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Questionnaire on the factors influencing the Acceptance and Brand loyalty on





Phone Number

Email Id

Highest Qualification

Employment Status

Have you ever studied an online course?

If yes, which is the site you usually use for eLearning?

Why you choose eLearning?

How frequently you study an online course?


Perceived Ease of 1. The website I use easy to use

Use 2. It helps me to be more effective
3. It is user friendly and One can use it effortlessly every time
4. It works the way I want it to work
5. The site enables me to study on smart phones
6. I am satisfied with it

Perceived 1. Courses purchased at this website are value for money

Usefulness 2. I get what I pay for at this web site
3. I find the courses provided by this site are useful
System Quality 1. The site enables me to search the courses on the catalogue
2. The responsiveness of the site is good (1)
3. The site appears to offer secure payment methods
4. The security policy is easy to understand (1)
5. The product that came was represented accurately by the
6. The course provider and the course instructor are responsive

Service Quality 1. This website carries a wide selection of courses to choose from.
2. This website does satisfy a majority of my online learning
3. The Lecture is being delivered at the right time.
4. The site aids the students to interact with the course instructor
5. The system facilitates the peer interactions by discussions and
peer graded assignments.

Information 1. Does the Information System is suitable enough to keep pace

Quality with Dynamic Learning Environment?
2. Does the information provided on the site is easy to
3. How do you rate the representational consistency in the
courses? (4)
4. How easy is it to navigate on the website? (2)

Brand Loyalty 1. I like using this website
2. To me, this is the best eLearning site to do courses with
3. I believe that this is my favourite eLearning website
4. I seldom consider switching to another website
5. I try to use this website whenever I need to do an online course

 The website I use easy to use

 It helps me to be more effective
 It is user friendly and One can use it effortlessly every time
 It works the way I want it to work
 The site enables me to study on smart phones
 I am satisfied with it
 Courses purchased at this website are value for money
 I get what I pay for at this web site (1)
 The responsiveness of the site is good (1)
 The security policy is easy to understand (1)

 The responsiveness of the site is good (1)
 The security policy is easy to understand (1)
 It is easy to navigate on the website
 The product that came was represented accurately by the website
 Does the information provided on the site is easy to understand?
 This website carries a wide selection of courses to choose from.
 This website does not satisfy a majority of my online learning needs
 The Lecture is being delivered at the right time.
System Quality
 The course is delivered by the time promised by the provider
 This website does not carry a wide selection of products to choose from
 I like using this website
 I can confirm the details of the transaction before paying
 The site appears to offer secure payment methods
 I believe that this is my favourite eLearning website
Service Quality
 This website does not satisfy a majority of my online learning needs
 The information provided on the site is easy to understand
 The site aids the students to interact with the course instructor
 The system facilitates the peer interactions by discussions and peer graded
 The Information System is suitable enough to keep pace with Dynamic Learning
 The information provided on the site is easy to understand
 The Representational consistency in the courses is good.

5th Factor
 I seldom consider switching to another website
 As long as the present service continues, I doubt that I would switch to another website
 I try to use this website whenever I need to do an online course
 To me, this is the best eLearning site to do courses with
 The Representational consistency in the courses is good

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