Proposal 2

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Short Film About Self Isolation

Short film piece that runs somewhere between five and ten minutes. Another part of the
criteria is to ensure that there are no written lines, meaning I must rely entirely on Foley
sound and music to tell the story. This production will incorporate a music score instead of
relying on lines written in a script to carry the narrative. The story itself follows a middle-
aged character after being stuck inside for the best part of the pandemic. The plot is simple as
we see them try to complete an everyday task: going to get milk from the shops. However,
they struggle get to grips with what has been deemed as “The new normal”.

Why are you producing this production?

I am producing this production as I feel confident making short films. Over my time spent on
the course I have practised this type of production the most. I also wanted to experiment with
scoring a production and I thought that creating a short film without any dialogue would be
the perfect time to do this.

I have set myself the deadline if completing this production before the 22nd of December.
This should give me enough time to finish the planning, shoot the production and finish off
the first edit of the piece. As this production is significantly lengthier than the animation, it
will take longer to edit and I am getting a friend onboard to help me with a score.

Target audience is
My target audience is forty to sixty-year olds. I was not keen on creating a production for the
other target audience which was five to twelve-year olds. This was because I thought that it
would be harder to explore darker themes while making it suitable for a young and
impressionable audience.

What they want to see

A lot of the research I have carried out has shown me that people are interested in this idea
but aren’t as keen on being labelled as middle aged. While being relevant to that
demographic, my production is going to also explore the themes of nostalgia.

What you are creating based from that research

My primary focus for this production is on visuals as there will be no dialogue to help tell the
story. I think that this will be interesting for me to do as I usually spend more time planning
and writing the script than working on the set or lighting.

Where the production will be aired (why – based on target audience)

My production will be posted onto YouTube but it could be promoted on Facebook and
Twitter as this is where my target audience consume most of their media each day.

Your proposal should be at least 2 pages if you include the above in any detail
(illustrations should also be added)

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