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* * * * FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2020 ~ VOL. CCLXXVI NO. 126 HHHH $4.

DJIA Closed (29872.47) NASDAQ Closed (12094.40) STOXX 600 391.63 À 0.1% 10-YR. TREASURY Closed (0.878%) OIL Closed ($45.71) GOLD Closed ($1,805.70) EURO $1.1914 YEN 104.26

Familiar Floats but No Crowds This Thanksgiving Day New York

News Limits on
Business & Finance
S alesforce CEO Benioff’s
effort to buy Slack,
which is valued at $17 bil-
lion and would be his big-
gest acquisition yet, posi-
tions the company to take on Barrett casts key vote
Microsoft in key areas. A1
as high court rejects
 The dollar hit its lowest
levels against a basket of state’s ability to curb
currencies in more than two gatherings in pandemic
years this week and investors
think it will fall further. A1

 Deutsche Bank executives

want to expand in Russia. WASHINGTON—A divided
Outside monitors who watch Supreme Court blocked New
over the bank’s money-laun- York from imposing strict lim-
dering controls said it should its on attendance at religious
shut the business instead. A1 services to combat Covid-19,
with new Justice Amy Coney
 Retailers are bracing for an
Barrett casting the pivotal
unprecedented holiday shop-
vote to depart from past cases
ping season, starting with
SIDELINE: The annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade sent floats and bands down empty New York streets Thursday, as that deferred to state authori-
the annual Black Friday rit-
coronavirus restrictions barred crowds of spectators. This year’s parade was kept to the area near Macy’s flagship store. ties on public-health measures.
ual, set against the backdrop
In orders issued late
of a still-raging pandemic. B1
Wednesday, the court, in a 5-4
 Disney plans to lay off a vote, set aside attendance lim-

Salesforce’s Bid to Buy Slack

total of 32,000 employees by its that Democratic Gov. An-
March, a further workforce cut drew Cuomo imposed on
that comes as the pandemic houses of worship in areas
hits the firm’s theme-park most severely affected by the
businesses especially hard. B1 coronavirus: 10 people in red
 Jobless claims rose for the
second straight week, a sign
the nationwide surge in virus
cases was starting to weigh on
Puts Microsoft in Crosshairs zones and 25 in orange zones.
New York classifies places
where coronavirus infections
are of increasing severity as
yellow, orange or red.
the labor-market recovery. A2
BY AARON TILL ported on Wednesday. The po- most direct attack on a market Covid-19 broke out, Mr. Benioff Chief Justice John Roberts
 Exxon Mobil has low- tential tie-up suggests that Mr. Microsoft has identified as criti- quickly launched—a and three liberal justices dis-
ered its outlook on oil Inc. Chief Ex- Benioff, who has positioned cal to its growth. suite of applications that com- sented.
prices for much of the next ecutive Marc Benioff’s effort to himself as a prominent voice in There is no guarantee the panies could use for contract The Roman Catholic Dio-
decade, according to inter- buy Slack Technologies Inc., American business, has the in- companies will reach an agree- tracing, mental-health checks cese of Brooklyn and Agudath
nal company documents. B1 which is valued at $17 billion dustry’s biggest player and ment. If they do, it would add and shift scheduling. Israel of America, an Orthodox
and would be his biggest acqui- long-time rival, Microsoft, in its fuel to Salesforce’s ambition to A deal for Slack could heat Jewish organization, alleged
 German prosecutors are
sition yet, positions the com- sights, some analysts say. become the go-to software plat- up a simmering rivalry with Mi- that the limits violated their
examining Ernst & Young’s
pany to take on Microsoft Corp. Salesforce and Slack could form for business customers to crosoft. About five years ago First Amendment rights of re-
role in the collapse of Wire-
in key areas. reach a deal within days, people use for everything from data Microsoft was in talks to buy ligious exercise.
card, ratcheting up pres-
Salesforce has thrived for familiar with the matter said, analysis to managing customer Salesforce, but the deal fell The Supreme Court’s un-
sure on the audit firm. B10
years as a niche business-soft- possibly by the time Salesforce relationships to even daily com- apart over price. Salesforce lost Please turn to page A6
 Sycamore agreed to pay ware vendor. The company is in reports its third-quarter finan- munication. out to Microsoft in 2016 in bid-
$540 million to buy Ann Tay- advanced talks to buy Slack, cial results Tuesday. The deal The pandemic has amplified ding for LinkedIn Corp., the  Courts face more cases on
lor and other store brands The Wall Street Journal re- would mark the company’s Salesforce’s efforts. When Please turn to page A7 Covid-19 limits.......................... A6
from Ascena, the brands’
bankrupt parent said. B2

World-Wide TikTok Stars Prove INSIDE Investors Expect

 The Supreme Court
blocked New York from im-
posing strict limits on atten-
Key to Fighting Ban Weakened Dollar
dance at religious services

To Decline Further

to combat Covid-19, with

Justice Barrett casting the Their lawsuit was orchestrated by the app,
pivotal vote to depart from
past cases that deferred to
according to people familiar with the effort BY PAUL J. DAVIES Dow Jones Industrial Average
state authorities on pub- pierced 30000 for the first time
lic-health measures. A1, A6 BY GEORGIA WELLS 7.4 million followers on Tik- The dollar hit its lowest lev- on Tuesday before retreating
 Trump pardoned for- Tok and make their livings els against a basket of curren- Wednesday. A weak dollar can
In early September, a off the app. The suit argued cies in more than two years help stocks with big overseas
mer national security ad-
handful of TikTok stars, most that a ban would mean losing this week—and investors think operations since it makes earn-
viser Michael Flynn, using
of them in their early 20s, their income and limiting it’ll fall further. ings in foreign currencies worth
his executive power to pro-
tect an ally who pleaded
gathered on a Zoom call to their ability to express them- OBITUARY The consensus view of a more in dollar terms.
tackle a weighty question: selves. Diego Maradona, who falling dollar is based on a big The ICE U.S. Dollar Index,
guilty to lying to the FBI. A4
Should they take on the U.S. The lawsuit got little at- assumption: Covid-19 will be which measures the dollar
 With Trump’s drive to re- government? tention when it was filed in a
led Argentina to a more or less conquered in the against a basket of currencies
main in office hitting a dead After more discussions, Pennsylvania court. The Tik- World Cup title with months ahead. Vaccines will al- from major trading partners
end, Senate Republicans are Doug Marland, a 23-year-old Tok stars ultimately pre- ‘Hand of God,’ 60. A12 low economies around the such as Japan and the euro-
redoubling their efforts in comedian from New Jersey, vailed—and the case has be- world to return to normal zone, slid below 92 this week,
Georgia, where a pair of run- raised his hand to join a law- come central in creating a within the next year, encourag- its lowest level since 2018, ac-
offs will determine which suit objecting to the Trump path for the app to maintain ARTS IN REVIEW ing investors to step back from cording to FactSet. It is down
party controls the Senate. A4 administration’s order to ban its foothold in the U.S., where John Anderson reviews the relative safety of U.S. as- more than 10.5% since its
the app. Two others—musi- it is now used by almost one sets and invest in stocks, bonds March peak.
 The president said he
cian Alec Chambers and fash- in three Americans.
‘Zappa,’ a documentary and currencies outside the U.S. A commentary from market
would leave the White House about the rock star
if the Electoral College elects ion designer Cosette Rinab— It looked like a grass-roots The slide in the dollar coin- strategists at Citigroup re-
Biden, but was noncom- also volunteered. effort, but it was not. Behind savant. A10 cides with exuberance in the cently predicted the dollar
The three have a combined Please turn to page A9 U.S. stock market, where the Please turn to page A2
mittal about attending an
inauguration ceremony. A4
 A top executive at Astra-
Deutsche Bank Russia Exit Urged
Zeneca pushed back against
criticism that the company
failed to disclose enough data

#1 CRM.
from a clinical trial of its BY PATRICIA KOWS The monitors, appointed by analysis for several countries,
Covid-19 vaccine this week. A7 AND JENNY STRASBURG New York state’s Department of including Russia. “As we work
 The Army Corps of Engi- Financial Services, told the to continuously improve our
neers rejected environmental Deutsche Bank AG executives bank in October that efforts to controls in combating financial
permits for the massive Peb- want to expand in Russia de- improve its operation weren’t crime, our risk appetite must
ble Mine in Alaska, a likely spite a legacy of missteps and enough to make up for the large be in line with the maturity of Ranked #1 for CRM Applications based on

death blow for the project. A2 massive fines. Outside monitors risks of doing business with those controls,” he added. IDC 2020H1 Revenue Market Share Worldwide.
who watch over the bank’s Russian clients, the person said. A Department of Financial 19.8%
 Ethiopia’s government money-laundering controls said A Deutsche Bank spokes- Services spokeswoman de-
began what it called the final it should shut the business in- man declined to comment on clined to comment.
phase of a military operation stead, a person familiar with its dialogue with monitors, but The monitors are attorneys
on the encircled capital of the the communications said. said it is conducting a risk Please turn to page A8
rebel-run region of Tigray. A8
 Saudi Arabia transferred
the case of women’s rights Move Over Tofurky, Now There’s Something Weirder
activist Loujain al-Hathloul
to a terrorism court. A8 i i i
CONTENTS Markets..................... B11
Faux-meat market concocts new names; YamChops, Incogmeato 3.9%
Arts in Review A10-11 Opinion.............. A13-15 3.8%
Banking & Finance B10 Sports........................ A12 BY JACOB BUNGE Brands Group Inc. menus and
Business News.. B3,5 Technology............... B4 AND HEATHER HADDON in Kroger Co. and Walmart Inc.
Crossword............... A11 U.S. News............. A2-7 meat sections over the last few 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020H1
Heard on Street. B12 Weather................... A11
Mansion............. M1-10 World News...... A8,16
Food scientists for decades years. The race for a piece of Source: IDC, Worldwide Semiannual
Software Tracker, October 2020.
have tinkered with plant pro- the plant-based surge also
teins, starches and oils to make tests companies’ ability to con-
> burgers that sizzle, bleed and coct names that are appealing,
taste like real beef, without Just call me delicious memorable, and not too corny.
harming a single steer. Last year MorningStar
Then comes the hard part: oil are well on their way to Farms, a division of Kellogg
s 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
formulating a name. ubiquity, with new and more- Co., introduced “Incogmeato” CRM market includes the following IDC-defined functional markets: Sales Force Productivity and Management,
Marketing Campaign Management, Customer Service, Contact Center, Advertising, and Digital Commerce
Applications. © 2020, inc. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of
All Rights Reserved Burger patties made from convincing versions landing on and Spam maker Hormel Foods, inc., as are other names and marks.

soy, yellow peas and coconut Burger King and Dunkin’ Please turn to page A9
A2 | Friday, November 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Hawaii Treads Gingerly to Revive Tourism
BY KIM MACKRAEL Daily arrivals in Hawaii,
change from previous year* Unemployment rate†
Hawaii is seeking a careful 25% 25 %
balance as the holiday travel
season kicks off: Allow enough Hawaii
visitors to help struggling, 0 20
tourism-reliant businesses
without causing a new wave of Domestic
coronavirus cases. passengers

–25 15
The state last month began International
allowing U.S. visitors to skip a Total
mandatory 14-day quarantine
–50 Note: Seven-day 10
if they get tested for Covid-19 moving average
through an approved provider U.S.
within three days of their
–75 5
flight and the test comes back
negative. The change
prompted some businesses on
–100 0
the islands to reopen, and
many are hoping for a pickup J F M A M J J A S O N J F M A M J J A S O
in December. *International passengers and total data exclude arrivals from Canada. †Seasonally adjusted.
But with surging coronavi- Source: Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism (arrivals);
rus cases across most of the Sparse crowds made social distancing easier at the Alohilani Resort in Waikiki earlier this month. Labor Department (unemployment)
mainland U.S., Hawaii tight-
ened its rules this week so vis- Efforts to restart the tour- average number of new president of operations for effort to help the unemployed tainable,” said Shannon Edie,
itors must have proof of a ism economic engine may be Covid-19 cases held roughly in Hawaii. A third is being used and struggling restaurants. president of the Native Hawai-
negative test result by the coming too late for some busi- line with the number of daily as a quarantine facility. Over- Ms. Dela Cruz made about ian Chamber of Commerce.
time they land. Those who nesses. A survey conducted by cases reported a month ear- all, the hotels that remain $200 selling pineapple upside- “This is giving us an opportu-
don’t will need to quarantine the state and consulting firm lier, according to data from open to tourists are averaging down cakes to friends in Octo- nity to look at our economy
for 14 days or the full length Island Business Management Johns Hopkins University. And about 25% to 30% occupancy. ber, and is hoping to branch and reshape things.”
of their trip, whichever is in September found 41% of the rate per 100,000 residents State officials have said it out to sell more desserts. “I’m Still, some businesses are
shorter, even if a negative test businesses expected their on the islands this month has could take until 2025 for the a little worried [because optimistic that the return of
result becomes available after 2020 revenue to be less than been a fraction of the number number of visitors to return to things are] still shut down,” tourists can keep their opera-
their arrival. The stricter rule half of what it was last year. reported elsewhere in the U.S. pre-pandemic levels. she said. “I’m not sure if I can tions afloat.
could weigh on holiday travel. More than a third indicated When the pandemic hit in After losing her job as a find a job later.” Marn Zeeb reopened his ice
Hawaii suffered one of the they had significant difficulty the spring, the decline in visi- prep cook at a Honolulu sea- The downturn hurt tax rev- cream shop in Koloa, a small
most severe economic down- covering costs. tors to Hawaii quickly rippled enue, as well. The state will town on the island of Kauai, in
turns of any state from the ABC Stores, a Honolulu- across the islands. Many ho- have an estimated $1.7 billion early October and ramped up
pandemic. Hawaii’s unemploy- based retail chain serving re- tels and restaurants closed shortfall in its general fund to nearly full-time hours this
ment rate was the highest of sort areas, kept open about 20 temporarily, and tens of thou-
Hawaii has suffered revenue for the fiscal year month.
any state in October, at 14.3%, of its 65 Hawaiian locations, sands of musicians, servers, one of the most ending in June 2021, according Sales at Koloa Mill Ice
the Labor Department said. including a fulfillment center bartenders and others were to Hawaii’s Department of Cream & Coffee are less than a
Relatively strict Covid-19 for online orders, throughout unemployed. Roughly half of
severe downturns of Business, Economic Develop- third what they were during
prevention measures and the the pandemic. It gradually re- the hospitality jobs that ex- any state. ment and Tourism, and offi- the same period last year.
fact the Hawaiian Islands can’t opened other stores and has isted before the pandemic cials have raised the possibil- Still, the state’s partial re-
be reached by car meant the about 45 in operation, Chief hadn’t returned by October, ity of furloughs that would see opening is making a differ-
state didn’t see a summer up- Executive Paul Kosasa said. the U.S. Labor Department most state employees work ence, Mr. Zeeb said, and sup-
tick in tourism that some Roughly two-thirds of the said. Hotel occupancy in Octo- food restaurant, Abigail Dela two fewer days a month, with port programs including a
mainland destinations en- chain’s pre-pandemic 1,000 ber was less than 20%, versus Cruz said it took about six a pay cut of about 9%. loan earlier this year through
joyed. And many travelers re- Hawaii employees remain on 79% in the same month last months to get her unemploy- The drop in visitors re- the federal Paycheck Protec-
main worried about the risk of furlough. year, according to state data. ment benefits. They came newed longstanding calls to tion Program helped his busi-
infection while flying. Getting a store ready and One of Highgate Hotels through in September, allow- focus on fewer, higher-spend- ness survive. He said he hopes
Travel to the islands plum- calling back workers takes LP’s seven hotels in Honolulu’s ing her to cover rent and start ing tourists and diversify the Kauai doesn’t leave the pre-
meted in March, and remains about two weeks, Mr. Kosasa Waikiki tourist hub remains repaying friends. economy, including through an travel testing program.
about 70% below its year-ago said. Sales are about 70% below closed and another is being Ms. Dela Cruz, 36 years old, expansion of the tech sector “Every day seems to be a
level even after the preflight their year-ago levels. If tourism used to house military and also received a $500 restau- and the defense industry. trickle better,” Mr. Zeeb said.
testing measures were imple- drops off again, he said, he may health-care staff involved in rant gift card, which was “The level of tourists that “If the trickle continues to be
mented, according to state need to close stores. the pandemic response, said mailed by the state to out-of- were coming in daily [before positive, if the island continues
data. In recent weeks, Hawaii’s Kelly Sanders, senior vice work residents in the fall, an the pandemic] was not sus- to be safe, we can make it.”

U.S. dollar versus a trade-weighted basket Change in foreign investors’ U.S. WATCH
of currencies in the U.S. Dollar Index use of dollar hedges on their
holdings of U.S. bonds*
Lehman Brothers fails Covid crisis EMPLOYMENT ECONOMY ALASKA
120 100 Jobless Claims Rise Consumer Spending Army Corps Rejects
For a Second Week Continues to Grow Huge Mine Project
100 80 Jobless claims rose for the The U.S. economy is recover- The Army Corps of Engineers
second straight week, to 778,000, ing at a sturdy but slowing pace rejected environmental permits
a sign the nationwide surge in vi- heading into the holidays. for the massive Pebble Mine in
rus cases was starting to weigh Consumers stepped up their Alaska, a likely death blow for
on the labor-market recovery. spending by a brisk 0.5% in Octo- plans to excavate hundreds of bil-
Claims haven’t risen for two ber, down from a gain of 1.2% the lions of dollars worth of gold and
consecutive weeks since July. month before, the Commerce De- copper in a pristine wilderness.
Worker filings for unemployment partment said Wednesday. Factory Pebble Mine had drawn oppo-
insurance are down sharply from a orders for long-lasting goods rose sition from environmentalists,
60 40 peak of nearly seven million in late a solid 1.3%, in part because busi- who were joined by some conser-
2001 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’20 2015 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 March. But they remain higher nesses shelled out more for long- vatives who said the open pit
*Indexed ratio of dollar hedges to total holdings of U.S. bonds. Feb. 15, 2016 = 100 than in any previous recession for term projects, the agency said. mine would jeopardize one of the
Source: FactSet (dollar versus currencies); Citigroup (dollar hedges) records tracing back to 1967. Sales of newly built homes slipped world’s largest wild salmon popu-
Unemployment filings can be last month but remained near the lations in the Bristol Bay region.

Dollar Is outcome of factors that affect

capital flows, such as trade and
investment flows, interest
America Merrill Lynch and
The story now is that suc-
more volatile around the holi-
days, because of workweek
changes that can cause sea-
highest level in almost 14 years.
All pointed to an economy re-
gaining ground lost in the spring
The developers said they
could mitigate environmental
damage from the site, which

Expected to rates and relative growth and

“FX forecasting is a special-
cessful vaccines, coupled with
expectations of a less-antago-
nistic trade policy from a Joe
sonal-adjustment anomalies. The
four-week moving average,
which smooths out weekly vari-
lockdowns and other curbs, even
if the expansion has slowed since
the third quarter’s rapid rebound.
covers roughly 3,000 acres of
wetlands and open waters, with
nearly 200 miles of streams.

Slide More ist form of financial-market as-

trology that I remain wary of,”
said David Riley, chief invest-
Biden White House, will drive
global growth and make the
rest of the world more attrac-
ation, increased by 5,000 to
748,500, the Labor Department
said Wednesday.
Consumer spending has been
strong enough to help fuel eco-
nomic growth since the spring,
But the corps on Wednesday
rejected the mitigation proposals,
saying they were insufficient to
ment strategist at BlueBay As- tive. Investors in that scenario Some of the states with sharp when the pandemic forced millions make up for all the wetlands the
Continued from Page One set Management. would likely sell U.S. assets and increases in virus cases, including of businesses, schools and govern- project would damage. Developer
could see an additional 20% This year, the dollar surged buy things in other countries— Minnesota, Ohio and Illinois, saw ment agencies across the U.S. to Pebble Limited Partnership said
drop in 2021, as foreign inves- in the spring during the that means also selling the dol- a large rise in claims last week. shut down or limit their activities. it would appeal the decision.
tors move to protect them- Covid-19 market panic, coming lar, pulling its value down. —Sarah Chaney Cambon —Josh Mitchell —Timothy Puko
selves from currency fluctua- back down after the Federal Not everyone buys the view

tions in their existing U.S. Reserve flooded global markets that investors will shift out of
holdings. with dollars through a string of the U.S. and sink the dollar. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
Other forecasts for the dol- facilities to support bonds and Francesca Fornasari, head of (USPS 664-880)
lar vary but mainly in terms of corporate credit in the U.S. and currency solutions at Insight (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660)
(Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935)
how far it will fall. Goldman through currency swap lines Investment, which is part of The U.S., taking part in an an accompanying graphic. (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241)
Sachs analysts, for example, with foreign central banks. The Bank of New York Mellon international donors’ confer- Editorial and publication headquarters:
predict a 6% decline over the dollar’s fall continued with the Corp., said she thinks the dol- ence for Afghanistan, said it Ed Stack, the chief execu- 1211 Avenue of the Americas,
next 12 months; ING analysts reopening of economies over lar could weaken but believes has made available $600 mil- tive of Dick’s Sporting Goods New York, N.Y. 10036
forecast as much as a 10% the summer. currencies in general are set to lion for civilian aid for the Inc., enjoys target shooting. A Published daily except Sundays and
drop. The Fed’s largess last spring become more volatile. country for next year, of which Business & Finance article general legal holidays. Periodicals postage
“The dollar appears mean- pushed investors into stock While interest rates are it pledged $300 million and about the company published paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing
ingfully overvalued and inves- markets, but mostly they stuck at very low levels in made the other half dependent on Dec. 5, 2018, incorrectly
tors are overweight U.S. as- bought growth and defensive most developed markets, it is on progress in the peace pro- said he enjoys hunting. Postmaster: Send address changes to
The Wall Street Journal, 200 Burnett Rd.,
sets,” said Christian Mueller- stocks. currencies that will be the cess, which would be reviewed Chicopee, MA 01020.
Glissmann, multiasset Big U.S.-listed technology main outlet for changing inves- during 2021. A World News ar- The #MeToo movement All Advertising published in The Wall
strategist at Goldman Sachs companies and large, invest- tor views of the relative eco- ticle on Wednesday about the gained momentum in 2017. In Street Journal is subject to the applicable
Group. High valuations for U.S. ment-grade corporate-bond is- nomic outlooks for different conference said the U.S. had some editions Monday, a Per- rate card, copies of which are available
stocks, interest rates that don’t suers, a global market also countries. pledged $600 million, with sonal Journal article about of- from the Advertising Services Department,
Dow Jones & Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of the
keep up with inflation and a dominated by U.S. companies, “It’s not obvious that you’ll half of that dependent on fice romance incorrectly gave Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. The
recovery of global growth benefited. have the emergence of a clear progress in the peace process. the year as 2016. Journal reserves the right not to accept
should all weigh on the dollar, Many believe that investors winner among economies,” she an advertiser’s order. Only publication of
he said. will buy riskier and underval- said. “The dollar has been very In some editions Wednes- A Business News article an advertisement shall constitute final
acceptance of the advertiser’s order.
There have been great ex- ued assets as economies keep sensitive to changes in growth day, a graphic with a Page One about Merck & Co.’s plans to
amples of the dollar surprising recovering. expectations in different coun- article about the Dow Jones acquire OncoImmune appeared Letters to the Editor:
Fax: 212-416-2891; email:
investors. Some see the current “Excess dollar liquidity tries.” Industrial Average incorrectly in the print edition on Tues-
situation as similar to the early [from the Fed] is still in the For Mr. Riley at BlueBay, included a stock performance day. A correction published Need assistance with your subscription?
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, November 27, 2020 | A3


Small businesses have been hit with new Covid restrictions. A restaurant in Madison, Wis., has shifted to takeout-only orders.
Jardin Triple Drop Earrings

Midwestern Governors Seek with Mother Of Pearl $695





BY KRIS MAHER and shut businesses like movie Nationwide, states face the taxes, and that lawmakers
theaters and bowling alleys. biggest cash crisis since the would “work expeditiously” to
A growing number of gover- “Our resources are Great Depression, with total get more federal aid to small-
nors are calling for another strapped, just like every state budget shortfalls potentially business owners if Congress
round of coronavirus-relief leg- in the nation,” Ms. Whitmer, a reaching $434 billion from passed a new package.
islation from Washington, say- Democrat, said earlier this 2020 to 2022, as the economic The governors of Minnesota
ing they are unable to provide month. “And that’s why this slowdown from the pandemic and Ohio also have called for
additional funds to small busi- stimulus is so important.” cuts into state revenues. more federal relief.
nesses amid budget shortfalls. Rich Studley, president and In March, the federal gov- Michigan has distributed
The issue is gaining urgency CEO of the Michigan Chamber ernment provided relief to nearly all of the $3.1 billion in
as money from federal relief of Commerce, has criticized states through the $2.2 trillion coronavirus-relief funds it re-
passed earlier this year runs Ms. Whitmer’s shutdown or- Cares Act. But Congress hasn’t ceived. The state provided
out ahead. ders as causing unnecessary passed a new round of relief, about $150 million to help
States have funneled hun- economic damage. The latest with some members citing a small businesses, including $10
dreds of millions of dollars in round will cause many busi- growing federal deficit, which million given out as $10,000
federal aid into everything nesses to close permanently, hit a record $3.1 trillion in fis- grants to individual businesses.
from personal-protective he said. cal 2020. “We’re just looking at how
equipment and hazard pay for The Cares Act requires the do we keep all these things go-
front-line health-care workers funding be spent by the end of ing on January 1st,” said Kyle

to schools and food banks. the year, and a survey by the Jen, Michigan’s deputy budget
Businesses, which generally National Governors Associa- director.
got a smaller slice of the aid tion found last month that To balance Michigan’s bud-
than programs directly tied to states had allocated nearly get for the year that ended
the public-health emergency, Potential total state budget 90% of the money. Sept. 30, the state withdrew
are in a particularly precarious shortfalls from 2020 to 2022. In Pennsylvania, lawmakers $350 million from its rainy-day
spot. In addition, federal loans and Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf fund to make up for lost reve-
to businesses during the shut- used the state’s remaining $1.3 nue, among other moves.
down earlier this year—known billion in coronavirus-relief Jean Stelten-Beuning, who
as the Paycheck Protection Yet he favors a new round money this month to fund sal- owns Top Dog Country Club, in
Program—have since run out. of federal relief targeted to aries for state health and pub- New Germany, Minn., which
The crunch is tough in the help businesses and unem- lic-safety employees so they charges $69 to $89 a night to
Midwest, where some of the ployed workers. A priority, he could balance the state’s bud- board dogs, said half her reser-
nation’s strongest coronavirus said, should be funding state get through the end of June, a vations over Thanksgiving
restrictions have been imple- unemployment insurance trust move that angered some small- were canceled when people GMT EARTH
mented amid increases in funds that have been depleted. business groups. backed out of travel plans.
Covid-19 cases, hitting busi- That would help laid-off work- “Instead of throwing the in- Ms. Stelten-Beuning, who In platinum
nesses just ahead of the holi- ers and also prevent states dustry a lifeline, they’re described herself as a fiscal
day season. from raising payroll taxes on throwing an anchor,” said John conservative, said a Paycheck
Michigan Gov. Gretchen businesses, which could deter Longstreet, president and CEO Protection Program loan of CELLINI - NEW YORK
Whitmer said the state had them from rehiring people. of the Pennsylvania Restaurant $174,000 helped keep her busi-
used up all of its federal stimu- “Simply dropping money & Lodging Association. ness afloat this spring. “I
lus funding from the spring out of airplanes and hoping Pennsylvania Rep. Stan Say- would never want a handout,”
and now faces a $1 billion politicians will spend it wisely lor, a Republican, said the bud- she said. “If small businesses
shortfall. She recently banned is not a very good strategy,” he get kept core government func- are to survive there needs to SYDEL & SYDEL - CHICAGO, IL
indoor dining for three weeks said. tions operating without raising be a second round.”
Phone +1 212 221-8041 ∙

Lawmakers Target Social Media’s Shield

BY RYAN TRACY Section 230, and at least one
member of its conservative
WASHINGTON—The law majority has signaled it may
that enabled the rise of social be time to do so.
media and other internet busi- While U.S. lawmakers gen- Holiday waves
nesses is facing threats unlike erally don’t support revoking
anything in its 24-year history, Section 230, they have made a are here.
with potentially significant number of proposals to nar-
consequences for websites row it. The Senate Judiciary

that host user content. Committee unanimously ap-

Section 230 of the Commu- proved a bill in July that
nications Decency Act was in- would remove immunity for
strumental to the success of child sex-abuse content. It
Silicon Valley tech giants such hasn’t become law, but could
as Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc. re-emerge next year.
and Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Other bipartisan Senate
YouTube by giving them broad proposals include allowing
immunity for the content they Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg testified remotely Oct. 28 during a state and federal agencies to
publish from users. Senate panel hearing on the immunity offered by Section 230. bring civil suits regardless of
There is a growing consen- Section 230, requiring web-
sus in Washington and else- need to make changes. If the law were revoked, Mr. sites to report criminal activ-
where that Section 230 needs “It may make sense for Young said, Tripadvisor could ity, and mandating that large
an overhaul, even as liberals there to be liability for some find itself either not moderat- platforms have a process for
and conservatives disagree on of the content that is on the ing content at all, leaving up users to appeal their decisions.
the reasons why. platform,” Facebook Chief Ex- irrelevant posts, or removing Senior Senate Republicans
Democrats say the immunity ecutive Mark Zuckerberg told negative reviews challenged have proposed limiting immu-
has allowed companies to ig- the Senate Judiciary Commit- by business owners to avoid nity for content removal. In-
nore false and dangerous infor- tee on Nov. 17. potential liability for publish- stead of enjoying protection Wave Pendant
mation spreading online, since The question now is how ing false statements. when they remove “objection-
with Genuine Hawaiian Koa Wood Inlay
the companies generally aren’t far the government might go. “Tripadvisor is not quite able” content, companies would
liable for harmful content. Mr. Trump and President- big enough to have someone have to see more concrete in Sterling Silver $199
Republicans focus their ire elect Joe Biden have both in the restaurant to know if harm, such as criminal activity. Chain included
on another aspect of Section called for revoking Section the soup was cold,” he said. The proposal “would restore
230, which says companies 230. That could force internet Congress enacted Section power to consumers by pro- Matching Earrings available
broadly aren’t liable for taking companies large and small to 230 in 1996, during the inter- moting full and fair discourse
down content they deem ob- invest heavily in monitoring net’s adolescence. Courts had online,” Senate Commerce
jectionable. President Trump content. Alternatively, they held early online services lia- Committee Chairman Roger
and others contend liberal- might decide to stop moderat- ble when they tried to moder- Wicker (R., Miss.) has said.
leaning tech companies have ing user posts, or cease host- ate posts. Lawmakers over- House Energy and Com-
used that provision to block ing them altogether. rode those court decisions to merce Committee Chairman
conservative views. “There are literally thou- encourage websites to be Good Frank Pallone (D., N.J.) said OAHU • MAUI • KAUAI • BIG ISLAND OF HAWAII
Tech companies acknowl- sands of companies whose Samaritans and remove objec- there are “many good, BOSTON • CHICAGO • DALLAS • DENVER • LAS VEGAS
edge they need to improve business model is based upon tionable content. thoughtful ideas for how to fa- MIAMI • NEW YORK • ORLANDO • PHILADELPHIA
their content-moderation the protections afforded by Revisions to Section 230 cilitate a healthier online eco- PLEASANTON • PORTLAND • ROSEVILLE • SAN DIEGO
practices, but they deny negli- Section 230,” said Bradford could come from multiple di- system and developing a legis- SAN FRANCISCO • SAN JOSE • SEATTLE • WASHINGTON, D.C.
gence or political bias. With Young, associate general coun- rections. Congress could re- lative solution that takes from • 1-866-296-9374
attacks coming from both sel of Tripadvisor Inc., which write it. Regulators could try the best of them and earns
sides, some tech industry lead- publishes user reviews of ho- to reinterpret it. The Supreme broad consensus is a top pri- FREE FEDEX SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS OF $200 OR MORE
ers have begun to accept the tels, eateries and attractions. Court has never weighed in on ority of mine.”
A4 | Friday, November 27, 2020 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Trade Tensions to Be Early Test GOP Sees Georgia


As Senate Firewall
campaign, President-elect Joe BY SIOBHAN HUGHES
Biden highlighted his intention AND LINDSAY WISE President Ties Exit
to work closely with America’s
allies to ease trade tensions WASHINGTON—With Presi- To Electoral College
and pressure China to abide by dent Trump’s drive to remain
international rules. in office hitting a dead end,
He will have several early Senate Republicans are redou- WASHINGTON—President
chances to do that after being bling their efforts in Georgia, Trump said he would leave
sworn in Jan. 20. where a pair of runoffs will the White House if the Elec-
The new president will have determine which party con- toral College elects Joe Biden
an opportunity to try to re- trols the Senate. but was noncommittal about
solve a leadership dispute at Senate Majority Leader attending the inauguration
the World Trade Organization Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) and ceremony.
pitting the U.S. against most Sen. Todd Young (R., Ind.), the He said the Electoral Col-

other members. He also could outgoing chairman of the Na- lege would be making a mis-
remove Trump administration tional Republican Senatorial take to elect Mr. Biden but
tariffs on imported steel and Committee, have told col- indicated he would depart
aluminum that have riled trad- leagues that each of them without further challenge.
ing partners. needs to help Sens. David Per- “Certainly I will, and you
Moreover, he could com- due and Kelly Loeffler keep know that,” he told reporters
mand the world economic their seats in the Jan. 5 races, Thursday evening after deliv-
stage by calling an emergency GOP aides said. Senators are ering a Thanksgiving message
meeting of the Group of 20 President-elect Joe Biden says he intends to ease trade tensions. traveling to the state to rally to troops.
nations early next year, as voters and tapping their own Asked about attending Mr.
some former economic offi- candidate. The Biden transition Import volumes of steel simply repeal [the tariffs]. donor lists to raise money for Biden’s inauguration, he said,
cials have suggested, a poten- team didn’t respond to ques- products from major trading That’s absolutely within his the Republican incumbents in “I know the answer, but I just
tial setting for an unofficial tions on the WTO leadership partners fell in 2019 after the authority,” said Michael Smart, the races, where spending is don’t want to say it yet.”
summit with Chinese Presi- and other trade-related issues. U.S. imposed tariffs in 2018. managing director at Rock already set to hit $300 million. “It’s going to be a very
dent Xi Jinping. Brian Pomper, executive di- Creek Global Advisors and a “Failure is not an option” hard thing to concede,” the
Imports of steel products,
Mr. Biden this week showed rector of Alliance for Trade former Democratic congressio- has emerged as the party president said.
in millions of metric tons
his intent to reverse President Enforcement, a group of trade nal and White House aide. mantra, according to a person The Associated Press has
Trump’s pivot away from some associations that advocates for 5.6 Meantime, the new adminis- familiar with GOP conference declared Mr. Biden the winner
international agreements by foreign governments to end tration must decide what to do calls on messaging and fund- of the election, with 306 elec-
5.0 5.0 Canada*
appointing former Secretary unfair trade practices, believes with trade promotion author- raising. toral votes to 232 for Mr.
of State John Kerry as a spe- that Mr. Biden is likely to go ity: special legislation that al- Mr. Trump said Thursday he Trump.
4.1 EU
cial envoy for climate change, with the consensus choice. 4.0
3.8 Brazil*
lows trade officials to submit would travel to Georgia, likely —Alex Leary
a new position that will be fo- “It would make sense as a 3.5 any trade agreements to Con- on Dec. 5, to campaign for Mr.
3.3 Mexico*
cused on global policy. way to show that he is more gress for expedited approval. Perdue and Ms. Loeffler.
One of the first steps Mr. multilateral, and willing to take 2.5 The current authority is set The formal start of the is running against Mr. Perdue,
Biden can take is to end the account of these multilateral 2.3 2.3 Korea* to expire July 1, and the re- presidential transition helps said in a recent interview that
deadlock over the selection of institutions,” Mr. Pomper said. newal process will be conten- Republicans make their case the nationalization of the race
the WTO’s new leader. He and others say Mr. Biden 1.4 1.1 Japan tious because of partisan dif- that denying Democrats a Sen- could help him and fellow
The Trump administration should also start taking steps 1.0 1.0 Russia ferences over worker and ate majority will serve as a Democrat the Rev. Raphael
has opposed the candidate to allow the WTO to resume 0.6 0.8 Taiwan environmental protection in check on President-elect Joe Warnock, who is trying to oust
backed by most member coun- its role as the arbitrator of 0.5 China future trade agreements, par- Biden’s agenda. Republicans Ms. Loeffler. The two are cam-
tries, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a trade disputes. Mr. Trump has ticularly if the Republicans will hold at least 50 seats next paigning in large part on being
former Nigerian finance minis- said the WTO is unfair, and his 2018 2019 maintain Senate control. year compared with 48 for central to Mr. Biden’s ability
ter and former World Bank ex- administration has blocked the *Countries that received exemptions TPA’s expiration will also in- Democrats, and need to win at to mount a robust Covid-19 re-
ecutive. The administration appointment of new judges to from U.S. tariffs. fluence the Biden administra- least one of the two Georgia sponse, he said.
maintains that Ms. Okonjo- the group’s appellate body, ef- Source: Census Bureau tion’s stance on the continuing runoffs to prevent Vice Presi- So far, Democratic candi-
Iweala doesn’t have enough ex- fectively disabling its dispute- negotiations for a bilateral dent-elect Kamala Harris from dates Warnock and Ossoff are
perience in world trade, and is settlement function. companies, however, and hurt trade agreement with the U.K. being able to cast tiebreaking outspending Republican candi-
instead backing South Korean On tariffs, among the most U.S. manufacturers that either started by the Trump adminis- votes in a 50-50 Senate. dates Loeffler and Perdue. But
Trade Minister Yoo Myung- significant of those imposed by faced retaliatory tariffs or tration based on the authority. “We are the last line of de- Republican super PACs Ameri-
hee. Either candidate would be Mr. Trump are on imported higher costs for imported The negotiations are believed fense,” Mr. Perdue said Tues- can Crossroads and Senate
the first woman to lead the or- steel and aluminum. The levies steel. Washington has ex- to be in their late stages. day on Fox News. “These two Leadership Fund are outspend-
ganization, and Ms. Okonjo- of 25% on steel and 10% on empted several friendly coun- Several former officials seats here will determine the ing Democratic Party commit-
Iweala would be the first WTO aluminum were imposed on tries such as Australia, Mexico from Democratic administra- majority in the Senate. We are tees and other left-leaning out-
leader from an African nation. national security grounds, with and South Korea from the tar- tions have called on Mr. Biden going to…protect everything side groups, the data show. The
Traditionally, the choice of Mr. Trump saying they were iffs, but kept others on the to push for an emergency sum- that President Trump has ac- two super PACs, run by allies of
WTO leader has been by unani- needed to protect an industry list, including the European mit meeting of G-20 nations complished in the last four Mr. McConnell, have committed
mous vote, so a Biden adminis- vital to national defense. Union and Japan. early next year to set a global years, and make sure that the at least $90 million in televi-
tration could end the deadlock The tariffs have provided “The strongest signal Presi- agenda for recovery from the people of Georgia know that.” sion and radio ads for the
by agreeing to the Nigerian mixed benefits for U.S. steel dent-elect Biden can send is to coronavirus pandemic. Democrat Jon Ossoff, who Georgia runoffs through Jan. 5.

Trump Pardons Michael Flynn, Ex-National Security Adviser

BY BYRON TAU his contacts with a Russian of- review in federal court. Russia investigation. While he paring to be the national secu- longtime friend and adviser
AND CATHERINE LUCEY ficial in the weeks before Mr. Mr. Flynn’s attorney, Sidney cooperated with Mr. Mueller, rity adviser in a new adminis- Roger Stone, who was con-
Trump’s inauguration, becom- Powell, said Wednesday on Fox Mr. Flynn and his lawyers later tration. victed in federal court of mak-
President Trump has par- ing one of the most senior ex- Business: “We certainly appre- pointed to documents unsealed “General Flynn was NOT a ing false statements, witness
doned former national secu- Trump officials to cooperate ciate President Trump giving it in April they said were evi- Russian agent,” Sen. Lindsey tampering and trying to im-
rity adviser Michael Flynn, us- in special counsel Robert to General Flynn, because this dence the government tried to Graham (R., S.C.) tweeted pede a congressional investi-
ing his executive power to Mueller’s inquiry into Russian has gone on far too long.” set him up in a 2017 interview Wednesday. “Instead, he was gation into Russian election
protect an ally who pleaded interference in the 2016 elec- Democrats swiftly con- that led to his departure from the victim of a politically mo- interference.
guilty to lying to the Federal tion and any links it might demned the move. Speaker the Trump administration and tivated investigation and pros- Other presidents have made
Bureau of Investigation. have to the Trump campaign. Nancy Pelosi, (D., Calif.) called subsequent indictment on a ecution where the ends justi- controversial pardon choices,
“It is my Great Honor to an- He later sought to withdraw it “an act of grave corruption charge of lying. fied the means.” often waiting until right be-
nounce that General Michael T. his plea and argued that he and a brazen abuse of power.” Republicans also say his During his time in office, fore leaving office. President
Flynn has been granted a Full had been set up by the FBI. Supporters of Mr. Flynn be- conversations with the Rus- Mr. Trump has issued a num- Obama commuted the sen-
Pardon,” Mr. Trump said on The Justice Department lieve he had been prosecuted sian ambassador during the ber of high-profile pardons tence of Chelsea Manning,
Twitter Wednesday. agreed and moved to drop the unfairly and a pardon was presidential transition that led and at least one controversial convicted on charges related
Mr. Flynn pleaded guilty in case earlier this year, but the warranted as part of a broad to that 2017 interview were commutation. He notably com- to passing classified docu-
2017 to lying to the FBI about proceedings have been under rejection of the premise of the appropriate for someone pre- muted the sentence of his ments to WikiLeaks.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, November 27, 2020 | A5

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A6 | Friday, November 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Courts Face More Cases on Covid Limits

High court ruling on sents religious groups and is at least one of its priests to many of these states that have
involved in half a dozen law- Covid-19, while many others the most restrictions.”
religious services suits. He believes courts will were infected with the virus. Mr. Staver said limits on
could affect up to 20 be more likely to rule in favor Many religious congrega- church services made no sense
of religious groups after the tions have moved to online ser- when other activities, including
lawsuits across nation Supreme Court decision. vices or imposed capacity re- meals and social services in-
In a 5-4 ruling Wednesday, strictions, social distancing and side churches, were permitted
The Supreme Court ruling the Supreme Court court mask-wearing requirements. without such capacity limits.
that blocked New York from im- blocked New York from imple- Pasadena, Calif.-based Har- Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat,
posing strict limits on atten- menting an order from Gov. vest Rock Church, which sued said Thursday that the ruling
dance at religious services could Andrew Cuomo that intro- the state in July, last week had no effect on the state’s vi-
influence lawsuits in other duced restrictions on houses filed an emergency petition rus-control efforts and per-

states seeking to overturn simi- of worship in areas most se- with the Supreme Court to tained only to a specific Brook-
lar rules on houses of worship. verely affected by the corona- block Gov. Gavin Newsom’s lyn “red zone” that was no
Up to 20 cases involving virus: limiting capacity by 25% coronavirus restrictions while longer under such restrictions.
or 10 people in red zones and the case is being appealed. “It’s irrelevant from any
By Stephanie 33% or 25 in orange zones. Wednesday night’s ruling practical impact because the
Yang, Josh Mitchell Some groups condemned by the Supreme Court was a zone that they were talking
and Alicia A. Caldwell the decision. “The freedom to Gov. Andrew Cuomo called the ruling irrelevant for New York, but hopeful sign, said Mat Staver, about has already been moot,”
worship is one of our most others said it would help religious groups suing in other states. founder and chairman of the Mr. Cuomo said. “I think this
houses of worship in states in- cherished fundamental rights, Liberty Counsel and the lead was really just an opportunity
cluding Nevada, New Jersey, but it does not include a li- governors to rethink how they Churches have been hubs of attorney in the case. for the court to express its
California and Oregon could be cense to harm others or en- impose Covid-19 restrictions the coronavirus’s spread world- “I think it’s very important philosophy and politics.”
affected by the Supreme Court danger public health,” said so they are not making differ- wide. In the U.S., religious that we get these rulings However, Eugene Volokh, a
decision, legal experts say. Daniel Mach, director of the ent rules for different groups. gatherings have turned into su- now,” said Mr. Staver, who professor at University of Cali-
“It will undoubtedly have a American Civil Liberties “The virus doesn’t care if it’s perspreader events in states said his litigation includes fornia, Los Angeles School of
major effect and probably Union’s Program on Freedom infecting people at a Little across the country, including roughly 170 California Law, said the Supreme Court’s
have a decisive effect,” said of Religion and Belief. League game or in a church,” he Washington, California and Ken- churches. “Two weeks has now decision was significant be-
Christopher Ferrara, special Perry Dane, a Rutgers Uni- said. “So it should be possible tucky. moved into nearly eight cause of its implications for
counsel to the Thomas More versity law professor, said the to come up with criteria that The Diocese of Brooklyn, one months, and there doesn’t other cases and the fast-chang-
Society, a law firm that repre- court ruling will likely force are more technically neutral.” of the plaintiffs in the suit, lost seem to be an end in sight in ing nature of the pandemic.

Religious not public health experts, and

we should respect the judg-
ment of those with special ex-
zone that they were talking
about has already been moot,”
Mr. Cuomo said. “I think this
At issue is whether the oc-
cupancy caps on religious con-
gregations were more severe
tice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who
died in September. In previous
cases where churches contested
been reclassified as yellow
zones, which were subject to a
50% occupancy limit without a

Restrictions pertise and responsibility in

this area,” the opinion said.
But New York’s restrictions
was really just an opportunity
for the court to express its phi-
losophy and politics.”
than those of comparable ac-
tivities. The plaintiffs con-
tended that they faced stricter
Covid-19-related occupancy lim-
its, Justice Ginsburg joined
with three other liberal justices
numerical limit.
In separate dissents, liberal
justices said the court

Blocked “strike at the very heart of the

First Amendment’s guarantee
of religious liberty.”
Beyond its immediate im-
pact on New York, the Thanks-
giving eve decision exposed
limits than businesses New
York classified as essential,
such as grocery stores, laun-
and Chief Justice Roberts in de-
ferring to the judgment of pub-
lic-health authorities.
shouldn’t interfere with pub-
lic-health authorities, who are
responding to a pandemic that
In addition to Justice Bar- fissures within the court over dromats and auto mechanics. Justice Barrett didn’t issue has killed more than 250,000
Continued from Page One rett, Justices Clarence Thomas, the pandemic response, with an opinion of her own or join Americans, including more
signed majority opinion found Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and justices filing six separate separate concurring opinions than 16,000 in New York City.
that the religious plaintiffs were Brett Kavanaugh—who had opinions on their reasoning. issued by fellow Trump ap- Justice Stephen Breyer ac-
likely to prevail and, overruling dissented when the court re- And it suggested that Presi-
The decision pointees Justices Gorsuch and knowledged that the occu-
federal courts in New York, sus- jected previous church chal- dent Trump’s appointment of exposes fissures in Kavanaugh. pancy limits interfere with reli-
pended the governor’s orders lenges to Covid-19 regula- Justice Barrett already had re- Justice Gorsuch’s opinion gious observance, but said that
while the litigation proceeds. tions—made up the majority. duced the influence of Chief
the court over the stingingly criticized the in light of the public-health
The court found it troubling In their dissents, the chief Justice Roberts. pandemic response. court’s previous approach. risks, they may be justified.
that businesses that the state justice argued the court’s ac- In recent years, the chief “It is time—past time—to “The nature of the epidemic,
considered essential weren’t tion was unnecessary, and the justice played a mediating role make plain that, while the the spikes, the uncertainties,
subject to the same occupancy liberal justices said the court between two four-member pandemic poses many grave and the need for quick action,
limits. Those included “things shouldn’t interfere with public- conservative and liberal blocs The state argued that its challenges, there is no world taken together, mean that the
such as acupuncture facilities, health authorities. on the court. He typically ad- rules already treated houses of in which the Constitution tol- State has countervailing argu-
campgrounds, garages, as well Gov. Cuomo on Thursday opted conservative legal prin- worship more favorably than erates color-coded executive ments based upon health,
as many whose services are said the Supreme Court ruling ciples, but voted for proce- activities it considered compa- edicts that reopen liquor safety, and administrative con-
not limited to those that can had no effect on the state’s vi- dural reasons with liberal rable, such as lectures, con- stores and bike shops but siderations that must be bal-
be regarded as essential, such rus-control efforts, and per- justices in several high-profile certs, cinemas and sporting shutter churches, synagogues, anced against the applicants’
as all plants manufacturing tained only to a specific Brook- cases. With Justice Barrett events, which are completely and mosques,” he wrote. First Amendment challenges,”
chemicals and microelectron- lyn red zone that was no adding weight to the conser- shut in high-risk zones. In his dissent, Chief Justice he wrote, joined by Justices So-
ics and all transportation facil- longer under such restrictions. vative wing, Chief Justice Rob- Wednesday’s order marked Roberts said the court’s action nia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.
ities,” the court said. “It’s irrelevant from any erts may find fewer opportuni- the most dramatic shift since was premature, because the —Stephanie Yang
“Members of this Court are practical impact because the ties for that balancing act. Justice Barrett succeeded Jus- areas involved already had contributed to this article.


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What is the biggest change in Secondly, our purpose is to make an long week. I wanted to go home, but I
consumer behavior you’ve impact that matters, for our clients thought we needed to say yes. After
witnessed in the past ive years? and our communities, and we’re seeing all, it happened to be our CEO and
an opportunity to do that when it COO asking. But Cathy astonished me
Primarily, I’ve noticed two things: comes to helping organizations come by responding that she could not go
the consumer’s ability to, and their back stronger and more resilient. We because it would break a commitment
insistence on, shaping a brand’s launched our Women’s Initiative in she made to her son — which was to take
behavior through their wants and 1999, and our irst IMPACT Day (our him to his favorite place in the world,
needs. Alongside this notion, as a B2B commitment to giving back to our Chuck E. Cheese. I was so impressed by
CMO, I see consumers unwilling to be communities through service) was how she recognized her family’s needs
boxed into personas that organizations 20 years ago, but we are now more and then quickly pivoted to developing a
have put them into in the past. In short, committed than ever before. plan that would still allow us to meet the
consumers are more vocal and brands client’s needs. The moral of that story is
Suzanne Kounkel are listening more closely than ever Third, I believe that life is lived in the simple: Speak up for yourself, and when
CMO, Deloitte before. Even more, trust plays a key small moments of each day. One day, Kim you’re centered on shared outcomes,
role here. For organizations navigating McNeil-Downs, who runs our internal there are many ways to get to a solution.
challenges, building and understanding agency in the U.S., was explaining what
trust lays the groundwork for aligning the team had accomplished when her When it’s time to get creative,
to the values that drive human emotion voice broke and tears came into her eyes what do you do to get inspired?
and ultimately human behavior. on screen. She said something along the
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First, I’d recognize the Deloitte team for when we need it most.” The humanity of want the outcome to feel and I start to
the way we were able to pivot when the these times will always be something I outline what I am creating.
pandemic began. When COVID19 hit, we am in awe of.
needed to do some ridiculously dificult Imagine you’re not a CMO and you
things quickly in order to respond — like What’s the biggest learning have the talent to do anything —
transition 175,000 employees to virtual experience you’ve had? what would you do?
work in less than 48 hours. Of the over
670 events on the books, we had to Earlier in my career, I was in New York If I had the talent required to be great, I
Membership is by invitation: cancel 453 and immediately convert 225 with a mentor of mine, Cathy Benko, would absolutely be a professional tennis to virtual. In a time of great change and who was at the time a young principal, player. If not that, I would love to be a
uncertainty, our immediate focus was on for a weeklong client meeting. At the writer or host a talk show along the lines
Read the extended version: people — our employees and our clients’ end of it, we were asked to ly directly of David Letterman’s “My Next Guest employees — and making sure they to Georgia for another meeting. I was Needs No Introduction.” I am fascinated
membervoicesdeloitte were safe. not eager to say yes — it had been a by people’s stories and unlocking them.

