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CENTER FOR EDUCATOR PREPARATION Teack ‘COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY MENTOR TEACHER MID-PLACEMENT CHECK-IN (SHORT FORM) Developed Utilizing CEP Teacher Candidate Quality Standards Rubric Descriptions include erteria up to proficient for an in-service teacher her Candidate Name MLeyardra Can met Mentor Teacher Name tty Lerepere Date 1 DEMONSTRATION OF MASTERY OF PEDAGOGICAL EXPERTISE IN THE CONTENT (Emergent) Lesson plan is aallable and relacts appropriate Colerade ‘Academic Standards, relevant instuctional ebjectves, and formative fan summative assessment resuits Not Observed Developing Not Observed FEEDBACK land appropriate fr the lesson being taught. encaurages and provides ‘opportunities for students to make connections to pier learning {Beveloping) Implements content-based strategies that align tothe learning objective, mute models ana devery methods ta explain ‘concepts accurately, questioning techniques to support discipinary Inquiry (Proficient) Aricipates student misconceptions related to learing land adcresses those misconceptions curing instruction implements challenging tasks and opportunities that encourage stdents to ak {questions and constuct new meening emergent {Pevelopng) implements lessons that ign to dsr lon of i ® Insruon ana rete vertical ang orzo algnment a te rage or ing content area ‘Yeroticieri (Proficient inolements and communicates earning cbjectives and cent outcomes based on senders {Emergent Connects lesson to key concepts and heres wit cher |RSGSSGRSI Aiscpins andor content res, supports teary endmathonatcal [preety procieosncontent oa Emergent {Peveloping) npleents insrctonl stapes thane tea. ‘mathematical practices, and longuoge development across content |Seveloping . srees makes content specie anguageandendingeecesset | Proicent Sidon (Profcent oko interszcininay connections expt to students Seategalyimtegratas era se feseng wring, ister, Spesking) across corer seas, neratcsratematia practces rons content areas (Emergent Scatois qvesions, concepts, end ale based ona [ORRORRTGHeE Sequence oftearing, sesinstuctonal mater are accurate {wot Observed ent Proficient ‘Areas of celebration: Growth areasinext steps: @ Student Teaching HandbookRevised Fall 2020 37 SAFE, INCLUSIVE, AND RESPECTFUL Not Observed FEEDBACK (Emergent) Maintains safety end walfare of students end environment, [Choose one: {jeer expectations for student oehavior, procedures androutines to INot Observed ‘ulde instruction and transtions haa (Developing) Facltates stucent accourtabilly to school and class peveloping>) a. procedures and routines, consistent renforces student expectations, Ge rere fosters a caring relalonsip with each student i {Proficient Makes meximum use oftime by implementing purposeful pacing and efficient tensions, reinforcing postive behaviog Fedirecting isuplive or afitask behaviors (Emergent) Acknowledges the nfuence of race, etic gender, (CHAS ONE Feligion socioeconomies ang ether aspects of cuture on student (Not Observed perspectives creates a clasroom enueonment in which dues tees to further student leaming {(Peveloping) Estabishes processes that sulin a sense of community among students, efectve interactions among students, ang incorporates instruction tat reflects diverse backgrounds, experiences, fd ferent points of view (Proficient) Delivers lassons to ensure students’ backgrounes and Contextual knowledge are considered, capitalizes on diversity #8 an {asset inthe classroom, uses materials and lessons that counteract Stereotypes and acknowledges the contributions of al cURutes "Emergent Plans for students wie heve e varity of leaning needs and [ChoBSe One! Interests, apts the physical environment to support indivcual student |Not Observed end ews enon am eng laoprot eee emergent of students (Developing) Implements a variety of inclusion, intervention or ._nvichment practices to acéress unique leaning needs and interests (Proficient) ntiates collaboration with coleagues to better understand tnd respond: student learning needs, provides opportunites and Support for students to seltselect tasks that accelerate progress towards their leaming goal, and integrates soltadvocacy skis nto fomizes andor slnifcant aculs andrespectfl relationships wth ‘Not Observed Students, their famifles, andor significant aduts lemergent (Developing) Uses 9 variety of methods to initiate communication with [Developing 4 famites alr silat aus the schol an emmy. “fprgteent (Proficient) Coordinates communication between famiies andlor olleagues who provide student sorvces, recognizos obstacles to ‘amiy and conmunty participation and seeks solutions to overcome Zreas of celebration Git Wpteol Growth areasinext steps: Student Teaching Handoook—Revised Fall 2020 38 PLAN AND DELIVER — EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION (Emergent) Pians lessons tha reflect the relationship of intellectual, Not Observed Physieal, social, and emotional develoament of students INot Observed a, @eveloping) Coliaborotes wth coleagues