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1 Introduction:
In the proposed system named is “online hotel room reservation” is a rich
features and modern website. The main aim of our system is to automate and computerized the
reservation of hotel room is by online by one clicking from anywhere. It is created especially for
hotel requirements. We know that nowadays every person very busy in his or her life. And
people want that every work can be easy to easier. People want to every work to easy and also in
the minimum amount of time. For solving these issues this proposed system is made. The limited
time and resources people have restricted us to important work, in this project, only main
activities that are performed in a hotel management system, but almost care has been taken to
make the system performance best and near to the user of use. By using this system user easily
can access the booking of room of a hotel. In the existing system first of all people go to the
hotel to reserve a room for pasting the night and many times people are very in large of number
and many people do not get the room but time and money wasted for the room booking. For
solving these issues we deliver a project named is online hotel room reservation. Our proposed
system is simple and everyone is understood with easily. This project is designed for two types
our users. These are:

1) Online users.
2) Administration of the Hotel.

Online users can see hotel averment like room type and also categories take a room online
also one or two or more beds in one room and one bed having eight hundred rupees charges per
night and user can pay it. And the calculation of the making bill is also automate and
computerized. By clicking only user reserve the room and also the bed numbers and put the date
of starting and ending. Administrator can manage like update, check in check out, and delete the
hotel records. Administrator is must be an authorized user. The administrator further is change
the password of admin page easily for security reasons. He also is an educated persons and it is
very best if the administrator are IT expert persons. In this system all the related problem with
hotel reservation is almost clear. So the system design is very simply and common for
understand every one which have little bit educated persons. The most important of the working
of the system is to auto the process of everyday activities of Hotel like Room activities,
Admission of a New Customer, Assign a room according to customer’s demand, checkout of a
computer and releasing the room and finally also compute the bill etc.

1.2 Project Goals and Objectives:

1) To automate the process of hotel system.
2) Easy to the people to get the room for especially more distance from the hotel people.
3) It is almost be efficient to the foreign citizen because the entire proposed system is in the
USA language.
4) Security is the main criteria for the proposed system. Since illegal access may reject the
5) Save the time.
6) Save the money.
7) Administrator can handle hundred and thousand record correctly.
8) It is the paperless program.

1.3 Proposed System:

The proposed system is help to those people that are want to reserve room in
hotel. All the information of hotel is given in detail in our proposed system users not asked to the
manager about the hotel system. And also the room charges show in the front of room picture.
The proposed system is a project by helping this project we are free of paper using and the
system is free of page.

1.4 The disadvantages of the existing system:

In our old existing system it is too much boring system. If someone wants to take
room in the hotel they must go to the hotel and then take the room. Similarly several people
come to here and people majority is present here and mostly people not reserve the room due to
the large number of people. So the people also waste the time also be tired. People also be spend
money for traveling hotel and get the room so waste of money is also include in the existing
system. And beside these hurdles the existing system is also be paper system a hotel person
writes in the page the price also some details in the page.so in the old system having a lot of

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