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Sudlersville United Methodist Charge

December The Plowshares


Pastor’s Pause: “Changing Seasons”

There’s a season for everything and a time for every matter under the heavens.
- Ecclesiastes 3:1 (CEB)

The transition between Fall and Winter is slowly occurring. The brilliant colors of Fall are being
replaced with bare tree limbs. The days are shorter, and the temperatures seem to be on a roller
coaster of warm and cold.

This time of year is also a time of transition within the Church calendar. We have ended the
Christian year with Christ the King or Reign of the King Sunday. And now, we have moved into
the Christmas Cycle (Advent - Christmas - Epiphany). Advent is a season of the four weeks
prior to Christmas. This is a time to prepare for the “coming” of the Christ child. The colors of
the season are either purple (royalty) or blue (hope). The candles we light represent hope, joy,
peace, and love.

The Christmas season is a time of praise and thanksgiving for the incarnation of God in Jesus
Christ. This season begins on Christmas Eve and continues through the Day of Epiphany
(January 6). The colors of this season are white and gold.

The Epiphany (Manifestation) of the Lord on January 6 is a very ancient celebration that dates
back to the earliest days of the Christian church. The season after the Epiphany is a season of
Ordinary Time, which can last four to nine Sundays, depending on the date of Easter. The color
of this season is green.

As we move through this time of changing seasons – the end of one year and the beginning of a
new year – I pray that each of you will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit at work in you, and
that your blessings will be abundant! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Pastor Bonnie
Calendar & Announcements
12/2 Advent Bible Study, 6:30 pm, St. Paul’s

12/6 Board of Childcare Offering at Calvary-Asbury

Poinsettia Order Forms are Due at St. Paul’s

12/9 Advent Bible Study, 6:30 pm, St. Paul’s

12/10 Worship Committee Meeting, 10:00 am, St. Paul’s

12/12 SUMC Charge Conference, 10:00 am, Calvary-Asbury

12/13 Poinsettia Orders are Due at Calvary-Asbury

12/14 Food Pantry Distribution, 10:00 am, Calvary-Asbury

12/15 Food Pantry Distribution, 6:30 pm, Calvary-Asbury

12/16 Advent Bible Study, 6:30 pm, St. Paul’s

12/24 Christmas Eve Services (TBD)

Calvary-Asbury, 10:00 pm
St. Paul’s, 7:00 pm

Announcements & Events Continued

The Twelve Days of Christmas

The origin of the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas” was a way to teach Christianity.

True Love God

Me Baptized Christian

Partridge in a pear tree Jesus (a partridge acts as a decoy to save its babies)

Two turtle doves Old and New Testaments, witnesses of God

Three French hens Faith, Hope, Love (1 Corinthians 13:13)

Four calling birds Four gospels ( Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)

Five gold rings Torah of Old Testament (first five books)

Six geese a-laying Six days God created (Genesis 1)

Seven swans a-swimming Seven gifts of Holy Spirit (Romans 12:6-8;

1 Corinthians 12:8-11)

Eight maids a-milking Eight Beatitudes (Matthew 6:3-10)

Nine ladies dancing Nine gifts of Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22)

Ten lords a-leaping Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-7)

Eleven pipers piping Eleven faithful apostles (minus Judas Iscariot)

Twelve drummers drumming Twelve points in Apostles’ Creed

Source: Teaching & Celebrating the Christian Seasons - Delia Halverson

Missionary Updates
November 24, 2020

Dear Friends,

Sending extra love and gratitude to each of you this Thanksgiving.

It is no secret how challenging this year has been for us all, definitely one of our most difficult years
of ministry. We are grateful for your words of encouragement during the last nine months as we
have experienced continuous lockdown and a month of quarantine. We want to take just a minute to
rejoice, to celebrate, and to give our Lord and Savior great thanksgiving.

Grateful for the property. We have put every square meter of land to use this year. Picnics by the
creek, sack slides down the hill, trees to climb, and acres and acres where the children can run.
Thank you to the many individuals and churches for providing us with this property, it has been vital
for the health and wellbeing of the children.

Grateful for the homes. The living rooms have become sanctuaries as the children hold worship
services on Sunday mornings. They have grown spiritually and developed into excellent leaders.
Thank you to everyone who has come to the Home and spent hours pouring concrete, laying block,
and building the homes for the children. They are their refuge.

