Math in The Modern World

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MATHEMATICS - study of numbers and 1. Precise (able to make very fine

arithmetic operations distinction)
2. Concise (able to say things
Patterns - regular, repeated, or briefly)
recurring forms or designs 3. Powerful (able to express complex
thoughts with relative cases)
Sequence - ordered list of numbers,
called terms that may have repeated Ideas regarding sentences are explored.
values English sentences have verbs, so do
mathematical sentences.

In mathematical sentences,
- invented by Leonardo of Pisa in 1175 AD verb is: = / equal sign

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 … If = is the verb, what is + ?

- this is called the Fibonacci Sequence connective – the symbol which used to
connect objects of a given type

Mathematical Sentence
- the analogue of an English sentence
- correct arrangement of mathematical
symbols that state a complete thought
Fibonacci Numbers – series of numbers
that often occur in nature Truth of Sentence
- can be true or false
- the notion of “truth” is a fundamental
importance in the mathematical language
Golden Ratio – irrational number and is
typically represented by the Greek letter Convention – help readers distinguish
Phi “φ” = 1.618034… between different types of mathematical
- It is also known as the Golden Section, expression
Golden Mean, Divine Proportion, or Greek
letter Phi, which exists when a line is Expression
divided into two parts, and the longer - mathematical analogue of English noun
part (a) divided by the smaller part (b) - correct arrangement of mathematical
is equal to the sum of (a)+(b) divided by symbols used to represent a mathematical
(a), which is both equal to 1.618. object of interest
- does NOT state a complete thought

Complex Numbers – of the form a + bi,

where a and b are real numbers and i = √-
1. A complex number is sometimes called
Gaussian integer.

Real Numbers – a value that represents a

quantity along a continuous line

Imaginary Numbers – denote by i, is the

result in taking the nth root of a
negative number

Irrational Numbers – one which is not

rational; a number which cannot be
expressed as a quotient of two integers

Rational Numbers – one which can be

expressed as a quotient of two integers

Fraction – part of whole and is expressed

in a form of a/b where a and b are R and
it is the numerator and denominator of a
fraction respectively

Integers – number that is written without

a fractional component; consists of
natural numbers (1, 2, 3 …) (0) and (-1,
-2, -3 …)

Negative Integer – number which is less

than zero but not a fraction or decimal

Whole Numbers – simply the numbers 0, 1,

2, 3, 4, 5 …, there is no fractional or
decimal and no negative

Zero – 0; the absence of a quantity or a

magnitude; it is either positive nor

Natural or Counting Numbers– numbers used

for counting form one to infinity

1. Twelve more than a number Use of the word “set” as a formal

12+x mathematical term was introduced in 1879
2. Six times a number is fifty-four by George Cantor.
3. Three more than seven times a SET – collection of well-defined objects
number is nine more than five times
the number Note: A set is denoted with braces or
3+7x=9+5x curly brackets {} and label or name the
set by a capital letter such as A, B, C,


A set of counting numbers from 1 to 5.

A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

A set of English alphabet from a to d.

B ={a, b, c, d }

A set of all even positive integers.

C = {2, 4, 6, 8, …}


If S is a set, the notation x ∈ S means

that x is an element of S.

Each member of the set is called an

element and the ∈ notation means that an
item belongs to a set.


A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
1 ∈ A; 3 ∈ A; 5 ∈ A

In the given set A above, we could not

see 6 as an element of set A, thus

6 is not an element set of A / 6 ∉ A.

Note: each element in a set should be

separated by a comma


1. Unit Set – contains only one

A = {1} ; B = {c} ; C = {banana}

SETS AND ITS BASIC OPERATIONS 2. Empty Set or Null Set – has no
A = { } 1. Roaster or Tabular Method – done by
listing or tabulating the elements
3. Finite Set – set that the elements of the set
in a given set is countable A = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
B = {a, b, c, d} 2. Ruler or Set-builder Method – done
by stating or describing the common
4. Infinite Set – set that the characteristics of the elements of
elements in a given set have no end the set
or not countable A = { x | x …} read as “A is a set
A = { …-2, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4…} of x suxh that …”
A set of counting numbers
5. Cardinal Number; n – numbers used A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
to measure the number of elements
in a given set A = {x | x is a counting number from 1 to
A = {2, 4, 6, 8} n = 4 5}
B = {a, c, e} n = 3 A = { x | x ∈ N, x <6}

