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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 74, No. 10, 2011, Pages 1692–1699
Copyright G, International Association for Food Protection

Multiresidue Determination of Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic

Hydrocarbons in Honey by Solid-Phase Extraction and
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

1Departamento de Producción Animal y Ciencia de los Alimentos, Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Veterinaria, C/ Miguel Servet 177,

50013 Zaragoza, Spain; and 2Unidad de Calidad y Seguridad Alimentaria, Centro de Investigación y Tecnologı́a Agroalimentaria de Aragón,
Avenida de Montañana 930, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain

MS 11-140: Received 21 March 2011/Accepted 6 May 2011

An analytical procedure based on solid-phase extraction, using ethyl acetate as the elution solvent, and high-performance
liquid chromatography with fluorescence and diode array detection was developed for the identification and quantification of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in honey. The method has been optimized and validated in accordance with
Commission Regulation 333/2007 and Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. This method allows the identification of the 15
PAHs that should be monitored in food matrices, as proposed in 2002 by the Scientific Committee on Food and later by the
European Union in the Commission Recommendation 2005/108/EC, because of their genotoxic and carcinogenic properties. The
results of the validation study were in agreement with quality criteria described in European legislation in terms of sensitivity,
accuracy, and ruggedness, and the method was applied to the analysis of 42 honey samples (21 from Spain and 21 from other
regions). The honey samples were not contaminated by PAHs at detectable levels and thus could be marketed without health risk.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are well- forest fires, stubble burning, or location of beehives near
known compounds consisting of two or more aromatic industrial sites) or through the practice of blowing smoke
rings. PAHs are considered persistent organic pollutants and into the beehives during handling to calm the bees and keep
are formed during the incomplete combustion and pyrolysis them from attacking the beekeeper. Wood chips, pine
of organic matter from both anthropogenic (e.g., emissions needles, corrugated cardboard pieces, and other vegetable
in the environment from vehicle exhausts, asphalt pave- materials usually can be used safely for bee smoking, but oil
ments, and processing of coal, crude oil, or petroleum) and products or contaminated materials must be avoided. In
natural (e.g., forest fires) processes (30, 48). addition, the smoker must be cleaned after use to prevent the
Humans can be exposed to PAHs through various accumulation of combustion residues.
routes. For the general population, the major routes of The control of PAHs is very important. PAHs, coal tar,
exposure are food and inhaled air. In smokers, the combustion emissions containing these compounds have
contributions from smoking and food may be of a similar been carcinogenic in experimental animals, and genotoxi-
magnitude (16). city and mutagenicity has been noted both in vitro and in
Food can be contaminated by environmental PAHs vivo (10, 20, 25). In various epidemiological studies,
present in air, soil, or water, but PAHs also may form frequent consumption of meat and fish products that have
directly in food during processing (drying and smoking) and been smoked or grilled using traditional techniques has been
cooking at high temperatures (e.g., grilling, roasting, and associated with the high incidence of stomach cancer
frying) (10). observed in certain populations (1, 4).
Several research articles have been published on PAHs In the 1970s, the U.S. Environmental Protection
in environmental samples (29, 33, 49) and some food Agency (EPA) identified the most frequently encountered
products such as oil (6, 32), fish (36, 44), meat (38, 42), and PAHs in environmental samples, the EPA PAHs, and these
vegetables, fruits, and cereals (21). However, very little compounds were investigated by several authors (26, 28, 30,
information is available on the PAH concentrations in honey 33). New legislation was adopted in the European Union
(3, 9), which is a complex food matrix that can be (EU) in 2005 (12), providing a list of 15 PAHs (8 in
contaminated as a result of environmental pollution (e.g., common with the EPA list) of major concern for human
health because of their carcinogenic properties. This
* Author for correspondence. Tel: (z34) 976761543; Fax: (z34) legislation required the analysis of these PAHs in food
976761590; E-mail: matrices to provide further information on the levels of
J. Food Prot., Vol. 74, No. 10 DETERMINATION OF PAHS IN HONEY 1693

