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Christopher Pittard

Mrs. Mitchell

Honors Advanced Composition

13 August 2020

Goals of 2021 and beyond

In less than a year I will be walking across a stage and walking away from my normal

life. I will be taking on college in Toccoa, Georgia where I will major in Bible Theology and

Youth Ministry. After those first four years, I will be advancing my education by going to LIFE

University for two years. In those two years I will complete the four-year course by doing

summer school in between the regular school years. After school is over, I plan on either joining

a chiropractic facility or even create my own business.

As I finish my first college of choice and an opportunity comes up to become a youth

leader, or even a pastor, I could find myself pursuing that and taking a break from college for a

year or two. If such an opportunity does not pursue me then I would likely continue my college

career by going to LIFE university. At Life I would take the chiropractic program which is

recommended four year, but if I was to take classes in the summer I could narrow the years down

to two.

After college is done and over with, I would like to pursue the chiropractic field. Either

join a company and work my way up over the years or start my own business locally. As the

many years go by and I grow older in my profession I would like to retire and open my own

church either locally or in Alabama. There I would finish my life and pass it down to my kids.

In order to get to and through all the goals I must conquer what’s in front of me this year.

I can do that by taking the ACT and SAT, as well as apply for Toccoa. Then the famous walk

across the stage will solidify the first step in life. Then the plan is to start getting ready for

Toccoa Fall college. For me, I don’t have a “Plan B”. I feel like if you live life with a “Plan B”,

then it takes away from you “Plan A”.

These goals are easily achievable if you have the mindset to do it. Taking another six

years of school can prove to be challenging, but obtainable. When you take your life plan one

step at a time it seems less stressful. Its all about pacing yourself and not giving up, because at

the end of the day, this is what you have planned your life around. Quitting or backing out then

might just be your biggest letdown in life because you will be constantly reminded “What If?”.

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