Reuse of e Uent From A Wastepaper Wash-Deinking Process

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Environmental Pollution 103 (1998) 229±237

Reuse of e‚uent from a wastepaper wash-deinking process

D.G. Economides, A.G. Vlyssides*, S.I. Simonetis, Th. L. Philippakopoulou
National Technical University of Athens, Department of Chemical Engineering 9, Heroon Polytechniou Street, Zographou 15700 Athens, Greece

Received 12 February 1998; accepted 6 June 1998

Prerequisite for success of any wastepaper recycling technology based on a wash-deinking process is the reuse of e‚uents.
Characteristics of e‚uent from a laboratory scale newsprint wash-deinking plant, are presented in relation to the recycling ratio of
the e‚uent after clari®cation by chemical treatment and sedimentation. The recycling ratios used varied from 0 to 95%. The
deinking process operating under any recycling ratio was stabilized after a short time from the start and the parameters BOD5,
COD, Total Solids (TS), conductivity, hardness and sludge yield reached steady state conditions values following ®rst order kinet-
ics. It was found that the increase of the recycling ratio from 0 to 95% increased the BOD of the e‚uent from 17 to 206 mg/L, the
COD from 41 to 670 mg/L, the Total Solids from 620 to 1294 mg/L and the Conductivity from 185 to 1315 mS/cm, while it
decreased the hardness (expressed as calcium carbonate) from 413 to 303 mg/L and the sludge yield from 28.2% to 23.8%. The
total recycling (95%) of the treated deinking e‚uent was shown to increase the yield of the deinked pulp by 5% and to have no
detrimental e€ects on the brightness of deinked pulp. # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Wastepaper; Wash-deinking; E‚uent; Characteristics; Wastewater reuse

1. Introduction of paper, if the deinking technology is suciently

The use of recycled wastepaper can have numerous The wastepaper recycling process includes the fol-
environmental and operating bene®ts compared with lowing four basic stages (Crow and Secor, 1990): (1)
the various virgin pulp production methods. It has been pulping of the wastepaper, which includes the de®bering
estimated that every ton of paper, if made from 100% and dispersion of the inks and other contaminants, (2)
recycled wastepaper, saves 24 trees. One ton of pulp deinking of the pulp by separation and removal of dis-
made from deinked and bleached wastepaper requires persed ink particles from the pulp, (3) bleaching of
60% less energy to manufacture than does a ton of deinked pulp and (4) treatment of the e‚uents and
bleached virgin kraft pulp (Thompson, 1992). Other reuse.
bene®ts of wastepaper recycling are correlated with Two principal deinking systems have been adopted by
reduced capital and operating costs, reduced cost of pur- the paper industry: (1) ¯otation deinking, extracting ink
chase of raw material, reduced costs of energy and che- by foam generated in a dispersed air ¯otation cellÐ
micals used, with the decrease in BOD5 load of the mineral ®llers and paper ®nes are not removed from the
e‚uent, decrease of e‚uent volume, decrease of odor and pulp, therefore the yield is high but the physical strength
carbon dioxide emissions, extension of municipal land®ll of the deinked stock is poor, and (2) wash deinking,
life, reduction of land®ll disposal fees and the ¯exibility where ink, mineral ®llers and ®ber ®nes are washed out
of the mills to sell to customers who prefer or need at high dilution and papermaking ®ber of good quality
recycled paper (Davis and Kinsela, 1990; Carroll and is obtained at the expense of a lower yield. In many
Gajda, 1991; Garcia, 1991; Thompson, 1992; Alig, 1993). cases the deinking mills use various combinations of
In the near future, it is expected that a signi®cant amount both systems (Horacek and Forester, 1993).
of wastepaper recovered from municipal solid wastes Modern wash deinking technology consists of a
will be used for this purpose, while printed wastepaper will careful matching of deinking equipment and chemistry.
increase in value as a raw material for better grades The performance of wash deinking systems is greatly
depended upon the type and concentration of the
* Corresponding author. Fax: +30-17723163. deinking chemicals (Woodward, 1990; Renders, 1993).

