Case Study Hapit Na Mahuman

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Bo. Obrero, Davao City

A Case Study on



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Submitted by:

BRAVO, Alyster
CATOLIN, Ryeven Ray
CLOMA, Jon Paul
CORTEZ, Anjarah Andrei
DE VERA, John Michael
DOROTAN, Justine Jules
JUAN, Feron Jay
PASTORES, Carmela May
VILLORDON, Khate Ashlee

Background of the Study

In the overall health of the ecosystem, the condition of the watershed plays a crucial

role. In fact, even the economy is highly affected by what’s going on within a watershed. It is for

this reason that its management should be given emphasis. In order to do so, a thorough

understanding of its features, components, and behavior should be achieved knowing that

managing watersheds is a difficult task. However, it is of help to know the very nature of the

watershed that is to be managed. This is because watersheds behave differently and some of

its behavior, e.g. peak flow, is just within its normal trend or pattern and not indicative of the

alteration that is taking place within its area. This is similar to understanding baseline

information prior to the application of a treatment in an experiment. In other words, not all flood

incidences are the result of an impaired watershed condition. Similarly, not all landslides are

due to lack of forest vegetation. These could be a result of the ruggedness of the watershed or

an abnormal rain event. The geomorphometric parameters describe the physical feature of the

watershed, in terms of its ruggedness, overall shape, drainage qualities, and dissection. These

features are included in the characterization since it impacts the quantity and rate of water

coming out of the watershed. These are also indicative of the responsiveness of the watershed

to rain events or its susceptibility to natural calamities like floods and erosion.

Watersheds need protection and conservation as well as rehabilitation of degrading

areas for the pursuit of sustainable development (Francisco and Rola, 2004; Javier, 1999). A

comprehensive characterization of the drainage area including geomorphometric and

hydrologic characteristics is included in the planning of integrated watershed management.

However, most watersheds in the region are ungaged with no sufficient data available for

analysis. In this context, geomorphometric quantification studies are seen as a helpful and
straightforward alternative course of action. According to Sujatha (2013), in the fields of earth

science and engineering geomorphometric analysis is widely applied such as an indirect

assessment tool for soil erosion assessment, landslide susceptibility mapping, movement of

groundwater and topography analysis, including the prevailing climate, structure and land cover

of the watershed.

A technique applied to the mathematical analysis of landforms is known as

Geomorphometry. It is the quantitative analysis of land surface (Pike, 1995). Geomorphic

parameters, in connection with the hydrological characteristics of watershed allows

understanding of hydrological behavior of different watersheds. Some studies of a watershed

and subwatershed scales recognize drainage characteristics in relation to the hydrologic

process like runoff, soil erosion, inundation, sediment transport, changing river flows

(AbdelFattah et al., 2017; Chandrashekar et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2015; Withanage et al.,

2014; Waikar and Nilawar, 2014; Kinthada at al., 2013; Thomas et al., 2011; Beven, 1987).

The use of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and ArcGIS for geomorphometric

landscape analysis (Schmidt and Dikau, 1999) states that the methods used for the extraction

of common geomorphometric parameters (e.g. slope, aspects, height) are accessible in

standard GIS, integrated mapping of geomorphometric objects (e.g. landform units) such as

valley bottoms, crests, or hillslopes are yet to be developed. The analysis of morphometric

parameters with the aid of Geographic Information System (GIS) is a practical method in

describing the hydrological behaviour of the watershed. It provides numerous descriptions of

the river basin which is one of the important aspects of classifying a watershed (Strahler 1964).

Characteristics of river basins around the globe have been studied using conventional methods

(Horton 1945; Strahler 1957, 1964; Krishnamurthy et al. 1996). GIS technique is a convenient

method since it provides satellite images of large-scale area and is beneficial in the analysis of

basin morphometry.
Statement of the Problem

The main essence of this case study is to produce information on physical features,

components, and behavior of the Tagum-Libuganon river basin which will help manage and

assess the susceptibility of the river basin to flooding and erosion. Moreover, it aims to answer

the following research questions:

1. What are the parameters that are needed to evaluate the susceptibility of Tagum-

Libuganon watershed?

2. What does this parameters indicate and how does these affect the hydrologic behavior

of Tagum-Libuganon watershed?

Objective of the Study

The main objective of this case study is to evaluate the river basin based on its

susceptibility to flooding and erosion. Specifically, it aims:

1. To determine the geomorphometric parameters of Tagum-Libuganon watershed

2. To develop suggestion on the management of the watershed, if there is a need to.

Significance of the Study

The study aims to identify the underlying effect of the geomorphometric parameters of

the river basin to its hydrological behavior by providing its terrain characteristics. The data will

be very helpful for the management of the communities situated within the boundaries of the
river basin against flooding and/or erosion.

The focal thrust of this study is to establish an assessment of the Tagum-Libuganon

watershed using geomorphometric parameters. This study may be able to provide/knowledge

on how the features, components, and behavior of the watershed influences flooding and

erosion. The outcome of this study will be advantageous and may bring significance to the


Community. The findings of this study will give significant information to the community within

the boundary of the watershed as this may provdie understanding about how the

geomorphometric parameters affect the flooding events.

Agricultal Sector. The conclusions of the study will extend significant knowledge to the

agriculture farmers regarding the tendency of flooding events thus providing awareness for the

prevention of destruction of crops with flooding to be the cause.