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Friday, November 27, 2020 | A7


Mask Makers Vaccine

Test Result
Step Up With Surprises
New Models Developer
BY AUSTEN HUFFORD | Honeywell International
Inc., which is making 20 mil- A top executive at Astra-
Manufacturers are introduc- lion N95s a month for medical Zeneca PLC pushed back
ing face masks for general use workers, recently started sell- against criticism that the com-
that they say offer more pro- ing a new mask aimed at the pany failed to disclose enough
tection than cloth coverings general public that the com- data from a clinical trial of its
without taxing supplies of the pany says offers more protec- Covid-19 vaccine this week and
N95 masks used in hospitals. tion than plain cloth. The $30 acknowledged skepticism
These mask makers said mask has two layers of polyes- about the vaccine’s 90% effec-
many of the new models com- ter, nylon and spandex woven tiveness in a group of patients
ing to market are more protec- together and comes with 12 who were accidentally given a
tive than cloth masks but don’t replaceable filters made out of lower dose than intended.
reach the level of protection polypropylene, which is the Sleepnet Corp. modified a construction-site dust-protection mask—plugging a valve that allowed for “I’m not going to pretend
provided by N95s, which stop main filtering material in stan- unfiltered exhalation—so it could work as a coronavirus mask. Below, mask production at Sleepnet. it’s not an interesting result,
at least 95% of very small par- dard N95s. Will Lange, who because it is—but I definitely
ticles with a sophisticated fil- runs Honeywell’s personal N95 masks. The masks, known don’t understand it and I don’t
ter and a snug fit to the face. protective equipment busi- as elastomerics, are certified think any of us do,” said Mene
The new masks are de- ness, said the Charlotte, N.C.- to offer as much protection as Pangalos, AstraZeneca’s execu-
signed to fill what makers call based conglomerate aimed to disposable N95s but are typi- tive vice president for bio-
a hole in the medical-gear combine the comfort of a cloth cally made from rubber and pharmaceuticals research and
market as Covid-19 cases mask with protection near plastic and contain a replace- development. “It was surpris-
surge—something for nonmed- what an N95 affords. able filter. ing to us.”
ical people worried about ex- “We tried to combine the Another manufacturer of The U.K. company said on
posure in their day-to-day best of both worlds,” he said. the reusable elastomerics, Monday that the vaccine it is

lives. Manufacturers say their Some officials and medical MSA Safety Inc., recently won codeveloping with the Univer-
new masks follow recommen- experts are encouraging people regulatory approval for a mask sity of Oxford was on average
dations from public-health au- to wear masks that offer more without an exhalation valve. about 90% effective in pre-
thorities and typically include protection than simple cloth. The company said elastomer- venting Covid-19 when volun-
a combination of reusable lay- Canadian public health offi- ics can save hospitals space teers were given a half-dose
ers and a replaceable filter. cials this month said people and money on their stockpiles shot followed by a full dose a
Despite big increases in do- should wear masks in public because they are reusable. month or more later, but only
mestic production, N95s have that contain three layers: two Some hospitals say using elas- 62% effective when two full
been in short supply since the fabric plus a filter layer. The tomerics instead of disposable doses were given. The data
pandemic began. The surge in U.S. Centers for Disease Con- N95s can be complicated be- pooled trial results from the
cases is putting fresh strain on trol and Prevention updated cause of the cleaning protocols U.K. and Brazil.
U.S. stockpiles of a critical its guidance on Nov. 10 to say necessary to reuse them. U.S. regulators have set the
piece of equipment for doctors masks offer some protection ThermoPore Materials bar for authorizing vaccines at
and nurses treating patients to the wearer in addition to Corp. secured government ap- 50% effectiveness, but vac-
with Covid-19. people nearby. it is to breathe through. The People have been buying proval in September to make a cines in development by Mod-
The new masks aimed at Emiel DenHartog, a professor CDC has said that a mask with the masks to protect against new type of N95 that uses a dif- erna Inc., and partners Pfizer
everyday consumers aren’t who studies respiratory protec- multiple layers of higher- the coronavirus, so Sleepnet ferent filtration material than Inc. and Germany’s BioNTech
subjected to the same federal tion at North Carolina State thread cloth offers more pro- this month started selling a the standard polypropylene, SE have set the benchmark
certification process as N95s University, welcomed the work tection than a mask with one plug for the valve that pre- which has been in short supply. even higher with study results
intended for medical workers. to make new kinds of masks for layer of lower-thread cloth. vents droplets that could con- President Ken Milam said showing greater than 90% ef-
Getting certified to produce the public. He cautioned, Hampton, N.H.-based Sleep- tain the virus from being ex- the material ThermoPore is fectiveness.
N95s is a long and rigorous though, that there isn’t a con- net Corp., which makes masks haled out of the mask. using, sintered polyethylene, Those vaccines use a new
process, manufacturers said. sensus on how manufacturers for people with sleep apnea, “In a pandemic, what are looks under a microscope like gene-based technology that,
The National Institute for Oc- should test these products. also sells a reusable N95-style you worried about? Effective- BB pellets stuck together, despite its impressive clinical
cupational Safety and Health “It’s hard for people to mask that was designed only ness and availability,” said Rob- compared with the tangled results so far, requires the
has approved about 20 addi- judge what is reliable,” he said. to protect the wearer during ert Skaff, business unit man- spaghetti of polypropylene. shots to be stored at subzero
tional makers of N95s and Respiratory-protection ex- work on dusty construction ager for Sleepnet’s N95 mask. The company is trying to scale temperatures. AstraZeneca’s
similar products this year, ac- perts say how much protection sites or home-improvement The New York City Fire De- up production of masks made vaccine can be stored in a
cording to the agency, increas- a mask provides—to both the projects. It includes a valve partment recently said it with the material at its factory more standard refrigerator,
ing the number of certified wearer and people nearby— through which people exhale would buy a type of reusable in Newnan, Ga. “I wish we which could make it attractive
companies around the world depends on how well it filters, unfiltered air, which could in- mask made by 3M Co. so as could bring it to more people to low- and middle-income na-
by about one-third. how well it fits and how easy clude virus particles. not to use up medical-grade faster,” Mr. Milam said. tions.

Salesforce Six-month share performance

Slack's quarterly results
Revenue Net profit/loss

Seeks Boost 40
$300 million


From Slack 20

Continued from Page One
business-focused social-media 0 –100
network. The loss stung.
Salesforce responded by urg- –200
ing regulators to examine Mi- –20
crosoft’s proposed purchase on –300
antitrust grounds; the deal Slack Technologies
passed regulatory scrutiny. –40 –400
Landing Slack, which Micro- June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. FY2019 ’20 ’21
soft also once tried to acquire, Note: Slack’s 2Q fiscal year 2021 ended July 31
could amount to a bit of re- Sources: FactSet (shares); S&P Capital IQ (results) 40 carats of sapphires
venge for Mr. Benioff.
San Francisco-based Slack pany a valuable currency to use than 130,000 paying customers. in a parade of royal style
makes instant-messaging soft- for takeovers. Shares of Slack Salesforce is pursuing Slack
ware that it pitches as a solu- rose 38% to $40.70 each on as competition in its core busi-
tion to what it says is cluttered Wednesday, while Salesforce re- ness of customer relationship- Drape yourself in our undeniably
and intrusive office email. It treated 5.4% to $246.82. management soft ware is inten- elegant necklace. The regal style
launched in 2009 as a gaming Mr. Benioff has long been sifying. Adobe Inc. this month
company called Tiny Speck, but among the highest-profile and said it would buy Workfront, a showcases a glorious procession
pivoted to the messaging app it most outspoken executives in platform for marketers, for $1.5
had developed for internal use. tech, using venues like the billion. Microsoft also has been of 40.00 ct. t.w. oval sapphires,
Microsoft in 2016 launched World Economic Forum in Da- pushing its rival product, called
its own workplace collaboration vos, Switzerland, to champion Dynamics. Salesforce still has
set in shining sterling silver.
tool, Teams, spurring a some- causes and burnish his profile. the largest share with 20.1% of A truly head-turning design,
times heated battle between the He set up Salesforce with a the world-wide market in 2019
two companies. “They want to pledge of corporate giving and compared with 2.6% for Micro- our blue beauty will be the
kill us,” Slack CEO Stewart But- bought himself an even larger soft Dynamics, according to re-
terfield told the Journal this platform with his acquisition of search firm Gartner Inc. crown jewel of your collection!
year. This summer, Slack filed a Time Magazine two years ago. Slack’s Mr. Butterfield has
complaint with the European The San Francisco-based been trying to turn Slack into
Union over alleged antitrust be- more than a communications
havior by Microsoft in using its tool for business. Slack has
dominance to push Teams. partnered with other software
Slack “extends the footprint
Landing Slack could vendors to transform itself into
of what Salesforce goes after,” amount to a bit of a platform through which com-
Jefferies analyst Brent Thill panies can access a variety of
said. “Not everyone uses a sales
revenge for services they need to run their
system, but everyone can use Salesforce’s CEO. operations, offering interfaces
collaboration. ” for other business-tool provid-
Mr. Benioff has a history of ers such as Workday Inc., cloud-
deal making since he co- storage vendor Dropbox Inc.
founded Salesforce 21 years ago company also has made a big and Salesforce.
and turned it into one of the push into the emerging field of Even with Slack, Salesforce
most successful companies in artificial intelligence, develop- would remain comparatively
the then still nascent market of ing tools to help customers small next to Microsoft. The Also available
providing software as a service. make better use of their data. Redmond, Wash., company had
Salesforce completed its big-
gest-ever purchase last year,
paying around $15 billion in
Breaking into the market of
workplace collaboration has
long been on Salesforce’s
sales of $143 billion in its latest
financial year, generated by
business enterprise software,
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A year earlier, it splashed work for companies to collabo- nesses, such as videogaming. Its
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Salesforce has a market ing. Acquiring Slack, which combined.
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nearly 100 times its trailing- player in the workplace-collabo- nancial year. It had $16 billion
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A8 | Friday, November 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Ethiopian Military Moves on Rebel Capital
Government encircles
Mekelle after three
weeks of fighting with
northern region

Ethiopia’s government be-

gan what it called the final
phase of a military operation
on the encircled capital of the
rebel-run northern region of
Tigray on Thursday, drawing
calls from the U.S. and United
Nations to halt the fighting in
the strategically important
Horn of Africa nation.
Government forces backed
by heavy artillery were posi-
tioned on the edge of Mekelle


after three weeks of fighting
with the regional government
of Tigray, which wants a bigger
voice in national rule.
The conflict, which has cut
off the largely autonomous
mountainous region and its half
a million residents, has killed
over 1,000 people and forced
some 40,000 civilians to seek
refuge in neighboring Sudan. A The conflict between the central government and the largely autonomous Tigray region has displaced thousands of civilians. Above, Tigray refugees in eastern Sudan.
news agency in Ethiopia’s Am-
hara region said Wednesday ously provocative and risks security team have called for a tants in Somalia alongside U.S. tiate after restoring the rule of
that more than 10,000 Tigrayan placing already vulnerable and halt to the fighting. SUDAN forces. law in Tigray.
troops had been “destroyed,” a frightened civilians in grave “I’m deeply concerned Khartoum Military analysts said the There are growing fears
claim that couldn’t be indepen- danger,” U.N. rights chief Mi- about the risk of violence Mekelle battle for Mekelle will likely that battle-hardened TPLF
dently verified. chelle Bachelet said. against civilians, including po- dictate the next phase of the fighters could retreat to the
Ethiopia’s government had Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed tential war crimes, in the TIGRAY confrontation. mountains and launch an in-
given rebel fighters loyal to said Thursday that “great fighting around Mekelle,” said “The capture of Mekelle surgency, even if they are
the Tigray People’s Liberation care” would be taken to pro- Jake Sullivan, Mr. Biden’s pick Addis Ababa may mark an end to the con- routed in Mekelle.
Front, the party of the regional tect civilians and “all efforts” for national security adviser. ETHIOPIA ventional phase of the conflict “Abiy’s government believes
government, an ultimatum to would be made to limit dam- On Thursday evening, it was SOMALIA but may not mean an end to that they are already dealing
surrender by the end of age to Mekelle. Rights groups unclear whether a full-scale Mogadishu the fighting,” said Louw Nel, with an insurgency,” said Bron-
Wednesday. including Amnesty Interna- military assault on Mekelle had an analyst at South Africa- wyn Bruton, director of pro-
KENYA 300 miles
The U.N. Security Council tional have urged both sides begun, with a communications based NKC African Economics. grams at Washington-based
300 km
held its first meeting on Tigray not to use artillery or carry blackout that has shuttered the Mr. Ahmed, who won a No- think tank Atlantic Council’s
on Tuesday, despite disagree- out aerial bombings, appealing internet and phone lines still bel Peace Prize last year and Africa Center. “It seems clear
ment between European and for them to consider the city’s in place. A Western diplomat Located near strategic wa- was due to face an election in that the game plan is to encir-
African members over whether inhabitants and the many more said the TPLF had mobilized terways in the Red Sea, Ethio- October before the vote was cle the TPLF leadership inside
the talks should take place. seeking refuge there from many of the city’s civilians and pia commands one of East Af- postponed due to the coronavi- Mekelle, and hope that they
“The highly aggressive rhet- fighting elsewhere in Tigray. dug trenches around the capi- rica’s most powerful military rus, has intensified the mili- surrender, but I don’t doubt
oric on both sides regarding Several members of Presi- tal in preparation for the in- forces, whose troops are cur- tary campaign, insisting that the willingness of TPLF to
the fight for Mekelle is danger- dent-elect Joe Biden’s national cursion. rently fighting al-Shabaab mili- the government can only nego- burn everything down.”

Activist Saudi Woman to Face Charges of Terrorism

BY STEPHEN KALIN the case to the Specialized months?” Ms. Hathloul’s sister centrist foreign-policy and na-
Criminal Court, where new Lina tweeted. “Nobody can be tional-security officials.
RIYADH—Saudi Arabia charges are expected, Ms. fooled anymore. This is MBS’s Ms. Hathloul has become a
transferred the case of Hathloul’s family said. The Saudi Arabia’s definition of a symbol for Saudi Arabia’s crit-
women’s rights activist Lou- criminal court had convened fair trial and of an Indepen- ics in the West, who have plas-
jain al-Hathloul to a terrorism multiple sessions since open- dent Court.” tered her face on public spaces
court, raising fears among ing the trial in March 2019 but The case presents an early in Washington and European
supporters that she could re- none since March this year. test of President-elect Joe Bi- capitals. Nine Democratic sen-
main in prison longer despite Ms. Hathloul looked weak, den’s pledge to reassess the ators and Republican Sen.

international pressure to re- her body shaking and voice U.S. relationship with Saudi Marco Rubio on Monday called
lease her. faint, according to her family. Arabia and protect the right of for the women to be released
Ms. Hathloul was picked up The 31-year-old, who was activists around the world to “on the merits of their case,
more than three years ago just nominated this year for the speak freely, after President but today…on health and hu-
as the conservative kingdom Nobel Peace Prize, earlier this Trump stood by Prince Mo- manitarian grounds.”
allowed women to drive, month ended a two-week hun- hammed in the face of accusa- Saudi Arabia has so resisted
something she and other de- ger strike to protest her tions that he ordered the 2018 Western calls to release Ms.
tained activists had long prison conditions. Loujain al-Hathloul had lobbied for women to be allowed to drive. killing of dissident Saudi jour- Hathloul, which crescendoed
pushed for. She was charged A spokesman for the Saudi nalist Jamal Khashoggi. last week ahead of the Group
with aiding an enemy country public prosecutor didn’t an- Court was established in 2008 Salman, the kingdom’s day-to- Saudi Arabia has congratu- of 20 summit hosted by Saudi
but also speaking with foreign swer calls or messages, and to try terrorism suspects but day ruler who has accused her lated Mr. Biden on his election Arabia. Minister of State for
journalists and diplomats, con- the media ministry didn’t im- has since been used to prose- and others arrested around victory, which Mr. Trump is Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir
tacting Saudi dissidents living mediately respond to ques- cute human-rights activists the same time of spying for trying to overturn, but re- told CNN the matter was up to
abroad, and applying for a job tions about the trial. Western and perceived dissidents. regional rivals Iran and Qatar. mains concerned about the the courts and denied that the
at the United Nations. journalists have been denied Ms. Hathloul’s supporters “How is it possible for the president-elect’s plans to re- activists were arrested for ad-
On Wednesday, the Riyadh permission to enter the court- fear the change of venue rep- judge to realize the court lacks turn to the Obama-era nuclear vocating the right to drive cars.
Criminal Court ruled that it room. resents a doubling down by jurisdiction after dealing with deal with Iran. Mr. Biden has —Summer Said in Dubai
lacked jurisdiction and sent The Specialized Criminal Crown Prince Mohammed bin the case for 1 year and 8 begun assembling a team of contributed to this article.


FRIDAY MONDAY Bank Urged with regulators. Deutsche
Bank paid large fines in the
and annexation of Crimea.
Deutsche Bank itself shrank
board before the end of the
year, the person said. Moves
U.S. and U.K. related to lax but didn’t close its Russian ac- would include widening invest-
To Quit anti-money-laundering proce-
dures. In 2017, it ran into trou-
ble with Federal Reserve regu-
tivities beginning in 2015,
agreeing to service some cus-
tomers there from other cities
ment-banking products offered
in the country, including in its
foreign-exchange business.

Heat &
Russia lators over risk controls in its
U.S. operations. It received a
fresh rebuke from the Fed this
such as London, Zurich and
Frankfurt. It has more than
1,000 employees in the country.
In 2017, Deutsche Bank paid
$629 million to end investiga-
tions by New York’s DFS and
Massage Chair -
year over similar matters. The monitors told the bank U.K. regulators into the mirror
Available Now! Continued from Page One The bank has also faced it should withdraw from the trades. By trading stocks in
Lee Wolosky and Dawn Smalls questioning from Democrats in business completely, including two locations at once,
from the law firm Jenner & Congress about Deutsche services to Russians outside of Deutsche Bank helped rich
Block LLP. A Jenner & Block Bank’s role as a leading lender the country, the person familiar Russians take billions of dol-
spokesperson didn’t respond to President Trump. with the communications said. lars out of the country unmon-
to requests for comment. Deutsche Bank has said it has Not doing so, they said, posed itored. The bank reported to
The monitors can’t directly committed significant resources the regulators about the
order changes at Deutsche to improving its money-laun- trades, made between 2011 and

Bank. They make recommenda- dering controls and has fully co- 2015, which violated U.S. anti-
tions that are shared with the operated in investigations. money-laundering laws. A sep-
New York regulator, which can Mr. Sewing is under pressure arate investigation by the Jus-
threaten fines and remediation. to make the troubled lender tice Department into the same
The monitors have been in profitable despite negative in- Millions of dollars of Deutsche issue was continuing, accord-
place since Deutsche Bank set- terest rates in Europe and a Bank’s annual revenue in Russia ing to Deutsche Bank’s annual
tled a case in 2017 related to brutal pandemic that has hurt report published in March.
“mirror trades,” in which the the financial position of bor- As part of the settlement,
bank moved $10 billion of Rus- rowers. He launched a sweep- DFS appointed the team of
sian client money out of the ing overhaul of the bank in a threat to the bank and raised two independent monitors to
country. They told Deutsche 2019, with plans to reduce head questions as to whether it had check on the bank’s efforts to
Bank that a 2018 deal to sell a count by nearly a fifth and to learned from its past mistakes. improve its controls, reporting
property in Silicon Valley to a pull back its presence as a com- Deutsche Bank executives directly to the regulator.
Russian businessman, despite petitor to Wall Street giants have discussed expanding the The monitors were surprised
the objection of the bank’s U.S. such as Goldman Sachs Group Russian business for several by Deutsche Bank’s wish to
reputational-risk committee, Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. years. The monitors learned widen its Russia business given
Save up to $400 played a role in forming their
views. The Wall Street Journal
He has also looked to mar-
kets where Deutsche Bank can
about the plans in May, the
person familiar with the com-
how little it helps the bottom
line. Last year, operations in
reported about the deal last grow. A renewed push into munications said. Russia generated less than $70
year, citing documents and Russia would be part of a Deutsche Bank would be million in revenue—a tiny frac-
during our Black Friday and people familiar with the matter. broader plan by the bank to ex- betting on a business that has tion of the $27 billion the
The call by the monitors to pand in emerging markets, long been a reputational and whole bank made, according to
Cyber Monday Sale! quit Russia creates a high- people familiar with the moves financial headache. A Russia the bank’s annual report. The
stakes dilemma for the bank said. Most global investment working group inside the bank figure, however, doesn’t include
N O V 2 6 t h
- 3 0 t h
and Chief Executive Officer banks reduced their presence was meant to meet this month all business with Russian cli-
Christian Sewing. He has in Russia after the U.S. imposed to consider a limited expan- ents done outside the country.
promised to restore Deutsche sanctions for Moscow’s 2014 sion plan, which will be pre- —Jimmy Vielkind
Bank’s tarnished reputation invasion of Eastern Ukraine sented to the management contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, November 27, 2020 | A9


business,” he said. “I felt like I
needed to fight” for TikTok.
Mr. Marland, the comedian,
said he likewise amassed
enough TikTok followers to
quit his job waiting tables and
drop out of school. He now
supports himself with sponsor-
ships from brands including
Snickers and Reebok, and
boasts three million followers.
As threats against the app
grew through the summer, Tik-
Tok officials stayed in close
touch with top performers on
the app to reassure them that
they had a plan to ensure sur-
vival and to dissuade them
from switching to rival plat-
forms, according to people fa-

TikTok Tok,” Judge Beetlestone said in

her decision.
The U.S. government has ap-
miliar with the outreach. As
part of those communications,
the company stressed that the

Stars Help pealed the ruling. The govern-

ment called the plaintiffs’
claims meritless and argued
stars had rights of their own to
defend, the people said.
In September, TikTok

Fight Ban their request to block the ban

would “necessarily infringe on
the President’s authority to
brought the high performers
together to talk on a Zoom call
about the U.S. government
block business-to-business eco- threats and what might be
Continued from Page One nomic transactions with a for- done about them. They an-
the scenes, the legal action was eign entity in the midst of a swered questions about how
orchestrated by TikTok and its declared national-security TikTok had affected their lives,
Chinese parent company, Byte- emergency.” according to a person who at-
Dance Ltd., according to people In a statement, TikTok’s in- tended the call. Eventually Mr.
familiar with the matter. It terim head, Vanessa Pappas Chambers, Mr. Marland and
lined up the influencers to be said: “We stand behind our Ms. Rinab volunteered to be
plaintiffs, connected them with community as they share their plaintiffs in the lawsuit.
a top First Amendment lawyer voices, and we are committed Ms. Rinab and Mr. Marland
and helped create a legal strat- to providing a home for them had met each other at industry
egy that was complementary to to do so.” events before, and they were
a separate lawsuit the company familiar with Mr. Chambers’s
pursued under its own name, work. In early September, the
the people said. Delay, distraction three began messaging each
It was a twist in a geopoliti- One of ByteDance’s goals in other daily in a group text
cal business saga that began recent months was to draw out chain about the suit.
this summer, and continues the Trump administration’s as- Ambika Kumar Doran, the

with a preliminary deal still sault, the people said, betting lawyer TikTok pointed them to,
under negotiation that involves that key officials would likely said she felt they had a strong
Oracle Corp. and Walmart Inc. become increasingly distracted case because she believed the
taking stakes in TikTok. as the election approached. Trump administration had
ByteDance and its potential The TikTok review by the overreached its authority. She
U.S. partners are optimistic administration began with the was also aware they might find
about completing a deal in the U.S. Committee on Foreign In- it intimidating to take on the
coming weeks, according to vestment, which evaluates U.S. government.
people familiar with their dis- deals for national security “It’s unprecedented for the
cussions and internal thinking. risks. That committee has or- government to shut down an
On Wednesday, the Trump ad- dered ByteDance to divest its entire forum for free speech,
ministration granted Byte- U.S. operations of TikTok, out no matter what the reason,”
Dance a one-week extension to of concern that user data could said Ms. Doran, who focuses on
complete a deal, putting the be shared with the Chinese free-speech issues and technol-
new deadline at Dec. 4. government given regulations ogy. She declined to discuss
In August, President Trump there that require companies how the litigation came to-
signed an order calling for Tik- to hand over huge swaths of gether or was financed.
Tok to be shut down or, alter- information. ByteDance has
natively, sold to a U.S. com- said it would never share data
pany. The administration said with the Chinese government, Stick with TikTok?
it feared ByteDance could though analysts and experts TikTok stars turned plaintiffs, from top left: comedian Doug Marland; University of Southern She filed the lawsuit on
share information about U.S. say companies have little California student Cosette Rinab; and musician Alec Chambers. The three sued the federal their behalf on Sept. 18, two
users with the Chinese govern- choice but to comply if asked. government over its proposed ban of the app in the U.S., an effort that proved key. days before the Commerce De-
ment, which the company said ByteDance’s legal efforts partment was initially set to
it would never do. were designed to chip away at Oracle as its partner to secure ByteDance kept its lawsuits data, according to people fa- ban TikTok downloads. A judge
the more punitive efforts by its data in the U.S., with the against the U.S. government miliar with the matter. in the parallel lawsuit on Tik-
the Trump administration, software giant and Walmart active in part to ensure that A deal must ultimately get Tok’s behalf blocked that ban
Two rulings even while it pursued a deal Inc. taking ownership stakes in the app didn’t face a shutdown signoff from the U.S. Commit- hours before it was to go into
The first ruling in TikTok’s that would satisfy the Cfius or- a new company that would run as the negotiations took place. tee on Foreign Investment and effect.
favor came with its own law- der, which also has bipartisan TikTok’s U.S. operations. Mr. Trump would still prefer Mr. Trump, as well as the Chi- While they waited for their
suit, which argued that an ini- support in Washington. Any A key sticking point that to get rid of TikTok in the U.S. nese government. own court hearing, the month
tial Commerce Department ban deal will ultimately require si- still needs to be ironed out is altogether, though his attention of October was stressful, the
on downloading or updating gnoff from the U.S. president. the size of the ownership has shifted to other matters, plaintiffs said. Some days Mr.
the app would harm the com- Although President-elect Bi- stakes for ByteDance and its the senior administration offi- ‘Regular kids’ Marland refreshed the news
pany’s business. On Sept. 27, den has not made clear his po- new U.S. investors, according cial said. The official said that The lawsuit was designed in and Twitter all day, hoping to
Judge Carl Nichols in the U.S. sition on TikTok, the commit- to people familiar with the dis- even though Mr. Trump gave part to put a human face on hear a deal would save TikTok.
District Court in Washington, tee’s divestiture order would cussions and internal thinking. his preliminary approval to a TikTok. Mr. Chambers, the mu- Ms. Rinab, who posts about
D.C., determined that the gov- still likely stand under new ad- The negotiations have al- deal, he has never been fully sician, joined the app in late fashion and lifestyle and said
ernment likely overstepped its ministration. ready helped Walmart forge sold on the idea because he 2018, and a cover version of she earns between $5,000 to
authority under national-secu- For now, an outright ban of closer ties to TikTok, some- doesn’t want a transaction that Halsey’s “Without Me” re- $10,000 per video from en-
rity law. The government ap- TikTok appears off the table: thing that has motivated the could be perceived as benefit- corded in the basement studio dorsements, heard fellow stars
pealed the decision, and the On Nov. 12, the Commerce De- retailer from the beginning, ac- ing China. at his parents’ house earned discussing whether to transfer
case is still ongoing. partment said it wouldn’t en- cording to people familiar with Inside the Trump adminis- him thousands of early follow- to other platforms such as You-
On Oct. 30, Judge Wendy force the order that would the situation. Walmart is work- tration, Treasury Secretary ers. Tube.
Beetlestone, in federal court have effectively forced TikTok ing toward partnering with Steven Mnuchin, Attorney Gen- Now more than two million On Oct. 28, Ms. Rinab set
for the Eastern District of to shut down, citing the ruling TikTok on providing warehouse eral William Barr and White users follow his videos, many her laptop up in the kitchen,
Pennsylvania, ruled on the in- in the stars’ lawsuit, and the and shipment support for sales House economic adviser Larry of which feature his own origi- grabbed a coffee and sat down
fluencer lawsuit. She blocked administration’s legal options made through the app, and Kudlow have all said in meet- nal music or his covers of radio to testify via videoconference.
Commerce Department restric- are dwindling. Walmart CEO Doug McMillon ings at times that they believe hits. The 25-year-old from Con- She and Mr. Marland an-
tions that would have barred While TikTok was aggres- now has relationships with Tik- a deal could work, while White necticut has earned endorse- swered a series of questions
U.S. companies from listing sively pushing back on the pro- Tok’s executive leadership, House adviser and China hawk ment deals to promote Extra from lawyers on both sides,
TikTok in their app stores—a posed bans in the courts, it some of the people said. Peter Navarro has advised Mr. gum and Cinnamon Toast mostly about how TikTok
move that would effectively also pledged to work coopera- Executives at Oracle, who Trump to avoid a deal, accord- Crunch cereal. works.
make it inoperable in the U.S. tively with national-security see TikTok as a major cus- ing to the senior administra- “TikTok has allowed regular Two days later, Judge
“Without access to the Tik- regulators on the potential deal tomer for its cloud business, tion official. kids like me, who don’t have Beetlestone sided with the
Tok app, Plaintiffs would lose that would address the govern- expect the deal to be com- TikTok believes it will still access to a lot of money or plaintiffs.
access to all of these followers, ment’s data-security concerns. pleted before the end of the likely need to divest its Ameri- connections to people who are —Alex Leary, Sarah Nassauer
as well as to the professional In mid-September, the com- year, a person close to the can operations or face ques- high up in the industry, to and Aaron Tilley contributed
opportunities afforded by Tik- pany announced it had chosen company said. tions about its handling of U.S. make a stamp in the music to this article.

and clear. Frankensteining going on, com- and ads.

Fake Meat There are now 323 meat al-
ternative products claiming to
bining elements of areas we
liked and didn’t like,” he said.
Impossible this year tangled
in a European court with
be “plant-based,” according to Happy Little Plants was cho- Nestlé SA, the world’s biggest
In Need of market-research firm Label In-
sight Inc.
sen, Mr. Kreske said, because it
conveys “plant positivity.”
packaged food maker, over the
Swiss company’s launch of a

New Names Some go whole hog on the

concept of slaughtering vegeta-
bles, such as Minneapolis-
Fast-food giants have har-
nessed the plant-based buzz by
slapping brand names on
patty called the “Garden Gour-
met Incredible Burger.” The
District Court of The Hague
based retailer Herbivorous menus, such as Burger King’s ruled in Impossible’s favor,
Continued from Page One Butcher or meat imitation Impossible Whoppers, supplied forcing Nestlé to rename its
Corp. launched “Happy Little maker Vegetarian Butcher. by Impossible Foods Inc., and product the “Sensational
Plants.” A Canadian plant- Allen Adamson, co-founder Carl’s Jr.’s Beyond Famous Star Burger” in Europe. Nestlé is
based retailer calls itself Yam- of brand-consulting firm Meta- burgers supplied by Beyond appealing that ruling, a spokes-
Chops, San Diego startup Be- force, said overtly plant-refer- Meat Inc. man said.
fore the Butcher sells the encing names like the McPlant An ‘Incogmeato’ burger, part of a line of plant-based products It isn’t clear yet whether Jeffrey Landsman, co-owner
“Uncut” burger and a San Fran- risk alienating everyday diners. launched by MorningStar Farms, a division of Kellogg Co. McDonald’s will credit Beyond of L and L Specialty Foods,
cisco company is called Uni- “Most people don’t graze in on its menus when McPlant about two years ago issued a
corn Meat. the backyard, eating their hippies in Western Massachu- company embraced the atten- burgers hit its grills, expected cease and desist notice to Gen-
One thing many have in plants,” Mr. Adamson said. setts,” said Adam Grogan, chief tion and changed its name to in trials in 2021. eral Mills Inc.’s Pillsbury unit
common: avoiding the “V Ben Pasternak, a software operating officer of parent Tofurky in 2013. The name created heartburn after seeing on the company’s
words,” vegan or vegetarian, entrepreneur, said he avoided Greenleaf Foods SPC. “You can be noticed for a for Beyond Meat, which had website a recipe for “bacon-
which even ardent herbivores the V words when choosing a “Some of the others are try- funny name, but you have to worked on McDonald’s previ- naise”—which also happens to
admit can be a turnoff to curi- name for his soy and wheat ing to stand out without the deliver a good product to stick ous test-launch of a “P.L.T.” be the name of L and L’s meat-
ous carnivores. protein-based nuggets. He set- background or credibility,” he around,” Mr. Athos said. sandwich––plant, lettuce, to- free, bacon-flavored spread. A
A milestone arrived this tled on Nuggs, which he said said. “They are a shade gim- Hormel’s development of mato––but wasn’t named as a General Mills spokeswoman
month when McDonald’s Corp., reflects an acronym he used to micky, to be honest.” the Happy Little Plants brand current collaborator in the Mc- said the title was changed.
the world’s largest burger com- repeat: “Never underestimate Plant-based food maker To- in spring 2019 involved em- Plant announcement this Christopher Jaynes, a vice
pany, announced plans for a great, great software.” furky Co. doesn’t mind being ployees across the company’s month. After its shares fell, Be- president at a software com-
slate of meat-free products Some veteran brands see zinged, said Chief Executive marketing, sales, operations, yond quickly issued a state- pany, said he had taken to or-
dubbed “McPlant.” the upstarts as all bright pack- Jaime Athos. The company was regulatory affairs and account- ment saying it had a hand in dering Impossible burgers.
McDonald’s Chief Executive aging and rebellious names, founded in 1980 as Turtle Is- ing departments, as well as developing the new burger, too. Even with a catchy name, the
Chris Kempczinski said the and no heart. Lightlife Foods, land Foods, but got a boost in brand-strategy firm CBX. The Ethan Brown, Beyond’s chief new products face a steep chal-
chain did consumer testing on founded in 1979 as “Tempeh 1995 after launching its “To- effort produced a list of around executive and founder, said his lenge, he said. “How do you go
a slate of name options for a Works,” is proud of its ingredi- furky” tofu holiday roasts, 500 names, said Bryan Kreske, company’s profile among con- up against something as ubiq-
plant-based product line, and ents and playful names such as spoofed on late-night TV and manager of Hormel’s business sumers has earned it a place uitous as a hamburger?” Mr.
McPlant was straightforward “Fakin’ Bacon” coined by “two referenced on “Jeopardy!” The incubator. “There was a lot of on restaurants’ menu boards Jaynes said.
A9A | Friday, November 27, 2020 NY * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Traffic’s New Normal Is Less Congested
Manhattan businesses
are quieter, keeping Trucking Firms Say people are choosing to get deliv-
eries of home products versus
overall volume lower, Demand Is Shifting going to the store.”
A large number of deliver-
speeds a bit higher ies are still being made in
Trucking and delivery com- Manhattan’s central business
BY PAUL BERGER panies say they are as busy as district, which is home to
ever. The main difference today about 600,000 people, said
The empty roads of early is that a significant portion of Eric Beaton, the city’s deputy
pandemic-era New York City demand has shifted from Man- commissioner for transporta-


have filled back up, and traffic hattan to the outer boroughs, tion planning and management.
has returned across the met- where package deliveries were Because Manhattan lacks
ropolitan region. But the grid- already growing in popularity distribution facilities, most de-
locked “carpocalypse” that before the pandemic. liveries come via a bridge or
people feared for this fall has “A lot of office supplies are tunnel by smaller truck. That
failed to materialize and not coming to the home instead of has contributed to the number
all road trips today are as bad to business,” said Kendra Hems, of vehicles entering the area
as they once were. president of the Trucking Asso- rebounding almost to pre-pan-
City transportation officials ciation of New York. “Also many demic levels.
say the region’s roads have Traffic backed up as workers resurfaced a road in Midtown Manhattan in October.
settled into a new, if tempo-
rary, normal in recent months. City are about 10% lower than district is separated out from department officials say aver- traffic, Mr. Beaton said. Emp- vehicular traffic. Average
Average daytime speeds in normal. the rest of the city, traffic is age speeds during the morning tier nighttime roads have co- weekday ridership on the re-
Midtown Manhattan remain The reduction is driven in almost at or in some cases is in that area of the BQE are incided with a significant in- gion’s three main commuter
slightly above pre-pandemic part, Mr. Schwartz said, by a as bad as pre-pandemic levels. close to or slightly faster than crease in fatal motorcycle and railroads, Long Island Rail
levels, according to city data, significant decrease in traffic The worst spots for conges- average speeds last year. car crashes, many of them at Road, Metro-North Railroad
which also show that at night- circulating in New York’s cen- tion are expressways and At the height of the first night, he said. and NJ Transit, is down about
time some roads are signifi- tral business district, which other highways that allow wave of the pandemic, day- City data show that pedes- 75% or more from pre-pan-
cantly faster than previously. stretches from the southern trucks, said Mr. Schwartz, time speeds in Midtown Man- trian deaths are on track this demic levels. Average weekday
If New Yorkers feel as tip of Manhattan to 60th rather than parkways which hattan averaged about 13 year to reach a record low subway ridership is down
though roads are as bad as Street. prohibit the heaviest vehicles. miles per hour, according to since the city began its Vision about 70%.
ever, that is because people That area is less busy than “If you have a choice between city data. Speeds have since Zero campaign in 2014 to Kaan Ozbay, director of
got used to freer-flowing traf- it used to be. Just 10% of a parkway and an expressway, fallen to about 8 mph, up from eliminate road deaths. Motor- C2SMART, said the small shift
fic in the spring and early white-collar workers have re- take the parkway,” he said. about 7 mph before the pan- cycle and motor-vehicle occu- from mass transit to cars
summer, said Eric Beaton, the turned to their Manhattan of- Motion sensors on the demic. Mr. Beaton said slow- pant deaths are on course to shows how disastrous it would
city’s deputy commissioner for fices, according to the Part- Brooklyn-Queens Expressway downs also are being caused, hit their highest levels since be if more people choose pri-
transportation planning and nership for New York City, a in Brooklyn Heights show that in part, by a rise in activity at the campaign began. vate vehicles to get to work as
management. “People don’t business group that represents truck volumes are mostly back hospitals, an increase in day- Among traffic specialists, offices open up as a vaccine is
necessarily remember day to some of the city’s largest pri- to pre-pandemic levels, ac- time construction and utility the biggest concern is that distributed next year.
day what it was like a year vate-sector employers. Tour- cording to city data analyzed work and by some delivery people have started swapping “People are not going to
ago,” he said. ism has all but disappeared, by Jingqin “Jannie” Gao, a se- companies that have shifted mass-transit trips for rides in work every day, yet still we
Sam Schwartz, a traffic nightlife has been curtailed, nior research associate at operations from overnight to private vehicles and that the see the effect of congestion
consultant and former New and taxi and for-hire vehicle C2SMART, a transportation re- daytime to take advantage of trend could continue. and high demand for tunnels
York City traffic commissioner, demand is weak. search center at New York the drop in traffic. Mass-transit ridership in and bridges,” he said. “It
said data show that overall Mr. Schwartz said once University Tandon School of Overnight traffic hasn’t re- the region fell further and is shows the importance of tran-
traffic volumes in New York Manhattan’s central business Engineering. Transportation turned as quickly as daytime recovering more slowly than sit for this region.”

State Still Hopes

For Budget Help
At Federal Level
BY JIMMY VIELKIND The state faces a projected
$8.7 billion deficit in the fiscal
Top New York lawmakers year that begins April 1, and
say they will continue to wait the picture is looking similarly
for a federal coronavirus relief grim in other public entities

package before making any ad- that rely on state funding.

justments to the state budget New York City Mayor Bill
even as fiscal issues pile up de Blasio said Monday that
for the state’s localities and tens of thousands of layoffs
public authorities. are still possible next year.
The wait-and-see approach Other cities and counties are
has ruled the State Capitol developing budgets for 2021
since the spring, when mem- that raise taxes above the
bers of the Democratic-con- state’s 2% cap, a maneuver
trolled state Assembly and that requires a vote of 60% of
Senate enacted a budget that legislators.
gave Gov. Andrew Cuomo uni- The Metropolitan Transpor-
lateral power to hold back tation Authority is considering
spending if additional federal a 2021 budget that would re-
The restaurant Odo, located in Manhattan’s Flatiron District, says it serves high-quality sushi at $23 for a 10-piece delivery box. aid didn’t materialize.
So far it hasn’t, although

Japanese Restaurants Deliver Sushi $8.7B

Mr. Cuomo and legislative
leaders said the election of
Joe Biden as president would
make it more likely that a new

To Homes to Survive the Pandemic

federal package would include The state’s projected deficit
significant funding for state for the year beginning April 1
and local governments.
But until it materializes, the
BY ANNA MUTOH funding. window for state lawmakers to
Ms. Ichihara said Japanese revise the budget enacted in duce or suspend some week-
Before the Covid-19 pan- restaurants lack local commu- April—possibly by increasing day subway services and limit
demic, New Yorkers had a hard nity support because of the rel- income taxes—is closing. Sen- weekend train frequency to
time scoring a seat at chef No- atively small Japanese ate Majority Leader Andrea every 15 minutes. James Bren-
zomu Abe’s Michelin-starred diaspora in the U.S. By con- Stewart-Cousins said Monday nan, a former state Assembly
restaurant on Manhattan’s Up- trast, Chinese and Korean res- that she wouldn’t rule out a member from Brooklyn, said
per East Side. taurants are often supported legislative session this year the state should step in to pro-
Now Mr. Abe brings Sushi by a strong network of commu- but was still waiting on Wash- vide funding and avoid service
Noz’s $325 omakase tasting nity banks, she said. ington. cuts; Mr. Mujica said it isn’t in
menu directly to diners, cater- Ms. Ichihara said she esti- “We have a huge deficit and a financial position to do so.
ing small events and intimate mates that 90% of Japanese we need a lot of answers, and Counties and cities are pre-
private meals at homes, even restaurants in New York are most of those good answers paring budgets that take effect
though that frequently involves funded by individuals, while need to come from our federal with the new year that reduce
two-hour drives to Long Is- only 10% of the financial in- government. But everything is their workforces and, in some
land’s East End. vestments come from Japanese on the table,” Ms. Stewart- cases, lay off or furlough mu-
“Many of my customers are restaurant groups. Cousins, a Democrat from Yon- nicipal staff.
not in New York City, so I get Finding an experienced kers, said at a news conference. Senate Minority Leader
called to the Hamptons, six to trained sushi chef and paying A spokesman for Assembly Chuck Schumer, a Democrat
eight times a week, sometimes for the chef’s visa can also be Speaker Carl Heastie referred to from New York, said last week
three times a day,” the chef too pricey, she said. a Nov. 13 tweet in which the that talks had restarted among
said. Ms. Ichihara said some high- Bronx Democrat said he was ex- his party-mates who control
The pandemic hasn’t end restaurateurs have also cited about Mr. Biden’s election the House of Representatives
changed what well-heeled seen an opportunity in more but wasn’t ruling out a special and Senate Majority Leader
foodies like to eat, but it has down-market fare. session. There are no current Mitch McConnell, a Republican
upended where some of them Two years ago, Hiroki Odo plans for the Legislature to re- from Kentucky.
live and their thinking on din- opened Odo, a Michelin-starred convene before January, but Mr. Some unions and progres-
ing out. 12-seat counter restaurant in Heastie will hold a virtual re- sive organizations in New York
Some high-end Japanese demands. When the pandemic cording to their websites. Din- Manhattan’s Flatiron District, treat with members next week say state lawmakers should
restaurants have reinvented hit, the supplier cut its staff to ers at those restaurants typi- selling a $200 nine-course to discuss their next steps. convene immediately and raise
themselves to accommodate 15 from 75. To survive, it cally paid $85 to $150 for their chef’s choice menu. Mr. Cuomo’s budget director, taxes, arguing that any federal
the migrations and shifting started delivering to wealthy meals. Some high-end estab- In June Mr. Odo, a master Robert Mujica, said state spend- aid won’t be enough to fix
habits. Sushi Noz and others clients a rare cut of tuna, lishments, such as the two-Mi- chef, launched a new casual su- ing is $6 billion less than in the such a large deficit.
now trek to the second homes known as kama-toro, live Japa- chelin-starred Sushi Ginza On- shi line in Brooklyn called Hall previous fiscal year because the David Friedfel, director of
of New York City residents in nese hairy crabs and Daisen odera on Fifth Avenue near by Odo. The new restaurant administration has held back state studies for the Citizens
the Hamptons and the Hudson sea urchins that cost $1,000 for Bryant Park, have closed tem- sources its sushi in Japan, but payments to municipalities and Budget Commission, a nonpar-
Valley. Other restaurants, such 350 grams, or about 12 ounces. porarily. keeps the cost low by slicing social-service providers while tisan watchdog, said New
as chef Masayoshi Takayama’s “We now have a new retail “There is a real danger that and flash-freezing slabs of su- also delaying scheduled salary York’s deficit for the coming
three-Michelin-starred Masa, business line,” said Nobu Ya- if not careful, over 70% of Jap- shi-grade fish into bite sizes at increases for state employees. fiscal year is closer to $17 bil-
have entered the delivery busi- manashi, director of Yama Sea- anese restaurants in New York a central kitchen. Then the fish The withholdings could turn lion because the official esti-
ness in Manhattan. Masa now food. City may disappear,” said is flown directly to New York. into permanent cuts if Mr. mate assumes there will be $8
sells $800 sushi boxes meant While some have been able Chikako Ichihara, treasurer of Mr. Odo said he has man- Cuomo formally proposes a billion of recurring cuts in the
to feed a four-person house- to adapt and thrive, other Jap- the New York Japanese Restau- aged to serve high-quality su- budget adjustment—which $101 billion operating budget
hold. anese restaurants, especially rant Association. shi at $23 for a 10-piece deliv- could be amended by the Legis- that have yet to be detailed.
Even Yama Seafood, an East midprice outposts, have folded. Some of the city’s Japanese ery box. lature—but he hasn’t done so. “It’s very unlikely that the
Coast fish distributor that sup- Omakase by Teisui near Man- restaurants were already facing “Timing was actually good, “We’re on track to control federal government is going to
plies several high-end sushi hattan’s Madison Square Park, tough challenges to their busi- because with the pandemic, de- spending, and we’re talking to provide aid in the amount or
restaurants in New York City, and Inakaya in Times Square, ness, industry experts say, in- mand for delivery rose the Legislature,” Mr. Mujica duration where it will be suffi-
has recognized the changing have closed permanently, ac- cluding limited options for quickly,” he said. said. cient,” he said.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * NY Friday, November 27, 2020 | A9B


Origami Tree Folds In Traditions

Parade Goes On Officials Are Working
Without Crowds On Winter Virus Plan
The balloons were in the sky New York Gov. Andrew
Rockefeller Center might be and the marching bands took to Cuomo said Thursday that offi-
home to New York City’s most the streets for the annual cials are working on a winter
famous Christmas tree, a behe- Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade plan for the coronavirus that will
moth that tops out at more on Thursday, but coronavirus re- add metrics for how the state
than 70 feet and draws both strictions meant it was without designates virus hot zones.
tourists and locals like a yule- the throngs of people usually Mr. Cuomo said the state will
tide beacon. But for nearly 50 scrambling for a view. continue homing in on small
years, it has had competition Instead of its typical path geographic areas where virus
from a tree defined less by size through Manhattan, this year’s cases are a particular problem to
than by the fact it is adorned parade was kept to the area in avoid imposing broad statewide
with hundreds of ornamental front of Macy’s flagship store restrictions, considering factors
figures of various creatures, and aimed at a television audi- such as the hospitalization rate
from dinosaurs to jellyfish. ence instead of live crowds. and the availability of ICU beds.
And they are all made from —Associated Press —Associated Press
folded paper.
The Origami Holiday Tree

at the American Museum of

Natural History has emerged
as the city’s alternative take to
the Christmas tradition, one
that has been embraced over Established 1851
the years precisely because of A paper T. rex skeleton tops the Origami Holiday Tree at the American Museum of Natural History.
its quirky beauty. Created in
cooperation with OrigamiUSA,
a national nonprofit organiza-
tion that promotes the centu-
ries-old Japanese art form, the
ago almost by accident. Origa-
miUSA officials said the proj-
ect began with the late Alice
Grey, a museum entomologist
Ear Candy 250 YEARS OF STYLE
tree is a major draw for the and origami enthusiast who NOVEMBER 7 - DECEMBER 23
museum during the season. liked to decorate her office
“It’s a wonder of its own,” during the holidays with a 3-
said Ellen Futter, the mu- foot tree adorned with paper
seum’s president. figures. In 1972, the idea arose
This year, the 13-foot tree to turn it into a public display
carries special meaning on dif- with a larger artificial tree.
ferent levels, said Ms. Futter Part of the fun of the mu-
and officials with OrigamiUSA. seum’s tree is that viewers
As New York’s cultural institu- never quite know what they
tions face many challenges be- will find among the hundreds
cause of the coronavirus pan- of figures, from an origami os-
demic and the lack of tourism trich in one spot to a koala
resulting from it, the tree is a bear in another. But there is
needed attraction. Museums no mistaking what tops the
also are capped at 25% capac- tree this year—a giant paper
ity because of statewide safety Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton in
restrictions, though Ms. Futter place of the traditional star. It
said the institution sometimes plays into the museum’s ever-
has trouble reaching even that popular dinosaur displays.
limit, particularly on week- Viewed as a whole, the fig-
days. ures are meant to provide a
The tree, which each year note of whimsy during the
has a different theme, incorpo- holiday, Ms. Futter said. But
rates 1,000 origami cranes at Wendy Zeichner, president of
its base in the 2020 edition. In OrigamiUSA, said the tree also
Japan, the 1,000 cranes sym- serves as a reminder of our
bolize hope and good wishes, Kawasaki, who designed the aspect plus the difficulty in creative spirit, which is why Celebrate the timeless beauty of earrings ranging
which the OrigamiUSA tree tree with Ros Joyce. rounding up volunteers to help her organization usually holds from antique to contemporary, in diamonds,
designers felt was an impor- It is no small effort to pro- during the pandemic. Mr. Ka- origami instruction at the mu- vibrant gemstones, and glittering gold.
tant message to convey in this duce 1,000 paper cranes in ad- wasaki, who also works on a seum in conjunction with the
difficult year. The cranes are
in various colors, tying in with
the museum’s current “The
dition to the hundreds of other
figures on the tree. While the
OrigamiUSA team does bring
volunteer basis, spent countless
hours producing about 500
cranes himself.
exhibit. This year, OrigamiUSA
is continuing the tradition, al-
beit online.
745 Fifth Avenue
Nature of Color” exhibit. back many figures from year to The American Museum of “It’s really a magical experi- (Between 57 th & 58 th Streets, 4 th Floor)
“We try to make the tree year, the 2020 tree posed a Natural History came up with ence to watch a piece of paper
about the museum,” said Talo challenge because of the crane the origami concept decades being transformed,” she said. • 212.752.1727


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A10 | Friday, November 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

than have it played wrong,” he says,
the conflict always being the lim-
ited rehearsal time available versus
the difficulty of his scores. In a BBC
interview preceding a performance
of his work later in London, he’s
asked whether he’s going to make
any money—and, if not, why do it?
“Any artistic decision based on
whether you’re going to make money
isn’t an artistic decision, it’s a busi-
ness decision,” he says. “I came here
to spend money on an English or-
chestra. To record my music. So I can
take it home. And I can listen to it.”
If anyone else is interested, he adds,
there will be a recording available.
But no, he says, he didn’t expect to
make any money.
Mr. Winter, whom some will know
as the non-Keanu Reeves half of the
“Bill and Ted” franchise, gives us the
whole Zappa story, from his child-
hood in Lancaster, Calif., where his
friends included avant-gardist-musi-
cian-to-be Don Van Vliet (aka Captain
Beefheart) and his father was a gov-
ernment meteorologist and history
teacher. At some point, he discovered

film (the bizarro Zappa production

“200 Motels” comes up later in the
Kerry McNabb doc) and the art of editing. “I edited
and Frank Zappa because I liked it,” he says, in an ar-
in 1975 chival interview. As we see, he edited
an alien attack into his parents’ wed-
ding film. At another point, he tells
us, he tried to burn down his high
school. The lucky breaks of Zappa’s
career included the six-month gig
that the Los Angeles-based Mothers
FILM REVIEW secured at New York’s 300-seat Gar-

‘Zappa’: A Rock Star Savant

rick Theatre in 1967 (“L.A. was a
very conforming community”).
There, according to Zappa, many of
the same people would come night
after night to see them refine their
act, an often lewd mix of music, the-
BY JOHN ANDERSON tally surprised.” Which is likely the term calculation: Among “serious” with “Valley Girl,” only because it atrics, comedy and social critique.
biggest understatement in Alex composers, the self-taught Zappa was a collaboration with his daugh- There are a few details left out.
IN THE EPIC “ZAPPA,” Frank Winter’s wonderful movie. would always have been a rustic. ter, Moon Unit. The landmark “Grand Wazoo” album
Zappa’s widow, Gail, sums up her It’s a rare documentary portrait Among rock stars, he was Stravinsky. Despite all the obvious affection, goes unaddressed; likewise, the oft-
musical polymath/provocateur hus- that doesn’t oversell its subject, but “You couldn’t really categorize his Mr. Winter delivers unalloyed recorded instrumental “King Kong.”
band as having been first and fore- Mr. Winter has no need to do so: music,” says Ruth Underwood, the Zappa in “Zappa” (available Friday I’ve always been intrigued by the
most a composer—“which means Zappa’s stature, the recognition of percussionist, pianist and longtime in theaters, digital platforms and on story of Wild Man Fischer, the
that absolutely everything is against his musical importance, has only Mother, whose recollections about demand). He was a prickly charac- street singer and paranoid schizo-
you.” Still, there were some lucky risen since his 1993 death. (Gail Zappa as both bandleader and hu- ter, a workaholic, a perfectionist phrenic Zappa signed to a recording
breaks: As Zappa himself recalls, the Zappa died in 2015; Mr. Winter spent man are among the film’s most and musical totalitarian: Describing contract in 1968. But there’s little
famed record producer Tom Wilson, six years on his film.) According to touching. Zappa himself, especially his role in one of the many Zappa fault that even the most hardcore
having been “dragged to the Whisky violinist David Harrington of the late in his career, when he knew he bands, the guitar virtuoso Steve Vai fan could find with Mr. Winter’s
a Go Go” to hear Zappa’s audacious Kronos Quartet, for which Zappa had prostate cancer, is quite a mov- says, “I was a tool.” Whether it was film, which accomplishes the acro-
Mothers of Invention in 1966, was wrote “None of the Above” in 1984, ing figure, aware of his fate and ap- the Mothers in their various incar- batic act of doing justice to a figure
having such a good time he really the guitarist-cum-social-satirist-cum- preciative of the love of his audience nations or the London Symphony like Frank Zappa.
listened to only one relatively con- political-activist ranks with Charles in a way he hadn’t always seemed to Orchestra, the man in charge was
ventional number. “He said, ‘Oh, a Ives, Harry Partch and Sun Ra be. “He was a man of contradictions,” Frank Zappa and the goal was satis- Mr. Anderson is a Journal TV critic.
white blues band. OK, we’ll sign among American originals—though says Ms. Underwood, “but he was fying his intentions as an artist. In Joe Morgenstern is on vacation.
’em.’” When Wilson actually got the Zappa presented by Mr. Winter very consistent with those contradic- two interviews done years apart,
them in the studio, remembers band is so savvy one wonders if the whole tions.” Anti-drugs and a family man, Zappa addresses his orchestral mu-  Director Alex Winter on his life,
member Bunk Gardner, “he was to- pop-music connection was a long- Zappa had his one mainstream hit sic. “I’d rather not have it played career and Zappa in House Call... M6