contamination by these compounds in food. Several authors data that could be used as part of a risk assessment for
contributed information on the contamination of various establishment of such limits.
food matrices by these organic pollutants (41, 43, 45, 51).
According to the European Scientific Committee on MATERIALS AND METHODS
Food (SCF) (10), benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) can be used as a Reagents and apparatus. The 15 PAH standards in acetonitrile
marker for the occurrence and effect of carcinogenic PAHs (10 mg liter21) were obtained from Dr. Ehrenstorfer GmbH
in food, but further analyses of the relative proportions of (Augsburg, Germany): cyclopenta(c,d)pyrene (CPP; CAS no. 27208-
BaP in foods would be necessary to inform a future review 37-3, 99.0%), BaA (CAS no. 56-55-3, 99.5%), CHR (CAS no. 218-
of the suitability of maintaining this compound as a marker. 01-9, 99.0%), 5-methylchrysene (5MC; CAS no. 3697-24-3, 99.8%),
Commission Regulation 1881/2006 (13) fixed maximum BbF (CAS no. 205-99-2, 99.0%), benzo( j)fluoranthene (BjF; CAS
levels for BaP in various food products, but honey was not no. 205-82-3, 99.0%), BkF (CAS no. 207-08-9, 99%), BaP (CAS
included in this regulation. no. 50-32-8, 99.5%), DbA (CAS no. 53-70-3, 99.0%), dibenzo(a,l)-
pyrene (DlP; CAS no. 191-30-0, 99.5%), BgP (CAS no. 191-24-2,
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) CON-
99.5%), IP (CAS no. 193-39-5, 99.5%), dibenzo(a,e)pyrene (DeP;
TAM Panel (16) concluded that BaP is not a suitable
CAS no. 192-65-4, 99.0%), dibenzo(a,i)pyrene (DiP; CAS no. 189-
indicator for the occurrence of carcinogenic and genotoxic 55-9, 99.9%), and dibenzo(a,h)pyrene (DhP; CAS no. 189-64-0,
PAHs in foods. On the basis of new evidence, the panel 99.0%). Standard mix solutions containing the 15 PAHs at
concluded that the sum of eight high-molecular-weight concentrations ranging from 0.010 to 240 mg liter21 were prepared
PAHs, i.e., benzo(a)anthracene (BaA), chrysene (CHR), in acetonitrile and stored at room temperature in the dark.
benzo(b)fluoranthene (BbF), benzo(k)fluoranthene (BkF), HPLC analysis grade ethyl acetate, methanol, and acetonitrile
BaP, dibenz(a,h)anthracene (DbA), benzo(g,h,i)perylene were used. All the organic solvents were supplied by Labscan
(BgP), and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (IP), would be more (Dublin, Ireland). Ultrapure water was obtained from a Milli-Q
suitable as an indicator than would BaP alone (16). Plus apparatus (Millipore, Bedford, MA).
The use of optimized and validated analytical method- The C18 (EC) 6-ml cartridges contained 500 mg of
ologies is essential to assure the reliability of the results octadecylsilica (Isolute, International Sorbent Technology, Hen-
obtained and thus their usefulness for risk assessment and goed, UK). The Visiprep SPE vacuum manifold was supplied by
Supelco (Bellefonte, PA). We also used a Turbo Vap II (Caliper
the establishment of maximum levels of contaminants in
Life Sciences, Hopkinton, MA).
foods. Most of the methods used for the determination of
The high-performance liquid chromatograph (HP1100) was
PAHs in food samples are based on liquid-liquid extraction
equipped with a fluorescence detector and a diode array detector
(9, 45), supercritical fluid extraction (24), and solid-phase (Agilent, Karlsruhe, Germany).
extraction (SPE) (5, 6, 37) followed by gas chromatography The liquid chromatographic column was a Hichrom PAH2
