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Evaluation Form

Group Discussion Proficiency

Candidate: Date:


Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent

Participation Level
(Clearly prepared for class discussions,
knowledgeable of materials, regular

Situation Analysis
(Recognizes confusion in others,
identifies and manages misunderstandings,
recognizes when it is inappropriate to speak)

Relationship Management
(Adequately manages conflict, allows
others to express different views,
effectively asserts themselves)

Information Exchange
(listens attentively to others, provides
focused, well-reasoned responses, asks
effective and insightful questions)

Delivery Skills
(Speaks in an audible voice, clearly
articulates ideas, conveys enthusiasm,
addresses comments to entire class)

Total Points:
Overall Assessment (Suggestions for Improvement)

Final Recommendation (When appropriate, this space should be used for the final summative
evaluation. The final summative evaluation can be expressed as pass/inadequate.)
Pass Inadequate
Reason (only in the case of a failing grade):

Recommendation to Student:

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