0269-7491/98/$Ðsee front matter # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0269 -7 491(98)00117 -1
230 D.G. Economides et al./Environmental Pollution 103 (1998) 229±237

The chemistry plays a great role in the following: swelling ment (Horacek, 1992; Mahony, 1993; Vlyssides and
of the ®bers, ink removal, wetting, dispersion, avoiding Economides, 1997). There are two di€erent processes
the redeposition of the inks upon the ®bers, coagulation/ that can be used for the clari®cation of the chemically
sedimentation, ¯occulation etc. (Woodward, 1990; treated deinking e‚uent: Dissolved Air Flotation
Ferguson, 1991, 1992, 1992b). The corresponding dosa- (DAF) and Sedimentation by gravity (Kleinau et al.,
ges of the chemicals usually used in wash deinking pro- 1987; Horacek, 1992). The consistency of the sludge
cesses (added during pulping prior to washing as weight produced by the ®rst process varies from 2 to 5% while
% on the oven dry ®ber stock) and their function on the that produced by the later varies from 0.4 to 3%,
process are the following (Woodward, 1986, 1992): sodium depending on the chemical additives used either in the
hydroxide (0±5%) for ®ber swelling, ink breakup, saponi- deinking process or in the chemical treatment stage of
®cation and ink dispersion; hydrogen peroxide (0±3%) the e‚uent (Horacek, 1992; Mahony, 1993; McBride,
for bleaching; sodium silicate (0±6%) for wetting, pep- 1993; Mourafeti, 1994).
tization, ink dispersion, bu€ering and peroxide stabili- The feasibility of the biological treatment of the clar-
zation; sodium or potassium phosphates (0±1%) for i®ed e‚uent is challenged by its high COD:BOD5 ratio
metal ion sequestration, ink dispersion, bu€ering and which diminishes its suitability for such a treatment.
peptization; sodium carbonate (0±5%) for bu€ering and The carbon dioxide produced during the biological
water softening; chelating agents such as DTPA or treatment neutralizes part of the sodium hydroxide
EDTA for metal ion sequestration; surfactants (0.2± needed in wash-deinking stage. In addition the applica-
1%) for ink removal, dispersion, wetting, emulsi®cation tion of this treatment degrades most of the organic
and solubilization; solvents (0±2%) such as C9±C14 ali- additives used in deinking and clari®cation. Compared
phatic saturated hydrocarbons for ink softening and to clari®cation the biological treatment is much longer
solvation; hydrophilic polymers (0±0.5%) or bentonite and the heat contained in the e‚uent is lost. For these
clays (0±3%) for ink dispersion and hindrance of ink reasons the possibilities to save chemicals and energy by
redeposition. the recycling of the e‚uent are reduced. Finally the
The wash-deinking e‚uent contains the chemicals clari®ed e‚uent contains some substances which act as
used in washing, as well as the dispersed inks, the ®llers biological inhibitors. So the rate of the biological treat-
and the ®ber ®nes. For each ton of deinked pulp pro- ment is low and consequently the ®xed and operational
duced, for example, from waste newspapers the follow- costs of this treatment are increased. Due to these rea-
ing quantities of wastes are approximately produced: sons the degree of BOD5 decrease during clari®cation is
165 m3 of wastewater, 20 kg of soluble BOD5, 54 kg of of great importance while the application of a biological
soluble COD and 280 kg of sludge (Kleinau et al., 1987; treatment may not be justi®able, as the industrial prac-
Carroll and Gajda, 1991; Miner et al., 1993; Vlyssides tice has already shown. (Horacek and Kronlund, 1980;
and Economides, 1997). The high amount of water Krofta and Wang, 1989; Carroll and Gajda, 1991;
needed in the deinking process as well as the environ- Evans, 1991; Kuhn et al., 1996).
mental impact of the e‚uent have necessitated its treat- The e‚uent and sludge characteristics when the e‚u-
ment and recycling. Nowadays the reuse of wastewater ent is not recycled depend mainly on the raw material
is an integral part of the deinking process. Water recy- (wastepaper), and to a lesser extent on the deinking and
cling in a paper mill can have bene®cial e€ects to the the clari®cation process. In the case of the e‚uent recy-
environment protection e€orts, the fresh water con- cling the characteristics of the e‚uent depend mainly on
sumption minimization and the chemical additives and its clari®cation process and on the recycling ratio of the
energy cost decrease (Crow and Secor, 1990; Horacek, clari®ed e‚uent (Woodward, 1986; Mourafeti, 1994).
1992; Kuhn et al., 1996). In this work the e€ect of recycling ratio of the clar-
The wash-deinking e‚uent after its clari®cation is i®ed but not biologically treated deinking e‚uent on the
ready to be recycled back to the process. The clari®ed characteristics of the e‚uent, the sludge yield and the
e‚uent may also be biologically treated prior to its brightness of the deinked pulp was experimentally stu-
recycle. Theoretically the recycling ratio of suciently died using a laboratory scale newsprint wash-deinking
treated e‚uents can reach 100%, but in fact there is an plant. Sedimentation by gravity assisted by the addition
upper limit, because of the necessary bleed, the high of chemicals was used as the clari®cation process.
moisture of the deinked stock and the wastewater losses
associated with the sludge removal (Krofta and Wang,
1989; Crow and Secor, 1990; Horacek, 1992). 2. Materials and methods
Clari®cation is assisted by coagulation and ¯occula-
tion caused by the treatment of the e‚uent with poly- 2.1. The laboratory pilot plant
mers and sometimes with alum and lime. Bentonite clay
used in conjunction with either polymers or alum has Fig. 1 is a simpli®ed ¯ow sheet illustrating the steps of
been suggested as an e€ective ¯oculant for such a treat- the wash-deinking process that was followed in our
D.G. Economides et al./Environmental Pollution 103 (1998) 229±237 231