with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) (28, 47) or by high- (250 by 4.6 mm, 5 mm; Hichrom, Theale, England) maintained in a
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (17, 21, 27). column oven (90-2215 rev F, LabAlliance, State College, PA).
Both of these chromatographic methods are very sensitive
for determining PAH concentrations usually found in foods, Development of the analytical method. The analytical
but GC-MS usually is less effective for separation and method developed in this work was focused on the 15 PAHs
analysis of some of the 15 EU PAHs (45, 47). However, included in the EU list of important compounds and regarded as
very few studies have included a complete evaluation or probably or possibly carcinogenic to humans: BaA, CHR, 5MC,
validation of their methods according to international BbF, BjF, BkF, BaP, IP, DbA, BgP, DlP, DeP, DiP, DhP, and
CPP. The methodology consists of three steps: honey sample
requirements before conducting analyses of real samples.
preparation, extraction and purification of the analytes by SPE
Commission Decision 2002/657/EC (11), implement- (C18, 500 mg), and analyte identification using HPLC with
ing Council Directive 96/23/EC (15), established common fluorescence detection and diode array detection.
criteria that can be used in validation processes of analytical All the material used during the preparation of the sample and
methodologies used for determining the presence of various the extraction and purification step was made of glass. As
contaminants or residues in foodstuffs. Commission Regu- recommended by the EFSA, plastics such as polypropylene were
lation 333/2007 (14) specified the methods of sampling and avoided because PAHs can adsorb onto these materials. All
performance requirements for the official control of the glassware and sample containers were thoroughly washed with
concentration of BaP in food. detergent solution and distilled water and rinsed with acetonitrile
The aim of this study was the optimization and before and after use to minimize the risk of contamination.
validation of a simple, fast, economic, and reliable Working solutions were stored in foil-wrapped volumetric flasks,
analytical methodology for the determination of PAH and spiked honey samples were prepared on the same day to
minimize the possible photodecomposition of the PAHs studied.
concentrations in honey, following the guidelines from
A commercial rosemary honey was analyzed to certify that it
Commission Regulation 333/2007 and Commission Deci-
did not contain detectable amounts of the contaminants under
sion 2002/657/EC. This procedure was used with various investigation. This reference matrix was used (i) as a method blank
honey samples to provide information on the concentrations to determine whether other analytes or interfering substances were
of the 15 EU PAHs in honey, including the group of 8 present in the laboratory, reagents, or apparatus, (ii) to obtain
PAHs proposed by the EFSA as indicators of PAH presence spiked honey samples to evaluate the analytical methodology, and
in food. Because limits for BaP concentrations in various (iii) to prepare standard mix solutions to avoid the matrix effect.
food products other than honey have been established in To obtain the spiked honey samples, appropriate volumes of
European legislation, our study was conducted to provide standard mix solutions were added to the reference matrix at four
1694 CORREDERA ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 74, No. 10

