Is There A Role For Cherries in The Management of Gout?: Marcum W. Collins, Kenneth G. Saag and Jasvinder A. Singh

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TAB0010.1177/1759720X19847018Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal DiseaseMW Collins, KG Saag

Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease Review

Is there a role for cherries in the

Ther Adv Musculoskel Dis

2019, Vol. 11: 1–16

management of gout? DOI: 10.1177/

© The Author(s), 2019.

Article reuse guidelines:
Marcum W. Collins , Kenneth G. Saag and Jasvinder A. Singh

Abstract:  Despite the availability of effective urate-lowering therapy (ULT) and anti-
inflammatory drugs for the treatment of gout, there is considerable interest in novel
treatment approaches. Patients with gout often have a multitude of comorbidities, leading
to concern over drug–drug interactions and medication adverse events. The cherry is a
small nutrient-rich fruit that has garnered a great deal of attention in recent years as a
nonpharmacologic option for the treatment of a multitude of disease manifestations. Perhaps
a quarter of patients with gout try cherries or cherry products to treat their gout, which
have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory (IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-8, COX-I and -II) properties,
hypouricemic effects, and the ability to downregulate NFkB-mediated osteoclastogenesis.
Based on these properties, cherries may reduce both the acute and chronic inflammation
associated with recurrent gout flares and its chronic destructive arthropathy. In this review,
we explore the potential benefits of cherries and cherry products as a nonpharmacologic
option for the treatment of gout.

Keywords:  anthocyanins, anti-inflammatory, cherries, gout, serum urate, quercetin, tart cherry

Received: 13 November 2018; revised manuscript accepted: 28 March 2019.

Introduction find themselves seeking complementary or alter- Correspondence to:

Marcum W. Collins
Gout is a chronic and often debilitating disease native therapies. UAB Hospital, 1720 2nd
associated with recurrent flares of inflammatory Avenue South, FOT 839,
Birmingham, AL 35294,
arthritis, manifesting as severe pain and joint dys- Qualitative research suggests that approximately a USA
function, which, if untreated, can lead to joint quarter of gout patients use cherry products (cher- marcumcollins@uabmc.
damage and significant morbidity. Once thought ries, cherry extract, or cherry juice) to treat their
Kenneth G. Saag
of as the disease of kings, gout has a prevalence of gout.7 An internet-based survey of patients with University of Alabama at
3.9% in the US, affecting 8.3 million adults,1,2 self-reported, physician-diagnosed gout found that Birmingham, Birmingham,
with a doubling of incidence seen in both men 24% preferred cherry extract as a potential means Jasvinder A. Singh
and women over the past 20 years.3 Several urate- for chronic ULT.10 Providers and patients believe Birmingham VA Med
Center, Birmingham, USA
lowering therapies (ULTs) successfully decrease that more ULT options are needed, since a propor-
the burden of gout; however, they are not without tion of patients with gout cannot be treated with the
potential risks. Patients with gout often have a currently available ULTs due to low medication
multitude of comorbidities,4–6 leading to concern adherence, contraindications, inefficacy or partial
over drug–drug interactions and medication efficacy, or adverse events.11 Patients also prefer
adverse events7 including skin rash, gastrointesti- disease self-management strategies such as diet
nal side effects, infusion reactions, and rare life- modification, exercise, weight reduction, medica-
threatening hypersensitivity reactions to certain tion self-management, as well as use of natural
gout drugs.8,9 In fact, patients ranked interaction therapies as management options for their chronic
of gout medication with medications for other diseases.12,13 This implies that additional treatment
medical conditions as one of their biggest con- options for gout, including complementary medi-
cerns when treating gout.7 Therefore, it is no cines such as cherries, are of high interest to patients
wonder that many patients afflicted with gout and possibly to healthcare providers as well. 1

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License
( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission
provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease 11

Table 1.  Nutrients found in sweet raw cherries and mean cyanidin content in cherry products.

Cherry product Mean cyanidin content**

(mg/100 g edible portion)

Sour, dry, unsweetened 6.83

Sour, dry, sweetened 2.27

Sour powder 31.42

Sour, red, frozen, unsweetened 10.13

Sour, red, raw (Prunus cerasus) 32.57

Sweet, raw (Prunus avium) 30.21

Sour cherry juice concentrate 10.39

Nutrient* Value (per 100 g edible)

Energy (kcal) 63

Protein (g) 1.06

Total lipid (g) 0.2

Carbohydrate (g) 16.01

Fiber, total dietary (g) 2.1

Calcium (mg) 13

Magnesium (mg) 11

Phosphorus (mg) 21

Potassium (mg) 222

Vitamin C (mg) 7

Vitamin A (IU) 64

Vitamin E (mg) 0.07

Vitamin K (µg) 2.1

Carotene, beta (µg) 38
* Adapted
from the USDA database for the flavonoid content of selected foods, release 3.1.34
** Adapted
from the national nutrient database for standard reference legacy release.35
USDA, US Department of Agriculture.

