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HNO S. Arndt · R. Laszig · A. Aschendorff · F. Hassepass · R. Beck · T. Wesarg

DOI 10.1007/s00106-016-0297-5 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany
© Springer Medizin Verlag Berlin 2017

W. Baumgartner, Wien
P. K. Plinkert, Heidelberg
Cochlear implant treatment of
M. Ptok, Hannover
C. Sittel, Stuttgart
N. Stasche, Kaiserslautern
patients with single-sided
B. Wollenberg, Lübeck
deafness or asymmetric hearing

Introduction hearing loss (AHL). In the case of asym- outcomes from comparison of the avail-
metrical hearing loss, the better-hearing able treatment options in patients with
Despite near-normal hearing levels in ear also has hearing loss, up to a mod- single-sided deafness, and the number
one ear and the ability to understand erate degree, and the difference between of subjects involved is relatively small [1,
speech in quiet conditions, people with the two ears is sufficiently large to fulfill 2].
single-sided deafness experience signifi- the criterion for asymmetry [7, 10]. The comparative prospective study re-
cant impairment in many everyday situ- Therapy of patients with single-sided ported here represents a single-centre
ations. This becomes especially apparent deafness with a CI was first described study of the clinical use of unilateral elec-
when speech signals reach the deaf ear in in 2008 by Van de Heyning [26]. The trical stimulation via a CI in a large group
the presence of background noise. Im- primary intention of the authors was of patients presenting with single-sided
paired hearing can lead to fatigue due not, however, the rehabilitation of sin- deafness and their long-term outcomes.
to the additional effort required to hear gle-sided deafness, but to treat intractable The study also demonstrates for the first
and may influence psychosocial factors tinnitus. The patients not only reported time comparison of hearing treatment
such as self-esteem, self-confidence and a reduction or even total suppression of options and outcomes, including BCI and
the feeling of security [3, 31]. Moreover, their tinnitus, but also improved speech (Bi)CROS hearing aids in smaller sub-
the ability to localize sound is consider- comprehension in background noise and groups of hearing impaired patients.
ably limited in patients with single-sided improved localisation ability. As a con-
deafness since binaural hearing is a pre- sequence, other researchers adopted CI Materials and methods
requisite to spatial hearing ability [9, 14, treatment as a therapy option for SSD pa-
32]. tients and also reported successful out- The prospective clinical study presented
Patients with single-sided deafness comes [1, 2, 5, 15, 26, 27]. To date, in this manuscript was conducted in com-
can be rehabilitated with conventional only case series with smaller groups of pliance with the Guidelines of the Dec-
Contralateral Routing of Signals (CROS) patients have been published, leaving re- laration of Helsinki (Washington, 2002)
or BiCROS hearing aids, bone conduc- imbursement agencies still in doubt con- and ISO 14155 governing clinical investi-
tion devices (BCI) or cochlear implants cerning the success of this therapy option gation (“Clinical Testing of Medical Prod-
(CI). [8, 13, 18, 25]. Similarly, with limited ev- ucts in Humans – Good Clinical Prac-
Conventional (Bi)CROS hearing aids idence from earlier studies, treatment of tice”: Parts 1 and 2) and was approved by
conduct the acoustic signals either wire- patients presenting with postlingual-ac- the Ethics Commission of the University
lessly or via cable and BCI via bone to quired deafness of long duration also re- of Freiburg.
the inner ear of the better-hearing side. mained in question with the consequence A total of 85 adult patients (age >
Since the deaf ear is not rehabilitated that duration of deafness was restricted 18 years) with single-sided, postlingual-
in using these therapy options, restora- to a maximum of 10 years and cohorts acquired deafness, who had undergone
tion of binaural hearing is not possible. reported in studies are still small [14, CI surgery since 2008 in our clinic, had
Single-sided deafness (SSD) with near- 23]. With 28 SSD patients, the publica- at least one year of experience with the
normal hearing on the contralateral side tion by Távora-Vieira et al. reports on the CI and fulfilled the audiometric inclu-
is the extreme condition in asymmetric largestpatientpopulationwithsignificant sion criteria, described below, were in-
improvement in speech comprehension cluded in the assessment. In addition,
The German version of this article can be found in background noise after CI treatment subjectively inadequate hearing rehabil-
under doi: 10.1007/s00106-016-0294-8. [24]. To date, very few studies report itation with conventional hearing aids


