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Unit 46: Social Media Practice (2020-05-U46-A1.

Plan for the share

Name of instructor: Rasheed Hamwi

Programme HND in Business

Assignment Brief Ref 2020-05-U46-A1.0

Unit Number And Title Unit 46: Social Media Practice

Unit Level Level 4
Unit Assessor Rasheed Hamwi
Iv Name Mr. Mohamad Alrawi
Assignment Title Plan for the share
Delivery Date 17/05/2020

Submission Date 05/07/2020

Submission Instructions ▪ Use Microsoft office 2016

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12-point Times New Roman (Headings CS).

▪ Cover Page: use ABCHorizon Cover page (should be a title of program,

Unit number and tittle, Submitted by, Registration Number, Assignment

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▪ Check Spelling: also grammar and punctuation, and ensure that you

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auto checking software doesn't always highlight every mistake.

▪ Plagiarism: the work you submit must be in your own words. If you use

a quote or an illustration from somewhere you must give the source. Do

not use Wikipedia, UK Essay or any unacknowledged sources as a


Submission instructions ▪ Referencing: use accurate Harvard referencing and include a

bibliography. (Citation and Referencing), you must use “references” by

go to references > Bibliography > references. Add references at the end

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▪ LMS: upload your evidence into ABCHorizon e-learning Platform.

▪ Learners Should Submit work as exclusively his/her own and should be

based on originality.

▪ Learners should strictly follow the submission deadline and submit

assessment on time.

▪ All Assignments Elements and presentations (References, reflective

report, case study handout, content, etc.) should adhere to the ABC

Aim of the Assignment The Assignment Aim is to be able to plan a social media strategy for an

organization taking into consideration the trends and effect of social media

on the business.
Learning outcomes covered • Lo1 Explain the key concepts and features of social media in
different creative media practices
• Lo2 Discuss the uses of social media and their impact on market
and audience
• Lo3 Develop a social media strategy for a creative media
organization, based on client need, market and user research
• Lo4 Present a social media plan for a creative media production

Job Position You’re working in a creative media production organization as a social
media manager.

Business scenario You have been asked to prepare a report about new social media plan
that your organization need to follow. If the report attracted the board,
you’ll be asked to present the plan and evaluate it.

Assignment Brief 1. Select the company you’re working for:

2. Make a report to the board in which you will:

• Analyse how social media is used by organisations to develop

and promote business aims
• Evaluate the use of social media, in the relationship between
businesses and consumers
• Explain the key concepts of social media for businesses
• Discuss the influence of business and cultural factors on the
development of social media
• Critically evaluate different social media platforms to identify
their areas of greatest influence
• Explore the use of social media platforms for different
communication objectives
• Discuss the impact of different forms of social media on brand
awareness and consumer engagement.

3. You have been asked to Present a social media plan that

communicates the way in which it meets customer and client
needs. In order to do so you have to:
• Evaluate market and user research to define aims and
objectives for a social media strategy
• Create a social media strategy to address client needs and meet
customer Expectations
• Develop a social media plan, including content creation,
scheduling and monitoring
4. Write a report to Critically evaluate your social media strategy
and plan:
o highlight the way it will support the aims and objectives
of a social media strategy
o Justify the selection of technology platforms and tools for
use in a social media strategy
o Critically analyse a social media strategy and define the
metrics required for social media analytics
Delivery Required From The submission in the form of below documents.
• Report about the case for your work.

• Presentation for the strategy & Plan.

Assessment Criteria Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Explain the key concepts P1 Explain the key concepts of M1 Evaluate the use of
and features of social media in social media for businesses social media, in the
different creative media relationship between D1 Critically analyse
practices P2 Discuss the influence of business businesses and how
and cultural factors on the consumers social media is used by
development of social media organisations to
LO2 Discuss the uses of social P3 Explore the use of social media M2 Critically evaluate and promote business
media and their impact platforms for different different social media
on market and audience communication objectives platforms to identify their
areas of greatest
P4 Discuss the impact of different influence
forms of social media on brand
awareness and consumer
LO3 Develop a social media P5 Evaluate market and user M3 Justify the selection D2 Critically evaluate
strategy for a creative research to define aims and of technology platforms own
media organisation, based on objectives for a social media and social media strategy
client need, market and strategy, in response to a given brief tools for use in a social and
user research media strategy plan, highlighting the
P6 Create a social media way
strategy to address client it will support the aims
needs and meet customer and objectives of a
expectations social
LO4 Present a social media P7 Develop a social media M4 Critically analyse a media strategy.
plan for a creative media plan, including content social media strategy and
production organisation creation, scheduling and monitoring define the metrics
required for social media
P8 Present a social media
plan that communicates
the way in which it meets
customer and client needs

Guidance and Instructions:

➢ To achieve a Pass, a student must have satisfied all the Pass criteria for the learning outcomes, showing
coverage of the unit content.
➢ To achieve a Merit, a student must have satisfied all the Merit criteria (and therefore the Pass criteria)
through high performance in each learning outcome.
➢ To achieve a Distinction, a student must have satisfied all the Distinction criteria (and therefore the Pass
and Merit criteria), and these define outstanding performance across the unit as a whole

For Resubmission opportunity:

An assignment provides the final assessment for the relevant learning outcomes and is normally a final assessment
decision. A student who, for the first assessment opportunity, has failed to achieve a Pass for that unit specification
shall be expected to undertake a reassessment.

● Only one opportunity for reassessment of the unit will be permitted.

● Reassessment for course work, project- or portfolio-based assessments shall normally involve the
reworking of the original task.

● A student who undertakes a reassessment will have their grade capped at a Pass for that unit.

● A student will not be entitled to be reassessed in any component of assessment for which a Pass grade
or higher has already been awarded.

For Repeat Unit: A student who, for the first assessment opportunity and resubmission opportunity, still failed to
achieve a Pass for that unit specification:
● The student must study the unit again with full attendance and payment of the unit fee.

● The overall unit grade for a successfully completed repeat unit is capped at a Pass for that unit.

● Units can only be repeated once.

For Academic Malpractice: (Plagiarism and Collusion)

In order to achieve a BTEC qualification, you must produce your own work. You will not be allowed to:
1. Copy and paste from textbooks.
2. Copy and paste from the Internet.
3. Copy from other students (past or present).

Any act of plagiarism or collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the centre regulations. In this context, the
definition and scope of plagiarism and collusion are presented below:

Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes copying information directly from the Web or
books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort.
Collusion is copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as
your own work.

If you copy the work of the above you will risk having your own work cancelled and may achieve nothing. If you lend
your work to others, you will also risk having your work cancelled. If you take another student’s work and copy it, the
exam board may cancel all of your courses.

Good practice
Make backup of your work in different media (hard disk, memory stick, etc.) to avoid distress due to loss or damage
of your original copy.

For more information, please check the student handbook.

ABC horizon 2020
Business Higher Education Qualifications
Assignment Brief

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