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Escapism and Aloofness of Keats
In the early atternpts, of Keats was finding aloofness (detachment)
the world. In "Sleep and Poetry" and 'Endymion' there is certai y an esca rom
the stern reality of life.
Says Counhope "The poetry of Keats exhibits the pro ive effortNQynan of
powerful genius to create for his imaginationan ideal atm by
the social influence of his age". Lect. M. K. Bhutta
3. ordsworth and Coleridge seek the justificati6n of their poet' I-reform in national
idealism. Byron, Shelley, Scott and many other wrot ab ut politics and french
revolution while Keats has no interest nationa ovi ternationalp Itics or any
revolution as if they had never xisted in th orld. "As for_as egarded I live
with Achilles in his trench".
4. He has no interest in present of mankind, future of ma •nd, man as a whole,
human thought, society, l' erty or equali€ybut beauty. "Beauty is truth, truth
beauty —that is all." Brook sa "Keats was So pre-occupiedwith beauty that he
turned a blind eye to the actualities lif around him."
5. He goes to the old pagan times and Ml e ges. He s ped Greek legends and
beautiful nature. Then at one stage of his life imself rejected the world of flora
(flowers) and old Pan. In the "Eve of St. Agnes" and "ode to Psyche" the human
touch is clearly present and ire of poet not to remain aloof is clearly present.
Lect. M. K. Bhutta
6. Then John Kea s the realiti s of life, chiefly in Hyperion. We find his
earnest desire to mix and ve with his fellowmen and the depths of their agonies
and sorr s. is not compl e escapist and knows that
" The fancy cannot eat so well.

As she is famed to do civing".

first plunge into the kingdom of beauty
7. In "Sleep and Poetry", he says that he will
I ever bid these joys farewell?" Then
free from pain then he puts a question, "Can
bid these joys farewell."These are not the words
comes to the answer, "yes I must
of an escapist.
8. Keats was a pure poet, and would not allow any extra things like politics
morality to disturb the pure water of poetry.
9. Keats is not an escapist; he accepts life and death, happiness and pain, health and
disease, spring and autumn as the two sides of the same coin.

Forlorn! the very word is like a bell

To toll me back from thee to my sole self!

John Keats as a romantic poet

l. "Romanticism is a historical movement involving revolution in art and ideas of late
18th and early 19th century in Europe and America".
2. There were two groups of romantic poets. One involved Wordsworth, Cloeridge,
William Black and Southey. They wrote poems in the glorification of nature and
rustic (rural) life. They also wrote about the turmoil (disorder) of the time like
French Revolution and the domestic problems of England. But they do not preach
the liberty of humans in writing and speaking. Lect. M. K. Bhutta
3. 2 ndgroup included Shelley, Byron and Keats. They were influenced by the social
and political aims which were the result of French Revolution. This second group of
romantic poets preaches a revolution against the tradition.
4. Although Keats belonged to the 2nd group yet his treatment was quite change. He
had no interest in national or international politics. He was concerned with Medival
and Greek dreams and themes. He walked with Greek knights and young Greek
maidens. He spent his time with Cere's dulcet-eyed (soft eye) daughter picking
flowers in the vales of Henna. He roamed in taverns of wine and women.
5. According to W. H. Hudson "Keats is the most romantic poets of all poets". He
possessed all romantic traits like imagination, love for beauty, love for past, love for
joy and melanchaly, in loads. Lect. M. K. Bhutta ++F-F
6. Imagination means "The faculty (sense) of mind". Romantics define imagination as
"creative power". It is dynamic and active power rather than passive. Art is creation
and romantic art tries to create a mysterious type of beauty. Keats was gifted with
rich imagination. What he read or saw became the part of his imagination. "If I see
a sparrow" he wrote "before my window. I take part in its existence and peek about
the gravel". "As for as I regardedI live with Achilles in his trench". Lect. M. K.
7. Regarding his imagination faculty, Sidney Clovin says: "A spirit of pleasure,
pleasure in beauty of nature, pleasure in vividness of sensation (feeling), pleasure in
charm of fable and romance,pleasure in thoughtsof freindshipand affection and
pleasure in the anticipation (hope) of future". But at the same time the realm of
says in Endymion.
melancholy is also present in his poetry. As he
"To sorrow
I bade good morrow 3
And thought to leave her far away behind
But cheerly cheerly
She loves Ille dearly
She is so constant to me and so kind
I would deceive her
But oh! She is so constant and so kind". Lect. M. K. Bhutta
8. Keats weaves a web of romance and gives the color to his work with romsntic
ordour. Saints Burry says in his book "Literature in 19th century", "Keats, as none
of his contemperaries, did, felt, expressed and handed on the exact change wrought
(shaped) in English Literature by romantic movement. Wordsworth, Coleridge,
Scott and even Southey to son)e extant the authors of it. But being authors they
unnecessarillynot the result of it. Pyon, fundamentalyhad no sympathywith it.
Shelly the factual father of poetry was still less an Englishman. It was Keats only
who did and expressed it as he could and rest was left of others He begot
Tennyson and Tennyson begot the rest"
9. Keats was not an ordinary romantic poet. He did merely not stress on imagination
but on reality also. wrote in his book "Keats and Shakespeare",
"Keats was a pure romantic. They both made essential act of true romanticism.
They threw for away from themselves as degrading the lie of romance. Truth, truth
at any cost, though he had to die for it"

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DiSzuSS zeds as co.-,escapist Gscape_
Discuss Recas AS pc
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wri{ey e-l odes 9.

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