6. Equal set – two sets are said to be B = {a, b, c, d, … z}

equal if and only if they have an
equal number of cardinalities and B = {x | x ∈ English alphabet}
the elements are identical B = {x | x is an English alphabet}
A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ;
B = {3, 5, 2, 4, 1}
7. Equivalent Set – two sets are said
to be equivalent if and only if A subset, A ⊆ B means that every element
they have the exact number of of A is also an element of B
elements - If x ∈ A, then x ∈ B, in particular,
A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ; every set is a subset of itself, A ⊆ A.
B = {a, b, c, d, e}
A subset is called a proper subset, If A
8. Universal Set – U is the set of all is a proper subset of B, if A ⊂ B and
elements under discussion there is at least one element of B that
A set of English alphabet ; U = {a, is not in A:
b,c, d, … z} - If x ⊂ A, then x ⊂ B and there is an
A set of vowels; U = {a, e, i, o, element b such that b ∈ B and b ∈ A.
Note: the empty set, or {} has no
9. Joint Set – two sets are said to be elements and is a subset of every set for
joint sets if and only if they have every set A, A ⊂ A.
common element/s
A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {2, 4, 6} ORDERED PAIR
Hence, set A and B are joint sets
since they have common elements Given elements a and b, the symbol (a, b)
such as 2 denotes the ordered pair consisting of a
and b together with the specification
10. Disjoint Set – two sets said to that “a” is the first element of the pair
be disjoint set if and only if they and “b” is the second element. Two
are mutually exclusive or if they ordered pairs (a, b) and (c, d) are equal
don’t have common element/s if a = c and b = d.
A = {1, 2, 3} and C = {4, 6, 8} (a, b) = (c, d) means that a= c and b = d
1. Union of Sets – the union of sets A RELATION
and B, denoted by A ∪ B
If A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {4, 5}, then - A relation from set X to Y is the set
A ∪ B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} of ordered pairs of real numbers (x, y)
such that to each element x of the set X
2. Intersection of Sets – the there corresponds at least one element of
intersection of sets A and B, the set Y.
denoted by A ∩ B - Let A and B set, A relation R from A
If A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {1, 2, 4, 5}; to B is a subset of A x B. Given an
then A ∩ B = {1, 2} ordered pair (x, y) in A x B, x is
related to y by R, written x R y, if and
3. Difference of Sets – difference of only if, (x, y) is in R.
sets A from B, denoted by A – B The set A is called the domain of R and
If A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {1, 2, 4, 5}; the set B is called its co-domain.
then A – B = {3}
Note: in general A – B ≠ B - A Example:
Given a set of an ordered pairs:
4. Complement of Set – for a set A, {(0, -5), (1, -4), (2, -3), (3, -2), (4,
the difference U – A, where U is -1), (5, 0)}
the universe, is called the
complement of A and it is denoted Domain are x = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
by Ac. Thus Ac is the set of Co-domain are y = {-5,-4,-3,-2,-1, 0}
everything that is not in A.
Let U = {a, e, i, o, u} and A = {a, ARROW DIAGRAM OF A RELATION
e}; then, Ac = {i, o, u} - Suppose R is a relation from a set A to
set B. The arrow diagram for R is
obtained as follows:
CARTESIAN PRODUCT - Represents the elements of A as
- given the sets A and B, the Cartesian points in one region and the elements of
product of A and B, denoted by A x B and B as points in another region
reads as “A cross B” is the set of all - For each x in A and y in B, draw
ordered pair (a, b) where a is in A and b an arrow from x to y, and only if, x is
is in B. related to y by R
AxB = {(a,b)| a ∈ A and b ∈ B}
Note: A x B is not equal to B x A

Venn diagram – illustration of the

relationships between and among sets


A relation f from a set A to set B is
REFLEXIVE – relation is reflexive if said to be function if every element of
every element of A is related to itself set A has one and only one image in set
Examples of reflexive relations:
- “is equal to” (equality) A function F from set A to set B is a
- “is a subset of” (set inclusion) relation with domain and co-domain that
- “is less than or equal to” and “is satisfies the following two properties:
greater than or equal to” (inequality)
- “divides” (divisibility)
Is a function a relation?
SYMMETRIC – relation R on A is symmetric
if given a R b then b R a

TRANSITIVE – relation R on A is
transitive if given a R b and b R c then
a R c

Examples of reflexive relations:

- “is equal to” (equality)
- “is a subset of” (set inclusion)
- “is less than or equal to” and “is
greater than or equal to” (inequality)
- “divides” (divisibility)