Cherries in cardiovascular disease,19,20 diabetes,20,21 and

The cherry is a small nutrient-rich fruit garnering cancer.22 Cherries are typically grouped into two
a great deal of attention as a nonpharmacologic major categories, sweet (Prunus avium) and tart
option for the treatment of a multitude of disease /sour (Prunus cerasus). The most commonly grown
manifestations in recent years. Cherries contain cultivar of sweet cherry in the US is the Bing,
vitamins A, C, E, and phenolics such as anthocya- while the most common for tart cherry is the
nins14,15 (Table 1). The recognition of antioxidant Montmorency cherry.14 The stage of ripening,
and anti-inflammatory properties of cherries has among other things, plays a role in the content of
prompted numerous studies examining their potentially therapeutic compounds found in cher-
benefits in patients with gout,16 insomnia,17 muscle ries, with ascorbic acid, total phenolics, antioxi-
endurance and recovery,18 and potential benefit dant activity, and total anthocyanins increasing as

MW Collins, KG Saag et al.

the fruit ripens.23 In addition to raw cherries, Anthocyanins and other phenolics found in cher-
numerous cherry products including juices, pow- ries have antioxidant properties.31,33,39–42 Phenolic
ders, concentrates, and extracts are commercially antioxidants appear to interfere with the oxida-
available. For example, one 8 oz bottle of a tart tion process as free radical terminators, and ulti-
cherry juice blend is equivalent to 50 cherries.24 mately decrease the formation of volatile
One tablespoon (0.5 oz/~15 ml) of cherry juice decomposition products.43
concentrate made from fresh cherries is equivalent
to 45–60 cherries,25 with a 30 ml (1 oz) dose of Cherry skins have the highest in antioxidant
Montmorency tart cherry concentrate equivalent activity, with Montmorency tart cherry skins
to 90 whole Montmorency cherries.26 Most tart carrying the highest in total phenolics and anti-
cherry extracts and powders are available as oral oxidant activities among the cherries tested.33
capsules, for which one of the available commer- Tart cherry juice concentrate has the highest
cial products contains 480 mg of tart Montmorency oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC),
cherry powder, roughly equivalent to 16 ounces of followed by dried cherries, frozen cherries, and
tart cherry juice.27 canned cherries.39 Two animal models evaluated
the effect of anthocyanins on the markers of oxi-
Anthocyanins, phenolic compounds belonging to dative stress, showing an increase in total anti-
the family of flavonoids, are water-soluble oxidant capacity and superoxide dismutase in
pigments found in cherries that possess both anti- rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis,29 and lower
oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties,28–31 levels of nitrotyrosine and inducible nitric oxide
characteristics attracting increasing interest over synthetase in the joints of mice with collagen-
their potential health benefits. Cherries contain induced arthritis treated with anthocyanin, when
high amounts of anthocyanins as compared with compared with untreated controls.44 Twenty
other fruits. The major anthocyanins found in recreational marathon runners had a significant
edible fruits like cherries are cyanidin, pelargoni- increase (about 10%) in total antioxidative sta-
din, peonidin, delphinidin, petunidin, and malvi- tus after 5 days of tart cherry juice use versus pla-
din, with cyanidin being the most abundant.15,28,32 cebo, with lower thiobarbituric acid reactive
The mean cyanidin content of the various cherry species, a marker of oxidative stress, 48  h
products can be seen in Table 1. The highest postrace.45
anthocyanin concentration in cherries is found in
Bing cherries (40% higher content in the skins of
Bing cherries, and nearly three times the antho- Anti-inflammatory effects of cherries and
cyanin content in the edible portion compared anthocyanins
with Montmorency), with the majority of bioac-
tive substances concentrated in the skins of Cytokine inhibition
both.33 The anthocyanin content of cherries can Gout is associated with the tissue deposition of
be affected by processing, with canning leading to urate crystals in the setting of hyperuricemia,
50% transfer of anthocyanins and total phenolics with a subsequent crystal-induced inflammatory
from fruit to syrup, with varying degrees of degra- response. Urate crystals stimulate monocyte and
dation with frozen storage.33 synovial cell production of interleukin (IL)-6 and
tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α),46,47 as well
as chemotactic IL-8.48 When stimulated by IL-1,
Cherries as antioxidants IL-6, and IL-23, T-helper 17 (Th17) cells pro-
Through the process of metabolism in normal duce pro-inflammatory cytokines including IL-6,
cells, toxic reactive oxygen and nitrogen species IL-17, and TNF-α.49 Recent work has also shown
are produced, leading to oxidative stress that can that urate crystals activate the NACHT, leucin-
result in severely compromised cell functioning, rich repeat and pyrin domains containing protein
direct cell injury, and even cell death.36 Oxidative (NALP3) inflammasome,50 resulting in the pro-
stress plays a role in the manifestations of gout, duction of IL-1β, whose inhibition has been
precipitated by the generation of reactive oxygen shown to prevent the pain and inflammation
species (ROS) and pro-inflammatory cytokines.37 response to urate.51
The enzyme xanthine oxidoreductase, responsi-
ble for the conversion of hypoxanthine to xan- Despite positive results from studies of the anti-
thine to urate in the final process of purine inflammatory effects of both cherries and antho-
metabolism, also leads to the generation of ROS.38 cyanins, the data are limited at best. In a murine 3
Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease 11