Fig. 1. Washing, deinking and sludge removal laboratory scale plant.

laboratory scale plant. The chemicals added as well as to 4.35% w/w and its temperature stabilized at 33±35 C.
the deinking and the e‚uent clari®cation processes that The diluted mixture was transferred to a Maelstrom
are described later were optimized according to previous pulper, where pulping took place for 30 min. The pulp
investigations (Mourafeti, 1994; Benetos et al., 1996). slurry was then transferred to the wash-deinking cell
The deinking chemicals and the optimum amount of which was constructed according to the description
water were added to a mixture of newspapers. The che- given by Helmling et al. (1986). The ¯ow rate of the
micals used and their corresponding concentrations washing water was adjusted at 1.0 l/min and the con-
were the following: sodium hydroxide (1.2% w/w on dry tents of the cell were under intense agitation (1700 rpm).
newspaper), hydrogen peroxide (1% w/w), sodium sili- The washing lasted for 30 min and the concentration of
cate (2.5% w/w), dispersant (0.8% w/w), and bentonite the ®bers inside the cell was about 1.5% w/w. The
(2% w/w). The amount of water added was such that washed product was separated by ®ltration. The total
the concentration of the dry ®bers in the mixture after e‚uent of the deinking process included the e‚uents of
the addition of the wastepaper and the chemicals was the washing process, the water that remained inside the
15% w/w. The dispersant was DOWFAX 9N9, a non- cell after washing and the ®ltrate.
ionic alkylphenol ethoxylate surfactant produced by The combined e‚uent was subsequently treated with
DOW Chemicals. The bentonite clay had the trade alum (1% w Al /w suspended solids) followed by lime
name Zenith and was supplied by Silver & Baryte Ores for pH adjustment at 8.5 and by Praestol-2540 (0.05%
Mining Co. S.A., Greece. The mixture was transferred w/w). Praestol-2540 is a mildly anionic polyelectrolyte
to a water bath and kept for 15 min at 35±38 C for of the polyacrylamide type. It is a product of Chemische
impregnation of the wastepaper. This impregnation is Fabrik Stockhausen & Cie, Germany. The chemically
rarely applied but has bene®cial e€ects on deinking treated e‚uent was transferred to a settling tank for
(Ferguson, 1995). In our case it eliminated the high sedimentation. After 1 h the separated sludge was
forces exerted on the shaft of the laboratory pulper. removed by pumping it from the bottom of the settling
Warm water was added to the mixture so that the con- tank and the supernatant liquid was divided into two
centration of the dry ®bers in the mixture was decreased portions: one portion was removed (in order to adjust
232 D.G. Economides et al./Environmental Pollution 103 (1998) 229±237

