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Journal o f Food Protection, Vol. 77, No. 3, 2014, Pages 504-509

doi: 10.4315/0362-028X. JFP-13-223
Copyright © , International Association for Food Protection

Research Note

Evaluation of Heavy Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic

Hydrocarbons in Honeys from Different Origins

lDepartamento de Produccion Animal y Ciencia de los Alimentos, Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Veterinaria, Calle Miguel Servet 177,
50013 Zaragoza, Spain; and 2Centro de Investigacion y Tecnologla Agroalimentaria de Aragon, Avenida de Montanana 930, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain

MS 13-223: Received 29 May 2013/Accepted 29 September 2013


A survey of honey samples from different geographical and botanical origins, including some samples collected from a fire-
affected area in Spain, was conducted to assess their content of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The
levels of the determined toxic elements (Pb, Cd, As, and Sn) were low and were in the range of those reported by other studies. In
our work the total amount of heavy metals and Pb was higher in dark honeys than in pale honeys. In the collected samples, no
detectable levels of the 15 PAHs studied were found. The obtained data served to assess the levels of heavy metals and PAHs in
honey samples from different geographical and environmental origins and to contribute to the scarce data about pollutant content
of this matrix. In light of these results, the analyzed samples do not pose any serious concern to human health, and the data
obtained in this study could serve to contribute to the establishment of specific maximum limits for honey.

Honey, one of the most complex foodstuffs produced in hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs are mainly the products of
nature, has valuable nourishing, healing, and prophylactic incomplete combustion and pyrolysis of organic matter,
properties ( 19, 21). It contains a mixture of different formed from anthropogenic and natural sources. The
nutrients and is often consumed without processing, but it presence of PAHs in the environment has received much
must be free of any objectionable contents and should not attention over the past decades due to their persistent, toxic,
contain significant amounts of pollutants (21, 29). mutagenic, and carcinogenic properties (25). Honey can be
In the past few years, investigation of the pollutant contaminated with these kinds of substances as a result of
content in honey has mainly studied heavy metal concen­ environmental pollution (forest fires, stubble burning,
trations (4 , 5 , 24 , 28). These pollutants may come from location of beehives near industrial sites, etc.) or beekeeping
external sources (mines and steelworks, industrial and urban practices, such as blowing smoke into the beehives during
areas, or highways near the bees’ forage area) or may be handling to calm the bees and keep them from attacking the
introduced by incorrect procedures during honey processing beekeeper. Wood chips, pine needles, and other vegetable
and storage. Due to the acidic nature of honey, metallic tools materials usually can be used safely for bee smoking, but oil
or containers may release elements such as Cr, Pb, or Sn. petroleum products or contaminated materials must be
Metal content in honey is also closely associated with its avoided.
botanical origin, the geographical area in which it originated In spite of these possibilities of contamination, there is
(melliferous flora, different minerals arising from soil, dust, little information on the levels of PAHs in honeys from
etc.), but it can also be influenced by the feeding of the bees Spain (2 , 7) and from other European countries (9 , 16, 17).
and other anthropogenic activities (3 ). The mineral The control of compounds that can damage health,
composition and botanical origin of honey correlate with including heavy metals and PAHs, could be essential, since
its color ( 10, 14, 18). Dark and amber honeys (avocado, the effects of pollution, the increased use of pesticides, and
chestnut, and heather) contain higher amounts of certain the loss of the flower-rich habitat on which bees depend for
major, minor, and trace metals than do pale honeys. food could be responsible for behavior disorders in the bee
Interestingly, dark honeys have been associated with colony and could be to blame for “ honeybee depopulation
concentrations of Cd, Fe, and Pb and light honeys with syndrome.” Also, in studies from around the world,
concentrations of A1 and Mg ( 14). honeybees and their products have been proposed as
Bee products may also be contaminated by other kind suitable bioindicators of chemical pollution ( 17, 20 , 21 ,
of chemical pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic 26). Because honey is the result of a bioaccumulative
process, and because there is a large foraging area
* Author for correspondence. Tel: ( + 34) 976761543; Fax: (+ 3 4 ) associated with an apiary, honey is also useful for collecting
976761590; E-mail: information about the surrounding environment ( 19).
J. Food Prot., Vol. 77, No. 3 HEAVY METALS AND PAHs IN HONEY 505