model examining the effects of anthocyanins on evaluating the COX inhibitory activity of sweet
collagen-induced arthritis, joints from mice and sour cherries found that red sweet cherries
treated with anthocyanins had lower levels of showed the greatest COX-II inhibitory capacity
IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17, and TNF-α, as well as the among those tested, with sweet and tart cherries
cell populations secreting them. Furthermore, showing similar COX-I inhibition, as seen in
treated mice had fewer Th17 cells, as well as sup- Table 2 below.30 Positive controls in this study
pressed Th17 differentiation.44 Rats with adju- were aspirin, celecoxib, and rofecoxib, with
vant-induced arthritis treated with anthocyanins rofecoxib showing similar COX-II inhibition to
extracted from tart cherries had lower levels of the cherries tested.30 Tart cherry juice concen-
both TNF-α and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the trate showed the greatest COX-I inhibitory activ-
paws.29 IL-6 production was inhibited by 41–96% ity when compared with frozen, dried, and canned
in an in vitro study using cluster of differentiation tart cherries,39 with tart cherry extract associated
40 ligand (CD40L)-stimulated vascular endothe- with inhibition of COX-I and COX-II by 65%
lial cells treated with anthocyanin metabolites.19 and 38%, respectively.20
Vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1),
whose expression during an inflammatory state Anthocyanins from sweet and tart cherries showed
mediates leukocyte adhesion,52 was reduced by similar COX-I inhibition, with greater COX-II
up to 65% with anthocyanins extracted from tart inhibition seen in sweet cherries which compared
cherries,19 indicating that anthocyanins may also favorably to NSAID controls using ibuprofen and
play a role in leukocyte migration. Despite evi- naproxen.31 These studies would suggest that
dence of significant anti-inflammatory effects of both sweet and tart cherries contain the ability to
anthocyanins from in vitro and animal models, inhibit the COX enzymes, with sweet cherries
there is a lack of studies examining its clinical showing superior COX-II inhibition when com-
benefit in humans. A randomized, double-blind, pared with tart cherries, nevertheless it is impor-
placebo-controlled trial investigating the anti- tant to note that these are all in vitro studies. In
inflammatory effect of 320 mg/day of purified human chondrocytes, the anthocyanin delphini-
anthocyanin in 150 hypercholesterolemic adults din was shown to inhibit IL-1β-induced expres-
found that patients treated with purified antho- sion of COX-II, known to be increased during
cyanin had significantly decreased plasma levels inflammatory states,56 as well as the production of
of IL-1β and soluble VCAM-1 compared with PGE255 indicating that even the less-abundant
placebo controls.53 Interestingly, no significant anthocyanins may play a crucial role in decreasing
changes were seen in levels of TNF-α between inflammation.
the two groups,53 which may relate to the absence
of induced inflammation in this study population
when compared with the animal models above. Impact of anthocyanins on
In studies using cherry products, cherry juice To understand the impact cherries may have in
concentrate inhibited IL-1β secretion by 60% managing patients with gout, we first need to
and TNF-α by 45% in an in vitro study examining appreciate the pathophysiology of gout. Osteoclasts
the secretion of ILs in monosodium urate (MSU)- are important modulators of bone resorption and
stimulated monocytes.25 Lower postrace levels of erosive damage in gout patients.57 Patients with
IL-6 (49%) were seen in a small study of 20 rec- severe erosive and tophaceous disease have
reational marathon runners treated with 16 oz/ enhanced osteoclastogenesis.58 Tartrate-resistant
day of tart cherry juice when compared with pla- acid phosphatase (TRAP), expressed by osteo-
cebo controls.45 However, the small study size clasts, is secreted during bone resorption and has
and limited/no generalizability to patients with been linked to osteoclast activity.59 TRAP-positive
gout are major limitations, indicating that more osteoclasts and multinucleated cells are present
studies are needed. around tophi and in osteolytic lesions in gout.58,60
Their differentiation is regulated by macrophage
colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and the inter-
Effect on COX-I and COX-II pathways action between nuclear factor kappa-B (NFκB)/
Prostaglandins, inflammatory instigators whose receptor activator of NFκB (RANK) on osteoclast
production is mediated by cyclooxygenases precursor cells and RANK ligand (RANKL)
(COXs), are also produced as a result of crystal- expressed on or secreted by mature osteoblasts.57,61
induced inflammation.54 An in vitro study Higher circulating levels of RANKL and M-CSF,58

MW Collins, KG Saag et al.

as well as IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-α produced by A study examining the effects of anthocyanin on
infiltrated mononuclear cells, have been reported both collagen-induced arthritis in mice and
in gout.60 RANKL is also strongly expressed in T human peripheral blood mononuclear cells found
cells, and the significantly reduced number of that the use of anthocyanin resulted in lower lev-
TRAP-positive cells seen in T-cell-depleted cul- els of IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-17 in the
tures shows the important role played by T cells in affected joints, with fewer Th17 cells, suppressed
osteoclastogenesis.60 NFκB signaling, and decreased numbers of

Table 2.  Anti-inflammatory properties of cherries and anthocyanins.

Author Study Treatment Cytokine Major findings Comments

In vitro studies

In vitro study examining Cyanidin-3-glucoside 41–96% decreased Greatest reduction

effects of metabolites and metabolites at 0.1, production of IL-6 in IL-6 seen from
Amin of C3G on IL-6 and 1, and 10 μmol/l (p ⩽ 0.03/p ⩽ 0.001) anthocyanin
et al.19 VCAM-1 in CD40L metabolites
stimulated endothelial

In vitro study testing Cherry juice Secretion of TNF-α TNF-α inhibited at

the effect of cherry concentrate, at inhibited by 45% dilution of 1:4000;
Schlesinger TNF-α
juice concentrate on concentration with Secretion of IL-1β IL-1β inhibited at
et al.25 IL-1β
secretion of IL by MSU- no cytotoxic effect on inhibited by 60% dilution of 1:1600
stimulated monocytes monocytes

Animal studies

In vitro and in vivo Anthocyanin from Joints from treated Also showed
studies investigating black soybean seed mice had lower decreased Th17
the therapeutic effects coats, 60 mg/kg/day for levels of IL-1β, IL-6, cells, lower levels
of anthocyanin in 7 weeks IL-1β
IL-17, TNF-α, and of nitrotyrosine and
Min et al.44 a murine model of (cyanidin-3-O- TNF-α
the cell populations inducible nitric oxide
collagen-induced glucoside, delphinidin- IL-6
secreting them (p < synthetase, and
arthritis 3-O-glucooside, IL-17
0.05) osteoclastogenesis
petunidine-3-O- inhibition

Human studies

Examine the effects T. cherry juice, two 8 Significantly lower 34% lower CRP
of tart cherry juice on oz bottles/day given (49%) postrace IL-6 elevation in cherry
markers of oxidative 5 days before, day of, elevation in cherry juice group; cherry
stress, inflammation, and 48 h postrace in IL-6 juice group versus juice inhibited
et al.45
and muscle damage, 10 runners placebo (41.8 versus postrace SU elevation
in 20 recreational 82.1 pg/ml, p < compared with
marathon runners 0.001) placebo

