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1. A thermal system consists of three interrelated thermal objects.

When in thermal equilibrium, the three

objects are at temperature, and. The effective conductance between these objects is = 200 W / K, = 300 W
/ K and = 150 W / K. In addition, it is known that objects 1 and 2 have heat sources with thermal power
1 kW and 0,5 kW. Where as object 3 has an absorber/heat sink of unknown thermal power. Calculate the
thermal power of the heat sink object 3, and derive the equation to calculate the temperature of the three
objects thermal ? (You don’t calculate these three temperatures now)

2 . In Order to grow a certain crop, it is recommended that each square foot of ground be treated with 10
units of phosphorous, 9 units of potassium, and 19 units of nitrogen . Suppose that there are three brands of
fertilizer on the market say brand X, brand Y, and brand Z. One pound of brand X contains 2 units of
phosphorous, 3 units of potassium, and 4 units of nitrogen. One pound of brand Y contains 1 unit of
phosphorus, 3 units of potassium, and 4 units of nitrogen. One pound of brand Z contains only 1 unit of
phosphorus and 1 unit of nitrogen.

a) Determine whether or not it is possible to meet exactly the recommendation by applying some
combination of the three brands of fertilizer. Give your reasoning
b) If it is possible to meet the recommendation, give an example of combination(s) of three brands
that satisfies the recommendation.

3. Mr Jones wants to go from A to B (See the figure 1). He has to go through a muddy area then a hard
ground area. If he can move with a speed of 1 km/h on the muddy area and 2 km/h on the hard ground .
Find the path that he has to go through in order to get at B at the soonest. How long the total time that he
needs for the trip from A to B ?

Figure 1

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