TABLE 1. Description o f the origins o f the analyzed honey samples

Sample no. Geographical origin Botanical origin

1-6 Ainsa (Huesca) Multifloral

7-11 Luesma (Zaragoza) Labiatae (Thymus + Rosmarinus)
12-14 Chiprana (Zaragoza) Fruit tree (Prunus)
15-18 Loscos (Teruel) Multifloral
19-24 Zuera (Zaragoza) Thyme (Thymus)
25-30 (commercial) Blend of EU and non-EU honeys Multifloral (as indicated in labeling)

The European Union regulates the concentration of (BbF) 99.0%, benzo[/]fluoranthene (BjF) 99.0%, benzo[L]fluor-
heavy metals and PAHs in various food products using anthene (BkF) 99% , benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) 99.5%, dibenz[a,/i]an-
international criteria for maximum tolerable limits (11), but thracene (DbA) 99.0% , dibenzo[a,/]pyrene (DIP) 99.5% ,
honey has not yet been included in this regulation. benzo[g/!/']perylene (BgP) 99.5%, indeno[l,2,3-c,d]pyrene (IP)
99.5%, dibenzo[a,e]pyrene (DeP) 99.0%, dibenzo[a,t]pyrene
An analytical methodology for analysis of PAHs in
(DiP) 99.9%, dibenzo[a,/z]pyrene (DhP) 99.0%.
honey was developed and validated in previous work in our
laboratory ( 7). Following this research line and considering
Sample collection. Thirty honey samples of different
all the above points, the present study measured heavy metal botanical origins and sampling sites were collected between 2009
and PAH concentrations in honey samples from different and 2012 in the region o f Aragon (Spain), to study their levels of
geographical and environmental origins to detect variations heavy metals and PAHs. Eighteen o f them came from four
among them and also looked at the effects of a huge forest locations away from roads and industrial sites, and six were
fire in August 2008 in the region of Zaragoza (Spain). This collected in a region affected by a huge forest fire that took place
study could also be used as part of a risk assessment to in August 2008, which burned 2,513.60 ha o f the Province of
establish maximum tolerable limits in honey and to Zaragoza (Aragon). The affected area was mainly composed of
contribute to the scarce data about pollutant contents in rosemary, juniper, oak, and especially Aleppo pine (Pinus
this matrix. halepensis). The zone has a semiarid climate with dry summers,
during which temperatures reach 40°C. The zone has a scanty
average precipitation o f 310 mm, with abundant sunny days and a
dry wind blowing from the northwest, conditions that could
Reagents. Nitric acid (H N 03) was of suprapure quality intensify fire.
(J. T. Baker, The Netherlands) and ultrapure water was obtained The other six samples were commercial honeys (labeled as
from a Milli-Q plus apparatus (Millipore, Bedford, MA). High- blends o f European and non-European honeys, without specifying
performance liquid chromatography analysis grade ethyl acetate, origin). Table 1 specifies the geographical and botanical origin of
methanol, and acetonitrile were used. All the organic solvents each sample, and Figure 1 shows the distribution o f the different
were supplied by Labscan (Dublin, Ireland). To prepare element sampling sites in the northeast of Spain.
standard solutions o f heavy metals used for calibration, stock Honeys were collected directly from the beekeepers; the
solutions of 1,000 mg/liter Pb, Cd, As, and Sn (Sigma Aldrich, St. keepers used vegetable combustibles to smoke the beehives,
Louis, MO) were diluted in H N 0 3. avoiding the use o f contaminated materials. The samples presented
PAH standards in acetonitrile (10 mg/liter) originated from a homogeneous appearance, without phase separation, and all of
Dr. Ehrenstorfer (Augsburg, Germany): cyclopenta[c,<7]pyrene them were kept at 4 to 5°C in a dark place until the analysis.
(CPP) 99.0%, benz[a]anthracene (BaA) 99.5%, chrysene (CHR) Commercial honey samples were purchased in several Spanish
99.0%, 5-methylchrysene (5MC) 99.8%, benzo[b]fluoranthene supermarkets.