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C Blue Air Sterilizer was first developed
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re them harmless. The Code
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Taking Off From Reality

c airflow with a precise dose of
th 253.7 wavelength of UV-C energy. This
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sterilizer, eliminating any risk of skin or eye
irritation. IT’S NOT HARD TO SEE po-
tential in “The Flight Atten-
dant” (Thursdays, HBO
‘There was a reduction of 98.2% of viable germs Max), which opens with
Cassie (Kaley Cuoco), the
processed through the device.’ stewardess of the title, wak-
ing up in a hotel room in
THE AIR YOU BREATH Bangkok to discover a
blood-drenched male corpse
Ultraviolet “C” is a short wave of STREAMED INTO YOUR BREATHING
exactly 253.7 nanometer energy. It is SPACE, REDUCING THE CHANCE OF on the other bed. Terrified,
a tiny sliver of a spectrum that also INFECTION BY AIRBORNE PATHOGENS. she calls a close friend in
includes visible light. This powerful New York to gasp out hys-
wavelength targets airborne cells terical questions about the
Simply plug it in and turn it on!
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ing a murder trial in a for-
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of germ free air where you Dimensions: 9”Wide 8” Depth 6”Height
You can now apply this clean up the blood and oth- tale, though a kind that goes to incriminate her.
need it.. same technology in erwise blindly push things dead, much like a stalled en- Cassie is haunted by ter-
Only Code Blue has made U.S. Patent Pending your home or office around in what would cer- gine, when Cassie and the ror. Why, she wants to know,
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case. It’s very soon clear, The show’s tone is at its both for the dialogue and
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thriller fantasy. Which can’t air of disconnectedness—
be surprising considering lit- and liveliest in her talks The Flight Attendant
tle clues like the appearance with her lawyer friend, who Thursdays, HBO Max
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, November 27, 2020 | A11

THEATER REVIEW | TERRY TEACHOUT definitely qualifies. their privileged lives, least of all

Prisoners of Their Politics

Ms. Diamond’s charac- Ginny, whose ambition to get
ters are Valerie (Cassia ahead is so powerful that it has cut
Thompson), a well- her off from the ordinary pleasures
heeled Black actor; of human existence: “I don’t do
Jackson (Rasell Holt), girlfriend well. I’ve never actually
a Black surgical intern; done girlfriend.”
Ginny (Amy Kim Directed by Melisa Pereyra, this
Waschke), an Asian- webcast, like its predecessors in the
American professor of “Out of the Woods” series, is an un-
psychology; and Brian staged Zoom reading. It is well
(Jeb Burris), a white acted, crisply paced and sufficiently
neuroscientist. As I convincing in its own right to rein-
wrote in my original force my initially favorable impres-
review, they’re all sion of “Smart People,” and if
“very smart, very at- you’ve never seen the play, I recom-
tractive, very smug, mend it to you. But in the four
very prickly, and com- months since I last watched an
petitively progressive, “Out of the Woods” reading, a
by which I mean that growing number of theater compa-
they preface every nies have produced theatrical web-
other sentence they casts that go much further toward
utter by assuring you giving the impression of a staged
of the impeccability of production, and I confess that I’d
their liberalism.” Ms. like to see APT try something more
Diamond, who also ambitious than a no-frills Zoom
teaches at the Univer- reading the next time around.
sity of Illinois at Chi- All that said, “Smart People,”
cago, doubtless needed like the readings of “Arms and the
a fair amount of nerve Man” and “Julius Caesar” that I re-
to skewer the kinds of viewed in this space in July, is a
people she presumably welcome reminder of the excel-

sees at work every lence of a theater company that is

day, but “Smart Peo- not nearly as well known as it de-
ple” is nothing if not serves to be. I used to spend two
fearless, and line after or three weeks every summer see-
line glistens with the ing shows at APT in pre-pandemic
results of sharp-eared days, and they were consistently
observation. (Brian: “I excellent. It will be good to go back
want to prove that all there again someday.
whites are racist.” Val-

ydia R. Diamond’s “Smart Peo- see it taken up in short order by Clockwise from top left: Amy Kim erie: “Wow…that’s kind of hot when Smart People
ple,” a hard-edged satire of regional theaters. A four-character Waschke, Rasell Holt, Jeb Burris a white guy says that.”) American Players Theatre, Spring
life among the academic mul- play with minimal scenic require- and Cassia Thompson What makes “Smart People” Green, Wis. (viewable online through
ticulturati, was first performed off ments, it also lends itself to small- more than just a brilliant hatchet Dec. 31, free). To watch, go to pb-
Broadway in 2016 in a production scale bare-bones production, which job is that Ms. Diamond clearly
directed by Kenny Leon. I praised makes it ideally suited to webcast- online as part of the company’s feels for her characters, who are
the play at the time as “intelligent ing. Accordingly, Wisconsin’s “Out of the Woods” series of imprisoned by the stereotypes they Mr. Teachout, the Journal’s drama
and provocative enough to put you American Players Theatre, Amer- Zoom-based play readings. embody. They are—so to speak— critic, is the author of “Satchmo at
in mind of Tom Stoppard,” and I ica’s finest classical theater festi- True satire leaves no sacred cows human beings beneath the skin, the Waldorf.” Write to him at
wasn’t even slightly surprised to val, has now put “Smart People” unbutchered, and “Smart People” and none of them are happy with


Tales of the High Life

BY JOHN ANDERSON the ’70s after his escape from

prison, was what was usually
IN APPROACHING Errol Morris’s termed a jet-setter, a happy vaga-
“My Psychedelic Love Story,” it bond with an ornate pedigree, a lux-
doesn’t hurt to have some familiar- urious lifestyle and no visible means
ity with “Wormwood,” the 2017 of support. She delivers a veritable
Netflix docudrama miniseries. In it, torrent of stories for Mr. Morris,
the fabled documentarian told the who for all his cerebral meditations
story of Frank Olson, a CIA em- on objective truth is essentially a
ployee who mysteriously fell to his storyteller himself. She also won-
death in 1953 nine days after being ders, 40 years later and after having
slipped LSD as part of an agency ex- seen “Wormwood,” whether her Still from ‘My Psychedelic Love Story’ showing Timothy Leary and Joanna Harcourt-Smith
periment. Was he pushed or did he role in Leary’s downfall had been a
jump? Was hippie socialite Joanna part of the War on Drugs.
Harcourt-Smith being used as a CIA Based on Ms. Harcourt-Smith’s ing bridge. She claims her stepfa- Interrotron, which enables him to Massachusetts interview location.
tool when her boyfriend, Timothy 2013 memoir, “Tripping the Bardo ther, Árpád Plesch, who married interview a subject eye-to-eye while There are virtually no interruptions
Leary, became a government infor- With Timothy Leary: My Psyche- both her grandmother and mother, still having that subject look di- to her story or statements, none of
mant in the mid-’70s? And what in delic Love Story” (she died in Octo- swindled and then denounced fellow rectly into the camera. (It was first the conventional cuts. Even as she’s
the world is the connection? ber), the Morris film is basically one Jews during the Holocaust. She and used on the Oscar-winning “The telling some tale, the perspective
LSD, for one thing. Leary, a psy- long narrative, a name-dropping ex- Leary took acid while inside Folsom Fog of War.”) In “My Psychedelic moves around the room, the effect
chologist who’d been fired from travaganza: Those with whom Ms. Prison (where Leary had the cell Love Story” (available Sunday at 9 being a further fragmentation of
Harvard for his early experimenta- Harcourt-Smith enjoyed fewer than next to Manson’s). The tales are p.m. on Showtime), he has taken the reality being recounted, or cre-
tion with psychedelic drugs, was six degrees of separation include flamboyant. They may even be true. the mechanics of movie journalism ated. It’s not an entirely new thing,
considered the “high priest” (all the Rolling Stones, Diane von Furst- Mr. Morris is among the most a step further: Ms. Harcourt-Smith, but it’s a film-nerd treat and a fas-
puns intended) of hallucinogens and enberg, Francis Ford Coppola, Ad- intellectual of documentary makers, who is a captivating narrator and cinating technique, almost as fasci-
at one point was dubbed the most nan Khashoggi, Andy Warhol, but on an artisanal level his trade- knows how to balance shameless nating as the subject herself.
dangerous man in America by Rich- Charles Manson and Benito Musso- mark is the head-on confrontation, charm and self-effacement, is shot
ard M. Nixon. Ms. Harcourt-Smith, lini. Her mother gave birth to her in the face-to-face interview. In refin- with four cameras and shown from Mr. Anderson is a Journal TV critic.
who became involved with Leary in St. Moritz, Switzerland, while play- ing that process, he developed the various angles inside the film’s Joe Morgenstern is on vacation.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
10s <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1262 Miller who plays
d t
0s the Flash in
V 40s Calgary
C llgary 14 15 16
“Justice League”
ip 20s 17 18 19 63 Mag. staff
P d
64 Ayatollah 28 Norm of “This
t 30s 20 21 22
Helena 50s Ottawa
A Khamenei, e.g. Old House”
50s Billings 30s 40s 40s
23 24 25 65 Not natural 29 Hat removers
g i
Boise 40s Toronto
T Boston 50s
p ss./St.
/ Paul Albany
A bany
b y Down 30 Big name in body
20s Buffalo 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
P Sioux
ux FFalls
ll Milwaukee
k Detroit Hartford
t d 60s 1 Binary care
60s 30s Clevel d 50s
Cleveland e Y York 70s 33 34 35 2 Home of tarsiers 31 Sultan Haitham
Reno Des
es Moines
i Chicago
Ch New York
40s Cheyenne
Ch y
Omahah Indianapolis
Indianapo 80s and tigers bin Tariq, e.g.
g Philadelphia
h ph 36 37 38 39
Sacramento Salt
alt Lake Cit
Cityy 32 CNN reporter
Denver Springfield
p i fi ld
h ngton
hi g on D.C.
DC 90s 3 Mob battlers
an Francisco Topeka Kansas Charleston
Ch Kaye
l d City Richmond
h d 100+ 40 41 42 4 Hits the road
Las Springs
p g
St.. Louis Louisville
Lou ill 5 Antelope with a 34 Hand costs
50s Ve
V Wichita
h ill Raleigh
l igh
h 43 44 45 46
Los A
Ange Santaa Fe
Oklahoma City 60s Charlotte
Ch l tt blue-gray coat 37 Amy Lowell and
Albuquerque Little
L e Rockk Memphis Columbia
C b 47 48 6 15-time NBA Ford Madox Ford,
Ph i
San Diego 70s 50s Warm Rain e.g.
T c D
h Atlanta
Atl t All-Star
Jackk 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 38 Scheming ensign
El P
Paso Ft. Worth
th Cold T-storms
7 Big Sur runners
70s of drama
A 70s Mobile
b Jacksonville 56 57 58 59 8 Pinatubo product
0s Houston Stationary Snow 9 Meadow coating 42 It’s smaller than
10s 60s Orlando
l d 60 61 62
ew Orleans a full one
80s San
n Antonio
A i Tampa 80s 10 Adam’s
20s Anchorage
A h g Honolulu
l l Miami
Showers Flurries 63 64 65 “Marriage Story” 44 Champagne pop?
30s 70s 80s co-star 45 Saint-Saëns
40s Ice 11 Tea choice opera
TWO BY TWO | By Mike Shenk 46 Pub pint
12 Mozart title
U.S. Forecasts City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W City Hi
Today Tomorrow
Lo W Hi Lo W
The answer to 23 Airline whose 40 Important time starter 48 Course chunk
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; this week’s contest name starts with 41 Lacking shine 13 River in an Oscar- 49 High point
Omaha 47 29 s 56 32 s Frankfurt 43 31 pc 44 30 c
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow;
Orlando 82 63 s 81 63 pc Geneva 48 33 c 48 32 sh crossword is an an aleph 42 See to winning film 50 Polliwog parent
Today Tomorrow Philadelphia 62 45 s 57 37 s Havana 83 64 pc 82 65 s animal. 24 “Swans 43 Runs amok 19 Hideaway 51 Concert blasters
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Phoenix 66 45 s 70 45 s Hong Kong 80 63 s 77 63 s Reflecting
Across 45 Its seal includes 21 Horror director 52 Apple Watch
Anchorage 27 19 c 25 20 sn Pittsburgh 52 38 pc 46 28 pc Istanbul 59 44 s 57 49 s Elephants”
Atlanta 71 53 c 65 47 pc Portland, Maine 50 37 c 48 31 c Jakarta 91 75 c 92 77 c 1 Harebrained banana and taro Roth answerer
Austin 70 54 r 60 43 t Portland, Ore. 48 37 pc 49 39 c Jerusalem 56 42 c 56 43 s painter leaves 53 Snug
5 Rovers 24 “The Hundred
Baltimore 62 44 s 59 34 pc Sacramento 61 33 s 62 31 s Johannesburg 80 55 t 74 57 t 26 Latin list 47 Some are fragile and One 54 Bordeaux being
Boise 42 25 s 39 23 pc St. Louis 52 30 pc 48 32 s London 44 42 sh 52 43 pc 11 “That’s gross!” shortener 48 Supermarket Dalmatians” 55 Creature with
Boston 58 42 c 53 36 s Salt Lake City 39 26 s 43 28 s Madrid 57 45 sh 58 41 pc 14 Rehab 29 Wolf in
Burlington 48 39 c 45 36 sh San Francisco 61 43 s 62 43 s Manila 86 77 t 86 76 c section writer Smith hickory and
candidate Pennsylvania, e.g. 49 Centipede source 25 Enterprise rival
Charlotte 70 49 c 65 39 pc Santa Fe 44 24 sf 46 24 pc Melbourne 93 70 pc 88 66 c
15 “Hold on...” threadfin
Chicago 46 28 pc 49 34 s Seattle 51 44 c 50 37 pc Mexico City 78 49 pc 80 50 pc 33 Licorice brand 52 Muzzles 26 ATM button varieties
Cleveland 49 36 pc 43 33 pc Sioux Falls 44 27 s 52 32 s Milan 46 36 pc 47 36 r 16 Lower in the from Twizzlers 56 Gets busy, as a
Dallas 60 47 c 52 41 t Wash., D.C. 61 48 s 58 39 pc Moscow 32 31 sn 32 24 c country? 27 Quinceañera 57 Contented sound
34 Book review, of nightspot
Denver 45 26 s 55 25 s Mumbai 94 77 pc 92 78 pc
17 Amneris is accessory 58 Luau accessory
49 31 pc 47 31 s
84 72 pc 83 71 pc
International Paris
Rio de Janeiro
38 pc 53 36 pc
72 s 84 72 s jealous of her 35 Bebe Rexha’s
59 Greedy choice,
Today Tomorrow Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Houston 75 62 r 65 52 r Riyadh 71 59 c 72 62 pc 18 Pole star? “___ Mess”
Indianapolis 51 29 pc 46 29 s City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Rome 62 48 sh 62 47 r
60 Charter I MU P N A S S A U MA D

Kansas City 51 30 s 55 33 s Amsterdam 48 39 sh 46 34 pc San Juan 85 74 pc 84 73 s 20 Home of the 36 Mammoth snarer publication? F E T A A N N A L S E MU
Las Vegas 60 38 s 59 41 s Athens 64 47 s 64 56 s Seoul 46 24 pc 38 25 s WNBA’s Aces 37 “Really, it’s my 61 Best Actress O O H O O H B E E F C A K E
Shanghai 56 46 c 53 44 pc treat!” L A O N U L L
Little Rock 62 39 c 54 37 pc Baghdad 72 55 pc 67 55 sh 22 Pie chart nominee for L OWE S B O G L O C H S
Los Angeles 70 45 s 72 47 s Bangkok 91 76 pc 90 76 c Singapore 82 76 t 82 76 t dividers 39 Goods carrier “Bombshell” SWE E T I E P I E D R O P
Miami 81 70 pc 82 69 pc Beijing 44 21 pc 40 25 pc Sydney 85 76 s 100 83 pc A N A D R I L L AWE
Milwaukee 46 30 pc 49 36 s Berlin 44 33 c 41 33 c Taipei City 74 65 r 70 63 r Email your answer—in the subject line—to

Minneapolis 38 30 s 48 32 s Brussels 48 35 sh 48 33 pc Tokyo 56 52 r 60 48 s S T A R Z HM S H A T E D
by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time Sunday, Nov. 29. A solver selected at random S I S I S A N
Nashville 66 41 c 57 34 s Buenos Aires 81 71 s 81 71 t Toronto 46 35 c 44 34 pc
New Orleans 77 65 sh 70 63 t Dubai 85 72 s 85 69 pc Vancouver 48 40 r 47 35 pc will win a WSJ mug. Last week’s winner: Brian Egleston, Colorado Springs, A R M C A N D Y C U B I S M
New York City 60 48 pc 56 40 s Dublin 44 38 pc 49 42 pc Warsaw 43 33 sh 36 30 sh CO. Complete contest rules at (No purchase necessary. I L L S E A G O D Y O R E
Oklahoma City 56 34 pc 52 36 sh Edinburgh 44 32 sh 42 37 pc Zurich 42 27 pc 42 31 c Void where prohibited. U.S. residents 18 and over only.) S E E A DM I T S S N I T
A12 | Friday, November 27, 2020 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Argentine Was Soccer’s Flawed Genius
The unlikely superstar was dazzling and outrageous and led his country to a World Cup title with the ‘Hand of God’

iego Maradona, the
outlandish and daz-
zling Argentine soccer
star considered among
the greatest of all
time on the field and the most
outrageous off of it, died on
Wednesday following a cardiac ar-
rest. He was 60.
News of his death was con-
firmed by Argentina’s national soc-
cer federation. Maradona had un-
dergone surgery to
OBITUARY remove a blood clot
DIEGO from his brain ear-
MARADONA lier this month. He
1960-2020 had also struggled
for decades with
drug abuse and weight issues.


Argentina will honor Maradona
with three days of national mourn-
ing, the government announced.
“You took us to the top of the
world. You made us immensely
happy. You were the greatest of all,”
Argentine president Alberto Fer-
nandez, a supporter of Maradona’s
first club, wrote on social media.
“Thanks for having existed, Diego.”
During a whirlwind career that
saw him win a World Cup and be
expelled from another in disgrace,
Maradona became soccer’s favorite
flawed genius. For all of his bril-
liance with his feet, his most fa-
mous goal is one he scored ille-
gally with his hand. He changed
games with his control of the ball
on the field, yet could barely man-
age his life away from it.
His friends in-
cluded, at various Diego Maradona led Argentina, above, and coaches so much that his local into a microcosm of Maradona’s
times, Sicilian to World Cup glory in the 1986 World club, Argentinos Juniors, handed entire career.
mobsters and com- Cup. Left, he was back coaching in him his professional debut 10 days His opponent that day was Eng-
munist dictators. Argentina with Gimnasia in 2019. before his 16th birthday. land with a place in the World
His enemies: any In five years there, the mop- Cup semifinals on the line. The
soccer official who cer for the more competitive Euro- haired kid known as “El Pibe de game was tied 0-0 early in the
disagreed with pean leagues with Barcelona and Oro” (The Golden Boy), scored 116 second half when Maradona chal-
him, the entirety Napoli. Pelé’s club career never goals in 167 appearances. lenged the England goalkeeper for
of England, and of- crossed the Atlantic. The two are That earned him a big-money a high ball. The goalkeeper
ten himself. Mara- so often mentioned in the same move to Buenos Aires’ most ra- reached, but somehow the 5-
dona was so full of breath that even FIFA, world soc- bidly supported club, Boca Juniors. foot-5 Maradona beat him to it
contradictions that cer’s governing body, couldn’t set- By 1982, barely a year later, Barce- and the ball wound up in the net.
the pinnacle of his tle the question when it came time lona had broken the bank to sign What the referee had missed in
career—the 1986 to award its Player of the Century him for what was then a world-re- the noise of Mexico City’s Azteca
World Cup—came in 2000. Pelé finished at the top of cord transfer fee of around $5 mil- Stadium was that Maradona had
in the midst of his the vote among FIFA members lion. used his hand to punch it home.
yearslong cocaine only for Maradona to crush Pelé in Maradona didn’t last long there Maradona called his deception the
addiction. FIFA’s internet poll. either. “The idiosyncrasies of the “Hand of God.”
As the late Uru- FIFA compromised by sharing Catalans,” he wrote in his autobi- Argentina would go on to lift
guayan writer Ed- the award, dubbing Maradona the ography, rubbed him the wrong the World Cup, the second in its
uardo Galeano internet Player of the Century. way. It would take another record history, and still its most recent
once put it, Mara- Maradona, never quiet about feel- fee—$8 million in 1984—for him to triumph. Maradona would never
dona was “the ing slighted, stormed out of the land at Napoli, where fans turned hit those heights again. In 1990,
most human of the room before Pelé could collect his him from star player into a living Argentina fell 1-0 in the final
gods.” own trophy. god. against Germany. And four years
At 5-foot-5 and “My mother believes I am the “Life in Naples was incredible,” after that, in his first World Cup
occasionally overweight, Maradona While his place among the leg- best,” he said in Doha, Qatar, in Maradona wrote. “I couldn’t go out after a 15-month suspension for
never looked like a world-beating ends of the game has never been 2005. “And most people believe on the street because they loved me testing positive for cocaine, he
athlete, even during his prime in in question, the debate over Mara- my mother.” too much. And when the Neapoli- was thrown out of the tournament
the 1980s. But with his low center dona’s precise ranking in soccer’s Diego Armando Maradona was tans love you, they really love you!” entirely, this time following a posi-
of gravity and unparalleled instinct pantheon has lasted for decades. born on Oct. 30, 1960 in a slum on Over seven years, he repaid the tive test for ephedrine.
for dribbling, he could twist and Was he the greatest of all time, or the outskirts of Buenos Aires. The supporters’ adoration with two “At that point, I didn’t even
turn through defenses like no one did that distinction belong to the fifth of seven children, Maradona league titles and a UEFA Cup. want revenge,” he wrote, insisting
else. The ball seemed tethered to Brazilian Pelé? showed early on that he could In the middle of that dizzying that he was cleaner at the 1994
his feet, even as his body swelled Pelé won three World Cups to master a ball better with his feet spell came the 1986 World Cup, World Cup than he had been in
and injuries hobbled him through Maradona’s one, but Maradona than most could with their hands. where a single game—a single years. “My legs had been cut off,
20 years and six clubs. also left South American club soc- His trickery dazzled local scouts five-minute spell, in fact—turned my soul destroyed.”

TOM PERROTTA also provoked new awareness of

what’s truly important. It’s
brought me closer to the people I
In a Stay-at-Home love, and I feel loved. I am grate-
ful forever to my wife; I wouldn’t
have gotten this far without her.

Pandemic, Sportswriter I’m grateful to everyone in my or-

bit who continues to reach out,
text, or manage a socially-distant
visit. These interactions are re-
Finds a Silver Lining prieves. I want all of them. I may
be the last person excited for
Zoom calls.
This year has been a nosed with glioblastoma, a brain I don’t want to sugarcoat a pan-
challenge for every- tumor which required emergency demic, or my own personal situa-
one: lives lost, lives surgery. Since then I have endured tion. It sucks. It makes me mad. It
disrupted, businesses chemotherapy, radiation, experi- makes me crazy. It makes me cry.
shut, with some of mental treatments and devices. I’d give anything to be back at
them gone forever. But I also made it back to a bunch Wimbledon one last time, watch-
Many offices and schools remain of tournaments, and I’m very ing Federer and Serena on that
closed, or operating at a fraction proud of that. perfectly-manicured grass. The last
of usual capacity, especially in the When I was originally diag- time I was there, in 2019, my wife
place where I live, Brooklyn, N.Y. nosed, in December 2016, I was and kids came, too, and the four of
My neighborhood is gradually told I would be lucky to make it us got to sit on beautiful Henman
bouncing back, but parents and three years. Next month, it will be Hill and take it all in. It felt magi-
children are now accustomed to four. cal, the chance to share my job
being around each other all the I’m greedy—I want more. But with my children. But I don’t just
time. It isn’t easy. Every day feels my brain cancer is persistent. Tu- miss the big things. I’d give any-
like a bit of a marathon. mors have reappeared, and my op- thing to do even the mundane
I can’t lie: I like a lot of this sit- tions are limiting. My vision is things I used to do before.
uation. I’m grateful for it. now impaired. My brain and pro- I’m not sure I’ll get back there.
I’m grateful because, for me, cessing has grown foggier, and I What’s next for me is unclear. I
this slowing down is an opportu- don’t move like I used to. For know that I’m still fighting, trying
nity I would have never otherwise months I have worn a large head- to stay in this match, amid a crisis
had. For many years, I have been a piece, designed to slow the growth that’s unsettled for everyone. But I
sportswriter, specializing in tennis, of the tumors. also have a strange sort of grati-
contributing regularly to The Jour- It is a tough hand, and as I con- Tom Perrotta, foreground, at work during the 2019 U.S. Open women’s final. tude for what has happened, how
nal from events like Wimbledon tinue to battle this, I am seized by it altered our lives, and gave me
and the U.S. Open. I loved quirky moments of anger and depression. Instead, most days, everyone is problem. Even the boys’ fights feel an unexpected chance to spend al-
stories, like a former World No. 1 And yet my frustration is balanced here—me, my wife (who’s working like a gift. I’ve spent so much most every minute with the people

making house calls in a Winnebago by this odd fortune of quarantine, from home) and my children (who more time with them in the past I love the most. These past few
to give tennis lessons, or the frus- or semi-quarantine, or whatever are mostly doing virtual school). eight months than I would have. months have underlined an obvi-
trated towel police at the All Eng- you want to call how it is we live We’re jammed up here for hours, My sons know what’s happening ous truth: parenting is hard. Fam-
land Lawn Tennis Club. But it was today. in each other’s laps, in each with their father, but they might ily life can be hectic. It’s meant a
not uncommon for me to be away In ordinary times, I’d be walking other’s business. It might drive not fully grasp why this is so pow- lot of chaos around the house, but
from my wife and children for my sons—they are 11 and 8—off to other parents crazy. I think it’s the erful to me. It’s my everything. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
weeks, covering tournaments as school in the morning, then wait- greatest. I hope there are other people For me, chaos is life.
far away as Australia. It was a ing around at home for them to I call it my unexpected blessing. out there like me, finding silver
dream job, but I missed my family. finish. Time alone is not what I’m I’m trying to savor every minute of linings amid a pandemic. This sit- Tom Perrotta has written about
Then my life changed. Not long craving right now—that’s when my it: every interaction, every game of uation has caused tremendous tennis and other sports for the
after my 40th birthday, I was diag- mind races. Uno, every book, every homework stress and difficulty, but it has Journal for more than a decade.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, November 27, 2020 | A13

Justice for Michael Flynn BOOKSHELF | By Howard Schneider

Chief Justice
John Marshall
once de-
making such calls now. The
FBI nonetheless debated a lu-
dicrous Logan Act charge, be-
liam Barr’s 2020 decision to
review the case. But even as
the executive branch moved to
Trump might have waited, in
hope that Judge Sullivan
would feel mounting pressure
scribed the
pardon as “an
fore settling on a simpler
course. As former FBI coun-
terintelligence head Bill Prie-
right its wrongs, a federal
judge took up the persecuto-
rial torch. In May the Justice
to regain some credibility by
dismissing. Then again, there
was every reason to believe
POTOMAC act of grace.” stap put it in handwritten Department moved to drop its the judge would string this
WATCH In the case of
Mike Flynn,
notes, one FBI option was “to
get [Mr. Flynn] to lie, so we
case, presenting Judge Emmet
Sullivan with veteran prosecu-
out beyond Jan. 20. He’s made
clear all along he wants Mr.
Escape Artist
By Kimberley
D o n a l d can prosecute him or get him tor Jeffrey Jensen’s assess- Flynn subject to an avenging By Joseph McAleer
A. Strassel
Trump’s par- fired.” ment that the FBI never had a Biden Justice Department. Not (Oxford, 368 pages, $25.95)

don was The FBI didn’t need to in- legitimate purpose in inter- because Mr. Flynn broke the
something more. It was a re- terview the National Security viewing Mr. Flynn, that he law, but because Mr. Flynn is a n “Escape Artist,” Joseph McAleer’s premise is that his
quirement of justice. Agency about his conversa- should never have been prose- stand-in for a president the uneminent subject was in fact a remarkable fellow who
Mr. Trump announced on tion; it had the transcript. Yet cuted. The department also judicial, prosecutorial and me- deserves to be much better known. He calls Harry Perry
Twitter Wednesday that he’d the bureau’s then-Deputy Di- presented papers document- dia elites despise. Robinson (1859-1930) “a latter-day Tocqueville” whose
granted Mr. Flynn a full par- rector Andrew McCabe sand- ing the FBI’s shocking behav- That’s the sad reality of the “march through history, a near-epic story,” exemplified
don. Liberals and the media bagged Mr. Flynn, arranging ior. Flynn mess. In a better world, “an exciting personal story worthy of Horatio Alger.”
are (as per their tedious for him to meet with FBI the Flynn case would have Whether readers of this book will enjoy it depends, I
usual) claiming the president agents without a lawyer. For- been dismissed with prejudice, suspect, on whether they agree with Mr. McAleer’s thesis.
stepped in to aid a corrupt mer FBI Director Jim Comey Trump’s pardon for an on-the-record censure of Robinson’s father was a Church of England clergyman who
crony. This has it exactly back- later gloated over the setup. appalling FBI and Justice De- served in India and eventually ran a newspaper there.
ward. The Flynn pardon was The FBI also chose not to pro- his onetime national partment behavior. But that’s Harry spent his first two years in India before moving to
necessary—to correct a cor- vide Mr. Flynn a standard security adviser rights why the judge refused to do it. England with his mother and five siblings. He attended the
rupt Federal Bureau of Inves- warning against lying, to keep It had nothing to do with guilt elite Westminster School and won a scholarship to Oxford,
tigation, a rogue special coun- him comfortable. Despite all a grievous wrong. or innocence—but rather rep- where he studied classics, receiving “a class IV degree,
sel, an unprincipled federal this, the agents reported—ac- utation. We remain in the last the lowest.”
judge, and an embarrassingly cording to government gasps of Never Trump world, After graduation Robinson moved to the United States to
complicit media. notes—that they “believe that The Justice Department, where people of power told make his mark in the world. His assets? Good looks, charm,
This story dripped out over F. believes that what he said not judges, makes the call on themselves it was OK to break an admirable work ethic and, one presumes, a tony English
years, so it took until recently was true.” He didn’t intention- whom to prosecute. Yet Judge rules, norms, standards—even accent, which invariably induces robust forelock tugging
to get a full accounting of the ally lie. Sullivan refused to accept the the law—in their quest to take in Americans. Also, a talent
government’s Trump-by-proxy Fast forward to Robert withdrawal, instead indulging the president down. To dis- for endearing himself to
takedown of Mr. Flynn. A dec- Mueller, who didn’t care. The his politics and his inner petty miss the Flynn case would powerful men. He became a
orated veteran, Mr. Flynn ad- FBI knew in January 2017 that tyrant. He went so far as to have been to acknowledge journalist in New York and
vised the Trump campaign its collusion investigation was appoint a fellow conspiracy that this behavior was wrong. subsequently traveled west
and in November 2016 was a bust; it confirmed the Steele theorist, retired Judge John And that would have been too (a proto-environmentalist,
named national security ad- dossier was a fabrication. So Gleeson, to spout evidence- painful, too embarrassing, too he reveled in the landscapes)
viser. The FBI had spent Mr. Comey engineered a spe- free claims that prosecutors galling for the haters. to report on the completion
months monitoring him as cial counsel to salvage the were giving special treatment So it was left to the White of the third transcontinental
part of its Russia-collusion FBI’s reputation by ginning up to Mr. Flynn. Judge Sullivan’s House to make this right, to railroad and a gold rush in
fantasy, yet by Jan. 4, 2017, it unrelated “crimes.” Mr. Muel- behavior was so outrageous take a wrecking ball to a the Idaho territory. He then
had found nothing and moved ler dredged up the Flynn in- that a federal appeals panel in rigged system. Mr. Trump moved to Minneapolis, where
to close its case. terview and threatened to June ordered him to dismiss acted correctly. And there he published his first short
In rushed Peter Strzok—the prosecute the former national the case. The full appellate could have been no more fit- story. There were others, and
now-disgraced then-FBI security adviser’s son unless court in August agreed to let ting, final rebuke to four years eventually novels and
agent—to keep the investiga- Mr. Flynn pleaded guilty to ly- him hold a hearing while of drive-by shootings than to nonfiction books. (Based on
tion open. The FBI had ing. Facing bankruptcy, Mr. warning him to get his act to- release the man the cabal excerpts in “Escape Artist,” I
snooped on a Flynn call to the Flynn succumbed to this na- gether. claimed as its very first vic- don’t think the world has
then-Russian ambassador to ked abuse of power. Judge Sullivan held his tim. Justice indeed, and on overlooked a gifted fiction writer.) He founded a trade
the U.S. This is perfectly legal; Hope came with a new law- hearing in September but by many levels. newspaper, the Northwestern Railroader, in 1887, organized
ask Joe Biden’s team, which is yer and Attorney General Wil- this week had yet to rule. Mr. Write to Railway Employes [sic] Clubs (pro workers, anti union)
and became “the voice and even conscience of the railroad
industry in America”—a most important industry at the

Woke Capitalism in a Secular World time. In 1891 he married Mary Lowry, the daughter of a
railroad magnate. He had come a long way.
Robinson became an American citizen in 1888 and by
HOUSES OF This week’s panies that play along is that a narrowly rationalist form of some other lasting, existential 1896 was a committed member of the Republican Party.
WORSHIP e m o t i o n a l the proponents of many pro- scientific management, Saul commitment. They can be re- He deployed his Railway Employes Clubs to help William
By Andrew V. response by gressive causes are hostile to observed in “Voltaire’s Bas- inforced by a healthy corpo- McKinley’s presidential campaign, and when McKinley won,
Abela employees at free enterprise itself. The best tards” (1992). By reducing all rate culture, but there is no the new president expressed his gratitude for Robinson’s
Penguin Ran- that such companies can hope of morality to the latest pro- substituting for internally campaign assistance.
dom House for is short-term appease- gressive causes, the woke cap- grounded habits such as hon- Robinson’s personal life was less happy by then. He and
Canada when they learned ment. italists have unintentionally esty, trustworthiness, and Mary had grown apart, a situation probably exacerbated
that their company would The Business Roundtable become Friedman’s bastards— self-discipline. We used to call by the very early deaths of their two children. In 1900 he
publish best-selling author statement arguably was a re- replacing one narrow rational- that virtue. returned to England—without Mary—and eventually
Jordan Peterson’s next book pudiation of the Friedman ism with another. This straightforward and regained his British citizenship. The next few years were
follows Target’s flip-flop last doctrine, as explained by Another problem with woke principled approach to entre- difficult for Robinson. He failed as a book publisher, caught
week on whether to sell Abi- economist Milton Friedman in capitalism is that it simply preneurship and management diphtheria and suffered financially. But his luck changed in
gail Shrier’s book, “Irrevers- his 1970 article “The Social doesn’t work. One of my stu- is the best alternative to woke 1905. He married Florence Tester (19 years his junior), with
ible Damage: The Transgender Responsibility of Business Is dents recently reviewed 30 capitalism. It grounds busi- whom he had a son. He also established a relationship with
Craze Seducing Our Daugh- to Increase Its Profits.” He cases of companies engaging ness in lasting principles that influential voice of the British establishment, the Times
ters.” They are the latest ex- wrote that corporate execu- in political activism. Twenty- while recognizing that the of London, where he would remain for virtually the rest of
pressions of the new religion tives should “conduct the seven generated a “negative creation of goods and services his life. The paper found Robinson’s great lifetime causes
of wokeness that is spreading business in accordance with outcome,” or backlash. This for society is good in itself. congenial: devotion to the British Empire and a belief that
through corporations at a their [shareholders’] desires, When done fairly and hon- only the United Kingdom and the United States could guide
staggering pace, filling the which generally will be to estly, commerce does not have the world to stable peace and prosperity. Robinson reported
vacuum left by the decline in make as much money as pos- Principles grounded to be apologized for or justi- on an array of subjects for the Times, from the 1912
traditional belief and practice. sible while conforming to the fied through “woke-washing.” Olympics to World War I to the unsealing of King
Some 18 months ago the basic rules of the society, both in faith or existential Instead of using business to Tutankhamun’s tomb and—perdition!—wrote book reviews.
Business Roundtable pro- those embodied in law and commitment should further divide the country and
posed redefining the purpose those embodied in ethical cus- sideline people of faith, com-
of a corporation. Rather than tom.” Friedman didn’t address guide companies. panies can take a “live and let As a journalist in the early years of the 20th
simply working in the inter- what to do when “ethical cus- live” approach. century, Robinson played eyewitness to many
est of shareholders, the or- tom” is inimical to free enter- One point in particular
ganization affirmed that prise itself. shouldn’t be surprising. The from Friedman’s famous arti- historical events. Does that make him ‘great’?
companies also should com- As any CEO knows, simply U.S. is sharply divided on po- cle remains salient: It is not
mit to delivering value to making as much money as fast litical and social issues. There the role of unelected business
customers, investing in em- as possible won’t ensure that a isn’t much upside for a com- leaders to involve public com- In 1920, Harry was knighted for his work as a war
ployees, dealing fairly and company can flourish over pany to take a stand on abor- panies in controversial politi- correspondent. He continued at the Times and ventured
ethically with suppliers, and time. A corporation is a com- tion, same-sex marriage or cal or social issues. They around the globe when his health permitted. In 1923 he
supporting local communi- plex human organization, ani- complex racial issues, espe- should instead work on the traveled to Algiers to report on an auto race. He died of
ties. mated by a vision of the good cially when such themes are good that they were estab- pneumonia in 1930 at the age of 71.
The admirable—if platitudi- it can do for its customers. irrelevant to its business. lished to do, in a principled “Escape Artist” is well researched and, for the most part,
nous—idea quickly has been Success cannot be reduced Principles guide good man- fashion. And they should look well written. Mr. McAleer—the author, most recently, of
perverted to mean that busi- solely to profitability. agers when making decisions. closely at the source of these “Call of the Atlantic: Jack London’s Publishing Odyssey
nesses ought to obey orders The problem is analogous Yet these principles do not principles to make sure that Overseas, 1902-1916”—occasionally lapses into hyperbole.
from the progressive elite, re- to one identified by philoso- come from external norms of what they are following is a “In spite of all his flaws,” he writes, “Harry had ‘real
gardless of how thin its con- pher John Ralston Saul. Vol- “ethical custom,” especially moral compass, not a wind greatness.’ ” I grant that Robinson was an astute careerist,
nection to any company may taire and his Enlightenment not if the custom derives from vane. but I’ve searched my notes and memory of this book in
be. In practice, “woke capital” colleagues championed reason the progressive beliefs of the vain for signs of greatness.
does little more than pay trib- as the way to free people from moment. Principles, if they Mr. Abela is dean of the Conclusions about Robinson’s distinction must be based
ute to progressive causes arbitrary power and the “su- are to be effective in guiding Busch School of Business at on his journalism. I don’t doubt that the bulk of his
through marketing and pos- perstition” of religion. But any organization, must be the Catholic University of reporting was competent. But when Mr. McAleer states,
turing. The problem for com- reason has been degraded into grounded in faith or at least America. apropos of King Tut, that “the scoop of the century was
about to drop into [Harry’s] lap” it seems far-fetched.
Lord Carnarvon, who funded the Tut expedition, contracted

Covid Lockdown at the North Pole with the Times to sell articles to other newspapers about
the investigation—not even the discovery—of the tomb.
Robinson served as Carnarvon’s flack. (Even if Harry had
By Bob Greene time in 159 years, its depart- morning, before I departed and their children would scooped his competitors about all things Tut, were they

ment stores won’t have a for the courthouse, we were shyly approach and whisper journalistic coups comparable to, say, Watergate?)
can see him now, sitting Santa on site for children and both taking the remnants of their Christmas wishes to As for his war correspondence, Mr. McAleer maintains
by himself in the their families to visit. Covid, our breakfasts to the trash him. “I see amazement in the that Robinson, “had few rivals.” I hope that wasn’t the case.
cramped but clean break- of course—that’s the reason, and I asked him how long he faces of the children,” he Robinson believed that a reporter’s job was “to help to win
fast buffet area of a roadside and we should have seen the was staying at the hotel. said, “and hope, and excite- the War . . . build up the nation’s pride in the Army, and to
hotel near the Fox River in new policy coming. “Forty nights,” he said, ment.” Greeting all those strengthen the general moral [sic].” And so after the Battle
eastern Wisconsin. Baggy red smiling, and that is when he boys and girls for 40 days, of Passchendaele, one of the most brutal battles of World
trousers with suspenders, full told me his story. he said, meant he knew that War I, he wrote, “everywhere there is the undefinable
white beard, big belly, he I met Santa once in a He was 60, he lived in a by the time he returned to thrill of victory,” not least among the wounded, who were
would sometimes read the small town in Montana, and Montana he would have “dreadfully dirty and disreputable to the eye, but every man
morning paper, sometimes Wisconsin hotel. Now each year he found work, made thousands of children cheery and full of hearty laughter, knowing we have won.
glance at the television set kids won’t be able to though an agency, at a mall happy. It is good even to be wounded on such a day.” Yes, it was
bolted to the wall above the or store somewhere in the Covid has robbed us all of a different era, different journalistic rules, different norms.
miniboxes of cereal. find him at Macy’s. U.S. that needed a full-time a lot, and you can’t blame Nevertheless, I find Robinson’s statement hateful.
He seldom spoke, not that Santa. The definition of sea- Macy’s and the other stores This book prompted me to think of David Livingstone
the place was busy in the sonal labor. That particular for being cautious. But the andRichard Francis Burton, two 19th-century British
days leading up to Christmas. Across the country, de- year he was assigned to the days of pure wonder in a explorers who also boldly forayed into the world—and
This was more than 20 years partment stores and malls Fox River Mall, near the ho- young child’s eyes are finite whose achievements still impress. “Escape Artist” has
ago; I was covering a court have agonized about what to tel. Ten in the morning until and nonrenewable. “It fills many virtues, but its subject is more Zelig than exemplar.
case in rural Wisconsin, and do with Santa. Some are of- the mall closed each night, me with cheer every day,”
this was the closest place to fering online visits and Zoom no days off. the Santa at the breakfast Mr. Schneider reviews books for newspapers and magazines.
the courthouse I could find calls, some are putting Santa He was a little lonely, he buffet told me before head-
to spend the week. There behind plexiglass or inside a said—he missed his own ing off to work, in a Christ-
were some construction see-through globe. There’s a grandchildren—but what he mas season that suddenly Coming in BOOKS this weekend
workers staying there, and built-in chilliness: Social dis- saw and heard each day was feels very far away. Thorstein Veblen vs. the leisure class • The British Empire
me, and Santa Claus. tancing and Santa Claus are a gift beyond monetary and the historian’s pen • Phil Ochs: The voice of protest •
I’m thinking about him to- concepts that clash. value. The mothers and fa- Mr. Greene’s books include ‘Harriet the Spy’ and her creator • Alternative media,
day because of the decision That fellow in Wisconsin thers of the surrounding “Chevrolet Summers, Dairy from talk radio to Twitter • Sam Sacks on fiction • & more
by Macy’s that, for the first always dined silently, but one communities would arrive, Queen Nights.”
A14 | Friday, November 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Fireworks Over Religious Liberty Debating the Integrity of the 2020 Election

ow. That word rarely applies to Su- necessary because Mr. Cuomo has already re- Regarding your editorial “Georgia state legislatures choose to overrule
preme Court opinions. But it does in scinded his orders. But the majority explains Certifies: Donald Trump Lost” (Nov. the state’s vote it would have grave
21): The Journal spent much of the consequences for the GOP. But it
our view to the Court’s order on that Mr. Cuomo could reinstate or change them
last year running several editorials goes far beyond a danger to the GOP.
Thanksgiving eve enjoining at any time, as he often has, outlining the many troubles with Without proof of fraud, and putting
New York’s Covid-19 order re- The Supreme Court says and the plaintiffs would suffer mail-in voting, its easy susceptibility aside the legality of the decision, by
stricting attendance at reli- Cuomo’s orders violate immediate injury as they wait to fraud and the concerted Demo- overruling the vote and ensuring a
gious services. The Court is for courts to grant relief. Any- cratic efforts through lawsuits to Trump presidency, state legislatures
back as a sentinel protecting the First Amendment. one who has watched Mr. overturn state laws as written by would be threatening the foundation
the free exercise of religion, Cuomo operate in the pan- the legislature to force mail-in vot- of democracy. There is simply no
even in a health emergency. demic knows he relishes his ing, especially in the swing states. reason for citizens to participate in
The Court’s order is a temporary injunction role as master of the universe. On bullying Over the four years before that, the elections if the vote can be ignored
pending review on the merits by lower courts and brand as always, he dismissed the Court's order Journal editorial pages (but not the by a state legislature that doesn’t
perhaps eventually the Justices. But the rhetori- as “philosophy and politics.” news pages) shone the spotlight on like the result.
the phony Russia hoax that started MATT ELBERT
cal firepower unleashed in six separate opinions The order shows that new Justice Amy Co-
with the false Steele dossier. Houston
shows that convictions run hot at the Court on ney Barrett’s vote was decisive. The Court had The attitude of 95% of the media
this subject, as well they should given the stakes split 4-4 on previous religious appeals in the is that no one better ask any ques- Whether Mr. Trump’s attorneys
for American liberty that has itself been enjoined pandemic, and Justice Gorsuch unloads on the tions or doubt the absolute veracity can prove their claims in court re-
by politicians in the pandemic. Chief Justice’s May opinion in a California case of the vote count, and we are ex- mains to be seen, but serious ques-
In an unsigned 5-4 per curiam decision, the (South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. pected to disregard the testimony of tions have been raised about the va-
Court blocked as discriminatory Gov. Andrew Newsom). The Chief had cited a precedent from many eyewitnesses to what went on. lidity of the ballots tabulated in a
Cuomo’s arbitrary limits of 10 or 25 people in a century ago to argue for deferring to the au- What will keep the same thing from handful of states. In order for the
houses of worship in certain Covid hot spots. thority and expertise of local officials in an happening in future elections? electorate to have faith in the out-
The petitions came from the Catholic Diocese emergency. JOHN M. BLUST come, these questions must be ad-
Greensboro, N.C. dressed and fully answered.
of Brooklyn and Agudath Israel of America, “Even if the Constitution has taken a holiday
which represents Orthodox Jews (Diocese of during this pandemic, it cannot become a sab- You are absolutely correct that if Houston
Brooklyn v. Cuomo). batical,” Justice Gorsuch writes. “Rather than
“Members of this Court are not public health apply a nonbinding and expired concurrence
experts, and we should respect the judgment from South Bay, courts must resume applying
of those with special expertise and responsibil- the Free Exercise Clause. Today, a majority of
Child-Care Access Is Good Policy for Families
ity in this area. But even in a pandemic, the the Court makes this plain.” Your editorial “A Family Policy school, the city’s maternal labor-force
Constitution cannot be put away and forgot- The Chief replies that Justice Gorsuch makes Warning” (Nov. 20) cites a single participation rate increased by about
ten,” the Court writes. “The restrictions at is- too much of a single sentence in his South Bay study about Austria to make the 12 percentage points, with 10 percent-
sue here, by effectively barring many from at- opinion. But the sharp exchange highlights the broad claim that child-care afford- age points attributable to preschool
tending religious services, strike at the very differences on the Court between the Chief’s ability “likely won’t have the trans- expansion. On Nov. 3, over two-thirds
formative effects that proponents of Coloradans voted for Proposition
heart of the First Amendment’s guarantee of re- political pragmatism and the majority’s adher-
hope” in the U.S. One study on Aus- EE. This initiative will generate over
ligious liberty.” ence to first constitutional principles. The opin- trian maternal employment is slim $2 billion over 10 years to support
The Court explains that New York’s order ions also make clear the frustration of the con- evidence to claim that American ini- universal preschool for four-year-olds
treats houses of worship more harshly than servative Justices with the Chief’s restraint in tiatives for affordable and high-qual- in the state.
what Mr. Cuomo considers “essential” busi- protecting core constitutional rights. ity early child care will fail. Despite decades of well-inten-
nesses. Those include liquor stores, bike shops, i i i American children need high-qual- tioned philanthropic interventions
acupuncturists, lawyers, accountants, and While the 5-4 order is welcome, it is disap- ity child care, but hardworking fami- and state-by-state initiatives, many
more. pointing that the ruling wasn’t 9-0. New York’s lies struggle to afford it. Over 80% of American families are still priced out
As Justice Neil Gorsuch puts it in a corker restrictions on religious worship are so over- parents shoulder the full cost, which of high-quality child care. Lawmakers
of a concurrence: “So, at least according to the broad, and so arbitrary, that their violation of exceeds $20,000 a year in 22 states. must consider implementing policies
Governor, it may be unsafe to go to church, but the Free Exercise Clause should be an easy call. The current system isn’t working. like Proposition EE nationally. Is soci-
Over 86% of child care is market ety not responsible for the well being
it is always fine to pick up another bottle of Americans have tolerated extraordinary re-
based, but the child-care market of our next generation? One study
wine, shop for a new bike, or spend the after- straints on their freedom in the pandemic, but doesn’t respond to typical supply and may highlight issues with Austria’s
noon exploring your distal points and meridi- it’s increasingly clear as we learn more about demand forces. The supply would in- policies, but much other evidence
ans. Who knew public health would so perfectly the virus that too many Governors have need- crease if parents could choose their points to significant educational and
align with secular convenience?” This disparate lessly infringed on basic rights. provider based on quality, rather than socio-economic benefits of high-qual-
treatment discriminates against religion. And too many judges have acquiesced. Amer- solely on cost. ity child care and we must provide it.
The four dissenters, including Chief Justice icans should welcome the Supreme Court back After Washington, D.C., began of- DAVID MERAGE
John Roberts, argue that an injunction isn’t at the ramparts as a defender of liberty. fering two years of universal pre- Englewood, Colo.

A Pardon for General Flynn Hard to See Something Like the Draft Again
resident Trump’s decision Wednesday vantage of the unsuspecting Mr. Flynn and a Michael Sanger expresses a worthy Will the American people accept an
to pardon former national security ad- trusting White House to have his agents inter- and honorable sentiment in his Nov. active-duty military of more than 10
viser Michael Flynn is an overdue act view him without courtesies normally ex- 18 letter regarding the value of mili- million service members, much less
of justice that ends four years of political ha- tended to criminals. tary service toward promoting a pay the costs demanded?
rassment, unjustified prosecution and judicial Justice finally moved to dismiss the charges stronger sense of civic virtue within Perhaps a better solution would be
abuse. If it sounds like we feel strongly about this year, but then federal Judge Emmet Sulli- our nation. Unfortunately, whatever a strengthened system of locally
this one, you’re right. van opted for political revenge by refusing to its virtues, a reinstitution of the draft based reserve components, a reconsti-
We’ve never met the former general and agree to the dismissal. He even tried to investi- is neither practicable nor consistent tuted structure of the militia within
decorated veteran. But every American should gate the case himself—an extraordinary intru- with the deeper military traditions of the several states. This would be
the American experience. more in keeping with the Founders’
be worried about his mistreatment by a politi- sion by a court into the executive branch’s
In 2017 the U.S. population of 18- original concept of civil-military rela-
cized system of justice that could happen to prosecutorial power. His obvious goal was to to-24-year-olds was approximately 31 tions and promote the positive civic
anyone on the wrong side of vindictive people stall long enough for a Biden Administration million. The Army currently rejects virtues Mr. Sanger rightly advocates.
with power. to take power and reinstate the charges. What about 70% of volunteers for being un- COL. CLARK SUMMERS, USAR (RET.)
The FBI and Justice pursued him though a disgraceful performance. fit due to one reason or another, so Belmont, N.C.
they knew there was no basis for an investiga- Mr. Flynn should have been vindicated in how universal would universal na-
tion. They coerced a plea of lying to the FBI court, but Judge Sullivan was never going to tional service, military or otherwise,
though the interviewing agents thought he give him a fair hearing. A pardon was the only really be if only nine million of 31 mil- Hong Kong’s Government
was telling the truth. A later re-examination avenue left to prevent Mr. Flynn from more lion potential recruits can pass the
entrance requirements? Given that
Misunderstands U.S. Oath
ordered by Attorney General Bill Barr found years of punishment. Congratulations to Mr.
that Justice and the FBI had withheld exculpa- Trump for sparing an innocent man who our current active-duty military is 1.3 In his letter of Nov. 24, Hong
million, conscripting only those rea- Kong Chief Secretary for Administra-
tory evidence. Former FBI director James served his country well but was ill-served by
sonably fit to serve would require ex- tion Matthew Cheung Kin-chung
Comey crowed about how the bureau took ad- too many of his countrymen. panding our current military infra- wrongly states: “Members of the U.S.
structure by a factor of about seven. Congress are required to swear to

GM Drives in Political Reverse Virtual, Carbon-Free Book

support and defend the U.S. Consti-
tution or face criminal charges.”