Grateful for our teachers. We have two fulltime teachers who are instructing all 24 children in
eight different grades. It is not easy. The children have had a difficult time learning virtually. Yet, the
teachers have persevered and in a few short weeks the children will finish the school year strong.
Thank you for financially supporting the Home’s school this year.

Grateful for good health. In October, several of the children and one of the Tias had Covid. The
home was on Quarantine for 21 days. This was one of the most difficult times during the pandemic
for the children and the Tias. Thank you for praying for their healing.

Grateful for each of you. We are so grateful to each of you for your partnership in ministry with
us. Thank you for covering the home and children with your prayers, and we cannot begin to tell you
what a tremendous blessing your financial gifts have been. We have had some difficult months
financially, yet our doors are open, and ministry continues because of your generosity. Thank you.

Grateful to our Lord and Savior. Daily we cry out to the Lord for health, happiness, peace, and
financial security. We have seen Him move in ways we never expected. He is with us; He is with you.
During this time of Thanksgiving, we raise our voice in praise to our Heavenly Father for being with
us and hearing our prayers. Thank you, Jesus.

I think my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy
because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now . . . Phil. 1:3-5

Ray and Lidia Zirkel

Missionary Updates –Continued
Moving to "Moo" sconsin. (Wisconsin) to serve at Ethnos360 Bible Institute:
As many of you know the Lord is leading us away from our current ministry in
California. Over the past few months we have been asking the Lord to reveal to us where
He would have us go next. After praying and seeking the advice of our sending
church. We believe the Lord is leading us to serve at the Ethnos360 Bible Institute. (EBI).
The EBI is located in Waukesha, Wisconsin. (click on link below to learn more)

The EBI prepares men and women for ministry among the unreached through teaching
God's word and discipling students with a focus on missions. This is the first phase of
Ethnos360 training. Many of the students will go on to work among the unreached
people groups. It is a really cool ministry where we can be a part of bringing the gospel
to the nations.
What we will be doing:
I (Nathan) will be serving in plant management. (maintaining the facility.)
Olivia will probably be serving part-time in the EBI childcare program.
Firstly, We want to clarify that in this role at the EBI there is no Salary provided. We are
still dependent on the generous support that you and others give towards the ministry of
reaching the unreached. Because we are still missionaries with Ethnos360, nothing will
change for you who continue to support us.

Moving from California to Wisconsin is a pretty big task. It is not easy or cheap.
Between a moving truck, gas, hotels we are estimating it to roughly cost $3500. We did
not originally plan on moving this year so it is an unexpected expense. Moving with 4
kids, (one a newborn) and a puppy is a challenging scenario so please be praying for that
as well. If you feel led by the Lord to give you can donate through the link below or
contact us and we can give you more info.

Another need that we have is Vivian's medical stuff. Because the beginning of the year is
coming her deductible resets and so we will have to spend $2800 in the first two months
of 2021 on diabetes supplies. Please be praying that the Lord would provide for that

• To read the full article from the Culver Family, Please visit our website:
What I am thankful for:
~I am most Thankful for my amazing family. Family is everything and in this
crazy, unpredictable, ever-changing world, Family remains the same. They are
there for me, pick me up when I need it, put me in my place, give me a shoulder to
cry on, an ear to rant to, and a loving hug when I've had about all I can take.
I could have had the worst day imaginable, but when I come home to my son and
he runs to me, arms wide open, all that goes away and I swear I see God in his
eyes. He is the reason I breathe. God has truly blessed me in ways I probably
don't deserve. I hope one day I can thank my Heavenly Father for all of my many,
wonderful, life-changing blessings.
Megan Elgin

~I am so thankful for my great grandchildren that were born in July. A set of

twins on the 21st and another little girl on the 31st. God is good.
Mary Holden

~I am most thankful for God’s faithfulness in every situation.

Missy Darling

~The continued health of our family and friends.

Faye Robinson

~What I am most thankful for.... It is probably the same as everyone else, my

health, my freedom.
But if you are looking for more unique thankfulness ideas, I would say I am
thankful for technology. Even though it is a curse sometimes, it certainly made
life a lot easier during the pandemic. Zoom and Face Time are great inventions
that allow us to connect to people in a more personal way :)
Sherrie Hill

~Thankful that I believe in The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost.
Karen Craft

~Thankful for a supportive family.