Governement, This study may help the Department of Environment and Natural Resources

(DENR) in their management of the watershed, and also for possible future assessment of the


Future Researchers. The analysis of this study will help future researchers to gain more

knowledge about the existing geomorphometric parameters of a watershed and how it

influences flooding and erosion. Moreover, they may also use this as their reference for

expanding knowledge in watershed management to contribute in existing flooding problems.

University. The researchers have conducted this case study to align, contribute, and extend

significance to the 5-year Research, Development, and Extension Agenda of University of

Southeastern Philippines.
Scope and Limitations

The study will focus on the determination and analysis of geomorphometric parameters

of the Tagum-Libuganon River Basin. It will be done through the simulation of Digital Elevation

Model (DEM) using data from NASA in identifying the elevations of the area and the simulation

of ArcGIS for its basic parameters (e.g stream length, area, number of orders, etc.) needed to

determine the geomophometric parameters.



A science that quantitatively analyze land-surface is called, Geomorphometry (Pike, 1995,

2000a; Rasemann et al., 2004). Representing bare-earth topography by the computer

manipulation of terrain height is a modern analytical-cartographic approach (Tobler, 1976,

2000). Mathematics, the Earth sciences, and — most recently — computer science evolved to

Geomorphometry as an interdisciplinary field (Figure 1). It is no longer merely a collection of

mathematical techniques but a discipline of its own, while geomorphometry has been seen as a

practice in more developed fields, ranging from geography and geomorphology to soil science

and military technology (Pike, 1995). It's good to remember the two overarching

geomorphometric analytical modes that first described by Evans (1972): specific, addressing

discrete surface features (i.e. landforms), and general, treating the continuous land surface.

Landform morphometry per se, by or without the use of digital data, is considered more

accurately as part of quantitative geomorphology (Thorn, 1988; Scheidegger, 1991; Leopold et

al., 1995; Rhoads and Thorn, 1996). Geomorphometry is primarily the computer

characterisation and analysis of continuous topography. Industrial surface metrology is a fine-

scale equivalent to geomorphometry in manufacturing (Thomas, 1999; Pike, 2000b). The

ground beneath our feet is universally understood to be the interface between soil or bare rock

and the atmosphere. Nonetheless, what to call this surface and its measuring method is less

clear. The mathematical representation of the land surface is known as terrain modeling in

various ways (Li et al., 2005), terrain analysis (Wilson and Gallant, 2000), or the science of

topography (Mark and Smith, 2004).2 Quantitative descriptors, or measures, of land-surface

form have been referred to as topographic attributes or properties (Wilson and Gallant, 2000),

land-form parameters (Speight, 1968), morphometric variables (Shary et al., 2002), terrain

information (Martinoni, 2002), terrain attributes (Pennock, 2003), and geomorphometric

attributes (Schmidt and Dikau, 1999).

Despite widespread use, the landscape is imprecise as a technical term. Terrain means

different things to different specialists; it is concerned not only with soil structure, hydrographic

features, water, vegetation and geology but also (like topography) with socio-economic aspects

of an area (Li et al., 2005). Terrain also can signify an area of ground, a region unrelated to

shape of the land surface. The much used terrain analysis (Moore et al., 1991a; Wilson and

Gallant, 2000) is confusing (unless preceded by quantitative), because it has long denoted

qualitative (manual) stereoscopic photo- or image-interpretation (Way, 1973). Nor does the

more precise simulation of the virtual terrain (Weibel and Heller, 1991) escape uncertainty as

terrain modeling can infer surface height measurement or display, unspecified topography

quantification, or any virtual Earth-surface feature processing. Finally, we describe the two

DEM-derived entities that are central to modern geomorphometry (see, e.g., Mark and Smith,

2004). A landsurface parameter is a descriptive measure of surface form (e.g. slope, aspect,

wetness index); it is arrayed in a continuous field of values, usually as a raster image or map,
for the same referent area as its source DEM. A land-surface entity is a discrete spatial feature

(e.g. watershed line, cirque, alluvial fan, drainage network), best represented on a square-grid

DEM vector map consisting of points, lines and/or polygons. It is also important to distinguish

parameters which describe the land surface at a point or local sample area, from quantitative

attributes that describe objects. Each of these quantities can be obtained from a DEM by a

series of mathematical operations, or morphometric algorithms.

A measurement of geometry of the land forms in raster images is called Geomorphometric

analysis. It has been applied to drainages, watersheds, hill slopes and other groups of terrain

objects. Hydrologists and geomorphologists are attracted on basin morphometric parameters

since watersheds have been used for analysis of various physical ecosystem processes. (M.

Moreno, M. Torres, S. Levachkine & R. Quintero, 2004). The use of Geomorphological

characteristics of watershed is usually common in solving numerous hydrological problems of

the ungauged watersheds by developing the hydrological models. GIS is generally used these

days to determine the geomorphological parameters. The results of the principal analysis of the

geomorphometric parameters showed that these parameters are related with each other except

for stream frequency. Based on the properties of geomorphic parameters, the first three

components that consists mostly are the slope or steepness, drainage and shape component.

(Sharma et al., 2013). According to Igor V. Florinsky (2017), there are 4 main groups of

morphometric variables: local, non-local, two-field specific and combined topographic attributes.

There are also 29 fundamental morphometric variables: northwardness, eastwardness, plan

curvature, horizontal curvature, vertical curvature, difference curvature, horizontal excess

curvature, vertical excess curvature, accumulation curvature, ring curvature, minimal curvature,

maximal curvature, mean curvature, Gaussian curvature, unsphericity curvature, slope, aspect,

horizontal curvature deflection, vertical curvature deflection, catchment area, dispersive area,
reflectance, insolation, rotor, Laplacian, shape index, curvedness, reflectance, insolation,

topographic index and stream power index.