If the set of ordered pairs have

different x-coordinates – it is a

If the set of ordered pairs have same x-

coordinates- it is not a function but it
could be said a relation
EQUIVALENCE RELATION – a relation that is
reflexive, symmetric, and transitive is Note: Y-coordinates have no bearing in
called an equivalence relation on A determining functions

Examples of equivalence relations: VERTICAL LINE TEST – relation is a

- the equality (“=”) relation between function if a vertical line drawn through
real numbers or sets its graph, passes through only one point
- the relation “is similar to” on the set
of all triangles
- the relation “has the same birthday as”
on the sets of all human beings

Function is a relation in which every

input is paired with exactly one output.
a. Sum or Difference of f and g, If polynomial of degree n defines a
denoted by f ± g is the function function f, f is called a polynomial
defined by (f ± g)(x) = f(x) ± g(x) function of degree n.

Linear Function
- f(x) is of degree 1

Quadratic Functions
- polynomial os of degree 2

Cubic Function
- polynomial is of degree 3
b. Product of f and g, denoted by f·g
Quartic and quintic Functions
is the function defined by (f·g)(x)
- polynomial is of degree 4 and 5
= f(x)·g(x)

c. Quotient of f and g denoted by f/g

is the function defined by
f(x)/g(x), where g(x) is not equal
to zero

d. Composite Function of f and g

denoted by f ∘ g is the function
defined by (f ∘ g)(x) = f(g(x))



1. Closure Property
a + b ∈ R and ab ∈ R

2. Commutative Property
a + b = b + a and ab = ba

3. Associative Property
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c) and (ab)c
= a(bc)

4. Distributive Property
a (b + c) = ab + ac or (a + b) c =
ac + bc

5. Identity
a + 0 = a and (a)(1) = a; the
identity element of addition is
zero (0) while the identity element
under multiplication is one (1)

6. Inverse
a = -a and a = 1/a = a−1
a + (-a) = 0 and (a)(1/a) = 1; so BINARY OPERATION
the inverse of a is 1/a or a-1 in
- a binary operation * on a set A is said
to be commutative if x * y = y * x for
BINARY OPERATIONS all elements x and y of A

Let G be a non-empty set. An operation * ASSOCIATIVE BINARY OPERATION

on G is said to be a binary operation on - a binary operation * on a set A is said
G if for every pair of elements, a, b is to be associative if (x * y) * z (y * z)
in G that is a, b ∈ G; the product a * b for all elements x, y and z of A
∈ G.
Note: for each (a, b) ∈ G, we assign an
In mathematics, a binary operation on a
set is a calculation that combines two Let * be a binary operation of a set S
elements of the set (called operands) to
produce another element of the set. i. An element e ∈ S is called a
left identity element if for all
a ∈ S, we have e * a = a
ii. An element e ∈ S is called a
right identity element if for
all a ∈ S, we have a * e = a
iii. An element e ∈ S is called an
identity element if for all a ∈
S, we have a * e = a and e * a =
Let “e” be the identity element in S and LOGIC AND FORMALITY
a ∈ S, then b is called an inverse of the
element “a” if a * b = e and b * a = e Logic – method of reasoning that involves
a series of statements, each of which
Note: a * b = b * a = e must be true if the statement before is
If a ∈ S, then the inverse of “a” is
denoted by a−1. Formality – expression is completely
Here -1 is not an exponent of a formal when it is context-independent and
precise; in mathematics, we are always
dealing in a formal way
A set is “closed” under operation if the
operation assigns to every ordered pair
of elements from the set an element of MAJOR PART OF FORMALITY IN MATHEMATICS
the set
1. Definition – a formal statement of
the meaning of a word or group of
words and it could stand alone

2. Theorem – a statement that the

result has been proved to be true

CAYLEY’S TABLE 3. Proof – a rigorous mathematical

argument which unequivocally
A (binary) operation on a finite set can demonstrates the truth of a given
be represented by a table. This is a proposition
square grid with one row and one column
for each element in the set. The grid is DIFFERENT METHOD OF PROOF:
filled in so that the element in the row a. Deductive
belonging to x and the column belonging b. Inductive
to y is x * y. c. Direct Proof
d. Indirect Proof
A binary operation on a finite set (a set e. Proof by Counterexample
with a limited number of elements) is f. Proof by Contradiction
often displayed in a table that
demonstrates how the operation is 4. Proposition – declarative statement
performed. that is true or false but not both;
all types of proposition are
precise and concise


a. Negation
b. Conjunction
c. Disjunction
d. Conditional
e. Biconditional

5. Corollary - also a proposition

that follows with little or no
proof required from one already
6. Lemma – it is a minor result that INDUCTIVE REASONING
has been proved to be true
Inductive Reasoning
7. Conjecture – it is an educated – type of reasoning that forms a
guess that is based in known conclusion based on the observation and
information patterns
- process of reaching a general
conclusion by examining specific examples
- does not guarantee a true result,
it only provides a means of making a
- moves from specific observations
to general principles

