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Excess (pages 91, 92)

excess, n. = an amount that is more than acceptable, expected or reasonable

e.g. They both eat to excess. (=too much)
excessive, adj.
e.g. Excessive exercise can sometimes cause health problems.
extravagant, adj. = spending too much money, or using too much of something
e.g. He rarely used taxis, which he regarded as extravagant.
luxury, n. = something expensive that is pleasant to have but is not necessary
e.g. I like to buy myself little luxuries from time to time.
spoilt, adj. = allowed to do or have anything that they want, and behaving badly
e.g. You’re behaving like a spoilt brat!
overpriced, adj. = costing more than it is worth
e.g. These shoes are nice, but they’re terribly overpriced.
far-fetched, adj. = unlikely to be true, and difficult to believe
e.g. His ideas are always a little far-fetched.
(go on) a spending spree = a short period of spending more than usual
e.g. I went on a spending spree on Saturday.

Discussion questions
1 Is owning a car a luxury or a necessity?
2 Is renting a five-star hotel for your wedding extravagant?
3 How far-fetched is the idea that there is life on Mars?
4 What shop in your town do you think is completely overpriced?
5 Is it greedy to order extra-large portions in restaurants?
6 Have you ever gone on a spending spree?

Reading Food for thought

Did you like this article?
Could you eat fast food every day? Why/not?
If you ate fast food every day for one month, what would happen to you?
What is the main reason for McDonald's success? Is it their marketing, the taste,
or convenience?
Do you think the use of addictive ingredients (e.g. flavor enhancers) should be
made illegal? What about salt and sugar?
Are fast food companies morally responsible for unhealthy and obese children?
Do you think fast food companies will one day serve only healthy food? Why/not?

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