Fig. 1 8 a Means and extremes of pure tone thresholds via air conduction in the better and poorer ears for 45 SSD patients.
b Means and extremes of pure tone thresholds via air conduction in the better and poorer ears for 40 AHL patients.AHL asym-
metric hearing loss, SSD single-sided deafness

was also an inclusion criterion. Eleven Patients with audiometric hearing loss the PTA4 of the better ear. In both the
patients reported in 2011 in this jour- in the better-hearing ear of ≤60 dB to SSD and the AHL groups, only patients
nal were also included [12]. The patients 4 kHz and >30 dB in at least one fre- who presented with a mean air-conduc-
were assigned to two groups with respect quency up to 4 kHz were assigned to the tion hearing loss of more than 80 dB for
to pure tone audiometric hearing levels “asymmetric hearing loss” (AHL) group. the frequencies 0.1, 1, 2 and 4 kHz in the
measured in the better-hearing ear. Pa- Forty patients were assigned accordingly poorer ear were included. The audio-
tients with hearing loss ≤30 dB in the to this group. In both subgroups, the metric data of the two patient groups are
frequencies 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, asymmetry criterion was set at an inter- shown in . Fig. 1 and the demographic
3000 and 4000 Hz (up to 4 kHz) were aural difference of ≥30 dB between the data in . Table 1. We described the pre-
assigned to the group “single-sided deaf- PTA4 (pure tone average: mean of air- operative diagnostic measures in detail
ness” (SSD). This SSD criterion applied to conduction threshold at the frequencies in our article published in 2011 [2].
45 patients of the collective cited above. 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 kHz) in the poorer ear and


Prior to determining candidacy for (Satztest, OlSa) was used to determine HNO DOI 10.1007/s00106-016-0297-5
CI surgery, an evaluation test phase was the speech reception threshold (SRT), © Springer Medizin Verlag Berlin 2017
conducted with a conventional CROS (in a fixed noise level of 65 dB SPL and
SSD patients) or BiCROS hearing aid a starting speech level of 65 dB SPL S. Arndt · R. Laszig · A. Aschendorff ·
F. Hassepass · R. Beck · T. Wesarg
(in AHL patients) and a bone-conduc- were applied [29, 30]. The SRT was de-
tion implant (on a Softband or test rod). termined in 3 presentation conditions: Cochlear implant treatment of
The indication for bone-anchored hear- S0°N0°, S + 45°N – 45° and S – 45°N + patients with single-sided
ing systems is recommended by the re- 45°. Considering the patient’s better and deafness or asymmetric
spective manufacturers for single-sided poorer ear, these conditions were indi- hearing loss
deaf patients with a maximum hearing vidually assigned with the presentation
loss of20 dB inthe better-hearing ear. Ac- configurations S0N0 (speech and noise Abstract
cording to manufacturers’ information, from the front), SnhNssd (speech from Background. The rehabilitation of patients
with single-sided deafness (SSD) or
these systems were indicated as a therapy the hearing side/noise from the deaf asymmetric hearing loss can be achieved
option only in our SSD patients. Due side) and SssdNnh (speech from the with conventional (Bi)CROS hearing aids
to repeated demands from reimburse- deaf side/noise from the hearing side) ((Bi)CROS-HA, (Bi)CROS), bone conduction
ment agencies to submit evidence with [2]. devices (BCI) or with cochlear implants (CI).
BCI testing, the same evaluation protocol Examination of localisation was made Unfortunately, only small case series have
been published on the treatment outcomes
was performed in the present study for with seven loudspeakers, arranged at an in SSD patients after CI surgery and there are
all AHL patients, who consented to the angle interval of 30° in a semicircle at only a few comparative studies evaluating
additional test phase. Speech compre- the height of the patient’s head. The OlSa rehabilitation outcomes.
hension in background noise and sound sentences were used as stimuli for mea- Objective. The aim of this study was to
localisation ability were evaluated and surement of localisation ability. Each lo- provide evidence of successful treatment
of SSD and asymmetric hearing loss with
recorded for all patients, preoperatively calisation test consisted of 70 sentences a CI compared to the untreated, monaural
monaurally (i. e. in SSD patients without at sound levels of 59, 62, 65, 68 and 71 dB hearing condition and the therapy options
hearing aid and in AHL patients with SPL and a mean sound level of 65 dB SPL, of BCI and (Bi)CROS in a large number of
hearing aid on the better-hearing ear as presented in random sequence from one patients.
available), and with the specific test de- of the 7 loudspeakers. Materials and methods. In a single-centre
study, 45 patients with SSD and 40 patients
vice after optimization of the settings. For each patient and each condition, with asymmetric hearing loss were treated
Additionally both evaluations were per- the localisation ability was measured as with a CI after careful evaluation for CI
formed post implant for the CI group in the angle error in degrees, that is, as the candidacy. Monaural speech comprehension
the CI condition 12 months after initial mean angle distance between the presen- in noise and localisation ability were
switch-on. The adjustments of the CI tation loudspeaker and the loudspeaker examined with (Bi)CROS-HA and BCI devices
(on a test rod) both preoperatively and at
speech processors and the test devices identified by the patient. The angle error 12 months after CI switch-on. At the same
((Bi)CROS hearing aids and BCI audio corresponding to chance correct identi- intervals, subjective evaluation of hearing
processors) were made at our clinic us- fication of localisation for our study set- ability was conducted using the Speech,
ing uniform procedures, independent of up was 68.6° [1]. Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ).
the audiologist, based on recommenda- The standardized Speech, Spatial and Results and discussion. This report presents
the first evidence of successful binaural
tions by the manufacturer of the hearing Quality of Hearing Scale (SSQ question- rehabilitation with CI in a relatively large
system. Optimisation of the settings was naire, Version 3.1.2) [11] was used for patient cohort and the advantages over
made based onvarious hearing testresults the subjective assessment of therapy with (Bi)CROS and BCI in smaller subgroups, thus
obtained with the hearing systems, such a CI. The questionnaire consists of three confirming the indication for CI treatment.
as hearing threshold and speech com- sections, in which the patient’s subjective Moreover, patients with long-term acquired
deafness (>10 years) show a benefit from the
prehension, as well as feedback from the assessments of speech comprehension, CI comparable to that observed in patients
patients. After the initial CI switch-on, spatial hearing and quality of hearing are with shorter-term deafness.
a series of 3-day rehabilitation sessions rated for each of the 50 questions with
were scheduled in our CI centre every a score between 0 and 10. A higher score Keywords
3 months, with appropriate technical ad- corresponds to better subjective rating of Rehabilitation · Hearing aids · Implantable
neurostimulators · Bone conduction ·
justments, speech training, hearing exer- the condition in question. The subjective Unilateral hearing loss
cises and recommendations for hearing assessment with the SSQ questionnaire
training at home provided. AHL patients was recorded at the first preimplant ap-
were tested 12 months after initial CI fit- pointment and 1 year after the initial CI
ting in the bilateral condition with CI and fitting.
the individually adjusted hearing aid in Individual CI use by the patient was
the better ear. recorded in hours/day at each fitting ses-
For audiological tests in noise, the sion.
adaptive Oldenburger Sentence Test


