Choice to replace the phrase, She likes you more than me: A. Shelikes youand shelikesme. @) CAREER FINDER oy Scanned with CamScanner

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