Randomized, double- Purified anthocyanin Significant decrease Significant increases

blind, placebo- extracted from in IL-1β (−12.8% in HDL, with
controlled trial bilberries and versus −1.3%, p decreases in LDL,
examining if long- blackcurrants, = 0.019) versus VCAM-1, hsCRP, IL-6,
term anthocyanin 320 mg/day for IL-1β placebo and IL-1β induced
Zhu et al.53
supplementation 24 weeks TNF-α No significant CRP production
inhibits the change in TNF-α versus placebo.
inflammatory response (−1.6%, p = 0.673)
in 150 patients with

(Continued) 5
Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease 11

Table 2. (Continued)

Author Study Treatment Findings Comments

inhibition inhibition

In vitro study examining Delphinidin The anthocyanin

the effects of 50 μg/ml to study delphinidin inhibited
delphinidin on IL-1β NFκB; Delphinidin inhibited IL-1β induced IL-1β, production of
mediated expression of expression of COX-II mRNA in OA PGE2, and induced
et al.55
COX-II and production 10 μg/ml to study chondrocytes activation of NFкB
of PGE2 in OA COX-II

In vitro study examining T. cherry extract

the effects of tart T. cherry extract 65% 38% inhibited xanthine
Kirakosyan cherry extract on Cyanidin 3-gluc 47% 36% oxidase by 26%
et al.20 enzymes related Cyanidin-3-rut 45% 38%
to diabetes and Quercetin 53% 42%
cardiovascular disease

In vitro study examining Cherries Controls using ASA,

the anthocyanin (assayed at 250 μg/ml) celecoxib, rofecoxib
content, lipid (assayed at 60 μmol/l,
Mulabagal peroxidation, and 26 nmol/l, 32 nmol/l
et al.30 COX enzyme inhibitory Red sweet 80–89% 93–96% respectively) showed
activities of sweet and Balaton tart 84% 91% COX-I inhibition at
sour cherries Montmorency tart 86% 87% ~70%, 40%, 1%; COX-II
at 30%, 75%, 90%

In vitro study T. cherry products, to Total phenolics and

comparing the include cherry juice T. cherry juice concentrate ORAC were highest
antioxidant and anti- concentrate, frozen, showed the greatest COX-I activity in juice concentrate
Ou et al.39
inflammatory activity canned, and dried inhibition, followed by frozen and Total anthocyanins
in processed T. cherry canned highest in frozen
products cherries
In vitro study examining NSAID controls
the antioxidant and using ibuprofen and
Balaton 27% 38%
COX inhibitory activity naproxen showed
Seeram Montmorency 25% 37%
of anthocyanins from COX-I inhibition at
et al.31 Sweet cherries 29% 47%
tart and sweet cherries 47.5% and 54.3%,
Cyanidin 39% 47%
COX-II at 39.8% and
COX, cyclooxygenase; CRP, C-reactive protein; T. cherry, tart cherry; cyanidin 3-gluc, cyanidin 3-glucoside; cyanidin-3-rut, cyanidin-3-
rutinoside; C3G, cyanidin 3-glucoside; MSU, monosodium urate; OA, osteoarthritis; ASA, aspirin; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
hsCRP, ; mRNA, messenger ribonucleic acid; ORAC, oxygen radical absorbance capacity; PGE2, prostaglandin E2; IL, interleukin; mRNA,
messenger ribonucleic acid; NFκB, nuclear factor kappa B; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; VCAM, vascular cell
adhesion molecule; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; SU, serum urate; Th, T helper cell.

RANK or TRAP-positive multinucleated cells cyanidin-3-glucoside also reduced induction of

compared with untreated controls.44 In vitro stud- transcription factors important for osteoclast dif-
ies using the anthocyanin cyanidin showed a ferentiation,63 with similar results using the
dose-dependent inhibitory effect on RANKL- anthocyanin delphinidin, which showed a strong
induced osteoclastogenesis,62 inhibition of inhibitory effect on NFκB activation in chondro-
RANKL-mediated osteoclast differentiation and cytes.64 Cyanidin-3-glucoside enhanced genes
formation, decreased total TRAP activity, and related to osteoblast differentiation, suggesting
downregulated expression of osteoclast differen- cyanidin may also augment bone formation.63
tiation marker genes.63 Pretreatment with This suggested that the use of anthocyanins

MW Collins, KG Saag et al.