The paper Watershed-based Morphometric Analysis: A Review carried out by S.

Sukristiyanti et al (2018) stated an observation that not every parameter has strict value ranges

to classify their parameter values. This article describes a critical evaluation of certain

morphometric parameters with their distinction in value range, implication, and overlapping as

well as the quality of input data. Watershed is basically classified according to its shape, i.e.,

elongated and circular. The elongated watershed has high relief and young geomorphic stage

which makes it more vulnerable to erosion. Circular watershed, on the other hand is more

vulnerable to flooding because of its low relief and mature geomorphic stage. The elongated

watershed is identified by a high value of drainage density (Dd), texture ratio (Dt), stream

frequency (Fs), relief ratio (Rh), and low value of elongation ratio (Re), circularity ratio (Rc),

form factor (Rf), length of overland flow (Lg), and bifurcation ratio (Rb). Both types of watershed

can be affected geologically. The relation among the values of morphometric parameters can

assist in a watershed analysis even though it is not supported by a good understanding of

morphology in a study area.

Below are studies relating to the geomorphometric parameters analysis:

G. R. Puno and R.C.C. Puno (2019) presented information essential for integrated

watershed management and conservation along the Muleta river located in Bukidnon. Methods

of analyzing different geomorphometric features and the existing land use to assess the

tendency of the watershed to cause erosion are layed, thereby suggesting to prioritize

immediate treatment to these areas on there conduct of Watershed Conservation Prioritization

Using Geomorphometric and Land Use/Land Cover Parameters. Data of subwatersheds being

observed in the study are portrayed by the use of digital elevation model and geographic

information system tool. Geomorphometric features categorized as areal aspect, relief features,

and channel morphology parameters were generated and analyzed with parameters having

direct and inverse effect to erosion risk was used as the criteria in the ranking process.

P. Tolentino (2017) carried out a study on the assessment of the effect of the geology, land

cover slope and other morphometric parameters on the discharge of Baroro river basins in La

Union and Gumain river basins in Pampanga through the utilization of remote sensing and

geospatial analysis and existing datasets and field validation. It was then found out that there is

a distinct trends of peak discharge and lag time in the basins, which could be caused by the

variation of its lithology. Similarity of morphometric parameters are found to be present in both

river basin, having the slope and geology as the essential factor among the basin characteristic.

Y. Farhan et al. (2015) carried out a geomophometric analysis on the 190.90km 2 Wadu

Kerak watershed, southern Jordan using ASTER DAM and Geographic Information System

(GIS) to derived basin parameter. The watershed was found to in its early stage of geomorphic

evolution thus fluvial erosion contributes to the development of the drainage basin. Kera-Al-fiha

fault system influenced the drainage pattern, and the semi-linear alignment of the main and

branching drainage. High dissection, relative relief, relief ratio, steep slopes and breaks of

slopes caused previous severe erosion and down cutting activity and it is still susceptible to

surface erosion at present.

V. PRasannakumar et al (2011) evaluated the terrain and the geomorphic parameters of

the two major sub-watersheds in Attapady, South India, analyzed using its geomorphometric

parameters coupled with DEM and GIS. It was suggested that the sub-watersheds are

structurally complex with relief and the denuded hills are undergoing severe soil erosion.

Theoretical Framework

The study was anchored on the existing ideas and studies conducted relevant to the

geomorphometric parameters on the occurence of flooding and erosion activities within the

areas along rivers. As modified from Vincy, Rajan, and Pradeepkumar; morphometric

parameters can be calculated through the given formula therefore can indicate the hydrologic

behavior of the areas being considered.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework presented as shown explains that the independent variable

of this study will be terrain characteristics or the geomorphometric parameters of the river basin

(linear, relief, aerial aspects). The hydrologic behavior will then be the dependent variable of

this study.



Linear Aspects Flooding

Relief Aspects Erosion

Aerial Aspects Infiltration Rate

Surface Runoff

Study Area

Tagum-Libuganon River Basin (TLRB) is located in the Northern part of Davao Region

which geographically lies at a latitude of 7⁰10’ N and longitude 125⁰20’E traversing portion of

Regions XIII and meandering down to Region XI. It is the third (3rd) largest river basin in

Mindanao and in 10th placed among the eighteen (18) major and priority river basins in the

Philippines as per Resolution No. 2012 – 001 issued by the Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change

Adaptation and Mitigation.As per resolution of the said Cabinet cluster. The stakeholders of the

consultation forum endorsed the inclusion of the Tuganay River sub-basin which passes

through the municipality of Carmen. Through the public forum and ground validation and

verification by the technical consultants, it was found out that TLRB area includes three (3)

upland barangays of Davao City as one of the headwaters of TLRB and a portion of Panabo

City, Davao del Norte as its floodplains.