Nancy Schmidt 7
~I am most thankful for my family during the Thanksgiving season of 2020. My
mom and dad, Lloyd and Carol and my sister, Heather are my foundation. Then, I
cherish my blended family made up of: my 14 year old son, Taylor, 9 year old
daughter, McKenzie and significant other, Kenny. In addition, I am thankful for
my stepchildren, Addy, 11 years old and Owen 13 years old. I am so blessed for
my children to have a stepmother, Juniper who is very caring and loving with
McKenzie and Taylor. I am also proud to call Lollie, Lee, and my second son,
Norman Lee not friends, but family.

~In closing, "family: where life begins, and love never ends."
Amy Taylor

~I read something on Facebook this week that said, "This is NOT the year to
get everything you want; but it is the year to appreciate everything you have."
That is so true. The pandemic has certainly impacted us all - some far more
than others. But one good impact has been that it forced us to slow down and
focus on the things that are most important. For me, not being able to
attend church last spring [for the first time in my life], and not being able to
have church be everything that I want and need it to be right now has been
challenging. I can live without shopping or eating out, but I miss small group; I
miss choir. But the reality is that it has taught me that I can't rely on someone
or something else to foster my spiritual growth. That is my responsibility, and
having the time and the quiet the pandemic has provided has allowed me to "lean
in" and to commune with God in ways I haven't before. Sometimes our greatest
blessings are things that come in unexpected ways; things we didn't even know
we needed.
Kay Nickolson

~Thankful for the joy of having such wonderful, loving and giving people in my
Trudy Clark

~We are thankful for family, our health, and the freedom to grow in Christ as a
Dianne & Mally Faust
The daily book of positive quotes
November 17
"We shall find peace.
We shall hear angels.
We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds."
Anton Chekov

Whatever our faith, a belief in miracles helps us enjoy everyday life. Miracles
can be as ordinary-- and wonderful --as a drop of rain, the birth of a child, or a
moment of quiet.

I live amid miracles.

Praying for everyone’s health & happiness. Melanie Tarr

~Of course I am very thankful for my family and our health especially this year
with the pandemic.
But I think I am very blessed and thankful for all my friends. I have girlfriends
ranging in age from 35 to 82.
I have friends in many states and when I call them to chat these days, we just
pick up where we left off in our last conversations.
I never realized how important friends are. We are born into families for better
or worse, but we choose our friends and we need to choose wisely, because they
can make or break us, and true friends are there in good times and more
importantly in the bad times.
That is when you really know who your friends are. Some friends are a lot of
work to keep and those are rainy day friends.
A good friend forgives you if you are sharp with them and knows you really do
not mean it.
If they are not always kind to you, know that that does not make them bad. It
just makes them human like the rest of us.
When we have been socially isolated most of this year, it is soooooo nice to call
and hear our friends voices and laugh and cry with them. I guess I am also very
thankful for the invention of the telephone and eventually the cell phone.
Wouldn’t our ancestors have loved to have been able to talk on the phone
traveling west in covered wagons or coming over to America on the old time
Ann Collier 9
Pastor Sudlersville United Methodist Charge
Shively Prayer List
410-438-6127 Cindy Bidinotto, Dickie & Barbara Bostic,
Janet Bowers, Christina Carroll, Dot Coleman, Linda Cox,
Cell Phone:
410-739-0301 Nathan & Olivia Culver, Betty & George Davis,
John Donnelly, Charlotte Dukes, Karen Durham,
Church Mike Faulkner, Doris Fletcher, Tom Glanding,
Office: Rick Gustafuson, Nancy Hebdon, Kathy Hemstock,
PO Box 202
Robert Hodge, Mary Holden
103 N. Church St.
Sudlersville, Candy Lemon, Darren Leonard, Eddie Leslie,
M D. 2 1 6 6 8 Rev. Linda Mariner, Jackie Meredith,
Nancy Ober, Brian Russell, Nancy Shively,
Office Phone: Pauline Shockley, Sarah Suit, Marion Swindell,
410-438-3816 Cyrus Wallace, Harry Stup, Rachel Weedman
& Paul Willey
Office Hours:
Thursday Recently Departed
9am– 1pm Charles Harp
James Harvey
Special Requests Teachers & Students
sudlersville- First Responders
Veterans with Mental Health Issues
Website: Our Nation Our Churches

Those Serving in the Military

Jeffery Coleman
Norman Lee Dixon
Alex Lorenz

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