Here is the exact oath: “I do sol-
EOs are offering alms to win favor with complementary policies.” That standard will Burning for Non-PC Books emnly swear (or affirm) that I will
their future federal regulators. This now be dictated by California, which has banned support and defend the Constitution
week’s aim-to-please prize goes to CEO sales of gas-fueled cars by 2035. In his letter of Nov. 20, Jordan Sil- of the United States against all ene-
Mary Barra, who pulled the “We believe the ambitious verman asserts that Abigail Shrier’s mies, foreign and domestic; that I
Mary Barra drops “Does the ACLU Want to Ban My will bear true faith and allegiance to
plug on GM’s support for the electrification goals of the
Book?” (op-ed, Nov. 16) confuses “a the same; that I take this obligation
Trump Administration in its support for a Trump suit President-elect, California, right to freedom of speech with a freely, without any mental reservation
legal challenge to California’s and General Motors are right to have people listen to your or purpose of evasion; and that I will
electric car mandate. against California. aligned, to address climate speech.” He misapprehends the issue. well and faithfully discharge the du-
The Trump Environmental change by drastically reducing The Twitter mob didn’t want to read ties of the office on which I am about
Protection Agency last year automobile emissions,” wrote Ms. Shrier’s book; it objected to the to enter: So help me God.”
revoked the Obama Administration’s Clean Air Ms. Barra. She made this announcement after content and wanted Target to keep There are no caveats providing for
Act waiver that allowed California to set its meeting with California Air Resources Board others who might want to read the prosecution if the oath is not ful-
own auto greenhouse gas emission standards. chair Mary Nichols, who has been floated as a book from accessing it. Mr. Silverman filled. Mr. Cheung’s statement that it
Car makers complained that California’s elec- possible Biden EPA Administrator. is also wrong to suggest that the dan- is an international norm is flat out
tric-vehicle mandate and stringent emissions GM last week said it expects EVs to be- gers of book banning stem only from wrong. I hope all Americans under-
governmental actions. In many ways, stand the oath: We swear to defend
rules balkanized the national car market. come more profitable as battery costs decline
a book ban coerced by a Twitter mob ideals on a piece of paper, not a
If auto makers had to sell more EVs in Cali- and driving range improves. That would be is a greater danger to free speech, king, queen or dictator. That is what
fornia—which most currently do at a loss— fantastic, literally—but dealers who don’t since it is less controllable by judicial makes us different.
they’d have to raise prices on gas-fueled cars want to be stuck with unmovable inventory or democratic means. CDR. NORM FITZPATRICK, USN (RET.)
they sell in other states to compensate. Fed- aren’t buying Ms. Barra’s electric hype. Hence MARK WORCESTER Berwyn, Pa.
eral law explicitly prohibits states from setting GM is offering $500,000 buyouts to Cadillac Anchorage, Alaska
their own fuel economy standards, and the dealers that “choose not to participate on our
Constitution grants Congress the power to EV journey.” Pepper ...
regulate interstate commerce. GM is trying to ingratiate itself with regula- Remember Those Primitive And Salt
Republican states along with GM, Toyota tors so it can steer future fuel-economy stan- Videocalls of Long Ago? THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
and Fiat Chrysler intervened in support of the dards. Two years ago, GM called for a national
Jason Zweig’s “Back in Business:
Trump Administration in its legal standoff electric-car mandate with juiced-up regulatory
The Videocall Is So Last Century”
with California. A Biden Administration is ex- credits for its trucks and driverless cars. GM (Exchange, Nov. 14) reminds us that
pected to reverse the Trump fuel-economy also proposed to replace the 200,000 per man- fortune favors the lucky as well as
rules and reissue California’s waiver, but both ufacturer cap for the federal $7,500 EV tax the prepared and the bold. It’s a re-
will require new regulations that take time. credit—which it no longer qualifies for though minder, too, that success requires pa-
This means a legal challenge to California's most of its competitors do—with an industry- tience and persistence. Many of to-
authority to set its own rules may not be wide phase-out once electric cars exceed 5% day’s problems already have
moot if auto makers and GOP states continue of the U.S. light-duty fleet. technological solutions but are wait-
to fight. Yet Ms. Barra in a letter to environ- Other ideas include a mandate for EV char- ing for broad adoption.
mental groups on Monday said she is pulling gers in new homes and federally funded “K-12 MARK HOLMAN
Davis, Calif.
the plug on GM’s defense of the Trump Ad- education programs, and media programs
ministration and urged other auto makers to that highlight the benefits of driving elec-
Letters intended for publication
do the same. tric.” Perhaps China, which dominates bat- should be emailed to
In joining the legal fight, GM had hoped to ne- tery production, could assist with the propa- Please include your city, state and
gotiate a settlement between the two sides, she ganda. We don’t want to hear GM caterwaul telephone number. All letters are sub-
explained, but “we believe there is now a path when it gets thrown by regulators under its ject to editing, and unpublished letters “Now that I’m here, could you tell me
cannot be acknowledged.
to achieve agreement on a national standard and own electric bus. what that was all about?”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, November 27, 2020 | A15


A Progressive Assault on Selective High Schools

By Chester E. Finn Jr. black and Latino children, abolish aren’t likely to succeed in selec-

the entry exam, and instead ad- tive-entry high schools. But tack-
irginia Attorney General mit top students from every mid- ling that problem by abolishing
Mark Herring has fired the dle school in the city. tests and randomizing admission
latest salvo in America’s But is every middle school forfeits excellence in favor of
assault on meritocracy: a churning out eighth-graders with fake equity.
61-page opinion holding the requisite skills and knowl- Developing talented students
that the suburban Loudoun County edge to succeed at Bronx Sci- is the right approach, but that
school system discriminated against ence? Are all children who make means starting “gifted and tal-
black and Hispanic youngsters be- good grades eager, motivated ented” programs in many more
cause its selective-admission high learners ready to make the most elementary and middle schools.
school, the Academies of Loudon, of what these high-powered School systems would also have
hadn’t admitted enough of them. schools have to offer? to face the reality that some kids
Never mind that—as Mr. Herring ac- Instead of repairing the ele- are smarter and more motivated
knowledged—the school’s test-based mentary and middle schools at- than others, no matter their
admissions process is open to all and tended by poor and minority kids color. That’s anathema to “pro-
fairly managed. Because its results so that more of them will be pre- gressive” reformers, who prefer
have a “disparate impact,” the school pared for places like Stuyvesant, to abolish accelerated classes for
system must scrap it. and creating more such schools high achievers. Ithaca, N.Y., is one
Nationwide, selective-admission for bright children from every of several communities that has
public schools, also known as “exam background to get a top-notch moved to make all sixth- and sev-
schools,” are under attack because education, New York’s equity enth-graders take the same math,

the demographics of their student seekers are pressing to reallocate no matter how adept some are.
populations don’t match those of an extremely scarce resource. Mr. It is the job of schools to cre-
their communities. Much like elite de Blasio and colleagues overlook ate opportunities for all young
universities, critics allege, these the educational tragedies that people, regardless of background,
schools have been admitting far too the city’s schools routinely inflict on application fee. The superintendent Ellington School of the Arts, School to make the most of themselves.
many whites and Asians and not so many of the girls and boys they proposed moving to a lottery system Without Walls and others). All have Teachers can encourage the kid with
nearly enough blacks and Latinos. claim to be looking after. that would place every eighth-grader a small number of highly regarded a gleam in her eye to take harder
The impulse is spreading. Con- with good grades into the admis- exam schools with enrollments that classes. They can spot the shy 8-
sider another furor in Virginia, over sions pool. For now the Fairfax don’t mirror their communities and year-old from a troubled home who
Instead of fixing public admission to the esteemed Thomas County School Board has shunned are therefore deemed retrograde, if loves to read and hustle him into a
Jefferson High School for Science the lottery. An Asian-American fa- not discriminatory. program for gifted students. They
education, the left tries and Technology in Fairfax County, ther, testifying before the board Yet the remedies being sought in can’t overcome every innate differ-
to end testing at schools regularly ranked the country’s top called that plan “government-spon- every case are wrongheaded. They ence or compensate for every disad-
high school by U.S. News. Thomas sored discrimination against Asians.” fiddle with the rationing system in- vantage at home. But the best of to-
it deems inequitable. Jefferson is in such demand that it Lotteries signal a sort of superfi- stead of adding to the supply of se- day’s charter schools, such as New
can accept fewer than 1 in 6 appli- cial fairness, but in practice they’re lective schools—fewer than 170 na- York’s Success Academy, show that a
cants. It’s been using its own special worse than taking every middle tionwide at last count, among more lot can be overcome.
The ruckus began in New York, exam and a “holistic” admissions school’s best students. Their effect than 20,000 U.S. high schools—or The progressive assault on educa-
where admission to nine of the city’s process that considers essays, inter- will be to encourage grade inflation ensuring that more poor and minor- tion in the name of equity ends up
hundreds of high schools is governed views and teacher recommendations across the system—to get more kids ity kids are prepared to compete for denying smart kids from every back-
by the eighth-grader’ scores on a as well as grades and test scores. into the “pool”—and favor students entry. ground the kind of education that
specialized admission test. Topping Thomas Jefferson’s minders have who may be ill-prepared or indiffer- Achievement gaps are widespread will assist them to make the most of
the list are Stuyvesant and Bronx tried various strategies to bring in ent over hundreds who yearn for the across America among kids from dif- their abilities. That denies America
Science, and there’s no denying that more pupils of color but none has opportunity, many of them Asian- ferent backgrounds. On the National human capital for a robust economy,
they’re full of Asian and white kids, worked very well. Among the 486 Americans from low- or middle-in- Assessment of Educational Progress, while keeping a fraught society from
many from low-income and middle- students in the most recently admit- come families bent on getting their 13% of white eighth-grade students producing the opportunities that al-
class families. This has raised hack- ted class, fewer than 25 were black children the best possible education. reached the “advanced” level in low true equity to flourish.
les for decades, but Mayor Bill de or Hispanic—and few were low-in- Much the same thing is happening math last year, as did 31% of Asian
Blasio and his schools chancellor come. elsewhere, including Boston (Boston kids, compared with only 2% and 4% Mr. Finn is president emeritus of
have recently pushed to make the The Fairfax County superintend- Latin School), Philadelphia (Central of black and Hispanic children. Stu- the Thomas B. Fordham Institute
admissions process more “equita- ent and board last month moved to High School), San Francisco (Lowell dents who aren’t doing advanced and a senior fellow at Stanford’s
ble.” They want to reserve places for abolish the qualification exam and High School) and Washington (Duke math by the end of middle school Hoover Institution.

Hindu Nationalists’ Crazy Crackdown on ‘Love Jihad’

The pandemic is Last month, Uttar Pradesh Chief same goal by pretending to be Hin- reflects a deeper shift under way as women from embracing their Mus-
raging in India, eco- Minister Yogi Adityanath told “those dus. Either way, the alleged end re- emboldened Hindu nationalists turn lim husbands’ faith. And for now
nomic growth is cra- who conceal their identity and play sult is invariably the same: An inno- on classical liberal ideas borrowed Hindu nationalists lack the ability
tering, and Chinese with the honor of our sisters and cent Hindu damsel is used as a baby- from the West. India’s penal code, to junk a more than 150-year-old
troops are squatting daughters” to “mend your ways” or making factory before being cruelly which is partly based on English penal code and a 70-year-old con-
on land India also face consequences that he described divorced. For good measure, some common law, was written by the stitution. But the direction India is
claims—and the rul- using a Hindi phrase that alludes to versions of the conspiracy toss in great 19th-century British scholar- headed appears clear: Individual
ing Bharatiya Janata a funeral procession. On Tuesday, the Islamic State and bomb-making politician Thomas Macaulay. The rights and minority rights are re-
Party has odd prior- the Uttar Pradesh government ap- plots. cohort of educated Indian elites ceding.
By Sadanand
ities. It is deter- proved a draft law that punishes who wrote the constitution—ad- Muslims are the current target of
mined to fight “Love with fines and prison sentences “un- opted in 1950—borrowed heavily choice, but over time the state’s
Jihad,” embracing a lawful religious conversion,” includ- Converts will need special from British Indian precedents as boot will likely also fall on Chris-
conspiracy theory that views Muslim ing for the purpose of marriage. A well as from Ireland, Australia and tians. Several Indian states already
men marrying Hindu women as an convert who plans to marry some- permission to marry the U.S. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the boast misnamed “freedom of reli-
act of religious warfare. one from a different religious back- someone of a different main architect of India’s constitu- gion” laws designed to thwart con-
Talk of Love Jihad once was lim- ground will need to get permission tion, held doctorates from Colum- version out of Hinduism.
ited to the fringes of public dis- from a bureaucrat two months in ad- religious background. bia and the London School of Eco- None of this is to deny that Isla-
course. India’s constitution safe- vance. nomics. mism is a real threat to India and
guards individual rights, and India remains a largely conserva- It’s unclear if Hindu nationalists the world. The enslavement of Yaz-
heterosexual adults may marry tive society where most people don’t On one level, the progress of this can operate within constitutional idi women by the Islamic State, and
whomever they please. But now five marry outside their subcaste, let Hindu nationalist equivalent of guardrails. The debate over Love Ji- kidnappings and forced marriages of
BJP-ruled states—Assam, Haryana, alone outside their faith. Nonethe- QAnon—think of it as Cow-Anon— had raises important questions: Can Hindu and Christian girls by Muslim
Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Ut- less, Hindu nationalists have given into law and mainstream discourse Hindu nationalism adapt to univer- landlords in Pakistan, have added to
tar Pradesh—are planning laws the lurid conspiracy theory credence represents the latest attempt to sal democratic principles? Or will it a general sense of unease among
against what Haryana’s Home Minis- in the public’s eyes by promoting it bully and browbeat India’s 200 mil- evolve as an Indic version of Isla- some Indians. Conspiracy theorists
ter Anil Vij calls “a conspiracy of on social media, WhatsApp groups lion Muslims. The new laws will mism, another collectivist ideology skillfully weave fact with fiction.
changing religion by trapping some- and sympathetic TV channels. likely have the same effect as the that extols comforting tales of past But you can’t win a battle of ideas
one in love.” Madhya Pradesh Chief The allegations, often made by strengthening of anti-cow-slaughter glory, actively discriminates against with crazy ones. The best weapon
Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has obscure Hindu nationalist activists legislation by BJP state governments religious minorities, regards unmar- against Islamism is not demoniza-
promised that “jihad will not be per- on social media or by local religious in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ried women as communal property, tion but a sense of fairness that dis-
mitted in the name of love at any figures, might accuse Muslim clerics first term. They will subject inter- and privileges group solidarity tinguishes between extremists and
cost.” His Karnataka counterpart, B. of training good-looking young men faith couples to harassment by offi- above individual rights? ordinary Muslims. Love Jihad laws
S. Yediyurappa, says his government to seduce gullible Hindu women. cials, and give a tacit green light to These questions won’t be settled do not represent a nation coming to
takes seriously “the luring of young Sometimes the conspiracy claims vigilantes. immediately or cleanly. The new grips with a problem. They repre-
girls with the use of money or love.” that cunning Muslims achieve the But the Love Jihad bogey also laws will likely not ban Hindu sent a nation losing the plot.

A Speedy Recovery Depends on More Aid. Will Trump Deliver?

By Alan S. Blinder fully on the various vaccine proj- economy back from the abyss. The of Treasury securities and mort- items such as test kits and personal

ects. Thanks to them, the prover- pandemic is now worse than it was gage-backed securities under quan- protective equipment. State and lo-
ajority Leader Mitch bial light at the end of the tunnel then. Yet Mr. McConnell is a road- titative easing. Another is moving cal governments, which are on the
McConnell sent the Senate is dimly visible. But only dimly. block to more relief funds. those purchases out to longer ma- front lines in the battle against the
home for recess without Widespread vaccination is many Remember, it was Cares, plus a turities. The Fed may and should virus, urgently need several hun-
passing a new coronavirus relief months away. As Yogi Berra might few other laws, plus rapid actions do both. But no one should seri- dred billion dollars in federal aid.
bill. Treasury Secretary Steven have said, this horror show “ain’t by the Fed, that enabled the econ- ously think such policies will have They must balance their budgets
Mnuchin has said he will pull the over.” omy to make what looks like a V- large effects on the economy. even as they shoulder huge new
plug on several of the Federal Re- When Congress passed the Cares shaped recovery—so far. The ex- costs for health care, school safety,
serve’s emergency lending facilities. Act in March, the pandemic looked pected tsunami of bankruptcies security and more—and watch their
What are these men thinking? absolutely frightening. The act was hasn’t materialized—so far. It even The economy can’t wait tax receipts wither.
Yes, the recent news on the vac- a sloppy piece of legislation with looks possible—so far—that the With light now showing at the
cine front is wonderful. We are all many flaws. But it had two huge feared scarring of both workers until January for more end of the tunnel, it makes sense to
indebted to the scientists who have virtues: It was big, and it came and businesses may be limited. help for states, businesses help small businesses survive with
worked so long, hard and success- fast, both of which helped pull the Senators and the public need to more grants and soft loans. Econo-
understand that it was Cares and and the unemployed. mists generally view bankruptcy as
the rest that propped up the econ- a normal and necessary part of
omy “artificially” as the virus was capitalism. But most of the small
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY pulling it down. But now, with Another option would be switch- businesses now on the brink didn’t
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp
Covid-19 raging uncontrolled, most ing to yield-curve control, as prac- get there through poor business de-
Matt Murray Almar Latour
of the Cares money has been spent ticed in Japan. That means replac- cisions.
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher and more will expire in late Decem- ing QE with pegging the yield on Last but certainly not least, tens
Neal Lipschutz Karen Miller Pensiero DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: ber; the Centers for Disease Control one or more Treasury maturities of millions of Americans need a
Deputy Editor in Chief Managing Editor Ramin Beheshti, Chief Technology Officer; and Prevention moratorium on for a while. I’m sympathetic. But lifeline. It isn’t prosperous, white-
Jason Anders, Chief News Editor; Louise Story, Chief Kamilah Mitchell-Thomas, Chief People Officer; evictions will end Dec. 31; and again, how much effect can yield- collar workers like me—and proba-
News Strategist, Product & Technology Officer Edward Roussel, Chief Innovation Officer; Treasury intends to end its lending curve control have when yields on bly you, dear reader—who need
Thorold Barker, Europe; Elena Cherney, Coverage; Christina Van Tassell, Chief Financial Officer
facilities by the end of the year as long-term Treasurys are already so help. It’s society’s underdogs: the
Andrew Dowell, Asia; Anthony Galloway, Video &
Audio; Brent Jones, Culture, Training & Outreach; well. low? Will U.S. borrowing rates go unemployed, people of color, the
Alex Martin, Print & Writing; Michael W. Miller, Jason P. Conti, General Counsel; Americans are suffering from the negative? I doubt it. poor and so on.
Features & Weekend; Emma Moody, Standards; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; tragic results of the Trump admin- So it’s up to Congress and what’s These folks have pretty straight-
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Matthew Rose,
Enterprise; Michael Siconolfi, Investigations;
Kristin Heitmann, Chief Commercial Officer; istration’s malign neglect of the vi- left of the Trump administration. forward needs: cash income, food,
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News
Nancy McNeill, Corporate Sales; rus. Will we now have to suffer They should be working overtime shelter and health care. The federal
Thomas San Filippo, Customer Service; from malign neglect of the econ- on a compromise fiscal package in government knows how to provide
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large Josh Stinchcomb, Advertising Sales;
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
omy? Don’t think the Federal Re- the range of, say, $1 trillion to $2 these things. If it fails, the light at
Suzi Watford, Chief Marketing Officer;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page Jonathan Wright, International
serve can ride to the rescue if Con- trillion. As Jason Furman recently the end of the tunnel may prove to
gress fails. Not because the Fed argued on these pages, the econ- be an oncoming freight train.
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Professional Information Business: doesn’t want to help. But because omy can’t wait until the Biden ad-
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head there isn’t much more it can do. ministration takes office. Mr. Blinder, a professor of eco-
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: Think about the additional policy The package should have many nomics and public affairs at Prince-
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 measures that have been men- components. Most obviously, the ton, served as vice chairman of the
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
tioned. One is increasing purchases country is still short on critical Federal Reserve, 1994-96.
A16 | Friday, November 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Italy’s South Recruits War-Zone Doctors

Group that aids war a failure, said Giuseppe Falco-
matà, the mayor of Reggio
and Ebola victims will Calabria, the region’s biggest
help battered region’s city, and a member of the na-
tionally governing Democratic
Covid-19 patients Party.
“Field hospitals are needed
BY MARGHERITA STANCATI in an emergency. But after 10
months, we had time to pre-
ROME—Italy’s troubled pare,” said Mr. Falcomatà,


south, which was largely who is pushing for control of
spared earlier on in the pan- health care to be returned to
demic, is now struggling to local authorities.
cope—so much so that the Italian Prime Minister
government is turning for Giuseppe Conte told local me-
help to a medical charity used dia recently he took full re-
to working in war zones. sponsibility for the lack of
The Milan-based nongov- leadership in Calabria during
ernmental organization Emer- the pandemic, and was confi-
gency is best known for as- dent Emergency could help
sisting war victims in address the region’s needs.
countries such as Afghani- The scope of the group’s
stan, or Ebola patients in Si- involvement goes beyond the
erra Leone. It has now agreed field hospital, which is being
to help confront the crisis in The army is building a Covid-19 field hospital in a former freight yard in Cosenza, a city in Italy’s poorest region of Calabria. set up in Crotone with Italy’s
Italy’s poorest region of Ca- civil-protection agency. The
labria, where the dysfunc- 100,000 people detected daily ing to Italy’s national statis- pitals showed nurses bringing tered,” says Ettore Jorio, a humanitarian organization is
tional health-care system is over the past two weeks, it is tics agency. Overall, Italy had oxygen tanks to Covid-19 pa- professor of public-health setting up a drive-through
ill-equipped to deal with a vi- exposing the shortage of med- 312 beds per 100,000 inhabit- tients waiting in long car policy at the University of Ca- coronavirus testing site and is
ral outbreak. ical staff and hospital beds in ants, below the European queues. labria. “Even if we had more likely to devote some of its
“Our priority is to help the parts of the south. Union average of 500. Italian health care is typi- hospital beds in intensive resources to contact-tracing
health-care system of Ca- “One of the biggest prob- Infection rates in southern cally overseen by regional au- care, we wouldn’t have the and to monitoring Covid-19
labria’s citizens, which has lems in Italy is the gaps that Italy remain lower than in the thorities, but Calabria’s sys- staff to operate it properly.” patients across the region,
been devastated,” said Gino exist in the health-care capac- north, but Calabria and the tem was taken over by the Months after the peak of said Dr. Strada. Emergency is
Strada, a surgeon and founder ity of different regions,” said neighboring region of Campa- national government over a Italy’s spring coronavirus cri- also considering reviving dis-
of Emergency, which is set- Giovanni Leoni, vice president nia are under the strictest decade ago, after grappling sis, the number of ICU beds is used hospitals to treat coro-
ting up a field hospital in Ca- of Italy’s national doctors’ as- lockdown amid fear their with fraud scandals, mafia in- still well below the govern- navirus patients.
labria this week. sociation. In the south, “the health-care systems can’t filtration and high debts. ment’s target, particularly in Dr. Strada is doing his best
When the coronavirus out- pandemic hit a system that cope with many more pa- Since then, commissioners the south. And in Calabria, to stay out of Italy’s political
break first emerged in Italy’s was already operating below tients. appointed by Rome have gave out of the 280 ICU beds for squabbles.
wealthier north in the spring, its potential.” In Naples, the capital of priority to cost cutting, shut- which there is funding, only “Calabria isn’t Afghanistan,
a nationwide lockdown helped The northern region of Campania and one of the ting down 18 hospitals in the 133 were operational as of it can’t be compared. I hope
stop it from spreading widely Lombardy, which includes Mi- most densely populated areas region and reducing medical last week, according to the we won’t encounter hostility.
in the south. But now that in- lan, had 347 hospital beds for in Europe, the health-care staff. region’s association of emer- It seems natural that people
fections are surging across every 100,000 residents be- system is already struggling. “The health-care system gency-room doctors. will want to collaborate, not
the country as a whole, with fore the pandemic, whereas Video footage taken recently has been poorly managed for The government’s handling create obstacles for us,” said
around 54 cases for every Calabria had just 254, accord- outside one of the main hos- a long time. Now it’s shat- of Calabria’s health system is Dr. Strada.

Beijing’s Family Policy Quietly Tested Chinese Drugmakers


When Zhang Yiqiu found

In 2016, the year the two-
child policy took effect, the
number of newborns rose 7.9%,
Are Pushed to Prove
herself pregnant with her
third child two years ago, the
Beijing businesswoman ex-
to 17.86 million, from 16.55
million in 2015, but every year
since it has declined. It fell to
Their Vaccines Work
pected to face a fine or bu- 14.65 million in 2019, data BY CHAO DENG out solid evidence of the vac-
reaucratic hurdles. from the National Bureau of AND JON EMONT cine’s efficacy, raising con-
To her surprise, local offi- Statistics showed. Meanwhile, cerns from international
cials praised her for her deci- the number of Chinese 65 or Pressure is mounting on public health experts.
sion to have another child, she older grew more than 5% for Chinese drugmakers to show In September, the U.A.E.
said, though they couldn’t pro- each of the past three years. clinical evidence that their went ahead in vaccinating
vide the proper paperwork for Beijing started dismantling leading Covid-19 vaccines medical workers with Chinese
her government health insur- the once vast and powerful work, after early data on three vaccines.
ance to cover the birth be- family-planning bureaucracy Western-developed shots But at least one government
cause parents are still offi- in 2018, perhaps the loudest showed promising effective- is holding back from approving
cially forbidden from having official signal that leaders ness against the disease. Chinese vaccines because of the
three children. want to de-emphasize birth Earlier this week, AstraZen- lack of clinical evidence. Penny
Ms. Zhang isn’t typical in restrictions. eca PLC and the University of Lukito, head of Indonesia’s food
China, where the legacy of the “Officials all saw the writing Oxford said their vaccine can- and drug authority, told law-
one-child policy and the ex- on the wall,” Prof. Wang said. didate was anywhere between makers last week that her
pense of raising children have One effect, he said, is that en- 62% to 90% effective, joining agency would delay granting
meant many couples still have forcement of the two-child pol- two other Western vaccine ri- emergency use of a vaccine de-
no more than one. However, in- icy has been “lax and sporadic, vals in providing data. The re- veloped by Chinese private
terviews with parents, demog- varying from locale to locale.” sults could allow the U.S. and drugmaker Sinovac Biotech
raphers and officials suggest An official in charge of fam- other countries to grant regu- Ltd. until late Janu-

that some local authorities are ily-planning policies in western latory authorization and gear ary, when it hopes interim re-
quietly allowing families to Beijing said parents having up distribution plans for wide- sults from ongoing trials in the
have a third child without the more than two children won’t spread vaccination. country will be available.
usual repercussions. be punished in his district, un- Chinese vaccine makers Indonesian authorities are
China’s leaders, including Zhang Yiqiu and her family in Beijing this year. less they are state employees. kicked off late-stage clinical
President Xi Jinping, have said For those working in the public trials in July, around the same
they are concerned about the second in 2016, the first year one eye closed,’ ” she said. sector, there will still be conse- time as Western vaccine devel-
country’s demographic trajec- of the two-child policy. Preg- No local government will quences, the official said. opers Pfizer Inc. and Moderna
Indonesia is holding
tory. Abolishing the one-child nant again in 2018, “I wasn’t openly acknowledge that it is Many former family-plan- Inc. One reason China is hav- back approval
policy in 2016 to let all cou- clear about the policies and I allowing third children. And in ning officials want to hang on ing to wait longer for results,
ples have two children did didn’t ask,” said Ms. Zhang, many places, restrictions con- to some version of restrictions. public health experts say, is
because of a lack of
next to nothing for China’s who sells baby products online. tinue to be strictly enforced. Even if it scraps birth limits, that the countries where Chi- clinical evidence.
sagging birthrate. A once-a- She said that after the birth, “Birth policy in China is in a China may not be able to allevi- nese researchers sought out
decade census this year is local Beijing officials told her logjam now,” said Wang Feng, ate its demographic bind, econ- volunteers—in places such as
likely to show that the number they didn’t have the bandwidth a sociology professor at the omists and demographers say. the United Arab Emirates and
of babies being born is far to pursue her birth violation. University of California, Irvine. Demographic challenges Brazil—haven’t seen Covid-19 looking to follow the U.A.E. by
from making up for the rapid Some other parents of more The National Health Com- mean China’s underlying po- spread as quickly of late as it approving Chinese vaccines
aging of the workforce. than two children say they mission, which supervises how tential economic growth rate has in the U.S., which is the for emergency use.
Even so, leaders have given have also gone penalty-free. birth policies are handled is likely to slow to about 5.5% key testing ground for leading Sinovac’s late-stage trials
no indication they are ready to A 30-year-old stay-at-home across China, didn’t respond over the next five years from Western vaccine makers. are also under way in Bra-
scrap birth restrictions, though mother in Yangzhou in south- to requests to comment. around 6.2% over the 2016-20 Trials need to accumulate a zil. Researchers helping run
the Communist Party’s latest eastern China—who wanted to Rising living costs, especially period, wrote Cai Fang, deputy certain number of infection that trial say they now have 74
five-year plan talks of improv- be identified only by her sur- high home prices, have de- chief of the Chinese Academy cases before researchers can confirmed Covid-19 cases
ing birth policy. Meanwhile, name, You—had three children terred young Chinese, most of of Social Sciences, a top gov- justify revealing which partici- among participants, enough to
parents like Ms. Zhang aren’t in four years and is pregnant whom grew up as only children, ernment think tank, in an es- pants received vaccines versus do an interim analysis, and
quite sure what to expect. with her fourth. She said offi- from having a second child, let say this week. He called for a placebo to calculate efficacy that they are likely to release
She had prayed for children cials haven’t come after her. alone four. Ms. You said most of change in birth policies and rates. early results in December.
at Buddhist temples and had “I think they are adopting her friends can’t fathom her de- “family-based decision-making “China has said it would Chinese vaccine developers
her first child in 2013 and her an attitude of ‘one eye open, sire to have so many children. on births” as soon as possible. make its vaccine a global public have had to go abroad to con-
good but we need details and duct clinical trials because

accountability,” says Peter May- Covid-19 has been mostly un-
barduk, director at nonprofit der control within China for
consumer advocacy group Pub- months. Their Western rivals
lic Citizen in Washington, D.C. are running clinical trials
MEXICO dering charges. The ex-minister, IRAN SOUTH KOREA Chinese authorities didn’t abroad too, although they
Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos, was wait for late-stage clinical re- have recruited tens of thou-
Suspect Arrested in released this month after Mex- Western Academic Recovery on Track sults to begin vaccinations sands of volunteers in the U.S.
Killing of Americans ico vigorously complained that it Freed After 2 Years Despite Covid Surge outside of trials. They have in- and U.K. Chinese researchers
hadn’t been advised of the in- oculated nearly one million have been shut out from such
Mexican security forces cap- vestigation and said it would re- Iran released a British-Austra- A jump in Covid-19 cases Chinese people with shots by places amid rising tensions be-
tured the alleged mastermind of view and revise its security co- lian academic imprisoned on espi- won’t knock South Korea’s eco- state-owned Sinopharm, with- tween Beijing and the West.
the massacre of nine members operation with the U.S. onage charges, ending an ordeal nomic recovery off track, the
of a breakaway Mexican-Ameri- Officials said 17 people have that lasted more than two years country’s central bank said.
can Mormon community a year been arrested in connection with and strained diplomatic ties. The Bank of Korea on Thurs-
ago, an attack that shocked the the November 2019 massacre, in Australian Prime Minister day forecast the economy would
U.S. and Mexico and strained bi- which six women and three chil- Scott Morrison said the govern- contract 1.1% this year, an im-

lateral relations. dren were killed. Authorities say ment had been informed late provement on its earlier expecta-
The suspect was identified by the attackers belong to La Línea, Wednesday of the release of tion for a 1.3% drop.
a senior official as Roberto an armed wing of the Juárez Kylie Moore-Gilbert, a specialist The brighter outlook came as
González, who is known as “The cartel known for its hyperviolent in Middle Eastern politics at the the country recorded its highest
32” and is considered one of the tactics. The motive behind the University of Melbourne. number of daily coronavirus
chieftains of Mexican gang La killing isn’t clear yet as the in- He declined to say whether it cases since March 1. The rise in
Línea. Authorities said the sus- vestigation continues, a Mexican was part of a prisoner swap. infections was factored in, the
pect was arrested this week prosecutor said. Dr. Moore-Gilbert was ar- bank said. The bank said it ex-
with two other members of his Julián LeBarón, whose rela- rested at Tehran airport in Sep- pects the recovery to continue
gang in the state of Chihuahua. tive Rhonita Miller and her four tember 2018 as she prepared to into the end of the year as
The arrest comes after rela- children were killed in the attack, leave the country following a strong overseas demand for
tions were strained by the re- said he believes without U.S. conference. She was tried, con- South Korea’s tech goods and in-
cent U.S. detention of a former pressure, Mexico wouldn’t have victed and sentenced to 10 creasing industrial investment
Mexican defense minister on detained a single suspect. years in prison. continue to pull up the economy. China began giving vaccinations without waiting for the results
drug trafficking and money-laun- —José de Córdoba —David Winning —Eun-Young Jeong of late-stage clinical Covid-19 vaccine tests.


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Stores Face Different Black Friday Disney

BY MICAH MAIDENBERG PlansConsumers have started saying the increase could may be facing further Covid- The jump in new Covid-19
holiday shopping earlier than damp store traffic. Abercrom- related restrictions and clo- infections is generating wor-
Retailers are bracing for an
unprecedented holiday shop-
ping season, starting with the
usual, some of them respond-
ing to the Black Friday deals
that chains have already
bie & Fitch Co. said it is as-
suming sales for its current
sures,” Abercrombie Chief Ex-
ecutive Fran Horowitz told
ries for retailers that shut
stores in the spring because
they were considered nones-
annual Black Friday ritual, set
against the backdrop of a still-
posted online, executives have
said. While overall spending
Best Buy Co., like other
chains, didn’t provide a finan-
sential businesses and re-
opened them over the follow- Job Cuts
raging pandemic.
Stores have largely called
off the Thanksgiving evening
openings that had become rou-
during the crucial holiday
stretch is expected to increase
this year, the fast spread of the
coronavirus in recent weeks
Drop in household income last
cial forecast for its quarter
that covers the holidays. Sales
for that period may taper off
compared with the fall, and in-
ing months. Retail chains have
tried to attract customers by
improving their digital-sales
operations and spending on

tine in recent years, while has retailers worried about month ventory constraints for some safety practices meant to pro- Walt Disney Co. plans to lay
many shoppers are seeking so- new restrictions that could products are expected to pose tect store employees and reas- off a total of 32,000 employees
cially distanced ways to discourage store trips. challenges, executives said. sure customers. by March, the company said, a
browse and buy. Executives at On Tuesday, American Ea- “Much uncertainty still re- Consumer spending in the further reduction in its work-
retail chains believe they are gle Outfitters Inc. executives quarter, which includes this mains around the depth and U.S. rose 0.5% in October, the force that comes as the pan-
nevertheless poised to reach said coronavirus hot spots month and December, will slow duration of the pandemic as sixth straight monthly in- demic hits the entertainment
consumers, even if surging were having an effect on visits compared with recent demand well as economic impacts of Please turn to page B10 company’s theme-park busi-
Covid-19 cases may result in to its shops. Gap Inc. warned levels. sustained high unemployment nesses especially hard.
weaker store visits and esca- that the recent jump in coro- “Our historically largest vol- rates,” Corie Barry, Best Buy’s  Heard on the Street: Covid-19 The number of layoffs is
lating digital orders. navirus cases was a concern, ume weeks are ahead, and we chief executive, said. won’t steal Christmas........ B12 about 4,000 more employees
than the 28,000 job cuts an-
nounced in September. Most of
the job losses will come in the
company’s theme-park ranks,
where thousands of workers
have already been furloughed
or laid off.
The severe cuts to Disney’s
theme-park division accentu-
ates a new reality at the com-
pany since the pandemic can-
celed most live entertainment.
Once a reliable moneymaker,
the Disney theme parks are now
either operating at reduced ca-
pacity or closed altogether, with
one location—Disneyland in
Anaheim, Calif.—not expected
to reopen until at least next
That has forced Disney exec-
utives to reorganize the com-
pany and shift focus toward its
year-old streaming service, Dis-
ney+. The service’s success in
finding early subscribers has

saved Disney’s share price,

which is trading at pre-pan-
demic levels as investors warm
to its growth potential. Even
with several vaccines in devel-
opment and possibly available
next year, Disney is betting that
its growth for the foreseeable
future will come in the living
room, not at the theme-park
The company has allocated
Jayl’in Clark helps customers at a Dick’s Sporting Goods in Robinson Township, Pa. He was furloughed this spring, but was one of the first employees brought back. more resources to its streaming
operations and even shipped

Retail Work Adjusts for Pandemic’s Reality

some theatrical releases like
“Hamilton” and “Mulan” to the
platform. Another service, Star,
will expand further overseas. A
BY SARAH NASSAUER Dick’s decided to close all stand,’” Mr. Clark remembered. shaking hands.” Black Friday will be different recent company reorganization
stores to in-store shopping in During his time off, he tried to He doesn’t understand why this year, but “people just want put streaming at the center of
It isn’t what he signed up March. At first, Mr. Clark catch up on reading and exer- some shoppers don’t wear to come out buying at this distribution strategy.
for, but Jayl’in Clark, a 23-year- stayed employed, helping to cising, while doing odd jobs to masks inside the store but is point and they want that inter- Disney has taken several
old store clerk, is happy to bring online orders to shoppers earn money. He said he ate into friendly with all customers, he action,” Mr. Clark said. “They moves since the pandemic’s
have a full-time job. curbside. his savings. said. “That is going to put me say, ‘I just needed to get out of spread to cut spending and save
Mr. Clark stopped his stud- “I could tell there were By May, Mr. Clark was called at risk, let’s be honest,” said the house.’” costs. Earlier this month, the
ies at Howard University last phases,” said Mr. Clark. There back to work. Dick’s was one of Mr. Clark. “And big picture, Here is a typical day in a company said it was forgoing
year, aiming to make enough was “the kayak phase,” he said. the first retailers to reopen that’s going to put us back in store staffer’s atypical 2020 its January 2021 dividend and
money to finish college and “Then gyms shut down, and stores after pandemic restric- another shutdown, so why?” holiday season: instead investing those funds in
help support his family. He dumbbells, gym equipment was tions loosened. Mr. Clark went Fitness-equipment sales 6 a.m. Mr. Clark wakes, gets its streaming division. The sus-
worked at a Nike Inc. store in flying off the shelves. Then back to helping with curbside continue to be high at his ready and is on the road by 7:15 pension was a marked shift for
Pittsburgh for a few months there was a bike phase.” orders as well as getting the store, he said. On Tuesday, a.m. for the half-hour drive to a Disney, which has reliably paid
before getting a job at Dick’s In early April, his manager store ready to reopen. He wore Dick’s said same-store sales suburban mall. dividends on a semiannual basis
Sporting Goods Inc. in a called with an update: Mr. a mask all day and adjusted to rose 23% in the third quarter, 7:45 a.m. Arrives at work. for the past several years. In its
nearby suburban mall. Clark would be furloughed. “I air high-fives. “I’m a people and its e-commerce sales Deposits cash from the previ- regulatory filing Wednesday,
When the pandemic hit, said, ‘Hey, I completely under- person,” he said. “I’m used to jumped 95% from a year ago. Please turn to page B10 Disney warned it could continue
to forgo dividends or cut contri-
butions to employee pension

Exxon, Internally, Shows and postretirement medical

It was not the only warning
from Disney that spending

More Pessimism on Oil Prices would continue to be drasti-

cally reduced. The company
Please turn to page B5

BY CHRISTOPHER M. MATTHEWS Crude-oil futures prices uments state.

This summer, the company

Exxon Mobil Corp. has low- Brent West Texas lowered that forecast to be-
ered its outlook on oil prices $70 tween $50 and $55 a barrel for
for much of the next decade, the next five years, before
according to internal company eventually topping out at $60
documents reviewed by The a barrel in 2026 and 2027, ac-
Wall Street Journal. cording to the documents,
As part of an internal finan- 50 which were dated September.
Lauren Hobart, in 2019, is the new CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods. cial-planning process con- Brent oil is currently trad-
ducted this fall, Exxon cut its 40 ing for about $47 a barrel af-

Women Make Strides expectations for future oil

prices for each of the next
seven years by 11% to 17%, ac-
ter a jump in prices this week
that has brought prices back
to their highest levels since
As Fortune 500 CEOs cording to the documents.
The sizable reduction sug-
gests the Texas oil giant ex-
Exxon’s new price forecast
was used at an early stage of
HBO Max hopes
‘Flight Attendant’
BY VANESSA FUHRMANS senior female talent, particu- pects the fallout from the cor- 10 modeling its financial plan,
larly in the retail industry, ex- onavirus pandemic to linger which the company’s board will land viewers on
In a year especially hard on ecutives and recruiters say. for much of the next decade. 0 was set to vote on this month, streaming service. B4
many working women, the More than in most sectors, The fossil-fuel industry is also according to an Exxon execu-
corporate world can hail one women have made big strides contending with increased tive. An Exxon spokesman de-
major milestone: A record 41 in the senior ranks of retailers, competition from renewable- Source: FactSet clined to say what its current
female CEOs are slated to be getting promoted and re- energy sources and electric price projections are, saying
soon running Fortune 500 cruited into roles that put vehicles, as well as the pros- Some investors have pressured that the company uses a range
companies. them on the leadership track. pect of increased climate- Exxon to release them, arguing of prices to develop its busi-
The Tuesday appointment When Ms. Hobart officially change regulation around the that the forecasts are critical ness plans.
of Lauren Hobart as the new starts the job in February, at world. to understanding a company’s Years of lower oil prices
chief executive of Dick’s least 10 of the Fortune 500’s Unlike some rivals, Exxon plans and the future value of threaten to put further finan-
Sporting Goods Inc. brings 41 female CEOs (barring any doesn’t publish its internal its assets. cial pressure on Exxon, which
the number of women running new appointments or depar- views on commodity prices, In 2019, Exxon had inter- has posted three straight HEARD ON THE
the biggest U.S. corporations tures) are expected to be run- which it views as proprietary. nally forecast that Brent oil quarterly losses this year for STREET
to a new—albeit still relatively ning retail chains, including prices, the global benchmark, the first time on record, and
small—high. The rising num- Kohl’s Corp.’s Michelle Gass,  Centrica seeks to sell off its would average around $62 a before the pandemic was in
Offices and malls
bers partly reflect companies’ Rite Aid Corp.’s Heyward LNG portfolio.............................. B3 barrel for the next five years the midst of a plan to spend will look different
efforts in recent years to more Donigan and CVS Health  Cheap propane is a boon for before increasing to $72 a bar- $230 billion to pump an addi- after Covid-19. B12
systematically build a bench of Please turn to page B5 restaurants, consumers....... B3 rel in 2026 and 2027, the doc- Please turn to page B2
B2 | Friday, November 27, 2020 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A ............... B4
Ascena Retail Group...B2
Highgate Hotels ......... A2
Hormel Foods ............. A1
S ........... A1
Shanxi Antai Group..B11
Ann Taylor, Sister Brands Draw Bid
AT&T............................B4 I Slack Technologies.....A1 BY ANDREW SCURRIA sold its Justice and Catherines closing all its stores in March, its store count, exit Canada,
B Iberdrola....................B12 Sleepnet......................A7 brands out of bankruptcy as reducing capital expenditures Puerto Rico and Mexico, and fo-
Suburban Propane
Barclays.....................B11 J Partners....................B3
Sycamore Partners has online-only businesses. and assessing vendor-payment cus more on e-commerce.
Best Buy................B1,B5 agreed to pay $540 million to Permanent closures of retail terms. The retailer entered chapter
J.C. Penney..................B2 Sycamore Partners.....B2
BlackRock..................B11 buy Ann Taylor, Lane Bryant stores in the country hit a re- Ann Taylor, the company’s 11 with support from the bulk
Boeing....................A2,B1 T
Burger King.................A1 and other store brands from cord in the first half of 2020 as flagship chain, was once a re- of its senior lenders, which had
K Ascena Retail Group Inc., the pandemic lockdowns and shop- tailing bellwether, selling many agreed to a roughly $1 billion
C ThermoPore Materials
Kellogg........................A1 .....................................A7
brands’ bankrupt parent com- pers’ fear of disease curbed women their first suits as they debt-for-equity swap that
China Evergrande......B11
Kohl's...........................B1 3M...............................A7 pany said Thursday. foot traffic, pushing Ascena and entered the workforce. The re- would hand them a controlling
China Resources Land
...................................B11 L TJX.............................B10 The proposed deal would dozens of other retailers into tailer tried for years to manage stake in the company.
Citigroup......................B5 Lloyds Banking Group Toys “R” Us .............. B12 also deliver the Loft and Lou & bankruptcy. the shift to casual dressing, The lenders have instead
Clorox .......................... B5 ...................................B11 U-V Grey brands to Sycamore, sub- Some, such as Brooks Broth- launching the Loft brand in agreed to support the proposed
CVS Health..................B1
M UGI...............................B3 ject to approval from the ers Group Inc. and J.C. Penney 1998, but never recaptured its sale to Sycamore and an agreed
D Unibail-Rodamco- bankruptcy court where As- Co., found buyers. Others in- former glory. framework for divvying up the
Microsoft .................... A1
Deere...........................B2 Westfield................B12 cena filed for chapter 11 pro- cluding Neiman Marcus Group Last year, Ascena wound proceeds, according to court
N United Parcel Service.B5 tection in July. Inc. and J.Crew Group Inc. down its Dressbarn business, papers. “Ann Taylor, Loft, Lane
Delta Air Lines ........... B2
Deutsche Bank............A1 Nordstrom.................B10 Vlocity.........................A7 Ascena said Sycamore “has handed themselves over to with more than 650 retail Bryant and Lou & Grey are
E O W committed to retaining a sub- lenders. A few, like discount re- stores, to eliminate debt while well-known brands, each with
Enel............................B12 Outdoor Research.......A7 Walmart......................A1 stantial portion of the retail tailer Stage Stores Inc. and selling Dressbarn’s e-commerce passionate associates and loyal
Ernst & Young...........B10 R Walt Disney................B1 stores and associates” affili- women’s brand New York & Co., rights for about $5 million. customers,” said Sycamore
Exxon Mobil................B1 Radio Shack .............. B12 Wirecard....................B10 ated with the brands it is buy- simply had to liquidate. Following the bankruptcy fil- managing director Stefan Ka-
F-H Repsol........................B11 Y ing. As of late August, Ascena Before filing for chapter 11, ing, Ascena said it would shut luzny, a veteran retail deal
Facebook......................B5 Rite Aid.......................B1 Yongcheng Coal & operated 1,500 stores through- Ascena tried several steps to some Ann Taylor, Loft, Lane maker.
Ferrellgas Partners.....B3 Roku ............................ B4 Electricity................B11 out the U.S. soften the pandemic’s financial Bryant and Lou & Grey loca- —Aisha Al-Muslim
The company has already impact, including temporarily tions with the aim of reducing contributed to this article.

Ahmed, Salman..........A2 Kaluzny, Stefan .......... B2 Riley, David.................A2
B Kilar, Jason ................. B4 Roth, Peter..................B4
Kosasa, Paul...............A2
Bauer, Daniel ............ B10 S
Kruger, Joel...............B11
Benioff, Marc..............A1 Sanders, Kelly.............A2
Bloys, Casey................B4 Sewing, Christian.......A8
Lange, Will..................A7
Bressler, Léon...........B12 Skaff, Robert..............A7
Laughter, John............B2
Butterfield, Stewart...A7 Stankey, John.............B4
Layson, Keith..............A7
D Little, Joe..................B11 T
DenHartog, Emiel.......A7 Littleton, Stephen......B2 Thill, Brent..................A7
Dufossé, Nadège.......B11 M-P Tsui, Frank.................B11
F McMillon, Doug.........B12 W
Fornasari, Francesca...A2 Milam, Ken ................. A7 Woods, Darren............B2
J Christian...................A2 Z


Jepsen, Joshua ........... B2 Park, Edward.............B11 Zeeb, Marn..................A2

Deere Forecasts Gains

In Machinery Sales
On Higher Crop Prices
BY BOB TITA during a conference call. The airline said it has been able to avoid cutting front-line workers in part because of buyouts, early retirements and unpaid leaves.
“We’re seeing that in our early

Delta, Pilots Strike Deal to Save Jobs

Deere & Co. raised expecta- order programs and the large
tions for profits next year, an- tractor order book.”
ticipating that higher crop Deere said it expects net in-
prices will lead to improving come next year in a range of
demand from U.S. farmers for $3.6 billion to $4 billion. It BY ALISON SIDER “Pilots, as long-term stake- gress have been stalled for dants, mechanics and now pi-
its tractors and harvesting earned $2.75 billion in fiscal holders in our company, have months. lots, in part because some
combines. 2020, which ended Nov. 1. An- Delta Air Lines Inc. pilots stepped up to the plate once By the end of the year, U.S. 18,000 employees agreed to
Dry weather in the U.S. this alysts were expecting the com- agreed to accept reduced pay again to help Delta weather carriers will have cut about take buyout or early retire-
summer contributed to a less pany to forecast income of in exchange for job security this crisis,” said First Officer 90,000 workers through fur- ment offers, and thousands
robust harvest than antici- $3.36 billion for 2021. until 2022, as the industry Chris Riggins, a spokesman for loughs and voluntary depar- more took unpaid leaves. Delta
pated, as demand for wheat, The Moline, Ill.-based continues to grapple with re- the union that represents tures, according to lobbying also has cut hours for many
soybeans and corn rose due to maker of tractors reported a duced travel demand due to Delta’s pilots. group Airlines for America, employees by 25% to save
higher consumption of dinners 5% increase in profit for its the coronavirus pandemic. Airlines have had to shrink bringing the industry’s em- money. In all, Delta has said it
and baked goods at home dur- latest quarter, despite a 1% de- Delta and the union that to match a diminished outlook ployment to its lowest level is about 20% smaller than it
ing the coronavirus pandemic. cline in equipment sales com- represents its pilots said for travel demand. The global since the mid-1980s. was before the pandemic.
That helped shrink grain pared with the same period Wednesday that the cost-cut- airline industry is forecast to United Airlines Holdings Airlines and unions have
stockpiles and pushed up crop last year. ting agreement would prevent lose $38.7 billion next year Inc. and American Airlines worked to avoid cutting from
prices, which have also bene- The company reported net the more than 1,700 pilot fur- even if Covid-19 vaccines and Group Inc. have furloughed their pilot ranks to avoid costly
fited this year from rising ex- income of $757 million for the loughs the carrier had origi- testing help reopen more bor- over 30,000 workers. United and time-consuming retraining
ports. quarter, or $2.39 a share, com- nally planned. Under the ders, the International Air has struck a similar deal to when demand recovers.
For Deere, the result is a pared with $722 million, $2.27 agreement, pilots who would Transport Association said prevent cutting any pilots. John Laughter, senior vice
better outlook for demand from a share, during the same pe- have been furloughed will re- earlier this week. American furloughed 1,600 president and chief of opera-
farmers for its green-and-yel- riod last year. ceive pay for 30 hours a Airlines were barred from pilots. Southwest Airlines Co. tions at Delta, said in a mes-
low machinery. The company Net equipment sales, in- month, though they won’t have furloughing employees until hasn’t yet cut any workers but sage to employees that the
on Wednesday predicted world- cluding Deere’s construction to fly. Delta would also be able October under the terms of has said it would begin fur- deal will better position the
wide sales of its farm and land- and forestry machinery, were to reduce pilots’ minimum federal aid they received at the loughing next year unless it airline to bounce back.
scaping equipment will rise 10% $8.65 billion. Analysts were guaranteed work hours by as start of the pandemic. They can reach deals with labor “Our recovery will be un-
to 15% next year. expecting earnings of $1.49 a much as 5%, which results in were hoping to receive another unions to cut costs. even—as evident by the recent
“We are seeing demand share and $7.56 billion of lower pay, and the company round of funds to prevent job Delta said it has been able increase in Covid rates which
pick up,” said Joshua Jepsen, equipment sales, according to agreed not to carry out fur- cuts until next spring, but to avoid cutting front-line are affecting our bookings for
director of investor relations, FactSet. loughs until Jan. 1, 2022. stimulus discussions in Con- workers such as flight atten- the holiday season,” he wrote.