1. Acquire Digital Elevation Models or DEM of Tagum-Libuganon River basin

1.1 From the local City Engineer’s Office or from local branch of Department of

Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

1.2 If not available use Google Earth application

1.2.1 Make multiple points path on Tagum-Libuganon River Basin

1.2.2 Export it as .kml file

1.2.3 Use TCX converter app to import altitude data

1.2.4 Export it as .csv file

1.2.5 Edit the .csv file on excel

1.2.6 Delete all columns except the longitude, latitude and altitude.

2. Importing Data to ArcGIS

2.1 Import the DEM file from google earth

2.2 On HYDROLOGY tools, use FILL to remove sinks or impurities that affects the

flow direction of the river basin

2.3 Create a flow direction grid

2.4 Create a flow accumulation grid

2.5 Create Outlet or pour points

2.6 Snap pour points

2.7 Delineate Watershed

2.8 Convert watershed rasters to polygons

3. Use ArcGIS to run simulations and determine characteristics of the WaterShed

 Drainage Area

 Flow Length

 Stream Order

 Elevation

 Slopes

 Watershed divide

Data Analysis

The pre-processing of data starts by cropping the interest area. The watersheds and

associated drainage networks will be delineated from the survey of DENR/ Philippine

topographical maps of 1:50,000 scale and will be digitized using ArcGIS software, the basic

parameters e.g area, perimeter, stream order and stream length were extracted from the geo-

database. The stream orders will be calculated using the method proposed by Strahler’s (1964).

The methodology adopted for the computation of geo-morphometric parameters are given in

Table 1. The geo-morphometric parameters were divided into three categories, namely: linear,

relief and areal aspects. Parameters such as bifurcation ratio, stream length ratio,Rho

coefficient, drainage density, stream frequency, drainage texture, length of overland flow,

constant of channel maintenance, basin relief, relief ratio, relative relief, ruggedness number,

gradient ratio, Melton ruggedness ratio, basin slope, Leminiscate ratio, form factor, circulatory

ratio, elongation ratio and shape index were calculated by means of various mathematical

equations cited in Table 1. The morphometric parameters for the delineated watershed area

were calculated based on standard procedures (Horton 1945, Miller 1953, Schumm 1956,

Strahler 1964, Nookaratnam et al. 2005, Modified by Vincy, Rajan and Pradeepkumar, 2012).

ArcGIS and DEM Simulation


Low Elevation

Transition between High and Low Elevation

High Elevation

The 1 degree arc or 30m Digital Elevation

Model extracted from Shuttle Radar
Topography Mission of NASA and JPL and
downloaded from

A raster which contains elevation of the study area.

Simulation of Flow Direction on each cell of the raster.
Simulation on ArcGIS starts by preparing
the DEM using Hydrology/Fill. This tool is
used to fill missing elevations on the DEM
that could hinder the following simulations.
Simulating or calculating Flow direction tool
by using the output of Fill tool will result to
the image shown.The output of Flow
direction can be used on other simulations
related to waterflow.

Tagum-Libuganon Watershed

Hydrology/Basin tool is used to delineate

watershed and drainage basin by using
output of Flow Direction.

Delineation of all drainage basin in the study77


Most accumulation based
on Flow Direction raster

Hydrology/Flow Accumulation tool is used

to simulate the potential accumulation of
output Flow Direction.

Flow accumulation of all drainage in the study area.

Most accumulation based
on Flow Direction raster

Raster Calculator is used to show more

streams on the Flow Accumulation raster.

Output of raster calculator.

1st Order 4th Order
2nd Order 5th Order
3rd Order

Hydrology/Stream Order tool is used to

simulate and calculate the stream order by
using the Flow Accumulation and Flow
Direction outputs.

Flow Order of streams.


Border of the Watershed

Area of the Watershed

Converted Basin/Watershed Raster into polygon.

Stream Polylines
Low Elevation
Low Elevation
High Elevation

To calculate area, perimeter and length of

the streams and watershed, it should be
converted into polygons and polylines

Converted Stream into polyline.

Cropped/extracted Digital Elevation Model. Extracted DEM with the stream.

High Elevation
Clipping can be used to extract DEM by using the
Low Elevation
watershed polygon as the extent.

High Border

Watershed location and topography using base

map of ArcGIS.
Watershed location and satellite imagery using Watershed location and streams with satellite
base map of ArcGIS. imagery.

Showing the highest points of the basin.

Geomorphometric Parameters


A category on the geo- morphometric parameters of watershed that includes the

determination of stream order, stream number for various orders, stream lengths for various

stream orders, length ratio, order length ratio, bifurcation ratio and mean bifurcation ratio are

described below. The Perimeter and Basin Length of the Tagum-Libuganon River Basin were

computed using ArcGIS.

Stream Number Stream Mean Stream Order Bifurcation Rho

Order, of Length, Stream Length Length Ratio, Rb Coefficient

U Streams, Lu Length , Ratio, Ri Ratio, OL ,ρ

N (km) Lsm (km)

1 186 622.93 3.3491 1.4344 1.3577
2 137 434.2827 3.1699 0.6972 2.8229 0.9716 0.7175
3 141 153.8424 1.0911 0.3542 1.1492 2.35 0.3082
4 60 133.8645 2.2311 0.8701 24.9274 30 0.0349
5 2 5.3702 2.6851 0.0401
TOTAL 526 1350.29 Rbm 8.6698
Table 1.0. Linear Aspects Parameters Data Summary of Tagum-Libuganon River Basin.

1.1 Stream Order (u)

The first step in river basin analysis is the designation of stream orders. Strahler (1964)

proposed that stream order is based on hierarchic ranking of streams. The first-order streams

have no tributaries. The tributaries of second-order streams are the first-order streams only.

Moreover, third-order streams’ tributaries are the first- and second-order streams and so on.

The increased number of first-order streams mainly signifies terrain complexity and compact
bedrock. Sreedevi et al.(2009) stated that the variation in order and size of the tributary basins

are largely due to physiographic and structural conditions of the region. From the analysis, it

can be observed that the watersheds have the maximum frequency in the case of first-order

streams and its frequency decreases as the stream order increases (See Table 1.0).

