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Sun Solutions


✔Meaning of Recruitment
✔Why we should Know it ?
✔Recruitment Strategy
✔Methods of Recruitment
✔Recruitment Process
✔Factors - Affecting Recruitment
✔Recruitment as a Career
Sun Solutions
Meaning of Recruitment

• The activity that links the employers and Recruitment is a continuous

the job seekers. process whereby the firm
• A process of finding and attracting attempts to develop a pool of
qualified applicants for the
capable applicants for employment. future human resources needs
• It is the process to discover sources of even though specific vacancies
manpower to meet the requirement do not exist.
Why we Should Know it ?

• To Update CV
• To be best prepared
• To choose best
• To get a response
• To know skills & Experience
Recruitment Strategy

• You must determine your firm's business goals and then what recruiting can do to
contribute to each of objectives.
• Some Common Reasons for new hiring….
1. Replacements for turnover
2. Current or future business expansion
3. Upsizing the caliber of talent because top talent has become available
4. Limiting the talent available in the market in order to hurt a competitor's ability
to staff adequately
5. Learning from other firms
6. Increasing the capability of your firm by adding new skill sets
Recruitment Types

i.e. the needs arising from changes in organization and
retirement policy.
Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an
organization can predict by studying trends in internal and external
Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected
Recruitment General Process

Steps involved in the recruitment and selection process include :

1 Make decision to recruit new employee
2 Conduct job analysis
Source for applicants
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4 Collect information on applicants

5 Select most suitable applicant
6 Offer employment to successful applicant Conduct induction
7 Conduct induction once employee reports for duty

Is Recruitment Exercise Really
• When a worker leaves, an opportunity arises for reorganizing. It may prove possible to
distribute the workload amongst the remaining workers and thus avoid recruiting at all.
• Systematic human resource planning helps to reduce crisis situation whereby the
organization has either insufficient or too many workers.
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• Some considerations when there is a need for work to be done:

❖ Can the work be outsourced?
❖ Can the work be reorganized and carried out by existing employees? Can the
work be automated?
❖ Can the work be carried out by existing employees working overtime?
❖ Should the employee be hired on a part-time or full-time basis?


An effective recruiting process must include

enough variation and personalization to
meet the unique needs of diverse
individuals from around the world.
Methods of Recruitment

• Recruitment by Campus method

• Recruitment by Job Centers
• Head hunting
• Recruitment by Advertisements
• Database search on job sites
• Employee Referral
• Contract Staffing
• Free online ads
• Internal recruitment
Sun Solutions
Factors - Affecting

External Factors Internal Factors

Supply and Demand Recruitment Policy
Labor Market HR Planning
Brand Image Size of the Firm
Political – Social – Legal Environment Cost
Competitors Growth and Expansion

Sun Solutions
Recruitment & Selection

Job Person
Recruitment Job analysis Recruit Select Induct
description specification
Recruitment Process

❖ The aim at this stage is to attract a group of applicants, all of whom are at least minimally
❖ Potential applicants can be found both inside and outside the organization.
❖ Among the factors that influence the ability of an organization to attract suitable employees
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The location of the organization
The public image of the organization
The physical working conditions in the organization
The relationships between people in the organization or the phycho-social environment
The remuneration package being offered to new recruits
The internal policies of the organization, including fair disciplinary practices and whether training
opportunities are made available to employees.
❖ Can be done in two ways: Internal Applicants and External Applicants.


Internal recruiting: Filling job openings with current

employees or people they know.
Internal Recruiting Sources

❖ Promotion from within post job openings on bulletin

boards, newsletter, social media, email

❖ Employee referrals
Employees may be encouraged to refer friends and
relatives for position
Open, Targeted and Close Recruiting
❖ Open recruiting means that we advertise the job openly within
organization and anyone who meets the qualification can apply
for the job opening
❖ Targeted recruiting is pretty much what it sounds like. Not
open advertise the position internally, ask the managers to
privately nominate workers who they feel would be able to do
the job that needs to be filled
❖ Closed recruiting occurs when hiring managers have a need to
fill a position and they communicate the need to HR

Applying the concept : Internal Recruiting
State which of the following recruiting methods was used in each given situation:
A. Open B. Targeted C. Closed

My manager got promoted and she recommended me to replace her as

department supervisor

I’m the Head Teller bank. I read bulletin board and it described an opening for an
Assistant Branch Manager, so I applies for the position