FIGURE 1. Honey sampling points in

northeast Spain.
506 CORREDERA ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 77, No. 3

Heavy metal determination. Concentrations of Pb, Cd, Sn, 80% of the samples. Cd and As were the second and third
and As were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass most abundant (46.7 and 33.4%, respectively), whereas Sn,
spectrometry (Elan 6000, Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT), providing which, according to the scientific literature, may originate
limits of detection (LODs) of 1.5 pg/liter for Pb, As, and Sn and mainly from containers where honey is stored, was less
1 pg/liter for Cd (7.5 and 7 pg/kg of honey, respectively). The
frequent (only 5 of the 30 samples contained detectable
samples were digested using a methodology based on that of
levels). Statistical analysis showed no significant differences
Fredes and Montenegro (12). All material used in this assay was
made of plastic, in order to prevent contamination from metal or among the sampling sites. Mean values were very similar in
glass; material was soaked in H N 03 diluted with water (1:10) and the six groups, except for Pb, which was present at higher
rinsed with distilled water prior to use. Five grams of each sample concentrations in commercial honeys. No great differences
was placed in porcelain crucibles, and 12.5 ml of concentrated were found for the other three elements in any of the
H N 03 was added. The mixture was stirred on a heating plate (100 honeys, with average values of 5.98 pg/kg for As, 6.72 pg/kg
to 120°C) to almost complete dryness and was made up to 25 ml for Cd, and 4.80 pg/kg for Sn. However, it is remarkable that
with ultrapure water. Blank solutions were prepared under identical maximum levels were all detected in commercial honeys,
conditions to check for possible cross-contamination due to except for Cd. In the samples from the fire-affected area,
laboratory practices, reagents, or apparatus. Accuracy of the the mean Cd content was lower than in the other groups
analytical method (recovery and precision) was evaluated using
(3.55 pg/kg), and Sn was not detected in any of the six
spiked samples that contained concentrations of the analytes of
samples. However, As concentrations were higher in
interest that were similar to those expected in the samples, since
there is not certified reference material for heavy metals in this this sampling site. In general, regarding the total metal
food matrix. The recovery was found to be over 90% for all the concentrations, dark honeys had higher levels than lighter
elements, with relative standard deviation below 10%, which ones; the three highest values were obtained by samples
indicates that the results are reliable. with more than 90 mm Pfund. ANOVA testing showed no
A honey color analyzer (C221, Hanna Instruments, Guipuz- statistical differences in As, Cd, and Sn as related to color
coa, Spain) was used to classify the samples. This measurement, of the samples, whereas Pb and total metal concentrations
expressed directly in mm Pfund, is based on the percent light were related to color (P < 0.05), with higher contents in
transmittance of the sample compared to analytical reagent dark amber honeys. No statistical differences in degree of
glycerol. A melissopalynological study of the crude honey samples environmental pollution were found in our laboratory
was performed in order to guarantee their botanical origins.
among the sampling sites, but metal concentrations were
related to the color of the samples. In this study, it was not
Statistics. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to
process the obtained results and to detect significant differences possible to correlate the presence of specific elements with
among groups (according to sampling site and color of the the botanical origin of the honey because the melisso­
samples). palynological analyses showed that the majority of the
samples were multifloral honeys.
PAH determination. The analytical method applied in this Of toxic elements in bee products, Pb and Cd have been
study was based on a solid-phase extraction with a C18 cartridge the most frequently analyzed in the scientific literature,
(500 mg), using ethyl acetate as the elution solvent, and high- probably because they are considered to be the most
performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence and diode dangerous to human health. The concentrations in our study
array detection with five different wavelengths. The mobile phase
are low, in the range of those found in other Spanish studies,
was a gradient of acetonitrile-water. The methodology was
which reported levels of Pb from 30 to 260 pg/kg (27), 2
developed and validated in agreement with Commission Regula­
tion (EC) No 333/2007 and Commission Decision 2002/657/EC as to 49 pg/kg (23), and 31 to 46 pg/kg (13). Cd levels
in a previous work ( 7), focusing on the 15 PAHs included in the were lower in these studies, with values between 0.7 and
EU list of priority compounds and regarded as probably or possibly 50 pg/kg. In Italian honeys, Pb concentrations varied from 4
carcinogenic to humans: (CPP, BaA, Chr, 5MC, BbF, BjF, BkF, to 304 pg/kg and Cd from 0.5 to 15 pg/kg (6,18)-, in Polish
BaP, DbA, DIP, BgP, IP, DeP, DiP, DhP). It enabled, for the first and Turkish honeys, Pb concentrations varied from 8 to
time, reliable results in this type of food matrix with good 106 pg/kg and Cd from 0.9 to 27 pg/kg (21, 29). In India
sensitivity (LODs varying between 0.08 and 0.84 pg/kg), accuracy, and Egypt, contamination in honey reached higher levels,
and ruggedness. up to 4,200 pg/kg for Pb and 500 pg/kg for Cd (5, 22).
Analysis of As and Sn is less common in honey samples,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION but some studies reported levels up to 20 pg/kg for As (1,6,
Determination of pollutants in honey is of great interest, 18) and 27 pg/kg for Sn (6), higher than the levels obtained
not only for quality control, but also as an indicator of in our laboratory.
environmental pollution and of good beekeeping practices. In the 30 honey samples collected, no detectable levels
Heavy metal concentrations in the samples are reported in of the 15 PAHs studied were found; this absence indicates
Tables 2 and 3, with percentage of detection, mean, that the forest fire did not contaminate the honeys collected
standard deviation (SD), and maximum levels shown for in the affected area. It is possible that climate conditions
each element. For all samples with concentrations below the dispersed the pollutants from the fire to other nearby zones.
LOD, LOD/2 was used in the mean concentration As far as we know, this is the first time this matrix has been
calculation (15). Only three of the investigated samples studied with regard to PAHs after a forest fire. In a similar
were free of heavy metals; one of them was collected near study, Costopoulou et al. (8) looked at the presence of these
the fire area. The most common element was Pb, detected in kinds of pollutants in olive and olive oil samples from areas
J. Food Prot., Vol. 77, No. 3 HEAVY METALS AND PAHs IN HONEY 507