Table 1 Demographic data for 45 SSD patients and 40 AHL patients This corresponds to the estimated mean
SSD patients AHL patients effect power using the Cohen method.
Female n = 27 n = 18 The results of speech comprehension
Male n = 18 n = 22
in the OlSa and the localisation abil-
ity of the 45 SSD and 40 AHL patients
Age at implantation (years): median (min–max) 45.3 (22.5–68.3) 53.7 (21.8–71.2)
in the preoperative monaural condition
Duration of deafness (months): median (min–max) 18 (1–408) 40 (4–480)
and after 12 months of CI experience
Duration of deafness ≥120 months (min–max) n = 4 (120–408) n = 11 (120–480) in the 3 presentation configurations are
Implant shown in . Fig. 2. Significant improve-
Cochlear ments in speech comprehension could
CI24RE(CA); CI512; CI422 16; 13; 8 12; 9; 10 be confirmed in both groups after 12-
MED-EL month experience with the CI in the
CONCERTO FLEX 28; 7 5 configuration SssdNnh compared to the
SYNCHRONY FLEX 28 1 1 preoperative condition (SSD group: p <
0.001, AHL group: p < 0.001). For the
Advanced Bionics
constellation S0N0, there was significant
HiRes90k HiFocus MS – 3
improvement in the SSD group, but only
AHL asymmetric hearing loss, SSD single-sided deafness a trend towards improvement in the AHL
group (SSD group: p < 0.01; AHL group:
Statistical analysis com/heliosdrm/pwr). The assumptions p = 0.062). There was no difference in
made here, especially for estimation of speech comprehension in the SSD group
Data analysis was made using the the power effect, are based upon Cohen in the condition SnhNssd (p = 0.559),
statistics program Gnu R Version 3.3.0 [6]. whereas the AHL group profited signifi-
(R Foundation for Statistical Comput- cantly (p < 0.05). With the CI, the patients
ing, Vienna, Austria). For each of the Results achieved significantly better localisation
two patient groups (AHL and SSD), the ability compared to the preoperative con-
various hearing/treatment conditions Due to the ceiling effect in sentence scores dition 12 months after initial fitting (SSD
(preoperative untreated, preoperative observed when using the Hochmair– group: p < 0.001; AHL group: p < 0.001).
with (Bi)CROS-HA, preoperative with Schulz–Moser (HSM) sentence test,
BCI and postoperative with CI after assessments after 2011 included the Comparison of (Bi)CROS—BCI—CI
12 months) were compared with respect Oldenburger Sentence Test (OlSa) for
to each of the measured audiomet- testing speech comprehension in noise Comparison of monaural SC vs. SC with
ric and subjective parameters (speech instead of the HSM. As a result, speech (Bi)CROS and BCI vs. SC with CI in noise
comprehension threshold in three pre- recognition data are available for only and the localisation ability of SSD and
sentation conditions, three SSQ scores) 20/45 SSD patients and 17/40 AHL pa- AHL patients (17/40 AHL, 20/45 SSD).
using ANOVA. Tukey’s Honest Signif- tients for comparison test results for the A detectable power effect of 0.44 (AHL)
icant Difference test was used for the monaural preoperative condition with or 0.40 (SSD) was calculated assuming
post hoc analysis. The Wilcoxon sign the (Bi)CROS hearing aid, BCI and the the usual error values (α = 0.05 and β =
rank test with Holm’s correction for 12 months post implant CI. The com- 0.15) and the group size of 17 (AHL)
multiple testing was applied for both parison of the monaural preoperative and 20 (SSD). This corresponds to a high
patient groups for comparison of the condition with the CI at 12 months after power effect using the Cohen method.
various hearing/treatment conditions the initial fitting is shown for all patients. The results of speech comprehension
with respect to localisation ability. In Four SSD and 11 AHL patients had been and the localisation ability of 20 SSD
both groups (SSD und AHL), the benefit deaf for more than 10 years. and 17 AHL patients in the monaural
obtained by CI treatment compared to condition and in the treated condition
the untreated condition was calculated Monoaural vs. binaural speech with the 3 various therapy options are
with respect to the speech comprehen- comprehension presented in . Fig. 3.
sion threshold in the three conditions,
the localisation ability and the three SSQ Comparison of monaural vs. binaural SSD group
scores for patients with shorter duration speech comprehension (SC) in noise The SSD group consisted of 20 people.
of deafness and for patients with longer and the localisation ability of all SSD The binaural SC with CI in the config-
duration of deafness. All comparisons and AHL patients. A detectable power uration SssdNnh was significantly supe-
were based on a significance level of effect of 0.34 (AHL) and 0.32 (SSD) rior to the monaural condition and to
0.05. The package “pwr”, Version 1.1- was calculated assuming the usual error the SC with either BCI or CROS (CI vs.
3 by Champely et al. was used to cal- values (α = 0.05 and β = 0.15) and the monaural and CI vs. BCI: p < 0.001; CI
culate the power effect (https://github. group size of 40 (AHL) and 45 (SSD). vs. CROS: p = 0.0018). Moreover, with