could potentially ameliorate osteoclastogenesis in properties,69–72 and may be yet another active
patients with gout, yet is again difficult to draw compound in cherries with beneficial properties
accurate conclusions when the available studies for treating gout. Protection against oxidative
are of predominantly in vitro design. DNA damage was observed in a dose-dependent
manner in a study using quercetin in vitro, with a
significant increase in total antioxidant capacity
Other bioactive components in cherries in eight healthy females treated with quercetin-
rich fruit juice for 4 weeks.72 Quercetin inhibited
Vitamin C in vitro COX-I and II activity by 52.8% and
Vitamin C, a water-soluble antioxidant found in 42.3%, respectively,20 reduced COX-II mRNA
cherries, has been studied as a potential treatment expression in both unstimulated and IL-1β-
for gout. Using data from the Health Professionals stimulated colon cancer cells,73 and significantly
Follow-up Study, vitamin C intake over a 20-year decreased COX-II activity in rats with crystal-
period in people with no prior history of gout low- induced inflammation.70 Improved arthritis
ered the risk of incident gout by 17% with vitamin scores, decreased joint circumference, and signifi-
C intake of greater than 500 mg/d, with a 45% cantly decreased levels of TNF-α and IL1-β have
lower risk for those taking over 1500 mg/day.65 A also been observed in animal models,70,71 which
second study from the same cohort evaluated the compared favorably with 3 mg/kg of indometha-
effect of vitamin C intake on serum urate (SU) in cin70 in rats with crystal-induced inflammation.
men with a body mass index (BMI) < 30 kg/m² Quercetin reversibly inhibited the formation of
and no history of hypertension.66 Vitamin C urate and superoxide radicals catalyzed by xan-
intake of 500 mg/day or higher was associated thine oxidase (XO) in a concentration-dependent
with ~0.7 mg/dl lower level of SU when compared manner similar to that of allopurinol in vitro,74 sug-
with subjects taking less than 90 mg/day.66 This gesting a dual role in gout. Unfortunately, studies
study lacked the information on the use of ULT, evaluating the effects of quercetin in humans are
though a similar result was obtained when gout sparse. In a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-
patients were excluded. A strength of these stud- controlled, crossover trial evaluating the use of
ies is that they were well powered given the large quercetin on plasma urate in 22 healthy prehyper-
sample size, though the cohort of male health uricemic males, a significant decrease in plasma
professionals would not be generalizable to all urate of 8% with daily supplementation for 4 weeks
men. In comparison with the first two studies, was noted, with a greater urate-lowering effect in
doses of 500 mg/day for 8 weeks did not show sig- patients with higher urate levels when compared
nificant urate-lowering effects in patients with with untreated controls.75 Studies using quercetin
gout already taking allopurinol,67 but the short can be seen in Table 3 below.
follow up and lower dose might explain the
absence of an association. Though vitamin C may
have a role in lowering SU levels, possibly via a Clinical evidence for cherries in gout: effect
uricosuric effect,68 one would need large quanti- on gout flares
ties of cherries to glean an overall benefit from a In a large case-crossover study using an online
potentially therapeutic dose of vitamin C. The gout survey (n = 633), cherry intake over a 2-day
ascorbic acid concentration of sweet cherries is period was associated with a 35% lower risk of
about 28 mg per 100 g,23 indicating that > 2 kg of gout attack/flare, and any cherry extract use low-
cherry intake would be needed to observe an ered the risk by 45%.16 In combination with
effect similar to the first study noted above.65 allopurinol, cherry intake was associated with a
75% risk reduction in gout flares. Cherry effects
were independent of sex and race, as well as
Quercetin purine intake and alcohol consumption, which
Quercetin, a flavonol and member of the flavo- are risk factors for gout flares. The antigout ben-
noid family of phenolics,43 is found in a variety of efits of cherries peaked around three servings over
fruits including cherries. According to the United a 2-day period.16
States Department of Agriculture (USDA) data-
base, sour (tart) cherry powder has the highest In one research report, a series of three small
quercetin content when compared with other studies evaluated the use of cherry juice concen-
cherry products.34 Quercetin has been well stud- trate for gout flare prophylaxis.25 The first study
ied for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory was a small randomized controlled trial (RCT) 7
Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease 11

Table 3.  Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and hypouricemic effects of quercetin.

Author Study Treatment Findings Comments

In vitro studies
In vitro study examining Quercetin (0.1 mg/ml) Enzymatic activity inhibition: Tart cherry extract
the effects of tart cherry extracted from tart COX-I by 52.8%; with 65.1% and 37.8%
on enzymes related to cherry powder COX-II by 42.3%; inhibition on COX-I and
et al.20
cardiovascular disease and XO by 10%; II, XO by 26%
diabetes lipoxygenase by 67%
Examine the effect of Quercetin Quercetin and its conjugates Effect was not dose
flavonoids and vitamin E and quercetin reduced COX-II expression in both dependent
O’Leary on COX-II transcription and conjugates at 0.1, unstimulated and IL-1β stimulated
et al.73 COX activity in vitro 1.0, and 10 µmol/l colon cancer cells; COX-II activity
concentrations inhibited by up to 85%

Examine the protective In vitro: quercetin at In vitro: significant (p < 0.01) Ex vivo: oxidative
effects of quercetin against various concentrations dose-dependent protection against damage
oxidative DNA damage (0–100 μmol/l) formation of oxidative damage and nonsignificantly
Wilms and formation of bulky BPDE-DNA adducts (p < 0.05). (p = 0.07) decreased
DNA adducts in vitro and In vivo, 8 female
et al.72 by 41%, BPDE-
in vivo/ex vivo in human volunteers consumed In vivo: TEAC increased from 773 to
855 μmol/l TE (p = 0.04) at 4 weeks DNA adduct level
lymphocytes 1 l of quercetin-rich
nonsignificantly (p =
juice daily for 4 weeks
0.24) decreased by 11%
In vitro study exploring Quercetin dissolved in Quercetin reversibly inhibited the Inhibition was dose
the inhibitory action of absolute ethanol and generation of urate and superoxide dependent Allopurinol
Zhang quercetin on xanthine diluted to different radicals concentration resulting
et al.74 oxidase concentrations Concentration of quercetin in 50% loss of enzyme
resulting in 50% loss of enzyme activity was 2.69 ± 0.02
activity was 2.74 ± 0.04 × 10−6 mol/l × 10−6 mol/l
Animal studies
Animal model examining Quercetin at 100, 200, Dose-dependent improvement in Similar effect seen
the effects of quercetin and 400 mg/kg given joint circumference, decreased in rats treated with
on MSU crystal-induced orally daily for 7 days. synovitis at 200 or 400 mg/kg, and indomethacin at
Jingqun- inflammation in rats significantly decreased levels of 3 mg/kg Statistically
Huang TNF-α (p < 0.01), IL1-β (p < 0.01), significant
et al.70 and COX-II (p < 0.05) improvement in
antioxidant status
(SOD, catalase,
In vivo and in vivo/ex vivo Quercetin 150 mg/ Oral quercetin at 150 mg/rat PGE₂ production
study examining the effects rat by gavage; 25 and (p < 0.0004) and IC quercetin at 50 unchanged
Mamani- of quercetin on macrophage 50 mg/rat IC, every >25 mg/rat significantly reduced
Matsuda activation and inflammatory 2 days x5 doses arthritis scores, and significantly
et al.71 mediators in chronic decreased levels of TNF-α (p <
adjuvant-induced arthritis 0.02), IL1-β (p < 0.003), and MCP1
in rats (p < 0.014)
Human studies
Randomized, double- One tablet containing After 4 weeks, plasma urate levels Fasting glucose,
blinded, placebo-controlled, 500 mg quercetin daily decreased from baseline of 330 ± urinary excretion of
crossover trial examining for 4 weeks 56 μmol/l (5.55 ± 0.94 mg/dl) to 304 urate, and BP were
Shi et al.75 the effects of quercetin ± 48 μmol/l (5.11 ± 0.81 mg/dl), unchanged
on plasma urate, BP, p < 0.008
and fasting glucose in 22
healthy males without gout
BPDE, benzo(a)pyrene [B(a)P] diolepoxide; COX, cyclooxygenase; DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; MCP1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; MSU,
monosodium urate; BP, blood pressure; TE, Trolox equivalent; TEAC, Trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity; XO, xanthine oxidase; IL, interleukin;
TNF, tumor necrosis factor; SOD, superoxide dismutase; PGE2, prostaglandin E2; IC, intracutaneous.