spiking levels (200, 20, 10, and 1 mg kg21), except for CPP and TABLE 1. Retention time and emission wavelength program used
BjF, for which only three spiking levels could be evaluated (200, for chromatographic identification of PAHs
20, and 10 mg kg21) because of the low chromatographic response
Retention time Absortion or
of these compounds. PAH (min) emission (nm)
A 12-g sample of honey was weighed into a 100-ml flask, and
30 ml water-methanol (90:10, vol/vol) was added. The flask was CPP 9.8 222a
then shaken, and the standard mix solution was added. The total BaA 9.7 420
volume of the honey mixture was diluted to 50 ml with water- CHR 10.4 370
methanol (90:10, vol/vol). 5MC 11.7 370
The SPE procedure was based on that described by Martı́nez BjF 12.9 500
et al. (29) and modified in our laboratory to adapt this technique for BbF 13.9 420
PAH determination in honey, with different elution solvents (15 ml BkF 15.3 420
of acetonitrile and 15 ml of ethyl acetate) and elution solvent BaP 18.2 420
volumes (15 ml of ethyl acetate and 25 ml of ethyl acetate). The DbA 20.9 420
final conditions were set up depending on the results obtained in DlP 24.4 420
recovery assays as follows. The SPE C18 cartridge (500 mg) was BgP 26.2 420
activated with 5 ml of ethyl acetate, then with 5 ml of methanol, IP 26.5 500
and finally with 5 ml of a water-methanol (98:2, vol/vol) mixture. DeP 32.0 420
A 5-ml aliquot of the spiked honey solution was transferred to the DiP 41.7 470
cartridge, washed with 5 ml of Milli-Q water, and dried for 5 min DhP 44.9 470
under vacuum. The PAHs were then eluted with 25 ml of ethyl a
acetate and concentrated to 100 ml at 40uC under nitrogen in a CPP was identified by diode array detection.
concentration workstation (Turbo Vap II). The extracts were not
evaporated to complete dryness because that could lead to a loss of Accuracy was determined based on recovery and precision
light PAHs (22, 42). The extracts were then reconstituted in 0.5 ml assays for honey samples at four spiking levels: 200, 20, 10, and
of acetonitrile. 1 mg kg21. For CPP and BjF, only the three highest levels were
HPLC for determination of analytes was carried out in reversed- evaluated. The individual PAHs were identified by comparing the
phase chromatograph with fluorescence and UV detectors as retention time and the spectrum of the substance in the sample with
described by Simon et al. (43) and modified as follows in our that of the respective compound in a standard mix solution
laboratory. A 20-ml extract aliquot was injected into the HPLC system, analyzed under the same conditions, and the recoveries of each
and the column was heated at 40uC in a column oven. The flow of the compound were determined by comparing the ratios of the peak
aqueous mobile phase (acetonitrile-water) was set to 1 ml/min, the areas obtained for the samples with those found for standard mix
gradient program for the mobile phase started with 80% acetonitrile solutions at the same concentration.
(0 min) and changed linearly to 85% (30 min) and 100% (32 min), Precision was determined by repeatability and reproducibility
and after 55 min (still 100%) the mobile phase was changed back to studies, expressed by the HORRAT value (Horwitz ratio: the
the initial composition (80% acetonitrile, 20% water). Table 1 shows observed relative standard deviation divided by the value estimated
the emission wavelengths used for detection and quantification (the from the Horwitz equation, according to Commission Regulation
excitation wavelength was set at 270 nm for all compounds). CPP 333/2007) of the recovery percentages from six spiked honey
cannot be analyzed by fluorescence detection because it is not samples analyzed the same day by the same operator (repeatability)
fluorescent; therefore, it was detected by diode array detection. and from six spiked honey samples extracted and analyzed on three
different days (within-laboratory reproducibility).
Evaluation of the analytical methodology. Based on According to the performance criteria for methods of analysis
international requirements (Commission Decision 2002/657/EC of BaP in foods, recovery must be between 50 and 120%, and for
and Commission Regulation EC No 333/2007, specific for precision assays the HORRAT values should be always less than 2.
sampling and analysis of the levels of BaP in foodstuffs), the A ruggedness study was carried out as defined by
evaluation of an analytical methodology includes the study of its Commission Decision 2002/657/EC to complete the evaluation
specificity, sensitivity, accuracy (recovery and precision), and of the analytical method. For this purpose, we selected seven
ruggedness. possible variables that could influence the measurement results:
To determine specificity, 20 blank samples were analyzed to brand of solvents used (A), SPE cartridge drying time (B), elution
make sure no interference was observed in the chromatogram for solvent volume (C), elapsed time between extraction and analysis
the retention times of the analytes under investigation. (D), room temperature (E), column temperature (F), and analyst
In the sensitivity study, the linear ranges of the detector for the (G). We varied each of them in an order of magnitude that matches
PAHs were studied, and the limits of detection (LODs) and limits the deviations that might occur among laboratories; the effect of
of quantification (LOQs) were established according to Commis- various solvent brands, a shorter drying time, quantitative errors in
sion Regulation EC No 333/2007. The LOD was calculated based pipette handling, the passage of time between extraction and
on the lowest concentration giving a response of three times the analysis (for example a weekend), different room temperatures
standard deviation of the mean for the blank samples, whereas the depending on the season, instrumental errors in the column oven,
LOQ was considered six times the standard deviation of the mean and different analysts were evaluated. The ruggedness test was
for the blank samples. then carried out with spiked honey samples (20 mg kg21) using the
Performance criteria for BaP require LODs of less than approach of Youden (experiment design shown in Table 2).
0.3 mg kg21 and LOQs of less than 0.9 mg kg21. For these tasks, Once the study was complete, the effect of each factor was
standard mix solutions at nine concentrations ranging from 0.010 calculated by subtracting the mean result obtained with the variable
to 240 mg liter21 were prepared and added to the reference matrix at high level (reference value) indicated by the uppercase letter and
to be injected into the HPLC apparatus in duplicate. the mean result achieved with the factor at low level (varied value),
J. Food Prot., Vol. 74, No. 10 DETERMINATION OF PAHS IN HONEY 1695