1.2 Stream Number (Nu)

With the help of ArcGIS software, the number of streams in each order was calculated

and the total numbers of streams were computed. It can be observed that the total number of

streams gradually decreases as the stream order increases (See Table 1.0).

1.3 Stream Length (Lu)

Stream length from mouth to drainage divide of each order was computed with the help

of ArcGIS software. (Table 1.0) summarizes the stream length on each specific stream order,

from 1 to 5. Generally, the total length of stream segments decreases with stream order.

1.4 Mean Stream Length (Lsm)

A characteristic property related to the size of drainage network components and its

contributing basin surfaces (Strahler 1964). This has been calculated by dividing the total

stream length of order ‘u’ by the number of stream segments in the order. Lsm of any given

order is greater than that of the lower order and less than that of its next higher order in both the

watersheds (See Table 1.0). The mean stream length is characteristic property related to the

drainage network and its associated surface (Vijith and Satheesh 2006).

1.5 Stream Length Ratio (Ri)

Horton (1945) stated that RI is the ratio of mean stream length (Lu) of segment of order
Lu 1 ) of the next lower order u-1 . Variation from one order
u, to mean stream segment length (

to another order indicates their late youth stage of geomorphic development (Singh and Singh

1997). The Rl has an important relationship with the surface flow discharge and erosional stage

of the basin (See Table 1.0). It is noticed that the Rl between successive stream orders of the

basin vary due to differences in slope and topography (Sreedevi et al. 2005; Magesh et al.


1.6 Order length ratio (OL)

There is no definite trend of progressive increase or decrease in order length ratio of the

streams. This parameter expresses sequential development of the higher to lower orders of

stream lengths resulting from the interaction of climatic factors and underlying geology, with

episodes of slow or fast development of streams.

1.7 Bifurcation Ratio (Rb)

Defined as the ratio of the number of streams of a given order to the number in the next

higher order. Horton (1932) introduced the term ‘bifurcation ratio’ (Rb) to express the ratio of

the number of streams of any given order to the number in the next lower order. Bifurcation

ratio is a useful measure of flood proneness (Farooq, 2002). Strahler (1957) demonstrated that

the bifurcation ratio shows a small range of variation for different regions or different

environmental conditions, except where the geology is dominant. It is observed that Rb is not

the same from one order to the next. These irregularities depend upon the geological and

lithological development of the drainage basin (Strahler 1964).

High values of Rb indicate

high overland flow and

discharge due to hilly nature

Rb>5 of terrain plus steeper

disposition of slopes.

Low Rb values reflect high

Farooq, 2002
infiltration rate. Low

bifurcation ratios and nearly

Rb<5 equal path lengths of water

flow would have sharp

hydrograph peaks (Strahler,


The bifurcation ratio of the first and second order up to the ratio of the third and fourth

order, indicates that it has a low Rb and the calculated of mean bifurcation ratio, R b = 8.66,

which is classified as high denoting that the terrain is hilly in nature and discharge and overland

flow is high. This results to an erosion-prone river basin and that preventive measures must be

performed by the concerned people.

1.8 Rho Coefficient (ρ)

Rho coefficient (ρ) is an important parameter relating drainage density to physiographic

development of a watershed which facilitates evaluation of storage capacity of drainage

network and hence is a determinant of ultimate degree of drainage development in a given

watershed (Horton 1945).

Indicates that the watershed

is having higher hydrologic

RHO value (> 0.85) storage during floods and

attenuates the erosion.

Reveals that the watersheds

are prone to severe erosion

and suggest that there is an

RHO value (<0.85) instant need of development

of erosion control measures

by the development authority.

The TLRB with a rho value of 0.354 exhibits a low value of rho coefficient, this indicates

that the watershed is in need of development of erosion control since it is prone to severe



Relief aspect of the watersheds plays an important role in drainage development,

surface and sub-surface water flow, permeability, landform development and associated

features of the terrain. It is important to understand the hydrological response of the watershed.
Highest Point, H 1528 m
Lowest Point, h -31 m
Length of Basin, Lb 81.0578 km
2.0. Relief
Drainage Density, Dd 0.4204
Area, A 3211.6867 km2
Max. Elevation, ELEVmax 843 m
Min. Elevation, ELEVmin 2m
Length of watershed along the mainstream,

L 79.1844 km
Basin Relief, Bh 1559 m
Relief Ratio, Rr 0.0192
Ruggedness Number, Rn 655.4505
Melton's Ruggedness Number, MRn 27.5093
Slope, S 1.0621% or 0.61o
Parameters Data Summary of Tagum-Libuganon River Basin.

2.1 Basin Relief (Bh)

The difference in elevation between the highest and the lowest points of the basin.

Basin relief aspects of the sub-basins play an important role in drainage development, surface

and sub-surface water flow, permeability, landform development and erosion properties of the

terrain. The Bh controls the stream gradient and therefore influences floods patterns and the

amount of sediment that can be transported (Hadley and Schumm 1961).

2.2 Relief Ratio (Rh)

The relief ratio (Rh) of maximum relief to horizontal distance along the longest

dimension of the basin parallel to the principal drainage line is termed as relief ratio (Schumm
1956). There is a direct relationship between the relief and channel gradient. There is also a

correlation between hydrological characteristics and the relief ratio of a drainage basin. The Rh

normally increases with decreasing drainage area and size of sub-watersheds of a given

drainage basin (Gottschalk 1964). There is a correlation between hydrologic characteristics and

the relief ratio of a drainage basin.