In inductive reasoning, we use the “then”

and “now” approach.
“then” – to use the data to find pattern
and make prediction
“now” – to make a conjecture base on the
inductive reasoning / find a counter-


(using inductive reasoning to solve a

Inductive reasoning is very essential to

solve some practical problems that you
may encounter. Within the use of
inductive reasoning, we can easily
predict a solution or an answer to a
certain problem.
Deductive Reasoning – process of
reasoning from one or more statements to
reach a logically certain conclusion

Deductive Reasoning in Theory


First minor premise that fits within

general truth

Second minor premise that fits within

first premise


Note: there are some instances that Deductive Reasoning is the kind of
drawing conclusion using inductive reasoning in which, roughly the truth of
reasoning is not always true. Keep in the input propositions (the premises)
logically guarantees the truth of the
mind that just because a patter holds
output proposition (the conclusion),
true for a few cause, it does not mean provided that no mistake has been made in
that the pattern will continue. When you the reasoning.
use inductive reasoning, you have no
guarantee that your conclusion is Premises - be propositions that the
correct. reasoner believes or assumptions that the
reasoner is exploring

COUNTEREXAMPLE Syllogism – type of logical argument in

which pair of sentence serves as the
- a statement is a true statement premise and the third sentence serves as
provided that it is true for all cases. the conclusion / most basic form of
If you find one case for which a deductive reasoning
statement is not true, called a
counterexample, then the statement is a Examples:
false statement.
A is B; C is A. Therefore, B is C

All living things need water to survive.

Mammals are living things.
Therefore, Mammals need water to survive.

Note: the first two statements are called

premises; the last one is the conclusion;
two premises are the major and the minor

- deductive reasoning where you arrive at There are 6 rules of syllogism. However,
a specific conclusion by examining two they mainly apply to categorical
other premises or ideas syllogism.
- derives from Greek word ‘syllogismos’
means conclusion or inference Rule One: There must be three terms: the
major premise, the minor premise, and the
Major Premise: statement “P” conclusion – no more, no less
Minor Premise: statement “Q”
Conclusion: statement “R” Rule Two: The minor premise must be
distributed in at least one other premise
Rule Three: Any terms distributed in the
Major Premise: All muscles are made out conclusion must be distributed in the
of a living tissue. relevant premise
Minor Premise: All humans have muscles.
Conclusion: All humans are made of a Rule Four: Do not use two negative
living tissue. premises

Rule Five: If one of the two premises are

TYPE OF SYLLOGISM negative, the conclusion must be negative

1. Categorical Syllogism – follow an Rule Six: From two universal premises, no

“If A is part of C, then B is part conclusion may be drawn
of C” logic
Major Premise: All cars have wheels. Note:
Minor Premise: I drive a car. - premises prove the conclusion, not
Conclusion: My car has wheels. justify it;
- deductive reasoning is meant to
2. Conditional Syllogism – follow an demonstrate that the conclusion is
“If A is true, then B is true” absolutely true based on the logic of the
pattern of logic; often referred to premises
as hypothetical syllogism because - for any given set of premises, if the
the arguments aren’t always valid, conclusion is guaranteed, the argument is
sometimes they’re merely an said to be valid
accepted truth - if the conclusion is not guaranteed,
Major Premise: Roderick is smart. the argument is said to be invalid
Conclusion: Roderick’s parents are smart. - DO NOT CONFUSE TRUTH WITH VALIDITY

3. Disjunctive Syllogism – follow a

“Since A is true, B must be false”
premise; they don’t state if a
major or minor premise is correct,
but it’s understood that one of
them is correct
Major Premise: This cake is either
vanilla or chocolate.
Minor Premise: It’s not chocolate.
Conclusion: This cake is vanilla.


farther the line, it seems to look line
longer than the other yellow line below.
– it is an immediate understanding or
knowing something without reasoning
- it comes from noticing, thinking and

As a student, you can build and improve

your intuition by doing the following:

1. Be observant and see things PROOF – a sequence of formula each of

visually with your critical which is either an axiom or follows
thinking earlier formula by a rule of inference
2. Make your own manipulation on the
things that you have noticed and CERTAINTY – a perfect knowledge that has
observed total security from error, or the mental
3. Do the right thinking and make still of being without doubt
connections with it before doing
the solution A mathematical proof is a list of
statements in which every statement is
one of the following:

(1) an axiom
(2) derived from previous statements
by a rule of inference
(3) a previously derived theorem

There is a hierarchy of terminology that

gives opinions about the importance of
derived truths:

(1) A proposition is a theorem of

lesser generality or of lesser

(2) A lemma is a theorem whose

importance is mainly as a key
step in something deemed to be
of greater significance

(3) A corollary is a consequence of

a theorem, usually one whose
proof is much easier than that
of the theorem itself
The picture is called Ponzo illusion
(1911). There are two identical yellow
lines drawn horizontally in a railway
track. If you will be observing these two
yellow lines, your mind tells you that
the upper yellow line looks longer than
the below yellow line. But in reality,
the two lines have equal length. The
upper yellow line looks longer because of
the converging sides of a railway. The
Proposition: if P then Q
Assume/Suppose P. ____.
________. Therefore Q .


In methods of proof, basically we need or (1)Direct proof is a mathematical

we have to prove an existing mathematical argument that uses rules of inference to
theorem to be able to determine if this derive the conclusion from the premises.
theorem is true or false.
In a direct proof, let us say we need to
In addition, there is no need to prove prove a given theorem in a form of P→Q.
any mathematical definition simple The steps in making a direct proof would
because we assumed that this is already be:
true or this is basically true. 1. Assume P is true.
Usually, a theorem is in the form of an 2. Conclusion is true.
if-then statement. So, in a certain
theorem, it consists of hypothesis and

Let us say P and Q are two propositions.

In an if-then statement, proposition P
would be the hypothesis while the
proposition Q would be our conclusion
denoted by P→Q.


If a triangle is a right triangle with

sides a, b, and c as hypotenuse, then a 2 +
b2 = c2


1. Outline Form

Proposition: if P then Q
(1) Suppose/Assumes P
(2) Statement (2)Indirect Proof or contrapositive proof
(3) Statement is a type of proof which a statement to
. be proved is assumed false and if the
. assumption leads to an impossibility,
. Statement then the statement assumed false has
Therefore Q . proved to be true.

2. Paragraph Form Recall that the proposition p → q is a

conditional statement. This proposition
is logically equivalent to ~q → ~p. now, The question is “How to disprove P(x) →
the expression ~q → ~p is the Q(x)”?
contrapositive form of the statement p →
q. - the answer is simple. Produce an
example of an x that makes P(x) true and
In an indirect proof, let us say we need Q(x) false.
to prove a given theorem in a form of P→
Q. The steps or outline in taking an In both of the previous outlines, the
indirect proof would be: statement is disproved simple by
exhibiting an example that shows the
Assume/Suppose ~Q is true. statement is not always true.
. There is a special name for an example
. that disproves a statement. It is called
Therefore ~P is true. a counterexample.

(3)Proof by Counterexample
(4)Proof by Contradiction
A conjecture may be described as a
statement that we hope is a theorem. As Another method of proving is what we
we know, many theorems (hence many called “Proving by Contradiction”. This
conjectures) are universally qualified methods works by assuming your
statements. Thus it seems reasonable to implication is not true, then deriving a
begin our discussion by investigating how contradiction.
to disprove a universally quantified
statement such as: Recall that if p is false then p → q is
always true, thus the only way our
∀ x ∈ S, P (x) implication can be false is if p is true
To disprove this statement, we must prove and q is false.
its negation. Its negation is:
( ∀ x ∈ S, P (x)) = ∃ x ∈ S, ~P (x) So, if we let p → q be a theorem, a
proof by contradiction is given by this
Things are even simpler if we want to way:
disprove a conditional statement P(x) → 1. Assume p is true.
Q(x). This statement asserts that for 2. Suppose that ~q is also true.
every x that makes P(x) true, Q(x) will 3. Try to arrive at a contradiction.
also be true. The statement can only be 4. Therefore q is true.
false if there is an x that makes P(x)
true and Q(x) false. This leads to our So, in practice then, we assume our
next outline disproof. premise is true but our conclusion is
false and use these assumptions to derive
a contradiction.
This contradiction may be a violation of
a law or a previously established result.
Having derived the contradiction you can
then conclude that your assumption (that
p → q is false) was false and so the
implication is true.

Be careful with this method: make sure

that the contradiction arises because of
your original assumptions, not because of
a mistake in method. Also, if you end up
proving ~p then you could have used proof
by contraposition.

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