Exxon Is
Pessimistic SAVE
On Pricing $
Reg. $29999 | SALE $19999

Continued from page B1

tional one million barrels of
oil and natural gas a day by
While Exxon doesn’t dis-
close its forecasts, it has
sounded upbeat in public state-
ments about the long-term fu-
ture for the oil industry com-
ing out of the pandemic.
The company told investors Exxon has sounded upbeat about the oil industry’s long-term future. Above, a refinery in England.
in October that current under-
investment in oil and gas pro- has changed is timing, because 2021 to cover its capital ex- choosing projects that will
duction would leave the world
short of needed fossil fuels in
we know populations and
prosperity will increase,” Mr.
penses and dividend, various
analysts estimate.
work financially in any com-
modity-price environment.
Can’t Hear
coming years. In a note pub-
lished on Exxon’s website in
Littleton said in an interview.
Exxon is struggling to cover
Shell publicly lowered its
price forecasts in June, pre-
But Exxon’s status as a low-
cost operator has slipped in Voices On TV?
October, Chief Executive Dar- its dividend, $15 billion a year, dicting Brent oil would reach recent years. Biraj Borkha- New AccuVoice® AV157 Speaker uses
ren Woods called the indus- at current oil prices, taking on $50 a barrel in 2022 before taria, an analyst at RBC Capi- patented hearing aid technology to create
try’s woes temporary and said debt this year to do so. So far reaching a long-term price of tal Markets, said Exxon’s 12 levels of dialogue clarity.
that the need for Exxon’s it has maintained the payout, $60. As a result of that revi- break-even is the worst among
products would increase in the unlike rivals including Royal sion, it said it would write its peers and that, at current Flat-screen TVs use tiny speakers with tinny sound. So many people
have to use closed-captioning to watch a movie or sporting event.
near future. “Even accounting Dutch Shell PLC and BP PLC, down the value of some oil spending levels, its oil and gas
Our patented hearing aid technology lifts voices out of the soundtrack
for the short-term demand im- which have cut their dividends and gas assets by as much as production is poised to shrink.
and clarifies them. The result is remarkable. The AV157 has 12 levels
pact of Covid-19, the invest- amid this year’s cash crunch. $22 billion. BP has also cut its Mr. Woods told investors in
of voice boost – in case you need extra clarity. Only 17" wide, it fits
ment case is still clear,” Mr. The company cut $10 billion price forecasts and written March that Exxon had
just about anywhere. Hookup is simple – one connecting cord.
Woods wrote. from its capital expenditures down billions in assets. stressed-tested a range of
Stephen Littleton, Exxon’s after the pandemic took hold Exxon said in October that it commodity prices, including
head of investor relations, said and has said it could lay off as might write down the value of low-price scenarios. If oil “It’s Like A Hearing Aid You Plug Your TV Into.” Techhive

Exxon evaluates capital invest- much as 15% of its global work- natural-gas assets valued at as prices were to remain around
ment over a decadeslong time force, which would total about much as $30 billion, but said $50 a barrel for years, a sce-
horizon, and that the corona- 14,000 jobs including contract that doesn’t indicate changes to nario Mr. Woods then called
virus hadn’t changed its long- employees. Exxon also said it its long-term price views. In re- unlikely, Exxon’s debt levels
term view. Exxon hasn’t can- would reduce its capital budget cent decades, the company has would still be manageable. Great Sound. Made Simple.
celed any projects because of to between $16 billion and $19 seldom written down the value “I would also tell you, if we 866-367-9869
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them, he said. Even with those cuts, Exxon for years argued that the com- precedented environment for ® ZVOX & AccuVoice are registered trademarks of ZVOX Audio.
“The fundamentals haven’t would need oil prices to be be- pany is extremely conservative five years, we would change ORDER THE AV157 AT ZVOX.COM
changed; the only thing that tween $55 and $65 a barrel in with its investment decisions, our plans,” Mr. Woods said.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, November 27, 2020 | B3


U.K.’s Centrica U.S. propane exports,

Mont Belvieu spot
propane price

Seeks to Sell Off

1.5 million barrels a day $2.00 a gallon

Its LNG Portfolio



BY BEN DUMMETT ments with U.S. exporter Che- 1.00
AND JOE WALLACE niere Energy Partners LP and
others as well as trading in gas
Centrica PLC, a major U.K.- cargoes. Heightened market 0.5
based energy supplier, is trying volatility gave a boost to the 0.50
to sell its portfolio of liquefied- company’s LNG business in the
natural-gas supply contracts first half of the year, helping
and other assets, people famil- lift operating profits in the
iar with the matter said, as it company’s marketing division 0 0
seeks to simplify its operations to £115 million ($154 million).
2011 ’15 ’20 ’11 ’15 ’20
amid volatile LNG prices. However, Centrica said that
The targeted value from as of June 30, its 20-year gas Restaurants use heaters to keep outdoor dining comfortable. Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (exports); FactSet (price)

Cheap Propane Is a Boon

such a deal couldn’t be contract with Cheniere had es-
learned. However, similar re- sentially no intrinsic value.
cent transactions suggest that The value of the deal—wel-
Centrica, the owner of energy comed when it was signed in
and electricity service pro- 2013 by then-U.K. Prime Min-

For Consumers, Restaurants

vider British Gas, may actually ister David Cameron as a
need to pay any potential means of broadening the na-
buyer to take the LNG busi- tion’s energy mix—depends on
ness off its hands, underscor- the gap between gas prices in
ing the uncertain outlook for the U.S., and in Britain and
gas prices internationally. Asia. Booming gas supplies
The sale effort comes after and the growing market in BY RYAN DEZEMBER called natural-gas liquids, or and shut off pool heaters and households rely on propane for
Centrica in July agreed to sell LNG cargoes have helped nar- NGLs. outdoor fire pits. Manufactur- heat, usually in the Northeast
its North American energy row those spreads. The coronavirus pandemic The U.S. is exporting about ers who use propane to make and Midwest, particularly in ru-
supply, services and trading Gas demand is expected to has made propane a hot com- four times as much propane as plastics reduced orders. ral areas that natural-gas pipe-
business, Direct Energy, to NRG expand over the coming de- modity among Americans heat- it shipped abroad in 2013, Americans stuck at home, lines don’t reach.
Energy Inc. for $3.6 billion cades, as electricity producers ing outdoor spaces and hunker- when the country became the however, picked up the slack Michael Stivala, chief exec-
The LNG business could of- turn to a commodity that is in- ing down in Covid cabins. world’s top propane exporter. and began consuming more utive of Suburban Propane
fer potential buyers a quick, creasingly competitive with Fortunately for them, the coun- At home, an uptick in residen- propane, just as they did with Partners LP, said people rid-
cheap way to enter the LNG coal and considered cleaner try is flooded with the fuel, tial demand has helped offset natural gas, lumber and wheat. ing out the pandemic in coun-
market as an established than other fossil fuels. Global and prices have rarely been lower use by businesses and With temperatures dropping, try houses in such places as
player. Last year, Total SA consumption of liquefied natu- lower heading into winter. farmers, who haven’t needed they and restaurant owners Vermont, New Hampshire and
struck a deal to acquire the ral gas will grow to 690 million Spot-market propane prices grain-drying equipment much have been buying bottled pro- the Hamptons outside New
noncore U.S. LNG business of tons in 2045 from 355 million at the Mont Belvieu, Texas, this year because a lack of rain pane to keep outdoor spaces York City mean there are
Toshiba Corp. The Japan-based metric tons in 2019, the Organi- trading hub have more than allowed them to let crops dry comfortable. many propane-fueled homes
conglomerate paid the French zation of the Petroleum Export- doubled since dropping in late in the field. Shale drillers cut back this being lived in a lot more than
energy major $800 million to ing Countries forecast in Octo- March to their lowest level in But there is plenty of pro- year because of low commodity usual. “All those homes that
take over its supply and trans- ber. The LNG market has more than a quarter-century. pane flooding into the market prices, but propane output has were typically a getaway home
portation LNG contracts. At become increasingly flexible, But at 55 cents a gallon, they from shale wells in West Texas held relatively steady. That is have become the Covid home,”
the time, Total said the acqui- with buyers turning to spot car- are still about one-third lower and Appalachia, where it is partly because wells in the Mr. Stivala said.
sition fit its strategy to further goes instead of long-term deals. than the 10-year average for produced alongside oil and Permian Basin of West Texas Other propane sellers, in-
expand its scale in the sector. Other than the Cheniere November. natural gas. Production has and New Mexico have tended to cluding Ferrellgas Partners
Any bet on Centrica’s LNG deal, Centrica’s LNG contracts Residential prices, which nearly tripled over the past produce higher ratios of pro- LP and UGI Corp., reported
business would come amid include an agreement signed are cheaper in the middle of decade and reached record pane as they age, said Jennifer higher residential sales this
forecasts that natural-gas last year with Tokyo Gas Co. the country and more expen- levels this year. These days Van Dinter, head of NGL and summer, including through
prices are poised to extend to jointly purchase 2.6 million sive in East Coast markets the U.S. produces about 60% petrochemical analytics at S&P tank-exchange businesses pop-
their recent rebound in 2021, tons per annum from a Mo- such as Florida and New Eng- more propane than the entire Global Platts. “That’s given the ular with backyard barbecuers.
following a yearslong slump zambique LNG project. Under land, have lately averaged Middle East, according to S&P market a little more comfort in Tony’s Nursery in Larch-
that reached its nadir in June. the deal, gas will be delivered $1.85 a gallon, the U.S. Energy Global Platts. terms of where we are this win- mont, N.Y., is having trouble
The slide in crude-oil prices until the early 2040s. In an- Information Administration Unusually warm weather ter,” she said. keeping in stock enough of the
during the pandemic prompted other deal signed this year, said Wednesday. That is the last winter left behind big The Energy Information Ad- 20-pound tanks, with sales
U.S. energy companies to throt- Centrica secured its first long- lowest for this time of year in stockpiles when economies ministration forecasts a 5% in- about triple what they would
tle back output, pinching gas term supply contract in China, more than a decade. were shut down to slow the crease in U.S. consumption this be in a typical year, said the
supplies because many wells agreeing to deliver 500,000 It isn’t as though there is spread of the coronavirus. Ac- winter, with expectations for owner, Virginia Rodrigues.
produce gas as a byproduct. tons annually of LNG to the no demand for propane, which tivity plunged at ports and colder weather than last year “It’s a lot of demand,” she
Centrica’s LNG business Shenergy Group Co., a Chinese belongs with butane and eth- warehouses, where forklifts and Americans spending more said. “A lot of people are try-
comprises supply arrange- state-owned energy company. ane to a class of hydrocarbons run on propane. Hotels closed time at home. About 5% of U.S. ing to eat outside.”

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B4 | Friday, November 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


HBO Max Hopes ‘Flight’ Takes Off Hourslong

Outage Hit of the sitcom that it shelled trol.

Casey Bloys was hunting for

a hit that could help the new
out $425 million to stream for
the next five years.
The Central Perk get-to-
“It’s coming from a place of,
let’s create something fun that
is also going to sneak up on
HBO Max streaming service
stand out in an increasingly
fragmented video market—and
gether has been delayed be-
cause of Covid-19. Max also
lacks the breakthrough origi-
people and really move them,”
said Steve Yockey, the show’s
executive producer. Peter
help differentiate it from HBO, nal shows notched by other Roth, chairman of Warner BY MICAH MAIDENBERG
the premium cable home to new entrants, such as Dis- Bros. Television, which made
“Succession” and “Game of ney+’s “The Mandalorian” and the show said, “It is exactly Inc. grappled
Thrones.” Apple TV+’s “The Morning what I believe will generate with an hourslong outage tied
It was August and the HBO Show.” Other than the sci-fi subscribers for HBO Max.” to its enormous cloud-comput-
entertainment chief was in a drama “Raised by Wolves,” Distribution remains a chal- ing operation that affected
meeting with Sarah Aubrey, which has a cult following, lenge. Max is available to many businesses, forcing them
the executive who heads origi- Max has generated little heat. roughly 25 million current to warn their customers about
nal programming for HBO AT&T Inc.’s WarnerMedia HBO subscribers at no extra product disruptions
Max. They were discussing the initially set up Max as a stand- cost but only five million have The service interruption
service’s slate of shows when alone unit apart from HBO. The activated it. Another 3.6 mil- that affected a swath of cus-
the pair stopped on “The structure changed this year lion people had signed up di- tomers began early Wednesday
Flight Attendant,” an eight-ep- when Jason Kilar took over as rectly for Max as of the end of and lasted throughout the day
isode thriller based on the WarnerMedia chief executive September. Last week, Max as Amazon Web Services, as
book of the same title. It stars from John Stankey, who was struck a carriage deal with the online retailing giant’s
Kaley Cuoco, best known for promoted to CEO of AT&T. Mr. Inc. platforms cloud division is called, worked
“The Big Bang Theory.” Kilar gutted the Max leader- that should increase its reach to fully restore functions. Ama-
The show, about a hard- ship in August and put content by several million people. zon said early Thursday all ser-
partying flight attendant who under Mr. Bloys, describing the Because of the need to pro- vices were back to normal op-
wakes up next to a dead body veteran HBO programming ex- tect existing deals HBO has erations.
and finds herself in the middle ecutive as the person who with distributors, Max costs Before service was restored,
of an international mystery, needed to be “front and cen- $14.99 a month, which may be businesses warned customers
premieres on Thanksgiving. ter” of the operation. hard for many consumers to on Twitter that their products
Mr. Bloys, who oversees con- Challenges for Max include swallow in this time of eco- were facing problems because
tent for both HBO and HBO a cluttered marketplace and nomic uncertainty. Netflix Inc. of the outage.
Max, remarked that “this is confusion about whether the charges $13.99 a month while Roku Inc., behind its name-
exactly the kind of show that’s service is HBO Lite or the new Disney+ is $6.99. sake streaming devices, said it
complementary and a little bit HBO. “It’s a very good product had been affected by the out-

broader than what HBO would In reality, Max is trying to but they can’t price HBO Max age. A Roku spokeswoman said
do,” Ms. Aubrey said. be both. Subscribers receive competitively without under- users could still stream con-
“The Flight Attendant” is not only HBO content but also mining their traditional HBO tent. Insteon, which sells prod-
WarnerMedia’s latest hope to Max originals and a vast li- business,” said analyst Craig ucts for homes like thermo-
draw new viewers to HBO Max brary of movies and TV shows Kaley Cuoco portrays the title character in ‘The Flight Attendant.’ Moffett, of MoffettNathanson. stats and fan controllers, said
or prompt those with existing from Warner Bros. and else- An HBO Max spokesman in a tweet that Alexa voice
HBO accounts to switch over where, as well as children’s wants to make sure HBO fans shows aimed at younger view- said the service is already commands for one of its hub
to the service, which doesn’t content. and the talent community know ers such as reboots of “Gossip ahead of the subscriber pro- systems may fail because of
require a cable TV package. In an interview, Mr. Bloys the service and its distinctive Girl” and “Pretty Little Liars” jections it made to analysts in the outage.
Episodes of “The Flight Atten- said as consumers continue to and critically acclaimed shows and creating content from 2019. Executives have targeted The Chicago Tribune said in
dant” won’t appear on tradi- cut the cord from traditional won’t be swallowed up by Max. Warner Bros.’ DC Comics su- 50 million combined custom- a tweet it would post news up-
tional HBO channels. pay-TV packages, the $14.99-a- “HBO is healthy and funded perhero characters including ers for HBO and HBO Max by dates to social-media sites be-
HBO Max, which includes month Max serves as its own and its future is secure within “Green Lantern” and “Peace- 2025. cause it is “experiencing inter-
all HBO programming plus stand-alone bundle to keep Max,” he said. maker.” Mr. Bloys said Max “The Flight Attendant” was mittent issues with our
new originals and popular HBO healthy as well as a plat- Known for being a talent will be able to spend more on set to debut when HBO Max website and publishing system
older shows and movies, form for all the other Warner whisperer, Mr. Bloys plans to the DC shows than its sister launched in May, but produc- because of the AWS outage.”
launched with great fanfare in Bros. properties, including fea- bring the same nurturing ap- CW network has in previous tion stopped in March and Operations at The Wall Street
May. But it has signed up only ture films. proach to Max so it’s not seen incarnations. didn’t resume until August be- Journal were affected.
8.6 million subscribers so far. The highly anticipated War- as a soulless content factory. “We’re going to produce cause of the coronavirus. Cloud-computing services
WarnerMedia executives say ner Bros. movie “Wonder “I want to deploy the culture those at a scale similar to “Luckily, we got most of the have become more pivotal dur-
initial confusion between the Woman 1984” will debut in of putting talent first across `Westworld,’” Mr. Bloys said, airport scenes completed early ing the coronavirus pandemic
new service and other HBO theaters and on Max at the the organization,” he said. referring to the expensive HBO on,” said Ms. Cuoco. When the as many companies have em-
online platforms, such as the same time this Christmas. HBO is considered the most drama. show resumed production it braced remote hardware and
now-retired HBO Go and HBO While the rollout is happening talent-friendly programmer in “The Flight Attendant” is had to build sets that resem- software services to allow em-
Now, likely slowed sign-ups. out of necessity—the movie the industry, due to both its generating warm reviews for bled some of the location ployees to work from home.
For Max, as it is known in- theater business remains in large programming budget and its stylish look and Hitchcock- shots and relied on a small Amazon, on its cloud-com-
ternally, buzz has been sorely shambles because of Covid-19— collaboration with producers like pacing. Ms. Cuoco is being group of extras for crowd puter site, had earlier said a
lacking. The service planned to it’s also expected to help Max and cast on marketing and praised for her semi-comic, scenes. “If you look closely, programming interface for its
kick off with a “Friends” cast attract new customers. awards campaigns. semi-tragic portrayal of an al- you might see a few over and Kinesis Data Streams product
reunion to complement reruns At the same time, Mr. Bloys The priorities for Max are coholic spiraling out of con- over again,” she said. was impaired.
©2020 Dow Jones & Co. Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ8182

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, November 27, 2020 | B5


Women Error Hits Facebook Ad Tool

year from her chief finance role
as another case in point.
Ms. Stevenson adds that the

Advance recent wave of female CEO ap-

pointments across industries,
including Jane Fraser at Citi- BY ALEXANDRA BRUELL But some ad buyers said ents can’t sleep,” he added. Facebook’s offer of credits
To CEO group Inc. and Linda Rendle
at Clorox Co., is the result of a
decade of grooming senior fe- Facebook Inc. is offering
the latest gaffe has hurt confi-
dence in the company’s met-
rics at a time when many busi-
The issue is particularly
acute for certain categories
such as retail, where marketers
extends to some advertisers
that used the tool when the er-
ror went undetected, from Au-
male executives and promot- millions of dollars in credits to nesses are navigating the are spending as much as 5% to gust 2019 through August 2020.
Continued from page B1 ing them into C-suite roles some advertisers after discov- pandemic by trying to cut 10% more on Facebook and “While making improve-
Corp.’s Karen Lynch, whose that put them in the running ering a glitch in a tool that costs and make sure their ad other performance-centric ad- ments to our measurement
CEO appointment was also an- for chief executive. “Compa- tells advertisers how effective spending performs. vertising channels to recover products, we found a technical
nounced this month. Outside nies are now harvesting those their ads may be in driving re- Omnicom Group Inc. media business lost during the early issue that impacted some con-
the Fortune 500, J.Crew efforts, but you have to plant sults, such as getting consum- agency OMD Worldwide is stages of the pandemic, said version lift tests,” said a Face-
Group said Tuesday it was re- and cultivate the seeds to get ers to download an app or looking into how the error has the chief executive of one digi- book spokesperson in an
placing Jan Singer, who be- the crop,” she says. purchase a product. affected some clients’ invest- tal agency that spends hundred email. “We’ve fixed this and
came its CEO in February, with Whether women’s gains con- Facebook’s “conversion lift” ments before accepting cred- of millions of dollars advertis- are working with advertisers
another woman, longtime tinue at the same pace post- tool overestimated some cam- its, said Florian Adamski, ing on Facebook every year. that have impacted studies.”
J.Crew executive Libby Wadle. pandemic is unclear, though. paign results for 12 months, the OMD’s global chief executive. “Being able to attribute At one large buying agency,
Ms. Hobart’s path aligns Women up and down the cor- company quietly told its adver- “This is not an easy fix,” he where sales are coming from is the size of ad credits will be
with the more deliberate moves porate ladder have borne a dis- tisers this month. said. “It’s not like, pay a cou- hugely important right now,” around 0.5% of affected clients’
across some of the corporate proportionate share of the bur- The glitch skewed data that ple thousand or million bucks the executive said. “Every dol- annual budgets around the
den that has come from advertisers use to decide how and it’s over. This goes a lot lar spent has got to map back time of the glitch, according to
juggling work and online- much money to spend with the deeper and we need to find to data points and performance. a memo that the agency sent
schooling at home, data show. company. out how to rectify the damage If we can’t map that back, it be- to clients that was reviewed by

Number of women CEOs of
In a survey of more than
40,000 North American em-
ployees this summer, research-
ers at McKinsey & Co. and Lea-
It isn’t the first problem
Facebook has discovered in its
systems to measure advertis-
ers’ campaigns, and it isn’t
done and make sure it doesn’t
happen again.
“If there is no governance
or third neutral party looking
comes more difficult to justify
spending dollars when clients
are trying to manage their costs
as effectively as possible—and
The Wall Street Journal.
Facebook, which said it
fixed the error in September,
told advertisers about it this
Fortune 500 retail chains found one in four likely to dent Facebook’s ad at our investment tools, I can’t media spend is a cost that month, according to a memo
women were considering leav- revenue. sleep well at night and my cli- needs to generate revenue.” that Facebook sent clients.
ing or downshifting their ca-
reers because of the work-life
world to put women into roles crunch, compared with one in Walt Disney’s employee count
where they gain the broad op- five men.
225 thousand
erating experience needed to Meanwhile, companies have
advance to the highest eche- indicated a more cautious ap- 200
lons. Joining Dick’s Sporting proach to changes at the helm 203,000*
Goods in 2011 as chief market- in the initial months of the 175
ing officer, Ms. Hobart was a pandemic. A new report from
driver in the launch of one of executive-recruitment firm 150
the retailer’s top private labels, Heidrick & Struggles shows 125 Parks,
Calia by Carrie Underwood. that between March 11 and


And as company president June 30, 31 new CEOs were ap- 100 and
since 2017, she has led its e- pointed at 965 of the world’s
75 Products
commerce strategy. largest public companies, com-
The retail industry has cre- pared with 66 CEO appoint-
ated more than its share of ments in the five months be-
those leadership opportunities fore March 11. Of the 31, two 25
for women in part because it were women—Allison Kirkby of
has gone through so much Swedish telecom Telia Co. AB 0
technological and competitive and United Parcel Service FY2010 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’18 ’20
upheaval over the past decade, Inc.’s Carol Tomé—down from *Fiscal year ended Oct. 3 Source: the company Disney parks are either operating at reduced capacity or are closed.
some recruiters say. That tu- six in the pre-pandemic period.
mult has shaken up the tradi-
tional paths to the CEO job,
which often required chief mer-
Bonnie Gwin, co-managing
partner of Heidrick & Strug-
gles’s global CEO & board prac-
Disney park construction projects is
likely to continue. Costs in
Disney’s film and TV divisions
Earlier this month, Disney
announced a second consecu-
tive quarterly loss as the pan-
ported in August.
Disney said it also plans to
launch a general entertain-
chandising experience, says
Jane Stevenson, who leads ex-
ecutive recruiter Korn Ferry’s
tice, says that after the pan-
demic’s initial months, many
are taking a longer view in suc-
Increases might also be further reduced
as the number of productions
plummets, and the company
demic struck its core busi-
nesses such as theme parks
and movie distribution. How-
ment video streaming offering
under the Star brand outside
the U.S. in 2021.
global CEO-succession practice.
“It’s forced boards to think
outside the box and to look at
cession planning. To thrive,
“many companies are realizing
it’s time they have to move
Layoffs has already furloughed some
theme-park employees who
had been called back to work
ever, the company’s direct-to-
consumer business
emerged as a bright spot as
“With the unknown dura-
tion of Covid-19 and yet-to-be-
determined timing of the
where opportunity is being cre- away from group thinking and as it appears reopening will quarantine life has increased phased reopening of certain
ated, and that has created an they need to diversify at every Continued from page B1 take longer than expected. demand for streaming busi- businesses, it is not possible
opportunity for women to level,” says Ms. Gwin, who pre- also said it might further re- “Some of these measures ness. to precisely estimate the im-
shine,” she says. She points to dicts more women and people duce capital spending, an indi- may have an adverse impact Subscriptions to Disney+ hit pact of Covid-19 on our opera-
Best Buy Co. CEO Corie Barry’s of color will gain entry into ma- cation that the slowdown in on our businesses,” the com- 73.7 million as of Oct. 3, up tions in future quarters,” the
promotion to the top job last jor-company C-suites in 2021. costly initiatives like theme- pany warned. from more than 60 million re- company said.

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, November 27, 2020 | B7


Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
29872.47 t 173.77, or 0.58% Trailing P/E ratio 29.65 20.96 3629.65 t 5.76, or 0.16% Trailing P/E ratio * 41.34 24.16 12094.40 s 57.62, or 0.48% Trailing P/E ratio *† 37.92 25.77
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 24.58 18.52 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 25.95 18.93 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 31.45 22.65
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.05 2.21 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.65 1.87 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.74 0.98
All-time high 30046.24, 11/24/20 All-time high 3635.41, 11/24/20 All-time high: 12094.40, 11/25/20

Current divisor 0.15198707565833

31700 3600 12300
Session high
30500 3500 11900

Session open Close

Close Open

29300 3400 11500

Session low

28100 3300 11100

26900 3200 10700

65-day moving average 65-day moving average

65-day moving average 25700 3100 10300

Bars measure the point change from session's open

24500 3000 9900
Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume* 964,175,734 25,171,291
Industrial Average 30058.87 29806.25 29872.47 -173.77 -0.58 30046.24 18591.93 6.1 4.7 8.2 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 420,638,876 15,925,465
Transportation Avg 12695.99 12515.65 12621.42 -93.96 -0.74 12715.38 6703.63 15.3 15.8 9.5 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 530,924,681 8,860,536
Utility Average 883.54 871.68 880.98 -1.64 -0.19 960.89 610.89 3.3 0.2 5.1 Volume After Hours Issues traded 3,198 275
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 37713.42 37491.44 37664.73 -24.66 -0.07 37689.39 22462.76 16.6 14.0 11.7 Advances 1,324 152
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 8,305.3 362.97 0.31 0.09 363.04 362.40
Barron's 400 811.64 806.12 809.98 -3.47 -0.43 813.45 455.11 12.6 10.6 5.2 Declines 1,762 109
NIO ADR NIO 7,282.6 53.79 0.10 0.19 54.07 53.47
Unchanged 112 14
Nasdaq Stock Market VanEck Vectors Gold Miner GDX 6,003.1 34.08 0.04 0.12 34.09 33.99 New highs 141 6
Nasdaq Composite 12114.77 12020.95 12094.40 57.62 0.48 12094.40 6860.67 38.9 34.8 20.6 iShares iBoxx $ HY Cp Bd HYG 4,525.5 86.27 ... ... 86.32 86.27 New lows 1 1
Nasdaq 100 12174.99 12081.51 12152.22 72.41 0.60 12420.54 6994.29 43.9 39.2 23.8 Schwab Fund Intl Large Co FNDF 4,189.2 28.79 0.03 0.10 28.79 28.79 Closing Arms† 0.73 1.64
Apple AAPL 3,508.0 116.17 0.140 0.12 116.42 115.96 Block trades* 6,026 265
ViacomCBS Cl B VIAC 3,158.0 34.81 -0.01 -0.03 34.97 34.51
500 Index 3635.50 3617.76 3629.65 -5.76 3635.41 2237.40 15.1 12.3 11.7 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
JPM Alerian MLP AMJ 3,130.0 14.71 -0.05 -0.32 14.71 14.71
MidCap 400 2211.71 2191.24 2201.56 -16.28 -0.73 2217.84 1218.55 8.4 6.7 5.8 Total volume*4,432,131,086 213,861,832
SmallCap 600 1065.31 1052.49 1060.05 -9.36 -0.88 1069.41 595.67 6.0 3.8 4.6 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*2,650,866,936 61,813,712
Synlogic SYBX 1,552.7 2.72 0.27 11.02 2.82 2.35 Decl. volume*1,731,379,133 149,489,898
Other Indexes
RMG Acquisition A RMG 525.6 15.36 1.27 9.01 15.99 13.88 Issues traded 3,703 1,423
Russell 2000 1852.62 1831.95 1845.02 -8.51 -0.46 1853.53 991.16 12.9 10.6 6.7
Advances 1,779 567
NYSE Composite 14203.44 14122.10 14191.58 -57.92 -0.41 14249.50 8777.38 4.3 2.0 4.5 GigCapital3 GIK 62.6 11.78 0.73 6.61 11.87 11.05
Declines 1,789 817
Value Line 550.67 544.25 547.48 -3.19 -0.58 562.05 305.71 1.4 -0.9 -0.1 Cousins Properties CUZ 54.4 36.11 1.98 5.80 36.13 34.13
Unchanged 135 39
NYSE Arca Biotech 5475.53 5417.14 5435.24 6.84 0.13 6142.96 3855.67 8.4 7.3 8.8
Social Cap Hed II A IPOB 133.0 21.41 0.98 4.80 21.50 20.26
New highs 199 109
NYSE Arca Pharma 665.13 660.20 663.25 -0.88 -0.13 675.64 494.36 5.9 1.5 7.2 ...And losers New lows 9 9
KBW Bank 94.25 92.85 94.06 -1.01 -1.06 114.12 56.19 -14.6 -17.0 -1.7 DPW Holdings DPW 426.6 6.24 -0.45 -6.73 6.73 6.00 Closing Arms† 0.65 1.37
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 133.81 131.87 133.00 2.18 1.67 161.14 70.12 41.6 24.4 17.9 ECMOHO ADR MOHO 73.8 2.67 -0.19 -6.64 2.81 2.60 Block trades* 28,007 892
PHLX§ Oil Service 43.13 42.15 42.91 -0.34 -0.78 80.99 21.47 -37.7 -45.2 -31.2 Yunji ADR YJ 276.1 4.67 -0.26 -5.27 4.94 4.62 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 2622.52 2590.62 2600.24 -8.77 -0.34 2609.01 1286.84 49.8 40.6 24.7 AnPac Bio-Medical ADR ANPC 139.5 6.85 -0.29 -4.06 7.25 6.50 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 22.50 21.13 21.25 -0.39 -1.80 82.69 11.75 80.9 54.2 30.0 Aerojet Rocketdyne AJRD 243.5 37.44 -1.18 -3.06 38.73 37.44 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
 Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World The Global Dow 3397.97 –4.19 –0.12 4.5 AnPac Bio-Medical ADR ANPC 7.14 3.64 104.00 12.18 3.15 ... Hepion Pharmaceuticals HEPA 1.58 -0.60 -27.52 8.35 1.00 -74.8
DJ Global Index 475.29 0.73 0.15 9.5 Newborn Acquisition NBAC 22.27 10.31 86.20 22.74 9.70 ... Lixte Biotechnology LIXT 3.74 -1.01 -21.26 7.86 3.39 -30.7
DJ Global ex U.S. 275.66 0.95 0.34 4.6 Future FinTech Group FTFT 3.00 0.86 40.19 3.74 0.42 479.4 ECMOHO ADR MOHO 2.86 -0.74 -20.56 11.51 1.29 -66.2
Americas DJ Americas 854.64 0.14 0.02 12.3 Slack Technologies WORK 40.70 11.12 37.59 40.99 15.10 79.9 Ashford Hospitality Trust AHT 2.98 -0.77 -20.53 29.44 1.27 -89.2
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 110227.09 94.56 0.09 –4.7 Fisker FSR 21.61 5.64 35.32 21.95 8.70 114.0 Gap Inc GPS 21.60 -5.27 -19.61 26.99 5.26 27.7
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 17351.34 38.27 0.22 1.7 Renalytix AI ADR RNLX 14.08 3.39 31.71 18.00 9.91 ... Corsair Gaming CRSR 42.80 -8.46 -16.50 51.37 14.09 ...
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 42412.47 211.88 0.50 –2.6 Appian Cl A APPN 174.90 42.09 31.69 176.40 29.07 297.7 Ideanomics IDEX 2.71 -0.44 -13.97 4.75 0.28 189.4
Chile Santiago IPSA 2831.55 –9.06 –0.32 –15.1 Sierra Wireless SWIR 14.44 3.23 28.81 14.80 4.31 66.9 Ucommune International UK 7.15 -1.15 -13.86 12.07 6.01 -27.7
WidePoint WYY 10.48 2.26 27.49 15.89 3.00 187.7 Aurora Mobile ADR JG 3.16 -0.49 -13.42 5.43 1.40 23.9
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 391.63 –0.46 –0.12 –5.8
Tuniu ADR TOUR 3.53 0.69 24.30 4.51 0.73 41.8 Planet Green Holdings PLAG 2.28 -0.34 -12.98 4.99 1.53 -15.9
Eurozone Euro Stoxx 390.82 –0.16 –0.04 –3.2
Belgium Bel-20 3691.48 –11.36 –0.31 –6.7 Francesca's Holdings FRAN 4.25 0.82 23.91 19.91 1.70 -72.7 HF Enterprises HFEN 6.10 -0.88 -12.61 7.80 6.01 ...
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 1383.41 9.35 0.68 21.8 Jumia Technologies ADR JMIA 37.61 7.21 23.72 38.86 2.15 497.0 Cango ADR CANG 8.57 -1.23 -12.55 14.00 4.20 21.2
France CAC 40 5566.79 –4.50 –0.08 –6.9 Precigen PGEN 7.48 1.40 23.03 7.65 1.26 36.0 Retractable Technologies RVP 12.15 -1.72 -12.40 14.40 0.97 767.9
Germany DAX 13286.57 –3.23 –0.02 0.3 Shift Technologies SFT 8.99 1.67 22.81 14.91 6.40 -9.3 Nikola NKLA 30.24 -4.26 -12.35 93.99 10.22 195.9
1486.38 1.31 –11.7 Boqii Holding ADR BQ 6.08 1.12 22.58 10.43 4.06 ... Sunworks SUNW 5.53 -0.77 -12.22 8.50 0.29 362.8
Israel Tel Aviv 19.15
Italy FTSE MIB 22201.44 –102.14 –0.46 –5.6
Netherlands AEX 607.39 1.00 0.16 0.5
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Russia RTS Index 1307.14 5.31 0.41 –15.6 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 57923.69 181.50 0.31 1.5
Spain IBEX 35 8104.60 –60.10 –0.74 –15.1 NIO ADR NIO 204,151 25.0 53.69 0.34 57.20 2.11 Newborn Acquisition NBAC 24,051 14670 22.27 86.20 22.74 9.70
Sweden OMX Stockholm 757.97 1.73 0.23 11.3 Palantir Technologies PLTR 201,919 275.2 29.05 21.96 29.75 8.90 KraneShares EM Cons Tech KEMQ 1,306 9252 31.02 -0.31 31.40 17.13
Switzerland Swiss Market 10497.79 9.52 0.09 –1.1 Northern Dynasty Minerals NAK 199,171 1343.1 0.40 -50.11 2.49 0.35 WidePoint WYY 6,675 7904 10.48 27.49 15.89 3.00
1342.49 1.28 17.3 Sundial Growers SNDL 173,419 128.5 0.28 -6.95 3.88 0.14 Oaktree Acqn II OACB 655 4561 9.96 1.27 10.40 9.69
Turkey BIST 100 17.02
MMTec MTC 141,936 11713.8 2.01 67.50 7.70 0.64 Western Asset TR WBND 843 2190 28.74 0.10 28.87 23.01
U.K. FTSE 100 6362.93 –28.16 –0.44
U.K. FTSE 250 19396.34 –173.05 –0.88 –11.4 Slack Technologies WORK 140,120 874.5 40.70 37.59 40.99 15.10 Renalytix AI ADR RNLX 578 2117 14.08 31.71 18.00 9.91
FuelCell Energy FCEL 120,843 232.3 8.84 15.25 11.31 0.48 iShares US Broker-Dealers IAI 279 2063 73.71 -0.08 73.77 42.54
Titan Pharmaceuticals TTNP 117,419 259.8 0.19 14.05 0.55 0.09 Diamedica Therapeutics DMAC 1,077 1677 5.58 6.90 8.80 1.87
Australia S&P/ASX 200 6636.40 –46.93 –0.70 –0.7
General Electric GE 109,059 -2.4 10.50 0.48 13.26 5.48 Franklin Lib US Low Vol FLLV 198 1454 41.39 -0.29 43.00 26.10
China Shanghai Composite 3369.73 7.41 0.22 10.5
American Airlines Group AAL 99,985 50.5 14.94 0.81 30.78 8.25 INSU Acqn II Cl A INAQ 8,124 1443 13.49 20.55 14.79 9.75
Hong Kong Hang Seng 26819.45 149.70 0.56 –4.9
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
India S&P BSE Sensex 44259.74 431.64 0.98 7.3 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 26537.31 240.45 0.91 12.2
Singapore Straits Times 2857.48 –12.07 –0.42 –11.3 Track the Markets
South Korea Kospi 2625.91 24.37 0.94 19.5 Compare the performance of selected CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES
Taiwan TAIEX 13845.66 106.83 0.78 15.4 global stock indexes, bond ETFs,
Thailand SET 1433.56 17.84 1.26 –9.3
currencies and commodities at Currencies
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data
U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
US$vs, US$vs,
Thurs YTDchg Thurs YTDchg
CREDIT MARKETS Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency
Vietnam dong
in US$ per US$ (%)
.00004317 23165 –0.03
Argentina peso .0124 80.8918 35.1 Europe
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury Yields
yield curve Forex Race Brazil real .1874 5.3368 32.8 Czech Rep. koruna .04555 21.952 –3.2

U.S. consumer rates Selected rates and

Yield toRates
maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Canada dollar
Chile peso
.7682 1.3018
.001305 766.30
Denmark krone
Euro area euro
.1600 6.2484
1.1914 .8394
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners .000276 3617.70 .003301 302.94
30-year mortgage, Rate Colombiapeso 10.2 Hungary forint 2.6
A consumer rate against its
Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .007422 134.74 11.3
benchmark over the past year 2.50% Mexico peso .0499 20.0396 5.9 Norway krone .1126 8.8809 1.2 avg†: 2.90% 10%
Uruguay peso .02347 42.6150 14.7 Poland zloty .2661 3.7575 –0.9
30-year fixed-rate
MidWestOne Bank 2.50% One year ago 2.00 Russia ruble .01321 75.701 22.0
Euro Asia-Pacific

4.00% t 5 Yen

t mortgage Iowa City, IA 800-247-4418 Sweden krona .1173 8.5250 –9.0

1.50 Australian dollar .7362 1.3583 –4.7
Charter Bank 2.63% Switzerland franc 1.1030 .9066 –6.3
3.00 China yuan .1521 6.5756 –5.6
0 Turkey lira .1271 7.8701 32.3
Eau Claire, WI 715-832-4254 1.00 Hong Kong dollar .1290 7.7510 –0.5
Ukraine hryvnia .0350 28.5500 20.6
Tradeweb ICE India rupee .01354 73.837 3.5
10-year Treasury 2.00 First National Bank 2.63% 0.50 –5 s
UK pound 1.3358 .7486 –0.7
Wednesday Close Indonesia rupiah .0000709 14100 1.6
note yield Waverly, IA 319-266-2000 t WSJ Dollar index Japan yen .009591 104.26 –4.0 Middle East/Africa
t 1.00 Farmers State Bank 2.75% 0.00 –10 Kazakhstan tenge .002361 423.49 10.9 Bahrain dinar 2.6525 .3770 –0.01
Waterloo, IA 877-FSB-1879 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 Macau pataca .1252 7.9890 –0.4 Egypt pound .0639 15.6376 –2.6
0.00 2019 2020 Malaysia ringgit .2459 4.0675 –0.6 Israel shekel .3010 3.3224 –3.8
TBK Bank, SSB 2.85% month(s) years
D J FM AM J J A S O N New Zealand dollar .7006 1.4273 –3.9 Kuwait dinar 3.2702 .3058 0.9
Dallas, TX 214-365-6900 maturity Pakistan rupee .00628 159.193 2.7 Oman sul rial 2.5976 .3850 –0.01
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Philippines peso .0208 48.101 –5.1 Qatar rial .2746 3.642 –0.05
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg Singapore dollar .7470 1.3386 –0.5 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7507 –0.02
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields South Korea won .0009041 1106.07 –4.2 South Africa rand .0658 15.1882 8.5
Federal-funds rate target 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 0.00 l 1.50 -1.00 Sri Lanka rupee .0054019 185.12 2.1
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Taiwan dollar .03508 28.505 –4.7 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Prime rate* 3.25 3.25 3.25 l 4.75 -1.00 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr Thailand baht .03300 30.300 1.8 WSJ Dollar Index 86.74 0.02 0.02 –3.15
Libor, 3-month 0.23 0.22 0.20 l 1.96 -1.23
U.S. Treasury, Barclays 2458.520 0.590 0.600 1.860 0.400 7.349 5.155 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
Money market, annual yield 0.21 0.21 0.19 l 0.58 -0.12
1.480 14.893 10.205
Five-year CD, annual yield 0.58 0.58 0.58 l 1.42 -0.91 U.S. Treasury Long, Barclays 4741.060 1.480 2.340 0.980
30-year mortgage, fixed† 2.90 2.94 2.90 l 4.22 -0.99 Aggregate, Barclays 2282.230 1.180 1.200 2.380 1.020 7.041 5.247 Wednesday 52-Week YTD
Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 2.41 2.45 2.41 l 3.57 -0.88 Fixed-Rate MBS, Barclays 2225.810 1.320 1.320 2.690 0.930 3.940 3.654
Jumbo mortgages, $510,400-plus† 2.94 2.91 2.90 l 4.36 -1.34 DJ Commodity 692.90 1.98 0.29 692.90 433.70 11.55 7.88
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3271.220 3.961 3.957 10.740 3.589 4.654 4.708
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 3.21 3.20 2.85 l 4.61 -0.40 TR/CC CRB Index 160.39 0.59 0.37 187.39 106.29 -11.07 -13.67
Muni Master, ICE BofA 591.915 0.970 0.998 3.441 0.838 4.964 4.438 Crude oil, $ per barrel 45.71 0.80 1.78 63.27 -37.63 -21.34 -25.14
New-car loan, 48-month 4.04 4.14 4.04 l 4.50 1.04 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 917.007 4.502 4.521 7.480 4.492 5.921 4.529 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 2.896 0.121 4.36 3.354 1.482 15.79 32.30
banks.† Excludes closing costs.
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; S&P Dow Jones Indices; Bloomberg Barclays; ICE Data Services Gold, $ per troy oz. 1805.70 0.90 0.05 2051.50 1453.40 24.24 18.84

Get real-time U.S. stock quotes and track most-active stocks, new highs/lows and mutual funds. Available free at
B8 | Friday, November 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
Cash Prices | Thursday, November 26, 2020
Metal & Petroleum Futures Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace—
Contract Open
March 15.06 15.15 14.66 14.77 –.27 429,541 separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future
May 14.16 14.23 13.84 13.95 –.18 220,494 months.
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest
Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Jan 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 … 1,808 Thursday Wednesday Wednesday
Nov 3.2940 3.2940 3.2925 3.3120 0.0120 280 March 28.98 28.98 28.98 28.98 … 3,334
March'21 3.3255 3.3515 s
LBMA Gold Price AM *1818.10 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 120
3.3010 3.3305 0.0105 152,849 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Metals LBMA Gold Price PM *1799.60 Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 260
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. March 72.84 73.15 72.30 72.36 –.62 139,596
Nov 1801.40 1803.80 1801.40 1805.70 0.90 1,046 Gold, per troy oz Krugerrand,wholesale-e 1880.32 Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 3.3425
May 73.70 73.96 73.19 73.21 –.62 35,954
Dec 1805.20 1816.30 1798.60 1805.50 0.90 94,639 LBMA Gold Price AM *1808.55 Maple Leaf-e 1898.40 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 28.38
Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. American Eagle-e 1898.40 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u 6.3000
Jan'21 1809.80 1818.60 1803.00 1808.80 0.70 3,673 Jan 127.70 127.70 126.35 127.35 –.35 7,079 LBMA Gold Price PM *1810.20
Feb 1812.00 1821.70 1804.70 1811.20 0.30 340,439 Silver, troy oz. Mexican peso-e 2187.91 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u 394.90
March 128.20 128.20 126.50 127.60 –.30 2,964
1816.00 1825.10 1809.00 1815.10 0.10 63,990 Austria crown-e 1775.20 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 11.7300
April LBMA spot price *£17.5700
1819.70 1828.30 1812.40 1817.80 –0.10 29,820 Austria phil-e 1898.40 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 6.9600
June Interest Rate Futures (U.S.$ equivalent) *23.4100
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Silver, troy oz. Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 6.1825
Other metals Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 5.6875
Nov … 2341.60 –8.50 6 Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Engelhard industrial 23.4000
LBMA Platinum Price PM *955.0 Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 6.1500
March'21 2369.00 2370.00 2344.90 2364.70 –7.10 8,978 Dec 216-050 217-100 215-100 215-230 –24.0 234,319 Handy & Harman base 23.3750
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *1967.0
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. March'21 214-150 215-210 213-200 214-010 –25.0 886,091 Handy & Harman fabricated 29.2190
Nov 967.30 11.60 112 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Fibers and Textiles LBMA spot price *£17.3600 Food
Jan'21 965.70 973.40 951.80 969.80 11.50 47,689 Dec 172-310 173-210 172-170 172-280 –1.0 356,757 (U.S.$ equivalent) *23.1550 Beef,carcass equiv. index
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. March'21 174-030 174-240 173-190 174-000 –3.0 1,004,930
Cotlook 'A' Index-t *79.45 Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 17617 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 198.69
Nov 23.356 0.064 2 Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Food Other metals select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 177.80
March'21 23.390 23.640 23.210 23.446 0.036 113,261 Dec 138-080 138-150 138-040 138-085 .5 1,004,465 LBMA Platinum Price PM *936.0 Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 0.8005
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. March'21 137-275 138-025 137-230 137-285 1.0 2,467,396 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp 1.0959
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 958.0 Butter,AA Chicago 1.3600
Jan 44.82 46.26 44.73 45.71 0.80 409,337 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Coffee,Colombian, NY 1.6491
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 2347.0 Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago 142.25
Feb 45.05 46.44 44.87 45.91 0.80 196,184 Dec 125-172 125-205 125-162 125-182 .5 879,158 Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *1964.5 Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago 168.00
KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator
March 45.17 46.52 45.08 46.03 0.78 175,463 March'21 125-275 125-310 125-262 125-287 .7 2,452,437 bids to producers; C=corrected; E=Manfra,Tordella & Copper,Comex spot 3.3120 Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb. 109.50
June 45.33 46.48 45.25 46.12 0.71 212,559 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co; Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s 128.2 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp 1.0843
Dec 44.91 45.86 44.89 45.67 0.64 284,337 Dec 110-126 110-132 110-125 110-128 .2 600,580 M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not 287
Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m Coffee,Colombian, NY 1.6359
Dec'22 44.40 45.28 44.35 45.22 0.74 93,924 March'21 110-122 110-128 110-120 110-126 .2 1,392,596 available; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook
Limited; U=USDA; W=weekly; Z=not quoted. *Data as
Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 1.0150
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg. Flour,hard winter KC 15.45
of 11/25
Dec 1.3611 1.3987 1.3561 1.3866 .0271 17,579 Nov 99.9125 99.9150 99.9125 99.9125 .0000 150,036
Source: Dow Jones Market Data
Fibers and Textiles Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u 0.66
Jan'21 1.3658 1.4004 1.3604 1.3892 .0250 111,810 Jan'21 99.9200 99.9250 99.9200 99.9200 –.0050 145,316
Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.6450 Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 65.13
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. 10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u n.a.
Dec 1.2577 1.2964 1.2558 1.2875 .0293 19,218 Dec 101-010 101-065 100-300 101-005 … 154,902 November 25, 2020 Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.6936
Wednesday Cotlook 'A' Index-t *80.15 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 0.8063
Jan'21 1.2523 1.2795 1.2480 1.2710 .0200 135,545 Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100% Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u n.a.
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Dec 99.7475 99.7500 99.7425 99.7475 –.0025 1,107,637 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u 39.000
March'21 99.7900 99.7900 99.7850 99.7850 … 1,141,617
Energy Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 145.63
Dec 2.765 2.914 2.700 2.896 .121 2,851
Jan'21 2.895 3.002 2.838 2.961 .061 297,938 June 99.7900 99.7950 99.7900 99.7900 … 871,292 Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 52.750
Feb 2.875 2.975 2.823 2.936 .059 95,677 Dec 99.7550 99.7550 99.7500 99.7500 … 837,802 Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 11.600 Grains and Feeds Fats and Oils
March 2.810 2.900 2.762 2.865 .056 193,978 Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. Corn oil,crude wet/dry mill wtd. avg.-u,w 44.6000
April 2.692 2.756 2.664 2.734 .043 83,658 Currency Futures Metals
Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u 135 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.2900
Oct 2.820 2.855 2.797 2.851 .031 95,465 Gold, per troy oz Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 4.1050 Lard,Chicago-u 0.4100
Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
Dec .9572 .9594 .9563 .9579 .0012 176,401 Engelhard industrial 1814.00 Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 150.2 Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u 0.3981
Agriculture Futures March'21 .9586 .9608 .9577 .9593 .0013 2,470 Handy & Harman base 1810.20 Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 549.3 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.3250
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD Handy & Harman fabricated 2009.32 Cottonseed meal-u,w 403 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u 0.3400
Dec 426.00 427.50 420.00 420.00 –5.75 91,564 Dec .7694 .7701 .7676 .7696 .0006 134,454
March'21 433.00 434.75 427.25 427.50 –5.00 883,867 March'21 .7698 .7703 .7679 .7699 .0007 3,223 KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £ M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; W=weekly; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 11/24
Dec 288.00 289.00 283.00 285.75 –1.75 1,247 Dec 1.3362 1.3395 1.3306 1.3384 .0031 137,841 Source: Dow Jones Market Data
March'21 303.50 303.50 296.75 300.25 –3.50 4,032 March'21 1.3371 1.3404 1.3317 1.3394 .0031 3,445
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
1197.50 1198.50
1199.00 1200.25 s
1183.25 1184.00
1184.75 1185.75
–7.25 319,224
–7.50 251,443
Bonds |
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
Dec 399.40 402.40 s 395.00 396.90 –1.40 24,571 Dec .7361 .7375 .7327 .7367 .0012 129,286 Tracking Bond Benchmarks
Jan'21 398.00 401.30 s 393.80 395.90 –1.00 127,436 March'21 .7369 .7379 .7330 .7372 .0012 1,014
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
Dec 38.38 38.68 38.05 38.18 .12 18,961 Dec .04983 .05002 .04967 .04999 .00016 135,180 highs and lows for different types of bonds
Jan'21 37.99 38.28 37.66 37.86 .14 147,351 March'21 .04934 .04953 .04919 .04950 .00016 1,520 Total Total
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per € return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%)
Jan 12.41 12.56 12.40 12.45 .05 8,584 Dec 1.1898 1.1935 1.1887 1.1922 .0034 630,187
close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
March 12.55 12.69 12.55 12.60 .05 268 March'21 1.1924 1.1962 1.1915 1.1949 .0034 8,962
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Broad Market Bloomberg Barclays Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Barclays
Dec 612.75 616.50 587.00 588.25 –23.00 15,037 Index Futures
March'21 619.00 622.75 595.25 596.50 –21.00 206,122 2282.19 7.1 U.S. Aggregate 1.190 1.020 2.380 2225.78 3.6 Mortgage-Backed 1.330 0.930 2.690
Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Dec 30029 30165 s 29757 29828 –170 91,588 U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Barclays 2173.39 3.5 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 0.780 0.290 2.660
Dec 563.25 565.00 543.00 543.75 –17.25 7,202
March'21 29929 30058 s 29664 29724 –172 6,967
March'21 570.75 575.00 549.75 550.50 –20.25 128,276
S&P 500 Index (CME)-$250 x index 3425.91 8.8 U.S. Corporate 1.850 1.820 4.580 1314.39 3.7 Fannie mae (FNMA) 1.520 1.110 2.690
Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 3640.30 3653.40 3625.30 3627.30 –5.40 28,405
Jan 138.900 140.575 138.675 140.175 1.575 19,693 3089.58 6.7 Intermediate 1.220 1.220 4.400 2017.33 3.6 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 1.500 1.080 2.710
March'21 … … … 3618.60 –5.40 26
March 138.350 139.825 138.125 139.275 1.150 9,417
Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index 5123.95 12.4 Long term 2.850 2.730 4.930 591.92 4.6 Muni Master 0.970 0.838 3.441
Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 3635.50 3655.00 3615.25 3627.25 –5.50 2,475,696
Dec 111.525 111.650 110.875 111.375 .200 25,497 418.41 4.9 7-12 year 0.939 0.771 3.447
March'21 3629.25 3645.75 3606.75 3618.50 –5.50 72,168 697.81 8.2 Double-A-rated 1.460 1.300 3.360
Feb'21 114.250 114.350 113.600 114.175 .225 111,978
Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 2218.00 2227.90 s 2188.90 2200.70 –15.90 53,874 910.15 8.5 Triple-B-rated 2.150 2.150 5.350 478.01 5.5 12-22 year 1.379 1.224 3.690
Dec 65.400 66.325 64.925 66.175 .875 23,964 March'21 … 2218.50 s 2189.30 2197.50 –15.50 n.a.
Feb'21 66.900 67.850 66.525 67.675 .925 81,813 High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 463.30 5.1 22-plus year 2.038 1.765 4.123
Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Dec 12098.50 12177.75 12077.50 12152.25 76.25 242,356 485.36 3.9 High Yield Constrained 4.748 4.655 11.400 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
Jan 603.00 625.00 599.20 617.10 16.60 1,953 March'21 12100.00 12170.00 12075.00 12146.75 76.50 4,451
March 560.50 577.40 554.50 569.30 18.10 620 Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index 437.69 n.a. Triple-C-rated 9.621 9.621 19.071 614.17 5.4 Global Government 0.560 0.390 1.060
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. Dec 1853.30 1863.60 s 1828.10 1844.60 –6.90 559,101
Nov 23.14 23.24 23.10 23.11 –.03 5,544 3271.22 2.4 High Yield 100 3.961 3.589 10.740 861.49 7.2 Canada 0.840 0.590 1.740
Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
Dec 15.51 15.63 15.28 15.33 –.30 5,068 2035.00 2041.00 2030.10 2038.50 –1.10 9,180
Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton.
Dec 438.50 4.0 Global High Yield Constrained 4.732 4.731 11.310 420.01 5.0 EMU§ 0.066 0.050 0.794
U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
March 2,759 2,768 2,685 2,724 –61 92,298 793.27 4.5 France -0.110 -0.160 0.430
Dec 92.13 92.26 91.91 91.97 –.25 30,655 334.35 1.7 Europe High Yield Constrained 3.085 2.464 8.183
May 2,697 2,700 2,631 2,667 –52 49,687 March'21 92.07 92.20 91.85 91.91 –.26 1,175
Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb. U.S Agency Bloomberg Barclays 551.98 3.0 Germany -0.460 -0.740 -0.050
March 117.00 119.15 116.05 117.15 1.25 114,339
May 118.95 121.00 117.95 119.00 1.15 43,913 Source: FactSet 1863.16 5.2 U.S Agency 0.530 0.470 1.950 295.45 -0.9 Japan 0.280 0.040 0.320
1624.20 3.9 10-20 years 0.410 0.340 1.850 617.43 3.6 Netherlands -0.370 -0.540 0.080
4257.96 11.6 20-plus years 1.660 1.170 2.450 1076.21 7.1 U.K. 0.670 0.390 1.180
Macro & Market Economics 2912.25 6.5 Yankee 1.460 1.430 3.500 917.01 4.0 Emerging Markets ** 4.502 4.492 7.480
Watching the Gauges: U.S. Supply and Demand *Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
Inventories, imports and demand for the week ended November 20. Current figures are in thousands of barrels ** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Barclays; J.P.Morgan
or thousands of gallons per day, except natural-gas figures, which are in billions of cubic feet. Natural-gas
import and demand data are available monthly only. Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
Inventories, 000s barrels Imports, 000s barrels per day Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
Expected Previous Year 4-week 5-year Expected Previous Year 4-week 5-year selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Current change week ago avg avg Current change week ago avg avg
Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Crude oil and Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
petroleum prod 1,353,844 1,355 1,269 1,363 1,265 7,167 ... 7,078 8,798 7,100 9,612 0.125 U.S. 2 0.168 l 0.168 0.154 1.587
Crude oil 0.875 10 0.886 l 0.886 0.804 1.745
excluding SPR 488,721 unch 489 452 488 453 5,228 ... 5,254 6,190 5,253 7,527 2.250 Australia 2 0.103 t l 0.103 0.126 0.786 -6.5 -6.5 -80.1
Gasoline 230,147 228 226 228 229 441 ... 530 773 513 476 1.000 10 0.924 t 0.944 0.819 1.089 5.8 -65.6
l 3.8
Finished gasoline 26,203 800 26 24 26 25 10 ... 95 222 74 16
Reformulated 42 ... 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0.000 France 2 -0.683 t l -0.670 -0.695 -0.599 -85.1 -83.8 -218.7
Conventional 26,161 ... 26 24 26 25 10 ... 95 222 74 16 0.000 10 -0.348 t l -0.334 -0.297 -0.065 -123.3 -122.0 -181.0
Blend. components 203,944 ... 202 202 202 204 431 ... 435 551 439 460 0.000 Germany 2 -0.756 t l -0.743 -0.754 -0.633 -92.4 -91.1 -222.1
Natural gas (bcf) 3,940 ... 4 4 4 3 ... ... ... ... ... 0.000 10 -0.585 t l -0.566 -0.576 -0.371 -147.1 -145.1 -211.6
Kerosene-type 0.050 Italy 2 -0.414 t l -0.404 -0.356 -0.132 -58.2 -57.2 -172.0
jet fuel 37,142 ... 37 38 37 40 212 ... 20 116 145 180 0.900 10 0.603 t l 0.618 0.735 1.175 -28.3 -26.8 -57.0
Distillates 142,632 -1,500 144 116 148 136 186 ... 285 238 234 215
0.100 Japan 2 -0.149 t l -0.149 -0.128 -0.190 -31.7 -31.7 -177.7
Heating oil 8,841 ... 9 12 9 12 1 ... 2 0 1 45
Diesel 133,791 ... 135 104 139 123 186 ... 282 238 233 170 0.100 10 0.025 s l 0.018 0.035 -0.098 -86.1 -86.8 -184.3
Residual fuel oil 31,822 ... 33 29 32 35 172 ... 195 345 154 249 0.400 Spain 2 -0.587 t l -0.586 -0.551 -0.382 -75.5 -75.4 -196.9
Other oils 309,953 ... 310 293 316 270 776 ... 666 908 649 803 1.250 10 0.056 t l 0.068 0.190 0.384 -83.0 -81.8 -136.1
Net crude, petroleum 0.500 U.K. 2 -0.043 t l -0.023 -0.032 0.494 -21.1 -19.1 -109.4
products, incl. SPR 1,992,034 ... 1,993 1,905 2,001 1,932 -219 ... -740 113 -485 2,870 4.750 10 0.280 t l 0.319 0.277 0.655 -56.7 -109.0
Source: Tullett Prebon
Weekly Demand, 000s barrels per day Natural gas storage Corporate Debt
Expected Previous Year 4-week 5-year Billions of cubic feet; weekly totals Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
Current change week ago avg avg
Total petroleum Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
product 19,156 ... 19,564 21,106 19,316 21,293 Spread*, in basis points
Natural gas, Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
Finished lower 48 states 3250
Jefferies … 5.125 0.66 Jan. 20, ’23 45 –17 n.a.
motor gasoline 8,129 ... 8,258 9,204 8,371 9,307 t American International AIG 6.250 2.72 May 1, ’36 111 –14 n.a.
2250 Royal Bank of Canada RY 0.500 0.29 Oct. 26, ’23 8 –12 25
jet fuel 1,169 ... 987 1,876 1,099 1,786 Five-year average Pfizer PFE 4.000 2.01 Dec. 15, ’36 40 –11 n.a.
Distillates 4,175 ... 4,225 4,393 4,054 4,295 for each week 1250 Chevron CVX 1.141 0.26 May 11, ’23 6 –10 11
Residual fuel oil 326 ... 126 534 151 409 Cardinal Health … 7.000 1.80 Oct. 15, ’26 143 –7 n.a.
Propane/propylene 1,171 ... 1,470 1,239 1,297 ... 250 Telefonica Emisiones SA … 4.570 0.59 April 27, ’23 39 –7 n.a.
D J F M A M J J A S O N Commonwealth Bank of Australia … 2.850 0.90 May 18, ’26 53 –6 n.a.
Other oils 4,185 ... 4,499 3,859 4,344 ...
Note: Expected changes are provided by Dow Jones Newswires' survey of analysts. Previous and average inventory data are in millions.
…And spreads that widened the most
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; U.S. Energy Information Administration; Dow Jones Newswires Southwest Airlines LUV 4.750 1.29 May 4, ’23 108 14 99
FedEx FDX 4.000 0.62 Jan. 15, ’24 24 9 n.a.
Nestle Holdings … 0.375 0.45 Jan. 15, ’24 24 6 22
Exchange-Traded Portfolios | BNP Paribas BNP 3.500 0.65 March 1, ’23 44 5 45
\Ameriprise Financial AMP 4.000 0.46 Oct. 15, ’23 25 4 n.a.
Closing Chg YTD Intuit INTU 0.650 0.43 July 15, ’23 22 4 18
Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
JPMorgan Chase JPM 3.875 0.80 Sept. 10, ’24 n.a. 3 50
Schwab US TIPs SCHP 61.34 0.16 8.3
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Closing Chg YTD
SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 298.74 –0.56 4.8 Bank of America BAC 3.950 1.12 April 21, ’25 74 2 73
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
Closing Chg YTD SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 401.85 –0.69 7.1
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iShMSCI ACWI ACWI 87.87 –0.10 10.9 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 362.66 –0.15 12.7 High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…
CommSvsSPDR XLC 65.21 –0.02 21.6 iShMSCI EAFE EFA 71.22 –0.13 2.6 SPDR S&P Div SDY 106.36 –0.93 –1.1 Bond Price as % of face value
CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 157.88 0.12 25.9 iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 49.57 –0.56 10.5 TechSelectSector XLK 122.01 0.21 33.1 Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
CnsStapleSelSector XLP 66.93 –0.06 6.3 iShMSCIJapan EWJ 65.29 –0.71 10.2 UtilitiesSelSector XLU 64.40 0.26 –0.3
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 28.56 –0.35 –7.2 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 116.81 0.02 2.5 VanEckGoldMiner GDX 34.04 1.86 16.3 Occidental Petroleum OXY 7.875 6.91 Sept. 15, ’31 107.250 2.15 101.729
iSh1-5YIGCorpBd IGSB 55.06 0.04 2.7 VangdInfoTech VGT 330.64 0.47 35.0 American Airlines AAL 3.750 14.96 March 1, ’25 65.625 1.63 60.030
FT DJ Internet FDN 204.85 1.39 47.2
iShPfd&Incm PFF 37.75 –0.05 0.4 VangdSC Val VBR 137.46 –0.87 0.3
HealthCareSelSect XLV 108.44 –0.37 6.5
iShRussell1000Gwth IWF 228.95 0.47 30.1 VangdSC Grwth VBK 245.88 0.08 23.7 FirstEnergy FE 7.375 3.44 Nov. 15, ’31 135.644 0.77 136.651
IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 88.97 –0.76 9.2
InvscQQQI QQQ 296.28 0.61 39.4
iShRussell1000 IWB 204.40 –0.02 14.6 VangdExtMkt VXF 154.39 0.42 22.5 Embarq … 7.995 5.95 June 1, ’36 120.490 0.76 118.730
iShRussell1000Val IWD 133.92 –0.64 –1.9 VangdDivApp VIG 138.54 –0.41 11.1
InvscS&P500EW RSP 124.27 –0.74 7.4
iShRussell2000 IWM 183.59 –0.34 10.8 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 45.68 –0.20 3.7 Royal Caribbean Cruises … 5.250 5.52 Nov. 15, ’22 99.500 0.75 98.468
iSh3-7YTreasuryBd IEI 132.85 0.02 5.6
44.05 4.7
iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 65.98 –0.17 10.7 VangdFTSE EM VWO 48.31 –0.45 8.6 Sprint Capital … 8.750 3.07 March 15, ’32 153.875 0.75 152.687
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO –0.52
iShS&P500Growth IVW 61.25 0.18 26.5 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 58.44 0.02 –0.3 0.68 105.250
iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 67.25 –0.15 3.1 Crown Americas … 4.500 1.71 Jan. 15, ’23 105.800
iShS&P500Value IVE 125.94 –0.61 –3.2 VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 56.50 –0.32 5.1
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 59.53 –0.48 10.7 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.68 ... 0.2 VangdGrowth VUG 241.77 0.57 32.7 United Airlines Holdings UAL 4.250 4.02 Oct. 1, ’22 100.396 0.65 98.875
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 65.12 –0.32 5.2 21.72 0.42 30.2
iShSilver SLV VangdHlthCr VHT 212.12 –0.21 10.6
iShCoreS&P MC
iShTIPSBondETF TIP 125.97
0.17 8.1
VangdHiDiv VYM 90.45 –0.65 –3.5 …And with the biggest price decreases
iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 0.01 VangdIntermBd BIV 93.34 0.08 7.0
iShCoreS&P SC IJR 87.24 –0.78 4.0 –1.68 n.a.
iShS&PTotlUSStkMkt ITOT 83.12 –0.06 14.3
iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 120.11 0.03 9.0 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 96.84 0.12 6.0 Genworth Financial GNW 6.500 7.19 June 15, ’34 94.103
iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 158.68 –0.31 17.1 VangdLC VV 169.98 0.02 15.0
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 118.06 –0.03 5.1 United Airlines Holdings UAL 5.000 5.87 Feb. 1, ’24 97.500 –0.84 96.250
iShRussellMCGrowth IWP 191.85 0.72 25.7 VangdMC VO 199.84 0.04 12.2
iShSelectDividend DVY 96.38 –1.02 –8.8 iShUSTreasuryBdETF GOVT 27.66 –0.04 6.6 VangdMBS VMBS 54.11 ... 1.8 United States Cellular USM 6.700 3.70 Dec. 15, ’33 130.781 –0.81 131.250
iShESGAwareUSA ESGU 83.21 –0.01 16.7 –0.59 120.380
JPM UltShtIncm JPST 50.80 ... 0.7 VangdRealEst VNQ 85.27 0.06 –8.1 Netflix NFLX 5.375 2.88 Nov. 15, ’29 119.551
iShEdgeMSCIMinEAFE EFAV 72.02 ... –3.4 PIMCOEnhShMaturity MINT 102.00 0.01 0.4 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 333.19 –0.16 12.6
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 66.72 –0.18 1.7 SPDR BlmBarcHYBd JNK 107.53 –0.01 –1.8 VangdST Bond BSV 82.86 ... 2.8 Quebecor Media … 5.750 1.84 Jan. 15, ’23 108.111 –0.51 108.750
iShEdgeMSCIUSAMom MTUM 153.74 1.10 22.4 SPDRBloomBar1-3MTB BIL 91.52 –0.01 0.1 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 83.06 0.04 2.5 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands Iii … 2.800 3.35 July 21, ’23 98.625 –0.50 97.500
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 112.62 –0.35 11.5 SPDR Gold GLD 169.51 –0.05 18.6 VangdSC VB 184.02 –0.41 11.1
iSh5-10YIGCorpBd IGIB 61.45 0.13 6.0 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 35.14 –0.17 4.5 VangdTotalBd BND 88.18 –0.05 5.2
Transocean RIG 6.800 26.11 March 15, ’38 27.060 –0.44 17.875
iShGoldTr IAU 17.23 –0.06 18.8 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 87.72 0.01 14.1 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 58.45 0.02 3.3 Navient NAVI 6.750 5.11 June 15, ’26 107.819 –0.43 107.280
iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 137.51 0.06 7.5 SchwabUS Div SCHD 63.81 –0.93 10.2 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 58.25 –0.34 4.6
iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 86.27 –0.05 –1.9 SchwabUS LC SCHX 87.94 –0.01 14.5 VangdTotalStk VTI 187.52 –0.04 14.6 *Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 114.10 –0.08 –0.4 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 122.00 0.60 31.3 VangdTotlWrld VT 89.33 –0.16 10.3 Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
iShMBSETF MBB 110.11 –0.04 1.9 SchwabUS SC SCHA 83.56 –0.48 10.5 VangdValue VTV 116.97 –0.62 –2.4 Source: MarketAxess
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, November 27, 2020 | B9


Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
How to Read the Stock Tables Footnotes: Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
The following explanations apply to NYSE, s-New 52-week high.
FidNatlInfo FIS 147.97 -0.95 KeurigDrPepper KDP 30.33 0.44 Novocure NVCR 116.68 -2.73 PrudentialFin PRU 78.73 -1.12 ServiceCorp SCI 49.76 0.32 Telefonica TEF 4.45 0.07 ViacomCBS A VIACA 35.93 0.26
NYSE Arca, NYSE American and Nasdaq Stock t-New 52-week low. FifthThirdBncp FITB 26.68 -0.58 KeyCorp KEY 16.51 -0.24 s NuanceComms NUAN 42.87 1.24 Prudential PUK 32.77 -1.13 ServiceNow NOW 519.22 4.53 TelekmIndonesia TLK 22.95 -0.42 ViacomCBS B VIAC 34.82 0.31
Market listed securities. Prices are composite dd-Indicates loss in the most recent FirstHorizonNatl FHN 12.93 -0.14 s KeysightTechs KEYS 118.52 0.40 Nucor NUE 54.78 -1.64 PublicServiceEnt PEG 59.97 0.29 ShawComm B SJR 17.49 -0.21 10xGenomics TXG 140.84 4.69 Viatris VTRS 17.07 0.17
quotations that include primary market trades four quarters. FirstRepBank FRC 132.96 -1.66 KilroyRealty KRC 63.35 -0.96 Nutrien NTR 48.59 0.51 PublicStorage PSA 223.30 1.23 SherwinWilliams SHW 731.25 -4.04 Tenaris TS 16.22 -0.13 Vipshop VIPS 25.85 0.05
as well as trades reported by Nasdaq BX FD-First day of trading. FirstSolar FSLR 92.45 2.04 KimberlyClark KMB 140.70 1.50 NVIDIA NVDA 529.39 11.08 PulteGroup PHM 44.61 0.63 ShinhanFin SHG 31.24 0.14 TencentMusic TME 16.71 0.23 Visa V 210.89 1.21
(formerly Boston), Chicago Stock Exchange, h-Does not meet continued listing FirstEnergy FE 26.56 -0.10 KinderMorgan KMI 14.85 -0.12 Qiagen QGEN 47.25 0.69 Shopify SHOP 1019.52 48.28 s Teradyne TER 108.34 -0.65 Vistra VST 19.47 0.10
Cboe, NYSE National and Nasdaq ISE. standards Fiserv FISV 114.98 0.10 KingsoftCloud KC 36.76 1.36 O P Q Qorvo QRVO 148.24 -3.51 Sibanye-Stillwater SBSW 13.15 0.26 s Tesla TSLA 574.00 18.62 VMware VMW 141.69 -8.82
The list comprises the 1,000 largest lf-Late filing FiveBelow FIVE 155.84 -1.65 KinrossGold KGC 7.12 0.14 Qualcomm QCOM 144.08 -1.85 SimonProperty SPG 87.19 -1.60 TevaPharm TEVA 9.75 -0.11 Vodafone VOD 16.76 -0.10
companies based on market capitalization. q-Temporary exemption from Nasdaq Five9 FIVN 144.39 1.35 KirklandLakeGold KL 39.62 0.76 OGE Energy OGE 34.64 -0.12 QuantaServices PWR 69.69 -0.94 SiriusXM SIRI 6.47 -0.08 TexasInstruments TXN 157.60 -1.75 VornadoRealty VNO 40.62 -1.22
FleetCorTech FLT 269.69 2.63 Knight-Swift KNX 40.86 -0.65 ONEOK OKE 37.54 -0.12 QuestDiag DGX 124.33 -1.67 Skyworks SWKS 135.95 -2.90 Textron TXT 47.20 -1.29 VoyaFinancial VOYA 59.65 -0.80
Underlined quotations are those stocks with requirements. OReillyAuto ORLY 444.14 -4.90
t-NYSE bankruptcy Flex FLEX 16.73 -0.27 KoninklijkePhil PHG 50.75 -0.03 Quidel QDEL 180.76 6.32 s SlackTech WORK 40.70 11.12 ThermoFisherSci TMO 448.45 8.89 VulcanMatls VMC 144.02 -0.91
large changes in volume compared with the Floor&Decor FND 82.08 -1.11 KoreaElcPwr KEP 9.93 -0.10 OakStreetHealth OSH 47.11 2.08 SmithAO AOS 56.37 -1.59 ThomsonReuters TRI 80.00 0.50
v-Trading halted on primary market.
issue’s average trading volume.
vj-In bankruptcy or receivership or FomentoEconMex FMX 75.96 -1.16 KraftHeinz KHC 32.54 -0.89 OccidentalPetrol OXY 16.72 -0.06
Okta OKTA 237.67 8.15
R S Smith&Nephew SNN 37.96 -0.29 3M MMM 177.12 0.04 W X Y Z
FordMotor F 9.08 -0.37 Kroger KR 32.32 -0.37 Smucker SJM 118.00 0.21 Tiffany TIF 131.58 0.07
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues being reorganized under the Fortinet FTNT 119.86 1.27 L Brands LB 38.95 -0.74 OldDomFreight ODFL 202.91 -0.56 RELX RELX 23.40 -0.05 Toro TTC 90.26 -1.70 WEC Energy WEC 96.00 -0.24
whose price changed by 5% or more if their Bankruptcy Code, or securities OmegaHealthcare OHI 36.28 -0.51 s RH Snap SNAP 45.56 1.27
Fortis FTS 40.65 -0.04 Line LN 51.57 ... RH 449.45 10.85 SnapOn SNA 174.96 -4.10 TorontoDomBk TD 54.69 -0.11 WEX WEX 180.54 -4.16
previous closing price was $2 or higher. assumed by such companies. Fortive FTV 71.87 -1.06 LKQ LKQ 36.22 -0.58 Omnicom OMC 64.17 -0.27 RPM RPM 87.08 -1.59 Total TOT 44.75 -0.76 W.P.Carey WPC 70.95 -0.63
s ON Semi ON 28.58 -0.03 RaymondJames RJF 93.49 -0.47 Snowflake SNOW 303.02 20.92 WPP WPP 50.71 0.09
FortBrandsHome FBHS 84.86 0.42 LPL Financial LPLA 93.39 -1.43 s SOQUIMICH SQM 48.34 0.24 ToyotaMotor TM 141.31 -2.53
FoxA FOXA 29.30 -0.18 L3HarrisTech LHX 194.98 -0.85 OneConnectFinTech OCFT 20.02 -0.29 RaytheonTech RTX 73.81 -0.55 TractorSupply TSCO 133.90 -0.12 Wabtec WAB 74.09 -2.12
Wall Street Journal stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. and OpenText OTEX 43.88 -0.04 RealtyIncome O SolarEdgeTech SEDG 275.97 7.00
FoxB FOX 28.96 -0.25 LabCpAm LH 196.46 -2.30 62.90 1.06
SolarWinds SWI 22.48 0.23 s TradeDesk TTD 862.27 18.17 WalgreensBoots WBA 39.07 0.55
changes in the closing prices from 4 p.m. the previous day. Franco-Nevada FNV 130.48 4.64 LamResearch LRCX 446.78 0.34 Oracle ORCL 57.41 -0.16 RegencyCtrs REG 47.59 -1.20 Walmart WMT 151.83 0.47
Orange ORAN 12.47 0.17 RegenPharm REGN 508.31 2.21 s Sony SNE 93.23 2.43 Tradeweb TW 58.13 0.51
FranklinRscs BEN 22.32 -0.05 LamarAdv LAMR 79.77 -1.25
Orix IX 77.91 0.68 RegionsFin RF 15.75 -0.34 SoteraHealth SHC 26.76 -0.24 TraneTech TT 144.97 -2.10 WarnerMusic WMG 28.85 -0.40
WasteConnections WCN 104.12 -0.77
Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2020 Net Net s FreeportMcM FCX 23.54 0.43 LambWeston LW 73.26 1.28
OtisWorldwide OTIS 67.38 -0.02 ReinsGrp Southern SO 60.89 -0.30 TransDigm TDG 603.85-11.56
Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg FreseniusMed FMS 41.87 -0.09 LasVegasSands LVS 56.54 -1.54 RGA 121.33 -3.43
OwensCorning OC 74.16 -0.27 RelianceSteel RS 121.42 -1.23 s SoCopper SCCO 59.98 0.47 TransUnion TRU 93.65 0.63 WasteMgt WM 119.64 -0.79
Net Lear LEA 146.04 -4.29 Waters WAT 226.74 -5.51
SouthwestAir LUV 48.27 0.02 Travelers TRV 136.02 -0.37 Watsco
Stock Sym Close Chg BkNovaScotia BNS 49.73 0.10 Comcast A CMCSA 51.80 -0.54 G H I Leidos LDOS 102.64 0.07 PG&E
PCG 12.64 -0.18 RenaissanceRe RNR 171.44 -3.51
PNC 140.65 0.54 Repligen RGEN 181.43 2.28 Splunk SPLK 198.86 0.37 Trex TREX 73.50 -0.50 Wayfair
WSO 223.75 -3.82
W 250.56 8.83
Barclays BCS 7.64 -0.38 Comerica CMA 53.30 -1.29 Lennar A LEN 77.04 0.51 Spotify SPOT 270.09 -0.05 Trimble TRMB 59.39 -1.20 Weibo
A B C BarrickGold GOLD 22.83 0.04 CommerceBcshrs CBSH 69.06 -0.69 GCI LibertyA GLIBA 91.04 -0.44 Lennar B LEN.B 61.58 0.32 POSCO
PKX 55.58 -0.69 RepublicSvcs RSG 97.44 -0.34
PPD 33.70 -0.09 ResMed RMD 206.03 -0.50 s Square SQ 212.92 10.02
WB 43.62 -0.83
TCOM 33.33 -0.51 WellsFargo WFC 28.59 -0.02
BaxterIntl BAX 75.39 -0.64 ConagraBrands CAG 35.76 0.40 GDS Holdings GDS 86.11 -2.14 LennoxIntl LII 288.97-11.74
PPG Ind PPG 146.69 -1.24 RestaurantBrands QSR 59.28 -0.81 StanleyBlackDck SWK 186.40 -4.34 TruistFinl TFC 48.51 -0.46 Welltower WELL 65.26 -0.21
ABB ABB 26.55 -0.28 BectonDicknsn BDX 227.47 -1.82 ConchoRscs CXO 63.37 -1.16 GFLEnvironmental GFL 26.44 0.54 LeviStrauss LEVI 19.49 -0.01 Starbucks SBUX 98.20 -0.10 Twilio TWLO 305.50 13.50 WestPharmSvcs WST 269.20 1.49
PPL PPL 29.39 -1.29 RingCentral RNG 288.70 5.88
AcadiaPharm ACAD 55.86 1.14 BeiGene BGNE 264.16 7.98 ConocoPhillips COP 43.63 -0.78 GSXTechedu GSX 62.30 -2.78 LiAuto LI 40.72 -3.24
PRA HealthSci PRAH 110.05 -1.03 RioTinto StateStreet STT 72.24 -1.18 Twitter TWTR 46.43 1.20 WesternDigital WDC 45.26 -0.58
AECOM ACM 52.24 0.06 BentleySystems BSY 35.67 0.09 ConEd ED 78.66 0.28 Galapagos GLPG 120.78 -2.76 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 156.90 -1.29 RIO 66.28 -1.37
s PTC PTC 105.96 2.05 RitchieBros RBA 67.32 0.96 SteelDynamics STLD 37.88 -0.75 TylerTech TYL 414.89 4.04 WesternUnion WU 22.58 0.15
AES AES 20.98 -0.17 Berkley WRB 64.96 -0.88 ConstBrands A STZ 204.70 -3.10 Gallagher AJG 116.07 -0.35 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 157.77 -0.87
Paccar PCAR 88.82 -1.59 RobertHalf RHI 65.83 -0.69 Steris STE 189.29 -1.34 TysonFoods TSN 64.99 0.19 WestlakeChem WLK 77.82 -1.79
Aflac AFL 45.61 -0.52 BerkHathwy B BRK.B 233.13 -0.79 ConstBrands B STZ.B 205.00 -2.14 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 42.04 -0.61 LibertyGlobal A LBTYA 22.77 -0.43 s STMicroelec STM 37.98 0.44 UBS Group UBS 14.62 -0.14 WestpacBanking WBK 15.35 0.08
GPS 21.60 -5.27 PackagingCpAm PKG 131.75 -2.85 RocketCos. RKT 20.42 -0.41
AGCO AGCO 93.20 -3.01 BerkHathwy A BRK.A 350395-706.00 Cooper COO 329.01 3.55 Gap LibertyGlobal B LBTYB 22.55 -1.21 s PagSeguroDig PAGS 48.14 1.52 Rockwell StoneCo STNE 70.51 -1.33 UDR UDR 39.76 -0.38 WestRock WRK 44.06 -1.37
AGNC Invt AGNC 15.65 -0.05 BerryGlobal BERY 53.94 -0.49 Copart CPRT 114.76 1.56 Garmin GRMN 116.37 -0.09 LibertyGlobal C LBTYK 21.94 -0.45 ROK 256.43 -0.38
s PalantirTech PLTR 29.05 5.23 RogersComm B RCI 46.69 -0.21 Stryker SYK 233.72 -6.59 UGI UGI 37.64 -0.42 Weyerhaeuser WY 29.13 -0.11
Ansys ANSS 322.87 2.75 BestBuy BBY 113.90 0.36 Corning GLW 37.30 -0.20 Gartner IT 153.87 -0.81 LibertyFormOne A FWONA 38.02 -0.16 s PaloAltoNtwks PANW 297.29 0.12 Roku SumitomoMits SMFG 6.10 -0.13 US Foods USFD 31.98 ... WheatonPrecMet WPM 38.55 0.11
ROKU 278.06 5.05
ASETech ASX 5.13 -0.10 BeyondMeat BYND 139.58 -2.25 Corteva CTVA 38.58 -0.32 Generac GNRC 216.51 2.67 LibertyFormOne C FWONK 42.39 0.09
ParkerHannifin PH 274.10 -5.76 Rollins ROL 55.94 -0.59 SunComms SUI 140.12 0.65 Uber UBER 50.80 -0.46 Whirlpool WHR 200.12 -0.10
ASML ASML 423.48 -0.79 Bilibili BILI 62.01 -0.83 CoStar CSGP 880.09 10.18 GeneralDynamics GD 152.04 -1.63 LibertyBraves A BATRA 26.38 -0.26
Paychex PAYX 93.12 -0.61 RoperTech ROP 418.47 -0.06 SunLifeFinancial SLF 45.35 -0.46 Ubiquiti UI 241.45 -4.91 Williams WMB 21.62 -0.34
AT&T T 28.99 -0.24 BILL 114.03 4.96 Costco COST 387.75 3.53 GeneralElec GE 10.50 0.05 LibertyBraves C BATRK 26.09 -0.25
PaycomSoftware PAYC 407.17 6.69 RossStores ROST 110.92 -2.49 SuncorEnergy SU 17.56 -0.11 UltaBeauty ULTA 279.54 -5.17 Williams-Sonoma WSM 112.01 -0.95
AbbottLabs ABT 106.41 -1.20 Bio-Techne TECH 301.75 -1.07 CoupaSoftware COUP 327.53 9.97 GeneralMills GIS 60.00 -0.57 LibertySirius B LSXMB 43.00 0.12 s UltragenyxPharm RARE 119.83 0.95 WillisTowers WLTW 209.44 0.44
Paylocity PCTY 195.06 1.36 s RoyalBkCanada RY 82.92 0.07 SunRun RUN 67.97 1.63
AbbVie ABBV 104.20 0.24 Bio-RadLab B BIO.B525.43 3.43 Credicorp BAP 151.63 5.24 GeneralMotors GM 45.46 -1.00 LibertySirius A LSXMA 41.40 -0.93 s PayPal PYPL 214.46 8.46 RoyalCaribbean RCL 80.08 -1.55 Suzano SUZ 9.49 0.17 UnderArmour C UA 14.82 -0.11 Wipro WIT 5.08 -0.05
Abiomed ABMD 263.82 -1.85 Bio-RadLab A BIO 523.23 6.67 CreditSuisse CS 12.96 -0.06 Genmab GMAB 35.91 0.68 LibertySirius C LSXMK 41.63 -0.82 UnderArmour A UAA 16.86 -0.15
s Accenture ACN 249.33 -0.67 Biogen Pegasystems PEGA 130.49 2.20 RoyalDutchA RDS.A 36.34 -0.77 SynchronyFin SYF 31.38 -0.59 WIX 250.78 3.35
BIIB 241.75 -0.76 Cree CREE 88.82 -0.93 Genpact G 41.02 -0.60 EliLilly LLY 144.75 -0.15 Peloton PTON 106.94 1.52 RoyalDutchB RDS.B 34.89 -0.54 SyneosHealth SYNH 65.84 -0.36 Unilever UN 61.13 3.25 Woodward WWD 113.84 -0.88
ActivisionBliz ATVI 76.51 1.28 BioMarinPharm BMRN 78.15 0.19 CrowdStrike CRWD 149.96 0.51 Gentex GNTX 33.02 ... LincolnNational LNC 50.19 -0.72 Unilever UL 61.28 3.17 Workday
PembinaPipeline PBA 26.25 -0.25 RoyalGold RGLD 109.50 2.00 Synnex SNX 161.75 -2.27 WDAY 214.88 1.74
Adobe ADBE 470.08 7.38 BioNTech BNTX 104.96 3.09 CrownCastle CCI 164.96 0.71 GenuineParts GPC 98.95 -2.21 Linde LIN 253.34 -2.82 PennNational PENN 72.38 -0.89 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 40.97 1.39 Synopsys SNPS 217.02 1.53 UnionPacific UNP 207.24 -1.46 WynnResorts WYNN 100.40 -2.36
AdvanceAuto AAP 149.40 -0.43 BlackKnight BKI 91.06 -0.03 CrownHoldings CCK 95.81 -0.95 GileadSciences GILD 59.50 -0.75 LithiaMotors LAD 301.87 -6.76 UnitedAirlines UAL 45.64 0.68 XP
Pentair PNR 52.19 -1.90 Ryanair RYAAY 105.38 -0.55 Sysco SYY 71.68 -0.77 XP 41.98 -0.02
AdvMicroDevices AMD 86.71 1.64 s BlackRock BLK 703.61 4.31 Cummins CMI 230.39 -4.27 GSK GSK 37.23 0.14 LiveNationEnt LYV 68.29 -1.02 Penumbra PEN 224.12-10.06 SAP SAP 118.09 1.29 UnitedMicro UMC 6.77 0.09 XPO Logistics XPO 105.42 -0.44
Aegon AEG 3.65 -0.16 Blackstone BX 60.48 0.65 CureVac CVAC 81.79 -0.31 GlobalPayments GPN 197.01 -1.82 LloydsBanking LYG 2.00 -0.09
AgilentTechs A 114.35 -0.33 Boeing BA 217.61 -0.88 CyrusOne CONE 70.12 1.52 Globant GLOB 178.74 -2.57 LockheedMartin LMT 378.34 -0.14
PepsiCo PEP 144.16 0.13 S&P Global SPGI 338.04 3.83 T U V UPS B UPS 170.50 -2.19 XcelEnergy XEL 68.11 -0.03
UnitedRentals URI 230.46 -7.45 s Xilinx
AgnicoEagle AEM 63.80 0.91 BookingHldgs BKNG 2063.80-39.65 GlobeLife GL 96.65 -0.87 PerkinElmer PKI 127.50 0.43 SBA Comm SBAC 282.61 2.72 XLNX 135.56 2.34
Loews L 44.37 -0.52 PetroChina PTR 34.10 0.09 SEI Investments SEIC 55.75 -0.95 TAL Education TAL 73.85 0.05 US Bancorp USB 44.68 -0.72 XPeng XPEV 64.27 -6.36
AirProducts APD 278.12 -5.90 BoozAllen BAH 88.00 0.18
AkamaiTech AKAM 103.74 1.22 BorgWarner BWA 39.11 -1.36
D E F GoDaddy GDDY 78.05 1.25
GoldFields GFI 8.68 0.14
LogitechIntl LOGI 85.94 3.39 PetroleoBrasil PBR 10.03 0.03 SK Telecom SKM 23.13 -0.33 TC Energy TRP 45.08 0.06 UnitedHealth UNH 333.19 -2.82 Xylem XYL 96.69 -0.83
Lowe's LOW 154.88 -0.08 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 9.88 0.07 SS&C Tech SSNC 69.02 -0.75 TE Connectivity TEL 114.93 -2.00 s UnitySoftware U 137.46 8.42 Yandex YNDX 65.62 0.24
Albemarle ALB 134.73 -2.53 BostonBeer SAM 903.38 9.11 DISH Network DISH 36.16 -0.27 GoldmanSachs GS 236.54 -0.96 LufaxHolding LU 14.09 0.16
Albertsons ACI 15.80 -0.10 BostonProps BXP 102.35 -2.08 DTE Energy DTE 132.24 0.53 GoodRx GDRX 38.57 0.52 Pfizer PFE 36.53 -0.07 StoreCapital STOR 33.62 0.52 Telus TU 19.21 0.06 UnivDisplay OLED 219.98 -2.54 YatsenHolding YSG 16.86 -0.29
lululemon LULU 357.80 8.25 PhilipMorris PM 76.89 -1.13 SVB Fin SIVB 354.58 -7.25 TJX TJX 62.80 -1.53 UniversalHealthB UHS 133.25 -0.70 YumBrands YUM 106.61 -0.58
Alcon ALC 63.18 0.17 BostonSci BSX 33.55 -0.24 DadaNexus DADA 56.53 8.53 Graco GGG 68.02 -1.06 LumenTech LUMN 10.77 -0.13
AlexandriaRlEst ARE 162.58 0.22 BrightHorizons BFAM 173.02 1.03 Danaher DHR 217.22 -1.04 Grainger GWW 414.58 -5.97 Phillips66 PSX 66.26 -1.46 CRM 246.82-14.02 T-MobileUS TMUS 128.74 0.68 VEREIT VER 7.40 0.05 YumChina YUMC 58.71 -1.66
Lyft LYFT 39.52 0.03 Pinduoduo PDD 135.90 -8.04 Sanofi SNY 50.20 0.28 TRowePrice TROW 145.04 1.10 VF VFC 87.57 -1.18 ZTO Express ZTO 29.46 -0.30
AlexionPharm ALXN 122.93 -0.18 BristolMyers BMY 62.84 -0.38 Darden DRI 110.58 -2.88 Grifols GRFS 18.21 -0.19 LyondellBasell LYB 89.33 -1.52
Alibaba BABA 277.72 -2.24 BritishAmTob BTI 35.80 -0.31 DarlingIngred DAR 47.99 -0.89 GuardantHealth GH 112.64 -0.36 PinnacleWest PNW 86.52 0.74 SantanderCons SC 23.30 -0.27 TaiwanSemi TSM 97.49 0.85 VICI Prop VICI 25.50 -0.61 ZaiLab ZLAB 106.69 0.28
Pinterest PINS 67.42 3.39 SareptaTherap SRPT 135.72 0.61 TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 173.98 4.15 VailResorts MTN 283.25 -3.29 s ZebraTech ZBRA 372.73 -0.74
AlignTech ALGN 473.69 -1.41 s Broadcom AVGO 390.83 -1.40 Datadog
Alleghany Y 597.72-11.45 BroadridgeFinl BR 146.27 -0.67 DaVita
DDOG 93.51 4.33 Guidewire GWRE 119.42 0.05
DVA 109.60 -0.07 HCA Healthcare HCA 153.62 -1.44
M N PioneerNatRscs PXD 109.96 -1.39 Schlumberger SLB 22.10 -0.13 TakedaPharm TAK 17.72 0.11 s Vale VALE 14.30 0.29 s Zendesk ZEN 134.52 5.57
Allegion ALLE 115.21 -1.58 BrookfieldMgt BAM 41.56 -1.48 DeckersOutdoor DECK 264.49 5.00 HDFC Bank HDB 68.21 -1.38 M&T Bank MTB 122.30 -1.37 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 8.63 -0.03 SchwabC SCHW 49.75 -0.04 Tapestry TPR 29.69 -0.43 ValeroEnergy VLO 56.43 -2.06 Zillow C Z 107.09 0.09
AlliantEnergy LNT 53.51 0.14 BrookfieldInfr BIP 51.63 -0.47 Deere DE 256.43 -5.08 HD Supply HDS 55.78 0.03 MGMGrowthProp MGP 30.56 -0.27 PlainsGP PAGP 8.63 -0.09 ScottsMiracleGro SMG 169.41 -1.16 s Target TGT 179.82 1.96 VarianMed VAR 174.11 -0.01 Zillow A ZG 109.45 0.67
Allstate ALL 103.95 -0.93 BrookfieldPropREIT BPYU 16.73 -0.64 DellTechC DELL 69.35 -0.98 HP HPQ 22.25 0.50 MGM Resorts MGM 28.39 -0.06 PlugPower PLUG 26.16 -0.56 Sea SE 177.70 0.78 TataMotors TTM 11.78 0.08 VeevaSystems VEEV 268.36 2.78 ZimmerBiomet ZBH 149.68 -1.40
AllyFinancial ALLY 30.70 -0.37 s BrookfieldRenew BEPC 79.37 2.32 DeltaAir DAL 41.29 0.03 HSBC HSBC 26.75 0.09 MKS Instrum MKSI 136.25 -1.62 Pool POOL 333.59 5.31 Seagate STX 58.34 -0.21 TeckRscsB TECK 15.56 -0.25 Ventas VTR 49.23 -1.11 Zoetis ZTS 160.19 -0.87
AlnylamPharm ALNY 125.45 -0.21 Brown&Brown BRO 45.86 -0.59 DenaliTherap DNLI 60.62 -0.40 Halliburton HAL 17.86 -0.05 MPLX MPLX 22.27 -0.31 PrincipalFin PFG 52.00 -0.60 Seagen SGEN 165.45 0.82 TeladocHealth TDOC 190.59 4.17 VeriSign VRSN 198.72 1.26 ZoomVideo ZM 443.72 16.17
Alphabet A GOOGL 1764.13 0.23 Brown-Forman B BF.B 81.15 -0.67 DentsplySirona XRAY 51.32 -0.23 HartfordFinl HIG 46.58 -0.95 MSCI MSCI 403.95 4.31 Procter&Gamble PG 138.68 0.37 SealedAir SEE 45.22 -0.73 TeledyneTech TDY 388.16 -4.17 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 195.62 1.14 ZoomInfoTech ZI 47.10 0.35
Alphabet C GOOG 1771.43 2.55 Brown-Forman A BF.A 73.70 -0.45 DeutscheBank DB 11.37 -0.09 Hasbro HAS 92.14 0.04 MagellanMid MMP 43.26 -0.81 Progressive PGR 89.40 0.77 SempraEnergy SRE 131.96 -0.35 Teleflex TFX 373.66 -7.96 Verizon VZ 60.41 -0.23 Zscaler ZS 146.94 5.75
MagnaIntl MGA 61.66 -1.68 Prologis PLD 99.01 0.20 SensataTechs ST 50.31 -0.94 Ericsson ERIC 12.26 0.07 VertxPharm VRTX 218.10 1.60 Zynga ZNGA 8.04 0.04
Alteryx AYX 117.38 5.38 Bruker BRKR 50.50 0.18 DexCom DXCM 312.55 -0.77 HealthcareAmer HTA 26.69 0.04
AlticeUSA ATUS 34.37 -0.21 Bunge BG 61.83 -0.82 Diageo DEO 157.66 1.25 HealthpeakProp PEAK 30.51 -0.26 ManulifeFin MFC 17.12 -0.26
Altria MO 40.38 -0.62 BurlingtonStrs BURL 222.00 -3.95 DiamondbkEner FANG 45.39 -1.75 Heico HEI 128.46 -1.14 MarathonPetrol MPC 41.48 -0.97
AlumofChina ACH 8.99 -0.25 CBRE Group CBRE 61.26 -0.20 DigitalRealty DLR 135.75 3.15 Heico A HEI.A 114.30 -0.65 MaravaiLifeSci MRVI 26.96 0.67 AMZN 3185.07 67.01 CDW CDW 131.94 -4.88 DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 79.29 -2.31 HenrySchein HSIC 64.13 -0.44 Markel MKL 1007.00-20.49
ABEV 2.76 -0.02 CF Industries CF 38.17 -0.48 DiscoveryB DISCB 32.97 2.37 Hershey
AMCR 11.59 -0.21 CGI GIB 73.21 0.61 DiscoveryA DISCA 27.30 0.10 Hess
HSY 148.15 -0.06
HES 52.58 -1.06
MarketAxess MKTX 514.35 -4.11
Marriott MAR 129.22 -1.69
Borrowing Benchmarks |
Amdocs DOX 65.94 -0.95 CH Robinson CHRW 93.03 -1.39 DiscoveryC DISCK 24.41 -0.06 HewlettPackard HPE 11.24 -0.29 Marsh&McLen MMC 115.23 0.13
Amedisys AMED 235.18 3.88 CME Group CME 174.79 1.61 Disney
DIS 149.09 -2.40 HighwoodsProp HIW 39.13 -0.48
UHAL 414.00 -1.28 CMS Energy CMS 62.70 0.39 DocuSign DOCU 224.15 6.95 Hilton HLT 106.30 -2.64
MartinMarietta MLM 272.68 -2.24
MarvellTech MRVL 44.60 -0.24 Money Rates November 26, 2020
Ameren AEE 80.58 1.51 CNA Fin CNA 35.56 -0.41 DolbyLab DLB 88.84 -0.84 Hologic HOLX 68.23 0.55 Masco MAS 54.16 -0.47
AmericaMovil A AMOV 14.32 -0.07 CNH Indl CNHI 11.23 -0.03 DollarGeneral DG 217.00 4.02 HomeDepot HD 273.96 0.65 Masimo MASI 245.41 1.36 Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a
AmericaMovil AMX 14.53 0.14 CNOOC CEO 124.01 2.22 s DollarTree DLTR 111.73 0.38 HondaMotor HMC 29.35 -0.38 Mastercard MA 341.32 -1.07
AmerAirlines AAL 14.94 0.12 s CRH CRH 42.46 0.59 DominionEner D 79.41 0.03 Honeywell HON 207.68 -0.21 MaximIntProducts MXIM 81.38 -0.32 guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions.
AEP AEP 85.37 0.55 CRISPR Therap CRSP 110.00 0.01 Domino's DPZ 383.44 0.31 HorizonTherap HZNP 68.90 -0.14 McCormickVtg MKC.V 185.15 -2.17
AmerExpress AXP 120.58 0.19 CSX CSX 92.24 -0.68 Donaldson DCI 54.21 -0.65 HormelFoods HRL 46.87 -0.34 McCormick MKC 185.59 -0.95 Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK—
AmericanFin AFG 93.27 -1.49 CVS Health CVS 67.63 -0.80 Dover DOV 124.12 -2.22 DR Horton DHI 76.06 1.77 McDonalds MCD 219.34 -0.37
AmHomes4Rent AMH 28.86 0.23 CableOne CABO 1979.99 4.99 Dow DOW 56.43 -1.30 HostHotels HST 14.73 -0.10 McKesson MCK 179.50 -0.25 International rates Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low
AIG AIG 40.12 -0.86 CabotOil COG 17.77 -0.26 DrReddy'sLab RDY 64.33 -1.20 HowmetAerospace HWM 24.55 -0.69 MedicalProp MPW 19.77 -0.02
AmerTowerREIT AMT 233.00 4.94 CadenceDesign CDNS 113.04 2.30 DraftKings DKNG 50.23 2.34 HuanengPower HNP 15.88 -0.28 Medtronic MDT 113.31 -0.75 Week 52-Week International rates 60 days 1.913 1.884 3.370 1.804
AmerWaterWorks AWK 153.13 -0.07 CAE CAE 25.42 -0.50 Dropbox DBX 19.11 0.66 Huazhu HTHT 51.38 -1.07 MelcoResorts MLCO 18.46 -0.63 Latest High Low
AmericoldRealty COLD 33.79 0.46 CaesarsEnt CZR 69.37 -0.73 DukeEnergy DUK 96.15 -0.11 Hubbell HUBB 162.56 -1.58 MercadoLibre MELI 1480.36 41.08
Week 52-Week
Other short-term rates
Ameriprise AMP 190.19 -2.48 CamdenProperty CPT 98.62 -1.57 DukeRealty DRE 38.71 0.73 HubSpot HUBS 380.19 17.26 Merck MRK 80.06 -0.08
AmerisourceBrgn ABC 103.11 0.01 CampbellSoup CPB 48.92 -0.45 Dun&Bradstreet DNB 26.94 0.22 Humana HUM 401.04 -7.15 MetLife MET 47.76 -0.91 Prime rates Latest ago High Low
Week 52-Week
Ametek AME 119.82 -1.43 CIBC CM 85.76 0.34 Dunkin' DNKN 106.29 0.03 JBHunt JBHT 135.85 -0.83 MettlerToledo MTD 1125.16 -1.80
Amgen AMGN 220.31 -0.15 CanNtlRlwy CNI 110.39 -0.45 DuPont DD 64.89 -0.95 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 12.69 -0.24 MicrochipTech MCHP 131.92 -1.64 U.S. 3.25 3.25 4.75 3.25 Latest ago high low
Amphenol APH 130.83 -0.42 CanNaturalRes CNQ 23.67 -0.26 Dynatrace DT 38.27 1.90 HuntingIngalls HII 165.53 -4.20 MicronTech MU 63.43 -0.52 Canada 2.45 2.45 3.95 2.45 Prime rates
AnalogDevices ADI 135.95 -0.94 CanPacRlwy CP 326.19 0.05 ENI E 20.65 -0.10 HyattHotels H 73.34 -0.71 Microsoft MSFT 213.87 0.01 Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 U.S. 3.25 3.25 4.75 3.25 Call money
s Anaplan PLAN 70.32 3.10 Canon CAJ 18.85 0.20 EOG Rscs EOG 53.00 -1.42 IAA IAA 60.39 0.84 MidAmApt MAA 125.03 -0.85
AngloGoldAsh AU 20.94 0.17 CanopyGrowth CGC 26.87 -0.10 EPAM Systems EPAM 318.65 3.19 ICICI Bank IBN 13.00 -0.20 Middleby MIDD 136.75 -2.27 Canada 2.45 2.45 3.95 2.45 2.00 2.00 3.50 2.00
AB InBev BUD 67.99 -0.90 CapitalOne COF 89.90 -1.46 EastmanChem EMN 99.84 -3.38 IdexxLab IDXX 446.48 -0.35 MiratiTherap MRTX 225.46 2.05 Policy Rates Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475
AnnalyCap NLY 8.16 -0.04 CardinalHealth CAH 53.77 -0.20 Eaton ETN 122.19 -1.06 IHS Markit INFO 92.30 -1.32 MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 4.55 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CSL 149.08 -3.38 EatonVance EV 68.58 -0.12 s II-VI MizuhoFin MFG 2.72 -0.08
Euro zone Commercial paper (AA financial)
Anthem ANTM 309.05 -4.89 Carlisle IIVI 66.90 -0.12
Switzerland 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 Policy Rates
Aon AON 208.07 0.14 Carlyle CG 28.77 0.07 eBay EBAY 50.45 -0.08 ING Groep ING 9.91 -0.33 MobileTeleSys MBT 8.47 0.21 90 days n.a. 0.19 2.53 0.04
ApolloGlbMgmt APO 43.86 -1.72 CarMax KMX 95.29 -0.75 Ecolab ECL 218.03 -1.28 Invesco IVZ 17.03 -0.10 s Moderna MRNA 109.18 10.62 Britain 0.10 0.10 0.75 0.10 Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
s Appian APPN 174.90 42.09 Carnival CCL 20.65 0.42 Ecopetrol EC 12.53 0.14 IPG Photonics IPGP 202.25 -2.55 MohawkInds MHK 133.13 -1.73 Switzerland 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00
Apple AAPL 116.03 0.86 Carnival CUK 18.39 0.14 EdisonInt EIX 63.71 -1.74 IQVIA IQV 169.87 -2.13 MolinaHealthcare MOH 202.82 -2.35 Australia 0.10 0.10 0.75 0.10 Libor
ApplMaterials AMAT 81.14 -1.81 CarrierGlobal CARR 38.61 -0.76 EdwardsLife EW 84.21 -1.40 IcahnEnterprises IEP 50.00 -0.25 MolsonCoorsA TAP.A 54.46 -6.05 Britain 0.10 0.10 0.75 0.10 One month 0.14550 0.14650 1.80475 0.12663
Aptargroup ATR 126.29 -1.59 Carvana CVNA 238.16 1.44 ElancoAnimal ELAN 31.78 0.16 Icon ICLR 188.25 1.88 MolsonCoorsB TAP 46.50 -0.54 Other short-term rates Australia 0.10 0.10 0.75 0.10 Three month 0.23300 0.22375 1.96050 0.20488
Aptiv APTV 118.47 -3.19 Catalent CTLT 94.65 -0.01 Elastic ESTC 119.18 3.44 IDEX IEX 191.67 -2.82 Mondelez MDLZ 57.49 -0.33
Aramark ARMK 36.35 -0.60 Caterpillar CAT 174.63 -2.27 ElectronicArts EA 121.51 1.26 IllinoisToolWks ITW 211.10 -1.21 MongoDB MDB 265.40 0.80 Overnight repurchase Six month 0.26000 0.25688 1.92438 0.23375
MonolithicPower MPWR 306.42 1.73 Week 52-Week
ArcelorMittal MT 18.38 0.20 Celanese CE 133.01 -4.43 EmersonElec EMR 78.26 -1.69 Illumina ILMN 303.98 -1.65 One year 0.33738 0.33875 2.01200 0.32763
ArchCapital ACGL 33.55 -1.00 Cemex CX 4.70 -0.18 Enbridge ENB 31.82 0.50 ImperialOil IMO 18.70 -0.50 MonsterBev MNST 84.08 -0.11 Latest ago high low U.S. 0.08 0.07 1.65 -0.07
ArcherDaniels ADM 50.50 -0.06 Centene CNC 62.19 -1.20 EncompassHealth EHC 82.41 -0.43 Incyte INCY 81.16 0.42 Moody's MCO 276.57 4.99
AresMgmt ARES 45.04 0.38 CenterPointEner CNP 24.51 0.15 EnelAmericas ENIA 7.78 -0.10 s MorganStanley MS 63.48 -0.12 Euro Libor
Infosys INFY 15.10 -0.43
Morningstar MORN 197.79 -0.86
Libor U.S. government rates
arGEN-X ARGX 265.48 3.20 CentraisElBras EBR 6.05 -0.02 EnergyTransfer ET 6.49 -0.22 IngersollRand IR 44.81 -0.66 One month -0.578 -0.576 -0.360 -0.621
AristaNetworks ANET 270.55 -1.76 CeridianHCM CDAY 96.07 1.16 s EnphaseEnergy ENPH 139.07 3.05 Inphi IPHI 149.99 -0.70 Mosaic MOS 22.57 -0.61 One month 0.14675 0.14550 1.80475 0.12663
ArrowElec ARW 92.74 -1.07 Cerner CERN 74.12 -0.25 Entegris ENTG 88.96 -1.02 Insulet MotorolaSol MSI 172.13 0.26 Discount Three month -0.544 -0.545 -0.142 -0.548
PODD 248.86 -4.75 Three month 0.22438 0.21263 1.96050 0.20488
AscendisPharma ASND 162.15 2.87 CharlesRiverLabs CRL 226.35 1.67 Entergy ETR 112.25 1.65 Intel INTC 47.05 0.04 NICE NICE 233.90 -0.76
0.25 0.25 2.25 0.25 Six month -0.516 -0.520 -0.052 -0.526
AspenTech AZPN 134.99 2.03 CharterComms CHTR 651.40 0.96 EnterpriseProd EPD 20.36 0.06 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 52.64 -0.13 NIO NIO 53.69 0.18 Six month 0.25500 0.25550 1.92438 0.23375
One year -0.473 -0.468 0.008 -0.474
Assurant AIZ 135.58 -0.50 CheckPoint CHKP 119.43 0.58 Equifax EFX 166.00 0.20 ICE ICE 103.93 0.86 NRG Energy NRG 32.25 0.47 One year 0.33300 0.33863 2.01200 0.32763
AstraZeneca AZN 52.60 -0.97 Chegg CHGG 72.57 3.84 Equinix EQIX693.54 1.16 InterContinentl IHG 63.19 0.05 NVR NVR 4110.76-51.27 Federal funds
Athene ATH 46.18 -0.66 Chemed CHE 471.95 8.49 Equinor EQNR 16.18 -0.39 IBM IBM 124.20 -0.22 s NXP Semi NXPI 157.67 -0.80 Secured Overnight Financing Rate
s Atlassian TEAM 216.35 2.85 CheniereEnergy LNG 59.51 0.54 Equitable EQH 26.38 -0.14 IntlFlavors IFF 112.40 -2.73 Nasdaq NDAQ 127.33 0.06 Euro Libor Effective rate 0.0900 0.0900 1.6200 0.0600
High 0.1000 0.1000 1.6500 0.1000 0.07 0.09 1.65 0.01
AtmosEnergy ATO 99.41 -0.87 CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 39.34 -0.07 EquityLife ELS 59.89 0.22 IntlPaper IP 51.07 -0.80 Natera NTRA 84.55 1.53 One month -0.579 -0.577 -0.360 -0.621
s Autodesk ADSK271.24 12.27 Chevron CVX 92.14 -3.48 EquityResdntl EQR 60.45 -0.83 Interpublic IPG 23.11 -0.12 NationalGrid NGG 59.85 -0.18 Low 0.0500 0.0500 1.5800 0.0100
Autohome ATHM 101.84 1.09 Chewy CHWY 69.34 2.09 ErieIndemnity A ERIE229.95 -0.65 Intuit NatlRetailProp NNN 39.81 -0.45 Three month -0.546 -0.543 -0.142 -0.548 Value 52-Week
INTU 350.47 5.27 Bid 0.0800 0.0800 1.6000 0.0100
Autoliv ALV 91.72 -2.03 ChinaEastrnAir CEA 23.14 -0.20 EssentialUtil WTRG 46.28 0.63 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 726.37 1.53 Natura&Co NTCO 18.81 0.87 Six month -0.515 -0.519 -0.052 -0.526 Latest Traded High Low
ADP ADP 174.08 -1.19 ChinaLifeIns LFC 11.36 0.07 EssexProp ESS 254.40 -3.13 Invitae NVTA 46.85 0.20 NatWest NWG 4.37 -0.10 One year -0.477 -0.468 0.008 -0.477 Offer 0.1100 0.1100 1.6300 0.0500
AutoZone AZO 1129.60 -6.19 ChinaMobile CHL 30.40 -0.42 EsteeLauder EL 246.85 1.04 InvitatHomes INVH 29.25 0.65 nCino NCNO 79.73 2.98 DTCC GCF Repo Index
Avalara AVLR 166.45 2.02 ChinaPetrol SNP 47.49 0.77 Etsy ETSY 145.09 7.49 IonisPharma IONS 50.24 0.20 NetApp NTAP 53.52 -1.84 Treasury bill auction Treasury 0.107 48.650 1.720 0.002
Avalonbay AVB 171.05 -2.26 ChinaSoAirlines ZNH 31.80 -0.57 EuronetWorldwide EEFT 136.87 0.50 iQIYI IQ 22.39 0.14 NetEase NTES 93.80 -3.72 November 25, 2020 MBS 0.115 31.600 1.763 0.011
Avangrid AGR 46.92 0.03 ChinaTelecom CHA 30.97 -0.28 EverestRe RE 237.49 -4.05 IronMountain IRM 26.93 0.35 Netflix NFLX 485.00 2.12 4 weeks 0.080 0.085 1.620 0.000
Avantor AVTR 26.04 0.08 ChinaUnicom CHU 6.23 -0.06 Evergy EVRG 56.18 0.38 ItauUnibanco ITUB 5.55 -0.02 Neurocrine NBIX 95.12 -0.69 13 weeks 0.085 0.090 1.560 0.000
AveryDennison AVY 151.56 -1.50 Chipotle CMG 1276.68 13.86 EversourceEner ES 88.43 0.96 NewFortressEner NFE 43.75 2.00 Inflation 26 weeks 0.090 0.100 1.580 0.080
Weekly survey
AxonEnterprise AAXN 127.74 0.25 Chubb CB 152.53 -2.22 ExactSciences EXAS 115.87 -1.39 J K L NewOrientalEduc EDU 168.80 -4.39
Oct. index Chg From (%)
BCE BCE 43.66 -0.12 ChunghwaTel CHT 38.10 -0.25 Exelon EXC 42.22 -0.53 NewellBrands NWL 21.36 -0.10 Latest Week ago Year ago
BHP Group BHP 57.32 -0.53 Church&Dwight CHD 85.58 1.93 Expedia EXPE 123.18 -1.87 JD 88.23 -1.59 Newmont NEM 57.78 0.91 level Sept. '20 Oct. '19 Secondary market
BHP Group BBL 47.14 -0.72 ChurchillDowns CHDN 185.22 -0.96 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 90.30 -0.04 Joyy YY 90.90 2.17 NewsCorp A NWSA 18.00 -0.17
BP BP 21.41 -0.45 Cigna CI 207.01 -3.01 ExtraSpaceSt EXR 111.99 1.99 JPMorganChase JPM 122.03 -1.29 NewsCorp B NWS 18.01 -0.17 Freddie Mac
BIDU 136.00 1.64 CincinnatiFin CINF 78.53 -1.03 ExxonMobil XOM 40.81 -1.17 JackHenry JKHY 157.87 0.74 U.S. consumer price index Fannie Mae
Baidu NextEraEnergy NEE 75.97 1.34 30-year fixed 2.72 2.84 3.68
BakerHughes BKR 19.78 -0.48 Cintas CTAS 360.49 -1.47 s F5Networks FFIV 164.75 -0.09 JacobsEngg J 106.35 -1.18 Nike NKE 135.54 0.84 All items 260.388 0.04 1.2 30-year mortgage yields
Ball BLL 96.30 0.19 CiscoSystems CSCO 42.50 -0.11 FMC FMC 116.68 -1.56 JamesHardie JHX 29.24 -0.29 Nikola NKLA 30.24 -4.26 15-year fixed 2.28 2.34 3.15
BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 4.45 -0.01 Citigroup C 57.06 ... Facebook FB 275.59 -1.33 JazzPharma JAZZ 141.83 -1.00 NiSource NI 24.90 -0.04 Core 269.328 0.10 1.6 30 days 1.887 1.856 3.362 1.751 Five-year ARM 3.16 3.11 3.43
BancoBradesco BBDO 4.21 -0.01 CitizensFin CFG 34.70 -0.36 FactSet FDS 322.28 2.40 J&J JNJ 143.68 -0.19 Nokia NOK 4.13 0.06
BancodeChile BCH 17.95 -0.37 CitrixSystems CTXS 121.41 -0.68 FairIsaac FICO 475.57 -4.45 JohnsonControls JCI 46.41 -0.25 NomuraHoldings NMR 5.15 0.01 Notes on data:
BancSanBrasil BSBR 7.53 0.06 Clarivate CCC 27.18 0.29 s Farfetch FTCH 53.56 1.06 JonesLang JLL 137.25 -3.48 Nordson NDSN 202.53 -2.00
BcoSantChile BSAC 17.83 -0.24 Clorox CLX 200.75 1.21 Fastenal FAST 48.19 -0.75 JuniperNetworks JNPR 22.04 -0.25 NorfolkSouthern NSC 241.46 -1.06 U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest U.S. banks, and is effective March 16, 2020. Other prime rates
BcoSantMex BSMX 5.34 -0.20 Cloudflare NET 69.99 3.30 Fastly FSLY 83.17 1.92 s KB Fin KB 43.39 0.92 NorthernTrust NTRS 96.88 -0.73 aren’t directly comparable; lending practices vary widely by location; Discount rate is effective March 16, 2020. Secured Overnight Financing Rate is as of
BancoSantander SAN 2.91 -0.02 Coca-Cola KO 52.93 -0.29 FederalRealty FRT 91.04 -2.57 KE Holdings BEKE 60.50 -3.58 NorthropGrum NOC 312.26 2.28 November 24, 2020. DTCC GCF Repo Index is Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in applicable CUSIPs. Value traded
BanColombia CIB 30.85 -0.49 Coca-Cola Euro CCEP 44.54 0.28 FedEx FDX 288.30 -3.38 KKR KKR 38.87 0.68 NortonLifeLock NLOK 18.18 -0.04 is in billions of U.S. dollars. Federal-funds rates are Tullett Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET.
BankofAmerica BAC 29.03 0.05 Cognex CGNX 72.99 -0.47 Ferrari RACE 212.39 2.09 KLA KLAC 248.95 -1.22 NorwegCruise NCLH 23.20 0.65
BankofMontreal BMO 74.81 ... s CognizantTech CTSH 78.55 -0.20 s FiatChrysler FCAU 15.78 0.12 KSCitySouthern KSU 189.60 -0.22 Novartis NVS 89.18 0.88 Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Statistics; DTCC; FactSet;
BankNY Mellon BK 40.37 -0.32 ColgatePalm CL 84.75 0.04 FidNatlFin FNF 36.99 -0.07 Kellogg K 63.26 0.79 NovoNordisk NVO 66.14 0.22 Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd.

