Components of Social Competence and Strategies of Support: Considering What To Teach and How

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Components of Social Competence and Strategies of Support: Considering

What to Teach and How

Article  in  Early Childhood Education Journal · December 2006

DOI: 10.1007/s10643-006-0139-2


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2 authors:

Sophia Han Kristen Kemple

University of South Florida University of Florida


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Early Childhood Education Journal, Vol. 34, No. 3, December 2006 ( 2006)
DOI: 10.1007/s10643-006-0139-2

Components of Social Competence and Strategies

of Support: Considering What to Teach and How

Heejeong Sophia Han1 and Kristen Mary Kemple1,2

Decisions about how to support the development of young childrenÕs social competence must
be made on the basis of knowledge of important competencies to be developed, as well as
effective strategies to support those competencies. This paper combines a broad-definition
model of components of social competence (Kostelnik, Stein, Whiren, Soderman, & Gregory,
2002) with a continuum model of support strategies ranging from most to least naturalistic
(Kemple, 2004). Illustrations of specific strategies to support particular competencies are

KEY WORDS: social competence; strategies; social skills; support.

To be a successful social member of human society IMPORTANT COMPONENTS OF SOCIAL

there are many things one should know and be able COMPETENCE
to do. Simple things such as greeting someone in an
The descriptions presented above focus primarily
appropriate way may be taken for granted by adults,
on the quality of interaction, as a component of
but young children who are new to this society need
relationship building and maintenance. Others have
to understand and acquire those social competencies.
taken a broader view of social competence. Social
In early childhood, social competence has been defined
competence has been described as involving the per-
as ‘‘the ability of young children to successfully and
sonal knowledge and skills which persons develop in
appropriately select and carry out their interpersonal
order to deal effectively with lifeÕs many choices,
goals’’ (Guralnick, 1990, p. 4), and socially compe-
challenges, and opportunities (Leffert, Benson, &
tent young children have been described as ‘‘those
Roehlkepartan, 1997). Building from this description,
who engage in satisfying interactions and activities
social competence has been conceptualized as con-
with adults and peers’’ (Katz & McClellan, 1997,
sisting of six categories of competence: Adoption of
p. 1). Thus, social competence is indexed by effec-
social values, development of a sense of personal
tiveness and appropriateness in human interaction
identity, acquisition of interpersonal skills, learning
and relationships.
how to regulate personal behavior in accord with
societal expectations, planning and decision-making,
and development of cultural competence (Kostelnik
et al., 2002). In the sections that follow, each of these
components of social competence will be described.
School of Teaching and Learning , University of Florida, PO Box
117048 Gainesville, FL 32611-7048, USA; e-mail:
Correspondence should be directed to Kristen Mary Kemple, Self-regulation includes the abilities to control
School of Teaching and Learning , University of Florida, PO Box
117048 Gainesville, FL 32611-7048, USA; e-mail: kkemple@
impulses, delay gratification, resist temptation and peer pressure, reflect on oneÕs feelings, and monitor

1082-3301/06/1200-0241/0  2006 Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC
242 Han and Kemple