TABLE 2. Selected factors and experiment design for ruggedness study, with the combination of determinations used
Combination of determinations
Original Varied
Selected factor Abbreviation value value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Brand of the solvents used A, a 1 2 A A A A a a a a

SPE cartridge drying time B, b 5 min 1 min B B b b B B b b
Elution solvent vol C, c 25 ml 24.5 ml C c C c C c C c
Time between extraction and analysis D, d 1h 72 h D D d d d d D D
Room temp E, e 20uC 15uC E e E e e E e E
Column temp F, f 40uC 39.5uC F f f F F f f F
Analyst G, g 1 2 G g g G g G G g
Observed result R S T U V W X Y Z

marked with the corresponding lowercase letter. A statistical test Our average recoveries ranged from 50 to 99% and
was used to evaluate the influence of each investigated factor. The were above 80% at the two higher spiking concentrations
effect of the selected factors together was measured, comparing the for most of the compounds (Table 3), with HORRAT values
standard deviation of the differences (SDi) with the standard always less than 2. These results meet the requirements of
deviation of the method. An SDi that is significantly larger than the
Commission Regulation 333/2007 (recoveries between 50
standard deviation of the method carried out under within-
laboratory reproducibility conditions indicates that all factors and 120% and HORRAT values less than 2).
together have an effect on the result, even when each single factor Like us, Albero et al. (3) obtained high recoveries (66
does not have a significant influence. to 115%) for eight of the PAHs that we analyzed (CHR,
To evaluate the results obtained, we applied a t test after BaA, BbF, BkF, BaP, DbA, IP, and BgP) at high spiking
making sure that all the results followed a normal distribution levels (20 to 800 mg kg21); however, these authors did not
according the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (a ~ 0.05). report recovery assays for low spiking levels. Similarly,
Rivera et al. (38) studied various SPE sorbents for some
Analysis of honey samples. Once the method was validated, PAHs in meat, with recoveries always above 90%. Windal
it was applied to the analysis of 42 commercial honey samples to
et al. (51) studied PAHs in oils and dried plants, and their
evaluate the presence of PAHs in honey from different geograph-
ical regions. The study included 21 samples of Spanish honey and
recoveries ranged from 60 and 115%. Danyi et al. (8) also
21 samples from other European and non-European regions that reported high recoveries (63 to 118%) using cyclohexane-
were sold in several Spanish supermarkets. All samples presented a dichloromethane as an extraction solvent for monitoring
homogeneous appearance, without phase separation, and all were these pollutants in food supplements. The recovery of heavy
stored at room temperature in a dark place and analyzed within dibenzopyrenes obtained in some is often low (43, 47).
1 month after collection. Several authors who analyzed PAHs in food did not specify
the accuracy of their analytical methodologies (9, 21).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Regarding ruggedness, Table 4 shows the two-tailed P
Optimization and evaluation of the analytical values obtained for the t test for each factor in the PAHs
methodology. As far as we know, no analytical method analysis and the SDi values and reproducibility standard
combining these techniques for the determination of PAHs deviations for each analyte. The combined factors did not
in honey has been published. The methodology described significantly affect the method performance, and we can
here provided resolution and identification of the 15 PAHs assume that the analytical method is robust; of the 105
studied. The HPLC elution profile of the spiked honey results obtained in the ruggedness study, only four had P
samples containing the 15 PAHs is shown in Figure 1. values below 0.05: the variables of analyst (factor G) and
Table 3 provides the linearity and sensitivity results SPE drying time (factor B) for DbA and BgP, and DlP and
obtained for each compound. The results of our study IP, respectively. The influence of SPE drying time has been
satisfied the criteria of European regulations for BaP in specifically studied by several authors (18, 19, 23), who
foodstuffs (Commission Regulation EC No 333/2007), concluded that the results obtained with each analytical
which require LODs below 0.3 mg kg21 and LOQs below method were seriously influenced by this factor.
0.9 mg kg21. In our study, the LOD and the LOQ for BaP The determination of the ruggedness of an analytical
were 0.08 mg kg21 in both cases. The calculated LOQs for method is a laborious task, and very few studies have
the rest of the PAHs met the performance criteria and were included this kind of assay with regard to PAHs in food.
below 0.9 mg kg21 in all cases, with LODs of 0.08 to Serpe et al. (41) studied the ruggedness of their methodol-
0.84 mg kg21, except for CPP (not fluorescent) and BjF (less ogy for analysis of PAHs in mussels and stated that in
fluorescent). These average LODs are much lower than the general the method was not affected by slight variations in
LODs published by Albero et al. (3) for honey. Dobrinas et some critical factors. However, they did not report the
al. (9) reported LOQs of 0.15 mg kg21 in the same matrix, specific results obtained for each compound. Norwood et al.
lower than those obtained in our work. However, these two (35) reported ruggedness results validating an analytical
research groups focused on the EPA PAHs and used GC- methodology for PAHs in metered dose inhaler drug
MS for the analysis. formulations; other authors have published results for
1696 CORREDERA ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 74, No. 10

