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Student Name: Andrew Silbaugh

Budget: $54/student x 635 students = $33,750


5000’s $ 6000’s $ 7000’s 8000’ $
Copier Maintenance 350 6500 3500 $3,500
Office Supplies 510 5000 2500 $2,500
Teacher Supplies 510 5100 6300 $6,300
Medical Supplies 510 6130 1000 $1,000
Student 510 5100 9450 $9,450
Testing Materials 510 5100 1000 $1,000
Library Materials 610 6200 1500 $1,500
Guidance Materials 510 6120 500 $500
Art Supplies 510 5100 1000 $1,000
PE Supplies 510 5100 1000 $1,000
Music Supplies 510 5100 1000 $1,000
Technology Additions 640 6500 2500 $2,500
Maintenance/Custodial 510 7900 2500 $2,500

2325 8000 2500 $33,750

Planning a budget can be a time consuming and thought-provoking experience. At the

school level however, one must plan for almost any situation and for a year’s worth of

instruction, events, and in some cases, the unforeseen. For my budget, I spent a large amount of

my time focusing on my current school’s budget. This was a bit of a challenge since this

situation puts me in the position of being an elementary teacher versus where I currently work,

which is a charter school. My principal has told me on numerous occasions how her budget is

very large since our expenditures are spent right here, rather than a district paying for our lights,

transportation, meal service, and beyond. So while I nervous about my budget, I feel somewhat

confident in my plan. This budget was mostly based off of the expenses in my school’s current

budget, but it has my own ideas thrown in order to support specific areas.

In my budget, I planned for money to benefit and support staff. I based most of these

numbers and budgets off of my school’s current budget in addition to my own personal

experiences. To start, I budgeted $6,300 for teacher supplies. I plan on using this funding as a

storeroom of supplies for teachers. I budgeted $150 per teacher and clerical staff as most teachers

buy materials out of pocket. Clerical staff is also included here since they also use supplies and

sometimes are with students. Additionally, I budgeted $9,450 for student supplies and

consumables since students need supplies (pencils, notebooks, folders, etc.) but also because this

budget can be used to supplement additional supplies and additional supplies for art, physical

education, music, and any other potential program. Additionally, I thought it was very important

for teachers to have new teaching methods and strategies, so I budgeted for professional

development as well. Next, I budgeted $1,000 each for art, music, and physical education. These

classes typically have more specialized equipment and needs, so I felt it best to support them

differently than a general classroom. I also gave guidance $500 since this department does need
support, but their supports would be covered more at the district level, such as special services

for students. The budget for guidance is mostly for additional programs such as SEL. Lastly, I

gave $2,500 to cover office supplies and $1,000 for medical supplies. The office supply budget

would cover the front office’s needs while the medical supplies would serve to support the clinic.

After I planned for my students and staff, I needed to focus on the physical building

itself. The scenario does mention copiers that need annual service. After looking at my school’s

current budget, I set aside $3,500 to cover service. My school spends a large amount of funds on

copier supplies and maintenance, so this one was a bigger item. Testing supplies were included

since state tests can require calculators and pencils. The library was also included since it needs

updated titles each year and supplies in order for the program to keep running and supporting

reading. Finally, I included some maintenance support in my budget. Our facilities department at

my school has machines to clean floor and a lot of cleaning supplies. I included facilities so the

building can be taken care of and clean for students. I also added a technology repair budget

since technology breaks frequently and because repairs for equipment sometimes falls on the

school to replace it.

In order to form my budget, I looked at the percent spent on each item and tried to bring

it down to the level provided in the scenario. I thought I was effective in this overall, but some

categories I spent a little more funding on than others. I revised my budget a few times and used

my principal as a consult in order to shape it. Important to note however, I did not include field

trip support into my budget. My principal and I both agreed that it would be unfair for two grade

levels to receive extra funding for a field trip while the other grade levels would get nothing. I

felt it better for each grade level to fundraise to get the necessary funds.

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