the recycling ratio and to make the necessary chemical d…Li † ÿ 

determinations) and the other was recycled after making ˆ ki L1;i ÿ Li …2†
up and mixing with fresh water.
2.2. Methodology Li = the value of the i parameter after t experiments
L1,i = the value of the i parameter after an in®nite
The aim of each experiment was to determine the number of experiments
relation of the applied e‚uent recycling ratio to the t = the number of experiments
characteristics of the discharged e‚uent as well as the ki = speci®c rate of approach of the i parameter to
yield of the separated sludge and the brightness of the L1,i [experimentsÿ1]
deinked pulp. I = measured parameter (BOD5, COD etc.)
The recycling ratio of the e‚uent was de®ned as
follows: An experiment scheduled for a given recycling ratio
will consist of a sequence of trials which always attain
Qr steady state conditions at the end. So for every experi-
rˆ  100 …1† ment each measured parameter is identi®ed by a limit-
Qr ‡ Qin
ing value L1, which will be attained under steady state
conditions, and a speci®c rate k for the approach of this
where: value. These values (L1, k) can be estimated by a ®tting
r = percentage recycling ratio, of the experimental data according to a described
Qr = amount of e‚uent recycled per each trial, [Lt] method (Vlyssides et al., 1996).
and Eleven experiments of 15 trials, each at recycling
Qin = amount of fresh water added per each trial, [Lt] ratios 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 95% were
respectively run. For each trial the following measure-
The process applied includes four separate stages: ments were made: BOD5, COD, total solids (TS) and
deinking, chemical treatment of the deinking e‚uent, hardness of the discharged e‚uent, sludge yield as well
clari®cation and recycling of a suitable portion of the as yield and brightness (Rz%) of the deinked pulp.
clari®ed e‚uent to the deinking stage. Each stage was
applied to a separate batch laboratory scale pilot plant. 2.3. Methods of analysis
In order to estimate the results for a continuous process
by the use of our ®ndings from the application of these COD, BOD5, TS and hardness measurements of
batch-wise separate stages, a sequence of trials for each discharged e‚uent were carried out according to the
e‚uent recycling ratio was performed under the same Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
operational conditions. Every trial was comprised of the Wastewater (APHA et al., 1989). Conductivity was mea-
wash-deinking stage where a clari®ed e‚uent portion sured using a Consort Conductometer (Model K511). The
produced from the previous trial combined with fresh sludge yield for each trial was determined by ®ltration,
water was fed, of the chemical treatment of the e‚uent drying and weighting the amount of sludge produced by
produced, of the clari®cation of the treated e‚uent and the clari®cation stage. In a similar way, the pulp yield
of the separation of the clari®ed e‚uent in two por- from each trial was determined by drying and weighting
tions, one for recycle to the next trial and the remaining the pulp produced after ®ltration from the deinking
for chemical analysis or disposal. Every sequence of stage (Fig. 1). Handsheets were prepared from the
trials was continued until there was no change of the deinked pulp using a Lorenzen & Wettre Sheet Former
e‚uent characteristics, the sludge yield and the deinked model SCA and a Laboratory Sheet Press according to
pulp brightness between two subsequent trials. In such a the SCAN-C 26±76 and SCAN-C M5±76 methods. The
case the trials for the given recycling ratio had attained pH of the sample suspension during handsheets forma-
steady state conditions. tion was 8.0±8.2. The samples were not acidi®ed prior to
The results for a continuously operating system could handsheet formation. The handsheets were dried for 24
be theoretically estimated by an in®nite number of trials h at room temperature and their Brightness (Rz%) was
(recyclings) using the batch stages mentioned earlier. In measured according to ISO 2469 and ISO 2470, using a
practice the necessary number of trials is quite less Dr Lange Micro Color colorimeter. It is a tristimulus
depending on the recycling ratio. As our preliminary colorimeter with optical structure in accordance with
investigations have shown, the rate of approach of the DIN 5033. The measuring geometry of the micro-
steady state conditions value for any measured param- colorimeter, the normal observer angle and the standard
eter (BOD5, COD, etc.) may be expressed by a ®rst illuminantant were d/8 , 10 and D65 respectively. Six
order kinetic behavior according to the following di€erent handsheets were used for every brightness
equation: measurement. Brightness measurements were taken on
D.G. Economides et al./Environmental Pollution 103 (1998) 229±237 233