2.3 Ruggedness Number (Rn)

Indicates the structural complexity of the terrain. Rn refers to the level of smoothness

and roughness of the basin terrain or surface unevenness (Selvan, Ahmad, & Rashid, 2011)

and its vulnerability for watershed level soil erosion (Gutema et al., 2017). Following that, it was

possible to classify watersheds (at least for our region and based on Rn values into five

categories: <0.1 subdued morphology; 0.1 - 0.4 slight morphology; 0.4 - 0.7 moderate

morphology; 0.7 - 1.0 sharp morphology; >1.0 extreme morphological expression including

badlands topography. Watersheds having high Rn values are characterized by dynamic

geomorphic processes, long and steep slopes interrupted by sharp breaks of slope due to

rejuvenation processes, high susceptibility to soil erosion and mass movement, and high

response to an increase in peak discharge.

< 0.1 Subdued

0.1 - 0.4 Slight morphology
Strahler, 1956

0.4 - 0.7 Moderate morphology

0.7 - 1.0 Sharp morphology
>1.0 Extreme


2.4 Slope (S)

S measures the rate of change of elevation in the direction of steepest descent. Slope is
the means by which gravity induces flow of water and other materials, so it is of great

significance in hydrology and geomorphology. It affects the velocity of both surface and

subsurface flow and hence soils water content, erosion potential and many other important

processes (Gallant and Wilson, 2000). In addition, steep slopes generally have high surface

run-off values and low infiltration rates. Sediment production thus tends to be high expect when


barren slopes are concerned (Verstappen, 1983).

0-20 Low
2-150 Moderate
15-300 High Keller and Pinter, 2002
> 300 Very high


The Area of the Tagum-Libuganon River Basin is computed using ArcGIS. The areal

aspect comprises drainage density, Form Factor, Elongation Ratio, Drainage Texture and other

parameters that
Area, A 3211.6867 km2
Total Stream Length, TLu 1350.2898 km
Perimeter, P 390.5138 km
Length of Basin, Lb 81.0578 km
Table 3.0.
Number of Stream, N 526
Areal Aspects
Total Number of 1st Order Steam, N1 186
Length of watershed along the
Data Summary of
mainstream, L 79.1844 km
Tagum- Libuganon
Drainage Density, Dd 0.4204
River Basin.
Constant of Channel Maintenance, C 2.3785
Circular Ratio, Rc 0.2646
Elongation Ratio, Re 0.7889 Drainage

Density Compactness Constant, Cc 1.9439 (Dd)

Drainage Texture, Rt 0.0689 Drainage
Stream Frequency, Fs 0.1638
density shows the
Form Factor, Ff 0.4888
Texture Ratio, T 0.4763
Shape Index, Sw 1.9523 dissection,

runoff Shape Factor, Sf 2.0458 potential,

Length of Overland Flow, Lg 1.1893
Lemniscate Ratio, K 0.5114

of the land, climatic conditions and vegetation cover of the basin (Verstappen 1983). On

the one hand, the Dd is a result of interacting factors controlling the surface runoff; on the other

hand, it is itself influencing the output of water and sediment from the drainage basin. Drainage

density (Dd) is the ratio between the total stream lengths of all orders to the area of the basin

(Horton, 1945). It shows the landscape dissection, runoff potential, infiltration capacity of the
land, climatic conditions and vegetation cover of the basin (Verstappen 1983)

Dd < 1.69 In general, resistant surface

materials and those with high

infiltration capacities exhibit

widely spaced streams.

Ozdemir, 2012
Dd ≥ 1.70 As resistance or surface

permeability decreases,

runoff is usually accentuated

by the development of a

greater number of more

closely spaced channels.

Tagum-Libuganon River Basin (0.4204) has a low drainage density, it implies that the

watershed comprises widely spaced streams with high infiltration capacities and resistant

surface materials.

3.2 Constant Of Channel Maintenance (Cm)

Defined as the area of the watershed surface needed to maintain a unit length of stream

channel and was expressed by the reciprocal of drainage density (Schumm, 1956). Its value

depends on climate, vegetation, relief and lithology of the area.

Cm < 0.59 It indicates a low value of Cm

and is under the influence of

high structural disturbance,

low permeability, steep to Fuzal and Srinivasa, 2015

very steep slopes and high

surface runoff.

Cm ≥ 0.60 Higher value of this

parameter suggests low

relief, high permeability and

low drainage density with

coarse drainage texture.

Tagum-Liboganon River basin (2.3785) indicates low relief, high permeability and low

drainage with coarse drainage texture.

3.3 Circularity Ratio (Rc)

The ratio of the area of the basin to the area of a circle having the same circumference

as the perimeter of the basin (Miller 1953). The Rc is influenced by the length and frequency of

streams, geological structures, land use/land cover, climate, relief and slope of the basin. Rc

values approaching one indicates that the basin shapes are circular, with scope for uniform

infiltration and longer duration for excess water to be flushed out of the basin. Low, medium and

high values of Rc indicate the young, mature, and old stage of the geomorphic cycle of the

Drainage basins with a range

of circularity ratios of 0.4 to

0.5, indicating they are

0.4 – 0.5 strongly elongated, highly Miller, 1953

permeable, with

homogeneous geological


3.4 Elongation Ratio (Re)

Schumm (1956) defined elongation ratio (Re) as the ratio between the diameter of the

circle of the same area as the drainage basin and the maximum length of the basin

(Table 8). A circular basin is more efficient in the discharge of run-off than an elongated

basin (Singh and Singh 1997). The values of Re generally vary from 0.6 to 1.0 over a

wide variety of climatic and geologic types. Values close to 1.0 are typical of regions of

very low relief, whereas values in the range of 0.6–0.8 are usually associated with high

relief and steep ground slope (Strahler 1964).

