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Having a hard time passing the NCLEX Exam?

Try these 13 surefire

NCLEX test taking tips that others have used to pass the NCLEX nursing exam.
1. Read every question carefully.
2. Ask yourself what the question is asking you.
3. What type of question is? Is this a true response question? True response
questions ask you to select the answer that is most correct/accurate.

4. If this is a false response question. False response questions ask

you to select the answer that is incorrect or so wrong that it can cause injury to the

5. Look for key words. Key words will drive your

answer. Key words determine the correct answer.

6. Use key words to answer your questions. Keywords such as: early,
best, now, later, most, appropriate, least appropriate, etc. These key words are
like warning signs it tell you which direction you must take. More
key words.
7. Implement the process of elimination. Eliminate the two choices that make the
least sense or make no sense. Then reread the question before you select the final
answer. Before you make the final selection, use ABC to answer your questions.
8. Use ABC to answer your questions. Airway is always first; if there are no airway
choices, then go to breathing, if no breathing choices, then go circulation choices.
Use this simple step by step process to get on the right path to success.
9. If there are no ABC choices then implement the nursing process. The nursing
process starts with A- for assessment. Assess, assess, and assess before you
anything else. Step 1. Assessment- Airway, breathing circulation, data collection,
and inspection, etc. Assessment choices.
10. Step 2. D, diagnosis- nursing diagnosis. It is also call analysis which is
assessing the data collected. Analysis questions ask you to select an answer
that involves further nursing assessment. Never stop assessing, assess, assess.
Analysis choices.

11. Planning. Before you can plan you must assess. Planning
questions ask you to select an answer about plan or what you intent to do. Sample
Planning choices.

12. Implementation. Implementation questions ask you to select an

answer that involves an action, doing something for the client.

13. Evaluation. Evaluation questions ask you to select an answer that

has to do with evaluating the outcome. Here are some evaluations keys words
such as further, teaching, revaluation and doesn’t understand.

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