MW Collins, KG Saag et al.

comparing cherry juice concentrate and pome- Significant urate-lowering effects were also seen
granate juice. Cherry juice concentrate (Brownwood in two studies using healthy human participants,
Acres Foods, Michigan, MI, US) at a dose of 1 with a notable difference between the two cherry
tablespoon twice daily for 4 months reduced the products used. The plasma urate concentration
number of flares from about 5 to 1.5 over a decreased by 14% 5 h after consuming two serv-
4-month period (9 patients), with 55% of patients ings of sweet Bing cherries (~45 cherries), with a
in the cherry group flare free at 4 months when 73% increase in urinary urate at 3 h.78 This com-
compared with 20% in patients taking pomegran- pares with 30 ml (1 oz) of tart cherry concentrate
ate juice (control group; 5 patients). Additionally, (equivalent to 90 cherries), which was associated
55% taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with ~36% decrease in SU, and ~250% increase
(NSAIDs) chronically in the cherry juice group in urinary urate excretion,26 with similar results
discontinued the use of their NSAIDs within seen with 60 ml tart cherry concentrate. In con-
2 months. In another study of 24 patients with trast, two small studies using cherry juice concen-
gout who took cherry juice concentrate for trate for gout flare prophylaxis in patients with
4 months or longer as chronic flare prophylaxis, crystal-proven gout, also at a dose equivalent to
the number of gout flares per year decreased from ~90 cherries, showed a decrease in gout flare rate
nearly seven to two with the use of cherry juice despite no significant change in SU from base-
concentrate. Of those patients, 45% were not on line.25 These studies had small sample sizes, with
chronic ULT, but gout flare rate decreased both the major difference between these studies being:
in patients with versus without concomitant ULT (a) healthy subjects as compared with those with
use. The average SU in cherry-juice-treated crystal-proven gout; (b) duration of treatment
patients also taking allopurinol decreased signifi- (hours versus months); and (c) the time of assess-
cantly after 4–6  months of treatment (8.4 to ment, with the latter study measuring SU at day 0
6.2 mg/dl), as compared with the SU level in and 120. These studies suggest that cherries may
patients not taking ULT that remained relatively have urate-lowering properties, possibly through
unaltered (9.0 to 8.7 mg/dl), suggesting comple- inhibition of XO or increased renal clearance,
mentary effects when using with allopurinol. which were noted in healthy participants, but not
After 4–6 months, 50% of all patients consistently in people with gout. However, the conflicting
consuming cherry juice concentrate were flare data, potential for publication bias (namely, nega-
free; 62% of patients additionally on ULT were tive studies less likely to be published), and lack
flare free at 4–6 months, and 36% of patients not of consensus as to which active compound in
on ULT were flare free despite an average SU of cherries lowers urate reiterates the need for future
8.7 mg/dl.25 studies. Details of the studies examining the
urate-lowering potential of cherries are shown in
Table 4.
Urate-lowering potential of cherries and
anthocyanins Three small studies using anthocyanin extract
The recognition of cherries as beneficial in gout (proposed active ingredient in cherries and cherry
management dates back to 1950. An article extracts) in animal models showed positive results
reported the lowering of SU to baseline with suggesting anthocyanins may be beneficial in
resolution of recurrent gout flares after consum- managing gout (Table 2). A study examining the
ing 0.5 lb of cherries daily in 12 patients with effects of a single dose of 100–300 mg/kg antho-
gout.76 Unfortunately, there is a paucity of data cyanin extracts from purple sweet potato on
examining the urate-lowering potential of cher- hyperuricemic mice79 and rats81 found that com-
ries and cherry products. In an animal model pared with hyperuricemic controls, SU decreased
evaluating the effects of tart cherry juice in nor- by 29–60%,79,81 as compared with 5–10 mg/kg of
mal and hyperuricemic rats, 14 days of treat- allopurinol, which resulted in 82% reduction to
ment with tart cherry juice (5 ml/kg) significantly undetectable SU levels.79,81 Anthocyanin extract
decreased (20%) SU in hyperuricemic rats, a was also found to inhibit XO up to 91% when
finding not seen in normal controls. Hepatic compared with hyperuricemic controls in a dose-
XO was inhibited by 20% in hyperuricemic rats, dependent manner both in vivo and in vitro.81
suggesting a potential, though limited role in Extract from Hibiscus anthocyanins reduced SU
lowering SU through XO inhibition. In com- by 70%.80 These studies were limited, since
parison, allopurinol 5 mg/kg showed 58% XO none of them used anthocyanins extracted from
inhibition.77 cherries, raising the question of whether these 9
Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease 11

Table 4.  Studies evaluating cherries and anthocyanins on serum urate.