both sides of the sheets and the reported brightness recycling ratio. The L1 values for BOD5, COD, TS, pH
value is the average of the 12 measurements. and sludge yield in relation to recycling ratio are
The statistical analysis of the results was carried out estimated by ®tting the data on the mathematical model
utilizing the techniques given by Taylor (1990). [2] using the procedure described by Vlyssides et al.
(1996). Correlation coecients of the ®tting presented
in Table 1 prove that the model [2] describes with su-
3. Results and discussion cient accuracy the results of the trial by trial approach
to the steady state conditions of a continuous process.
In Figs. 2±4 the BOD5, COD and TS values are plot- From the same table it is shown that when the recycling
ted respectively against the number of trials and the ratio is increased the model ®ttings are better.
The estimated limiting values of the measured para-
meters in relation to recycling ratio are presented in
Figs. 5±12.

3.1. BOD5

As shown in Fig. 2, for all recycling ratios the BOD5

values of the e‚uent are increased when the number of
trials is increased. This is an expected situation because
of the addition of organic pollutants in every recycle,
but every new addition during a recycle is less than the
previous, indicating that when the soluble organics
concentration is higher, either the precipitation is more
e€ective or the solubilization of the organic matter of
the ®bers during the wash-deinking process is lower. In
Fig. 2. BOD5 concentration of the discharged e‚uents in relation to the low recycling ratios from 20 to 70% the steady state
the number of trials and the recycling ratio. conditions were reached after 7 trials, while for 80%

Fig. 3. COD concentration of the discharged e‚uents in relation to Fig. 4. Total solids concentration of the discharged e‚uents in rela-
the number of trials and the recycling ratio. tion to the number of trials and the recycling ratio.

Table 1
Correlation coecient R2 of data ®tting on the mathematical model [2] for all parameters in relation to recycling ratio

Recycling ratio BOD5 COD TS Hardness Sludge production Brightness

20 0.495 0.934 0.5618 0.8695 0.361 0.5618

30 0.563 0.938 0.642 0.892 0.425 0.642
40 0.742 0.942 0.682 0.912 0.456 0.682
50 0.845 0.945 0.722 0.932 0.498 0.722
60 0.897 0.948 0.742 0.954 0.537 0.742
70 0.915 0.95 0.825 0.943 0.836 0.825
80 0.9355 0.958 0.826 0.947 0.836 0.826
90 0.9624 0.9563 0.898 0.9401 0.835 0.898
95 0.9717 0.9592 0.949 0.950 0.905 0.949
234 D.G. Economides et al./Environmental Pollution 103 (1998) 229±237

Fig. 8. Estimated total solids concentration of the discharged e‚uents

in relation to the recycling ratio for steady state conditions.
Fig. 5. Estimated BOD5 concentration of the discharged e‚uents in
relation to the recycling ratio for steady state conditions.

Fig. 9. Estimated hardness of the discharged e‚uents in relation to

the recycling ratio for steady state conditions.
Fig. 6. Estimated COD concentration of the discharged e‚uents in
relation to the recycling ratio for steady state conditions.

Fig. 10. Estimated conductivity values of the discharged e‚uents in

relation to the recycling ratio for steady state conditions.

Fig. 7. Estimated COD/BOD ratio of the discharged e‚uents in rela- r=95%.

tion to the recycling ratio for steady state conditions.

3.2. COD

and 90% recycling ratios 8 and 15 trials were needed. As From Fig. 3 the same deductions can be made about
shown from Fig. 5, the BOD5 of the e‚uent established the COD limiting values as those already mentioned
under steady state conditions of the system is an expo- about the BOD5 limiting values. The only di€erence
nential function of the recycling ratio. Its lower value is here is that the system reached steady state conditions
about 17 mg/L with the addition of fresh water after more trials. For the recycling ratios 20%, 60% and
(r=0%), while its highest value is about 206 mg/L at 95% the steady state was established after 7, 11 and 15
D.G. Economides et al./Environmental Pollution 103 (1998) 229±237 235

