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There are ethical people but there are no ethics without


Translated from a Greek, ethics means “ Theory of living”, in an answer

the question “How should people live?”, one engages in a consideration of
ethics. The term is derived from Greek word ethos which can mean custom,
habit, character, or disposition. Nevertheless, ethics are resembling the fuel in
which the engine can function effectively. In other words; human are guided by
ethics, morals, and principles which are consequence of beliefs, religion, or
theories. The latter appeared in human deeds, verbs, and actions to recognize
what is good and what is bad. However, Albert Camus, a French philosopher,
said: “Human without ethics like a wild beast loosed upon this world”, this fact
in a very wide conceptual and pragmatic reign is fact; or how one can
distinguishes a human from an animal according to Camus. But is there a
possibility to exist ethics without a host, human.

Starting with defining ethics and people being ethical. Ethics, in its
simplest definition, is a system of moral principles. They affects how people
make decisions and lead their lives. Ethics is concerned with what is good for
individuals and society, and it is also described as Moral Philosophy. For
instance, killing people are immoral deed, laying on people for self-interest is
wrong, or exploit people for self-benefit. Hence, ethics required to engage
others in conversations regarding our concerns, and to offer a check on our
moral intuitions as well as actions thus people can find better ways to live.
However, ethical people are those who have sense of moral judgment ultimately
affects the way a person’s reaction in a given situation.

One can notice that wherever ethics functions, human being must be at
the role of the implementation. One must think of the validity of ethics without
human beings. Illustratively, can human being existed without Oxygen?
Obviously Not; Similarly, Ethics is the configuration of principles that shape
and formulate people’s behaviors, thoughts, deeds, actions, and decisions.
However, Potter Stewart says: “ Ethics is knowing the difference between what
you have a right to do and what is right to do”, one must ask: “who knows?”; In
other words, human is the field that ethics can operate and emerge as authentic
and valid. In addition, Albert Schweitzer, German theologian and writer, says: “
The first step in evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human
beings”, he says with other human beings, not with other species, animals, or
creators. Hence, presence of ethics depends upon human beings.
Straightforwardly, moral philosophy is holding the responsibility upon human
beings, so for distinguish them to be rational, reasonable, and distinct from other
species. Therefore, ethics cannot be existed without human being.

How should we live? Shall we aim at happiness or at knowledge, virtue,

or the creation of beautiful objects? If we choose happiness, will it be our own
or the happiness of all? Ethics deals with such questions at all levels. Its subject
consists of the fundamental issues of practical decision making, and its major
concerns include the nature of ultimate value and the standards by which human
actions can be judged right or wrong. However, all questions and subjects that
Ethics is concerned with, the human being is at the center of the role. Therefore,
ethics and human beings are the pillars for a foundation where both of them play
a distinct function to reinforce the other part.


Master One: Lit & Civ

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