Fig. 2 9 Whisker box
plots of speech compre-
hension thresholds in
noise assessed with the
OlSa for 3 presentation
configurations in the hear-
ing conditions monaural
preoperative and post
implant binaural with CI
at 12 months after initial
CI fitting (a SSD patients
(n = 45); b AHL patients
(n = 40)). c Whisker box
plots of the angle error for
48 SSD and 40 AHL patients
in monaural preoperative
and postimplant with CI
at 12 months after initial
CI fitting. AHL asymmetric
hearing loss; CI cochlear
implant; OlSa Oldenburg
sentence test; SSD sin-
gle-sided deafness; S0N0
speech and noise from the
front; SnhNssd speech from
the hearing side/noise
from the deaf side; SssdNnh
speech from the deaf side/
noise from the hearing side

the CROS-HA, significantly better SRT In the configuration S0N0, there was son of BCI with the monaural condition
could be demonstrated compared to the significant improvement in SRT with the (p = 0.584).
monaural condition (p = 0.004). The re- CI compared to the monaural condition In the easiest test configuration for
sults with the BCI showed no significantly and to CROS (CI vs. monaural: p = single-sided deaf patients (SnhNssd), sig-
improved values in this condition com- 0.0024347 → p < 0.01 and CI vs. CROS: nificantly better SRT was demonstrated
pared to the monaural condition (p = p = 0.0010357 → p < 0.01). No significant with the CI compared to the CROS and
0.062) or in the comparison CROS vs. improvement was seen in the comparison BCI (CI vs. BCI: p = 0.0160; CI vs.
BCI (p = 0.755). of CI and BCI (p = 0.084) or in compari- CROS: p < 0.001). The SRT values did
not differ significantly between the CI and