New Highs and Lows | Stock

52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
GenesisParkAcqnUn GNPK.U 10.12 0.1 Magnite MGNI 19.58 7.1 Precigen PGEN 7.65 23.0 TekkorpDigital TEKKU 10.15 1.1 VPC Impact VIHAU 10.04 0.2 ZK Intl ZKIN 3.05 30.3
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE American GreencityAcqnWt GRCYW 0.40 15.5 Mattel MAT 15.87 1.3 PropertySolns PSACU 10.40 0.8 10xCapVenture VCVCU 10.05 0.3 VPCImpactWt VIHAW 0.77 2.7 ZebraTech ZBRA 379.91 -0.2
and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low in the latest GriffinIndlRealty GRIF 72.06 -0.1 MeritMedical MMSI 56.11 0.3 Pulmonx LUNG 53.62 3.9 TenzingAcqn TZACU 17.01 25.4 Vale VALE 14.33 2.1 Zendesk ZEN 135.30 4.3
HIG Acqn HIGA.U 10.02 0.2 Methanex MEOH 42.05 0.7 QAD A QADA 55.81 10.1 Teradyne TER 110.03 -0.6 Veritone VERI 21.10 20.0 ZionsBancorpPfdH ZIONN 26.29 ...
session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session. HLAcquisitionsWt HCCHW 4.44 12.3 MicroStrategy MSTR 277.22 9.3 QuinStreet QNST 18.66 3.8 Tesla TSLA 574.00 3.4 VillageFarms VFF 10.94 4.2

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

HalozymeTherap HALO
HannonArmstrong HASI
41.55 1.1 MidSouthBncp
55.70 1.9 Moderna
RMG Acqn
TradeDesk TTD
TridentAcqnsWt TDACW
VyGlblGrowthA VYGG 10.70 -1.4
WellsFargoPfdAA WFCpA 25.65 0.2
HealthAssurance HAACU 10.60 -0.2 MorganStanley MS 63.77 -0.2 RMG Acqn Wt RMG.WS 3.84 16.6 Tuniu TOUR 4.51 24.3 WescoPfdA WCCpA 30.63 1.0 ArcLightCleanWt ACTCW 1.15 -5.0
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % HighlandIncmPfdA HFROpA 26.05 -0.2 Morphic MORF 34.48 4.0 RMGAcqn RMG 14.48 18.6 21 Vianet VNET 31.50 20.4 WestportFuelSys WPRT 4.09 5.6 AspirCnsWt ASPL.WS 0.90 -3.7
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Hillenbrand HI 39.68 -0.2 MrCooper COOP 27.53 1.2 RadiantLogistics RLGT 6.05 -0.5 US BancorpPfdL USBpQ 24.94 0.4 WheelerREITPfdD WHLRD 17.00 1.6 DragoneerGrowthII DGNS 10.70 -0.5
HorizonAcqn HZAC.U 10.59 0.5 NI NODK 18.09 0.3 Rapid7 RPD 74.40 1.9 USCellularNts2069 UZD 27.67 -0.3 WideOpenWest WOW 8.61 1.6 ExperienceInvt EXPCU 9.35 -8.4
BeamTherap BEAM 45.15 7.5 Denbury DEN 21.20 2.9 HorizonAcqnII HZON.U 10.20 1.5 NXP Semi NXPI 159.28 -0.5 ReinventTechZ RTPZ.U 11.30 1.4 US Lime&Min USLM 119.24 5.8 WidePoint WYY 15.89 27.5 Fanhua FANH 14.00 -0.8
Highs BitDigital
8.14 15.2 DixieGroup
116.13 2.3 dMY Tech
7.68 2.2 Natuzzi
42.47 4.2 Neuronetics
RibbonComms RBBN
RomanDbdrTech DBDRU
UltragenyxPharm RARE
UnitedBancshares UBOH
Workiva WK 76.22 2.9
WorldAcceptance WRLD 118.58 0.7
AEA-Bridges IMPX.U 10.05 0.4 BlackRock BLK 704.26 0.6 dMY TechA DMYT 16.55 3.7 HudbayMinerals HBM 6.52 0.2 NewBeginnings NBA.U 10.32 0.2 RoyalBkCanada RY 83.21 0.1 UnitySoftware U 138.95 6.5 Xilinx XLNX 137.33 1.8 NabrivaTherap NBRV 0.39 -6.4
AEA-BridgesA IMPX 9.68 ... BloomEnergy BE 27.55 9.8 dMY TechWt DMYT.WS 4.30 6.4 IBEX IBEX 20.25 4.5 NewAge NBEV 3.49 0.3 RyderSystem R 61.10 0.6 VG Acqn VGAC.U 10.55 1.4 Yeti YETI 64.11 2.4 OzonHoldings OZON 38.51 -2.9
AT&T PfdC TpC 26.39 -0.1 BluescapeOpps BOAC.U 10.10 0.4 dMY Tech II DMYD.U 11.51 5.1 IG Acqn Wt IGACW 1.58 46.3 NewbornAcqn NBACU 27.65 81.2 SPS Commerce SPSC 100.24 1.6 VG Acqn A VGAC 10.69 0.1 YRC Worldwide YRCW 6.19 1.7 Parts Id ID 5.62 -5.2
Accenture ACN 250.41 -0.3 BowXAcqnWt BOWXW 1.60 11.1 dMYTechII Wt DMYD.WS 1.94 6.2 II-VI IIVI 67.91 -0.2 NewbornAcqnRt NBACR 1.75 77.9 Sabre6.5%Pfd SABRP 152.32 1.5 VG Acqn Wt VGAC.WS 2.12 26.4 Yunji YJ 6.05 14.9 VesperHlthcrA VSPR 10.17 -6.2
AdvEnergyInds AEIS 98.65 -1.9 BreezeHldgs BREZU 10.12 0.5 dMYTechA DMYD 10.98 3.9 InsuAcqnII INAQU 15.19 20.9 NewbornAcqnWt NBACW 3.77 91.4 ShattuckLabs STTK 35.91 2.6
Affimed AFMD 5.30 1.0 BridgeBioPharma BBIO 48.64 3.2 dMYTechIII Un DMYI.U 10.28 0.1 INSU Acqn II A INAQ 14.79 20.6 NewbornAcqn NBAC 22.74 86.2 SierraWireless SWIR 14.80 28.8
AirTransportSvcs ATSG 31.59 0.4 Brightcove BCOV 15.71 16.6 DollarTree DLTR 112.93 0.3 INSU Acqn II Wt INAQW 3.65 40.3 NexPointPfdA NREFpA 26.70 2.6 SiyataMobileWt SYTAW 3.45 -5.1
AlbertonAcqnWt ALACW
AllscriptsHlthcr MDRX
BrilliantAcqnWt BRLIW 0.43 18.1 DonnelleyFin DFIN
IonAcqn1 A IACA 10.64 1.2 NextGenHlthcr
SiyataMobile SYTA 8.16 0.1 IPO Scorecard
Broadcom AVGO 395.50 -0.4 EVI Industries IonAcqn1Wt IACA.WS 2.64 39.1 SlackTech WORK 40.99 37.6
AlphaHlthcrWt AHACW
Alphatec ATEC
BroadstoneAcqn BSN.U 10.10 0.7 Eargo EAR
InsightEnt NSIT 73.92 0.2
NorthernGenesis NGA.U
NMMCU 10.52
Smith-Midland SMID 8.42 0.2 Performance of IPOs, most-recent listed first
Broadstone BNL 18.40 2.2 EdocAcqn IntelliaTherap NTLA 36.64 3.0 SocialCapHedV IPOE.U 11.00 0.7
AltairEngg ALTR 52.42 1.6 BEPC 79.74 3.0 EidosTherap EIDX 89.00 3.1 NorthernGenesis NGA 13.71 11.6 % Chg From % Chg From
BrookfieldRenew InterPrivate IPV.U 11.44 1.7 SOQUIMICH SQM 48.59 0.5
AltraIndlMotion AIMC 58.49 0.3 EARN 12.53 0.4 NorthernGenesisAcqnWt NGA.WS 3.75 24.5 Wed3s Offer 1st-day Wed3s Offer 1st-day
BuildersFirstSrc BLDR 37.52 0.6 EllingtonResiMtg InterPrivateWt IPV.WS 1.70 5.7 NuanceComms NUAN SoftwareII A SAII 9.91 ... Company SYMBOL Company SYMBOL
Ambarella AMBA 77.49 -0.7 ENPH 141.42 2.2 42.98 3.0
BurgundyTechA BTAQ 9.83 0.3 EnphaseEnergy InterPrivate IPV 10.75 3.1 OTR Acqn Sony SNE 93.50 2.7 IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close
AmerEagle AEO 18.95 3.9 EnsignGroup ENSG 72.77 1.6 OTRAU 10.05 0.1
BurgundyTechWt BTAQW 0.78 4.0 Investindustrial IIAC.U 10.06 ... OasisPetrol 35.00 5.0 SoCopper SCCO 60.20 0.8
AmerSupercond AMSC 19.64 4.0 EosEnergyWt EOSEW 4.78 20.4 OAS
Anaplan PLAN 70.47 4.6
C4 Therap CCCC 36.00 4.1
EvolentHealth EVH 14.98 -1.4 JumiaTech JMIA 38.86 23.7 OceanFirstPfdA OCFCP 27.10 0.7 SpartanAcqnII SPRQ.U 10.37 3.0 Forest Road Acquisition 10.20 2.0 ... Ozon Hldgs 39.01 30.0 –2.9
APHA 7.18 2.3 CITICCapAcqn CCAC.U 11.02 ...
1.15 4.2 KB Fin KB 43.67 2.2 OcularTherapeutix OCUL 16.66 6.7 Square SQ 214.52 4.9 FRX.UT Nov. 25/$10.00 OZON Nov. 24/$30.00
Aphria FastAcqnWt FST.WS
ApolloStratGr APSG.U 10.15 0.3 Conx CONXU 10.08 0.1 F5Networks FFIV 167.00 -0.1 KSCitySo Pfd KSUp 33.17 3.7 Omnicell OMCL 108.50 -0.9 StableRoadAcqn SRAC 11.87 10.3
Appian APPN 176.40 31.7 CRH CRH 42.56 1.4 FtacOlympus FTOCU 10.09 0.5 KeysightTechs KEYS 119.17 0.3 ON Semi ON 29.12 -0.1 StableRoadUn SRACU 13.25 4.9 Spartan Acquisition II 10.30 3.0 ... Spring Valley Acquisition 10.02 0.2 0.2
ArcelorMittalNts MTCN 45.20 0.9 CambiumNtwks CMBM 28.50 9.7 Farfetch FTCH 53.65 2.0 KinsaleCapital KNSL 239.19 0.9 Oppenheimer A OPY 30.33 -2.2 StrPeakEnerA STPK 10.08 0.2
CapitalOnePfdI COFpI 25.93 ... FateTherap Kirkland's KIRK 15.69 7.4 OptimizeRx SterlingBncpPfdA STLpA 27.65 0.5 SPRQ.UT Nov. 25/$10.00 SVSVU Nov. 24/$10.00
ArcLightClean ACTCU 10.25 1.1 FATE 57.15 3.4 OPRX 25.61 4.5
CapitalOnePfdJ COFpJ 25.29 -0.2 FiatChrysler LG Display LPL 7.23 1.7 OrionEnergySys OESX STMicroelec STM 38.31 1.2
AspenAerogels ASPN 14.89 13.0
CardiffOncology CRDF 21.58 8.9 FirstMarkHorizon
FCAU 15.80 0.8
Lands'End LE 25.50 11.6 PMV Consumer PMVC.U
10.30 3.1
StokeTherap STOK 50.00 1.4
10X Capital Venture Acquisition 10.04 0.4 0.3 Tiga Acquisition 10.18 1.8 0.2
AtlasCrestInvt ACIC.U 10.40 1.2 FMAC.U 10.35 0.5 10.08 0.4
Atlassian TEAM 217.54 1.3 Chindata CD 19.45 7.4 Fisker FSR 21.95 35.3 LeMaitreVascular LMAT 41.86 0.2 PMV Consumer Wt PMVC.WS 1.16 10.6 StoneX SNEX 62.62 0.2 VCVCU Nov. 24/$10.00 TINV.UT Nov. 24/$10.00
Autodesk ADSK 282.49 4.7 CitiTrends CTRN 34.21 0.2 Fitbit FIT 7.24 0.3 LightspeedPos LSPD 51.78 7.4 PTC PTC 106.30 2.0 Strattec STRT 38.80 1.2
AvantiAcqn AVAN.U 10.10 0.5 Cleveland-Cliffs CLF 11.28 3.0 FiverrIntl FVRR 205.00 4.4 Limbach LMB 12.96 4.4 PTC Therap PTCT 64.62 0.6 SunnovaEnergy NOVA 42.66 7.0 Genesis Park Acquisition 10.02 0.2 0.1 Vision Marine Tech 14.21 42.1 –1.6
AvantiAcqnWt AVAN.WS 0.95 3.1 ClimateChgI CLII.U 10.45 0.5 ForestRoadAcqn FRX.U 10.35 2.0 LiveVentures LIVE 12.96 -1.4 PactivEvergreen PTVE 17.05 3.4 SunPower SPWR 24.21 1.6 GNPK.UT Nov. 24/$10.00 VMAR Nov. 24/$10.00
AviatNetworks AVNW 35.72 2.8 CognizantTech CTSH 79.00 -0.3 Forterra FRTA 18.42 3.6 LongviewAcqn LGVW.U 19.25 6.0 PagSeguroDig PAGS 48.92 3.3 Synlogic SYBX 3.99 12.9
AxosFinancial AX 35.90 1.0 CohnRobbinsA CRHC 9.90 0.2 FortressValueII FAII.U 10.53 0.5 LongviewAcqnA LGVW 17.99 6.9 PalantirTech PLTR 29.75 22.0 Systemax SYX 31.98 -1.6
AzurePowerGlbl AZRE 37.49 8.8 CiaSiderurgica SID 4.39 4.0 FortressValueII FAII 10.18 0.9 LongviewAcqnWt LGVW.WS 4.37 0.5 PaloAltoNtwks PANW 298.50 ... Ternium TX 27.40 0.4 HF Enterprises 6.10 –12.9 –12.6 Breeze Hldgs Acquisition 10.09 0.9 0.6
BMC Stock BMCH 49.05 0.9 CorMedix CRMD 9.38 15.4 Franchise7.5%PfdA FRGAP 25.70 0.9 LumberLiqu LL 30.99 -1.0 ParTechnology PAR 57.00 1.9 TPGPaceBenFin TPGY.U 10.20 0.7 HFEN Nov. 24/$7.00 BREZU Nov. 23/$10.00
BRP Group BRP 33.56 -2.8 Criteo CRTO 19.36 1.7 FreeportMcM FCX 23.66 1.9 Lydall LDL 28.75 1.1 PayPal PYPL 216.07 4.1 TPGPaceTechOpps PACE.U 10.30 0.7
B RileyFin RILY 37.01 3.6 CrownCrafts CRWS 7.66 -1.6 GOAcquisitionUn GOAC.U 10.17 0.7 MSA Safety MSA 151.53 -0.1 PetraAcqnWt PAICW 0.55 13.2 TTEC TTEC 68.00 2.2
BkofAmericaPfdNN BACpO 26.16 0.2 DPCM Capital XPOA.U 10.18 ... GenerationBio GBIO 40.15 5.2 MYR Group MYRG 53.85 -0.1 PraxisPrecision PRAX 40.68 5.1 Target TGT 180.48 1.1 Sources: Dow Jones Market Data; FactSet

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret
EdgewoodGrInst 51.97 +0.49 34.9 InvGrBd 11.84 ... 8.9 JPMorgan I Class PIMCO Funds I2 CapOpAdml r185.40 -0.21 17.5 ValAdml 45.63 -0.29 -0.1 WndsrII 39.88 -0.17 10.4
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. Fidelity LowP r 48.78 -0.44 4.7 CoreBond 12.43 -0.03 NA Income NA ... NA DivAppIdxAdm 37.59 -0.15 12.7 WdsrllAdml 70.77 -0.31 10.4 VANGUARD INDEX FDS
500IdxInstPrem126.18 -0.19 14.2 Magin 12.57 +0.05 23.2 EqInc 19.44 -0.14 NA PIMCO Funds Instl EMAdmr 39.98 -0.32 9.9 WellsIAdml 69.57 -0.13 7.5 IdxIntl 18.70 -0.06 6.1
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e
Contrafund K6 18.26 +0.04 26.2 OTC 16.61 +0.05 38.4 JPMorgan R Class IncomeFd NA ... NA EqIncAdml 78.41 -0.40 1.0 WelltnAdml 79.75 -0.20 8.5 SmValAdml 59.04 -0.52 1.7
and s apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply,
ExtMktIdxInstPre 78.80 +0.27 23.5 Puritn 25.85 +0.01 17.3 CoreBond 12.45 -0.03 NA Price Funds ExplrAdml 117.80 +0.08 21.2 WndsrAdml 74.80 -0.64 4.6 TotBd2 11.53 -0.01 6.8
12b-1. r-Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r TotIntlInstIdx r125.11 -0.39 6.2
apply. v-Footnotes x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not FidSerToMarket 12.57 -0.01 15.8 SrsEmrgMkt 24.05 -0.22 16.6 Lord Abbett A BlChip 162.89 +0.43 31.0 ExtndAdml 117.16 +0.41 23.6 VANGUARD FDS
IntlIdxInstPrem 44.74 ... 4.1 SrsGlobal 13.98 -0.03 6.2 ShtDurIncmA p 4.19 ... 2.2 DivGro 58.40 -0.18 10.6 GNMAAdml 10.72 ... 3.4 DivdGro 33.23 -0.09 9.7 TotItlInstPlId r 125.14 -0.39 6.2
available due to incomplete price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper;
data under review. NN-Fund not tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. MidCpInxInstPrem 26.37 -0.07 12.2 SrsGroCoRetail 28.39 +0.28 59.9 Lord Abbett F EqInc 31.07 -0.25 -1.2 GrwthAdml 124.41 +0.63 33.4 INSTTRF2020 26.39 -0.02 9.5 TotSt 91.20 -0.06 15.9
SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 19.49 -0.03 14.1 SrsIntlGrw 19.83 +0.01 13.2 ShtDurIncm 4.19 ... 2.3 EqIndex 96.58 -0.15 14.1 HlthCareAdml r 92.87 -0.34 8.8 INSTTRF2025 27.27 -0.03 10.3 VANGUARD INSTL FDS
SeriesBondFd 10.78 -0.01 7.3 SrsIntlVal 10.02 ... 1.2 Lord Abbett I Growth 96.11 +0.36 31.0 HYCorAdml r 5.93 ... 4.0 INSTTRF2030 27.80 -0.03 10.7 BalInst 43.72 -0.02 13.3
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 SeriesOverseas 11.95 +0.02 10.9 TotalBond 11.25 -0.01 8.3 ShtDurInc p 4.19 ... 2.4 HelSci 98.64 +0.04 21.1 InfProAd 28.20 +0.03 9.3 INSTTRF2035 28.31 -0.04 11.0 DevMktsIndInst 14.69 -0.02 5.3
Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD SmCpIdxInstPrem 23.49 -0.11 11.9 Fidelity SAI Metropolitan West LgCapGow I 58.66 +0.16 33.2 IntlGrAdml 152.79 +0.34 48.6 INSTTRF2040 28.81 -0.04 11.3 DevMktsInxInst 22.96 -0.03 5.3
Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret TMktIdxInstPrem104.61 -0.07 15.8 TotalBd 10.69 ... 7.9 TotRetBd 11.67 ... 8.2 MidCap 112.26 -0.06 17.8 ITBondAdml 12.63 ... 9.2 INSTTRF2045 29.24 -0.04 11.7 ExtndInst 117.15 +0.41 23.6
USBdIdxInstPrem 12.45 -0.01 7.3 Fidelity Selects TotRetBdI 11.67 ... 8.5 NHoriz 87.94 +0.54 48.1 ITIGradeAdml 10.68 +0.01 9.5 INSTTRF2050 29.32 -0.04 11.8 GrwthInst 124.42 +0.63 33.5
American Century Inv WshA p 49.79 -0.22 5.0 EmgMktVa 27.21 -0.08 -3.2 InPrSeIn 11.49 +0.01 9.4
Ultra 73.90 +0.30 41.7 Baird Funds EmMktCorEq 22.74 -0.17 6.3 Fidelity Advisor I Softwr r 26.32 +0.24 36.9 TRBdPlan 10.97 ... 8.4 R2020 24.33 -0.03 10.1 LTGradeAdml 12.10 -0.03 14.5 INSTTRF2055 29.43 -0.05 11.8
NwInsghtI 39.07 +0.10 19.5 Tech r 29.22 +0.22 52.8 MFS Funds Class I R2025 19.79 -0.03 11.3 MidCpAdml 247.42 +0.02 13.6 IntlVal 38.92 -0.18 3.7
InstIdx 324.51 -0.50 14.2
American Funds Cl A AggBdInst 11.85 -0.01 7.9 IntlCoreEq 13.98 -0.03 2.8 InstPlus 324.53 -0.50 14.2
AmcpA p 38.36 -0.11 16.3 CorBdInst 12.20 ... 8.0 IntSmCo 19.32 -0.05 2.7 Fidelity Freedom First Eagle Funds Growth I 160.45 +0.99 26.2 R2030 29.05 -0.05 12.2 MuHYAdml 11.87 ... 4.1 LifeCon 22.68 -0.02 9.3
GlbA 61.03 -0.18 5.3 ValueI 44.86 -0.17 1.9 R2035 21.50 -0.04 13.0 MuIntAdml 14.79 -0.01
InstTStPlus 78.07 -0.04 16.1
AMutlA p 44.35 -0.17 3.6 BlackRock Funds IntSmVa 18.41 -0.06 -4.5 FF2020 17.37 -0.03 10.5 4.5 LifeGro 39.95 -0.06 11.4
MidCpInst 54.66 +0.01 13.6
BalA p 30.36 -0.05 8.3 HiYBlk 7.70 ... 4.0 LgCo 27.90 -0.04 14.2 FF2025 15.51 -0.02 11.1 Franklin A1 MFS Funds Instl R2040 30.79 -0.06 13.8 MuLTAdml 12.20 ... 5.3 LifeMod 31.61 -0.04 10.4
MidCpIstPl 269.56 +0.02 13.6
BondA p 14.14 -0.01 9.9 HiYldBd Inst 7.69 ... 3.9 TAUSCoreEq2 22.10 -0.10 11.0 FF2030 19.33 -0.04 11.6 CA TF A1 p 7.78 ... 4.4 IntlEq 29.71 +0.04 6.6 PRIMECAP Odyssey Fds MuLtdAdml 11.24 ... 3.0 STAR 31.88 -0.01 17.4 SmCapInst 88.13 -0.39 12.1
CapIBA p 62.27 -0.15 1.0 BlackRock Funds A US CoreEq1 28.59 -0.09 11.8 Freedom2020 K 17.36 -0.03 10.5 IncomeA1 p 2.27 -0.01 1.8 Old Westbury Fds AggGrowth r 54.37 +0.14 21.1 MuShtAdml 15.94 ... 1.7 TgtRe2015 16.44 -0.01 8.3 STIGradeInst 11.00 ... 4.8
CapWGrA 56.95 -0.12 10.4 GlblAlloc p 21.68 ... 16.3 US CoreEq2 25.93 -0.11 10.9 Freedom2025 K 15.49 -0.02 11.1 FrankTemp/Frank Adv LrgCpStr 16.70 -0.03 10.8 Putnam Funds Class Y PrmcpAdml r161.48 -0.13 12.0 TgtRe2020 35.58 -0.04 9.4 STIPSIxins 25.54 +0.02 4.0
EupacA p 64.80 -0.14 16.4 BlackRock Funds Inst US Small 36.51 -0.33 5.1 Freedom2030 K 19.32 -0.03 11.7 IncomeAdv 2.25 -0.01 1.9 Parnassus Fds StDurInc 10.10 ... 1.4 RealEstatAdml120.83 +0.01 -5.8 TgtRe2025 21.87 -0.02 10.2 TotBdInst 11.61 -0.01 7.3
FdInvA p 66.65 -0.12 10.0 StratIncOpptyIns 10.27 ... 5.6 US SmCpVal 33.36 -0.41 -2.2 Freedom2035 K 16.46 -0.04 12.6 FrankTemp/Franklin A ParnEqFd 51.88 -0.12 17.0 Schwab Funds SmCapAdml 88.13 -0.39 12.1 TgtRe2030 40.33 -0.06 10.6 TotBdInst2 11.53 -0.01 6.9
GwthA p 66.33 +0.21 29.7 Bridge Builder Trust USLgVa 36.88 -0.32 -2.7 Freedom2040 K 11.61 -0.03 13.2 Growth A p 139.41 +0.10 24.2 PGIM Funds Cl Z 1000 Inv r 82.57 -0.04 16.1 SmGthAdml 86.45 +0.09 24.2 TgtRe2035 25.00 -0.03 11.0 TotBdInstPl 11.61 -0.01 7.3
HI TrA p 9.98 +0.01 4.3 CoreBond 10.98 ... 7.8 Dodge & Cox Fidelity Invest RisDv A p 78.15 -0.51 13.1 TotalReturnBond NA ... NA S&P Sel 56.42 -0.09 14.2 STBondAdml 10.86 ... 4.4 TgtRe2040 43.56 -0.07 11.3 TotIntBdIdxInst 35.08 +0.02 4.2
ICAA p 43.37 -0.14 11.4 CorePlusBond 10.75 ... 8.3 Balanced 104.43 -0.62 6.1 Balanc 27.65 ... 18.0 Guggenheim Funds Tru PIMCO Fds Instl TSM Sel r 64.79 -0.04 15.8 STIGradeAdml 11.00 ... 4.7 TgtRe2045 27.62 -0.04 11.8 TotStInst 91.26 -0.05 16.1
IncoA p 23.33 -0.08 2.8 Intl Eq 13.08 -0.04 9.1 Income 14.90 ... 8.5 BluCh 157.27 +1.13 52.2 TotRtnBdFdClInst 30.15 ... 13.8 AllAsset 12.16 ... NA TIAA/CREF Funds TotBdAdml 11.61 -0.01 7.2 TgtRe2050 44.49 -0.07 11.9 ValueInst 45.63 -0.29 -0.1
IntBdA p 14.22 -0.01 6.9 LargeCapGrowth 20.44 +0.06 29.1 Intl Stk 43.05 -0.24 -1.3 Contra 17.40 +0.04 27.8 Harbor Funds HiYld 8.97 -0.01 3.6 BdIdxInst 11.66 ... 7.1 TotIntBdIdxAdm 23.38 +0.01 4.2 TgtRet2055 48.29 -0.08 11.8 WCM Focus Funds
N PerA p 59.13 +0.19 25.1 LargeCapValue 14.34 -0.11 6.2 Stock 196.76 -1.70 4.8 ContraK 17.43 +0.04 27.8 CapApInst 110.50 +1.15 NA InvGrdCrBd 11.23 -0.01 NA EqIdxInst 27.04 -0.02 15.9 TotIntlAdmIdx r 31.29 -0.09 6.2 TgtRetInc 15.03 -0.01 8.2 WCMFocIntlGrwIns 23.64 -0.02 25.0
NEcoA p 57.31 +0.05 25.3 Columbia Class I DoubleLine Funds CpInc r 10.53 ... 6.7 Harding Loevner ShortT 9.86 ... 2.5 VANGUARD ADMIRAL TotStAdml 91.24 -0.05 16.0 TotIntBdIxInv 11.69 ... 4.2 Western Asset
NwWrldA 82.64 -0.40 17.1 DivIncom I 25.37 -0.09 5.5 CoreFxdIncmI 11.30 +0.01 4.7 DivIntl 45.66 ... 12.7 IntlEq 26.86 -0.01 12.9 TotRt 10.95 ... 8.3 500Adml 335.74 -0.53 14.2 TxMCapAdml190.46 -0.09 16.3 USGro 64.22 +0.79 49.3 CoreBondI NA ... NA
SmCpA p 72.92 -0.06 24.0 Dimensional Fds TotRetBdI NA ... NA GroCo 33.76 +0.34 58.1 Invesco Funds Y PIMCO Funds A BalAdml 43.71 -0.02 13.3 TxMIn r 14.67 -0.02 5.3 WellsI 28.72 -0.05 7.4 CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
TxExA p 13.56 ... 3.9 5GlbFxdInc 10.89 ... 1.5 Edgewood Growth Instituti GrowCoK 33.84 +0.34 58.2 DevMktY 50.76 -0.59 11.3 IncomeFd NA ... NA CAITAdml 12.35 ... 4.3 USGroAdml 166.48 +2.05 49.4 Welltn 46.18 -0.12 8.4 CorePlusBdIS NA ... NA
B10 | Friday, November 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Avoid Black Friday Credit-Card Pitfalls

BY AMBER BURTON graduations. While some may be apply- to credit as well.
Here are some tips to keep ing for store credit cards this “Many retailers provide in-
This year has been different both your cheer and your time of year, keep in mind that centives to get you to sign up
in many ways, but Black Friday credit score up this holiday the number of people ap- for instant credit while making
promises to be business as season. proved for new cards is still a purchase with even more in-
usual, even with the large por- down, as lenders try to assess centives offered around the
tion of spending expected to risk in the pandemic. Ms. Gon- holidays,” said Tom Quinn, vice


take place online rather than Plan ahead zalez’s best tip: Read the fine president of FICO Scores.
in person. Planning ahead and decid- print of any financing offers Mr. Quinn said it is impor-
Credit cards remain the top ing which cards you’ll use you’re looking into, and be- tant to be aware that opening a
payment option for consumers could go a long way, said Mi- ware of deferred interest. new credit card requires a
this holiday season, according chele Cagan, certified public “Deferred interest is a fea- “hard” pull of your credit report
to a recent survey by the Na- accountant and the author of ture commonly found in retail- as part of the process, which of-
tional Retail Foundation. Many “Debt 101.” ers’ payment plans or when ten lowers your credit score for
of those planning to charge Start by assessing existing applying for a new store card a short period.
their shopping may already be debt on each card and figuring with them. It basically means Also, consider if you are the
in debt. Almost out your utilization. Splitting that you pay no interest or a right person for this type of
PERSONAL 60% of cardhold- purchases among cards with reduced rate for a period but card. The rewards are often
FINANCE ers who have ex- different billing dates could Consumers should plan before they’re tempted to buy. allows the possibility for a appealing for loyal customers,
isting credit-card help with repayment. For ex- higher APR to retroactively ap- but the average APR is about
debt said they would be adding ample, instead of charging Mr. Schulz says keeping your ply to your entire original pur- 24%.
to it this week, according to a $1,000 on one card, spread the balance as low as you possibly Be strategic chase amount,” said Ms. Gon- “If you carry a balance regu-
poll by purchases on cards with two can is ideal, and he sees addi- Doing research ahead of the zalez. larly, these cards aren’t for you
“One of the interesting different payment dates. Con- tional benefits to splitting pay- holidays is important. First, If you go this route, be sure because of the high interest
things that we’ve seen around sider when you’re expecting ments. A credit score consists make a list, and figure out to mark the date your promo- rates,” Mr. Schulz said.
[recent] holidays is people are your paycheck to hit to map not only of a person’s overall your budget. Equally important tional period ends, and pay off Last, as always, pay your
choosing to spend a little more out the payments. utilization rate but also utiliza- is researching whether you’ll your balance before high inter- bill as soon as possible. Mr.
on certain occasions in order to “And if you can get a higher tion rate by individual card, really be saving by buying the est rates kick in. Quinn recommends spending
make up for how crummy 2020 limit on your credit card, do said Mr. Schulz. item this weekend. only what you can reasonably
has been,” said Matt Schulz, it,” she said. The lower the uti- “So that distinction may not “Some things are cheaper pay off in two or three months
chief industry analyst at Lend- lization—the ratio of spending be a game changer when it on Black Friday,” said Jill Gon- Resist impulse buys after the holiday season.
ingTree. Mr. Schulz has ob- to your credit-card limit—the comes to your credit score, but zalez, an analyst at WalletHub. Ms. Cagan also encourages “People make bad decisions
served this trend in relation to better for your credit score it is a simple step that can make “However, WalletHub research people to shop online, which when they’re under pressure,
both Halloween and Thanksgiv- overall. Remember, a higher a difference if you’re at the determined that 21% of items cuts down on impulse buys and that’s especially true when
ing, as people try to make up limit isn’t a license to spend edge of good to great credit,” he offer no savings compared to that can really add up. But the it comes to money,” said Mr.
for missed birthday parties and more. said. their pre-Black Friday prices.” impulse-buy mentality applies Schulz.

Shops Face Store Clerk

Different Adapts to
Holiday Pandemic
Continued from page B1 Continued from page B1
crease, according to the Com- ous day in the backroom cash
merce Department. However, office, then heads to the sales
household incomes slipped floor to ready his team of
0.7% last month and consumer around six cashiers and cus-
confidence fell for November tomer-service employees for
amid the surge in virus cases. the day. The group has a
Spending during November masked, socially distant morn-

and December is expected to ing meeting before the store

increase by 3.6% to 5.2% year opens.
over year, according to the Na- 9 a.m. Store opens. Mr.
tional Retail Federation. Clark helps at the registers and
“People aren’t spending often works at the customer-
money on things like travel or service desk. This time of year,
sporting events or concerts. So customers often ask about gift
with more disposable income boxes, gift receipts, the return
available, heading into the hol- policy and whether there are
idays, research suggests people going to be any Black Friday
will be more likely to buy sales, Mr. Clark said.
products across our brands,” 11 a.m. The mall opens,
Gap Chief Executive Sonia Syn- which brings more traffic to
gal said. the store. Mr. Clark gives his
The San Francisco-based Macy’s is lobbying state and local governments against closing department stores over the holiday period. workers their breaks. The busy
chain didn’t provide a full fi- holiday season means he usu-
nancial outlook when it re- fewer shopping trips this holi- sures requiring employers to uncertainty into its business. make it easy for consumers to ally works through his lunch
ported quarterly results Tues- day season,” said Ernie Her- have a written plan detailing Macy’s Inc. is lobbying place digital orders and pick and snacks throughout the day,
day, saying it was generally rman, chief executive at TJX how they will prevent employ- states and local governments up goods in stores and get on- grabbing a Gatorade and a bag
assuming that sales would be Cos., the retailer behind chains ees from getting infected. against closing department line sales quickly shipped to of Combos, or bringing a fruit
flat or increase only slightly including T.J. Maxx and Home- Countries in Europe have im- stores over the holiday period, consumers. smoothie and a Nutri-Grain bar.
year over year for its reporting Goods. posed stricter rules to combat fearing what stringent lock- American Eagle operations Afternoon. Mr. Clark contin-
period covering the holiday States including Ohio have increased Covid-19 infections, downs would mean for de- chief Michael Rempell said the ues to work on the sales floor,
stretch. That range implies a recently put new curfews into including a nationwide lock- mand. Sales at Macy’s plunged company remained focused on sometimes training less-experi-
deceleration from the 13% and place, while the city of Chicago down in England that is sched- to roughly $3 billion for its converting demand into its enced staff on how to pitch the
5% year-over-year gains in issued a 30-day stay-at-home uled to end on Dec. 2. quarter that ended May 2 as a digital-sales operations even company’s credit card or prod-
comparable sales it recorded advisory this month. New Mex- Richard Hayne, chief execu- result of temporary store clo- as it faces capacity limits and uct-protection plans.
for the two prior quarters. ico, which ordered residents to tive at Urban Outfitters Inc., sures this spring but rose to Covid-19-related challenges to 4 p.m. Mr. Clark makes sure
Other retail executives, shelter in place in November, told investors that strict lock- about $3.6 billion and almost traffic levels at some stores. returns are processed and
meanwhile, have said some is allowing what it considers downs like the U.K.’s and a $4 billion in the subsequent The company has recently other tasks are done, not left
shoppers remain fearful about essential businesses to avoid growing number of “draconian two periods. been testing self-checkout in for the next employee working
returning to physical shops. potential closures if they offer store capacity restrictions and Executives at retail chains stores and same-day delivery the closing shift, he said. He of-
“We see some consumers regular tests for workers who stay-at-home orders” from say they are better prepared to for online orders and improved ten works an 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
are still reluctant to shop in aren’t required to quarantine. state and local authorities have reach consumers than earlier page-load speeds on its web- shift but stays an hour later if
stores and others may make California adopted new mea- injected a significant level of this year, touting efforts to site. the store is busy.

New Retirement-Plan Rules in Limbo Ernst & Young Role

BY ANNE TERGESEN But George Michael Ger-
stein, co-chair of the fiduciary
Under federal law, 401(k)
plan sponsors and the advisers
were to provide ongoing advice
about any of the clients’ retire-
At Wirecard Is Probed
In June, the U.S. Depart- governance practice at Stradley who serve them are held to ment assets, rather than when BY PAUL J. DAVIES contents. “To date, we have no
ment of Labor proposed a reg- Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP, strict standards, including pre- providing advice to the 401(k) indications of any criminal
ulation to change the rules said, “The rule will be vulnera- venting conflicts of interest plan. The financial-services in- German prosecutors are ex- conduct by the auditors at EY
governing advice in retirement ble, as I don’t believe it can be from influencing investment dustry is critical of that change. amining Ernst & Young’s role Germany,” a spokesperson
accounts to align with another effective prior to Inauguration advice. That bars them from It “was a big step that in the collapse of disgraced said. “We continue to support
Trump administration stan- Day…Considering the high-pro- accepting pay that varies from caught the industry off guard,” payments operator Wirecard all official investigations.”
dard. But delays in completing file nature of the rule-making, one investment to another, in- said Fred Reish, a lawyer who AG, ratcheting up pressure on Wirecard’s collapse has
the proposal, likely due in part I suspect this will be on the cluding sales commissions. specializes in employee bene- the audit firm. been one of the biggest corpo-
to financial-industry opposi- new administration’s radar.” But when it comes to IRAs fits. “The conditions are so de- Munich prosecutors said rate scandals in Germany for
tion, have left it vulnerable to A stricter set of regulations and the billions of dollars that manding they got a lot of oppo- they are evaluating a report by decades. It has sparked a par-
being scrapped after President- from the Obama administra- move annually in rollovers sition from broker dealers and the country’s accounting liamentary inquiry and led
elect Joe Biden takes office. tion, which imposed tight limi- from 401(k)s to IRAs, advisers insurers. I think that’s why it watchdog into the company’s Germany’s leading stock-mar-
“Time is quickly running tations on conflicted invest- aren’t always considered fidu- hasn’t been finalized by now.” collapse this summer. The ket index, the DAX, to bring in
out” on the proposed rule, ment advice, sparked an ciaries and can, under some Mr. Reish said the stricter watchdog, known as Apas, a string of rule changes to im-
said Jason Berkowitz, chief le- industry backlash and was circumstances, accept sales interpretation—that advisers launched an investigation into prove the quality of member
gal and regulatory affairs offi- struck down by a federal ap- commissions. must act in the best interest of the work of the auditing firm’s companies.
cer at the Insured Retirement peals court in 2018. The proposed rule would participants when making roll- local affiliate, EY GmbH, after EY audited Wirecard’s ac-
Institute, a trade association Consumer advocates have cause rollovers to be more over recommendations—might Wirecard admitted that more counts for more than a decade
for the annuities industry, criticized the Trump Labor De- heavily regulated by requiring stand even if the Labor De- than $2 billion of cash it had before the firm’s collapse. It
which was critical of some partment’s proposal, which advisers to act in the best inter- partment’s proposed rule dies. said was held in bank accounts has become a target of intense
proposed provisions. they have said would weaken est of clients when recommend- —Paul Kiernan on its behalf didn’t exist. criticism in Germany, where
The Labor Department de- standards under the Employee ing a rollover if the adviser contributed to this article. “We are still evaluating regulators and the government
clined to comment. Retirement Income Security Apas’s report and haven’t yet are trying to unravel how the
Such an outcome would Act of 1974, the federal law made any decision about alleged fraud took place.
mark the latest development in that governs 401(k)-type plans. Dividend Changes whether to bring any criminal Rival accounting firm KPMG
a decadeslong debate over The DOL’s proposal seeks to charges,” a spokesperson for AG conducted a special audit
Dividend announcements from November 25.
what responsibilities brokers align the treatment of retire- the prosecutor said. Under into a series of allegations
and other advisers have to cli- ment accounts with the Secu- Amount Payable / German law, any criminal cases about Wirecard’s accounting
Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
ents when giving investment rities and Exchange Commis- would be against individuals and acquisitions that was pub-
advice in 401(k)-type accounts sion’s recently enacted Increased rather than firms, she said. lished this year before the
Hormel Foods HRL 2.1 .245 /.2325 Q Feb16 /Jan11
and individual retirement ac- Regulation Best Interest gov- The prosecutors’ review of company’s collapse.
counts and how to manage con- erning brokers’ interactions Bentley Systems BSY 0.3 .03 Q Dec22 /Dec07
Apas’s submission, which be- EY has already lost two big
flicts of interest in the sale of with investors in taxable ac- gan some weeks ago, was ear- clients in Germany over Wire-
investments in those accounts. counts and IRAs. The SEC reg- Elbit Systems ESLT 1.4 .44 Q Jan04 /Dec21
lier reported in the German card’s scandal. Commerzbank
On Tuesday, the Labor De- ulation requires brokers to act newspaper Handelsblatt. Apas AG, Germany’s second-largest
partment submitted the pro- in clients’ best interest when Eaton Vance EV 2.2 4.25 Dec18 /Dec04
declined to comment, citing lender, and DWS Group,
posal to the White House Of- making specific recommenda- GAMCO Investors Cl A GBL 0.6 .90 Dec15 /Dec04 strict legal confidentiality Deutsche Bank AG’s asset-man-
fice of Management and tions and requires brokerage Loral Space & Comm LORL ... 1.50 Dec17 /Dec04 around its investigations. agement arm, said in Septem-
TX Pacific Land Tr TPL 1.6 10.00 Dec17 /Dec11
Budget for review, a step to- firms to disclose and take EY said it hadn’t been given ber they decided not to use
ward completing the regula- steps to reduce conflicts of in- KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO: a copy of the Apas report and EY’s affiliate in Germany to au-
tion. terest, among other things. spin-off. so couldn’t speculate on its dit their accounts.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Friday, November 27, 2020 | B11


Mounts on
Stocks Slip in Europe, Gain in Asia
Spanish energy firm world economy to reopen and economy is on course to record between the current situation LMAX Group.

