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DATE: November 24th, 2020 Supervisors: teacher Carmen

SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială „Sfântu Andrei”, Sărmaș dir. teacher Țăran Liliana
CLASS: 7th grade
LEVEL: pre-intermediate
TIME: 40 minutes – online lesson
TEACHER: Moldovan Adriana
COURSEBOOK: Limba Modernă – Engleză pentru clasa a VII-a, Art, Herbert Puchta, J. Stranks & P.Lewis , București, 2019
UNIT: Unit 3: Travellers’ tales
LESSON: Present Perfect with ever/never
TYPE OF LESSON: communication of new knowledge
LESSON SKILLS: speaking, listening, reading, writing
Grammar: Present Perfect with ever/never
Communication: talking about life experiences
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Google Classroom. Google Meet, digital coursebook, PowerPoint Presentation
TEACHING TECHNIQUE: conversation, q-a, listening, reading, explanation, exercises, worksheet – the deception game
1.1. Selectarea principalelor idei din programe TV/ înregistrări audio-video pe teme familiare, dacă se vorbește relativ rar și cu
claritate. 2.1. Relatarea unei întâmplări / a unor experienţe personale.
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
 O1: to use the Present Perfect tense
 O2: listen to an audio file about people experiences (ever/never)
 O3: to identify the use of Present Perfect with ever/never
 O4: use the Present perfect tense with ever/never in sentences
Stages Aims Interaction Objectives Activities Timing Materials Obs.
Teacher Students
1. Warm-up To greet the Ss T-Ss T greets the Ss, checks Ss greet the T, 3’ -
To check the Ss-T the attendance announce if
attendance S-T T asks how are they somebody is absent
To create a relaxing feeling and say their
atmosphere T asks what cities would travelling
they like to visit and plans/desires
2. To check Ss’ Ss-T O1 T provides feedback and Ss read their 3’ notebook
Homework homework and offer corrects if necessary homework and
feedback to check T-Ss The next stage of the correct
understanding of lesson will focus on it if necessary
previously taught introducing Present
material Perfect Simple with
3. Lead-in To introduce the T-Ss O2 T tells Ss that they will Ss listen the 10’ Digital
topic of new lesson O3 listen a short (Ex. 1/pg. interview and mark Courseboo
To raise the Ss Ss-T 37) interview about the statements with k
interest for the lesson somebody talking about True/False
his travels; after they
listen, they have to mark
the statements with
T plays the interview
T says that for the next
part Ss will have to
listen and match the Ss listen, match the
events with the places events with the places
(Ex. 2/37) and then they answer
Further, they will listen the questions
the interview and
answer the questions
(Ex. 3/37)
4. To introduce Present O3 T tells Ss to pay Ss pay attention 8’ Digital
Grammar Perfect tense used T-Ss attention to the next Courseboo
presentatio with ever/never video k
n and use To introduce T plays a short video
grammar rules when from the digital
using ever/never coursebook (pg. 37)
showing people’s
At the end, T asks the Ss
about the sentences: Ss tell that the
‘what are they trying to sentences are
show, can you guess?’ showing/talking
Ss-T (they are trying to show about people’s
people’s experiences) experiences in life
T announces Ss that
today they will talk
about Present Perfect
used with ever/never
and asks Ss to note the
T-Ss title and date
Present Perfect with
ever/never (Nov. 24th Ss watch the
2020) explanatory video
T shows Ss the rest of
the video and asks Ss to
Then, T asks Ss to Ss note the
complete the sentences explanation and
from ex. 1/37. grammar rules
5. To use the presented T-Ss O1 T tells Ss to solve ex. Ss solve the exercise; 6’ Digital
Grammar grammar structure IW O4 2/37. T corrects if correct if necessary Courseboo
practice necessary k
T tells Ss that they will Ss formulate
do a speaking exercise questions and ask
T-Ss (Functions – talking their colleagues about
about life experiences); life experiences
they have to formulate
questions and then to
ask them to their
6. Follow- To enrich Ss’ use of T-Ss O1 T shares Ss a worksheet Ss construct 6’ notebooks
up presented grammar O4 (Annex 1.) sentences and Worksheet
structures and tells them that they participate in the / True and
IW will play the ‘deception game False
game’ – each of them cards
has to construct 4
sentences – two true,
two false, using the
words from the box.
S-Ss When one S reads the
sentences, the others
have to show their
True/False cards,
depending on what they
think. Then the Ss tells
them if they guessed or
7. Feedback To check the degree T asks Ss if they have Ss ask their questions 2’
to which the Ss are any questions and if they have any
meeting the learning praises them for their
objectives and to activity
offer feedback

8. To enable Ss use of T-Ss O1 Present Perfect ever - 2’

Homework taught material O4 never worksheet
T assigns homework

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