Author Study Treatment Serum urate Comments

Control Treated;
p value

Cherries and anthocyanins versus control (or before and after)

Animal studies

Animal model 14 days of oral XO inhibited by 20%

examining the effect tart cherry juice Hyperuricemic SU after 14 days of
of tart cherry juice (5 ml/kg) control 171.95 ± 25.78 μmol/l allopurinol (5 mg/kg)
Haidari on SU, xanthine 214.36 ± 26.42 (2.89 ± 0.43 mg/dl); was 72.38 ± 19.24
et al.77 oxidoreductase μmol/l μmol/l (1.22 ± 0.32 mg/
activity, and markers (3.60 ± p ⩽ 0.05 dl), with 58% XO
of oxidative stress in 0.44 mg/dl) inhibition

Animal model Single dose of Reduction of 60% in SU

examining the 100 mg/kg of One dose of allopurinol
hypouricemic effects APSP 4.1 ± 0.04 mg/d; 10 mg/kg reduced SU to
Hwa et al.79 of anthocyanin extracts 1.84 ± 0.13 mg/dl (82%)
10.25 ±
from purple sweet p < 0.01
0.63 mg/dl
potato (APSP) extract
on hyperuricemic mice

Animal model Hibiscus Reduction of 72% in SU

exploring the anthocyanin Significant SU
antitumor effect of extract at 0.2 g/ Leukemic rat 0.87 ± 0.22 mg/dl; reduction (p < 0.05)
Tsai et al.80 anthocyanin extract kg/day for control 3.07 ± also seen in rats
from Hibiscus 220 days 0.89 mg/dl p < 0.005 treated with 0.1 g/kg/d
sabdariffa in leukemic

Animal model Single dose Reduction of 29% in SU

examining the effects of 300 mg/ Positive control with
of anthocyanin-rich kg of APSP allopurinol 5 mg/kg
Hyperuricemic 95.50 μmol/l
purple sweet potato (anthocyanin lowered SU to nearly
Zhang control (1.61 mg/dl);
extract (APSPE) on content of 3.53 undetectable level
et al.81 134.67 μmol/l
XO activity in vitro/ in × 10⁴ cyanidin p < 0.001 Significant inhibitory
(2.26 mg/dl)
vivo, as well as SU in 3-glucoside activity on XO
hyperuricemic mice equivalent per
100 g APSPE)

Human studies

Single-blind, two- Montmorency Reduction of 36%

phase, randomized, tart cherry juice (178 µmol/l/ 2.99 mg/
8 hr
crossover study concentrate dl) in SU, 250% (178
Baseline: postsupplementation:
examining the effects at 30 or 60 ml μmol/mmol creatinine)
Bell et al.26 ~494 µmol/l ~316 µmol/l (5.31 mg/
of tart cherries on (30 ml tart increase in urinary
(8.3046 mg/dl) dl);
urate activity and cherry juice ~90 urate at 2 h
p < 0.0001
inflammation in 12 cherries) Change independent of
healthy participants dose

Examining the effects 280 g of sweet Reduction of 14% in SU

Baseline: 5 h postcherry
of cherry consumption Bing cherries Urinary urate increased
214 ± 13 consumption:
Jacob on plasma urate, (~45 cherries) from 202 ± 13 to 350
μmol/l 183 ± 15 μmol/l
et al.78 antioxidant, and ± 33 μmol/mmol
(3.60 ± (3.07± 0.25 mg/dl);
inflammatory markers creatinine (73%)
0.22 mg/dl) p <0.05
in 10 healthy women after 3 h

MW Collins, KG Saag et al.

Table 4. (Continued)

Author Study Treatment Serum urate Comments

Control Treated;
p value

Randomized controlled 1 Tbsp (~45–60 No significant change

trial of cherry versus cherries) of Pomegranate in serum urate
Cherry juice
pomegranate juice cherry juice juice
Schlesinger 8.37 ± 0.82 to
concentrate for gout concentrate 7.45 ± 1.62 to
et al.25 8.17 ± 1.1 mg/dl;
prophylaxis in 14 twice daily for 6.14 ±
patients with crystal- 4 months p value not provided
1.07 mg/dl
proven gout
Retrospective study 1 Tbsp (~45–60 Baseline SU in patients
evaluating cherry juice cherries) of receiving allopurinol
concentrate, taken for cherry juice After cherry juice: was 8.4 ± 0.6 mg/dl
Schlesinger Baseline: 8.7 ± 1.4 mg/dl;
over 4 months, on gout concentrate and decreased to 6.2 ±
et al.25 9.0 ± 1.1 mg/dl
flare prophylaxis in 24 twice daily for p = 0.5943 0.4 mg/dl (p = 0.0052)
crystal-proven gout 4–6 months
APSP, anthocyanin extracts from purple sweet potato; APSPE, anthocyanin-rich purple sweet potato extract; Tbsp, tablespoon; SU, serum urate;
XO, xanthine oxidase.