Chinese Repsol falls after

unveiling investment;
releasing pent-up demand for
goods and services.
“The big story has been the
its worst contraction in 300
years. Signs that the U.K. may
leave the European Union with-
around us in the real world,
where we see effectively we are
in a double-dip [recession],”
At midday Friday in Tokyo,
the Nikkei was down 0.1%, the
Shanghai Composite was up

Coal Miner U.K. banks slump

strength in equity markets,”
said Joe Little, chief global
strategist at HSBC Asset Man-
out a trade agreement and in-
troduce new barriers to com-
merce have also made money
said Nadège Dufossé, deputy
head of multiasset at Luxem-
bourg-based asset manager
0.4% and South Korea’s Kospi
was flat.
U.S. stock futures were down
BY CHONG KOH PING BY JOE WALLACE agement. “You’re seeing many managers wary of investing in Candriam. “But the market is 0.3% late Thursday.
of these laggard sectors and British stocks. now focusing on next year, on —Anna Hirtenstein
An investigation into a trou- Most major Asian markets even laggard markets begin to “Clearly, Brexit news over the rebound.” contributed to this article.
bled Chinese state-owned coal ended the day higher. Japan’s enter the process of a catch-up.” the past day hasn’t been as Sweden’s krona slipped 0.4%
miner was escalated to the Nikkei 225 rose 0.9% to its The rotation into economi- positive,” said Edward Park, after the Riksbank said its
country’s securities regulator, highest level since 1991. The cally-sensitive sectors can keep chief investment officer at benchmark interest rate is AUCTION RESULTS
as authorities pile pressure on Shanghai Composite Index running in 2021, according to Brooks Macdonald. “It could likely to remain at zero for the Here are the results of Wednesday's Treasury
auctions. All bids are awarded at a single price at the
the company whose recent de- ticked up 0.2%. Mr. Little. European and U.K. over the medium term and long coming years. The central bank market-clearing yield. Rates are determined by the
difference between that price and the face value.
fault rattled the bond market. The U.S. stock markets, heavily domi- term be far more influential in expanded and extended its as-
The National Association of THURSDAY’S stock and gov- nated by old-economy compa- terms of GDP than Covid,” Mr. set-purchase program. Applications
Financial Market Institutional MARKETS ernment-bond nies, stand to benefit, he added. Park said of a no-deal Brexit. In commodities, Brent crude Accepted bids $32,939,099,400
Investors, a self-regulating Among individual European Buoyant stock markets in " noncompetitively $830,694,200
markets were futures fell 1.4% to $47.85 a " foreign noncompetitively $600,000,000
body supervised by China’s closed for Thanksgiving. stocks, Repsol fell 3.5% after the U.S. and Europe contrast barrel, trimming recent gains Auction price (rate) 99.993778
central bank, said that it has The pan-continental Stoxx the Spanish energy company with a worsening economic after the international energy (0.080%)
Coupon equivalent 0.081%
sent leads related to suspected Europe 600 slipped 0.1%. U.K. said it would invest €18.3 bil- outlook for the next several benchmark settled at its high- Bids at clearing yield accepted 99.43%
violations of laws and regula- equity markets weighed on the lion, the equivalent of $21.8 bil- months, as rising coronavirus est level since early March on Cusip number 9127965F2
The bills, dated Dec. 1, 2020, mature on Dec. 29, 2020.
tions by Yongcheng Coal & broader gauge. lion, between 2021 and 2025 in cases weigh on consumer confi- Wednesday.
Electricity Holding Group Co. Stocks have been buoyed in a push to accelerate the energy dence and restrictions crimp Bitcoin’s surge stalled, pull- EIGHT-WEEK BILLS
Applications $124,987,184,000
to the China Securities Regula- recent weeks by optimism transition. activity. German consumer sen- ing the cryptocurrency down to Accepted bids $38,428,878,000
tory Commission. The industry about the potential widespread Shares in Lloyds Banking timent is set to fall in Decem- about $17,000 late Thursday. " noncompetitively $152,920,800
" foreign noncompetitively $1,000,000,000
group said it would also im- distribution of three Western Group, Barclays PLC and other ber, market-research firm GfK Technical indicators showing Auction price (rate) 99.987556
pose unspecified sanctions on vaccines in the new year. Inves- financial-services companies said after a pickup in infections that the price had risen too (0.080%)
Coupon equivalent 0.081%
the company and start an in- tors say the shots likely have weighed on the U.K.’s FTSE 100 led authorities to impose a par- high encouraged investors to Bids at clearing yield accepted 68.77%
vestigation into its parent, an the potential to quell the pan- benchmark, a day after the na- tial lockdown. book profits, said Joel Kruger, Cusip number 912796A82
energy and chemicals conglom- demic, allowing portions of the tion’s fiscal watchdog said the “There is a kind of contrast foreign-exchange strategist at The bills, dated Dec. 1, 2020, mature on Jan. 26, 2021.
Yongcheng Coal missed a

JD Health IPO
deadline earlier this month to Initial public offerings and
repay 1 billion yuan, equivalent other new listings in Hong Kong
to $152 million, in 270-day
$60 billion
commercial paper that ma-
tured Nov. 10, after having sold
new debt just weeks earlier.
The company had also trans-
ferred some assets, including
Adds to Banner As of Nov. 25

Year in Hong Kong $39.1 billion


stakes in a local bank and sev-
eral chemical firms, to other
local state companies.
The miner’s failure to make
the debt payment and recent BY JOANNE CHIU and has seen dozens of IPOs
bond defaults by an automo- AND QUENTIN WEBB from China this year. It has also
tive business and a chip maker hosted several secondary list- 20
have caused unease among in- Hong Kong is having a stand- ings by U.S.-traded Chinese
vestors, sending yields on risk- out year for stock listings, de- companies. Beijing-based JD
ier corporate bonds higher. spite political turmoil and the Health on Wednesday began
Yields rise as bond prices fall. derailment of the world’s larg- taking orders for a $3.1 billion
Yields on three-year Chinese est initial public offering. to $3.5 billion IPO, according to
corporate bonds with double-A On Wednesday, the telemedi- a term sheet seen by The Wall 0
credit ratings—a grade that in cine arm of Chinese e-com- Street Journal. With Ant’s list-
2010 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’18 ’20
China’s domestic rating system merce giant Inc. kicked ing delayed, this would be Hong
indicates a significant amount off a $3 billion-plus IPO in Hong Kong’s largest IPO this year, ac- Source: Refinitiv The listings are set to push fundraisings to the highest since 2010.
of risk—rose to more than Kong. The deal by JD Health cording to Refinitiv.
4.482% on Tuesday, their high- International Inc. will help lift Property-management com- on many of the deals. It is also competitive financial center in yuan, most of which came from
proceeds from Hong Kong IPOs panies backed by developers a boon for the Hong Kong stock the medium term, he said, at sales of products like over-the-
and secondary listings to a 10- China Evergrande Group and exchange, after it revamped its least until China’s onshore stock counter medicines, prescription
year high, even after the sudden China Resources Land Ltd. are rules in recent years to accom- markets were fully open to for- drugs, contact lenses and medi-
Authorities have suspension of Ant Group Co.’s separately seeking to raise a modate unprofitable companies eign investors. cal devices.
taken a tough stance blockbuster listing earlier this combined total of as much as and those with unconventional The pandemic has increased JD Health is offering nearly
month. $3.6 billion, ahead of market shareholding structures. For investors’ interest in certain 382 million shares, with an in-
on the recent The city’s capital markets debuts in early December, fil- companies seeking to raise cap- health-care businesses, and dicative price range of 62.80
defaults. continue to draw funds from ings showed. ital from international inves- fundraising by Chinese health- Hong Kong dollars to HK$70.58
global investors despite The planned listings are set tors, “Hong Kong is still a very care companies has hit records each—the equivalent of $8.10 to
strained relations between Bei- to push fundraisings from IPOs attractive place,” said Frank this year. JD Health said it runs $9.10. That represents 12.2% of
jing and Washington, China’s and secondary listings in Hong Tsui, senior fund manager at China’s largest online pharmacy its enlarged share capital and
est since December 2018, ac- imposition of a new national-se- Kong above last year’s total to Value Partners, an independent by revenue, organizes medical will value the company at up to
cording to financial informa- curity law in Hong Kong in the highest since 2010, when asset-management firm based bookings and offers online con- $28.5 billion.
tion provider Wind. They June, and other complications such share sales like this raised in the city. “I’m not seeing a sultations with doctors. Six cornerstone investors, in-
edged down slightly to 4.479% such as the Trump administra- more than $57 billion, accord- slowdown in the IPO pipeline.” It made a net loss of 5.4 bil- cluding investment firms Black-
Wednesday but are still signifi- tion’s attempt to bar American ing to Refinitiv. More than 110 Mr. Tsui said Hong Kong had lion yuan, the equivalent of Rock, Tiger Global and Hill-
cantly higher than a few weeks investors from holding stocks of companies have already raised been buoyed by the exchange’s $819 million, in the six months house, will buy up to $1.35
ago. In comparison, yields on some Chinese companies. $39.1 billion through new list- reforms as well as the “massive to June, as expenses rose and it billion of stock wherever the
triple-A-rated three-year cor- Hong Kong is the preferred ings this year. global liquidity” supplied to booked a charge for the change deal is priced. The IPO could in-
porate bonds fell slightly to listing venue for many Chinese The flurry of share sales is markets by the Federal Reserve in the fair value of convertible crease to $4 billion if under-
3.881%. Three-year Chinese companies, including technol- good news for major U.S. banks, and other central banks. Hong preferred shares. Revenue rose writing banks exercise an op-
government bonds were yield- ogy and health-care startups, which have secured senior roles Kong was likely to remain a 76% year over year to 8.8 billion tion to buy 15% more shares.
ing 3.085% Wednesday, accord-
ing to Wind.
Chinese authorities have
taken a tough stance on the re-
cent defaults, in what analysts EU Notes BlackRock Concern Japan’s Central Bank
say are attempts to quell inves-
tor worries about wider liquid-
ity problems among state-
critical factors appropriately
into account when assessing
Racks Up Stock Gains
owned enterprises. China’s top bids does not ultimately serve BY MEGUMI FUJIKAWA ago in the aftermath of the
financial body, chaired by Vice A European Union watch- the public interest,” Ms. global financial crisis, isn’t
Premier Liu He warned over dog said Wednesday the bloc’s O’Reilly said. TOKYO—One of Japan’s big- aimed at making trading profit.
the weekend that it would executive branch failed to BlackRock was among nine gest stock investors just re- It is supposed to encourage
show zero tolerance for mis- properly consider potential bidders that vied for the ported record gains of more broader risk-taking in the econ-
conduct in the debt markets. conflicts of interest when it contract. It offered €280,000, than $50 billion after a well- omy and ensure prices are ris-
On Tuesday, Yongcheng Coal chose BlackRock Inc. to advise equivalent to about $333,000, timed bet. But the person who ing at a small and steady clip.

and the main underwriters of the EU on future banking reg- for the contract that had an engineered the windfall won’t Recently, with inflation
its commercial paper said in ulations. estimated value of €550,000, be getting a Wall Street-style stuck around zero, some ana-
regulatory filings that all 31 “An application by a com- according to the ombudsman’s bonus, and some have even lysts are questioning whether
holders of the debt have pany to carry out a study report. started saying he shouldn’t the program is doing much
agreed on a repayment plan. meant to feed into policy that While the ombudsman rec- play the market so much. good—especially during a pan-
The company, whose parent is will regulate that company’s ommended updating the con- That is because the hot-hit- demic, when other factors are
owned by the Henan provincial business interests should have flict-of-interest guidance, her ting portfolio manager is Gov. weighing on the psychology of
government, said it would re- resulted in significantly more report said awarding the con- Haruhiko Kuroda, head of consumers and businesses.
pay half of the 1 billion yuan to critical scrutiny by the Com- tract didn’t rise to the level of Japan’s central bank. Mr. Also, the central bank now
creditors and roll over the rest mission,” said European Om- maladministration, or wrong- Kuroda has led the Bank of owns more than 6% of the to-
for another 270 days. budsman Emily O’Reilly, an The EU’s Emily O’Reilly doing, by the commission. Japan’s push, unusual among tal value of the Tokyo stock
The 4.39% interest rate on oversight officer. A spokesperson for the Eu- global central banks, to invest market, leading some to won-
the debt will remain un- She urged the commission management. ropean Commission said Ms. in the Tokyo stock market. der whether the premier sym-
changed during the extension to update its guidance over “The European Commission O’Reilly’s report confirmed In March, he doubled the bol of capitalism could be un-
period, and repayment of the hiring contractors with poten- has already publicly stated they “applied the rules fully BOJ’s annual ceiling for its dermined by state influence.
rest of the principal and inter- tial conflicts of interest that that the technical quality of and fairly,” but they will study purchases of exchange-traded NLI Research Institute
est will be done in a lump sum. could affect their work and FMA’s [BlackRock’s financial the suggestions and reply to funds to the equivalent of $115 strategist Shingo Ide said the
The company still has li- forwarded her report to law- markets advisory unit] pro- the ombudsman’s office by the billion. That was the month central bank’s outsize role
quidity problems. Yongcheng makers in the European Parlia- posal was the basis for their deadline of the end of March the stock market began surg- could hurt corporate gover-
Coal separately said earlier ment. The ombudsman investi- decision in awarding the man- next year. ing after a pandemic-induced nance because it can’t act like
this week that it wasn’t able to gates potential malpractice in date,” said BlackRock spokes- “The Commission is com- dip. It closed Thursday at a other shareholders in moni-
repay two other short-term EU institutions, but the office’ man Marc Bubeck. “FMA has mitted to transparency,” the 29-year high, up 60% from this toring company strategy.
debt issues totaling 2 billion s findings have no binding taken a wide-ranging and in- spokesperson said. “It is in year’s low. “Because such a large unre-
yuan that recently matured. power. clusive approach, including ac- this spirit that the Commis- The superb timing helped alized profit means the bank’s
The company said the corona- In early March, the Euro- ademia, civil society, banks, sion will shortly publish Black- the central bank report a re- holdings are also getting bigger
virus pandemic has taken a pean Commission hired a supervisors and market practi- Rock’s interim report, once cord jump for a six-month pe- and bigger, there will likely be
negative toll on its business BlackRock arm to prepare a tioners, and looks forward to submitted by the contractor.” riod in its stock portfolio’s more demand from outside the
operations and that it has had technical analysis on how to completing its work and deliv- The ombudsman report gains when it released its semi- BOJ to sell the stocks or start
difficulties raising funds in the create a regulatory framework ering its final report to the comes in response to three annual financial report Thurs- thinking about an exit policy,”
bond market. that would account for envi- Commission.” complaints from a coalition day. It said the market value of said Naomi Muguruma, an
Chang Li, a Beijing-based di- ronmental and social risks for The ombudsman’s decision led by the nonprofit Change its holdings stood at the equiv- economist at Mitsubishi UFJ
rector at S&P Global Ratings, banks. BlackRock counts banks report highlighted two areas Finance and two members of alent of nearly $400 billion as Morgan Stanley Securities.
said he expects regulators to among its clients. of concern—that BlackRock the European Parliament. of Sept. 30, which represented Mr. Kuroda said last week
take further steps to address The company’s financial has a financial interest in de- Damien Carême, one of the an unrealized profit of $56 bil- that he wasn’t thinking of any
investor concerns on informa- markets advisory arm, which is velopments in the market it European Parliament members lion over what it paid. quick changes in the program.
tion disclosure and poor gover- different from its asset-man- was being hired to advise on, who lodged a complaint, said Six months earlier, the BOJ Still, there are signs a re-
nance at companies, including agement arm, has worked with and that BlackRock was able he and other colleagues in the had barely any unrealized think is in its early stages. One
state-owned enterprises, as various governments on poli- to underbid other companies. Greens alliance sent a second profit left, and at one point in of the bank’s nine policy board
market confidence has been cies over the past year because “One cannot adopt a tick letter following the ombuds- March Mr. Kuroda said it was members said last week that
shaken by the recent string of of its experience working with box approach to the awarding man’s report to European carrying large losses. the bank might have to con-
credit events. central banks. BlackRock is the of certain contracts. Treating Commission President Ursula The stock-buying program, sider tweaking its purchases
—Xie Yu largest asset manager in the contract bidders equally is im- von der Leyen asking her to which began under Mr. and alluded to the uncomfort-
contributed to this article. world, with $7.8 trillion under portant, but not taking other cancel BlackRock’s contract. Kuroda’s predecessor a decade ably large size of its holdings.
B12 | Friday, November 27, 2020 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



Green Energy Firms Mimic Oil Playbook

Once humble utility companies, Enel and Iberdrola have built international operations to leverage scale and cost efficiencies

The decline of oil-and-gas su- U.S. peer NextEra, which trades for velop a large pipeline of renewable Harder-to-transport power is a the company bought PNM Re-
permajors over the past two years much higher earnings multiples, but projects around the world: Enel has much more local product, with sources, which supplies power in
has been matched by the rise of pre- with an international rather than 141 gigawatts worth, while Iberdrola prices often regulated or fixed by New Mexico and Texas, making it
viously obscure utility companies. In domestic footprint. has 70 gigawatts. They continue to long-term contracts. That predict- one of the largest players in the U.S.
Europe, Enel and Iberdrola have All three are gearing up for dra- bid for new opportunities. ability helps utilities to use leverage There are risks. Green power de-
emerged as green energy giants, in matic growth in clean-power de- to boost returns, while oil compa- mand is expected to rocket but re-
part by taking leaves out of the big- mand. Renewables can now be cost- nies need lower debt levels to turns could be pressured as many
oil playbook. competitive with fossil fuels, and weather commodity-price cycles. companies, including the likes of BP
Like Shell and BP before them, governments are accelerating plans
The companies hold Based in Rome, Enel operates pri- and Shell, crowd into the space. The
the companies have built global to cut carbon emissions. permissions to develop a marily in Europe, the U.S. and Latin payback on these multidecade proj-
portfolios to meet growing energy Enel and Iberdrola share traits America. Its plan to triple its renew- ects could eventually be squeezed
demand, only with wind and sun with oil supermajors. They are verti-
large pipeline of projects able capacity is part of a €160 bil- by higher interest rates, lower long-
rather than fossil fuels. The strategy cally integrated: They secure gov- around the world. lion, equivalent to $190.30 billion, term power prices (when fixed-price
has already made them the world’s ernment rights to many wind and investment package in solar and on- contracts expire) or regulatory
two largest renewable energy pro- solar sites; develop those projects; shore wind farms, power infrastruc- changes. Ironically, climate change
ducers by capacity, but they want to and then manage power plants and ture, storage and hydrogen. It also could shift patterns of wind or sun-
get even bigger. distribution networks. Their big, in- There are some important differ- has 10 coal-fired power plants that shine, affecting plants’ efficiency.
Enel said Tuesday that it will ternational operations provide the ences, too. Oil projects are typically it intends to unload by 2027. Still, renewables are set to be a
nearly triple its capacity to 120 scale for cost efficiencies, as well as high-risk, high-return investments, Spanish rival Iberdrola plans to major energy source and Enel and
gigawatts by 2030. Earlier this local know-how and relationships. while new power plants are a surer spend €75 billion by 2025 to double Iberdrola, as the current leaders,
month, Iberdrola laid plans to dou- Oil producers maintain a bank of thing and generate correspondingly its capacity. It builds solar and wind warrant more attention. These are a
ble its capacity to 60 gigawatts by drilling rights. Similarly, Enel and lower profits. Crude is a global com- farms, both on and offshore, mostly far cry from your grandmother’s
2025. The companies are similar to Iberdrola hold permissions to de- modity and prices are volatile. in the U.S. and Europe. Last month, utility stocks. —Rochelle Toplensky

Activists Score Win

Against Big European
Property Company
Trans-Atlantic mall giant Unibail- ists’ case. The yield on Unibail’s out-
Rodamco-Westfield has pulled back standing bonds has increased
from the brink. Finding a lasting fix slightly since investors voted
for its debt problem will be more against the capital raise, but re-
challenging. mains much lower than during the

Late Wednesday, Europe’s larg- March selloff. The new debt will
est listed-property company by as- come on top of net borrowings
sets said it had issued bonds equivalent to 12 times the earnings
worth €2 billion, equivalent to before interest, taxes, depreciation
$2.4 billion: one with a six-year and amortization Unibail generated

Virus Will Alter Malls and Offices

maturity and coupon of 0.625% last year. To get that number down,
and an 11-year bond at 1.375%. Half the activists want Unibail to sell un-
the cash will be used to refinance derperforming Westfield malls in
existing debt. The size and low the U.S. But with the rise of e-com-
cost of the issue is a win for activ- merce weighing on the value of
ist investors who have been push- stores, it may be hard to find buyers
Vaccine will help commercial properties but long-term pressures may accelerate ing for a new approach. at an acceptable price.
Along with French telecoms bil- Unibail’s shares have rallied 85%
lionaire Xavier Niel, Unibail’s former since Pfizer said its vaccine is effec-
The office and the shopping mall stores—rent collection was about reached a cyclical peak in the third chief executive Léon Bressler suc- tive. Under the old management’s
are two of the things most visibly 95% in September. quarter, according to a Newmark cessfully persuaded investors to plan to raise €3.5 billion, sharehold-
changed by Covid-19. They also have The outlier is shopping centers, Group national market report. vote against a controversial €3.5 bil- ers would have been diluted by 37%,
the most potential to bounce back where rent collection has rebounded It is premature, however, to con- lion equity raise two weeks ago. according to UBS. At today’s higher
once a vaccine is distributed, but since the 49% nadir in May but was template a sea of empty offices. Back then, Unibail’s chairman and share price, that dilution falls to
they could look quite different. still only at about 82% in Septem- Tech giants such as Facebook are chief executive warned that unless 28%. Unibail needs to keep bond
Early indicators suggest that ber. The closure of more than 11,100 leasing or buying new space even shareholders stumped up, the com- markets sweet: Any increase in the
many people want to continue going retail stores has been announced in while envisioning more work being pany could lose access to bond mar- cost of debt would make it harder to
about their lives more remotely. the U.S. this year through Novem- done remotely. Job losses in indus- kets. Both men have since been refinance its €29 billion of total bor-
About a quarter of office workers in ber, according to CoStar. Some tries that use offices have been ousted, with Mr. Bressler taking rowings.
a recent survey by Jones Lang La- empty department stores could have lower than other sectors, according over as chairman. Mr. Bressler has been correct so
Salle said they would like to work second lives as e-commerce distri- to Newmark. Even if more people News that a Covid-19 vaccine will far, but more difficult decisions are
outside the office full-time post- bution centers. work remotely post-pandemic, “de- soon be available helped the activ- still to come. —Carol Ryan
pandemic. Meanwhile, Walmart Before the pandemic, many cen- densification” of the workplace
Chief Executive Doug McMillon said ters were trying to reorient around could mean that people who are Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield share price
this month the retailer was con- experiential retail such as gyms and there will take up more space be-
vinced that most of the behavioral restaurants. Those businesses were cause of safety measures and efforts
shift to online shopping “will persist hit hardest by the pandemic, so the to make offices welcoming. This is a
beyond the pandemic.” focus might shift to grocery, where “countervailing trend to the remote- 125
Still, it would be overly simplistic foot traffic has held up much better. working headwind,” says Nancy
to assume landlords are necessarily Even if consumers are shopping on- Muscatello, managing consultant at 100
imperiled. Commercial real estate is line, they may want to physically re- CoStar Advisory Services.
a business that can take time to trieve their purchases, so outdoor Another shift might be shorter
evolve because of long-term leases. centers based around the traffic office leases. But shorter average
A typical retail term is about six generated by grocery is in demand. terms could push the cost of capital
years while offices are closer to 10 In the office category, there are for office buildings higher and pres- 50
years, according to CoStar Group. In already signs of future pressure on sure valuations, notes KBW analyst
addition, rent collection has stabi- rents. About 1.7% of U.S. office space Jade Rahmani, though that would 25
lized for offices, with owners col- was available for sublease as of the be somewhat offset if interest rates
lecting more than 96% of the usual third quarter, according to CoStar. remain low.
rent as of July, according to Nareit, That exceeds rates during the 2008 Offices and malls aren’t going to
which tracks figures for listed real- financial crisis, suggesting a trend vanish, but they could be different J F M A M J J A S O N
estate investment trusts. Even for driven not just by recession. Plus, for both owners and occupants. Note: €1=$1.19
free-standing retail—think big-box office construction in the pipeline —Telis Demos Source: FactSet

Covid-19 Won’t Steal Christmas OVERHEARD

This holiday season will be differ- Consumer spending on services, February, while spending on nondu-
ent from any other, including what annualized rable items was up 4%, driven by The Shack is back! Well, sort of. Scroll farther and you arrive at
people choose to spend money on. $12 trillion food purchases. Spending on ser- Once-dominant electronics re- products not exactly at the top of
This year’s Black Friday comes at vices—the much larger component tailer RadioShack had become a people’s Christmas lists, but cer-
a critical juncture. New Covid-19 RECESSION of spending which includes every- punchline even before twice going tainly reminiscent of RadioShack’s
cases are rising sharply, millions of thing from restaurant meals to den- bankrupt, but a group of entrepre- glory days such as TV antennas,
people remain out of work and a tist visits—was down 5.8%. neurs with a penchant for iconic video cables, soldering supplies and
number of pandemic-assistance pro- 8 Spending on durable goods could brands have purchased the name a variety of transistor radios. Mak-
grams are set to expire at the end of continue to do well over the holi- and launched an online marketplace ing a revival of the old brand
the year. 6 days, as people shell out money on ahead of the holidays, The Wall tougher is the fact that some Ra-
Yet Americans’ impulse to spend gifts that make stay-at-home life a Street Journal re- dioShack stores
in the period between Thanksgiving 4 little more bearable. But some of ported last week. remain open under
and Christmas should never be un- that spending has likely been pulled The results ap- separate owner-
derestimated, and hunkered down 2 forward. Stuck inside, some families pear mixed. Their
One problem is the ship. Still, the peo-
and in isolation from loved ones, may have already bought that new “trending prod- fact that some stores ple who invested
some may find extra comfort in giv- television they otherwise would be ucts” at the top of in Polaroid in 2017
ing gifts this year. Moreover, many
springing for now, for example. the page are all
remain open under have done well in
Jan. 2020 June Oct.
people who have remained em- Services spending, meanwhile, various wired and separate ownership. an age of digital
ployed have actually been saving Note: Seaonally adjusted could continue to suffer. Family out- Bluetooth head- photos, as have
more this year, and have more Source: Commerce Department via St. Louis Fed ings to the movies or giving gift phones and all are the new owners of
money at their disposal as a result. certificates to the spa don’t seem as sold out. Scrolling Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Where people have been spend- the gain of 0.3% economists ex- if they will be all that popular down, one immediately sees prod- Other brands attempting second
ing their money since the pandemic pected. Even so, October’s spending this year. ucts that, sadly, are in demand lives, like Toys “R” Us and RCA,
began may provide a good guide to level remained 1.6% below where it The holidays are going to be these days and do appear to be in nominally exist but seem more de-
where their holiday spending is go- was in February, before the crisis rough, with the country in the grips stock: a noncontact infrared ther- signed to lure buyers unaware that
ing—with some caveats. struck. of a pandemic that is going to get mometer (22% off!), a box of dis- those companies disappeared than
Commerce Department figures Digging a little deeper, spending worse before it gets better, and, posable face masks (25% off!), hand to plow new ground. So far, Ra-
released Wednesday showed that on durable goods—long-lasting overall, people will be spending less sanitizer and a face shield. dioShack is the wrong kind of retro.
personal spending rose 0.5% in Oc- items including cars and even video- this year. But they will still spend.
tober from September—better than game consoles—was up 15.2% from —Justin Lahart
All About $17 Million
The Green Telluride ranch
Landscaping made famous in
takes center Marlboro ads
stage. M2 sells. M8


2015 Purchase

Cost for addition to
back of home

Total cost of renovation

Total size of home after
301-square-foot addition

Let There Be Light

A renovation in a British market town took a worn, dark house
and gave it a bright new life as a contemporary family home



ehind a very traditional facade,
Rob and Cath Shrimplin’s house
is hiding a contemporary sur-
The rear Confronted with a 1930s
facade of the home with a whole litany of problems to
Shrimplin overcome, the couple embarked on a radical
home, top, with remodel which involved taking a big bite
addition and out of the back of the property and replac-
central window. ing it with a wide column of glass.
The Shrimplin The project began five years ago, and was
family in their triggered by a change in the couple’s work-
addition, from ing lives. They had been living in a four-bed-
left to right, room terraced house in Wimbledon, the
Jessica, 11, neighborhood in southwest London which is
Scarlett, 8, home to the famous tennis tournament.
Luke, 6, Cath When they bought that house, both had been
and Rob. working in the West End; Mr. Shrimplin, 43,
as a planning consultant, and Mrs. Shrimp-
lin, 41, as a finance director. Then new jobs
brought relocations. By coincidence, both
found themselves working in offices in the
“home county” of Surrey, on the southwest
Please turn to page M4

Singapore’s High-Rise Bounce where home

prices are high,
2,177 apart-
ments were sold
from January to
September, up
Luxury sales have been brisk and prices have held firm, despite a slowdown at the highest end from 1,797 in the
year-ago period,
BY KATERINA ANG government data
show. The me-
Listing price: $14.2 million
PRIYESH SHAH LOOKED at more than a dian price per
dozen high-end apartments in Singapore as square footage
he searched recently for a permanent home also increased,
for his young family. The New Jersey native by 7.5% to
has worked in Singapore for eight years and, $1,705.
like many others, hoped the coronavirus- Among the new homeowners is Chinese
triggered economic downturn would be a tycoon Huang Youlong, who bought a pent-
good buying opportunity. house from billionaire property scion Kishin
Instead, the tech professional found that Please turn to page M10

prices had barely budged and that many

new condos were quickly being snapped up.
“It’s a stable market without any ridiculous
deals,” says Mr. Shah. “I don’t think it
works like that here.”
Mr. Shah has since made an offer on a
While some developers trimmed prices by
as much as 10% during the partial lockdown
this past summer, the luxury-home market
in this prosperous Southeast Asian island-
nation bounced back more quickly than most
South Beach Residences, with 190 units, top right. The 45th-floor penthouse, above and right. other global cities. In central Singapore,
M2 | Friday, November 27, 2020 NY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



Six bed, five bath,

three ½ bath,
8,306 sq. ft.


Go Play Outside
Gardens and extensive landscaping have become hot home features during the pandemic

AKRON, OHIO // $2.95 MILLION BY CHRISTINA POLETTO in the 100 largest metro areas dis- VANCOUVER, WASH. // $2.995 MILLION

playing outdoor-related keywords
ovid-19 and long such as garden, courtyard, deck,
stretches at home greenhouse and backyard sold
have turned owners’ 27%, or 12 days, faster than simi-
attention to creating lar homes lacking those keywords.
expansive, landscaped (News Corp, owner of The Wall
outdoor spaces. Keith Williams, Street Journal, operates Real-
co-owner of Nievera Williams, a under license from the
landscape architecture firm in National Association of Realtors.)
Palm Beach, Fla., says his business Landscaping and gardens are
has been very busy. “Clients are investments that require year-
focusing more on their gardens round attention, says Mario Nie-
Seven bed, six bath, two ½ bath, 13,927 sq. ft. and how they use their exterior vera, co-owner of Nievera Wil- Six bed, five bath, two ½ bath, 8,837 sq. ft.
spaces, and just want a better and liams. “Many people who live
more functional experience alto- within apartments in large cities
CORAL GABLES, FLA. // $5.495 MILLION gether,” he says. are surprised to learn that you GREENWICH, CONN. // $8.21 MILLION
One priority for clients, says have to maintain and upkeep the
Mr. Williams, is creating a space landscaping,” says Mr. Nievera.
for items like pools, fountains and Christian Douglas, a landscape
tennis courts. “Most of our clients designer based in San Rafael, Ca-
have more than one home and are lif., suggests hiring the home’s ex-
moving to one location and com- isting garden team or hiring a
bining all of their favorite ele- competent crew with a skilled su-
ments,” he says. pervisor. “The design and installa-
Properties with gardens and tion is the easy part,” says Mr.
outdoor gathering spaces are of Douglas. The critical piece, he
particular interest to buyers. Ac- says, is deciding “who is going to
cording to an October analysis by nurture and take ownership once
Six bed, eight bath, one ½ bath, 9,807 sq. ft., single-family homes it’s all done.” Five bed, six bath, one ½ bath, 8,435 sq. ft.

New luxury condominiums echoing the rich architectural history of Bernardsville NJ

offering an unparalleled close-to-town and NYC train lifestyle. Sq. Footage 1,500 to 2,800+

Represented by Turpin Realtors

Molly Tonero, Sales Associate +1-888-948-7764
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, November 27, 2020 | M3


Mickey Drexler Sells His Fancy Ski House

stationery em- SOLD

blazoned with

its moniker “Ski

6,600 sq. ft.,
the Levits are
three bedrooms,
asking $12.9
its own
million for their
Napa Valley
home, which in-
cludes a four-bedroom, four-bath
main house, a two-bedroom
guesthouse, two pools, a putting
green and a 2½ acre vineyard.
Mrs. Levit said they are selling af-
ter over 20 years because they
are avid skiers and plan on spend-
ing more time in Sun Valley and
in Gulf Stream, Fla.
The Thierry Despont-designed
While Mrs. Levit said their Sun
property listed for $13.9 million in 2019.
Valley purchase was not moti-
vated by the pandemic, the area,
like many vacation destinations,
Former J.Crew chief Mickey W. Despont, the stone house sits chased the property with her hus- Zillow late night in bed.” She has benefited from the dramatic
Drexler has sold his Ketchum, on a hillside in the Knob Hill band Carson Levit, said she likes added that she and her husband, a shifts in luxury housing demand
Idaho, home and two adjacent lots neighborhood and looks out at the the interiors. “When friends ask former hedge-fund manager and a that have been spurred by the vi-
for $11 million, according to peo- Smoky Mountains, Mr. Jones said. me are you going to change any- private investor, had been think- rus, Mr. Jones said. “This is our
ple familiar with the transaction. The approximately 6,600- thing (because they know what a ing of buying a ski home in an first-ever billion-dollar year,” he
The property first went on the square-foot home includes three design buff I am), I say, ‘Abso- area that offered summer activi- added.
market in 2019 with an asking bedrooms, five bathrooms, a two- lutely not! I would never have the ties. In addition to his stint at
price of $13.9 million, according sided fireplace in the great room, audacity to alter Thierry and Mrs. Levit, who with her family J.Crew, Mr. Drexler, above, was
to Travis Jones, who with col- gold-leaf ceilings in the kitchen Mickey’s creation,’ ” Mrs. Levit is based in San Francisco, emailed also CEO of the Gap and served
league Svea Grover at Engel & and an elevator. It also came fully wrote in an email. “And luckily, the listing agent that night, and on the board of Apple for 15
Völkers represented both sides of furnished, from the chandelier by we’ve always loved plaid!” she and her daughter toured the years. He has done other houses
the transaction. Most recently the artist Dale Chihuly to the plaid Mrs. Levit said she spotted the house the next day. In addition to with Mr. Despont including a
property was seeking $8.9 million, couches (which coordinate with house online, relating that she the architecture, the location and Manhattan townhouse and a
though that price didn’t include the plaid walls, plaid cushions and had enjoyed a recent visit to the the views, the Levits said they Tribeca condominium. He de-
the adjacent lots. plaid curtains). area so much “that I did what I were struck by the attention to clined to comment.
Designed by architect Thierry Suzanne Devitt Levit, who pur- often do, which is scroll through detail, down to the home’s own —Sarah Tilton

Golf Great Nick Price The property was listed for

close to $22 million in 2016.

Relists Florida Estate

Nick Price, a retired for- wants to sell. That’s clear the island via a private
mer top-ranked golfer, is with the new price point, laneway shared with two
trying once again to sell his we’re pricing it to move,” other homes.
estate on Florida’s Jupiter she said. Mr. Price didn’t respond
Island, this time for $17 The Zimbabwean golfer to a request for comment.
million. has three major champion- Ms. Ward is listing the
He previously listed it ships under his belt, includ- property with her colleague
for close to $22 million in ing PGA Championships in Kim Spears of Douglas Elli-
2016 and took it off the 1992 and 1994 and the man.
market early last year, ac- Open Championship in —Katherine Clarke
cording to Zillow. 1994. He bought the land
Before the virus, the Ju- for $4 million in 1994, re- A Colorado ranch seen in
piter market was cords show. He had many ads sells. M8
sputtering and FOR SALE the home custom
price cuts were
plentiful. Now $17 designed in tradi-
tional style with Af-
sales are increas-
MILLION rican influences in
ing as buyers from
the Northeast, now
11,000 sq. ft.,
the late-1990s, Ms.
Ward said.
billiards room, T RU LY A B S O LU T E & W I T H O U T R E S E RV E
able to work from Sitting at the end
dock, on the
home, head south. of a driveway
A recent report by flanked by massive
Douglas Elliman banyan trees, the
shows that sales in house is roughly
the Jupiter and Palm Beach 11,000 square feet and has AUCTION
Gardens areas, including elaborate interior wood-
Jupiter Island, were up work, five bedrooms, a pair
19.3% in the third quarter of offices, a media room
compared with the same and gym, a formal dining
period last year. The me- room and a bar.
dian sales price was up The roughly 6½-acre
15.8%. property includes several
Tracy Ward of the Ek- outdoor living and dining
lund|Gomes Team at Doug- areas as well as a large
las Elliman, one of the pool, a dock with an 8,000- Wednesday, December th at  PM Local Time
agents representing Mr. pound boat lift and a tennis  Calle Real, Gaviota, California
Price this time around, de- court. It sits on the Intrac-  acres with approx.  miles
clined to comment on his oastal Waterway and comes of Santa Barbara ocean coastline
reasons for selling but said with deeded access to the
he is motivated. “I think he beach on the other side of
3315 Fortnum Place
6 BEDROOMS | 5 FULL AND 2 HALF BATHS | $3,050,000
Steps from the Town Hall on Windsor’s elegantly tree-lined Fortnum Visit for details. Private
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walls, this home pairs the convenience of a central village location
preview,calltheDeCaroofficesat    .
with exquisitely private indoor-outdoor living.

Property listed and offered for sale by Kerry Mormann, of Kerry Mormann & Associates
(CABRE# ), with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties

). DeCaro Real Estate Auctions, Inc., is a licensed California Auction Firm

(CA Bond#   ) performing auction and auction marketing services as part of this
transaction and is not performing any real estate brokerage services. Review the Terms
and Conditions for further details at © Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices California Properties (BHHSCP) is a member of the franchise system of

BHH Affiliates LLC. BHH Affiliates LLC and BHHSCP do not guarantee accuracy of all data
including measurements, conditions, and features of property. Information is obtained from
various sources and will not be verified by broker or MLS. Buyer is advised to independently
verify the accuracy of that information.
M4 | Friday, November 27, 2020 NY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Cost of reconfiguring
first and second floors

Cost of steel
panels for stairs

Main entrance hall

Blending Old The new

addition, right,
with poured

And New concrete floors,

bare brickwork,
and geometric
Continued from page M1 steel wall
fringes of London. panels. The
“We were commuting out of second floor
London, and it just didn’t make study, below,
any sense,” said Mr. Shrimplin. replaced a
They began house hunting and small bedroom
in August 2015 they sold their in the original
house for $1.747 million and si- layout. Above,
multaneously spent $1.76 million geometric tiles
on a seven-bedroom 2,206-square- provide a focal
foot home set on the hillside point in the
overlooking the affluent com- wide entrance
French doors
muter town of Guildford, Surrey, hall.
lead to the
32 miles from central London.
back yard
The good news was that Lon-
don’s high real-estate costs meant
that although the two properties
were almost the same price, their They began working out how to
new home was about 40% larger resolve their problems, with the
than their old one. help of Alex Warnock-Smith,
But there were also some draw- founding director of architecture
backs. The house was dark and firm Urban Projects Bureau.
gloomy inside and its kitchen was Some solutions were fairly sim-
small, as were three of the bed- ple. To enlarge the kitchen, the
rooms. Two of the bedrooms were wall dividing it from the dining
in the converted loft level of the room was removed, creating a
house, but a bowing floor indi- single large space. French win-
cated serious structural problems dows were added at the front of
(it turned out the loft conversion the room, which leads out on to a
had been built directly onto the small sun terrace. A new picture
rafters of the ceilings below). To window above the kitchen sink
add to their woes the staircase ac- overlooks the terraced backyard.
cessing the loft was very narrow The loft extension was rebuilt
and very dark. providing bedrooms in the eaves
The home’s décor was also in of the house for Jessica and Scar-
need of some work. “It was kept lett, plus a shared bathroom.
very well, but perhaps not to To make sure the top floor felt
modern tastes,” said Mrs. Shrimp- like part of the main house, the
lin tactfully. old staircase was replaced with a
Nonetheless, in 2015 the couple more generously sized flight of
moved into the imperfect home steps fitted with a balustrade that
with their three children, Jessica, seamlessly matches the rest of the
A new office
now 11, Scarlett, 8, and Luke, 6. original 1930s staircase.

Luxury Real Estate & Yacht Auctions Cost of doors and

windows throughout

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The living room and its newly discovered parquet flooring.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Friday, November 27, 2020 | M5


Cost of new kitchen


Cost of redecoration
and hardwood flooring

The kitchen’s window overlooks the backyard, while its

dining area takes advantage of newly discovered
parquet flooring and leads out to a new deck.

Throughout the house, the old- rear wall was qualms about their home’s change
fashioned décor was stripped demolished of pace. The addition is used as a
away and replaced with more con- and the house Cost to update very nontraditional looking play-
temporary alternatives. The walls extended out bathrooms room, which is heated by a wood-
are mostly white. Geometric into the back- $5,290 burning stove.
black, blue, and white tiles were yard, adding The project began in November
laid in the hallway, and the bed- 301 square feet 2016, and the family was able to
room carpets are a neutral oat- and creating a move back into the house in Feb-
meal. In the kitchen, the timber new room be- ruary 2018. The builders contin-
cabinets are painted in deep blue hind the exist- ued working around them until
and pale gray. The off-white com- ing living room May of that year. And although it
posite stone work tops are illumi- and entrance took longer than Mr. and Mrs.
nated by lights strung onto a cop- hall. Viewed Shrimplin had hoped, their project
per pipe, industrial style. The from the yard was delivered close to their bud-
original teak parquet flooring— this double- get, at a total cost of $740,000.
which Mrs. Shrimplin was over- height addition The couple were thankful to be
joyed to find hidden under the appears to settled in a large, comfortable fam-
carpets in the living and dining slice the old ily house with a backyard during
rooms—has been restored to its house in two Britain’s spring lockdown when the
original glory. with a wall of three children were being home-
The couple decided to reduce glass. French schooled and they were both si-
the number of bedrooms too, doors lead out- multaneously working from home.
combining two small adjacent doors, with “It was undoubtedly stressful,”
rooms into a single, spacious windows above said Mrs. Shrimplin. “But it was
guest room. Another bedroom has reaching to the loft. steel wall panels, is a world away into it,” said Mr. Shrimplin. “But relatively short-lived and the
been repurposed as an upstairs This glass segment brings light from the cottage-style front fa- because you don’t see it from the sense of achievement that we get
study, bringing the total bed- into the rest of the house, solving cade of the house, or the cozy liv- front of the house, or as you first from the house now is amazing.
rooms down to five. its final problem. The back room, ing room with its open fireplace walk in, I don’t think it is too in There are moments when I walk
The back of the house has seen with its poured concrete floors, and comfortable sofas. your face. You come to it slowly.” downstairs thinking, ‘Just look
the biggest metamorphosis. The bare brickwork, and geometric “It surprises you as you walk The children certainly have no what we have done.’ ”



RE S E RVE A TOUR | 8 33 -7 7 7 -16 6 0

M6 | Friday, November 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


An Excellent

And Bogus
The ‘Bill & Ted’ actor and ‘Zappa’ director studied
tap, performed on Broadway at 13—and coped

he lights went down, timidated. I had been acting since
the curtain went up age 5.
and out I went. I was My mother, Gregg Mayer, was a
13 and appearing in New Yorker who studied with
the late-’70s revival of Martha Graham and started a
“The King and I” as Anna’s son, modern-dance company in London
Louis. in the mid-’60s. That’s where she
I was on Broadway at the Uris met my father, Ross, an Australian
Theatre, and Yul Brynner had re- dancer in her company.
turned to play the King. The When I was 5, we moved from Alex Winter at his became my manager King and I,” resulting in post-
stakes were high, but I wasn’t in- London to St. Louis so my mother South Pasadena, and got me an audi- traumatic stress disorder that
could teach at Washington Univer- Calif., home, above, tion for “The King surfaced when I was in my 20s.
sity. My father later started the and with his mother, and I.” When the After film school at NYU, I
ALEX’S ADVENTURE Mid America Dance Co. Gregg Mayer, in run ended in De- moved to Hollywood and ap-
Our home near campus was a London in 1969, right. cember ’78, I went peared in “The Lost Boys” and
Why a documentary on Frank beautiful Tidewater with broad on the road with “Rosalie Goes Shopping.” Then
Zappa?  He was one of porches. The house was always the show. In 1979, I came “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Ad-
America’s greatest avant-garde filled with dancers touring or at- different lives from was cast as John venture” in 1989.
composers. tending college. the time I was born. Darling in Broad- That film was both a turning
I started taking modern dance Even though I sensed way’s “Peter Pan.” point and a dark period for me,
and ballet in London when I was the split coming, the Being a profes- since I was coping with PTSD.
4. In St. Louis, I moved on to tap divorce was hard. sional actor that Working on the set helped, since
for 10 years. It helped me with Over the next few young came with a the film was light and fun.
syncopation and thinking fast on years, I appeared in lot of pressure for Today, I live in South Pasadena,
my feet. national TV ads and me. I had to balance Calif., with my wife, Ramsey, who
Because my parents both performed in re- school, friends, per- is president of animation at Nick-
worked, I was a latchkey kid. gional theater. My time in London forming, memorization, rejection, elodeon, and our sons. It was built
Washington U. became my after- came in handy. I landed parts that not missing a line and so on. I in the 1920s and is similar to the
Biggest hurdle? Zappa’s wife, school sitter. Mom was well needed an English accent. This in- compartmentalized my life to get one I grew up in St. Louis.
Gail, gave us access to his vast known on campus, so I spent cluded my first professional stage it all done at a high level. None of our three boys is an
archives. Sorting through what much of my time wandering into role at 10 in a St. Louis Opera To help ease the stress, Mom actor. Our oldest is a painter
to use was a challenge. film and theater classes. production of “Oliver!” and I moved to Montclair, N.J. She studying at art school. Our middle
Drama instructors threw me on When I was 12, my mother was an arts administrator at Wil- one is a jazz trumpeter in high
Any Bill & Ted experiences stage whenever a production moved us to New York. Stephen liam Paterson College. school. And our youngest is just a
growing up? None at all. needed a little kid. I loved make- remained in St. Louis to finish Each day, I took the commuter kid. Thank God.
believe more than anything else. high school and then went to col- bus alone to New York and walked —As told to Marc Myers
What was your Bill reference? My mother and I were close lege in Missouri. to “Peter Pan” at the Lunt-Fon-
I drew from myself at age 9 and spent an enormous amount of I didn’t want to leave my tanne Theatre. When the show Alex Winter, 55, is an actor best
and my best friend, Matt. time together. My brother, Ste- friends. But when we arrived in was over at 11 p.m., I caught the known for portraying Bill in the
phen, who was 4½ years older, Long Island City, Queens, and I bus home. three “Bill & Ted” comedy films.
Next documentary? I’m explor- got a lot of her time, too. climbed out of our car, I couldn’t On top of all of my school and He directed “Fever” and the docu-
ing two. One is political and the When I was 8, my parents di- believe the buildings. acting work was another weight. I mentaries “Showbiz Kids” and
other is music-related. vorced. They had been leading very Weeks later, Niederlitz & Steele was sexually abused during “The “Zappa,” out today.




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M8 | Friday, November 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Ranch Sells


Colorado’s Last Dollar Ranch— rian-style SOLD
whose picturesque vistas have house, a barn JUST UNDER
been used over the decades to
peddle Marlboro cigarettes and
and other
structures $17
Budweiser beer—has sold for just
under $17 million, according to
built to look as
they would
Nearly 700 acres,
people with knowledge of the have in the Old
Victorian house
transaction. West. “They’re
Located on Hastings Mesa about a step back in
20 miles outside Telluride, the deal time,” Mr. Buerger said.
includes nearly 700 acres, accord- Over the years the ranch has
ing to Jeff Buerger of Hall and appeared in a number of televi-
Hall, the real-estate agent who sion commercials, including a
handled the off-market transac- 2005 Super Bowl ad featuring the
tion. The ranch includes a Victo- Budweiser Clydesdales having a
snowball fight. “The
Last Dollar Ranch is
a very iconic place purchased the Last Dollar Ranch Energy Group, a Texas-based oil- The son of an Air Force pilot,
in Telluride,” Mr. at auction in 2007 for $6.27 mil- and-gas company, according to Mr. Lewis has a collection of more
Buerger said. “Liter- lion, Mr. Buerger said. At the time the company’s website. He owns than 24 classic WWII airplanes,
ally hundreds of the ranch spanned 396 acres un- several other ranches that are according to the Lewis Energy
people will line up der a conservation easement, he currently on the market with Mr. Group website. He couldn’t be
on the road in the said, but Mr. Lewis purchased ad- Buerger, including the roughly reached for comment.
fall there to take ditional, unencumbered acreage 377-acre True Grit West ranch —Candace Taylor
photos.” over the years, bringing the cur- asking $7.925 million and True
The seller was rent total to roughly 700. Grit South, which spans about 418  See more photos of notable
natural-gas execu- Mr. Lewis is the founder and acres and is listed for $2.565 mil- homes at
tive Rod Lewis, who chief executive officer of Lewis lion, Mr. Buerger said. Email:


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, November 27, 2020 | M9

The room that matters most

Our agents are tuned in to what buyers love — and don’t — especially when it comes to
arguably the most important room in the house. And, in a year plagued by a coronavirus,
when people are staying home more than ever, that means the kitchen has become more
essential than ever. That’s why we’ve gathered some of our hottest available kitchens —
and the homes that go with them — at Come explore it: It’s
President and CEO
Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s got trends and gadgets, too. The perfect side dish to it? Our first-ever Briggs Freeman
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Sotheby’s International Realty cookbook, loaded with well-loved recipes from many
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Don’t miss Robbie Briggs’ So, pass the pepper and pass the love: I’ll see you in the kitchen.
weekly thoughts, always on B R I G G S F R E E M A N.CO M / YU M

For those ready for what’s next.



1786 Courtland Drive / $2,295,000

LINDA BAKER / 214-704-0769 /

UNDER CONTRACT / 1120 Easton Road
Listed for $775,000

SHELLE CARRIG / 214-450-8782 /

SOLD / 6146 Park Lane / Listed for $2,500,000
* "  

TESSA MOSTELLER / 214-505-1248 /


4300 Armstrong Parkway / $19,500,000 SOLD / 3917 Centenary Avenue 8305 Catawba Road / $1,189,000
Listed for $4,995,000

PENNY COOK / 214-384-2847 / JUSTIN FARMER / 214-538-5100 / VICKI FOSTER / 214-642-8966 /


4812 Cranbrook Drive West / $929,000 4511 Potomac Avenue / $2,575,000 3405 Wentwood Drive / $3,150,000

PATTY LYNCH SMITH / 214-704-1696 /

MAGGIE NEELY / 214-679-3517 / ANN SHAW / 214-532-4824 / POGIR / 214-244-3103 /

            !""  #"  $ % #     $&  ' (   "   )   "  
M10 | Friday, November 27, 2020 NY / NE THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Singapore Listing price: $21.3 million

take advantage of the re-
covery is Kamal Duhra, a
homemaker who is asking

Bounce $4.66 million for a four-

bedroom unit at luxury
condo the Grange that she
Continued from page M1 and her portfolio-manager
RK for $20.6 million, ac- husband, Sat Duhra, ac-
cording to a person familiar quired for $3.45 million in
with the transaction. 2017. The pair are looking
Mr. Huang’s purchase be- to invest their proceeds
lies the bifurcation of the lo- into a rural property in
cal luxury market. Condos their native Britain, where
priced under $3.5 million the stamp duty on higher-
have been selling, agents say, end home purchases was
but more-expensive units are recently cut.
moving slower, despite the “We’re not desperate to
tight supply of statement sell, but if the right offer
penthouses. comes along…” she says.
In January, Desmond The apartment is listed
Quek moved into a three- with Sunita Gill at Singa-
bedroom, 50th-floor unit at pore Luxury Homes.
Wallich Residence that he For the global elite, prop-
bought for $2.5 million. “An erty prices in Singapore are
impulse was triggered by the low compared with financial
‘wow’ factor,” says the 43- centers such as New York
year-old Singaporean eye and Hong Kong, where the

surgeon of his apartment’s most desirable homes have
sprawling views. traded for more than $100
Dr. Quek was initially million. Because Singapore
worried about the cost of fi- is densely populated, the
nancing his new home dur- government pursues a policy
ing the lockdown, when his The dining room of a penthouse on the 60th floor of Wallich Residence, which has a view of the Marina Bay area. of gradual price appreciation
income momentarily took a through measures such as
hit, but said he doesn’t re- stamp duties and a cap on
gret the timing of the pur- debt to 60% of a buyer’s
Purchase price: $2.5 million
chase. “It felt like I had the gross monthly income.
whole building to myself,” “As a result, there’s not
he says about the lockdown. much speculation in the
“That’s the price of vanity.” market,” says Lee Mei Ling,
Rules for foreign owner- executive vice president at
ship, made more compli- City Developments, which
cated by the pandemic, add built Boulevard 88 and
to the divisions in the mar- South Beach Residences.
ket. Foreigners typically “That is why we are not
have been the buyers of the seeing a knee-jerk reaction
higher-price apartments be- at this point compared to
cause of government re- previous crises.”
strictions on ownership of Some have their eye on
the bungalows on large 2023, when 3,514 new units
land plots that are the pre- are expected to be com-
ferred properties of locals. Desmond Quek, a local eye surgeon, bought a three-bedroom, 50th-floor unit in December. pleted in downtown Singa-
And while Singapore has pore, up from 1,553 in 2021.
been selectively easing the British industrial-design Meanwhile, four pent- fall in love with a property, has encouraged some “Most people aren’t feel-
ban set in March on foreign billionaire James Dyson, houses at Boulevard 88, a they will go for a bigger hedge-fund and family of- ing the impact of oversup-
entries, potential buyers who last year paid a record condo development—popu- unit because they want the fice managers to relocate to ply because completion is
seem wary. Brokers say that $54 million for a 21,108- lar with Chinese buyers—at- best. It is very different this majority-Chinese city, in three years’ time,” says
Chinese clients have started square-foot penthouse at tached to an Edition-brand from the mass market.” while Chinese tech giant Christine Li, head of re-
reaching out again, but the Wallich Residence, which hotel and set to be com- There are signs that a Tencent and TikTok owner search at Cushman & Wake-
number of $5 million-plus occupies the top portion of pleted in 2022, were ac- new wave of wealthy buy- Bytedance have said they field Singapore. “But it is
deals this year has been rel- a 951-foot skyscraper with quired last year for between ers is about to enter Singa- would invest billions in set- always in the mind of some
atively small. 360-degree views of Singa- $20.5 million and $22.75 pore. Beijing’s political ting up regional hubs there. investors who have gone
“We have quite a number million. crackdown in Hong Kong Among those hoping to through that before.”
of people who are very in- In December, a 4,424-
terested but want to take a square-foot apartment at
look before making a deci- MALAYSIA South Beach Residences,
sion,” says Cheng Hsing part of a mixed-use de-
Yao, group managing velopment with 190 lux-
director of GuocoLand, ury units, offices and a 3,500 Beautiful Acres
a luxury developer five-star JW Marriott
that recently sold
about a half-dozen Singapore
hotel that overlooks a
Formula One racing
Where Social Distancing
condos across Singa-
route, was sold for
$12.6 million.
is a Pleasure
pore in virtual transac- Despite the dearth of Your own private estate in nearby Rhode Island
tions alone. INDONESIA foreign buyers this year,
To understand the im- developers have avoided
pact of the loss of wealthy slashing prices, as buyers
Chinese, Indonesian and with deep pockets scoop up
American buyers, look to pore, Malaysia and the In- the relatively small number
Singapore’s skyline. Over donesian islands. (The of ultraluxury homes cur-
the past half-decade, it has building received special rently available, says Chris-
been transformed by devel- dispensation to exceed local tine Sun, head of research
opers catering to a wave of height restrictions.) Mr. Dy- at OrangeTee & Tie.
international buyers seek- son, who has another home “Luxury buyers don’t [re-
ing mixed-use towers that in Singapore, recently sold ally] have a budget con-
blend offices, hotel and res- the penthouse for $46 mil- straint,” says Mr. Cheng,
idences. lion to an Indonesia-born whose company developed
Those buyers include entrepreneur. Wallich Residence. “If they

4-bedroom units: $6.9 million to $7.9 million

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