0.9 – 1.0 Circular

0.8 – 0.9 Oval
0.7 – 0.8 Less elongated
0.5 – 0.7 Elongated
< 0.5 More elongated Pareta and Pareta, 2011

The TLRB is characterized by high Re. Analysis of Re indicates that the areas with

higher Re values have high infiltration capacity and low runoff. It is realized from Re value that

TLRB river basin (0.7889) is less elongated.

3.5 Compactness Constant (Cc)

Expressed as the shape of the basin that was used by Horton and was devised by

Gravelius (Gupta 1999). Compactness coefficient is used to express the relationship of a

hydrologic basin with that of a circular basin having the same area as the hydrologic basin. A

circular basin is the most hazardous from a drainage stand point because it will yield the

shortest time of concentration before peak flow occurs in the basin The value of Cc indicates

the rate of erosion and nature of watershed shape.

A watershed shape is a

1.0 perfect circle, when Cc is Fuzal and Srinivasa, 2015

equal to 1.

The Cc value of the TLRB is found to be higher than 1 i.e. 1.944 indicating its elongated shape.

3.6 Drainage Texture (T)

An expression of the relative channel spacing in a fluvial dissected terrain. It depends

upon a number of natural factors such as climate, rainfall, vegetation, rock and soil type,

infiltration capacity, relief and stage of development of a basin (Smith 1950).

< 2.0 Very coarse

2.0 – 4.0 Coarse
4.0 – 6.0 Moderately coarse
6.0 – 8.0 Fine
> 8.0 Very Fine Pareta and Pareta, 2011

In the present study, the drainage density of TLRB (0.069) indicates very coarse texture.

3.7 Stream Frequency (Fs)

It is observed that the Fs exhibits a positive correlation with drainage density (Dd) of the
sub-watersheds indicating the increase in stream population with respect to increase in

drainage density.

Fs < 3.91 Low values which indicate

that more surface water

infiltrates down to subsurface

strata; thus, groundwater

potential is relatively high(Y.

Farhan et. al., 2015

Fs (3.91 - 9.99) The Fs value depends mainly

on the lithology of the basin

and, reflects the texture of

Farhan, 2015
the drainage network.

Statistically, the Fs value is

positively correlated with Dd

values of the watershed,

which means that the

increase in stream population

is connected to that of

drainage density.

The TLRB shows a stream frequency of 0.1638, which means that the groundwater

potential is relatively high and more surface water infiltrates down to the subsurface strata

3.8 Form Factor (Ff)

According to Horton (1932), form factor, Ff, may be defined as the ratio of basin

area to square of the basin length (Table 8). The index of Ff shows the inverse relationship with
the square of the axial length and as a direct relationship with peak discharge (Gregory and

Walling 1973). Ff parameter has been developed to predict the intensity of a basin of a defined

area. Basins with high Ff experience high peak flows of shorter duration, whereas an elongated

watershed with a low form factor, has a low peak flow of longer duration.

Ff < 0.78 Elongated Rai P K, Mishra V N and

Mohan K 2017 Remote Sens.

Ff > 0.78 Circular
Appl. Soc. Environ.7 9-20

The Ff value for TLRB is 0.489, which indicates that the watershed, is an elongated

basin. Thus, low peak flows of long duration are expected.

3.9 Texture Ratio (Rt)

Exhibits the infiltration capacity of bedrock, underlying geology, and relief aspects of the

sub-basins. The total number of stream segments of all orders in a watershed to the perimeter

of the watershed (Horton,1945.) It helps to understand the relative spacing of drainage lines.

The values for TLRB’s texture ratio is 0.4763, a low value of texture ratio which indicates coarse

to moderate textures, low drainage density, low relief and high permeability of the area.

Whereas higher values (24.65 and above) suggests fine to ultra-fine textures, high drainage

density and high relief with steep slopes reveals that the area is characterized by very fine

texture, high drainage density and high relief with steep slopes.

Smith, 1950
< 3.0 Low

3.0 - 4.0 Moderate

4.0 - 5.0 Moderately high (Gradation based on the fact
5.0 – 6.0 High
that Lower the value of

texture ratio, more the

> 6.0 Very high
capacity for the storage of
water in a watershed.)

3.10 Shape Index

Shape of the drainage basin along the length and relief affects the rate of water and

sediment yield (Gregory and Walling 1973). The shape of the watershed is equal to

the square of the length of the watershed divided by the area of the watershed. W is

the average width in kilometres and A is the watershed area in square kilometres

(Horton 1945). The shape of the watershed is thus Sw ¼ L/W ¼ L2/A.

3.11 Shape Factor (Sf)

Reciprocal of form factor. The value of form factor is less than one whereas the value of

shape factor is greater than one. Table summarizes the value of shape factor for TLRB (2.046).

These parameters are used to quantify the similarity of watershed shape.

3.12 Length of Overland Flow (Lg)

The length of water over the ground before it gets concentrated into definite stream

channel (Horton 1945) (Table 8). This factor basically relates inversely to the average slope of

the channel and is quite synonymous with the length of sheet flow to a large degree. The Lg


equals half of the constant of channel maintenance.

< 0.2 Low value of Lg indicates Vinutha and

high relief, short flow paths, Janardhana,2014

more runoff, and less Rai et al., 2017

infiltration which leads to

more vulnerable to the flash

0.2 - 0.3 Moderate value
High value of Lg means

gentle slopes and long flow

> 0.3
paths, more infiltration, and

reduced runoff.

