Libros Libertarios

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La acción humana - Mises

Camino de servidumbre - Hayek

Y si querés que alguien con tus mismos pensamientos separatistas en cuanto a lo
social te explique (y bien hecho eh) por qué es una ideología viable, Dignidad
Burguesa de Mccloskey. Si no querés que te lo expliquen, es tan fácil como ver el
gráfico histórico del PBI alrededor del mundo
No elegí ser liberal y no defiendo ninguna doctrina religiosa/política/económica, por
qué? Porque ante todo valoro la libertad, el respeto, el mercado, el empirismo, los
datos, el potencial humano para crear riqueza y el consumo responsable y
ABORREZCO PROFUNDAMENTE cualquier tipo de imposición, explotación, robo o



upanishads, bhagavad gita and chant?

1. Answer left open how its done to break trough:

To break all seperations you have to pick up a random duality and watch how it is the same. This
sameness can be expressed in a word/singuality. This word will again have a counterpart wich
forms a new duality but a much more basic one. This process repeating leads to "The One"
whatever that may be in your understanding of your Self right now. At the end it comes out that
this never ending process of infinite regress irself is the One Thing. It goes all around again and
again. So this singurarity that connects two dualitys form the holy Trinity as described with
"Father, Son, Holy Ghost", "Vishnu, Shiva, Brahman" or stuff like that.

No more has to be followed its soooo easy to see good in evil and evil in good. At the end all
becomes abstract indivual understanding of the true Self wich can be incredible deep or just not as
deep, it doesnt matter. As long as the human mind cant deal with it and surrender, the heart will
fully open <3 and this is the point where Ego dies because it doesnt have the oppertunity to split
things in good/bad, inside/outside,me/you, knowing/unknowing, dreaming/awake etc. Everything
that reamains is a state of Love/Freedom/Purity/Self/Fullfillment//Light//Unity. Heaven <3?

The taboo against knowing who you are

ram dass
timothy leary

terence mcKenna

alan watts

rick strassman

graham hancock

joe rogan

duncan trussell

If you guys want the most enlightening experience possible on psychedelics, go to nature away
from society where you have a vast view of the stars and landscape. take it right before sunset
with some pot and when you feel it kick in don't fight the trip, don't walk around trying to find
something to occupy your time and confuse yourself feeling like a lunatic. Don't get restless and
anxious. That is how you get lost in the trip. Literally lye down on the dirt with the ones you love
for a couple hours meditating with your eyes open and close them every once in a while. Dont
think about yourself, only think about becoming the Earth and the nature that surrounds your
body. MEDITATE MEDITATE MEDITATE. I shit you not you will literally be awakened and you will be
able to control and understand your subconsciousness at any given moment and you'l be able to
understand your friends consciousness's to such a high level, vice versa. Little words will need to
be said. You will just be able to feel each others energies and vibes. If you take this advice you will
not have a bad trip guaranteed and you will learn about yourself and how the universe is all
connected in a strange strange way.?

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