monaural hearing conditions (p = 0.461). ferences were noted between SRT values Questionnaire survey
The SRT with BCI was significantly bet- in the other test conditions.
ter than with CROS (p = 0.0084). In The localisation ability with the CI Subjective assessment of hearing abil-
the monaural condition, there was sig- after 12 months was significantly better ity—Speech, Spatial and Quality of
nificant improvement in SRT compared than the monaural hearing condition and Hearing Scale (SSQ). Repeated subjective
to the CROS (p < 0.001) but no signifi- in comparison with use of the BiCROS measures via completed questionnaires
cantly better SRT compared to the BCI (CI vs. monaural p = 0.009, CI vs. Bi- filled out preoperatively, representing the
(p = 0.389). CROS p = 0.039). No difference in locali- monaural condition and at 12 months
Localisation ability was significantly sation ability was demonstrable between postimplant CI, representing the bilateral
better at 12 months postimplant with the CI and BCI, the monaural condition and listening condition (i. e. everyday con-
CI than in the monaural condition or with BiCROS or BCI or also between BiCROS dition) were available for analysis from
the BCI test device (CI vs. monaural p = and BCI. 36 SSD patients and 13 AHL patients.
0.037; CI vs. BCI p = 0.029). There were The results of the three subcategories of
no statistically significant differences be- Benefit of CI in speech the SSQ questionnaires for the patient
tween outcomes for CI and CROS-HA comprehension groups are shown in . Fig. 4.
or the monaural and CROS or BCI con-
ditions. Comparison of benefit of the CI in SSD group
speech comprehension in noise and The SSD group consisted of 36 people.
AHL group sound localisation in AHL and SSD pa- Subjective assessment of speech compre-
The AHL group consisted of 17 people. tients with shorter and longer duration hension with the CI postimplant showed,
In the most difficult test configuration of deafness. The benefit measured with on average, a significantly better result
for single-sided deaf patients (SssdNnh), the HSM Sentence Test in the individ- than in the preoperative monaural con-
binaural SC with the CI is superior to ual loudspeaker configurations and the dition (p < 0.001). The patients also rated
monaural SC in the AHL patients (p = change in localisation ability due to CI spatial hearing ability with the CI as sig-
0.0033). The SRT with the BiCROS was treatment did not depend significantly nificantly better (p < 0.001). No signifi-
found to be significantly better than the on the duration of deafness in the SSD cant difference was observed for subjec-
monaural hearing condition (p = 0.0065). patients (SssdNnh: p = 0.0527; S0N0: tive assessment of sound quality between
The SRT in the other modalities showed p = 0.0527; SnhNssd: p = 0.742; locali- the monaural and binaural hearing con-
no significant differences. sation: p = 0.81). For the AHL patients, dition.
Nosignificantdifferences inSRT could significant influence of the duration of
be determined among the four hearing deafness was observed only in the test AHL group
conditions in the presentation of speech condition SssdNnh (p = 0.0173). No The AHL group consisted of 13 people.
and noise from the front (S0N0). influence of the duration of deafness Both speech comprehension and spatial
Consistent with results for the SSD pa- was found in the other test conditions hearing were rated by AHL patients as sig-
tients, the SRT with the CI in the presen- (S0N0: p = 0.1028, SnhNssd: p = 0.3712, nificantly better in the binaural hearing
tation configuration SnhNssd was signif- localisation: p = 0.43). condition with the CI than in the preoper-
icantly better than that achieved in any of ative monaural condition (speech com-
the other conditions: SRT (CI vs. monau- Speech discrimination of the SSD and prehension: p < 0.001; spatial hearing:
ral: p = 0.013, CI vs. BCI: p = 0.045, CI vs. AHL patients in quiet. After 12 months p < 0.001). No significant difference was
BiCROS: p < 0.001). No significant dif- postimplant, the SSD group achieved observed in assessment of sound quality.
Freiburger monosyllabic word discrim-
Fig. 3 9 Whisker box plots of speech compre- ination scores in quiet of 48 ± 25% Discussion
hension scores in noise assessed with the OlSa (mean ± standard deviation) at a pre-
for 3 presentation configurations in the hearing sentation level of 65 dB SPL. The AHL Since the first description by Van de
conditions: monaural, with (Bi)CROS-HA or BCI
and postimplant binaural with CI at 12 months group achieved comparable speech com- Heyning et al., many authors have shown
after initial CI fitting (a SSD patients (n = 20); prehension word scores of 41 ± 26%. that hearing performance achieved with
b AHL patients (n = 17)). c Whisker box plots a CI is superior to the monaural condi-
of the angle error for 21 SSD and 17 AHL pa- Device usage for SSD and AHL patients. tioninpatients with single-sided deafness
tients in the hearing conditions: monaural, with SSD patients wore the CI on average 9 h who have undergone thorough preoper-
(Bi)CROS or BCI and postimplant binaural with
CI at 12 months after initial CI fitting.AHL asym- per day (min. 3–max. 19 h). Device use ative audiological diagnostics and patient
metric hearing loss; CI cochlear implant; OlSa was comparable for the AHL patients, on selection [1, 2, 5, 8, 13, 15, 17, 25–27].
Oldenburg sentence test; SSD single-sided deaf- average 10 h per day (min. 4–max. 18 h). Application of CI in patients with single-
ness; (Bi)CROS (bilateral) contralateral routing sided deafness has not been limited to
of signals; BCI bone conduction devices; S0N0 patients with contralateral normal hear-
speechandnoise from the front; SnhNssdspeech
from the hearing side/noise from the deaf side; ing (single-sided deafness, SSD). Van de
SssdNnh speech from the deaf side/noise from Heyning et al. also described patients
the hearing side