whohave expertise inch |Emergent and adolescent development to improve the quay ofinstucton EfBaveloping (Proficient) Engages students in developmentally appropriate learning. [Profielent and creative learing experiences (Emergent) Determines students’ current skalevels and uses that [HOGS One! {nformation to plan instruction, selects assessment strategies aligned [Not Observed {ome leaming objectives, monitors student eaminginvelaion tthe le merger objective, shares feedback on student progress with femiles ancior [ES significant adults foeticnin> 5, (Developing) Uses assessment resus to guide realzime adjustments |PFoRETent toinstruction, evaluates and documents student performance based on muttiple measures to set leaning goals, provides timely feedback to ‘students thatis academically focused, frequent, and high quality, (Proficient) Models how to incorporate feedback to improve lesming, Provides students opportunities to revise thelr work based on feedback (Emergent Plans lessons incorporating available technology, essesses | Choose One ‘veleble technology to use wth insruetion INot Observed (Developing) Uses avaliable technology to facitateclssroom Emergent Inetetion develop students’ knowledge and sits based on lesson |peyeloping outcomes, models responsible and ethical use of technology and a applications SS (Proficient integrates evaiable technology to enhance creativity. use ‘of nformation, and collaboration (Emergent Estobishes expectations at alvel het chalenges studerts, |CHOSSS SHEL Bians lessons tetincorperateciical thinking and problem-solving sills {Not Observed 1g, (Beveloping) Uses questioning strategies to develop students’ crtical Emergent {inking sis and problem-solving sks, uses wat te to encourese Developing student responses. lproticient (Proficient) Models critical thinking and problem-solving skills (Emergent) Hes e clear purpose for student collaboration [choose one: (@eveloping) Proves opportunities for students to panicpate using [Not Observed fe, Ya"ious roles and moges of communication, ajusts team compostion [Emer bated on learning objectives and student needs. [Developing (Proficient Holds students accountable fr work product ancl [Proficient cellaboration processes, promotes teamwark ang leadership skis (Emergent) Establishes classroom practices to sunpon effective [Choose one: SZimmunicton, provides Geer cirections te guide student ering and | ot Observed Emergent 1. (Bevetoping) Aricuiates thoughts and dees clearly and effectively, 7p BMAD Uses active listening strategies with studonts [Develop Proficient (Proficient) Teaches students, with audience in mind, to articulate thoughis and ideas clearly and effectively FEEDBACK ‘Areas of celebration: Growth areasinext steps: @ FBERPeneanow ‘Student Teaching Handbook—Re vised Fell 2020 39 (Emergent) Maintains conigentaty of tudont records as required by lan, confidentiality of stent, family and fellow teacher interactions wth eolaaguar, demonstrates relable and responsible behavior (eveloping) Modes ethical behaves, interactions are respectful, ‘onsletent and reasonable (Proficient) Promotes ethical behavior of studants as inavicuals and as members of society Proficient ‘Emergent) Engages In professional earning actives aligned to Colorada Academie Standercs,achoo! and elect goals, and professional goals ane grown plan (Developing) Apples knowledge ond skis learned through professional earing to improve student outcomes (Proficient) inploments performance feedback ram supervisor andlor callaguos to improve practice [choose one Not Observed ‘Emergent) Maintains @ productive and respectful rlatonship with colleagues. (Developing) Adopts othe changing demands ofthe classroom and senool environment (Proficient) Colaboretes with colleagues to navigate change while Frainaining a focus on student learning, contibutes to schoo! improvement planning Not Observed Emergent) Contibutos to school commits and teams (Developing) Seeks opportunities to lead, actively participates in schoo! Secision making processes, acts as aninfermal mentotrescurce to colleagues (Proficient increases the capacity of coleagues to identity and use ‘mutiple tals and stratoges to improve practice, apples research as @ fey comaonent of ongoing learning and development, promotes and Inclusive shoo culture through femiy ar community outreach Not Observed FEEDBACK, Challe nro Tage UuZol w Xe] up. ‘Areas of celebration: Growth areasinext steps: @ EBENPaeneinoe Student Teaching HandbookRovised Fall 2020 40 Overall Observations What evidence of learning do you see and hear? 3, ~ Deity ecaes y hibsens, stat dnl Buss %o Chane po typt Mion A dfeituact! lat yore Coit, Catlere bud Machet beans. Tiaating Veep las tad Ge ee Get, good! TL emizte! Jt+ Vlas aog/ Lue ‘Are students meeting the learning targets regularly? YES ONO ‘At what level? Qe uh, pi She Aodd Wer» hi) wh Wek nth Alsend ty Cee CEA LE Sats 6 40 Hy ute O202 ¥ Aagiast Gntcbaton Ut Stine L Levey VULOb nme. @: Student Teaching Handbook—Revised Fall 2020, a

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