I went to an interview with the Accounting Department Manager. When I asked

him how he got my name for the job, he said HR Department sent him my name

I got a job in the Advertising Department because my Sales Manager told the
Advertising Manager about me

At my bank branch, the manager told all us tellers that we could apply to be the
new Head Teller. But I don’t want the job
Advantages of Internal Recruiting

1. Experience increases in organizational commitment and job

satisfaction based on the opportunity to advance in the
2. The internal recruitment will be able to learn more about the
“big picture” become more valuable
3. Show some interest, knowledge, feels comfortable
continuing employment within company
4. Record of previous work
5. Organization can save money by recruiting internally and
Disadvantages of Internal Recruiting

1. The pool of applicants is significantly smaller in internal

2. There is still a job to fill
3. Success in one job doesn’t necessarily mean success in a
significantly different job
4. An external candidate may have better qualification
5. Internal employees may feel that they are entitled to the job
whether they are capable and qualified

External Recruiting

The process of engaging individuals from the

labour market outside the firm to apply for a job


Educational institutions

Employment agencies

Advertising 19
Advantages of External Recruiting

The first and biggest advantage is the mirror image of the

biggest disadvantage in internal recruiting

Be able to find individuals with complex skills set who are

not available internally

Lower training cost by hiring someone with the requisite


External hires will frequently increase organizational

diversity 20
Disadvantages of External Recruiting

Disruption of the work team may occur by introducing significantly different

ways of operating

Takes much longer, cost more

Current employees’ motivation and satisfaction might affect due to the

perceived inability to move up the organization

External recruits likely will incur higher orientation and training cost than
internal recruits

The candidate may look great on paper 21

Conducting Job Analysis

• Job analysis is a technique of studying a job to identify the skills,

knowledge, experience and other requirements necessary to
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• It is also possible to hire a consultant to conduct job analysis

exercise given the organization has insufficient staff and many
jobs to be analyzed.
• Job analysis can be conducted through a combination of
interviews, questionnaires and observation.

Job Description

A job description is a written profile of a job. The process of preparing job description helps
to identify unnecessary tasks, overlapping responsibilities and even the existence of functions
for which no one has responsibility.
Typical headings include:
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Job title, location and grading: Job title is important as social status is related to the type
of job they hold. Pride in one’s job can improve when one is given a fancy-sounding title. For
Sales Executive (a.k.a. salesman)
Customer Support Executives (a.k.a. call-center personnel) Sanitation engineer
(a.k.a. rubbish collector),
Relationships: Refers to stating the to whom the job-holder will report to and if it is a
managerial job, who are his/her subordinates. In some jobs, the job-holder is also expected
to handle customers, suppliers and other persons outside the organization.

Person Specification

• Person specifications are also known as job specifications, which describes the profile of a person
who should be able to succeed in the job and will guide the recruitment officer to the best candidate.
• Person specifications list details of the ideal recruit by using headings such as (can be listed as
’essential’ or ’desirable’):
Johnson Lim, Ph.D. (UTHM) • Knowledge, skills and abilities required to do the job Educational
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qualifications and work experience required Physical requirements

of the job, if any
• Personality requirements, where relevant Career
• In the case of lower level jobs, the job description ought to describe with some accuracy the daily
duties of the job-holder. For managerial and professional positions, a precise job description is more
difficult to achieve.

Selection of Employee

Picking or choosing the Is a process of putting

right candidate suitable right applicant on a right
for vacant job position job

Employee selection is a
process of matching
requirement with the skills
and the qualifications of
Selection Process

❖ Employers spend a lot of time and energy before choosing which piece of industrial machinery
(costing millions) should be purchased. The same care should be made also when choosing a
new recruit.
❖ To increase the accuracy of the selection process, a variety of selection tools should be
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❖ Among the sources of information which can be used to compare applicants and see
whether they match the position specification are application forms, curriculum vitae (CV)
or resumé, reference checks, standardaized tests and interviews
❖ Employers should use a number of ways to verify the information received. If there are many
candidates for a position, a short-listing procedure will be used whereby a candidate undergo a
series of activities designed to find out about their abilities.

A good selection offers:

Cost-effective and reduce a lot of time and effort

Avoid any biasing while selecting the right candidate

Eliminate the candidate who are lacking in knowledge, ability and


Provides a guideline to evaluate the candidates further through strict

verification and reference-checking

Comparing different candidate in terms of their capabilities, knowledge,

skills, experience, work attitude, etc
What is the differences between
recruitment and selection?


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