Fig. 4 8 Whiskerboxplots ofscores forsubcategories speech, spatial hearingandhearingqualityinthe SSQ assessmentscale;

a SSD patients (n = 36); b AHL patients (n = 13).AHL asymmetric hearing loss; CI cochlear implant; SSD single-sided deafness

within their cohorts who presented with speech comprehension in noise with the presentation configuration [24]. Other
moderate deafness in the contralateral CI after 12 months compared to pre- authors have also described the benefits
ear [26]. In such cases the asymmetry operative monaural hearing. This result of CI, especially with respect to over-
of the hearing loss configuration could was shown in the presentation configu- coming the head shadow effect and in
be offset for speech comprehension in ration SssdNnh in both groups. In the the S0N0 condition [1, 2, 8, 13, 14, 18,
noise and spatial hearing by the use of S0N0 test configuration, the SSD group 25–27].
a hearing aid in the contralateral ear in demonstrated significantly better speech
combination with a CI in the implanted comprehension and a trend for better re- Localisation ability
ear [7, 26, 27]. sults was observed in the AHL group. In
addition, the AHL group demonstrated In the present study, the localisation abil-
Speech comprehension significant benefits from the CI in the test ity also improved 12 months after CI
configuration SnhNssd. Thus, a clear ad- surgery with a reduction of the angle er-
Of relevance for the success of treatment vantage with the CI over no treatment ror of 13.5° for the AHL patients and 22.7°
of AHL patients is not the achievement of can be demonstrated by these results in for the SSD patients. This corresponds
identical scores with the CI compared to both groups. to the consistent results in the literature,
that achieved for SSD patients, but rather The lack of change in speech compre- which show significant improvement in
the comparison of performance with the hension in the presentation configuration directional hearing with CI, but with con-
CI over monaural hearing. For this rea- SnhNssd in the SSD group is considered siderably smaller patient cohorts [1, 2, 5,
son, we divided our study patients into a positive result. It shows that when noise 7, 13, 15, 33].
two groups, SSD and AHL, even before is presented to the CI-treated ear, it does Thus, in SSD patients, it appears that
the indication for cochlear implantation not impair speech comprehension in the binaural integration of stimuli from the
was clinically defined. For consistency better-hearing ear. The results published electrically stimulated CI ear and from
across the increasing number of publica- by Arndt et al. [1, 2] have now been con- the acoustically/physiologically stimu-
tions on the topic of asymmetric hearing firmed in a considerably larger number lated normal-hearing ear is possible and
loss, we suggested a clinical definition of of patients. Contrary to the data pub- very successful. However, evaluation of
SSD and AHL at the AHL Symposium lished in 2011, a significant advantage binaural integration remains difficult.
in 2012 in Berlin, and later published in can be demonstrated with the CI when The evidence for improved localisation
2015 by Boyd [4, 28]. both speech and noise are presented from ability in single-sided deaf patients, as
Given the relatively large number of the front. Távora-Viera et al. also report well as the occurrence of the summa-
patients in both the SSD and AHL groups, a significantimprovementinspeechcom- tion effect when using the CI, leads to
our results confirm significantly better prehension in noise with a CI for this the assumption that, in these patients,