recycles respectively. As shown from Fig. 6, the increased as the number of trials or the recycling ratio
estimated COD limiting value in relation to recycling was increased, due to the accumulation of solids in the
ratio follows an exponential function (for fresh water system. Steady state conditions for the system were
and 95% the COD limiting values are 41 mg/L and 670 established after 7 trials for low recycling ratios, while
mg/L respectively). for higher recycling ratios (80±95%) 11 trials were
needed. The function between TS limiting concentrations
3.3. COD/BOD5 ratio and recycling ratios is almost linear as shown in Fig. 8.
The TS limiting concentration with the addition of fresh
As the recycling ratio increased the COD/BOD ratio water only was 626 mg/L while at 95% it was 1294 mg/L.
limiting value increased almost linearly as shown in
Fig. 7. It started with a limiting value of 2.39 with the 3.5. Hardness
addition of fresh water only and it reached a value of
3.3 at r=95%. The high value of COD/BOD5 ratio The hardness limiting value is related with an expo-
underlines the poorly biodegradable nature of the resi- nential function to the recycling ratio (Fig. 9), beginning
dual COD. The increase of this value when the recycling with a concentration of 413 mg/L (as CaCO3) at r=0%,
ratio was increased indicates that the e‚uent became while at r=95% the limiting value of this parameter
more toxic as substrate for environmental microorgan- decreases to 303 mg/L. This behavior is an advantage
isms, reducing the eciency of any biological treatment. for the deinking process because the hardness of the
This behavior, on the other hand turns out to be an water used during deinking plays an important role for
advantage for the wash-deinking process because it the whole process; high values of hardness have undesir-
hinders the biological attack on the pulp during the able e€ects because of the accumulation of salts on the
deinking procedure and so increases the yield and qual- machinery used (Crow and Secor 1990; Horacek, 1992).
ity of the produced deinked pulp.
3.6. Conductivity
3.4. Total solids (TS)
As shown in Fig. 10 the conductivity limiting value
As shown in Fig. 4 the TS concentration was was increased as the recycling ratio was increased, from
185 mS/cm at r=0%, to 1315 mS/cm at r=95%. This

Fig. 11. Estimated sludge yield in relation to the recycling ratio for Fig. 12. Estimated brightness of the deinked pulp produced in relation
steady state conditions. to the recycling ratio for steady state conditions.
Table 2
Production of pollutants in relation to the e‚uent recycling ratio

Recycling ratio % Wastewater m3/ton WPa BOD5 kg/ton WPa COD kg/ton WPa TS kg/ton WPa Sludge kg/ton WPa

0 690 11.8 28.3 432 395

10 621 13.4 34.1 419 364
20 550 15.8 41.3 413 326
30 483 16.4 47.2 280 321
40 414 17.6 53.9 351 314
50 345 18.4 52.9 316 308
60 276 24.0 64.6 252 321
70 207 20.8 61.4 229 315
80 138 18.7 53.3 155 308
90 69 12.2 39.1 89 301
95 34.5 7.1 23.1 44 298
236 D.G. Economides et al./Environmental Pollution 103 (1998) 229±237

increase of conductivity was expected because of the deinking process (absence of any recycle) is changed to
accumulation of electrolytes caused by the progressive a closed one (the 95% of the e‚uent is recycled), the
closure of the system. deinked pulp brightness remains constant, the deinked
pulp yield is increased by 6% and the sludge yield is
3.7. Sludge yield reduced by 15% and there is a fresh water saving of
about 650 m3/ton of wastepaper used.
The quantity of sludge produced per kg of wastepa-
per used (w/w) in relation to the recycling ratio for
steady state conditions is presented in Fig. 11. This ®g- Acknowledgements
ure shows that the sludge yield limiting value decreases
almost linearly while the recycling ratio is increased. At This project was funded by the NATO and the Greek
a recycling ratio of 0% and for steady state conditions Ministry of Research and Industry aiming at the coop-
the sludge yield was 28.2%, while at r=95% the sludge eration between Thrace Paper Mill S.A. and the Tech-
yield was 23.8%. This decrease of sludge production nical University of Athens (NTUA). It was part of the
leads to an increase of the deinked pulp yield by 6%. programme Science for Stability of NATO titled
``Development of non-chlorine bleaching process for use
3.8. Brightness of deinked newsprint and magazines in high brightness
tissue paper''.
The brightness of the deinked pulp is an indication of
its optical quality. As shown in Fig. 12, the brightness of
the deinked pulp produced under steady state condi- References
tions showed no signi®cant change while the recycling
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