properties are truly generalizable to the family of patients with active gout. NSAIDs inhibit prosta-
anthocyanins, regardless of the fruit of origin. glandin synthesis through COX inhibition,84
Thus anthocyanins, an active ingredient in cher- whereas colchicine exerts its beneficial effects via
ries, may have urate-lowering properties. inhibition of microtubule polymerization and the
NLRP3 inflammasome that contributes to the
disruption of chemokine and cytokine secretion,
Gout treatment guidelines: how do as well as neutrophil migration.85 The use of
they define the role of cherries in gout cherries was associated with a reduction of gout
management? flares16,25 and inhibition of inflammatory pro-
According to the 2012 American College of cesses related to the inhibition of pro-inflamma-
Rheumatology (ACR) guidelines for manage- tory cytokines19,25,29,44,45,53 or COX enzymes20,30,31
ment of gout, an acute gouty arthritis attack in a manner similar to that of the current standard
should be treated with pharmacologic therapy, for of care. Whether cherry extract or products can
which the three preferred options are NSAIDs, play an adjunctive role to ULT in the long-term
systemic corticosteroids, or oral colchicine.82 management of gout needs to be examined using
Pharmacologic prophylaxis against flares is rec- rigorous RCT, placebo-controlled designs. The
ommended when initiating or titrating ULT, ACR also recommends that patients with an
preferably with colchicine or NSAIDs, should be established diagnosis of gout should be treated
initiated for the greater of: 6 months’ duration, with chronic ULT if there is evidence of tophi,
3 months after achieving target SU in people frequent attacks (at least two attacks per year),
without tophi, or 6 months after achieving target CKD II or worse, or history of urolithiasis.83
SU with resolution of prior tophi.83 Cherry Treatment should be initiated with the use of an
juice or extract was voted as inappropriate XO inhibitor such as allopurinol or febuxostat as
for the treatment of an acute gout attack.82 first-line therapy. Unfortunately, medication side
Recommendations to avoid naturally sweet fruit effects, including the rare possibility of life-threat-
juice were also included.83 However, the guide- ening hypersensitivity reactions with allopurinol
line noted ‘…more research is needed in diet and and the recent data showing that febuxostat was
lifestyle modifications for gout, especially direct associated with higher cardiovascular mortality
intervention studies.’83 The common occurrence and overall mortality,86 have heightened the con-
of comorbidities in gout, including chronic kid- cern with the use of these ULTs. Cherries and
ney disease (CKD) and diabetes, as well as the their associated compounds may have inhibitory
CYP3A4 medication interactions, make it diffi- effects, often in a dose-dependent manner, on
cult to provide safe anti-inflammatory options for XO,20,77,79,81,74 and therefore could be used as 11
Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease 11

Table 5.  Knowledge gaps.

Current knowledge gaps

Do cherries have complementary effects when combined with allopurinol or febuxostat?

At what dose do the various cherry products (juice, concentrate, extract) provide the most benefit in
treating gout?

At what dose do cherries or their contents compare with the available NSAIDs?

Which cherry components (anthocyanins or quercetin) have beneficial effects on gout?

Is there a dose at which cherries or cherry products have a detrimental effect?

Which gout subpopulation can best benefit from the use of cherries, or cherry products?
At what dose are cherries, cherry products, or their contents comparable to allopurinol and febuxostat?
NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

complementary treatments, in addition to the use is considerable interest in novel treatments and
of traditional ULT. approaches to the management of gout. In a patient-
centered approach, given the common use of cher-
ries and related products by patients with gout, we
Knowledge gaps: cherries and gout provide a focused review examining the current evi-
There is a paucity of data to currently support the dence. Data indicate that cherries and their prod-
use of cherries or cherry products in the treatment ucts have antioxidant properties, the capacity to
of gout. Numerous questions remain regarding inhibit several processes involved in the acute
the use of cherries and the role they could conceiv- inflammatory response to the urate crystals, and the
ably play in the management of gout (Table 5). ability to decrease bone resorption that is character-
For instance, at what dose would cherries and istic of gouty bone erosions. Phenolics, and more
their contents be comparable with the currently specifically, the anthocyanins found abundantly in
available XO inhibitors? In a study using hyper- cherries, have been linked to the inhibition of IL-6,
uricemic mice, anthocyanin extract at a dose of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-8, COX-I and COX-II, as well
100 mg/kg inhibited XO by 62% compared with as the downregulation of NFkB-mediated osteo-
80% inhibition with 10 mg/kg of allopurinol.79 An clastogenesis, suggesting that cherries may have the
in vitro study found that 10 mg/ml of anthocyanin ability to reduce both acute and chronic inflamma-
extract inhibited XO activity by nearly 90%, as tion that play a role in recurrent gout flares and
compared with allopurinol 100 mg that caused chronic destructive arthropathy. Additionally, cyan-
60% inhibition in XO activity.79 Another impor- idin-3-glucoside enhanced genes related to osteo-
tant question arises as to whether or not cherries blast differentiation, suggesting that anthocyanins
may also have complementary effects when used may also play a role in bone formation. The flavonol
in combination with allopurinol, an outcome seen quercetin has also emerged as yet another beneficial
in a study evaluating cherry consumption on component found in cherries, not only in its capac-
recurrent gout attacks that noted a 75% risk ity as an antioxidant, but also through inhibition of
reduction in gout attacks when combined with XO and inflammatory cytokines. Though there is
allopurinol.16 Similarly, a study using cherry juice evidence that cherries may lower SU and inhibit
concentrate for gout flare prophylaxis observed XO, possibly mediated by anthocyanins or querce-
that 62% of patients on ULT were flare free at tin, the data comparing cherries with traditional
4–6 months when combined with cherry juice ULT are lacking, and it is likely through inhibition
concentrate, as compared with only 36% of of acute and chronic inflammation that cherries
patients not on ULT that were flare free.25 may have a future as a nonpharmacologic option in
the management of gout. There are data, however,
suggesting that cherries may have complementary
Summary and conclusions effects on SU when combined with allopurinol,
Despite the availability of effective ULT and anti- indicating yet another area in need of further
inflammatory drugs for the treatment of gout, there examination.

MW Collins, KG Saag et al.

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this powerful fruit is becoming a more attractive Comorbidity burden, healthcare resource
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