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Nama :Resita Dewi Fitriani

Kelas :XII MIPA CI-1

No. Absen: 18

Jawaban UKBM 3
Activity 1
1. A. Love can be represent by music
2. C.To inform readers that music can make love to everyone
3. A. Motivate others to care
4. A. Simple way of music
5. C. A child feels his feather’s love
6. E. We should follow the rule
7. A. We can decide our ways
8. D. Our ways
9. C.We should organize our ways
10. B. Get motivation
11. A. Name is not a mistake
12. C. To educate readers
13. C. A program of computer
14. A. Mengeja
15. A. Kesalahan
16. A. C.S Lewis
17. A. Impian
18. E. To motivate readers
19. A. Tujuan
20. D. To motivation that an old man can reach the dream

Activity 2
1. Gk ada soal
2.Example of attitude problem :
3.Example of personality that difficult to handle :
The controller
The narcissist
Dependent Personality
Depressive Personality
4. The caption in the above picture is a quote. So overall this quote is trying to say that he/she who
uses the quote is innocent, it’s not that they are unfriendly or uncooperative but this is just what they
are, because they own the kind of personality which is difficult to handle.
5. Gk ada soal
6.Quotes about Nature:
Nature always wears the colors of the spirit
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine
9. Gk ada soal
10.Friendship means having someone to rely on. It means having a person who will tell you the ugly
truth, whether it’s a compliment or an insult.
11.Caption: “FRIENDSHIP is when you laugh louder than ever”
12.I think it’s suitable with the picture as it is showing two cats doing the same pose captured in a
13.Gk ada soal
14.What do you think about the picture? Is the man happy? What does this man symbolize?
Answer: The picture shows a wise man who is the famous Albert Einstein contemplating about
something. Based on the picture I think he looks fine, not excited but didn’t look sad either. Albert
Einsten is symbolizing intelligence.
15.Write your own caption inside this photo.
Answer: “Don’t think too much. You are running out of time.” – Gracey3994

Activity 3
1.Journalists Bob Woodward (left) and Carl Bernstein (right) the Watergate complex in Washington D.C.
3.All The President’s Men
4.published 40 years ago this month.
6.reporting is about human connections-finding the people who know what is hidden and establishing
relationships of trust.

Activity 3 make caption

Picture 1
Reject every form of corruption which diverts resources from the poor.
Picture 2
Rain is not the cause of flooding but humans who destroy nature are the cause

Activity 4
1.Caption is brief description, heading, or title that identify or introduce a document, graphic,
photograph, or table.
2.Generic structure of caption

 The title
 The lead
 Section Heading
3. Helping readers or viewers to understand more information that might not be in photos or videos.
4.analyze the tenses used in a written announcement.

 Supply specific information (Answering 5W1H Question)

 User present tense on the first sentence
 Caption are written in a complete sentences
 Clearly identify the people and location in the photo
 Identify the person from left to right

5. There are some types of caption text, here are some of them:

1. Cutline

This caption mentions about who are the subjects in the picture or photos and what activity they do.

2. Identification bar

The caption only mentions about subject in the picture

3. Summary

Full explanation about subject, activity, time detail, location detail and why it’s happened.

4. Expanded
Longer version of summary caption. This also include how the event occurred.

5. Quote

Consist of someone’s word which has been quoted related to the picture or photos.

6. Group Identification

Used to identify when subjects are more than one.

Activity 5
1. D. Don’t give up, keep on fighting
2. B. Caption
3. A. To help a reader understanding information from the photo or video
4. E. Depressed
5. C. Me and myself caption

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