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Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

No one would think that someday that little young boy would be able to move a mountain even
without limbs used to push it and captures a lot of people’s heart because of his incredible life
journey. It started on the fourth day of December year 1982, when a lady gave birth to little baby
boy, unlike the other baby he is not normal as he was born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare
disorder characterized by the absence of arms and legs. Shocked at the sight of him, the nurses
and doctors quickly wrapped him up. The lady who gave birth was not fooled as she had
participated in hundreds of deliveries as a nurse. She had the distress on the faces of her medical
team and she knew that something was very wrong.

“What is it?” “What’s wrong with my baby?” She asked with worrying face.

Her doctor would not answer first, but when she insisted on a response, he could offer his mother
only a specialized medical term. “Phocomelia”, he said.

As a nurse she recognized the term as the condition babies have when they are born with
malformed or missing limbs. She simply could not accept that this was true and she cried fitfully
like a babbling brook.

Outside was his stunned father what he saw shocked him like bullet, wondering whether he had
seen what he thought he saw. When the pediatrician came out to speak to him, he cried out
saying, “My son, he has no arms”.

“Actually”, the pediatrician said as sensitively as possible, “your son has neither arms nor legs”.

His father went weak with shock and anguish. He sat stunned, momentarily unable to speak
before his protective instincts kicked in. He rushed in to tell his wife before she saw the poor
baby boy, but to his dismay, he found her lying in the bed, crying. The staff had already told her
the news. They had offered to bring the child to her but she refused to hold him and told them to
take him away.

Tears flow like rain, the mother can’t accept it but as soon as he saw the face of the little boy, a
face that is innocent like an angel a curve from her lips were formed as she affectionately smile.

He was named Nick, a boy without limbs, He really needs to fight and has a battle of self-
acceptance. He needs to accept his condition. His mother always cheer him up and made him
realized that his imperfection is a perfection. His mother always try to motivates him like when
his mother showed him a newspaper and taught him about a man who’s still happy even with
disability. And then he realized that “Life without limbs doesn’t mean a life without purpose”
and also his father always tell him that “You are a gift, just differently packaged”. And on that
day he wants to pursue his dream to become a successful man someday.

Things weren’t good to this little boy as he grew up. He struggled mentally, emotionally, and
physically. When he was eight years old, he was the first kid with disorder that permitted to
attend a normal school in Australia. His classmates bullied, laughed at him and always teased
him for being different by the way he looked. When he was in 10 years old he tried to commit
suicide but he realized that there are lots of people that are waiting for him and he didn’t want his
mother and father to suffer just because he committed suicide. On that day, he started living with
a positive attitude.

Even though life is tough on him he faced it as brave as a lion, as strong as an ox that inspires a
lot of people. Everyone think that he would not have a better and successful future. But guess
what he became one of the best motivational speakers all over the world and now became best-
selling book author.

When he reached the age of 17, he encountered a janitor that little did he know would change his
life forever. The janitor told Nick that “You’re going to be a speaker”. The janitor saw the ability
of nick that nick didn’t know himself and the janitor encouraged him to share his story. He had a
chance to speech to his prayer group. And after he’s speech, he realized that he’s not alone and
lots of people have different kinds of problem. People have their own problems mentally,
physically and emotionally. He wanted to wholeheartedly help the people around him by making
them realize what our purpose is and meaning of our life. And also by giving everyone’s hope
that everything is possible. He sees life in positive way, reminding Every Cloud has a Silver

After that he decided to go into Public Speaking to inspire others. He founded his non-profit
organization called “Life Without Limbs”. It gave him a platform to share his testimony and
campaign against bullying. Since then, he traveled to over sixty countries and inspires lots of
people all around the world. He has given over 300 speeches, speaking to people from all walks
in life.
Today, he is a best-selling author, evangelist and one of the famous motivational speaker on all
around the world. He shared his message of hope and Jesus’s good news through his own life.
He became successful in life. He is so lucky to have a nice loving and caring people around him,
because of that despite of his condition he was able to fight and succeed in his life. He’s like a
bird that doesn’t have wings but still reaches the sky.

After 4 years, he got married to Kanae Miyahara, their love produce four wonderful offsprings.
And years go by he received an award as the “Young Australian of the year” for his effort in
giving hope and enlightening others faith. He continues giving hope and being a motivational
speaker. He always believes in himself and believes that “If you change your attitude, you can
change your life”. He really has a heartwarming story that is worth sharing for.

He is Nick Vujicic, sans arms, sans legs . But still able to help, give hope and inspire people and
the best thing is he succeeded in life despite of his condition. This is the journey on how he able
to fight for his future and how he became successful in life.

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