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"The Mirror in the Mirror"

Very early, when no more than 14, 15 years of age, Michael Ende
started to work artistically. His father's influence played a huge
part in this development:

"I actually used to write poems according to my fathers pictures.

(…) In those poems I tried to do exactly the same with words
what my father had done in the picture. (…)Back then quite a lot
of poems were written, in which I have tried to use subjects as
my father had them in his drawings or his paintings and to play
them like music with my words. Not by describing the picture,
but by simply trying to do the same thing that he had done in the
picture just in another way. Thus, we have mutually inspired
each other very much, yes, he thought it was very inspiring. (…)
As older I get as more it becomes clear to me how much I really
owe to my father, regarding my whole basic view and approach
to art. And also regarding this whole world he introduced me to".

(Quoted from: "Archäeology of the Darkness - Conversations about Art and Work of
the Painter Edgar Ende" by Michael Ende and Jörg Krichbaum)

Michael Ende

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