binaural processing of the peripheral the BiCROS and the BCI. No outstand- Duration of deafness
stimulation response of the acoustically ing advantage of either system, BiCROS
stimulated normal-hearing ear and the or BCI, over the other was apparent. In our pilot study, we initially limited the
deaf ear electrically stimulated by CI For localisation, significant advantages indication criterion for CI treatment of
takes place in the auditory brain stem. of the CI were found compared to the single-sided deaf patients to a duration of
monaural condition and the BiCROS. On deafness of maximum 10 years in order to
Comparison with conventional the other hand, no difference could be show that binaural rehabilitation with the
care demonstrated between CI and BCI or CI is possible and successful [2]. Single
between BCI and BiCROS. In the pre- case reports or case series had already
The indications for cochlear implanta- sentation configuration SnhNssd, speech reported success in single-sided, long-
tion in single-sided deafness also include comprehension with the (Bi)CROS-HA term deaf patients [15, 23]. The publi-
educating patients about the alternative and BCI test device is poorer than with cation with the largest number of long-
therapy options, their advantages and CI or a monaural condition since the term deaf patients (n = 5) with a duration
disadvantages. We also tested the alter- head shadow effect is circumvented. The of deafness between 27 and 40 years was
native treatment methods (conventional (Bi)CROS-HA and the BCI test device published by Távora-Vieira et al. [23].
treatment with (Bi)CROS-HA and with each transmit noise largely undamped They were able to demonstrate both an
BCI) to obtain the most reliable infor- (SSD) or even augmented (AHL) to the objective improvement in the hearing of
mation possible with respect to the re- contralateral hearing ear, thus worsen- patients in three different speech–noise
sults with these treatment alternatives. ing the signal–noise ratio of the speech configurations and a significant subjec-
The comparative results are compelling. presented in noise to that ear. tive improvement based on the SSQ cat-
In the SSD group, the speech compre- egories. In addition to intensive modi-
hension results with the CI in all three Limitations fied rehabilitation programs, the patient’s
presentation configurations were signif- motivation was shown to be definitely de-
icantly superior to results obtained with One weakness of these therapy-option cisive in our study.
the CROS or with BCI. No essential dif- comparisons is the small number of pa- We also investigated the influence of
ference could be determined in speech tients resulting from the switch to speech the duration of deafness on speech com-
comprehension in noise with the CROS- comprehension tests in noise undertaken prehension and localisation ability after
HA versus the BCI. Significantly better inourclinic. Since we were able toachieve CI surgery. In the SSD patients, no in-
results with the BCI than with the CROS comparable results with the HSM test fluence of the duration of deafness could
could only be observed in the condition in our study published in 2011, it can be determined. In the AHL patients, the
SnhNssd. This result can be attributed be assumed that analogous results were analysis revealed a significant influence
to the applied test method. In hearing achieved in using the same test for the of the duration of deafness in the pre-
tests with the BCI, the BCI was used patients in the current study [1]. sentation configuration SssdNnh. Our
on a Softband, simulating transcutaneous In general, publications on the use of results show that early CI treatment of
coupling, which can yield a sound atten- (Bi)CROS hearing aids in single-sided the near-deaf or deaf ear should thus be
uation of up to 10–15 dB compared to deaf patients report limited benefit and the goal, especially in patients with hear-
percutaneous coupling. This reduction low acceptance due to a number of factors ing loss on the contralateral side (AHL
in transmission cannot be adequately off- including social stigmatization, occlu- patients). Moreover, the present posi-
set by adjustments [12]. This means that sion of the good ear and poor tone quality tive results should motivate professionals
noise is damped in the SnhNssd condi- [16, 19, 20]. In an extensive survey arti- and the reimbursement agencies to pro-
tion and, thus, speech comprehension in cle, Peters et al. report on the available vide a CI to patients, even those with ac-
the better ear is less negatively influenced comparison studies with (Bi)CROS hear- quired, long-term deafness, if appropri-
by the BCI. ing aids and BCI in single-sided deafness. ate pretherapy diagnostic outcomes are
As expected, the localisation results In addition to very inhomogeneous re- positive [15, 23].
with the CI are significantly better com- sults due to different study designs, no
pared both to the monaural condition general advantage could be demonstrated Subjective rating
and with the BCI. The literature con- for one type of device over the others.
tains several discussions on this topic and The authors also found only improved Not only are the objective audiological
recognises that localisation of sounds is responsiveness from the deaf side asso- data important in demonstrating the suc-
only possible with binaural hearing [2, ciated with overcoming the head shadow, cess of CI treatment in single-sided deaf
9, 14, 17–21, 24, 31, 32]. and no improvement in localisation abil- patients, but also a patient’s subjective
Similarly positive results can be re- ity due to the absence of bilateral input rating and device usage behaviour (wear
ported for the AHL group in this study. [20]. time/day). The SSQ questionnaire return
In the configuration SnhNssd, the re- rate after 12 months experience with the
sults of speech comprehension with the CI was 75% in the SSD group and 42.5%
CI were significantly superior to both in the AHL group.