A high value of Lg which is evident in the Tagum-Libuganon River Basin(1.189) means

gentle slopes and long flow paths , more infiltration, and reduced runoff .

3.13 Leminiscate Ratio (k)

Chorely et al.(1957) defined leminiscate ratio as a measure to describe how closely the

actual drainage basin shape approaches the loop of a lemniscates. The lemniscates ratios

allow to distinguish regional variation of drainage basin shapes. For describing the drainage

basin shape accurately, it is essential to determine the lemniscates shape which the basin most

nearly approaches. Thus, it is considered a useful index to differentiate one morphometric

region from another, and to express quantitatively the structural control over basin shape. The

lemniscate (k) value for the Tagum-Libuganon River Basin is 0.5114 which shows that the

watershed is mostly elongated in shape and flow for a longer duration.


The analysis of morphometric parameters through the use of GIS is found to be of

immense utility in river basin evaluation, watershed prioritization for soil and water conservation

and natural resource management. The disintegration of information help to establish

relationships between the drainage basin and hydro-geologic parameters. Estimation of

geomorphometric parameters, sediment production rate and run-off rate of the watershed are

needed for effective planning, development and management of natural resources of an area.
Tagum-Libuganon river basin has dynamic geomorphic processes. The terrain is

characterized with long and sharp slopes having harsh breaks due to rejuvenation processes,

expose to mass movement and soil erosion. The river basin is intensified by the calculated

mean of bifurcation ratio, Rb=8.66, indicating the terrain is hilly in nature and high overland

flow. An erosion-prone river basin and that preventive measure must be performed.

With thick vegetation, low relief and pervious subsurface lithology, Tagum-Libuganon

river basin has resistant surface materials and high aptitudes in infiltration leading to widely

spaced streams. High values for constant of channel maintenance indicates high perviousness,

low relief and low drainage density with rough drainage texture. Elongation ratio (Re = 0.789)

indicates the river basin is elongated. Classified as a high value, it presents that the river has

high infiltration capacity and low runoff. Stream frequency suggests that surface water infiltrates

easily in the subsurface strata and groundwater potential is very high.

Form factor describe the peak flow of the river basin, which is low in long duration.

Length of overland flow shows that infiltration is high and runoff is reduced. Texture ratio shows

the texture, drainage, density, relief and permeability which are moderate, low, low and high,

respectively for Tagum-Libuganon River Basin.


As gathered from the analysis, the physical characteristic alone of Tagum-Libuganon

River Basin (TLRB) is indicative of flooding activities at amounts of rainfall and erosion on soils

adjacent to the river. These issues are needed to be resolved and studied carefully to reach

possible solutions or alternatives gearing towards a long term response through management.

The watershed has a high value of bifurcation ratio which indicates that the watershed is
susceptible to flooding. The peak discharge may be reduced by having proper vegetation such

as grasslands or small bushes on the watershed. Proper vegetation intercepts precipitation and

allows evaporation to take place directly into the atmosphere thus reducing the amount of water

available for overland flow.

Considering that the watershed is susceptible to erosion, riprarian buffers—a natural

vegetation, is the most effective and valuable protection along the watershed against pollutants.

It stabilizes the watershed and reduces soil erosion.

Moreover, the local government must provide more flood monitoring and maintenance

units. Engineering solutions like construction of bank protection or silt retention dams falls under

the structural while institutional development as well as Information, Education and

Communication (IEC) form part of the non-structural component.

If DEM is not available in government offices, it is recommended to use Shuttler Radar

Topography Mission by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) because it gets

more accurate elevations than Google Earth which uses interpolation in getting elevation.

M. Moreno, M. Torres, S. Levachkine & R. Quintero, (2004). GIS ─ Application To

Make Geomorphometric Analysis In Raster Data, Abstact.

Sharma, Shailesh & Tignath, Sanjay & Gajbhiye, Sarita & Patil, Rupesh. (2013).
Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG). 2. 63-70.

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Chandrashekar H, Lokesh K V, Sameena M, Roopa J and Ranganna G 2015 Proc.

Int. Conf. on Water Resources, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (Mangalore) vol 4 ed G
S Dwarakish (Elsevier Procedia) 1345 – 1353

Strahler AN (1952) Hypsometric (Area-Altitude) Analysis of Erosional

Topography. Geol Soc of Am Bull 63: 1117-1142.

Penk A (1973) Attempt at a classification of climate on physiographic

basis. Climatic Geomorphology Macmillan Publishers Limited, London,
USA pp: 51-60.

Smith, K. (1950) Standards for Grading Textures of Erosional Topography. American

Journal of Science, 248, 655-668.

Miller, V. (1953) A Quantitative Geomorphic Study of Drainage Basin Characteristics

in the Clinch Mountain Area,
Virginia and Tennessee. Project NR 389-402, Technical Report 3, Columbia University,
Department of Geology, ONR,
New York.

Schumm, S. (1956) Evolution of Drainage Systems and Slopes in Badlands at Perth

Amboy, New Jersey. Geological
Society of America Bulletin, 67, 597-646.

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Strahler AN (1964) Quantitative geomorphology of drainage basins and

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Schumm SA (1956) Evolution of drainage systems and slopes in badlands
at Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Geol Soc Am Bull 67: 597-646.

Horton RE (1932) Drainage-basin characteristics. Transactions American

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Vinutha D N and Janardhana M R 2014 IJIRSET 5 516-524








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