oneself (Kostelnik et al., 2002). Much of self- social acceptance and success, it is likely that their
regulation involves the management of emotion. positive sense of self-worth and competence is en-
Emotional regulation is ‘‘the extrinsic and intrinsic hanced. The child with low self-esteem, on the other
processes responsible for monitoring, evaluating, and hand, can become trapped in a cycle of feelings of
modifying emotional reactions... to accomplish oneÕs failure and rejection. How a child feels about herself
goals’’ (Thompson, 1994, pp. 27–28). In a recent is tied in important ways to other aspects of social
study, preschoolersÕ emotional competence, including competence. Early childhood teachers play an
self-regulation, was found to contribute significantly important role in facilitating the growth of a childÕs
to their long-term social competence (Denham et al., positive self-identity.
2003). Much of this ability to regulate emotions
develops from interaction with primary caregivers,
Cultural competence
from the childÕs inborn temperament, and from the
match between caregiving and temperament (Calkins, Developing cultural competence includes
1994). However, as children enter the peer setting of acquiring knowledge of, respect for, and the ability to
early childhood programs, they continue to learn how interact effectively and comfortably with people of
to deal with various emotions such as frustration, joy, varying ethnic or racial backgrounds. It also includes
fear, anxiety, and anger (Cole, Michel, & Teti, 1994). recognizing and questioning unfair treatment of
Part of a teacherÕs role in strengthening social com- others, and acting for social justice (Kostelnik et al.,
petence is to help children constructively channel and 2002). Individual cultures ‘‘prescribe what may be
manage their feelings and impulses. shared and how much, in what ways individuals may
touch each other, what may and may not be said’’
Interpersonal knowledge and skills (Katz & McClellan, 1997, p. 53). Lack of cultural
awareness may lead to significant misunderstanding
Social competence also includes understanding
and even fear in young children. If children are
othersÕ needs and feelings, articulating oneÕs own
appropriately encouraged to examine their feelings
ideas and needs, solving problems, cooperating and
and attitudes, remain open to new information, and
negotiating, expressing emotion, ‘‘reading’’ social
have opportunities to become familiar with a variety
situations accurately, adjusting behavior to meet the
of people, they can build a foundation for cultural
demands of different social situations, and initiating
competence (Fry, 1994).
and maintaining friendships (Kostelnik et al., 2002;
Odom et al., 2002). Acquiring social knowledge and
mastering social skills are difficult and comprehensive Adopting social values
tasks for young children; once children have learned
This component of social competence is
new social knowledge and skills, they need to know
described as encompassing caring, equity, honesty,
when to use them, where to use them, and how to
social justice, responsibility, healthy lifestyles and
choose from among them (McCay & Keyes, 2002).
sexual attitudes, and flexibility. Social values are
Development and refinement of these skills is facili-
likely to vary by culture. Some more or less basic
tated by the guidance of an informed teacher who
values may exist from culture to culture, yet these
knows when and how to offer support and teaching.
may be valued to different degrees and in different
Early childhood teachers can utilize a multitude of
proportions across cultures. Social values may be
strategies and practices to enhance childrenÕs social
defined and exemplified in varying ways from one
knowledge and skills.
culture to another. One social value often mentioned
in the early childhood literature is the value of com-
Positive self-identity
munity. Building a sense of and appreciation for
Positive self-identity, an intrapersonal category classroom community requires that children have an
of social competence, includes sense of competence, emerging awareness that they are part of a larger
personal power, sense of self-worth, and sense of group, and that being considerate of othersÕ needs
purpose (Kostelnik et al., 2002). Children who feel and cooperative in interaction with others can benefit
good about themselves in these capacities are more the group, themselves, and individual others. There
likely to have positive interpersonal relationships, are many strategies that teachers have used success-
and anticipate success in their encounters with other fully to promote a sense of group cohesion (Howes &
people (Walsh, 1994). In turn, as a result of their Ritchie, 2002).
Social Competence and Strategies of Support 243

Planning and decision-making skills Arranging the physical environment is a funda-

mental step to facilitate the growth of social compe-
The ability to act in a purposeful way, by making
tence. Arranging the classroom into well-defined
choices, developing plans, solving problems, and car-
interest areas that can accommodate small groups of
rying out positive actions to achieve social goals has
children sets the stage for the development of inter-
been described as another important component of
personal skills and knowledge. As children disperse
social competence (Kostelnik et al., 2002). Learning to
into smaller groups, the social demands are more
make real and meaningful choices is generally consid-
manageable for young children. Some interest areas
ered an important goal of early education (Bredekamp
are more social in nature (e.g., blocks and dramatic
& Copple, 1997). As children engage in free play, for
play/housekeeping), and provide excellent opportu-
example, they gain important practice in making
nities for practice of social skills through the process
choices about where to play, what to play, how to play,
of play. Other areas can provide private spaces that
and with whom to play. They develop plans (more or
support self- regulation. Cozy private space where the
less consciously) for how to enter an attractive play
rule is ‘‘one child at a time’’ (a beanbag chair, a
activity already in progress, or how to create an airport
refrigerator box with a cut out door, a pup tent) can
in the block center. Teachers can help to scaffold young
provide a freely chosen retreat for the relaxed down-
childrenÕs budding ability to be thoughtful, planful and
time that children sometimes need to cope with over
intentional as they make decisions about social goals
stimulation or frustration (Moore, 1996). Careful
and as they act to carry out their plans.
selection of types and amounts of material can
influence positive self-identity: materials that present
the appropriate levels of challenge, and with which
A wide variety of strategies to support young children can therefore be successful, contribute to
childrenÕs emerging social competence has been sup- childrenÕs feelings of competence.
ported by both the practical and research literature. Evidence suggests that young children are more
A useful schematic for classifying strategies, as well as likely to engage in peer interaction during informal
for making decisions about which strategies to con- free choice time than other times of the school day
sider first, is described by Fox, Dunlap, Hemmeter, (Sainato & Carta, 1992), and a bare minimum of
Joseph, and Strain (2003). This hierarchical pyramid 30 minutes is recommended as appropriate for pre-
model suggests practitioners begin with naturalistic schoolers (Christie & Wardle, 1992). Well-planned
strategies such as developing meaningful relation- daily schedules or routines support childrenÕs self-
ships and creating a supportive classroom environ- regulation, as they manage their own activity pace. A
ment, and then move toward more specific and developmentally appropriate schedule provides chil-
individualized teaching strategies and interventions dren with adequate time to practice planning and
as needed. A similar conceptualization describes four decision-making skills as they make and carry out
basic categories of intervention and support, along a plans for how to use their free choice time (Katz &
continuum from most to least naturalistic: Environ- McClellan, 1997).
mental arrangements, naturalistic strategies, planned
routine activities, and higher intensity interventions
Naturalistic strategies
(Kemple, 2004). This model is used to organize the
strategies described below. Naturalistic strategies can be defined as those
supportive techniques that are integrated within the
natural flow of classroom interaction (Kemple, 2004).
Environmental arrangement
They require teachersÕ awareness, quick thinking, and
In any early childhood education program, thoughtful intentional use, but require minimal time
adults and children interact within an environmental and effort to use. Naturalistic strategies include
context. Broadly defined, this context includes the ‘on-the-spot supportÕ and ‘conflict mediationÕ.
physical structures, objects, and organization of the On-the-spot support refers to the more or less
classroom; the temporal organization of routines and spontaneous coaching and modeling that many
activities; and the emotional climate of the setting. teachers do almost continually within the natural
These elements can be manipulated to create the most context of school activities and routines (Ramsey,
optimal setting for childrenÕs social competence to 1991). It may also include reinforcement which is
flourish. embedded in natural interaction. A more structured
244 Han and Kemple

