1.5 Advantages of The Proposed System

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issues for the users and also to the people of the hotel management.

And the existing system is

hard for the foreign people to take room in the hotel because majority of the hotel people not
enough speaking and understanding the English language. And our system is totally consisting in
the international language. So these are the some disadvantages of the existing system in our

1.5 Advantages of the proposed system:

Our proposed systems have a lot of number advantages. The advantages are for
users and also to the management of hotel. First of all this is paperless system using this system
we manage hotel management without the using the paper. It is also be useful in the saving of
money. Suppose if a user want to take the room in the hotel and the user are present in some
kilometer distance away from the hotel, then in this situation it is very suitable because user just
visit our site and choose room for his or her. If the room is already all full then the user do not
take room they insure that rooms not are free they are under in the use of people. Similarly it is
also be useful in the form of saving money. In this case if someone goes to the hotel booking of
the room after the reaching the manager says that here is no free room to allocate to you. So the
traveling is nothing just waste of time. And the proposed system is also being user friendly.
Every person’s understand it easily. And data validation is also being done. The proposed system
is more reliable as compared the old system. In the data insertion and data updating or accessing
also is deletion or shortly any work is very fatly done. And the system has also been a contact
form in this form also people contact and to the feedback also is taken in the proposed system
from the users.

The main advantage of the proposed system is availability of twenty four hours. Any
time users make booking easily if the required room is free. If here are no free of room available
the user can do to take room in other hotel. In the old system here is a huge of problem if one
hotel not room free for allocation then people spends all night to search a room in the hotel for
spends the night. Users can easily see the room and payment also and also be calculated the bill
system automatically by system. As compare the proposed system to the existing system, then
we easily decide that the proposed system is having a large of benefits. And also is best to
compare the time managements and also reduce the work on the page. If someone that have not
speak and understand the Urdu language, that persons have difficulties to take room in hotel in
the proposed system solve that question really. In the proposed system have English language
and English is an international language any persons speak and understand it.

1.6 Modules of online hotel room reservation:

The following modules are using in the proposed system.

1) Home page.
2) Make a reservation.
3) Hotel rules & regulation.
4) About us.
5) Contact us.
6) Admin.

The above six different modules using in the proposed system and each modules are
different functionality from one another.

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