FIGURE 1. Chromatograms of a honey

sample spiked at 10 mg kg21. The 15 PAHs
were studied at different wavelengths: (a)
diode array detection Sig222nm; (b) lex
270/lem 370; (c) lex 270/lem 500; (d) lex
270/lem 470; (e) lex 270/lem 420.

methodologies applied to pesticides in crops (31), aflatoxin absence of these pollutants in the analyzed samples could be
M1 in milk (34), nitrofurans in poultry muscle tissue (46), due to the low levels of environmental pollution in the
and tetracyclines in milk (39). geographical region, correct smoking processes used by
beekeepers (in terms of smoking duration and combustible
Determination of PAHs in honey samples. In the material used), completely capped hive cells at the time of
honey samples analyzed, no detectable levels of the 15 honey extraction (beeswax can protect the honey in capped
PAHs were found with the validated methodology. The cells from external pollutants), storage of honey in stainless
J. Food Prot., Vol. 74, No. 10 DETERMINATION OF PAHS IN HONEY 1697

steel containers (which must be clean and free from

200 mg kg21

contamination), and a prolonged period between hive
smoking and PAH analysis.


Repeatability and reproducibility results were expressed as mean ¡ standard deviation of six replicates at each spiking concentration (1, 10, 20, and 200 mg kg21). NA, not available.
Our results are in agreement with those reported for

another Spanish study by Albero et al. (3), who did not find
any of the PAHs studied in the analyzed honey samples
Reproducibility recovery (%)




20 mg kg21

(four unifloral and one multifloral sample). However,




Dobrinas et al. (9) reported the presence of BaP (with
concentrations of 0.5 to 141 mg kg21) and 13 other
hydrocarbons (concentrations up to 665 mg kg21 depending
on the compound) in several honey samples from Romania,


10 mg kg21

but these authors did not detect CHR above the LOQ in any


of the samples and noted significantly higher concentrations
of PAHs in urban sites than in mountain and rural sites.
In studies of other food products exposed to environ-
mental contamination, PAHs were also present at low
69 ¡ 11.3

65 ¡ 11.0

62 ¡ 11.9

50 ¡ 12.5

72 ¡ 11.7
57 ¡ 10.9
53 ¡ 11.5
55 ¡ 12.3
concentrations. Rojo Camargo and Toledo (40) analyzed

56 ¡ 5.8

59 ¡ 8.5
58 ¡ 5.5

53 ¡ 8.4

59 ¡ 8.4
1 mg kg



the relation between air pollution and PAH concentrations in

fruits and vegetables and found concentrations of these
pollutants up to 17.93 mg kg21, whereas Kazerouni et al. (21)
reported BaP concentrations of 0.01 to 0.48 mg kg21 in fruits

and vegetables and up to 0.56 mg kg21 in cereals and grains.