and pre-planned form of on-the-spot support has this process in early childhood programs (for example,
sometimes been referred to as ‘‘incidental teaching’’ see Carlsson-Paige & Levin, 1992; Dinwiddie, 1994).
(see Conroy & Brown, 2002). On-the-spot support Conflict mediation is a naturalistic strategy which can
can be used to promote social knowledge and skills. be used to support acquisition of interpersonal skills
For example, a childÕs vocabulary for emotional and knowledge, including cooperation; compromising;
expression can be enhanced when her teacher sees her acknowledging rights; and communicating ideas,
scribbling a hole into her paper and says, ‘‘Rachel, needs, and feelings.
you look very frustrated’’. This strategy, sometimes
Planned routine activities
referred to as ‘‘affective reflection’’ (Kostelnik et al.,
2002), provides Rachel with a word for what she is Planned routine activities are more structured
feeling. The powerful potential of this strategy is that and pre-meditated than the on-the-spot strategies
the child hears the vocabulary word at the same time described above. As is true of activity planning in
she is experiencing the physiological ‘‘feeling’’ of the general, a teacher who intends to use these strategies
emotion, and while she is still within the circumstance begins with particular objectives in mind. Activities
that precipitated the emotion. Thus, she is better able are then designed for the purpose of maximizing the
to use the word in the future to express her feelings. likelihood that children will attain the objectives.
Self-regulation can be supported through on-the- Planned routine activities to support social compe-
spot intervention. For example Phillip, who is anx- tence may fall into the following categories: cooper-
iously and restlessly awaiting a turn on the cargo ative learning activities; PALS centers; literature
bike, can be reminded, ‘‘Wait. You can be patient, sharing and discussion; puppetry; group affection
Phillip. Tell yourself, ‘I can wait. I can waitÕ’’. This activities; singing, listening to, and reflecting about
example combines attribution and self-talk to scaf- songs; and group discussion of real-life classroom
fold the childÕs ability to delay gratification. social issues (Kemple, 2004). Two of these strategies
Reinforcement refers to consequences that will be described below.
increase the likelihood that a particular social
behavior will be repeated. Social reinforcement
(praise, a smile, a pat on the back) can be used to Group affection activities
support adoption of social values. For example, when As exemplified below, group affection activities
a teacher notices evidence of caring, honesty, or have been defined as typical preschool games, songs,
responsibility, she can give a smile or a hug and say, and activities that have been modified to include
‘‘That was kind of you to help Jerome. He looked sad teacher prompts for varying types of affectionate
when his cupcake fell upside down,’’ or, ‘‘You told responses (McEvoy, Twardosz, & Bishop, 1990).
the truth. I guess that was hard to do’’ or, ‘‘Thank
A group of fifteen 3 ~ 4-year-old children are to-
you for remembering to put your sweater in your gether for the circle time, singing a teacher-facilitated
cubby. Now no one will step on it’’. Social rein- version of ‘If youÕre happy and you know itÕ. Instead
forcement can support cooperation, interest in oth- of the original, the children sing and enact the fol-
ers, and acts of simple kindness, as well as positive lowing: ‘‘If youÕre happy and you want to show it
self-identity and planning and decision-making skills, hug your friend... If youÕre happy and you want to
show it pat your friend...’’ and so forth.
as when a teacher uses praise that is individualized,
genuine, and specific like ‘‘You worked hard at that This strategy increases interaction by allowing all
construction. You decided what you wanted to do, children to make contact and exchange friendly
you made a plan, and you did it!’’ behaviors through non-threatening and fun activities.
Conflict mediation is the process of scaffolding (Twardosz, Nordquist, Simon, & Botkin, 1983).
young childrenÕs budding ability to resolve conflict Group affection activities can easily be employed to
through discussion, and without resorting to aggres- enhance use of interpersonal skills such as expressing
sion. Conflict mediation is a special case of naturalistic affection, making friendly contact with others, and
teaching, which requires knowledge of a sequence of maintaining friendly relationships. This strategy also
several steps. This process is designed to scaffold chil- has great potential to enhance cultural competence by
drenÕs emerging ability to identify a conflict, share encouraging children to make friendly and affec-
points of view, generate potential solutions, come to tionate contact with peers of various culture, race, or
agreement on a solution to try, carry it out, and eval- disability. This playful, ‘‘break-the-ice’’ practice can
uate its success. Much has been written about the use of enhance childrenÕs comfort with and respect for
Social Competence and Strategies of Support 245