The SSD patients rated their hearing rion that describes the benefit patients Compliance with ethical
with the CI as significantly better than receive from CI treatment. guidelines
in the preoperative condition in the cat-
egories of speech and spatial hearing but Future Conflict of interest. S. Arndt received travelling
not with respect to sound quality. Thus, expenses from Advanced Bionics, Stäfa, Switzerland;
we obtained results analogous to those The present study is the first to verify in financial support for research and travelling expenses
from Cochlear Ltd, Australia; financial support for
published earlier by Vermeire et al. and a considerably large number of patients, research and travelling expenses from Med-El, Inns-
Arndt et al. [1, 2, 26]. Although the rat- 45 SSD and 40 AHL, the subjective lim- bruck, Austria and travelling expenses from Oticon,
ing of hearing quality with the CI did not itations experienced due to single-sided Copenhagen, Denmark.
differ from the rating at baseline, it does hearing loss, the success of binaural re- R. Laszig received financial support for research and
emphasize that acoustic hearing with the habilitation with CI treatment and, in travelling expenses from Advanced Bionics, Stäfa,
normal-hearing side and “electric” hear- 20 SSD and 17 AHL patients, the supe- Switzerland; financial support for research, travelling
expenses and consultancy fees from Cochlear Ltd,
ing with the CI is possible without nega- riority of CI treatment over alternative Australia; travelling expenses from Oticon, Copen-
tive influence upon sound quality for bi- therapies with(Bi)CROS hearing aids and hagen, Denmark; financial support for research from
lateral hearing [2]. In contrast, Távora- BCI. These findings thus confirm the in- Med-El, Innsbruck, Austria; financial support for re-
search and travelling expenses from ARRIAG Munich,
Vieira et al. showed a significant im- dications for CI intervention. Both the Germany; travelling expenses from Otologics Boul-
provement after CI rehabilitation in all audiometric data and the subjective re- der, USA; travelling expenses from Sonova Holding,
three categories, including sound quality sults of the questionnaires and patient’s Stäfa, Switzerland; financial support for research from
TKIH, Freiburg, Germany; travelling expenses from the
[23]. device usage behaviour support this state- General Secretary of the German HNO Society; con-
The group of AHL patients likewise ment. Moreover, based on our data, it can tract fees, consultancy fees and travelling costs from
rated CI treatment as significantly better now be demonstrated that the duration of Medupdate and fees from Springer Medicine EiC.
than at baseline in the categories speech deafness in SSD patients has no negative A. Aschendorff received travelling expenses, Medical
and spatial hearing, but no difference was influence on the results after CI surgery. advisory board and financial support for research from
recorded for sound quality. Overall, the Patients with additional hearing loss in AdvancedBionics, Stäfa, Switzerland; financialsupport
for research and travelling expenses from Cochlear Ltd,
reported scores were lower than those of the better-hearing ear should receive CI Australia; financial support for research and travelling
the SSD patients, both pre- and postop- treatment for the deaf ear early on in expenses from Med-El, Innsbruck, Austria; travelling
eratively. The improvement in quality of order to obtain the best possible benefit expenses and financial support for research from
Oticon, Copenhagen, Denmark.
life after CI surgery in 20 single-sided from the CI for speech comprehension.
deaf patients was recently described by F. Hassepass received travelling expenses from Ad-
Rösli et al. They used questionnaires that vanced Bionics, Stäfa, Switzerland and Cochlear Ltd,
Practical conclusions Australia.
addressed the hearing handicap and the
increase in quality of life after CI surgery 4 Cochlear implant treatment is a pos- R. Beck received travelling expenses from Cochlear Ltd,
[22]. sibility for rehabilitation of binaural Australia.
hearing in adult patients with single- T. Wesarg received consultancy fees, financial support
CI daily use sided deafness. for research and travelling expenses from Advanced
4 Cochlear implant treatment is sig- Bionics, Stäfa, Switzerland; consultancy fees, finan-
cial support for research and travelling expenses
All of the patients we have presented here nificantly superior to the alternative from Med-El, Innsbruck, Austria; financial support
use the CI daily (3–19 h), which is also therapy options (CROS-/BiCROS and for research and travelling expenses from Phonak
proof of the success of this treatment. BCI) in speech comprehension in Communications, Murten, Switzerland.
The indication criteria for SSD and AHL noise and in sound localisation. This article does not contain any studies with human
patients, the minimum requirements for 4 In adults with acquired deafness and participants or animals performed by any of the au-
hearing tests and the recommended ques- appropriate, supporting pretherapy thors.
tionnaires were defined in a recently pub- diagnostics, CI treatment is indicated The supplement containing this article is not spon-
lished summary of a Round Table held independent of the duration of sored by industry.
during the AHL Symposium in Toulouse deafness.
in 2014 [26]. It was pointed out that the
success of rehabilitation or the binaural Literatur
Corresponding address
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Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head S, Ihorst G, Wesarg T (2011) Comparison of
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and Neck Surgery, University Medical Center
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for subjective rating of CI treatment and Killianstraße 5, 79106 Freiburg, Germany Neurotol 32:39–47
the Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3) 2. Arndt S, Laszig R, Aschendorff A, Beck R, Schild C,
for rating quality of life. Recording CI HassepassF,IhorstG,KroegerS,KirchemP,WesargT
wearing time is a very important crite- (2011) Einseitige Taubheit und Cochleaimplantat-

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