200 mg kg

Other studies dealing with infant formulas, milk, and related


products revealed that these kinds of compounds are less


frequently found in infant food; in most analyzed products,

none of the PAHs studied were detected (2, 7). However,

PAH concentrations were usually higher in animal products,


Repeatability recovery (%)

20 mg kg

especially those that were smoked, grilled, or barbecued.


White et al. (50) investigated the effect of various cooking


processes on meat products and found high concentrations

(8.4, 9.8, and 20.4 mg kg21) of BaP in precooked beef burger


samples, whereas barbecued burger samples had the highest


10 mg kg

concentrations (29.1 and 30.6 mg kg21).


The estimated maximum daily intake of BaP from food


is about 6 to 8 ng/kg of body weight per day, i.e., about five

to six orders of magnitude lower than the daily doses that
51 ¡ 11.3
52 ¡ 12.5

59 ¡ 5.2
58 ¡ 8.2
61 ¡ 6.6

51 ¡ 4.5
56 ¡ 9.4
58 ¡ 8.3
64 ¡ 7.8
52 ¡ 6.6
68 ¡ 9.8
66 ¡ 9.0
59 ¡ 7.9

have induced tumors in experimental animals. The SCF

1 mg kg



concluded that at these levels of intake noncarcinogenic

effects are not to be expected and the risk of heritable effects
from dietary exposure to PAHs is low (10).
TABLE 3. Validation parameters and linearity of the method a

The analytical methodology described here has advan-

(mg kg21)

tages for PAH determination in honey samples because it is



fast, easy, and economic. Because it produces reliable

results in this type of food matrix, it could be used in routine
laboratory monitoring protocols. The analyzed honey
samples were not contaminated by PAHs at detectable
(mg kg21)

levels and thus could be marketed without health risk. These



results are consistent with those for other honey samples in

Spain and are far below the BaP maximum limits
established by the EU for foods. However, because honey
may be exposed to smoke during handling, further studies
Linear range

(mg kg21)

are needed to complete a risk assessment and obtain

contamination data, which could serve to establish specific
maximum PAH limits for honey.

The authors thank the Government of Aragón for giving a scholarship



to L. Corredera and for its financial support (Grupo de Investigación







Consolidado A01, Fondo Social Europeo and Ayudas Apı́colas).

1698 CORREDERA ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 74, No. 10

TABLE 4. Statistical values obtained for each factor in the ruggedness study a
P values (two-tailed) for t tests

PAH A B C D E F G SDi SD reprod

CPP 0.53 0.15 0.93 0.53 0.93 0.06 0.66 6.82 9.70
BaA 0.90 0.18 0.39 0.50 0.97 0.32 0.13 4.44 9.98
CHR 0.78 0.05 0.43 0.27 0.90 0.52 0.52 6.64 6.80
5MC 0.84 0.69 0.42 0.84 0.54 0.22 0.54 5.13 8.40
BjF 0.58 0.05 0.15 0.41 0.89 0.89 0.18 8.61 10.40
BbF 0.24 0.68 0.68 0.06 0.54 0.93 0.35 5.98 10.63
BkF 0.87 0.08 0.45 0.53 0.65 0.96 0.14 6.81 8.75
BaP 0.12 0.28 0.56 0.71 0.56 0.53 0.25 4.92 10.18
DbA 0.29 0.85 0.98 0.77 0.50 0.74 0.02b 8.28 9.98
DlP 0.88 0.03b 0.93 0.98 0.98 0.17 0.39 11.63 9.50
BgP 0.34 0.94 0.72 0.83 0.72 0.73 0.01b 9.69 10.50
IP 0.89 0.04b 0.96 0.89 0.86 0.09 0.07 11.39 9.54
DeP 0.07 0.91 0.74 0.43 0.59 0.21 0.60 4.82 9.50
DiP 0.76 0.09 0.84 0.54 0.92 0.15 0.29 11.16 11.30
DhP 0.85 0.32 0.44 0.24 0.15 0.33 1.00 5.16 10.80
SDi, standard deviation of the differences; SD reprod, standard deviation of reproducibility.
P values less than 0.05 indicate that the factor could have a significant influence on the result.

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