persons who are different from themselves (For more Higher intensity interventions include adult-
specific information about how to develop and mediated intervention and peer-mediated interven-
implement affection activities, see McEvoy, Twar- tion. Adult-mediated intervention refers to a variety
dosz, & Bishop, 1990.). of approaches including teacher-provided prompts
for social interaction, and teacher-provided
PALS (Peer-Assisted Learning Strategy) center reinforcement for social interaction. In peer-mediated
interventions, adults teach a peer or group of peers to
A PALS center provides a structure within which provide encouragement or reinforcement to the target
small groups of children have multiple opportunities child for a specific social behavior. The teacherÕs
to practice a wide variety of social skills (Chandler, involvement, in this type of intervention, is with the
1998). In creating a PALS center, the adult identifies selected peer or peers rather than with the target
specific social competence objectives for an individual child. The teacher may closely monitor the interven-
child, and creates a structured small group play sit- tion procedures, but does not intervene directly with
uation, which optimizes the childÕs opportunity to the target child. Both adult-mediated and peer med-
learn and/or practice the targeted competencies. The iated high intensity interventions are typically used to
teacher does this by carefully selecting specific peer increase specific desired behaviors that fall within the
participants and materials, and by communicating social competence categories of interpersonal skills,
clear expectations and goals for the childrenÕs activ- self-regulation, and planning and decision-making
ity. Research has demonstrated that children showed skills.
an increased frequency in peer interaction when
playing in a PALS center, and some children were
able to generalize peer social skills to other free play
activities (Chandler, 1998). Depending on the objec- A FINAL WORD ABOUT CULTURE
tives the teacher sets, the materials she selects, and the A substantial majority of what we know about
way she structures the PALS center activity, this socially competent behavior, as well as teachersÕ
strategy can be used to support positive self-identity, strategies to support the growth of social compe-
interpersonal skills, self-regulation, planning and deci- tence, are based on studies of children in Western
sion-making skills, cultural competence, and adoption society, and North American culture in particular.
of social values. (For more detail information about It cannot be assumed that the same specific com-
PALS centers, see Chandler, 1998). petencies are equally important in all cultures
(Rubin, Bukowski, & Parker, 1998). A growing
body of literature suggests that they are not
Higher intensity interventions
(Mendez, McDermott, & Fantuzzo, 2002; LaFreni-
This category includes high intensity coaching and ere et al., 2002). Because we cannot assume that
training interventions. These highly planned, teacher- social skills, knowledge, and attitudes are universal,
directed, and teacher-monitored approaches typically we also cannot assume that the same strategies for
involve directly instructing children in social skills and supporting the emergence of social competence are
using intentional alteration of social contingencies to appropriate across cultures. This is particularly
influence behavior. These interventions are often based important to consider in early childhood settings
on a careful functional assessment of the childÕs which include children of various cultural and
behavior (Chandler & Dahlquist, 2002). High intensity ethnic backgrounds.
interventions are typically used for children with very While we have discussed the importance of
significant difficulties related to social competence, for childrenÕs growing cultural competence, it is of even
whom less intensive interventions (like environmental greater importance that early childhood professionals
arrangement and on-the-spot teaching) have been (teachers, teacher educators, and researchers, for
deemed insufficient. Successful implementation of example) develop cultural competence. Questions of
these higher intensity interventions requires both the what constitutes culturally responsive teaching are of
combined expertise of the general classroom teacher importance in all areas of teaching, but especially so
and other professionals who possess knowledge and in the social realm. How we interact and maintain
skills in behavior analysis, prompting, and effective use relationships with others truly lies at the core of being
of reinforcement (for further information, see Kemple, human. Teaching and guidance in this realm must be
2004; Odom et al., 2002). handled with care, awareness, and sensitivity.
246 Han and Kemple

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