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Name :Ammar Mohammad Abdullah 3rd year

1- Capillarity: Phenomenon of surface tension which depends on cohesion of

liquid and on the adhesion of the liquid to solid walls. Water surfaces behave in
an unusual way because of cohesion. Which this phenomenon is what makes it
possible for certain insects to walk along water surfaces.

2- (TDR) Time domain reflectometry: determined soil moisture by measuring

the transit time of an electromagnetic pulse launched along a parallel metallic
probe buried in the soil.
The TDRS (good ones) are more curate and less sensitive to geometry of the
The main advantages of this technology are:-
1. its high accuracy
2. it can be automated
3. it provides simple measurements, and it is soil texture , porosity
temperature, and salinity independent for different types of soils
are related to the cost of the equipment to install the sensors so more expensive than
the FDR

3- Tensiometers
Is used to measure soil water potential tension is a measure of how tightly the
water is bound to the soil, and is an indication of the availability of the water for
uptake by plant roots, as well as
for movement within the soil profile measure soil water tension about 0-0.75 bar
, this can be limitation on medium and fine texture soils.

4- cohesion : water molecules are attracted to one another. Cohesion causes water
molecules to stick to one another and form water droplets.

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