INB720 Debate Details

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Details on INB 720 debate format

1. I will have a stopwatch and a clock. Everyone speaks 5 minutes but not a second more, i.e.
I will ruthlessly cut you off at that point. You shouldn't speak less than 5 minutes either,
however - practice your talk before to get it right.
2. I'd imagine that each of you should structure your five minutes as follows:
a. The idea (or two or three) that you want to put forward
b. The analysis behind this idea: its applicability to the overall team argument, a few
(quantitative) statistics and examples
c. The theories (economic or others) upon which your idea(s) is/are based - and please, not
just Adam Smith or Keynes! Surprise me with your independent research into new theorists –
it’s worth additional points to you
d. What your imagine your opponents would say on this point and why they are mistaken
e. Statistic and economists that strengthen your argument that they are mistaken
Obviously this is designed to enable you to score points in the way that marks are designed at
MA level (ability to engage in theoretical analysis, draw implications, juggle abstractions,
argue from different perspectives etc. etc. you've all seen the docs)
3. You must coordinate roles so that the whole team does not (again - DOES NOT) repeat the
same arguments time and again.
a. The opener should set the context, draw the bigger picture. These will probably
be the most theoretical statements

b. The rebuttal specialists need to have calculated beforehand what arguments the
other side are likely to make and prepare their responses. If the other side doesn't
make the necessary arguments, they should point this out.

c. The summariser needs to have a broad overview and point out the strengths of their
arguments and the weaknesses of the opposing side
Do not forget - this is a competition between two sides. The winners (as determined by
popular vote and the observers) will all get a small bonus afterwards (a higher mark)
4. Lastly, please do not forget to play close attention to the other debates. Take notes on what
is said and above all on what is not being said (theory, analyses, statistics, etc.) because that
will be the crux of your final group report

Possible debate topics Spring 2020

- Governments will high debt levels should practice austerity policies

- Rising unemployment is creating irresistible pressure to halt the advance of


- Taxes are too low on financial speculators

- Western European countries should lower their corporation taxes to Eastern

European levels.

- Chinese FDI is a good way to ensure African development

- The international capital markets need greater policing

- There needs to be a harmonisation of international tax regimes to reverse the

global trend towards growing income inequality

- Economic patriotism promotes economic inefficiency

- After decades of free trade ideology and manipulation, trade wars are

- Environmental investments should increase regardless of global trading


- BREXIT doesn’t hurt the UK

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