TABLE 2. Color and concentration o f heavy metals in honey samplesa

Sample Color (mm Pfund) As Cd Pb Sn Total

1 36 ND 5.10 7.80 ND 20.40

2 72 ND 25.60 16.70 ND 49.80
3 17 ND 5.10 8.50 ND 21.10
4 46 ND 8.90 ND ND 20.15
5 26 ND ND 11.80 ND 21.80
6 27 10.10 ND 19.20 ND 35.55
Mean 4.81 8.28 11.29 ND 28.13
SD 2.59 8.80 5.81 — 12.15
Maximum 10.10 25.60 19.20 ND 49.80
7 41 ND 8.90 12.20 ND 28.60
8 83 ND 36.80 14.50 ND 58.80
9 13 7.60 5.30 ND 8.00 24.65
10 70 ND ND ND ND ND
11 94 ND 13.80 67.32 ND 88.62
Mean 4.52 13.46 20.30 4.60 42.88
SD 1.72 13.71 26.73 1.90 30.54
Maximum 7.60 36.80 67.32 8.00 88.62
12 118 18.30 8.70 8.80 10.50 46.30
13 126 8.90 ND 67.80 8.45 87.65
14 66 ND ND ND ND ND
Mean 10.32 4.57 26.78 7.57 66.98
SD 7.38 3.58 35.61 3.46 29.24
Maximum 18.30 8.70 67.80 10.50 87.65
15 39 ND ND 9.30 ND 19.30
16 36 ND ND 22.80 ND 32.80
17 24 7.70 ND 22.60 ND 36.55
18 21 ND ND 10.60 10.03 26.88
Mean 4.74 ND 16.33 5.32 28.88
SD 2.28 — 6.99 3.63 4.88
Maximum 7.70 ND 22.80 10.03 36.55
19 65 ND 8.82 29.52 ND 45.84
20 53 9.60 ND 16.40 ND 32.25
21 44 13.30 ND 8.50 ND 28.05
22 17 ND ND ND ND ND
23 22 10.20 ND 9.70 ND 26.15
24 30 ND ND 8.30 ND 18.30
Mean 7.39 3.55 12.70 ND 30.12
SD 4.18 2.58 9.19 — 10.14
Maximum 13.30 8.82 36.40 ND 45.84
25 22 ND 7.30 8.10 ND 22.90
26 150 7.70 15.80 21.80 ND 49.05
27 90 10.95 ND 125.50 ND 142.70
28 85 ND ND 46.70 13.20 66.15
29 67 ND 6.20 ND ND 17.45
30 100 ND 5.20 43.10 ND 55.80
Mean 5.61 6.58 41.49 5.33 59.01
SD 3.06 4.92 44.75 3.86 45.16
Maximum 10.95 15.80 125.50 13.20 142.70

° Concentrations are expressed in micrograms per kilogram. ND, not detected.

TABLE 3. Percentage of detection, mean, standard deviation, and maximum levels of the studied heavy metals in the 30 honey samples

As Cd Pb Sn Total

% of detection 33.40 46.70 80.00 16.70 93.30

Mean 5.98 6.72 21.33 4.80 40.62
SD 3.69 7.67 26.16 2.50 28.27
Maximum 18.30 36.80 125.50 13.20 136.45
508 CORREDERA ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 77, No. 3

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