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Department of Education

University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

Technical Report Writing for Biology
ENGL4021 – L03

Date: September 28, 2020

To: Pier A. Le Compte Zambrana, PhD
From: Lorraine Centeno González
Subject: Trip Report about the conference: “Terremotos y Tsunamis, ¿a quién creerle?”

The conference was presented by Prof. Jose M. Rivera Torres, on September 22nd, 2020 through
Google Meets. The conference started at 12:00 p.m. lasting until 1:30p.m. Most of the attendees
were students, members of the AEQF (Students of Chemistry and Physics Association), and the
professor himself. This article will explain what happened during the conference, the information
provided by the professor, and what use is said information is important in the medical field.

Prof. Rivera starts by informing the students about the resent earthquakes that have been
appearing in Puerto Rico, plus their impact on said place. Later, the professor discusses with the
students the objectives of the purpose of the conference, along with subject matters such as
where to find more information about these natural disasters.
After the short introduction into the presentation, he informed the students about what is the
RSPR and its importance in the fields of geology, then explained what earthquakes are with
information such as:
 Definition
 Causes
 Signs
 Locations
 Examples
He established how different programs get this information. Along with giving a summary about
tsunamis along with there causes, protocols, and ways to keep us safe from them. And finally,
concludes by clearing up myths about earthquakes, what should anyone do during one, and, in
case an earthquake happens, the website and the phone number to report those claims.

With the given information, this will be useful in field of medicine for it contains vital
information in case of an emergency in any medical facility. Parts where the professor explained
what phone line to call and what to do in case an earthquake or tsunami hits, are some of the
more important details to have when working in a field that requires someone else’s health.

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