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Streets are public spaces that can support a multiple of activity and function-not only movement of vehicles,

pedestrians and cyclists, but also place to gather, socialize, stay and play.

4 Categories of Streets are seen in the area of intervention:

• 30m wide roads
• 15m wide road
• 9m wide road
• 6m wide road
Parklets transform on-street parking spaces into small spaces for people to use and enjoy. They provide
pedestrian amenities such as seating, landscaping, and bike parking.
Curb Bulb or curb extensions, are a strategy to extend
the sidewalk into the parking lane at key locations. A
curb bulb located at an intersection can shorten
pedestrian crossings and improve safety by slowing
down turning vehicles. A curb bulb can also be located
midblock to provide a pedestrian crossing and is used to
calm traffic by visually narrowing the roadway. In
addition to improving safety, curb bulbs can provide a
space for public amenities such as bike parking, transit
stops, seating and green infrastructure.
Sidewalk Extensions can improve the pedestrians experience of the city and locality. In such
commercial and mixed use areas, wider sidewalks can provide room for café seating, street furniture, trees
and landscaping. Sidewalk extensions can also work well on transit streets to accommodate higher
volume of pedestrians waiting for buses or autos.
Traffic Calming are provided in order to make streets more inviting and accessible to a diversity of user
groups, traffic calming is frequently required to reduce speeds and increase safety. For e.g. vertical
elements like speed humps and speed tables can be combined with chicanes curb extensions to slow
down traffic on neighbourhood greenway routes.
Eco/ Social Medians or centre islands are generally used for traffic calming on wider segments of the
right-of-way. In addition to slowing traffic speeds, medians can provide opportunities to increase Green
Storm water Infrastructure and urban tree coverage. Also in some cases there is sufficient width, medians
can be transformed into linear park spaces. On some low-traffic volume streets, these spaces can provide
opportunities for neighbourhood amenities, including urban agriculture, playgrounds and seating.
From street to quality public space
Many factors are considered before providing the facilities as discussed in the above slides in order for the better
functioning of the interventions. Some of the factors are mentioned below:

Physical elements are provided in order to increase interaction and cleanliness of the streets and vicinity.
Interactive Objects: Exercise equipment's, game tables, artwork inspirations, and instruments for playful uses of urban
Plants: For better working of the ecosystem. Also to provide fresh air and shade for the broader environmental benefit.
Wayfinding /Signage's: Small signage's will be added to use as a friendly invitation to several space and act as guide.
Pedestrian Amenities: Amenities such as water fountains, help desk and kiosk to help create pedestrian-friendly
Furniture: To provide helping for all user groups also invitation to stay in a space and experience the quality of it.
Surface Materials: Paint, Permeable paving, precast concrete, cobbles, wood, etc., can add interest and define old
spaces for new uses. It can also result into change in circulation patterns, but also can act as easy navigation for users.
Flexible Activity Programming
Street spaces, ranging from parking to entire streets, are programmed for different uses throughout the day or during
each season.

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